HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-3-14, Page 5IRON, Ii1001[8[, PERTR fill the News ol interest to --AI Times Readers HalWeRIBU Hi nese Counties t Huron . Cantelon Broaa Clinton, shipped twelve hundred dozen of eggs and three thousand pounde of butter, in a . Week past Rev. Mr. Gunn has eigaiaed his ae- -emplane° of the reetorship of St. Paul's. church, Clinton, and, it is expected will senter on his riew duties on March 17th. The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills is pleasant, mild and natural. They gently stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels -but do not purge. They are sere to please, Try them, While working in Broadfoot as Box's furniture factory, Seaforth, on Mon - slay afternoon, Mr. W. Duncan lied the misfortupe to get four of his angers cut. One of the flogera baci/o be amputatetL sea, A very happy event took place at - ' the resideuce of Ms, joules earoble, of tbe 5th cOnneasien, Iclowlek,, on Feb- ruary 20th,.whea her yonngest data eater, Annie, WaS United in marriage to Mr. Albeot E. Toner, A very gad death occurred at St. Joaepla recently 'abets the wife of Mr. AMOS Overholt passed to tbe great he- yopd. She leaves to sumo her lesa 24 husband and fiVe ertleil ehildren, the lAdeet not yet ten years old. The farm of Alex Gordon, in Tooker - smith, was sold by auction on FridaY last, nil was porchased by Anglia Brown, son of Neil Brown, son of Neil Brown, of 7,Egtoondvilie, for e,475, The farm eontairta ZiO aerea and is a very choice lot. Mrs. David Reid of Clinton. died on Weduesday of hist week at the resi- dance of her daughter, Mrs. B, Kaiser. The deceased was in ber seventy-fifth year had been a resident a Clinton for many aeons and was held in much respect by her many friends. Wallis and Cantelon of Clinton, abipped five hundred bogs this week. the bulk or them from Clinton, for which they paid out over five thousand dollars. The ruling price was six twenty live but the dealers now look for a fall in price though they would. Personally prefer high prices and a „keen demand, which put life into the business. Mrs, William ,Tennings, of Ooderieli township, passed into the spirit world on Monilay of as week at the early age of 38 years. She bad been ill about a fortnight aud was supposed to have s .so far recoverea as to be out of danger ' when the relapse carne and she passed 11111r quietly away, Husband and one tiaughl.cr mourn their great loss, ilfr...Tolin B. Lindsay, of the Huron Bead, Illte been a very sick "Man this week past so much so thnt a doctor tad to visit Min several times a day. It appears that Mr. Liadsay atas tying up his dog wherr it -snapped, and bit ifougli. the band whic1 . caused blood poisoning to set in from which be has suffered severely. We regret to announce the death of ,Mrs. Joseph Richardsma of Staatle3r tOWliellip which took place an Mon- day of jot week, after au Illness of several weeks. The deceaseit was ,fr, be 55tit year and leaVea a husband I and a family of seven girls and three • boys, to mourn the irreparable loss of A rte and loving wife and affectionate Inothea, Word It ALS received in Zurich an- tionnehig the death of Carl Bauer, at ,a1b3neapolis. Mr. Bauer left Zurich twenty-three years ago and settled at Emerson, Masa ; a few years later go- ing to Neches N. D. About nine yams, ago he removed to Minneapolis, where he resided until his death. The de- ceased is a brother of Henry Bauer of Zurich, and Alm P. Wooley and Mrs. B. Rothaermel of Hay township. Mr, Alexandee McBeath, the well- known contractor of Stanley,had a saarrow escape from very serious in- jury one day last week. Himself and Mr. James MeDermid were loading Saw logs onto a sleigh in the bush, and by. some means' a log slipped off the skid, and, falling on the end of a hand spike, causing it to fif. up. one end strikin.g Mr. McBeath on the mouth, loosemng several of his teeth and cut- ting his mouth so badly that the doctor had to put several stitches in it. , Mrs. John McLagan, of Stratford, passed away on Friday last, her hus- band having preceded her just three weeks ago. She had been sick since the beginning of January, heart fail- ure •being the int -mediate cause of death. , The departed lady, whose maiden namewas Mary Brown, was born in-e-Perthehire, Scotland, and -aame-a0 Canada in 1854, having been married in 1818. With her husband she settled in Goderieh, afterwards removing to Brucefield, Tuekersmith township. In 1874 the family removed to Stratfotrd, where she resided ever. since. - - ., . On Saturday last Albert Evans was before Judge Doyle, of Gioderich, charged with the larceny of certain - ^ oocle,e the -paoperty of Duncan Mc- orvie. The goods were supposed to bave been taken in August, 1899, but the evidence not being clear on ac- count of the long time that had elapsed since the articles were, missed. His Honor gave defendant the benefit of the doubt and rendered a verdict, of not guilty. The County attorney pro- secuted and•Wra.proudfoot, of Proud - food & Hays, appeared for the defen- After an illness of several years and which two weeks ago developed with unusual seVerity, term in atin g the earth- ly life 4-.)f Mrs. Jas Mitchell, wife of ane of the proprietors of the Godethch Stara on March 3rd., The call came , , after patient waiting, on her part, and she passed peacefully to the world be- yond. The deceased lady was born n Godench, being tile fourth daughter of • the late Capt. F. B. Bluett, and during her life had, o host of warm friends, many of whom strove with. loving and tender bands to help her in her last illnes. The sorrowing husband and 'family has the sincere sympathy of the community in their sad bereave. oshua Cook, of Clihtort, has return- ed friam Toronto where he has been en- gaged in cold storage for over three months. Mr. J. Cook says that the shrinkage on apples was about ten per cent, as compared to at least twenty last season but that the establishment handled forty thousand barrels last year and only twelve thousand this year, lie says that the fruit which bad been piceed early did nOt stand in- aneetion nearly as well as that barrel- ed towards the close of the season. Much of the barreled stock which had remained about stations, etc., was pitted.* The picking. be believes, coold be much wore carefolly and profitably done. A well Icemen and respected resident of this county, and who bas a special dislike for and distiust of fakirs of all kinds, bad a, peculiar experieuce with one of this ilk a few days ago. In poropany with his wife, he was driving towards Harpurhey in a cutter and when at tbe outskirts of the town be met a spruce young man, who stooped him, and accosting him asked if be did not want to purchase ,•-a pair of gold - rimmed spectacles, producing the SPectaelea. lie offered them for five dollars, saying be had found them. in the cars. and having no use for them was willing to part with them at a sacrifice, The gentlemansaid he had no use for anything of the kind, and after= considerable parleying- on the part of the fakir, he offered the specta- cles for 75 cents, The resident, think - be could not be much taken in at that price and in order to get rid of the fellow, purcbased them for the price named. Putting his band in his pocket be polled out a one dollar bill and a five, all the money be bad on him, and banding the fellow what he simposed was the dollar bill, demanded the 25 cente in chauge. Me. Fakir toot the bill, put It into his pocket, bawled out the change and made off as fast AS Shortly after, when our friend returned to town and was making genie *purchasee. he found to bis chagrin that he had given the fellow the five dollar bill in niistake for the one, as he supposed, so that the "gold rininied4 spectacles actually cost Thbn $4.70, and the fakir Was considerably in pocket, as it is doubtfol if the spectacles are worth even the 75 cents for which they were sold. This gold spectacle fake is an old one aside, great many people have been victimized by Middlesex A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday at the residence of the bride.% father, Mr. IL Hamilton, of Welton, when Miss M. Hamilton was united in marriage to Ma Albert Hods gine, of lateen, Rev. Mr. Abbey, of Brussele, performing the teremony. The young couple will reside near Lucan. Two very large eagles have been seen about a mile and a half front II- dertop, in London township, several days this week. The bads aro bleak and white, and a panther of persons have got within a very short distance Q f them when they were feasting on the carcass of a. horse, Au effort, will be inatle to destroy them. The meeting of London capitalists, with the gentlemen who were in the city from, Michigan relative to the starting of a beet sugar industry there, lield Tuesday, served to advance the situation somewhat, but no action was taken. A gentIetnan present at the meeting said that he believed there would be a factory in London, if not this year, then the following season. Perth Dr. G. 11 Gibb, V. 5., of Seaforth, has sold his practice in that town, and will open an office in St. Marys. At Port Rowan,Ont., on Wednes- day, Feb,27, the wedding took place of Miss Laura Ryan to Mr. J. W, Lyon ((innerly of Sb, Marys. Mr, William McEwen. St. Marys, formerly of Oanroy, leaves zionday for Rosthern, &Lek., where he pas se - mired a position in a. store. Not nue in twenty are free from soule little ailment caused by Inaction of the liver. Use Carter's Little Liver Fills. The result will be a pleasant sur prise. They give positive relief. A sad loss to Mr. and Mrs. John Kemp, of Stella, was sustained by the death of their daughter Fanny, on March lst, at the age of 2. She was held in great, esteem in the com- munity. Her pall -bearers were her six brothers. Mr. James Irvin, of Fullerton, is said,to be now tbe oldest resident of the district. Ile went to Mitchell in 1852 when there was only two houses in the place' and he has seen every acre clearedand every improvement made since that time. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Orago, 4th Blanshard, are leaving to reside on tl:e farm formerly owned by Thos. Pearn, River road. Before departing they were. presented with a secretary by their friends, accompanied by a corn plinaeutary address. While driving through the alley- , way, leading from the Central Hotel stables, St. Marys, last Saturday, Mr. Beaten, of Nissouri, was thrown from from his cutter and had his head badly cat. The services of a physician were oeeessary to dress the wound. Mrs. J. N. E. 13rown, of the Yukon district, better known as Faith Fenton, correspondent of the Toronto Globe, is on the road home, and will visit friends in St. Marys, and also be theaguest of Mr. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of "Brown's Corners," East Nissouri. FOOLS USE WASHES :AND Wise people use Oatarrhozone, why? Snuffs reach only a limited area, washes are limited in their applica- tions also. Catarrhozone reaches every air cell, the entre mucous sur- face of the throat, lungs and nasal passages. It requires little wisdom' to see that his is the only way that Catarrh, 'Bronchitis and Asthma, can be reached. O:itarrhozone is simply wonderful. A new size 25c„ and any druggist will enable you to try it. N, C. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont,, and Hartford Conn. Children Cry for TJii EXETER TIALkIS I lroteir. A special isatestigator claima It as 1 1 altogether probable that the chicory I industry in America is "on its feet." 1 Dering the past three years chicory factories halm been established by manufacturers who have found that Ainerlean grown chicory can be Juan. ufacturea more. profitably than.Vie im- ported root upon winch duty Must be paid, Imports of chicory have fallen front $2,40,303 in MT to 813,414 la 1800. Peanut butter, as It is called, is mar- keted to a considerable extent, Authorities upon broom corn pros auction estimate the world's consump- tion of brash to be about 80,00 tone, grown on 12.009 acres, about 284000 tons being prialuced In Illinois, Commercial estimates of the 1900 Wheat crop ot Siberia place it at 32,- 000,00 busbela . . Forced cautiftewer. A New ,Terse.y grower 02 vegetables tinder glass bas said In regard to forc- ing cauliflowers: "I aotielpate an objector saying they are too small. 'They are small judged by the standard market cauliflower. but we do not Pleasure beauty by the yarcistiek, and It Is the exceptiou to and WO quality and" bulk exemplified In the mule article. In spite of a. life experience, 1 never knew what perfee- ticn in a caunnower was till tbree awl:a-ago. when east I ate one from. ine greeam dlio0Se and was azed nt its superiorityover the same ertlelegrovai under the best eonilitious outside at any season or period ot the year. "We plant the young cauliflower alants one foot apart each way. They ..re of course transplanted from fiats ellen they have made about four or live lea.ves. It takes about ten weelts 0 perfect the crop. and, sth arting wit ; firat pialititig about the middle of 11,ptember and following up with sus esslonal batcbes about every aes seas. we tad no difficulty at sa a aitIntaining a supply from Noss. -' to Maya' . Neli en d N Steamers to Ho Vont taCanada. OttM714, Mexeh 140111.9 Davies will gall for, tenders for the building of two UM' flovernineast steamers to replace tboDZewlield ansi Druid this week. Tile Moister ot Marine and Fisheries intends giving an opportunity for these steamers befog built in Canada, that is, if the work eau be dotes at anything like a reasona.blo cost. The tenders will, therefore, ask tbat tbe now boats be built in Canada. U. S. Minister Conger left Pekin en afonday for homes SALE REGISTER. •••••••••••••••• TUESDA.Y ALuteu 2671t.- Clearing sale of farm stock, implements, etc., the propertv of Thomas Cameron, lot 18, S. 1. R., ITsborne. Sale at one o'clock, Brown and Cameron, Auc- tioneers, The Rensall Observer, published i this constituency, tells the Iluron county Grit papers something they seemingly don% know in the following excerpt,: -''Z14. Fred. Ness, of Zurich, who was nominated by the Liberals here on Tuesday last for South Huron, starts out with A very encouraging -laming, bat he is pitted against a strong and noTular candidate, and the man who defeats Bliber will have to work for his spurs a; few men bare ever worked in this riding." ft Now Booliict With an Immense Circulation. It is Free to All Who Send For it. The new edition of the Diamond Dye Rug Book will prove useful to the ladies who ere interested in the making of home made Mats and Rugs. It is illistrated throughout with pretty designs for Door Mats and Floor Rugs. It tells you how to secure the Hessine. patterns artistically colored and ready for heoking. This booklet has an im- mense circulation in Canada and United States. Send us your address, and we will mail you a copy- free of cost. The Wells & Richardson 0o., Limited, Montreal, Que. BORN Seaforth, on Feb. 21th, the wife of Alex, MoNeviu, of a son. • MARRIED EPPLETT-SPEARIN-At theMothodist 'ear- sonage, St Marys, by the Rev. G. W. Header - son. on March 5, W. C. Epplett, a,nd Miss K. A. Spearin, both of Blanshard. DIED. O'NEIL-In Lifean,on March 12th, R.11. O'Neil. in his 780h year. MoNEVLN - In Seaforth, on the Oth inst., Isabella Messer, beloved wife of Alex. Me' Nevin, aged 36 years. OVERHOLT-At St. .loseph, on the ist inst., Barbara Oesch, 'Rae of Amos Overholt, at the age of 33 years, MITCHELL -In Goderich, on March 3r1, Helen Florence, beloved wife of JamegMitcholl, editor of the Goderich Star. SANDFORD-At the residence of Win. Down, Biddulph, on the 85h inst., Herbert Hand ford, son of the late Isaite Handford, aged 21 years and 10 months. FOR OVAR FIFTY' YEARS AN OLD AND WELL -TRIED BEMEDY.---MrS Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethingwith perfect success, It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, oures wind colic. and is the best remedy - for Diarrhosa. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by. druggists in every part of the world. 26 math a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for. Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. CASTOR IA - For Infants and Children. no fac- simile stfinatero of • k on WARM eVety THE MARKETS, -wheat 4arket of s Day-B.02ot nations on Beth Sides of the Atlantle--,Luteet Quotations. IP Liverpool, March 1.2. ----Wheat tures dull dull and little ehanged In prite Yesterday. Chicago, Marek 1.2. --,Wheat declin- ed fe per bueltel yesterday. Tun VISIBLE svrnnr, As compared with a week ago, the Ylsible supply of wheat in Canada and tr,,e United State l has deereased 1,341,000 bushels; that of corn has increased 1,250,000 bizahels, and that of oats bate increased 288,000 bush- els. The visible supply of wheat In Canada aairl the "United States, to- gether with that afloat to Europe, is 93.818.000 bushela, against 94- 4.()Q0 bushels n week ago and Sao^ 762,41/00 bush,ais a year ago., 1.VADIT,10 WHEAT impuigisTs. Following were the closing prices at important wheat centres yestere day: Costa. teli„ May. July. eeeeztgok 4.... 7334 $0 7rolfi New York 0 70% 0 70% 0 tie; wae ee .04 • • • St Ltrals ...• 0 184 Toledo . 0 7S% 080 Detroit. red ..701.1., 0 513'4 ee white' . TO% Duluth No. laPer. Wire Out. do., dee bard. Wire out. afteneapons, No. lale, 0 7M-4 I,averpool, March i$. -Yesterday's clOSe--Wftertt, spot. firm; No. 1 standard Cala, de 23/44 to ea Os to es ad; No. 2red, winter. Col 10.111 to Ss laid: No. 1 Nortbera, spring. as eal to Os ad: wheat, fn. tures, dull; May. 5s ilica July, 54 woitiaTflo. sa. asavanstca stapaanr, strain - NI heat, white, busb,......10 41 $.... red, bildh • • ••• • 0 0544. 4 • ' Er, hush 0 70 s. sose, /WA. a ••• ••• 03 ••• Peas. 060 •• "et aa•e •• 0 (3,1 .4*. Rye, heeh ..14•• • • .4. • • •••i. 0 0.11i . • .. Beaus, Irian .•.••„,••• /4•64 1 VA. 1. EarieT. bush ..... 0 40 Oats, hush 1, • • t, ... . 0 at A544 ' Buckwheat. hush • ..• • • • 0 113 A 0.1• NAST OU1'141.3 caarras .Katiainr. East Nufialo, March 12. --Cattle yesterday -Opening fairly active, with moderate offeringe, les- than 100 Wads; basis of prieea on desira- ble butcher grades wail RIO to Lie higher, Cattle Continued to arrive, and. as usual in auelt eases. the market weakened and dropped back to last weelea basis on the auder grades. The offerings included 18 loa,da of Canada (-Attie. ValVest sold generally at 7 for very good ones, with a IOW sales itt 37.20. Canada stockora, al to $a.25; good to choice, do, moo to $3.75; common and stook !Micro, 32.75 to 33; stock steers. good to best. 33.75 to 34; feeding steers, ehoice to extra, al to 0.15: good to choice. 33.25 to 3.05: Canada feeders. good to iftlee, 34 to 34..25; Canada, stock - ,re, Common to gceiti, $3.50 to $1. Sheep and LaMbs-Basis on extra. Mbe, 85.05, bulk of sales being at that figure. Sinaringa. 75 loads- Inarket steady. at Saturday's clos- g prices. Lambs, choice to extra, 35.40 to 30.03; good to choice. $3.- 25 to 35.00; fa.ir to good. 85 to 35.25; common to fair. 34.50 to 35.25. Sheep, choice to extra, 31.- 75 to 35; good to choice. 3,1.00 to $4.75; commoxt to fair. 32.75 to a3.50. MARCH AND TUB LION. --- sommunlo mrgruu, TITAN THE OLD SAW. ,rho wiring :teem, Lae ;za the • • 4 10 10 lamb in March often proves false, but there is another and a better one which is literally true. Wben allueb comes in and finds you takingHood's Sarsaparilla to purify, enrich and vitalize your blooci, you may expect, when it goes out, that it will leave you free from that tired feeling and with none of the boils, pimples and eruptions which manifest themselves because of impure blood, in the spring. If vou have not already begun taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for your spring medicine, we advise you to begin to- day. We assnre you it will make you feel better all thrOugh the coming stuniner. On Friday afternoon all that was mortal of the late James Baxter, jr., was laid to rest in Goderich cemetery in the presence of a, large number of friends and acquaintances. Nearly every mariner in town, and many of the business men were among the number. NIGHT WAS WAS HER TERROR. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Obas. Applegate, of Alexandria, Ind., "and Could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if 1 walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but; when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Dis- covery wholly cured me and I gained 58 pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50e and $1.00 Trial bottles free at all druggists. GFEEArr- • SHORTHORN SALE, R. & S. *Nicholson, of Sylvan, and W. 11. Taylor, M. P. P., Parkhill, will sell by auction at “Sylvan TIodge" on Wecialessdely, Mai -ch 20s1i, • 40 head. of shorthorns, 27 females 13 bulls. Their :pedigrees are toped by from 4 to 6 bulls that ba.ve won first at Toronto. fair. The cattle are as good as their breeding. No better lot has been offered in Canada in recent years. All young and nothing doubtful in the lot. Terms : 12 Months' credit. Lo- cation j 5 miles southivest of Parkhill station, G. T. R. 1eams will meet trains evening before and morning of sale. Catalogues sent on application. Capt. T, E. Robson, Auctioneer, SYLVAN, ONT. inUN WANTED. A few men, wantedjto work ou the l'ucicer. smith, brick works. ,s.i;) so eoginetiriver And an experienced brick and tile burner. Apia,' to J.& J. Sk'ROA'P, HOUSE AND LOT FOR RENT, Douse atui lot for rent in -Exeter North- The house contains live roemS.with summer kit- chen, with good hard andsoft water. One acre ot land and good orchard. Large stable on pre- mises. Apply to Mits. JASMS MOtntic, Hay P, O. NoTIO4 OF DISSOLU- *NOTICE is hereby given that the partnershiP heretofereaubSisting between aigtheunderaign- ed, as General Merchants; Li, tho Township or MeGillivra , in the County of MiddieseX /Ma been this ay dissolved by inutnal consent. All debts owing to the partnership Are to be paid to John Trevethiek, Of the Tewriehip Of Malligvray, aforesaid. and all claims against the seal partnership are to he presoaked to the said Jelin Trevelblek, by whom the same will be Settled. Dated At Crediten this fourth day of March A. D„ 1901. Witness ligituErre K. EMBER- Wsi OE/ &I I RYIVE.FiarRa. JC NOTIcE To OR IS.,,DITORS Of Walter Madge, late of the Town- ship of Ushorne, in the County Of Hume, retired farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pimmtird to Chapter 120.it. S, ()„ 1997, that allipersoens baying chillus against the Estate or the said Walter Madge. who died on the 7th day of February. 1901. are requ.reiI to.seud or deliver OR or before ale ttlY- ttn ii,•Pru. luta to rassiafeelee.Theaues U.R3c1. . ..xecutor of t uei4 ek 01,,er Madge, fun Partictilans et' their elarnR and the eater* of the security !gamy) held by them. Anti notice is Wein, Oren, that after the last mentioned date. the said. Execute to distekanto the,soid„Ostotty Anteingthe pay entiiietbeheretenphiminvwferenetrottir to/be, Lel4intigoewitiellittlfitt Tanteli-dfdr-WINCli dfcrearchtnatr then-ita:dein:sconfts will not he re, pen b e to any cretinter of whose claims be shall not have received due melee, for any part et the Assets et the said estate. 4T741/‘:- • „Aetegsereater, lartea'reVialraarlifarearieetaa, NoTICE TO CREDITORS, Of Alfred Sheila late or tbe Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, NerriCE: is hereby ;liven pursuant to (tap. 129, It 5. 0.. VT. that all persons having -awns galast the Egote of tine satd Alfred stmee. Ito died ao the Ord day of January. Ian, are required to send or deliver on or before the 1st y of April, me, to Joseph Linda lesea Rasta 1.1, Oat,. dor ass ExcvatrIVI. full particulars heir elairite and the =Omer the secarlial 1,5 any) held by there. And notice ts berety elven Rot after the laSt Mentioned dale, the said Exertaree win prte Veal to diqribute the assets et the F3id,Esaate among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard Otdy to the eloinis of which, roue° euan have been given as aforesaid and the said Executrix will not, be responsible to any vreill- tor. et whose einial Ahe Ehall not hay* received notice as aforeFaul. for any part, of the eald Estate, J. O. STANBUllaa Extrien. ealieltor fen the Executrix. Dated at Exeter the 9th day of Mamba:M. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of John Bettschen, late of the Town- ship of Day, in the Cellists- of !Imam, Parnier, deeenSed. r 3Ot17(Ttl0ftTOn pursuant to Chap 32nb.ti,irTlgaV!co41n;t o AiVtICT . who died on the 130L day of January .1901, am required to send or deliver, on or before the 1st day of April, 1991. to Joseph Snell, Esq.. DaS11- wood, Ont.. (tor the Administratrix). 5 nil parti- culars or their elalms and the nature of the security it any) held by them. And nonce is hereby given that after the last mentioned (late, the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the saki Estate among the parties entitled thereto. hay lug reference only to the claims of which notice shall have beau given as aforesaid, mid lite said A dministratrix will not be responsible to any creditor, of whose claim she Inas not re caved notice as aforesaid, for any part of the assets of the saki Estate. J. 0. STANBURY. .10xtirEn, Solicitor for the Administratrix. Dated at Exeter, March 9th, 1901. - ,',`"TelE TO CREDITORS J Of Wm Cornish lal e of the r.12.9"1q.13-iP of Ilsborne. in the County of atti=2: Yeoman, deceased. a • Notice is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1997. Chapter no, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said William Cornish, who died on or about the 6th January, A. D. 8901„ are required, on or before the ist April, A. D. 1001, to send or deliver to James G. Jones. Winchelsea, Ont., the executor of the last will and testament ot the said deceased, or to F. W. Gladman, Main street, Exeter, his Solicitor, full Particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities (if any) hold by them, and that after the said date the said Exeeutor Will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, aud he will not be liable for the assets ofthe said estate or any part thereof so distributed to tiny person or persons of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been re- ceived at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter tbis 270 day of March A. D. 1001, JAMES G. JONES, By F. W, GLADMAN, bis Solicitor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of John Treble, late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Merchant, deceas ed. MARKETS. Ex eter, MARCH 13zu, 1901, Wheat per bushel Oats ..... Barley..., Peas Butter- - EggsTrirkey„ 1 g Or PetArbODOttgil. Ge-ese Chickene per /14 to 64 j, will offer fpr sale four differ- * tg fent styles oflevire fence, which to 58 Will be seld at rea.sonable pricee. to 16 14 to 11 Al$0 1111r11134" of shares In the 8 to 8 Canadian CordaKe Manntaetnelvic Ducks...„, 7 to 7 Wool. ...„. -- 16 to le Dried .4plef;- - •‘" ''"t'a Pork UV° weight 86.00 to 6,00 LONDON MAKIMS, London, MARCH 13rH, 1900. Wm, M. filatGhlorti • gxeter. Wheat Per hoShel,.. ...- -- -.88 Va 63) A. ;I 1 -I I P 0403-- - :-.-• --- ‘,,fonerianu inries cas LTD A BR pleElakiefaPD TO ITRORASIll 46 -..', ,' .Rye 01 A A A .001041 ...,,,$9 10 58 1 BOana Butter ..... ...... 12 to 17 I ElLei'vt 1144r:oEggSeiwerkilltialiy.........:: 7 ::::::::., ;;09 40•4k4.4 J.,4 ba /7 1 Idt; Mar: 1) a g . . ' ' . . ' . : . . . . .0 6 86 PPork Per cwt.' ..'.'...' .--7.7: ' :7.'14060 ta IMONEY TO LOAN, ha„v§nkt,limited private feuds ler inVeStr eat Anen foam or viliNT,e property at lowest stes or interest. DICKSON CARLING Zxeter, ri.07,SFE1TO LOA.N. 'have alone amouut of private fundste lean en farm and villageFroperttesatiow rates of interest. W. 0141/MAN, Barrister Mahn St, Exeter. 11 _Atm_ 1-1 11 to 70 OTHER TIMBER * 7.5,5 $.54° -EfITIMR STANDING OR IN MI; • LOGS, Pursuant to Sec. 33 of Chapter 120 of the Ile vied Statutes of Ontario, 1887, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of John Treble. late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on or about the Second day of March, A. D , 1901, are, on or before the 30th da,y of April, At D.. 1001, to send by post, pre- paid, to 'Messrs. Robert Nelson Treble and Arthur Loadream, Exeter P. 0., the Executors of the last will and testament of the said de- ceased, their ehristian names and surnames, ad- dresses a,nd descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of, their accounts and tho nature of the securities (if any) held by them. and that after the day last aforesaid] the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons oPswhose claim or claims notice shall not have been re- ceived by them at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter this 121h day of IVIarch, A. D. 1901. DICKSON 8c CARLING, , Solicitors for Executors. All debts due the above Estate must be paid to.the Executors thereof, on or before the 30th 557 05 AprlAtoa, 1901. April ON 8c CARLING. Solicitors for Executors. SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOME. Ilagyard's Yellow Oil should to in every home this time of the year, as there is nothing to eqnal it for Cliapped Rands, Frost Bites and Chilblains. me 4t The essential lung -healing principle of the pine tree has finally been successfully separat- ed and refined into a perfect cough medicine -- Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Price 25 cents. MEDICAL Apply- to 00. Kesse..:7 FoRE4raN, Rxwest4 Exeter Roller Mills • B. J, EL RIVERS, 11f, TGEON'TO UNI. 1 A quantity of good, dry, soft Fi Mee-CVO/toll, OW-. Wood wanted at TENSITY, M C. Wally Univer . BIZOWNING . 31., C., s. 4,30.:“.that.) victocia ouneviry ccintycieceitell rr.onieouee. soomnuon Laboram LEGAL. DICKSON & CARLING, Cobblediek s. Barrimiere. Solicitors. Netarles, Ceuveyetecers. Cenneissi ;tete. l•Zelleiters fen the awl:scow Rault.Ete. a oFF;c aTnEET, EXETER. At CO SI rriCe alone, tolossa at lowest rates of interest 3. It. CAP,IJNO, V. 4. 3.13. Please. EEDS F. GLAMIA.N (Successor WElliott& Gladman) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interesal OFFICE MAIN STREET EXErl'Elt ^ DENTAL, 11NiesZIE•Itg.RNIki D. 1. D. D.S. Honor Graduateileof Toronto UniveritY. Dentist,p Teeth extractedwithout pain or Ind after effects OfIlco in Pan - son's block. Wist. side of Main treet Excler R. ANDEasoli. (a. a• S. I.. a. 8) DENTIST. Honor ,Graduateof tho Toronto University, sad Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. All 'bridge work, Crowns, az d Plate work clone in the neatest pessible manner, 4. harmless antesthotie for painless extmetion. The strictest attention given to the presarvat- on pith° natural teeth. Office in Dickson Carling's block, Exeter, Ontorio, VETERINARY. Tennent & tennent uxtra•13:, 41A, 4P,11:111111k\- - • Graduate Mlle Ontario Veterinary Col - Ogee -Ont dccr scuth cf Town Hall. WATERLOO MUTUAL nuninsItliaLSbyra tlii:t5008 HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT 511.18 O0111OZOI5 1141 bean over Tweritv-eigh yttirs in successful operition in Western Ontario, end continues to insureagainst loss or damage byFire, Buildings, Merchandise Manufactories anti ail other descriptioas of insurable property. intending insurers have the option of insuringon the "'Tandem &Acne Cash ;System. During the past ten years this comeany has issued 57.06 Policies, covering property to the amount of 540,872,03e; and paid in lossetalone $7Cicl'ISe52t435,1'' At6,100.00 , consisting of Oasb. in lath Government Depositand the mnasses- sed Premium Notes on band and in force. J .1% .11' A LIMN, N.D., President; 0 M* TA yr.011 secretary; J. B. II mins, Inspector . CHAS. DELL, .14 gcnt for Exeter and vicinity. FOR SALE OR RENT. storey, frame house east side of Andrew st., Exeter. hard and soft water, acre land with good bearing fruit trees and. small fruits. Apply to CAPT„ GEO. TZTIMP, • L'xeter. BRICK AND TILE YARD TO RENT. Near Seaforth, abundance of 'white Clay, good market, steam power, modern machinery fullyequipped, good house, wood on hand for coming season. For particulars apply to .7. 8s J. SPROAT. Egmondville, P. 0., 0.nt. pROPRETIES FOR SALE BY TENDER. In the Village of Exeter, Ont. Tenders -will be received by the undersigned up to the let. ef of April, 1901, south half of lot No. 9. from Mani to William st., known as Hamlin s store prop- erty. No. 381, 382 Elizabeth et, near MoCal- lunt's tannery, No. 63,64, 56, Andrew at., No. 65 has a frame dwelling, 7 rooms, will take one third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent. For further particulars and terms of sale apply to owner. The highest or any • tender not necessarily excepted. T. W, HAMLIN, Brookholm, P. O., Ont. FAR1VI FOR SALE. • Lot 13, North Boundary, Stephen, Containing 100 acres, about 40 acres in ()titivation, 8 acres in wheat, 3 acres bush, balance in grass. The farm is well fenced and tile drained, vith Plenty of good hard and soft water, tonvenient to buildings, good frarae house, brick cellar, with woodshed, else good bank barn, driving shed, Wig non and other buildings. There is 1 acre of gooll fruit -bearing trees. This is a first-class dairy farm, some of it the best farm- ing land eud is in good Condition and, WM be sold cheap. The proprietor is desirous to sell on account of ill -health. For further •particu- tars apply to owner on premises or by mail. JACOB WURTZ, Sa,repta P, 0 FOR, THE NEXT 15 DAYS. A good. Assortment ALSO HEAVY PANTINGS AT COST% want to clear these lines at 011eet W. JOHNS, 'e Tailor. fug $tofe Headquarters For Dyspepsia, Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomach and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Obolera, and Diarrhoea Mix- ture Chilblain Ix tiOn. Tra-- any of these preparations mid you will be astonished at their wonder- ful healing and curing properties. Ai Full line of Patent Medicines on band. TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES J. W. iBROVVNINO Dominion Laboratort B QUEST ION Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of polution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old—prices. Nice suits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show big range at moderate prices in Scotch and Canadian tweeds. we cary a large and well as- sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- est goods von, oercfor singt from $10 up. GIVE -US A. CALL and see what we can do for you. J. H. Grieve* MERCHANT TAILOR