HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-3-14, Page 1.ilia ss
}e.cye l;vk
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GOmP, tO Us 101'
Sap Pails,
San .. le
Sap Kettles,
Sap Pans,
k Pana,
i.. Pails:
Mijk Gauss
�r Svc
OiarillU SO 01
Horse inKtL�
The balance of our stock
of Horse Blankets will be
Sold at cost.
Also all lines of winter
Boots and Shoes at and be-
Q\1" c4 st.
Green Wood wanted in ex-
change for Goods.
Successor to J. Treble.
You can got all kinds of building
material now In Granton at
At the very lowest prices.
have a large stock on hand
we have got to sell, so if you want'
to get a bargain just give us a
call. We are selling 1 inch Pine
Boards at $12,5o per M. Pine
Shingles at $1.50 per M. First-
class Hemlock at $14..Oo per M.
Piles and piles of Cedar Posts on
hand at 13 cents each.-
Office—at door East of Odd -
fellows Block.
BRIEFS.—The 1. O. O. F. concert
i ' ball this
z 1 public to f
will be lied n the .0
pace on Tuesday Queuing, March 19th
-James Ballantyne, of the Boundary.
entertained his friends to at, dancing
party on Wednesday night of last
week.—The rnauy friend8 of C. A.
Jccicell, a former teacher of No. 2, Us -
borne, will be pleased to learu that fro
has successfully_passed bis examina-
tion at Regina ormal school, and se-
cured a, lucrative* position as teacher
in a graded school in Alberta.—Miss
Lottie Stewart spent last week visit-
ing. relatives in Witt haut.—The pupils
of Flugtown school,, played a return
match with the Kirkton school on
Friday of last week. The game was
hotly contested by both sciools, but
stilted in a draw, the score standing
0 to 0.—Thos Cameron has rented his
farm. toJames Gardiner a term of
years. Mr, Cameron will reside in the
village and devote his attention to.
ROUE#E Weetafisca•.-- The home of
John Duncan was the scene of mirth
and jolity on Friday night of last week,
when the youth and beau y . and we
sof the
might add the aged and infant
vicinity met together to chase the
glowinghours with flying feet. His
handsome new dwelling WAS riowdul
beyond accommodation,. but despite
this all were made as comfortable as
could be desired and after leaving the
house hot all despereed at an early
`hour wishing Mr. and Airs. Duncan
health and happiness in their comfor-
table home.
CorteciL.— The council met 'pursu-
ant to adjournment, the Reeve and
all members present. Messrs. M.
O'Mara, Thos..H`arletan; Thos. Abbott
and others, made application to have
their lauds taken from sections 3 and
4, and attached to adjoining sections.
The coattail decided to hear all such
applications at their next meeting,
April 1st„ at 2 p. m. The petition of
Ed. Dinsmore and others re -abolition
T � � llro � � of dog tax was laid over an the as-
ft.r! . i 1C1 setsieen l: roll is returned. Messrs. J. A.
fGiRANTAN. ' :tn,t Wm. Brownlee applied to
Have. :t Sideroad h.tween concessions
One of a team of horses belonging to
Frank Hodgins, of McGillivray town-
ship, near Denfield, .calked himself so
severely on Saturday last, while at
work in the woods drawing logs, that
he bled to death.
"Of large sores on my little daugh-
ter's head developed into a case of scald
head" writes 0. D. Isbill,of Morganton,
Tenn., but Bucklen's Arnica Salve
completely cured her, Xt's a guaran-
teed cure for Eczema, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and.
Piles. Only 25 cents at all druggists.
�■feu m
1.1 4.: co
cen cea
fir -
� � o
CC's wC7teet
en CI tis,
BROS, OS & C0.
5 anal 6. div. 1. traded. Referred to
Commissioner Ryan with power. The
following accounts were ordered to be
paid :—Luean Sun, printing auditor's
report $8.50 ; Ed McLaughlin, work on
road, div 3 and 4, $1.00 W Whalen,
work on road `31.255 ; E D Blake, work
on road, S B, $2.00 ; Jn Ryan, work
on L B, $2.75 ; in Ryan, work on new
road div 1, 31.50 Jn Dogg, work on
new road, 50c ;; W Clark, work on new
road 50c ; Thos Hall, work on London
road 1.00 ; J A Ryan, work on div 1
$2.00 ; W H Deacon, work on road,div
3, L B, 50c ; Walter Hodgins, work on
road, div 3, L B, $L25 ; W J Hodgins,
work on road, div 3, 2.00 ; Wm Turner,
work on road div 2,50e ; Melvin Meads,
work on road div 1, 50c X3. McFalls,
work on road div 2, $5.50 ; Seyman
Ryan, work on road,- X• B, div 1, 50c ;
E Phinne tile acct in full.for 1000, div 4
and 5, $10.75 ; W J Carter, rock elm
plank, div 3, 332.04. ; J A. Armitage,
rock elm plank div 3, 33.88. The coun-
cil adjourned to meet again on Mon-
day, the 1st day of April next, at 2 p.•
W. D. STANLEY Clerk.
SOHOOL REPORT.—The following is
the correct report of School No. 3,
Stephen, for the month of February.:
Names are in order of merit;' Sr IV,
Stella Penhale, Laura Jory, Asa Pen -
hale, Chas Sanders, Herbie Ford,
Horner Bagshaw Jr IV, Roy Parsons,
Clara Beaver, Sadie Willis, Hattie
Willis ;, Sr' III, Willie Triebner, Alon-
zo Ford, Minnie Sanders, Jennie San-
ders ; Jr. III, Herbie Beaver, Eddie
Willis, Mitchell Willis, Lizzie Sanders,
Herbie Deering Edith Parsons ; Sr. Il,
Alfred Wuerth, Sam Hicks, Tommy
Sanders, Harry.Parsons.Jr. 3I,Harry
S�.i n ,; , y
Triebner, Ralph Willis. Annie Hicks,
.Fred Beaver, Cecelia Ford ; Pt II,
Victor Sweet, Hilda Pre'szcator, Vin-
nie Cookson, Tommy Penhale,' Earl
Parsons, Edith Whittaker, Sam Stan-
lake, May Sanders. No, on roll 52
Average 40.
T. B. HOOPER, Teacher,
There's no rest for those tireless little
workers -Dr. King's New Life Pills,
Millions are always busy, curing Tor-
pid'Liver, Jaundice, Billiousness,Fever
and Ague, They banish Sick Headache,
drive out Malaria. Never grip or
weaken, Small, taste nice, work won-
ders, Try them, 25c. at all druggists.
Hensel l
J C . K
, D. OP E
(Late arrow P sa o tl Barrister
Solicitor. Notary Public, IIenall,
rA. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D. $.,Honor Groan -
ate of Toronto University, Dentists, Teeth
extraeted without pain or bad effects. Office
in Petty's Block, Hensail, At Zurich evCZY
Monday.ca'nnnencitur 'MAY 20th.
G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyan-
cer, Commissioner. Fire Insurance Ment, and
Issurer of Marriage Licenses. Legal doeuments
carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Aioney
Office at the Post Office, Denson, o t t
Dltlgrs.—J. E. McDonell was in
Toronto all last week. He visited the
Legislative Assembly, and spent -an
enjoyable time, --T. J. Berry has dis-
posed of one of his celebrated stallions.
—Rev. Mr. Acheson, of the Presby-
terian Church, Kippen, left on Mon-
day for' South Dakota, where he will
spend some weeks visiting his son. We
learn that the reverend gentlewan has
signified his intention of resigutng his
Charge at Kip eta. -� Some twenty
members of the 1. O. 0. F . visited Lia -
can on Tuesday evening end took piert
in some important work in connection
with the Order,--Mr.1,.-, Murdock, wbo
has been ill, is convakescipg—Two pe-
titions are being circulated, one asking
that another hotel license be grunted,
the other that it be uot.—Nelson beat
of Seaforth, saug in Carmel ebureb
Sunday last, as an applicant for the
precentorship.---Thos" Murdock has a
two-year-old colt that can trot a mile
in 2.40. This is good showing. — The
e o
a will move rat.
bank ea le
their new premises in a few days. --\V'.
R. Hodgins has signified his intention
of going into the Commercial hotel at
the expiration of H, Vantelon s lease.
Mrs. B. Higgins and Mrs. F. White
have returned to Landoll after a pleas-
ant visit witli, friends here. The ree
cent storms have rendered the country
roads almost impainssable,.-- .. load of
young people from Exeter and one
from Seaforth visited the rink on Tues-
day evening and speut an enjoyable
Bute, --J, S. Case has disposed of his
driver. ---1W' hat's the matter with our
street lamps ? Should have had them
Icing ago.
to loan on real estate .it Iow rates f t. teres .
B IE .-111
la I13 r I
Wm. Northeott rt cOtt a -
n dwi a Iez •i
e e th t a ul
p nt t ide o
ec nt
yp n
i'sd ev nin
ha x a e kis
T t �Vh' ate .
Y f to
` ding to his cattle he was in some watt'
thrown against a wall, breaking his
right arm at the elbow. On Saturday
he had the member set, and is now do-
ing as well as could be expected.--
Mrs. John Gould and kif'rs. Wm. North-
€ cweek.ott visited friends in Wingham last
' T Drysdale
tIE Fs John
Br . J hn ixefforv, has en.,
gaged with Mr. Peck of the Bebylon
line for thesummer.—Bli Mallet, par
chased a fine trotter last week which
be sold to Air, Foster of Zurich for
3200 ---fir, Jake, of St. Joseph, has
opened a bs,rber shop in Drysdale,—
It is reported that Joe Ran has rented
his farm. and that he is engaged in a
large wholesale house in London.
Buil..--Mr, S. S, )'«fill of Weston
has bean appointsd G. T. R. agent at
this place. He and family have mov-
ed into the residence vacated by Mr.
Shipley.—Messrs. F. and 8, Baynes
have sold their residence to Philip
Ill.owbtay, Esti., J. P. and Mr, D. S.,
his father and sisters intend moving
to British Columbia next week.—The
home of Ma Geo, Westman was the
R. T. Or T's. ENT .RTAINaix,NT, The
T. of T's, held an entertainment on
Tuesday evening, March 12th. The
hall was well,tilled, The Revs, Davis
and Andrews, of Varna; i1, Vincent.
of Exeter. and Alp, Lewis, of Crediton,
gave very interesting and eloquent
addresses, The programme consisted
of songs, readings, recitations, etc,
Aftee te progranis ie al., suntptlaous re-
past was partaken or which was pre-
pared by the Varna, council. with
which the Exeter, members did their
part well, and t
also speak very
highly of the way they were enter-
tained by the Varna council. The
chair was very acceptably filled by
Bro, Johnston, of Varna.
BILIEI,—Death h>ts been busy in
our midst and in the neighborhood of
the village during the past week, Mrs,
Charles Tippett. wife of our tax col-
lector, departed this life on Feb. 27th
at the early ate of 33 years, leaving a
family of small children the youngest oun est
beinga abe of ten months. yThere-
mainwere interred at Bayfield ceme-
tery.—Mrs. Brownett an aged lady,
mother of Thos. Brownett of the
Front Road, Stanley township, was
buried on . y Also Friday. notice p w o n t ce the
cards up announcing the dread fact
that Mrs. Itichardsou of Stanley town-
ship had gone over to the silent ma-
jority,—There is talk of establishing a
curfew bell in town. This is a luxury
that most towns enjoy and might
with profit be extended to our village.
Routlege, who was home attend-
ing his mothersfuneral, has .returaged
scene of a pleasant event last week by 1 to Windsor. His property was pur-
the entrance of his large bible class cbased by Joseph Ricbardson, of Stan -
and others, After spendinga pleasant
evening together the class presented.
Mr. Westmau with a handsome up-
holstered easy chair. Mr. Westwan
although completely taken by surprise
made a very fitting reply. He is one
of our ablest Sabbath school teachers
and his influence is felt not only by
his class but by the community in
which he resides.
R. E, Pickard is confined to his
room with an attack of the grip.
The ice storm Last evening caused a
delay of several hours in the arrival of
the train from the north.
Miss Hattie White leaves on Mon-
day for Niagara on the lake to resume
her position as milliner.
The trial court at Toronto has given
decision that railways are not liable
for goods burned in the railway ware-
The young man in the north end,
wbo a few daps ago struck his wife
and gave her a black eye, ought not
only to be ashamed of himself, but
should be tirade an example of.
The by-law to grant the Hess Bros.',
Bent Chair Company, Listowel, a loan
of $10,000 was on Monday carried by
an almost unanimous vote, there being
425 votes polled for the by-law to 35
against. The factory is expected to
be running within four months.
A serious accident occurred at Mc-
Lean's sawmill, near Wingham, re-
cently, by which George Shrigley lost
his°: left hand. A log had been
near finished, and Mr. Shrigley was
standing on the carriage, holding the
last plank until the saw was well en-
tered, : He turned to look to some-
thing. forgetting that the carriage
was bringing g ng him nearer the sate.
Consequently the saw struck his left
hand about the knuckles,cutting it off.
In an effort to solve the problem
of a useful education for the vast ma-
jority of children who are obliged to
begin earning their living as soon as
they leave the high school, the school
authorities of St. Paul, mutt., have de-
vised a four-year course that would'
seem to cover the field in a satisfactory
manner. English composition with
especial emphases on writing, spelling
punctuation and grammar runs throu-
gh four years, while the list of other
subjects includes modern languages,
bookkeeping, business practice, mec-
hanical drawing or domestic science,
physics, chemistry, stenography and
typewriting (optional), general history
algebra, geometry, English history
and commerce, American history
and commerce, physical and commer-
cial geography, commercial arithmetic
mediaeval history, ancient history
and civics. In addition, one term will
be devoted to the study of the theory
of taxation and its application; one
term to law s
s 1 w and, instruction
on the industrial side of American his-
tory and the commercial side of Eng-
lish history. Commercial geography
will be studied with special reference
to its relation to environment and in-
Indianapolis;', March 13.—All' hope.
has been abandoned for the recovery;
of Gen. Benjamin Harrison, former
president of United States, who was
prostrated lastT ursda pneumonia
p h y by p m a
and interconal ;neuralgia. Relatives
ley, for the stun of p132o at the sale,—
Mrs. Newell, Mrs. Chattuok and
Ma E. Seller, of Detroit, who were
here attending their father's funeral.
have returned.—Mrs. Richardson, of
Bayfield Road, Stanley, departed this
life on Monday the 4th inst."
o in is thef
re ort S. S
ao No
Stephen tp.,fo
r o th of February.
in order . 'd "
e oflne r"t.---7r. 4th—
h t -.,,
i Freeman Morlock, Arthtjreemy, W. J.
Rowe, R. Bastard. $r, 3rd — 'Poni
Roeszler, H. Mariock, Ezra Wein.
Jr. 3rd — W. Smitb, W. Roeszler,
Elgin Ajay. Sr. 2nd— Nora Browse
Adella Smith, eVesley Wein, Cecil
Rowe, W. Morlack. Tr. 2nd—Aug.
Hartman, Minnie Kestle. Pr. and Pt.
2nd --Idella Schwartz, Geo. Hartman,
Ride Wein, Gladys Kestle. No. on
roll 47. Average for January 37 ; for
February 26.
Large stock of Lumber—pine and hemlook,
170,000 feet of hotnlook lumber for barns, etc.,
also shingles. laths and cedar poste. Prices
reasonable.—JAS WILLIS, Yard East side of
Main st.
BRIEFS,—Two of our young men,
Messrs. W. J. C. Brown and Caleb
Brown, left here on Wednesday --lest
to take office under Baden-Powell in
the South Africa constabulary. We
all join in wishing the boys a safe
journey and abundant protection
while there, They go for a three-year
term.—Mr. John Nixon is confined to
bed from an attack of typhoid fever.
A speedy recovery is hoped. for by all.
—The Epworth League of the Metho-
dist, church, Kirkton, visited the
League of Zion church, Elimville cir-
cuit, on Friday evening last and furn-
ished the programme for the evening's
entertainment. They speak in high.
praise of Zion, They again attempted
to visit Salem League on Monday
evening but when part way their
hearts failed thein, (owing to the in-
clemency of the weather) and they re-
turned and decided to make the visit
at some future date. -Mr. Ira Marshall,
who suffered a severe strain of the
cords of the knee, is making fast im-
provement towards recovery. —• Mr.
Jas. Hazelwood disposed of his driving
pony on Friday evening last to a
gentleman of Oherry Grove for a good
figure. He also disposed oftwelve head
of fat cattle to Mr. Thos. Heale for the
snug sum of $700. He again invested
in a team of horses from Mr. J. E.
Sawyer, of Woodham. Jim is a great
speculator in stock. -Our village dairy-
man has added another cow to his al-
ready large herd. There must be
money in a mixed business, as hotel
keeping, harness making and stock
raising and feeding seem to work well
together. -Mrs. (Rev.) J. Ball is indis-
posed from a severe attack ofla grippe,
as is also Mr. Thos. Somerville. — Mr.
Cairns, of the Post Office store, has
added his •$3,000 stock of the Varna
store to the stock purchased from the
firm of Walkonf& Chappel, making it
one of the largest stocks in this part of
the country.—Mr. J. Chappel moved
to Exeter, on. Fridaylast to take the
position of head clerk in Mr. Ed. J.
Spackman s store.-. Mr. Will Haile-
wood, jr., has taken a position as clerk
withMr. O .—Mr. Robt. F
2 !etcher
has gone on ct visit to friends' in Michi-
gan.—Mr. Archie Robinson, of the 4th
line Blanshar`d, cut a white ash tree op
his farm that gave 76 running ft. in
logs and cutting over. 1000 feet of lum-
ber. This class of trees .is mi
i e beco ng
scarce.—Messrs. E. N. Shier and A.
Brethour attended a banquet in Strat-
ford on Tuesday evening under the
auspices of the L. 0. Avery is
on the sick list.—Miss Tessa Stewart
returned from Sb. Marys Thursday
last after a week's visit.—John Davis
is spending ' a week with friends in
Exeter.—The At Homeheld in the
Methodist church by the League was a
grand success. There were about four
hundred people present -=Miss Mi'c
and friends are, now simply waiting; Whit.' is holidnyiuf tai.i't,el re A.
for the ' . Fletcher.
H. W MAX, Teacher., I
Baines.—The many friends of Mrs.
E. N. Lake, Itasca, 111„ daughter of f
Mr. and. Mrs. Samuel Batten of Ander-
son, will learn with dee ret o her
p regret, f..
death, which occurred on Sunday.
March 3rd. The deceased lady had
been ill for some weeksand her luother
had been with her for some time, Mrs.
Lake was only 20 years of age.—Mr.
George Lane of Brandon, son of Mr.
Thos. Lae of Anderson, who has been.
visiting at his old home for some
weeks, left for the west on Tuesday..
Mr. Lane is a trainman on the C. I'. R.
running out of Brandon, and is doing
W,EDoirro.—A very pleasant event
took place at St.
Paul's e ircl
Kirkton, on Wednesday, Feb. 27, it
being the marriage of Miss Minule
Pronse, third daughter of Mr. John
Prowse, of Woodhane to Mr, Nathaniel
Fuleher, of Blanshard. At seven o'-
clock the bridal party entered the par-
lorancl the contracting parties were
united in the holy bonds of wedloi-k
by the rector, Rey, Wm. Stout. The
fair bride looked charming in a, cos-
tume of boucle cloth, trimmed with
white satin, as also did her sister, Miss
Pearl Prouse, in a suit of tweed with
heliotrope silk. who acted as brides-
maid. The groom was assisted by his
brother, W. Fulcher, 3liss Prottse has
been a faithful member of St. Paul's
church and choir for several years,
andher many friends wish Mr. and
Ips Fulchei
li mnGii happiness.
apps ess.
13ftir'ass.—The Town Council voted
$25 towards the expense of Mr. Ernest
Woods for the accident when he put
upthe flag on the Hose 1=I use —Mi
g o , iss
Gertie Archer Iles gone to Bramptte
to, live, where she has secured al,. I-
lknery situation.--Mre. James 'Talley
son of efr. Edward Tilley, of Mitchell',
has become a member of the South
African Constabulary. — Mr. WTiu.
Francis, one of our oldest citizens, is
seriously ill this week.—Mr. Walter
Thomson is in Ottawa attending a
meeting of the Oat Millers' Association.
They think it their duty to add some
duty on oatmeal.— Mr. J. X, Hobson,
of Hamilton, is the manager of the
new agency of the Bank of Hamilton.
—The Public School Board added $50
to the salary of Mr. McRoberts, the
principal, and also did a very sensible
thing in ordering less home work for
the scholars.
Grand Bend
BRIEFS.— Mr. end Mrs. Bossenberry
returned hone Friday, after a two
weeks' visit to friends in Berlin, Galt,
Waterloo and other places, They also
visited their son Harvey. who is at-
tending Business College in Stratford.
—Mr. Bert Holt returned home Thurs-
day, after a prolonged visit with
friends in Shipka.-51r. and Mrs. Chas.
Shaw and family, of Winnipeg, are
visiting Mrs. Shaw's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Zapfe.—Mr. and Mrs. John Mol -
lard are visiting friends in Greenway.
—Misses Nellie and Emma McPherson,
of Greenway, spent a few days the
guests of Mrs. R. Hamilton,—Mr, A.
Williamson preached in the Methodist
church here on Sunday in the absence
of Rev. J. H. Baird, who is at present
sick in Ridgetown.—Mr. Angus Pat-
terson and - Miss Aggie Luther were
joined in the holy bonds of matrimony
on Wednesday last. Miss Lou Cun-
ningham assisted the bride, while Mr.
John Patterson acted the part of
groomsman. Their many friends here.
wish them life -ion happiness.—Mr.
W. 13. Oliver attended the Maccabee
Convention at Berlin.
BRIEFS. -Oar roads were much improv-
mproved during the week, and driving now
is somewhat of an enjoyment.—W.
Washburn, of Essex Co.; is spending tt
month in our burg visiting his many
relatives and friends,— Jno Routley
was in Exeter last week on business.—
Miss Edna Godbolt, who lxas spent the
past four months in London Township,
has returned home. We welcome her
back.—Miss Lulu Godbolt; who has
been so seriouly' 311, is convalescent.—
Ben Allen is all smiles these days, how.
is. that P well, on the 28th ult,, ,his
wife presented him with a bouncing
baby boy
.—Miss .—Miss Ethel Godbolt was.
home over Sunday after which she re-
turned to resume her studies in St.
Marys. George Berthing. of Kirkton,
spent Sunday last the guest of Wm.
Dinney"- Mrs. Geo. Godbolt, spent
Saturday the guest of her friend, Mrs.
S. Powell in Exeter.— Wood bees and
dancing parties are the bill of fare
these days,—Thunder and lightning
were visitors here Sunday.—A number
of our farmer friends are suffering
from severe colds.—We hope to hear
of speedy recoveries.
Man or Woman—lady preferred.
We have pleasant and profitable em-
ployment for any man or women' at
every post office address in Canada or
United States. for an article of great
merit, which sells at sight. Exclusive
trees tsee niP1' tn rnzr;l'" ('' 1 aar.•t!:
li,i r �> t i'ii�. Rd i','. .
St. Marys
it Ers —R.
Moir, has arrived•t
H. M r, < t
Hal f
z art X t is expected hewill
be in
town in a few days, and that possibly
be may return to South Africaas sec-
retary to Col.- Steele,—A welcome
sound was heard in the land. Friday
morning. It was the early robin.
Bnlsl•s.-,--Mr. Clement King, of 11Tew
York, is a, guest of Mrs. Frank Case at
present.—.Che Berlin-Seaforth hockey
match attracted a large number of
spectators to the rink on Thursday
evening. The game was keenly eon -
tested, as the score, which was 5 to 4
in favor of the local team, shows.—
Mrs rs John Hoffman returned this week
from an extended visit to friends in St.
Thomas and bas rented Mr.. Charles
Bartlitl's house on John street, --W.
H, O'Sullivan has been in Exeter for
several days this week and has opened
up abusiness college in that place.
Rev. Father McCabe, on Friday merit-
ing, had the misfortune to slip :on some
ice at the bank corner and get a Bard
fall. He was stunned from the force
of the fall and. was unable to get up.
However, some of the business men
carried hire into the bank, Dr. Be-
thune was called, and the unfortunate
gentleman was 'taken home.. Isis back
was injured, but his many friends hope
that there will be no serious effects,
Father McCabe is a very genial man
and is a favorite with all who know
bine—Mr. . v'
Melin Scott, aft this town,
went to Hensall,on Saturday. Sunday
he sang a solo and led the choir in the
IIarket', (.ep�t
A few days of winter yet and we
want to reduce our winter .goads be-
fore Spring Stock arrives,
We have received a very choice line
in a"1 colors, with corded ruffle. New
and stylish.
We keep always in stock a large
and well selectedcted ato ko
Full lines of
Oysters Fresh Daily.
All kinds of Farrn. Produce taken as
J P Ross«
o n I' I1 00 Over80 .-
An rasa L S� in . s 1 9
Rectstraar-G,aneral's: Fuit Iteturns,
Presbyterian church, Mr. Scott is au : Toronto;" Murch 9,—The Registrar -
applicant for the precentorship, which
position he will no doubt till with
satisfaction. He has a splendid hart -
tone voice and athorough knowledge
of music, --:Hiss Millie 3ohueton re-
turned on Monday from Brussels
where she has been visiting her bro-
ther, Mr. H. H. Johnston. — Mr. Geo.
Montgomery, who is an assistant in
Mnleachey's barber shop, is seriously
i11 with appendicitis. -- Rev. Rural
Dean 1lodgms left on Wednesday for
London to attend several cotnrnittee
meetings in connection with the af-
firms of the Diocese. --On Friday last,
Belie Masser, beloved wife of Mr, Alex.
McNevihi died at ber bornee on Sperling
street, aged 30 years. The remains
were taken to Wingham Monday
morning by the 8.45 train for inter-
ment. A bereaved husband is left to
mourn her loss and a two weeks' old
son is left motherless,—Miss Sheppard
has returned from a six weeks' visit to
leer• parents,:in Elora and has 'again
taken ,charge of. the millinery'depart-
ment at, 'William Pickard's.
Shortly after 10:30 mmnday night
fire was discovered in the main build-
ing of John. Campbell & Son's carriage
factory, London, by an employe of the
factory, who happened to be passing
at the time. He turned in an alarm
and company No. 1 station was soon
on the spot, ,quickly followed by the
companies from East and South Lon-
don. So rapidly had the blaze spread
that the whole third flat, where the
fire originated, was filled with flame
and smoke.
The factory employs sixty men, and
of those about twenty, engaged en the
paint shop, will be temporarily out of
work. The rebuilding of the destroyed
General has received complete ra-„f.,"-
turns of the birtkts, marriages and
deaths in Ontauio during 1900. The
increase in deaths is thought to lea
due to the excessive heat during tltd
month of August. Tile birth rat*
last Sear was 19.0 per 1,000. com
paced with 19.4 In 1899. and 204 in
The Iast report of the Registrars
General quotes the birth rate in. Eng-
land as being 29.4 in 3.898. In Scot
land It was 30.8, and in Ireland
23.2. In. Connecticut the rate wa,s
24.4, in Buffalo 20, in Baltimore $2,
in New York City 22.1, and irz. fit.
Paul 10.4.
The following table Shaws
births, marriages and deaths durfttg
the last three years, and the increase
of 3.000 aver 189..:
Births , • •'' , 46,370 4,706 46,019 7,314
Marriages -. .. 16,514 7.7,123 eee
Deaths a 26,370 28,607 29,504 057
Tito L firearms Burned.
Rome March 1Ir9.bout 150.000.
firearms, ancient and modern, are
now being destroyed in a furnace
specially constructed at the Vatican
grounds. The only an= ,slti.11_re-
tained for use at the Vatican tiro
those of the Palatine Guards. Thus
the Pope signalizes his abandonment
of all projects for regaining temporal
power by force;
A peach tree in Vent county. Did,,
Is 26 inobos in diameter at the
ground and has borne fruit for 2g
premises will be at once proceeded f
The fire had evidently originated at
the back of the paint shop, and it fast
worked its way forward, the inflame.
mable material with which the place"
was filled furnishing excellent food for
the flames.
The loss will probably be in the
neighborhood of 330,000, the main pt1r-
tion of it on the stock.
Take Lasatire Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
dru ste refund the money if it fails to euro,
25. .E. W.lGrove's signature is on each bottle.
This is to 'certify that I have used
;English Stock Food manufactured by.
C. Lutz, Druggist, Exeter, for horses
and calves. the calves were fed on
separated milk with English Stock
Food end did remarkably well. I have
also fed it to my horses end found it
most beneficial. Would strongly ,re-
commend stock raisers to give it a
Township of Lisburne.
Price 14 lbs, $1:00. •'-as,
ii Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory.
1908 it
S �..i'gyp .'� 8eS AND�
-.1 tI
A 1 In and
.a neW bili til requires we
9 za ld � l ccju l s
ha �.
v Ourprices are'l•' la.t. Get'them say e dollars,
Our stock is large: We handle none but the best,