HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-3-7, Page 8far,,aanar.., ;L: zifieotogi " Iozg : . , 'A.n t;•...Verogs. z-'1.sheee exarohations , i_will beheld -on Thursday and F,rida.y; M:treh .lie 2p)71 and, 20.th.. , _PaPetS -for. -• the'lunior,-iind.- senibr divistons 'of raid And 'llerd7 clitsseS, will be. ttlr- lished an „application to the i'blie` schoollifipeetors. W -, : •• , a-.:41.-%-... °•7 .:. ' ' MATOlt.--.Tbe.:Exetet hock eY team are..rualng a nape forlhein- Selee'S. Again' victory is perched upon thell"liantiets,'T be 1,*riday night 0. rack team from•the Forest Oity:Bosi. ness College. London, came out to "do 11Q0•01`113,7 Op" our b3ye, but returned.disa.ppoiet. • „ :,,. i ed, tile seore Standing 8-1 in favo•r of EXeter. The 'ebtebinotion PlaYtOig Of U* home team- 'WAS. too• Much forf the -are ready for the largestwalt paper - trade in the history bf - lier'CUli Stare. Our new ve:O.Il papers 41-e all in and ready for -'117kaa spend a.,"prOfitai?:isrand pleasant, half hour in looking are under he 'obligation to buy C.,41rte and., see -s fiCwand original in Wall.paper. We alWays like to 'have the Pininif:of close careful beyerS. ° The i.arietv of colorings, the oriainal 4esicras the deep- rich ans allea to make our n.ew Seeing, stock ..ireq,tie_tnptio& and 1uqs yes, teal sparkling values count for ,anything. Wo.are satisfied that our W"all gaper :trade for fik.present sen wilibe the largest and riost -satafactory "in'tliteliigtory of thg Cas Store. Their is just one line of wall paper. that you'll notnd t the real cheap trashy -SW --tliitilnakes the av‘tag a '1r "talk 'French Every roll of papa We „sek., goent: Quf rantee as to length and quality - visitors,, Next. „ . zdeT positor in the 'Postal 'Savings dePort... Anent wished -to Withdraw any of- his ineney from the banklt usually ,costs <him a delay of -some five days for'. the return advice: • This pceventedIereot many from investing in that, initith, &ion, 13ot now the department has ordered. Mt. alt post.masters can pay up. toS..90 to any depositor that is known to him•, without waiting tor theace. - "-, 041w.e.n.Y..-Mi... John 'rrehle Whose w.resMtrnign.%078Mil.fotlibl oeNV:Ff (ix j•cheemi t lel"; ,01) *ondaY 1st, 401 .wet., by a -large umber of sorrowing friends araT'sym. pThizinneighbral, was' born- in ingston on ,-,the_<P,..„9th o 8374 when `hip parents were en route Teom Vualaua to *et. ThOdeeeosed WitS, f rY' t'renuil in alosi- 1951 1900. may not be aware that the Ptail jornapr fr(itn Sarnia to- &rat - i` icensesm Wed m.% Rings, ... 7. 'Watches, Clockefft, Jewelry,' Spectacles, ate CALL ON R. 1-1101tS Watch Repairing a SnecialtY:' ---;StTniiia,TretiVeriif* district to Lake Huron. Tlte STRAYFolio, Onr. Asus6hoo t tbx.t. stands 1-,to,day without 'and for our goods has been peeler lo Oman. Its appoint- " good over this sectiorLand ments ant AUAV pre-erninently.. first-clo,s4; ,ItLinstructqrs are thohesti coming orders a little more that meney can hire."--jks trainhm- is tnerous than for last year. broad, thorough and a • 4No . CHOTIS our Fancy Goods s'ehml OnDada has a 1Plerttetlev.e•ga'.5 VC been cleared. The balance often uvula. Qn „ti,loo for 64'100,7.11*h grdtle reputation rth all late arriving stock wC but ruPonu what ''Qur Dee. schoolroom to -day, agreyclgto piD4theo... •offer from Monday, nize our college P Students 'lldnuttreu to Jan ist, at whole- auti. . write ,Eor harta$00,20. prices, school supplies includ-, This will. be a Christmas •Prin. in another form which we ofkr coly to our old custornerg, *lzthezr descendants. stmascards spcciatr-Thurs-,..'he s.,,cipj for changee_m_nst be 'left not, later ilairM:airkileon., Casual day noon to Monday evg next. advestisements accepted up to bon •r Wednesday of each week. J01111 March 'LAS for gives evidence of,:ga- flag out like a lamb, XIBPrE,rit " AIDVERtISERS.' iissiimmomporeormarmkoorommumiillsellIMEMIIIMMORIIMINNotinori • - nisurtx..vcrs. Miss Sinclair, of Braotford, is he. gnest of Mrs. J„ A. Stewart: „ .Mr. •Mathesn o Luca% visited, friends in town on Monday. • J. Mellott has again taken a position RNEST ELLIOT, the Commercial hotel cis bar tender. a .400 for tile Nirefzmax Assurusce.Comt.i. 4 E.,Bennett is in Toronto on a •eLxv,otTorento ; also for the Pow.= Paw purehaSing tour for the Big Oiteb •NetreAscr. ConeAxv, of London, England; •AVIA:oleo LI,mtmalsica noze•rAxy, at Eng ;• iStore. • and Dr. Anderson will this week reoVe i into his, office in the Dickson-Oaeling "par .1 block. . e • • '' • THURSDAY, ' MARCH 1001 s Jennie Madge,.. Thames Rao..d; LOCAL •ROPPENINGS contemplates taking uphousekeeping • tbeir-bereavement, • „ R. J. 1Kirk, of Dunga,nnorti was. tile. . • -••••-e• , ": • in Mitchell.,- • one. o . "ce w , • .. ,13 ..g ...• Exe'pezewhe have survived tile past two decades, l having;• -con. • deeted a successful bdOineSs hezithe. • finet. ai1d slid.rand harnessjing retireM•ent'a few itiontbs.agOr',. coeup1tt1 by rapidly.failing bealth. Treble was'esteetneclfoe"- his ,§ter.,., ittik4to.uti#s. invariablo'41tniness and integrity of eletraeter; tt,Utlt 'setifie regret and •losseis felt' among nil Wil,O know bim. His disease was '-of piti- lwnl'.• ,tharacter .,--and.,•bisitsuffetiAgs, •Wastinteusp, and all thatTetedicalikill. ronid do seniec14 o avail..!On Thhrs.,, day an ,-operation Was -performed in hopes, otc alleviatinghs ufferings but on. .Saturday morning the!ei camo,,as .a. F4110ek, . to ,71111$114OrrICIWing The .decease4.wastwicer4tUat . ried.... In 18M be. -m2e lss•Cirace. Sontbcott. ,,sistgr of. gra. Peohale1 and John •Southeaft, ,of this place. daughters. Dakota. ,survive this ;onion, In -.WTI he was .0gain ireirried7 to,Miss.puit911 whooc ith five .cbildren. • IsurFivg.,nim. to. tnourn .112e. loss ..,ot a :lutaband and indulgent:4'40er.- 2177, • ..4.-.t. . W GOODS . ..600D5 1: 1 ....,-, ..„.. . . . . .,_ ... .. We hate just_req4ived Ex., 8: S. "Astoria7-.direct yom Great Britain a very large, Consignmeut OrISTBNV-SprippaTibt SunPue.r,Alercluixellie„ Among this- lot are. ' .„ "*pkego -*itisia• Ne'r TOie,..Linens New, ToWellings - oatms ' - . Lanus -• .: ' Golfs-. Caps ._ , . 44, 'P/q1ItS. . „' !`„, Le Otittains `" TriM31Tu4s ," .. Mislins ' . " Obitieu: :,:. '-_Flauffelettes " Dimities, '* - "" Silks• ' ' Hosiery;' " TOWells ‘- Les _ " i'WbrSteds " aateens ". Haudkehfs- • . -" Okgandies - UMbroiderie .. ‘.," Vglvets- -A illinerY; Tips and.rlifiw.§. .. -‘ Tucked Lawus " Tucked Nainseek Ribbons . 18 ttra6tiv8 BalT(1115. 20 yds regular 7,0 flannelette for $1.00. • 20.74'regulai so. grey cotton fOr 000. tilar 25e feather Peking' for 19c. •" egular 28c cettenade" for 250. Regular 15c 'skirting -fp. 1-40. Regular 12.9 skirting flannelette 13 yds, regular fOo whito,cotton for $1.00. •Best'Paris whiting Or, 11.);'010„ "13est clothes pegs per,doz 01e; • - W sateen print -worth. ,17c,. special for 12,40. 1 r 3e black c •ihoer for bir 7Le$1,00, 1;25 r�tfor 0e. gis.a•rx,f)v ,G111..-e-Dur- 34,few weeks:tile grim reap- , has entered our raidStre- . prying -411414' of the tihter inbabitancS. among i.vhem we record the death- of Mary Sweetman, beloved Wife of Prpok. 0111. 411.rs. Gill „Wasborn in poweF..xsia of Wight,Engjand, in the _Year ISI, eanung.to. qanaaamitb ber oarents,..in .1841, And settling in. the 2oN*nsbip,of Darlings In tb'o yea i• 1807 ;She Wite worried to lier no' Sprrowing .11usband, removing,at wec to Exeter where she has sinee resided. The de- ,cetised wa-g•con,verted to god eatlY life. and 'remained 4 faithful ;and' con.' sistent Christian watnnu till Iler deathl loyal to the-chnrch, and zealous 'cif goad'arks. Her disposition- was ag- gressIve and her inied active. mahy years her ceasetees :1.1111 thought-. MI' activity' in- the hatneand in the "-Chun+ vetan inspiration'. Her ill. nes s was borne 'with' cheerfniness and 'patience and was a. benedietion to all about her. Heart, fitilure, after some, "weeks' illnese, was the' inimecliate tense of her death. She will he missed In the home, church • and- Sunday'. school, where she taught. faithgully each Sabbath' until !aid nside sotne. mon tbs ago, • The funeral -seevices,iit' the James -St. Church wzre attended bya; very large company of those who truly admired her sterling qualities pf. mind and heart. Those left- with' her sorrowing- husbandare her •children, Dr.;- L. T., Gibsonburg, Ohio, ; Mrs, Theo: Sweet;•St,..Cotharinesit Mayand. Evelyn at home, who have -the yh- ptbyof the whole commurrity Bert Ross, of London; spent Sundson, last week. ..• family to. Idfcan. , near future:, ° with his parents here.. - James Collingwood and v.vtfe have: ,ti:Mre GePrge. 90,11theott,„i•Of.,,Vorcitito;„ guest of his brother -m -law, Di. Ander- Mr. Geo -Bowden will move -with' h ay is . .. • . • All the local milliners are centered in taken up -housekeeping in • john „Mer7 .washere attsnding the: fon.erat of his Lend= and Toronto this week. Miles' house. ••• .t7-..• tingle, Jahn Teeble. -;„ Miss Gertie Deuipsei'hal aceitifeci a 1" "'Mi.'s. Vale, Exeter North, has moved AirSeY,',..9ar1eYewho •waSewell.knaien ere, ,died in Ham il ten. on, N.Xarch-.5611 h after 0.•s1ortllness..°I.' •• One week's trial freewill he given in.: any subject at the V.SulliyateBusioess, College txx eetebliebedqin -Exeter ,shortly., .,'Tr England; dfDt1.3-Weiott. etils• :sold. 4 load. of 14 hogS to Hfr:WIllerk,ef, Dashw,00cl, for„tite, sena of $1,68„.; Good .hogs, will. ,arways. 'Make tlie •farmer - money. •, , -,„:/v1rS. Perkins, Wide07, ;Of the •lat situa.tionas milliner, in Thedford. -into. Mr. Hoopers house, ,one door . . Pickard. visited am eastern 1 nortb of the mill. : • . . markets, this • week on a; purchasing Mrsmanning, ofJ3ontinatit;Ille, after' trip. • • " • • a:pleasant visi6 with her sister, Mrs. Mrs. Jas. More, of Exeter. North' A. .Stewart, left, forh.er hona:e god - •r • -." • 77- " adyertis6S'a hduse for .sale in another day •moning • ' column. . . ••• • • Mr. Dinican".:Ross, -who 'z.beas bieete Mr. Arthur Rollins. of 'bet,rolt'".Was sP,enarigrzc a we* with ielitilves nnd in the:: emag6 tkissyipek:' e-aten'g'3 'friends, left fO,relyis home•innty fg: .T. J IforrOW 'Itf.Tbrentii has lea.. Sed Viellailta British Seven Mixtures for ' ' • ••' eorks and wounds on horses. Sold botel, int. Br ii!ce, field. ..'r:„Tipnry Perkms, .0f„Exetpr, yam is.,a olue. lessee liars • been fof.Ced' neesent living 'witb. her-. enn,,,-,yir:„.0. Lutz',s Drug Store.: ,S". • • ta•quit.ovntig to ill Perkins 1ton4,615, we re snrrv Fri old friends. ' • ' • - linlraeosq" morning. , Fa ar selling- the New 1...ig"oir uch Oats for SeD They 3ield from 15 to' 80 bushels per acre, and are free from inst and 4sintit. They may .be had. at both' our" ENeternd Hensall stores at a reasonable prieeo Now is the' timeto secure your seed." 41',17)11 • 4,A,-- ReSidesoSvingt-the-profie.-or loss-meanS a house cleaning, in, 4. dry gp9,40 4.019;v,:, ikuy-4ine that will not ,be 2, , thoroughly "tirto7dalOr toicrgfitinp44e is placed on, the bar- faiwth:13fes--regardleST-If4tigti‘4' d- 24M We have few of -These Lines. " - Not Marty We are pleased to say. :0:114ve_ Great Silo t. -Ends NY ell we placed among the remnants, All first class goods 'in dress goods wrapperettes cottonade• prints flannelettes and cottous. ING BROS urn. ure • WE PA EST M1.441-401' .1111.1,0,e,,1 Olt PitODU ' Hugh OhesneY;Of ItginduaVine,itiek ' :°*f_til: -P:IiIicks$ (:14Yt one vc;.dek7...17,..i:.7111 Monday with...0; A. X. Mc Lehd„. . 7 -PeountlikY , Harry Sanders spent Sunday ,in visliiiiisi81:41i;earil •CenhiPtsISI,Ytriett.139,a.YriAtlItis.'t-Ie°41.4i.sso'v, Ari.., A.: Puke. :187.0N.v. McLehd. - . . . • ' , . . . _ RoSs & Taylor for tile fraction of .a 1 hotne frptn St. Mary's:.• , •• -.1goieg.hig r.nunp4,...... .. „ .. .. , A:.'Onttlebas 14 t110'..c011trallt& 1XisS. Hilftle 'Rollick 'has .retiVard brick 'house ort .ilmnstreet"; ''''': ! - Xissltubertsc9, teacherr,spent"SUn: MA Ornie,, of LUcatli.;' bas.aliieitdy rdaY 1..xviik, 11Qa?0 11 q6,49.00116 . . rented,Woodbine vOttage,,Grandll,end,, 11fies 'Lizzie .Wi snn,y Of redi tote t, nark for the season .Of•liKlls• - • - ' q'ent griritTN5' *16 ilis•P -Are. Y,i'.."71,1,te. - F,Xetei*„: "M. ut!..1611.6a71'.:C. i).ttYl°11i'''' ''..'' 461'9heina........0910.-. . . • 'Fred t'eble, St- MarYsv•was 'berg.. Yrtealad Mts.,4T:. W. /ittwkshow".:4tf,.0 Council met 'Ipurenabb•.to 'acljotlrn: . .. . . , V' i,N411,43ffer f•or- -sale.four differ- ' in attendance at the funeral othis vis.iting...friends:,;,n' 011uton knd ditkey eat. styles of wire fence, .ivhic1.1 unple„,john Treble, this•week„.„ ,,,r -,t '17)0forrii8t,st„ ()tett aile.u,,, came. , in:111i,- a 14.-4I lithr'eense421°:•:(31.fedepWtna:kiTtilleSMtertiealr,l'St.'7°41;1° :::;'' ° 00tighS,Colds and BronohitieTroublesi. ,, Only 2,5c, o bottle at Litte!d:Drug _,ore.,<.' 1,',..9•ftf.'2.,riran* - , .: • • . . - .7,1, z.c• :Z.: r,Levett,Iluir, That!: the • foliating -' Also it niunliet. of shities-in the - •••••• , ealss eit.lel ith a, little„,,appertnce of.t,lie lion in e.thlintitee'of preViolts' Medal:tag .,...p.3.1., and.coufirmec1.1* •-, • „I.. , Use Winati?s . flOugh77. Bitlituri for *will btu., sold!4at reasonable prices. 41s4,eitt is P•tithitlingt4e, :aecenetse be. ..passed" and beteders,I.,116 °:Ciialitaftin;Clortlige llanufiteAnring ' W. Keiji, nititintalei4I16'.61'-purehitilled !Millinery epee-m*131.1km, deti.„;-Indt-T,:oe- , drawre.ion 'kicasavereifor !szitne r,s. •,-, cp., bt,PeraglitarOtfgh: Ilia gbrketirq ittieli' 'of' Sii`.. ilfill;':,"inz onto afig we.etz, I ; 7 t , Clinton, and Wilt".Molire "11S. farndy :" MisStally Hustanleft on Setueday James Dennis.$5.00(EkItendford $1.60; -..-- ;.7 'Gritga.7atill ,:;: Elv.if.packnutri" $3:25' ; ". --* ' - .. . , . . a. . . ••• • .. /... A porium Economy Store d be ,...onyinced • that ny braai still left in Parlor Suites, Sidebo r.,Tables, GIDLEY Wood Takcji in.fl6l1afig5-tor Furniture. above FANCY GOODS, also Bedroom Sets, ards, Couches, etc, .0 ,,, .....„, ,u.'otonl‘ .0 .... ,.., ....,:„-,Reinent rile stands, .., OPE4A 1:19.T.IAti'' B110 ' ,•-4D1):F.. ET.,LOWS 1.1t49 -01K . .: " 1:1", :40ortilfigrto "attend the iiiilline - in Toronto. , ,.„ 01),,, e_xl.„-° -G.1:2•Oudinore .642 50 ;•Trerealhe & give_ Sohn „Bientnell, 'wlfci bas Veen visit- ings„ _,. J u a °A. .a • ,t., ,.$7114.9.)-e.Crarried. . r• 1t,%. - - ,L.,, it Ylwko ,i..xvti 'dEerld a tibliftiinudiie ii,ax...,aet,,t,e:felliitgr:h:Lhellisditset,,,t,c,hfrritthc...01,,t_ottaictiFdaithibo,;(:!;etahe'beillubt shot, .., 0 einuncillor Muiriga.ve:noticeatharIN inrDalOtfe.'7-,7 -, .. ....1„ -_,-, e„....:1!•ovueiiktli.e:Ernailltlhionst OtTlleaTri;1114,tryg.,,r;i1 dt*'•x ".e.st., 'cil:naov.e toldrayenadgrirecolithic pirie,•• wouldntrithe•ne36aimetingzflihe qiiiiii:-' , ' • Fiexn,t5 Dennis, 'Whb has been. in the : ---9' . " '.; '11. a raent cons0fucted Sechnithe north -side 'iii;fIntrfiktfie,tackrbe,-SieSiefie Scalar :3elinopnldolfyo,:e14115.11JfittAlti...;.- ISlite:vveallta...7..lteafk64740is,:lreTkpoisni7trriponru.anstlee:paracyaniontribtecv.triressutrkitg_ opytitslo ,.„,„,,, .1, :-.s. o 1 I e_ lopolitanvhotelitenethe west zetiot:bidame,...Striocrike;11.;,nandd• :ail eitmll,inslioffieeitolihikilbrth '..4.i&O hanbielgtqa'regi'nguirint ppsit!on.. -, ‘:. . . ... , .;.. - 4,,..,:.Aloya: :•:••• -.:: .,,.,-. T.,,,.1 -7.• ...- -- isle ,,,f,imai4 sh.teet. 1,5,..:,,,T a'..em, ..`a.al'I'' .. ,...1. :.,, Pol,AidtlipitrYea-%.1,1;c'eetn:.tto(1.-, things 66 a' - .... ‘3.4,.0../IviitiZr-rtcFaveiteojasarIabflairnjaunnfiltaxdrji668ii.il:c1; .41"ig*''qcm44°'1.(2t PP T-CifilleYs-:‘, 5:••• “114try: '...i,Ina..i'il,, wilt. le,iv,e in the •1:11;e:„1.h. 9,hti, ,ts...e- u4.•24100:hvextelt a.t8n, a.tennetisoiribisua , _ course' of a fee; 'WeelgS 'fbe Denve - e rp, o,, where ,q.e?spee o r9orlin.,1,4 le. .i _ ,„ • P ar GEO. ,H,11-Bxgansie:, OilfrM ar, 1,, i f - - ...:1-.-1;-.1.": 1...: • ...: ....; . t•• - Child ren .zry .fcc?r,'°d:. ' ::.,1:..' ,,-1,.:'"1-...te.c-414-47sfs-t"'iga%ha'141c.t.'FI -Qh,l'a-kr 'Wane , teate .,.. members ptr her.),Suriday ,T.,...:y. en, erta,tued , 10,,,F,,,, si,, , „ 0-nbcit1117.! 4'1" .. 'r''. r: ' ' k4lEICiaiterlSohtisig-PR45191:14-t. '- b , . . .1 c,17, .,... .13 'Alio- Pe•ekrnall llas Dean 't•q,11Pc0M•te.d*. e_Nenine- : • 'leas% tl- t • ' Wear agent thp Teople..s'.I.,Afe Atgb- ' 'tif.ss ' ''' „ciatio.p,'"qt,'• Torento. -„Mr.•"-Bellt'ilie :ag•kigol 'el,iss '' . ' v„,.-1....ft bahtrifbIlow.ria"*4'S ftdires1i4e,pbrEtfore sbiabeger,. ',WAS ;in town laOt irae4c. .12.1:Yr-• ! *Dili '`-' and„:Mi•p'-- 1.;re'O'rg'ev'W' r ee: *Ay and month.oeo:Feben• - 'cl' 'ISO Iii"-tN - t .1Vtiss .e'uw-..t swpet.leti• by- TorAg,,1,7±4Y.01,4wc?..4.5tIN'Ir„'Vters. fiebditi " 7111,terfu,11.1littVlatto'f81 '',Lt`.. "..bittr" :"..)1pf 1 gt;p.' ' ,geitkr:t.a;:gttoiennt.g.$71i4b-P,i9ATp..egiw°1oPe (fp:" ',.!.‘eiwic).71.vk;.gat'41:qts.I.11;,r..(?:1;:k"es.lar,..71,,°f 7r :;j'i'its3:"1rrs:11f4':i7m13.61r111442.°41xig;:lit L.°'• 141121' ' , igliep:t...wt.kku.00sigolonals..illinill.w. ,,,,, . rgs,s,etett, eit:deo•oe_amivk ,v.i. ste",,,i . LillapitvineeFredmty."04 elyrtrtivittetllaire•BI, a, . *pp.,: Us.,$...oeil i$ rePoilot.'ing kii-04:.;°1-.:,,-,',k;IV"iaZitra-s,t-f-klifs-te,-i' to-ov.i.rcilltr-pcita....arii-coe;etic. .....' ..'eo, ......sorqw.. .1_1 21s, 11.';',_ a8 .m:, .5.) 0.3. illaill.qi9sAll§ka.fin.e.,E1.:14,ctille:ML,ek‘ag.o Ivs.ti.`'.51-?•-arrk aif...g.a, exi,accen ,,, ir., _a„, -.1,1:11.4t,1 .gl•-ttn.r.elf.?;)Tiubs;°.111•31;f21,:lrt. 1'irtmt4a4 61370t.) '''' A . . <R. 1:t •P • ...: le,,S1 _ if., p.7z-migs..--A;66Edii tet..b rop-sciiishio mop ci- till -ft 'outria ora., arisTo Slug RonEnt1315-te. now able to metyeAeound„. j,•;;.`tiy,e hope fan her. e99:Ye.3Y.'sr.i:•1 'Mate:67,0rd, 1,1 Walter...gm-lock leaves oft 5a.tfir clay iCp6rt; sligtolaopp,...ht, 41411 'Ch eli•of'Kirktdia 471as been, ctirecl a,Positioir 'in a carriage factoiiy 71.74.4eFo. 0.4;:polcgdoestw7I'lm,74)1„ (1,•eitai 60'orkg:; • ; therq•.': • l• ' mAtin sr„ rid. py', hts9t ln -FOrtt"GriPpe",--Iiihnenza d 0,44, •Tur ° -.°"° the 68,41 yda,V of tfpr. Its,.ge; The deceai-- im-the,,E1-eady.,nse,INx-430111,41.nref,,,,F-er- ---- -era§ a; deveted wife, a, tende.i.a•fii,:ece-,; '""tiaceix;,r,taft:,..,•,-.• nut sgraurni,3,1„,:resil.srarneXmii, iaverlibtidyea•=113,.,T,I.„(etlfed„:61W- °ria' cours6 friiind.s.dt'the.,fu 'eget onVits:.; ,,,,,.,,e,°42.041.A.17..11VIVITC: stir .:71P- 140,4;iigir be ma A.° • 1. E year,. W.441f.4111,W.C40.4.1:a.;,0P1 tZtraar gr..74,437 • for ColumbuS, where -he- 'has eaC 0.,,3 6. • . • . reCoVer.y: . „. 1 t t D 15 statutory holiday, which is sornet krig 'itinate inother, and the yei7 firke eibn- „Drce•Illarthete736ilit-17400'Mfl;r4e -e'th P°P1',1394 'eSdaY; attested to the i.espekiff • • 'whieh she waSheld 60116 eoplinudit,W. t;o4lierdesthorsetts'enlffiref,Al** 4.1 fOrzthe Ref. Dr. Virilibtithlif'has notified: Melick, au thorities; of e' Forest' 'Meth°. s't g new- dist•church Minnie prefers not- taere- 1.4,1 %yeti r'A tt. Ca, rs. Melick 1 turn•ta the charge for --anoblier yeari"! .. . Prwm37.11;11,11hez•;;;;;;;;;;.,*h•I.E71:(4'aeAtgetritir,_:.fiteotteo_TblieMnItIttn;, • .,e.f.:: t /,,, ' eave m a f ,..,--".--fuueral.rf-Mrs:-ISIvrere-firdtreir,--Mrs. TeilY,IiliAtile..SgAbidtoatp ?Ho clezia, os_,n10,.,...,,pVt1 %the ski ed of his brotifere • tiP0..;,:•,4.s'xte',..blit " 'e.1S ' lie.*.•47. ttle a ve-rrE4::11jh . i slitr.,ri9, .ii.,1e0.1:.1617.t7,4t'elIas..,,, e',W•P•cl!.?:r•i,c,gy'ii"' :46,,iing,p'e:Opi*, _aver •Ig 4 e OiraigAleft640tV •,,. %re "-{0 atd be, t'ase efe-7-• ',W4-04,*t•':1).he',',1?)at.0 Olie e•ert 11, n00%, 'IlitOeiki,,,C;,e•; , ing *.al• , •67,1,p.A....e'rd'isheifp' ha, cepted a pee- ine, ry, at „ idayi tat itioni aS traveller for a firm in TorOnlz- .ce,ifyieets".", with tea` , 6 imPlgme114°. -to.- -1.1P-s..Bishop -Ieft, on, Monday VI lis„,ii;lingq•arieth liArdig, ht0b,414,4.. .„ ,... .•. , .,.. ,.:,j, t76,4440..teoi,41/174,F:Ii...i.,;.6:14.izirint,:ri,:: - . ii:8-factaii3Ordi,,bio*OiTto 0 *.tipii4PAce0.6tAr%'o; '!ii -63,-- Pleks, 1 Irtliet4if..;f4P'Pl7 $.-,,,e lyiank,t.,-,Ao'' ljlo ' INli°•R'''146Q0q:,/#0!"!3''.71':•*tn''IlY t? '° Ailt"k84!P'713.1ony beloved Lendf„in toWnShip.nii."Ttiesday, 'Job, , 1°3.':46!::4°4t:44^ '''''.1'n11; I‘ind 7 ag,Sis f.'-'illiggs''..4ds -;-,!,.,:,%,,r...., ,ref*e:, .'4 $rie(tigilkl..;':$41r-alk 00. . nt amf,•'ecteinted- viSit, to her slate- lie xtiat.yleyaiyat .fp,,,nt,u>oly during • tv;i: :••::,..;):,,i.... i.,,, , - ne144.4. 0.04-4g- ft.0140'V Irlskii, P14,.1,10,i'•:, .tiir%tiner. 1,x41&,. , fit':4 te,.. • tiornesteacI; will t 7 e it, - s SWEIM: )' .4.::.•,,,,3t- ,,,,. ';747!• ' ,‘•<; -hence 014 rwOnld'berat fnil liberty:to, • .6,nother -pastor. iTheehtirehT difiaril are.: dispdsed tO lea;veAlie 'plat- ter to the stati beie cinninitteet youngtifenan&watehrie3tExeter Ite.7ho As weeearn that brattchot4the ,Neely TiertoWit 03S tillieawasBusin eisd Coll: •. Awillebe etabiiiedtsbprt1y This Iestiti1tion,Aff=1230t'arfle&V IVelitti re, bfon. du -sing the.'rpast, three years'. ischoblif Jlay„e7beentoperiedi:in °.4Walk64o.n, igin- cardipeieWingha,nautudiStre,tford. (subjects arnetrictlyeta,ught Raok-ke,epingt - Afffeli S:11.-EkttlitftP.dv. Typewiiiting, !fjP17resPrldeTtee, CemrnektiT p.,,w,-;;,Banking _Business ,Praet,ice,-6V-2,• .1111 partiCulare,iwour next Issee. MiTif Dy„ has elM 'reficedf.niillei,ttoilteTlIn Eietep„ Mi4kL e1rveidbythequartjiint ' 'Or kat. tiiiY-part? Of the tbworr • ri-s 71 • ,41•1` day, after three weeks'iiff4ithful"Riffil a"alcosr IILSr"I'llt Mug Parson eayeestt lefaele•-fa dik;•.fieetAila-veitliestee •Al3eila lerittnelt, i.liolieiTGairditter 'ff.,-_, .-11 r. dmidrult itchiugmsealpeefallin Stit4es.SaVeethli i'M:$,Itevsenee!i be,. 11.,Vp't :Martha Oarlifig, 1011iefeedQuatitie, ATI- ,gP3F 184P.,-.:. alApf9.P::•10,4•:;telegont, 4, ?,-Getictrfrol .. itVayi6t;/,„9vgEas verg.n- , Olicturffituatb, HazatrzteElmrillogg, iv' fiYI.Vs''',3"§s .p.illiciV 14 dressing- 4 -for- 410 14P4P'1',04.iib 'Solif) seittieitlyekt,) foi12-•.Aodee flag: ail &tea ,Dow.te•No.-,;„96-ibiberslomaiellb,12t.c., Ncie-s ..,11§oclu,,qt01$ P43" PreOaret/on.pni.- el tseveeat ...brdeasfolo§eafe,,,Te-acees,t.t1004e.1 1 gerhe otriirbil)53 ,..AVerttge sattend9an otizt ;To _tit:41i „tar, -19 ..,t wlitiDenut Vii,..A:-,Siu II10)Lillty &elle ; ) :a.ci ,,t161454. 0:11e 01.5e.rNityourseives. ,:4,ectiii t tlYtib6•fritittlr.;Tt!it,vr. zlEleitl..tCvn t h e 1 „,tim .T1,--vpibaiv..e Nit moan .nr.;14.14at• .. 0,41i3A0q...ta:•;hoktii.ageli 1•40 , iagain .rallying t's,nelc:.'ebiiabitd:131y134111.- 381;,,1')."-"' •;[-).111 Ja"?'.)Ticilai 151,0 ltUll "!-'FI,I.gr?P9r,P,X?Ke.c..qr-ttr 7,1.:'.1.31tatti 111:i',5 prbved7 ();,v , . r t.,1);:r Cff v , r'..,,I,J•r:t, J3 7r,rs X1 e, rt,,% if, 7 i::to ,WT`..41. ti,,t, hi1." '1121411VOS OA; CD { ,424,, Vi",°2..) ?51. 4! oiri 1, 2, johe4Cann, of.,,Usbornei:;,one. day last Rev Mr Gann, oe .?,:l.tlill'iltrilliia# A'''. lweekeveld.le Axing.; ther,g,earieg: 4.4* :eeige.daninanTfrious'eutirte ilhe paApg- jiluilI4e-MarthasSnellv<Arthun an -wind ',,ic,nifilv,r,e.teppeg....,:on.A.dctose 444,rd, r-,aite;,:ofnat. i•PauPat tilitnreUClititonl eiti SbPhialS,Ver0Y-TLT.1.10mds Tard&k, Vail' 1.1eieve c§..4,52.4-eggetcl: 5Ascms )w,bielk peeppitated to 46 gectt.11,,Iiie aoaeptehe,,will ent-erinptin hie chlies 8h'i*i•Irr6'Y'k-'7.138rwrden'*PilBATA' IIRdr6" r --'--' - al; poser"Te: - ......,r. ,,,01.6. ,.,1.0. ..,, Ne.,e1i..,w, hiehiteigh, ed.4;ove. r-82. 0 Onirtimi,teiteeitzer,t W.Miebtliet4e6r,f4:81‘4128:toz; jt,... ' lit,:ig.ii.(/')1411.61'qe,..31:..;.,:Av;r44je'llIcEfer9c19allitall:v511:0.:°11:17bPiTAtIPAs.iat; Pra°nn-d ,,it'?...,tt i1,1 12:2: :'3"; ii. f: !i'l, H4I'E21CWALE.9VT .SpYgi:`,41y„ 2 IINIIWIIN 4,1314 .0.1kly i%nctalhip 4tXadvieje,,,, .,,,,.i„fiLi lo /1,,,,,To.j. 4,-, you:: intaip-zinNoic:on .4pIut:,.[11:te.iq,pregeeiSii;1,g 4worably Joseph *balVden kilied:aoikog iv s • 4 ,„ e,,Boom VI -Sr -. IL, vi.,1•Alakinkir%A /..,,A •IR Bginsg.c.all 0.t 11231 .531/B In .,/an.e,s-S6.,,pickpit,119 .t; &natty, :lAerktitken jn„.4.-tkree..inontillaoago* yiloroi-gi...t.bt,x040,..cit- ac eli:, he ser ii'nfi On1y,„4g4e)-1 00.,`.0,44,08,1,r1Tt,timf,6,i .,.g.3.0stith,,,,L..nocigert, G Benpett. LaN•111: ?41,4316Pchiritair7pri rsigsaivta,estoe,rumbl.rgnighMinae- c ;,,reenik,',C„ie'1338iiib'e„ie lie et'UliP, .,a-rop,9rr4.,' t 1, ' -013Proll•fM • Aver att5i, 1:Y2Th:4J:trill be):261131:31i.tbjart., lotrli ' tiiig , x 44 x;r0,,,e-e hye,•61,entibli§, 14111,t7 NY,4t1 , ,- Sr. Pt. II, Edith Broteku; 110 ail4gNilkalliti:italiSTJLVIdEd0- ?)fession of faith. The' cl.n.pPa-t, . orthe .,icio, i'ec*., ,, ant ite'-unite Aililli 6 kh rcy.,tep.'• 'i,',Xe.,Knep, $ r, .c4.e4ftiy H. D. jPrn. :et::: ;11,11.7111,..t..,it, 0.1.A,1-.:15;1:::,144.,v,..44:9:alvw.00--k- onee'r,g,*i.vory64pdituater la ;ROOM oVII.---II , class, Lois 131riiie,i ff. ;iebviqql-k1P,11 t.ii.14.§.•rAll /.7•4..)Ng•Pa,li's ; ..1,_ _.:-.: ' -..........utt • .4 ' ,0„:,-.A '4, '". ,isillitar,tlry'rlont,g.0., ha,:..if.e,.,.1..iiii,TritLiniii71.161.106;:y1.1 i630;14:pittavrroory• Itiigi , oie.F:cit1;e12abctideJ‘6.:4; Mit.gporj3) Ntititniga;5ie•Frr,allEkdiKthelHlaenidde 8i faiusivii., br 0E4 „riea.pall Iv14.isic 1.krariitg-Se.Yelluii-olvtiex0Prillart4venfeigi,'-'§W tlifseita y,. ilii, -0,i, es' vi re- paSsextto. I, • Lc,' •••'7. e.''',:' ' ' s'' J' ii344x• -';'' iFdliii§c'ilfdidli.ga.0,11,b1:s :6111)- ftorn c•Ohttia;41-killl'AiVe afftoildres1 jo, On Xhorsday ,,afteppep" 4,1t Uts 1811.410:1.647A, i Averagelattendance Melt17 "41 a.....14'. ipt.:1D'In•i:i .i Sitildtf ghe "allgtlitibi. riOicrtlietWO M:11811 li„ . li.ain0:01:*; 1,Bli‘e'le4,%'-.4..4..alicti,_ 7'. f:YrIX,----Sr. De Lein me -1/II1L) fiy.rali 1,.4mt.c.r.,,,,., ..i; ,i 05,10,ns. willi,be reeeivectm•,1 ;.,:iT" ''''' ' '''"'''''''''', '''''' ' o'c'''''' ''''''''' '''''' ''''''''''."1 ' '10',''''1;1) "1-'"1-'' ' ''. - ` ' ' ' ' - 1 j?Iil 1311381c.1 oti :Jib prtibitirf ens " 9C1./ ,Tho.v.n.blioarelcordially iuMithd dMit4 . Wand? if' nli .: 6iiiidt.:.. tet!`ifirrialle,a, EY°.T.5.1tft' 'ailiPt14'.'Tjang ' '/'''' 11' At'i'la' ici,10,1:j.,77:::_ts: ,0011,:4-tatem)itiat*cw:1174,,,,,mAr.i a , ezeryeinteresting;••MeetingT is ,:expeeiktl. lo'gg Admission free ; a ebileetionefor -0.,g- teed Si,61Efor'efet,yerierWe'eler.'• 0-'iVitel34-1 years ()rake audDhad i PW,e-iti., A•..igt•a? 1 g't9.e• 1191ki.96 411gi'' : :-.:r•• - : ,,.•,,,. ,, , , 2,, ,•, -, - „ .. - '- : n•t.i. '''''''-'7'. ri7iiititt"ii'siigskillPfTiir&V, 114t'le.lo•re.tNd.-rt ,, -.• • ••:, •••,-,11 1.... - , .t,,,,....,..,,,:,./. ,,,,4 7 r ;,.i '4 .;Y .., ...,..( 4(.1 Cn.,...,. F.°';.° i°,°..f, ....1-411C‘ ' '..°.1°.,, •Ci 'Y -, ..,. ,,,, .. .,,„ ,_ „ „ .. . i.,.. , ,. 4 ",./.:1 .“).r...,. ;Rol:ion 24 31 ‘.r, ""•••'ii;CPsIl 1,itrifs•pri:42'c',i,],it.:44-i;t0toitkit'atiiffic, di,oplc:, , „, , viity...,,B0,40Ti,,,G,Iiip.E.,, . youepess, Sleeplessness •SePptei,Iiin Peastration, 17 ' el • 'at - 0 ti4Dgt1161* .4t°11'1'..11i.2rr blvoo`•• Lot:141..11., , • War ..fygC:1149,S Ivare 'vest /ftr; thatTnntinedri,targabDoptitim..94r......,_ ate joeinuriniiitiT oiirla,fikiiaiii'g ;,.B, fit, dxter. '''Vorifillii3tiiiitess,',EfirisEipa.tiolirllkEtpepsig040'3?fitP,114 rf.: ' ttitito.„Kaalitl.t.,,galatiaele...p..teey, nalles1 'and taking if Afnerntittkijeabcording to Sick Ereifilitelib; takeq:initii-Iiiiiiii :Wis. exao,4111,9 ''ff' ip -9.r. wit28,,At .yroot..,-.%.,,,q0,,tro3,161bs" dtr.,,,e„.,c1i,io,n,f. ,,,..,•,„,.; „,...,..,„..,,, n•,.„,z . r- 4, rk ,I.'!,.' e,,,, ,..doza, 0 top.,6,17.14X171,',,91 ittiSkOz1. ..ic It. ' or„"tc,,,•1•N't,,ni.O.,11.4.9::.,3*,IVIld•Ptn,-Itsitr8i,43,r'sri P.t,'n, JF.,.4;,1 x'A1-.,341 14'.t.:t tvittc .•-..-.to tie .114,ra .1„rx4,' •,.&.isii:tint 75t ?ntol.',A zqoatrii.'. 4 11. ,• !col,