HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-3-7, Page 5HURON, MIDDLESEX, PERTH 1111 t1 M6ws 0! intorOt to 'Timoa.Roa(lOri'flapponing 6ountio6- Huron • Ian Thomas Nicholson, hae sold his fa. L oErnest fiennewieS, Of MeKiliop, for $4,700. .Mrs, Mary Flynn, wiclosy of john, 'Flynn, a an old settler of tfullett, is dead. Mr. awl Mrs, E. Geis, of Zurich. visited Mrs, Geis mother, Mrs, Baeleer Who is very jIL Gavin Strethers, one of the oldest resideets of erich, died on Feb 23, aged 78 years. Samuel Mc?lath died in Goderich Agea eearly 88. He Was one of Huron's plot -leers, Manee in Auburn ou Tuesday last. 1 Mr. Henderson had been in illettealth ' fee some time, beving recently resign- ed his pastorate on that accoont, but . oo person supposed the end was so near. Re preached in Carmel church. Hensel), on Sabbath a week before, Previous to en ring the ministry, Mr, -Henderson was principal of the Blyth public school for many years. He was pastor of Sayfield Presbyterian church for several years previous to going to AtIbUrn., Mrs, Gavin Struthers,an old resident of Goderich, died last week, aged 78 years. Deeeased had been twice mar- ried, her first husband having died in 1855. She was afterwards united to Gavin Struthers, the onetime well- known official at the Registry office, and who peesed to the silent majority in 1887. Rev. James Hussee, of Orecliton, is expected, to preach in the Hyde Park Methodist church eu March 17th inst., Mr, Alex. Gordon. a Tuckers/41th, 'has purchased the old homestead farm xecently owned by his brother. He pays 85,100 tor it. Rev. W. ,T. Freed has teodered his IreSignatiOn AA pastor of the Wingham Baptist eillircLi. to take effect the last Sonday in April, On Wedneaday of last week Gee - Bea, a Brussels, and miss Maggie, youngest daughter of jantee Ferguson of Grey. were married at Seitfortla sir T. J. Polley, of goderich, died recently. He was a native of Kings - top, Methodist and an Orangeman. Nor maur years prior to going to Goderieh be filmed near Dungannon Goderich North Street Methodist church bee decided to extend an in- vitation to Bev. Dr. Daniels, of Sarnia to become its pastor at the expiry of Bev. J. Wilsou's term in Julie next. S. E. gent* Fred Melvia and P. Laing, three YOU Winginumites who Made applications to go to South Afriett, as mei:inhere of Baden well's have received word to report to London, Mr, Wm, McFarlane, a Virden, Manitoba, is at present la this vicinity visiting friends. Mr. 21,1eFarlane was at one time a resident of Staulpy, hut luts been in the 'Virden district for about 18 years. ILannab Elizabeth* the young wife ofJohn G. Gibbinga, eon. 7, Iltdiett, diecl recently. She was a daughter of Mr. David Roggen and has been married hut three years. She leaves a three weeks old daughter. Mr. Thomas Watten, machinist in the tioderich Knitting Factory, was bitten by a dog eome time ago, result- ing rather seriously, as he has been coofined to his bed for some time, though now slowly improving. , John Stafford has sold his farm on the 13th concession of Tilegillop, '75 acres, to 111x. grigg, xlear Weltelnr for $5,_200..e.jIr. Stafford purchased ---eeellifil50-acre farm of Mr, John Dunn, in Stanley, near Blake, for 58,000. The Methodist parsonage, Seaforth, was the scene of a quiet hut pleasant event on Wednesday of last week, the occasion being the marriage of Mrs. Russell's sister, Mrs. Johnston, of Vordevicla, to Mr. McKee, a, prosperous citizen of Neepawa, Manitoba. After n. short illness Hannah Eliza- beth, beloved wife of John G. Gibbings of Hulett, passed to the beyond at the early age of 28 years. She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Haggett and was married to the husband who sorvives, only three years ago. S. S. Cooper, of Clinton on Wednes- day afternoon joined the benediets. At 3.30 p.m. Mansion House Island, near Milverton, the home of the i bride's parents, n a prettily decosatecl drawingeroone Miss _Maggie, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanna, became the bride of Mr. Cobper. We have before us the report of the Inspector of Licedor Licensesfor the year 1899-1000 as issued ley the On- • tario Legislature. From this report we glean the following particulars: - The number of hotel licenses issued in Huron county in 1874 was 150, in 1899 the number had dropped to 84; No. of • shop licenses in 1874, 38; No in 1899, ' # The auction sale of the effects of the late William Gordon, Tuckersmite, held on Wednesday of last week, pass- ed off very successfully. The whole sale footed up to the sum of $1,385. A driving mare sold for $110 ; a draught' mare for $154; a six -months' old driv- ing colt for 555; cows went as high as , $52 ; yearling heifers at $30 each, and a tevo-weeks-old calf sold for $8. A thrifty housewife on the 9th eon - cession Of Grey, kept a strict account of.the. butter and milk sold fron 7 cows, also what she realized from her• ' poultry., The account at the close of the season Stood as follows: -Butter, $11fOgniik sent to factory, $60; eggs, ,,,045, besides what was used at home; er poultry, $ 20, $14 of that beigg for ducks. The total amounted to $315. '704, . ..... M. William Sellery,6f Tuckersmith, captured a bird which is rarely seen inland. It is known as a herring gull., Mr. Sellery captured it in his barn yard. . It is web footed; is nearly the 1 lor and size of,a common duck, / al - eyeugh considerable slieamer in the ee, dy. •Ttwill bite savagly and seems able to take care of itself. It will eat anything In the shape of meat. ILow it got so far inland- is a mystery. -Rev. E. B. Smith has handed in his resignation as rector of 1Vliddleton's, Holmesville and Summerhill- charges. In the intimation of bis resignation he remarked that it was not through rea- son of discontent, as relationship has been harmonious, but to accept the rectorship of the parish of Carberry, Man., which has been offered him by the Archbishop of Ruperts Land. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Smith intend leaving for their new field of labor about the 1st of .April. Many ofour readers will regret to learn of the death ,of Rev, Robt. Hencle'rson, which occurred at the Perth The dates Axed for the Mitchell fall show are Thursday and Friday, Sep- tember 2(ith and 27th. Jacob Goetz, of New Hamburg, had the misfortune to break a rib, while engaged in hauling lumber at liabees factors. Rev. Father Ven -arty. Dublin, was obliged to leave last week for London hospital. Overwork completely un- nerved hint, but. it is hoped he will soon he able to return to Ins duties. John Gough, who works at the Me - Lagan furniture factory, Stratford, Met. with au exceediogly painful acei- deut Saterday afternoon, by which Cate a his fingers was cut runt another mangled. Rev. Father Michael Mungovan pass- ed away at 12.80 Saturday afternoon. The cause of his death was disease of the liver, Father Mongovan WAS a native of North sallepe township and had many warm friends and ad- nairers. He was Si years of age. W. Lyon, F011 of 111.1r. and Mrs, George L.yon, St. Marys. MS married Wedisesdity evening at Port, %Mail, where he resides, to Mies Laura Ryan* an estimable young lady of that place. The wedding took place at the resi- deuce a Col. Ryaragrandrather of the bride, August. Saakel, one of the obi eetts tem of ,Fullarton township, died on Thursday night last, having attained 80 years of age. He had lived in Fut- lotto's about 50 year and for the past few years lived with his son* John Saakel. He had a goed name and a large circle a friends. The residence of Dr. W. A. Mc- Dowell, dentist, Listowel, was levaded by the members of the choir of the Methodist cliureh, to show their Ap- preciation of Dr. McDowell's musical talent, while a member of the choir. A congratulatin7 address was pm- ented bini, accouipanied by a hand- some onyx clock. A very quiet, but pretty wedding took :place in Armstrong, B. Ca, on the fith inst. The bridegroom was a gentleman well known in St,. Isiarys, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Har- dy* of the West 'Ward. Thomas Har- dy is nOW a, prosperous general mos chant in Armstrong-, and his bride is Miss Annie Fletcher, a resident of that town. An appointment that will meet with the approval of many in this neighbor- hood has been made recently. Mr. Z. D. Stewart, of Russeldate, Fullerton township, being appointed to take charge of Canadian food products at the Glasgow exhibition. Mr. Stewart will leave for Ottawa on the 151:h inst., and will sail shortly afterwards for Glasgow. After reaching the ripe old age of 97 years, to be axed 00 years, 11 months and 22 days, Daniel Oliver, who was without a doubt the Oldest, man in St. Marys, has passed stevay. He had been failing sornewhet fast of late but his friends would not have been surprised if be had rounded out a complete century in years, as he had 'always been remarkably active for one so old. Be died on Sunday, Feb. 2t. Andrew Archibald, jr., of the 5th coneession of Bibbert, delivered re- cently in Seaforth, a bunch of as fine fat steers as have been sold there for a long time. There were 18 head, and they averaged 1,402 pounds each. • He also had a heifer which weighed 1,200 pounds. The whole lot was sold at 5 cents per. pound, thus realizing to Mr. Archibald the nice sum of $1,- 321.50. They were all fed by Mr. Archibald, and are a credit to him. They were purchased. by Thos. Con - *lolly, of Sibbert. Rey. P. Scott, of Cromarty recently resigned that pastorate. This resigns, tion went into effect with Sunday's services. As such services were con- ducted by Rev. Dr, Hamilton as mod - motor of this Presbytery and by vir- tue of which the palpits of Mr. Scott's late charges have been declared va- cant, we can only express the wish that the next incumbent may as faith- fully and as long serve this people over whom Mr. Scott has so long had con- trol in spiritul things. Middlesex° Miss Annie Wilkios,of South London was called .to Locate Friday, owing to the illness of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Orme. . Mrs. and Miss McGowaii, who have been popular residents of Granton for a great number of years, have moved to Delhi, Ont. The amonnt of stock snbscribed for the bringing of the RonaldFire En- gine company of Brussels,- to London haseebouc been exhausted, • and the promoters of the deae are quite con- fident of closing up the deal within a few weeks. Messrs. Henry Hodgins and Wee. Davis, of Saintsbary, recently drove to the rectory, Kirkton, and presented their clergyman, Rev. Wm. Stout, with a load of oats, kindly donated by the people of St. Patrick's church, Biddulph. Mr. A. L. Shipley, who for a num- ber of years has been Granton's popu- lar G. T. R. agent, left on the first of March to assiune control at Lucan in the came capacity. Mr. Mat Thomp- son, the retiring agent at Lucan, has purchased the Western hotel at that place and will take possession at once. children Cry for °ASTORIA. 8A014.4.1 ELECTROCUTED. THE BEET SUGAR QUESTION. • The Rxtraordhiery Ilivention of a Wel 'Oil SottoltiSt to Water. A French scientist, Dr. Vrencisque Grotto, purposes to electrocute the bacilli in impure water and thee ren- der it fit for drinking purposes. Tile extraordinary feature of this ieventiort is thet Dr. Orate charges the electeic current used with an metiseptie gas. Wherever the electriety passes the chemical gas goes, too, doing its eeork. ef cleansing but leaving be- llied not a single other trace of its presence. It resembles a bactericidal Xeray, for it passes where it will and eels every microbe it meets. So remarkable appeared the clahne f Dr. Crotte that the Patent Office refused to grant his application for a patent until after the txtost ex- haustive inquiries and demonstra- thine. How thoroughgoing- these have been is shown by the fact that a, patent has been granted on "pro- cess" ---a thing which the Patent Office very rarely grants. Even by this new process the ba- cilli are not killed easily, for it takes a million volts to put. them hors du combat, while 1,500 volts is the power meth which creel:in:els are electrocutee at Sing Sing. lit using the Crotte method ef trically destroying germs the liquid which is to be puritled is placed in a v?ssel, priiferahlY a glass veseel- Wiree are attached to opposite peilltS Of thiti vessel. but it is wor- thy of notice that the metal ends -- or what electricians teehnically eafl "eleetrodes"--do not COrlie in COW" act with the liquid. A perfect stream of sparks is pour- ed into the liquid when the current Is awitehed on. but there is no ehange in the temperature of the tlulcL the only difference caused by the electrie fluid being the total oN- tilletion of the gerios of Um disease. re steel; on the Farm, 12 the animals on a. farm are con- aidered as customers. and everything they cement° is charged against then), the value of the ehome-ruar- trot" will he appreciated. No fann- er ever fed an animal becasese he in- tends to give suck food free of eost. He looks forward to the t into when the animal is expected to pay for what it receiws, site live stock of- fers a. market for many articles that could net ltrolitalaiF tie shipped. and if the animals only peed for the food they rezeived, with no extra profit, the farmer will succeed 1» selling much waste material in that man - nor. A asottve ustabusbete An old Seoteit lady, who had no relish for modern church Music. was expressing her dislike to the sing- ing of an anthem in her own ehurelt one day when a. neighbor said: "Whys that is e very old anthem! David sang that anthem to Saul." To this the old lady replied: "Weel, wed! 1 It00 for the lint time under- state why Saul threw his javelin at Davihl when the lad sang for him." •••••••••••• About (;ardens. , Gardens shoul4 be ornamental ea Weli as useful, but especially should the soil of the garden he very rich. There will be no danger from using too much manure in the garden if It is applied at this season of the year. The soil of the garden should be fine, hence it. will be an advantage to plow the garden early so as to per- mit the frost to aesIst in r tilveriz- iug the lumps. CRAMPS, LIKE,: BURGLARS, o come just when they are not expectee and are least welcome. One linnet cure for Cramps is what yon want* Nei viline simply acts instantaneouslye Its anodyne power is unique -tor its tomposition expresses the highest, medical progress of the age. Nerviline is a true comfort in the family, for in all derangements of the stornacb and howels'it is an absolute specific. Five times greater ntedicinal value than any other preparation sold, is Nerviline. Your druggist, sells it or can get it. A Downie farmer writes :-You will no doubt excase me if I offer you a few lines, concerning the sugar beet industry which has got to be very pop - Mar of late, no doubt owing to the repreeeutations of the promoters of the sc/sente, who claim there is it big profit _for the farmer growing the sugar beet. at $t per ton to test 13 per cent. sugar. They claim 15 tous per acre con be raised which at $i per ton makes 500 and that about, half of that amount, would be clear profit to the farmer. They seem very aneious to matte the farmers rich and perhaps heve a strong love for them, especially the county councillors velue helped them along se eiceiy with their reso- lution to the Ontario Goyerument. Sieighting For 100 Days. Plattsburg, N. Y., 'March 5. -The Montreal express, due in New York at 7.25 o'clock yesterday morning, became stalled in a drift near Lae cone, Que., on the Grand Trunk Railway. To add to the trouble, telegraph and telephone wires were blown down, and for a time commun- ication with trains was cut offo About 1 o'clock yesterday after- noons force of 150 men succeeded in digging them out. By running snow- plows all night, the Rutland road has succeeded in keeping its tracks comparatively clear. This is the one hundredth ,consecutive day ef sleighing in this village. „. Oilebee Raid on Federal Treasury. Montreal, March 5 -Mr. LoMer Gouin, Quebec's Commissioner of Public Works, was tendered. a com- plimentary banquet last night at the Place viger Hotel. Several lomdred Liberals attended to do honor to the guest of the_wing. Mr. Gouin • made 'a rawhich be a Vc1 an increase in • tar krtant speech, in the Dominion allowance to the pro- vince. • Ho claimed ,th.at the preeent amount of 80 cents a head was not sufficient. • FOB. OVER FIFTY 'YEARS AN OLO*551) WELL-TRTSD Rucxxny.-Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their childreu while teething, 'with perfect, success. It soothes tlae child, softens the globs. allays al pain, cures wind colic. 411(11401e best rernedg for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to tho taste. Sol by druggists in &err part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is thcalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. •• CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The fee-' simile Dig:esters of 1474914-‘ lc on every wapper.„ I do not think the saute would he so popular now in Ontario if our Prewier and Minister ot Agriculture lead figured on what it eases to grow one acre of sugar beets and deliver the same to the factory, and not unduly rob the land of fertility, which every farmer must take into consideretion if he wishes to make it success of farming. If they had rightly estimated tile cost, it. would PO doebt have teen something RVANS-Io ARsa. Craig, on Feb. 85ob. the wife t re ew ng : GREAT HORTHORN SALE, R. Se S. Nicholson, of Sylvan, and W. H. Taylor, M. P. P., Peale% will selichy auction at "Sylvan Lodge" on Wectuiseltay, 1511arla 40 head of shorthorns, 27 females 13 hulls. Their pedigrees are toped by front 4 to 21 hells that. have won first at Termite fair. The eattle are as good astheir breeding. No better lot has been offered in 4Jauaditin reeent years. All young and nothing doubtful in the, ot, Terme : 12 months' credit. Lo - 11 miles southwest of Parkhill station. G. T. R. Teams will meet trains evening before and morningof eale. Catalogues sent on applivatiois. 'leapt. T. E. Robsou, Auctioneer. SleeleVA Ndetiee ee , T, BORN 1ke '1 Ise i ot w. Rvans of a daughter. Rene of laud s 8.00 CaSE-Iet Bay, on 100htlost.. the wife of 1.00 1.1ALR-le Adam elseof a daughter - Exeter. en the 7th inst. the wife ef (limo' plowing once oner"half of cost 25 loads of roan- ure, ALAB-sorn. 61•... the wife 0 Plowing twice, s, „„ nesamin Ara% of a sen. A . • ... 6 .... Ye," Cultivating* harrosving an rol lug - ..... , . —....... so' tdAR4IED Drilling 1.50 I HAIST-RAISFR- At the re- .. . ... ...... : 1,09 Seed • • 6,,n • ••• 6 • • • • • • 6 • • • 3•00 Thitinin • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2,00 Hoeing emend 1,50 Scuffling about 11 times 4,00 3.00 Hauling to factory --average cost 1:1,00 Cost of growing 1 acre. Total -500.00 Now with the cost of production Sai jIPif ae there is certainly no profit io it for the Telmer and I have not, tI anything for use of tools or hat it, would cost hint extra to Keep Up the roads, which will he no small 1. hen the manufaeturer buys these beets he pays 5.11e for them supposing them to go 13 per cent. sugar. 15 tone of beete, la per tent, sugar, make 3.900 lbs. of sugar, which at only 4e per lb. will make 8156. 1 think it was e.ihn- ccl the deputation to our Preniier at a plant that would umnufavture tons of beets 'moiety woehl eta. toy ibout 800 or *I Melt. If 356 men re employed at $1 per day, it would cost $15 'for wort of manufacture, which deducted together with the price of beets leaves it balance of .581. out of which be must take ahout 53 for coal and perhaps little for inter- est, on capital, if they do not, get a honus large enough to pay for estate lishment. Then I suppose it would cost them it little for charity -say it barrel of taffy to Welt very particular friends -for taffy should lie a. good thing to stick votes. To what is left, of the 881 they can now add their share of the 5100,000 from Ontario Government, aud likely twice as much from the Dominion Government, and 1 think there is money enough in the beet, sugar industry, it there is none in the sugar beet for the farmer. According to the reports in the press thew was a lot of talk between our Ontario Prentice and deputation about votes, but I think votes would count, better four years hence if one Premier had given each of the deputations a good new hoe to use in practical work instead or setting aside so matey times - ands of dollars for their use, even if was the wish of our county cettnelle. Where ts the reenter who would load ton of marigolds and heel thesn four or Ave miles for $4, when they are worth a good deal more to feed at home and mengolds can be grown ab it good deal less cost than auger beets. If the Government had given the money to encourage the feeding of mangolds and sugar beets to cowe, people would rot need to eat; so much tummy butter or lecture the farmers so much against feeding turnips and and spoiling the export trade of our dairy prcducts, and. I am sure ten times more people would be beuefitted thereby. However, I do not advocate any bounty or bonus to the Partner or any other person, for have we not as good. lend in Ontario as any where else? Have we not as good a class of far- mer's? I know we are told so at elec- tion times and congratulated on our good looks and intelligence. We are at least quite able to make an honest living and help a poor brother in need, but we cannot afford to feed with it silver spoon the pro- moters of every little scheme to the tune of one or two hundred thousand dollars. A DOWNIE FARMER. fillThe Women fiil- sworc(1 and Sal THE DIAMOND Olt.S! What Dyes are always guaranteed, And in our eountry take the lead ? ' • The Diatuond Dyes ! What Dyes are strong,and bright, • and fast, And always dye to live a,nd last? • The Diamond Dyes What Dyes give grand results each • time, Whenever 'used in any clime? The Di amond Dyes What, Dyes bring profit, pleasure,! peace, Ansi by their work a, great increase?. The Diamond Dyes 1 What Pyes shall all Canadians try ? Hark ! listen to that mighty cry - The Diamond Dyes! This signature is on everybox of the genUin-4 Laxative 13romo.Quinin Tabrets tho romedi that OreS a cold in one day bride's father. Credi tea. en eberaary filst Rev. 4,11. Litt. Wiai, Ileary liat,t. to 52t',s Martha 31 - youngest clatiglater of Man Geiier, all or evediten. DIED. E(ALLS-In Ellaville, on the 23th Feb., Mieni. Halls. aged 31 year,. 3 mouths. SLLI.E.11S-In lioNlield. on February 21th, Robert. Sellers, aged 03 years. TREBLE -1n Exeter on March 2iid, Jelin Treble. tlited 00 ears. 9 months and 2 tlayf. Veitch- in McGillivray. on Feb. 17114 taiga .Ann Veitch. aged 10 years and 10 menthe. GILL-Iti Exeter, Fiiey March ary lif Sweetman, beloved wife of FranCis R. gill aged 50 sears. 5months. LEWIS-In bletlillistrav. lot 13.eon. 8. ou Sun- day. _Feb. 17tb, Ellen beloved v.ife of Lowls,ageor61 years. HOLTZMANN--At Crediton, es Friday, March 1st.. Mary Holtzmann beloved wife of George Holtzmann. Sr.. aged GS years, 10 Ines.. 27 ears. HALLOCK-In Mich. ea Jaitt Sarah Twentyman formerly of BayfieId cousin of R. E. Snowden. wife 01 the late S. 8, Valet. et wattle's MARKETS. .sseter, MAUCH ern, 1901. Wheat per bushel .6a ei .. . . *It • Bariey.. 4,606 466,6 Butter.- .. oriteiin Geese 6 • $144 erland lone ARE F EPARED TO PURCH . .. 36 to 37 EL, .. ,... 56 to 68 . TIVI .. 18 10 18 1610 16 ANA) .. $ to 8 ... 4 to 5 _ Chackees per ft,. .... . ...... 5 51 oTH II nuas..•,..,..to ... ........ 7 ro 7•• ilia llptillei ..... le to te . , Pork live weiiht -::. a., a -too to or EITIfFat STANDING OR IN LOGS, 97 LONDON IlAtiltRIB. London. MAIWII fax, 1900. Wheat per bushel,„. ....63 te 43 ,Barley Baawhera,t, • Itye coraBean • Bulter Eggs Da los Turkeys pe Geese pera 66 •• P.! Apply to • E C Xessel 0.zikk;:cmgrt.0117. to 401 -45 to le - to sa 12 to 4a ea to ss -w ter xe • 0.64 * 60 ta sa • ...... Sttr 4500 to e.e'."-8 too T51e0 Potatoi;i;bag oeet o Hay perten ..e6.00 a0e te 417.6e Pork percist - - -, 24.00 ta 85.0 MONEY TO LOAN. 1 „,e„t inijoe, team fsr village properiy at lowest___ _ We bavetuatimitee private funds Pa; inV.est- rAtes 01 glteresi4moN 4 toonwoo i 'Wood wanted at Exotgr g011er MUM a quantity of good, dry, OE? TO LOAN. arremet of siege feeds i gad villageproperties at low rate W.GLADMAn liarrister St. Exeter SIEDICAls 0. IVERs. se . 11211 ss 1-• 3 • vulloNT0 nvsy,• y 1.7 -Creditor', Oat 'w1P4Ir + 1118O 1¼t.M.• D., M. O., . h. V.eissln linivernisr n. oh new come Labora- Ur. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALM eutt teeters tette in Enetee North, Tlan carilains five roma* with i51,1Mmer M1. awn, with geed aaraansi eat water, one sore of Intl mut geoa eteletni. Large reable an Vite• rei-Xes AW4Y JA!). -WS I1,100litt, Ray P, O. NOTICE TO CREDIT -ORS Of Walter Madge, late of the Town- ship ef rahorne, iu the County of Huron, retired fernier, cicceased. NOTICE is hereby itiven pursuant to Chapter 120. 8.S. 0,, 1597. that all persons haviezeloims ageing the Mom or the fait} Walter Madge, wito died on tiw tIh day of February. 19M. aro required to send or deliver on or before the 10 d wet April, 1901 to PatilMatigp, Thames lioati 1%0.J:stealer et the sold Walter Madge, full Pardeulars of their chime mid the nature of the security tif 01111140e by them, And notiee is hereby given, that after the last mentioned Oslo. the said Beet:Moe will proceed distrinute the saki estate amorig the parties entitled thereto, having reference only to the elatms of which notice bag been duly given as aforesaid. and the said Executor win net be responsible to any creditor of whose elaime ho shall not have received due notko for any part or thew:rots ot the said estate. J., 0. STANIIMY. lexceen, Solicit& for Executor. Dated the 5th day ot 'Mara, 1001. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of Wm Cornish late of the Township of 178borne, in the County of Huron, Yeoin,au, deceased. --- Notice is hereby given pursuant to Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1107. Chapter 129, that all creditors and- others having Olefins against tbe estate of the said William, Cornish, who died on or about the 6th January, A.. D. 1901, are required, on or before the bit April, A. D. 1001,10 sender deliver to James (1. Jones, Winchelsca, Out,, the executor of the last will and testament of the said deceased, or to F. W, Madman, Main street, Exeter,bis solicitor, full particulars of their claims, and the nature of the securities Ili any) held by them, and that after the said drve the said Executor Mill pro- ceed to distribute the a.ssets of the said estate among. at the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice, and he will not be liable for the assets ofthe said estate or any part thereof so distributed to any person or persons of whose claint or claims notice shall, not have been re- ceived at the thne of such distribution. Dated. at Exeter this 272h day of March D. 1001. JAMES G. JONES, By F. W, OLADMAN, his Solicitor, BROWNING'S DrlIQ tore ficadnuarters For Dyspepsia Cure Blood and Nerve Tonic Stomac and Liver Pills Iron Blood Pills Liver and Kidney Pills Kidney Mixture Sciatica Remedy Sarsaparilla Cough Mixture Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix- ture 1 Chilblain Lotion, Try any of these preparations and I you will be astonished at their wonder- I ful healing and caring properties. Ai Full line of Patent Medicines on ON .84: CARLING, rs So:iciters.1•Zotarles. Veriveyetiee aul tars. Etc, et 4i per cent...C=4$ per eeet UWE i,--F.A.NiiON'S BLOM EXETER. . r. C413.1n. ro 8. 8I080011. Relate et be etre wOl le allLtzsa*1 08 rssioy of eaelt weete -6,63.61••••••67•66•••••••••••• F W. GLADINIAN (Successor to Elliott & (lladman) Barrigor ,Solicitor, Notary Conveyancer, Etc, Money to loan on Farm and village properties at Lowest rates of interest.l OFFICE MAIN STREET EXETER s 2.1 DENTAL •1 r.V. A.N. 11N0t1AN, L. D. P. 1). 1). r!..11or.or eratinate cf0 &Mite Luiversity. Dentist, Teeth extracted without pain eir bad after effects. 011ie° tn Fan- son'ii block. West side of Main eel. Exeter' R • MOM -ISDN, WI D S-1.. D. VI DZINTIST. Cobbledick sat CUTTERS CUTTERS CUTTERS Senor Oraduate et the TorOnt0 intleeetil and Royal College of Dental Surgeons tot Ontario. All bridge work, erOWDS, az d Plate work done in the neatest possible manner. A. harmless antesthetle for painless extraction. The strictest attentiori given to the preservat- on of the natural teeth. Mice opposIto Ctn. tral Beta Exeter, ()nutria T El2EADIAItY. lennent & lennent 1,N1_,TIlit, :NI% Outerate f the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege - 0 111Cc-Onc &or scuth tf Town.Ba. THE, WA.TERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSrltANC ROO . 18a:1.ml:thee Lit /863. fiEAD OFFICE.- .WATERLOO, ONT This Company has been over Twenty-eigh yenta in successful *per Ilion in Western Om io, and continues to insureagainst loss or amuse by. Fire. Buildings, Merchandise Matutaci ones and all other descriptions of Mumble proecrty.. Intending insurers hare the option of =SIMI) con the Premium Note3r CatItts•st During the past ten years this comma,* has !moo 57,t9e Policies. covering property to the aliment et e40,672,0:18; and paid in losses alone $701.,752.ce. Abbetri.:111.76,100.00, consisting of Oash in 1 152.11 Government Ilepobi tend the unasses- sed Premium otes on hand and in force, J.11 .11 AUL, President; 0 M. TA-moii secretory; .1. 1. II co nits, Inspector , OFIAS. BELL, A gtnt for Exeter and vicinity. FOR SALE OR RENT. 14 storey frame house east side of Andrew et., Exeter. hard and soft water, 4 acre land with good bearing fruit trees and small fruits. Apply to CAPT. GEO. KEMP, Exeter. BRICK. AND TILE YARD TO RENT. Near Seaforth, abundance of white clay, good market, steam viewer , modern machinery fully equipped, good house, wood on hand for coming season. For particulars apply to J. ez J. BPROAT. • Egmondville, P. • pROPRETIES FOR SALE BY TENDER. In the Village of Exeter, Ont. Tenders will be received by the undersi ed up to the bit. of of April, 1901, south half of ot No. 9. from Main to William st, known as Hamlin's store prop- giiin3e8r1; 38.1LEI:36341 Vary ‘itt:.,aSN-. 95 has a frame dwelling, 7 rooms, will take one third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent. For farther particulars and terms of sale apply handto owner. The highest or arty tender not necessarily excepted. T. W, HAMLIN, TOILET ARTICLES SCHOOLBOOKS ANDeSUPPLIES eJs We BROWKIK6 Dominion Laboratorll, • Brooktiolm., P. 0., Ont. • * Jae, Russell has it nice *toeVo andsoure Cutters on bond Nybieb. Xeh Very Cheep, Intending purehaeers will do wefl o i»speet them before buying doe - re, Y ARE NORM- AND CHEAP. Jas. F. Russel!, toors h of Town H di. TWEEDS At Oost Price FOR TRE NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment SO HEAVY PA.leiTINGS AT COL5,1r, want to clear these lines at *reels, W. •J °I -INS, The Tatter' FARM FOR SALE. Lot 13, North Boundary, Stephen, containing 100 acres, about 4.0 00103 10 culftvation, 8 acres in wheat, 3 acres bush, balance in grass. The farm is well fenced and tile drained, with Plenty of good hard and soft water, convenient to buildings, good frame house, brick cellar, with woodshed, also geed bank barn, driving shed, hog pen and other buildings, There is 1 acre ot good fruit -bearing trees. This is a first -close dairy farm, some of it the best farm- ing land sind isle good. condition and will be sold cheap. The proprietor is desirous to 8011 on account of i11 -health, For further particu- lars apply to owner on premises or by mail. JACOB WURTZ, S.arepta, P. 0 SHOULD BE IN EVERY 11014E. lingyarrrs Yellow 011 should te in eery home utis tinse of the year, is the is notliirig to equal it for Chapped. Hxuuls, Frost BRCS aid IT WILL PAY You to attend the Forest City Busi ness and Shorthand College, LOB, don, Out. Practical instruction in practical subjects. For over file, teen years we have been in touch with young people and their needs and the business world and its ree quirernents. Every facility at command fors -aiding young people both before and alteee" • graduation. We are doing sup- erior work, results prove it. Send for our catalogue and College Journa W. WESTERVELT, Principal. PLIE • Clothitig QUEST ION Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of so1uti9n1 though when you are able to' avajl yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices. Niee suits for $14 in faucy worsted suiting. We show ct. big' range at moderate price8 in Scotch and Canadian tweed we cary a large and'- wells - sorted stock. Prices to suit all. A large stock of the lat- er:stni$ golooupds.,vaa oerefor singt from GIVE US A CALL and See what we can do for you• . H. Crieve. MERCHANT TAILOR 4fr,