HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-2-28, Page 8iLL ails HOCKEY lti T.ez ,--Tbe Exeter hocksli st ids , o . ey Leun drova� to Ailsa Crail; on ilion- o , day atnd played at, friei>dly araae with /^ lite team of that town, defer,ting tines by a score of 8 to 3. The Exeter team lined up as follows --Goal, F. Produce., ., Otte Price Oita Taylor ; point, Fe ll'_awksbaw • cover - elE point, D. Evans ; forwards, L; Cann, • W, West, B. Hooper, R, Southcott,. Referees, l„+'. Rosser; of Ansa. 1st half ; F, Snell, of Exeter, 2nd' bait, 'fills,' week's store news may interests yo There may be money in it o o �' .. � for you It may pay you to read it,. Soil#etimes you can get better bargains than other times. This is one of the sorrsetin es. We are offering some cleaning lines, The price sets the pace for the selling, which is fast time. hu nIles of add wall paper, from 3 12 child's grey lamb caps worth 14 rolls of a kind, will be solal at half ;$2,75, eleaaring at $1.95. e. e 16 men's and boys' heaverized op - 12, lines odd teller blinds from 2 tis l possum .yaps worth 82.75 and .3, Clear- $ of a la:ieel, in green and cream colors. rt ing at si.a5. The prices will snit if you want blinds 2 iu .•---- 1t6 extra. large size Tapestry Covers 21 ydb hang worth $1.:0), e~Itoie'e Jae. i About 500 yds dress r,ouds, plaids, table fancies and plain — the balance of yonr several lines, regular price 15e. to. yule. All sloe price 10e, 7 only, loots wool jersey w :aists, 4 e Beet 40 pairs ladies' home slippers. black taw nanot naval, tile:nuc- with comer. woe and eed. worth fromSee to braid. regular '.'sI and ;752'73, Y . envie, Clearing at 25e, Sizes 3 -tad 4. eboiee `yl. l ";5tatl yds, of dare prints, good quality. Du you want a nice velvet waist Aee:learring Vete ; en'at the thing for Five shades corded velvet. worth Wee quilts. reg. 1tPa for 7e, nor 15 sats, for ell, our clearing Mice tray. r te tY�t - Von _ t en ling? 'We bey., trunk , valises,Eel°.• ,t@�• • tele,1 Stone Irtgs. Truttl:s ftoni li $3 to .75. Lel .x les fro 4ae to 31.75, v.►li;'rus fro1,1e) ;arrive eF Ld tl t>L1L' Ia �1 .��, (+��y#� �E+�a sparing steelof menu's and Uo ul a ti s 1>uys hats and caps. he are direct; from Eng- Storoland, iStyles the newest, p 1i,1 See tllcrni, 65e to $4. J. A. STEWA illdS t 011 Marriage Licenses, 1900. firer Customers. ay not be aware that we have a jabbing business tts well as the retail :—the former extending from Sarnia to Strat- ford and Owen Sound, covering the district to Lake Huron. The demand for our goods has been fairly good over this section and the incoming orders a little more numerous than for last year. Sections of our Fancy Goods have been cleared. The balance with all late arriving stock we will offer from Monday, Dee. x6th to Jan. 1st, I9ar, at whale - sale prices, school supplies includ- ed. This will be a Christmas gift in another form which we offer only to our old customers and their descendants. Christmas cards special, Thurs- day noon to Monday evg next. Jolill 0ri, I3 X IT IER INSURANC$. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE COSY VAN ', of Toroni l ; also for the Pa xsix FIRE Rst7RANCE COMPANY, Of London, England; and LIA`CE INsra&os COMPANY. of Eng THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 22th, 1901 LOCAL HAPPENINGS Mr. Duncan Ross, of Winnipeg, is here on a visit to his brothers, Messrs. J. P. and D. A. Ross. Miss Via White, of Detroit, is visit- ing her grandmother, Mrs. McTaggart, who is seriously ill. Miss Edna McCallum, wbo is attend- ingB .n ust`s es.oil College can London,spent g P a few days at her home this week. eUse Win an g s Cough Balsam for te Oonghs Cold sand Bronchitic Troubles. Best in the market. Sold by C. -Lutz, Lung sole agent for Dix Lu nb SYruP. Capt Rohertson,Sarnia,evho has been a very popular captain on the Empire and Monarch, steamers of the N. W. Transportation Co., has resigned his position. The Captain has served the company for 20 years. We notice that the council of West. Nissouria h s concluded c ceded to do ` away with statute labor and have all work on the roads done by contract. This is a step in flee right direction and if judiciously carried out will produce good results. Wedding. Ritegee. leitetc'-.e es Ceseclkee, Jaetwel.ryi. Slaectel le , Et eALL ON 112. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. ernmmanse --"N, Central eve" e STRATFORO, ONT. A. school thatstauds today without a. superior In Canada. Its appoint- ments are modern and pre•etrrinently firtit.elass. Its instructors are the best that money can hire. Its training is broad, thorough and practical. No school In Canada hasa better reputa• tion for strictly high gra cle work, and we are not liviug on our reputation but upon what we are doing in the school -room to -day. Wily not patro- nize our college : Students admitted each week. Write for handsome catalogue.• w. J. ELLIOTT. Principal TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon, Casual advesti.ementu accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week, Mrs, Hoare, of Clinton, visited her father, Jas Snell, over Sunday. Jas, Willis is recoveringfrom his recent illness and is convalescing. Miss M. Graham, of St. Marys, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Jno White. Miss Hattie White left Monday for Toronto to attend the millinery open- ing. MissLilla McCord, with Miss Frayne, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with "Mr. and Mrs. R. McCord. J. Bell has sold his fine farm on the town line of Hibbert to D. Linton, :of Fullerton, for a nice sum, Miss Jennie Pickard who spent a pleasant two weeks with friends in Brantford,returned home Monday. The Exeter hockey team went to Ailsa Craig Mondry and defeated the team of that town by a score of 8-3. Levi A. ''Miller. of_ Sirkton, has left for Athens where he 'has accepted a position as operator on the G-. N. W. I 1Mrs. Theo.. Sweet, of St. Catharines, has been summoned here awing to the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. rank Gill. Messrs. Ed. Symons and M. Run - nails, of Port Hope, o e who have P , been visiting - at S.Martin's are this week visiting.friends in St. Marys. Rev. Dr. Daniels, of Sarnia, has been invited to succeed Rev. C. T. Scott, as pastor to - the Methodist church at Aylmer. He has not yet given his de- cision in the matter. On Thursday morning the marriage g tookp M lace.at Alvinston of r. I. S. et. Vanworth and Miss Hattie Jaynes, .the Iatter being the dao hter of 3. Jaynes, a former resident of Exeter. The young people will reside in Calgary. The Baptist church sustains a severe loss in the death of Rev. J. P. Me - Ewen, secretary of the Home Mission Board, which took place very suddenly at his residence, Toronto, on Saturday last. Mr. McEwen was born in Tiver- ton,56 years ago. Rev. James Livingstone. pastor of the Windsor Methodist church, has married 387 couples in six months. That's an average of nearly two and a half weddings per day. The position of Methodist preacber at Windsor should be worth at least $5,000 a year. A letter received from Mr. J. P. Olarke,Wnnipeg, late of Exeter,agent for the Canada Guarantee and Acci- dent Insurance ` Co., has some very flattering remarks in connection with Mr. Clark in his work as agent for the company. He was made the recipient of a wallet and diary at the first of the year, assuring him that his work was greatly appreciated by them, Four boys under fourteen years of. age appeared before the Mayor of Win ham on Tuesday yonacliitrgeof truancy and trespassing. One dollar and costs was the tax Imposed, We «note this case in order . that. Exeter. boys may take warning and other parents be spared_ trouble and expense. Boys, improve your school days by at- tending school regularly. The days s , will comp, when you will find you have made a mistake in fooling away hours Haat might have been spent in gaining knowledge that would be worth money to you later on in life. Some of our citizens are :becoming interested in the beet Sfigar industry, and are making a move toward giving prizes for the best sugar beets grown in thecounty of, Huron this year. Could the Stephen & ITsborne Agricul- tural Society not' give a,special prize this fall for this product, and ascer- tain what sort of an article can be given in this section ? WouLD NOT WAKE UN,—The conn- partitively unknown forces of nature etre dangerous things to meddle with, a$ a young loan who has done a, little hypnotisnn on the side realized the night before las,. He is from Heron county. but attends school in Strat ford and boards there On Thursday might he demonstrated bis ritestuerie aahility by getting under bis influence the children of the 'house winere be boards. So far. so good, and the youug man felt quite elated at his ex- hibition. But when he cause to wake up his subjects there was one wbo re- fused to wake. The parents and s•tuug man himself were naturally frighten ed and began to forsse terrible results something were not done. Finally after much effort the boy, came to, finding himst'lf a little dazed and in the presence of badly seared friends.— Stretford Herald, E T JEJ• Chas Rowe is very ill at present. Mrs. Richard Terry is resiting friends in Donegal, ,hiss Sharon, et' St. Thomas, is visit- ing Mrs. H. Spackw.ui. Rev. Ten Eyck Tuesday with p r nl Rev. J. Z � . Doherty. ty. in tletls,all. tiiiss. Verdaa, Levitt is enten.•alning hear cousin, Miss Jermyn. of Wiarton,. �.1 . W. Madman was' in fiodericb J ►resday attending the spring assizes, A. Q. Beb er intends stnrtin; as j hraaneb ereaamery near J.ainraardiue this spring . Mr, and Mrs. McCord will leave next week for their new home near ^, London. Mrs. Fowell has warned home from 'Woodstock. where she visited friends for some weeks. T. Brooks is in Sernia this week at - Ohm the, Gland Ledge of Canadian twrder of Foresters. • To -morrow will be theist of March. It is the wish of everyone that it tat.ay come in like ;Ilion. W. Anderson is a#hint disposing of his lease of the 1letrupolitan hovel to a. gentleman near Blake. He will go W l3rucetleld, The choir of Owen Presbyterian ehurrh gave a surprise party at the hoose of Mr, and Mrs. 13. Makins on Monday evening. A most enjoyable time was spent. Rev, Mr. Kenner preached two athlo mums in Main St. church on Sunday. Rev. 51r. ttilyaard conducted anniversary services for air, Kenner, on his circuit, near Mitchell, Main St.Methodist church. Pastor atboth bervicesSunday, The morning subject "The One Thing"; evening. "Escape From Self Impossible." Gc all music by choir. Strangers made wel- come. John Sherritt, 11. P., for North Middlesex., the other day in Perliar- ment, enquired t`eepeeting at harbor for (x V Grand a 1 n Bend. � it. Tarte aI to sa ti d that a survey- of Grants deed had been made with a yiew of snaking a harbour there. George Orr of Exeter North, died on Tuesday at the age of 73 years. De-- ceased 'has been a resident of Exeter for some time. and had been ill for several years past. He leaves a wi- dow and two daughters to survive hien. The entertainment given in Main St. church Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies of the Epworth League, was not very Largely attended owing no doubt to the stormy weather but was a. succese as far as the pro- gram was concerned. It was one of the best entertainments given this s: ason,the program being rendered en- tirely by the ladies. W. Hawkshaw and wife also Miss Jean Hawkshaw and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawkshaw, Jr., arrived in town Mon- day evening from St. Mafys, and yes- terday took possession of the Cdtnmer tial hotel, recently purchased of T. W. Hawkshaw. Mr. Hawkshaw and fam- ily were former residents of Exeter, and are not strangers to this commun- ity. We heartily welcome them back, to town. Decidedly cold weather still prevails in the northwestern portion of the continent. and the general outlook in Ontario and Quebec is for another period of cold, with night tempera- tures near to or below zero in many localities. Light snowfalls have e been fairly general from the lakes to the Atlantic, especially at Montteal, where six inches are reported The United Gas and Oil Company. Windsor. intends makiug an experi- ment, x eri-ment, which may relieve the gas famine in Windsor and the Essex gas belt. The company proposes to sink a well to a greater depth than ever be- fore, and some experts are of the opinion that gas will be found at the depth of 1,900 feet. The wells now in in the Essex gas belt have existencev a of from 975 to• 1,000 feet. depth The work begins at once. Many in the neighborhood- will re- gret tohear of the death of Mrs. Michael Wallace, of Dublin, who, died on Tuesday last and, was buried on Thursday. She was greatly loved by all her neighbors and friends,as was, sho ivn by their kindness to her in her last illness, Ewhich Lasted only four days. Her daughter, oars. E. et. Groot, was hastily summoned from her home in Portland, Ind., and arrived in time to attendher up to the last. The full court of King's bench has given itsdecision in the Manitoba liquor question. The law is declared ultra vires of the legislature, thus be- ing thrown out ' completeiy. The liquor act, which has just been de- clared unconstitutional by the full court of the King's bench, was intro- duced in the Manitoba,; Legislature July 1, 1900. It passed the Legislature July 8, 1400. The licenseholders ap- pealed to the court, and argument in the case began in the court of Queen's bench, Dec. 5, 1900. The judges re- served this decision, which was de livered Saturday. I M E S N W DS ! ate •p We have just received Ex, S. S. "a tt Great Britain a very large consignment e Summer Merchandise. Among this lot art-, New Dress Goods New Table Linens t. °'Iatins " Prints Mnslins to Dimities as Towells Worsteds " Lawns Lnee Curtains Chiffons " ` Sills Laces " Iateeit% " Organdies Embroideries Velvets Millinery, Tips and Phuit N ew OODS1c h"t?t f fro n 031d' C}; ops 4: yg - .e a .:.aWllia • a t.i1151 � R finny-• some fl1rd6tiv BdIiJain 20 ydsregulareeflannelette a fQi I t is. 20 yds regultll l+e gley cotton for $1.(10. Regular 23e feather ticking for Lite, Regular 8e cottonatle fbr 2:51e. Regular 15e skirting for 121c. Regular 12 e skirting flannelette for ltlt• l3; 'ds regular 10e white cotton for $1.tl: Best Paris whiting per lb. Ole Best clothes pegs pei' cloz Ole, New sateen print worth 17e, spl;ccial for Regular 35e blacks cashmere hose for 25c Regular We, $1.00, $1,25 corsets for Riff• Taking Besides showing the profit or loss means a house cleaning in a dry goods store. Any line that will not be thoroughly up to -date- for spring trade is placed on the bar- gain tables regardless of cost. W ost- We have >a. few of These Lines. Not Many we are pleased to say, 0? oni hoot to F oor .�1 Toe are selling the New Li oiv o French for seed. They yield from fa to tL.c0 bushels per acre, Van s env free from rest and smut. They may he had Qat l'a'th :. ;< v -ter and Hensall stores at a real: on ibla' prig e . .s oti, Le:' time to secure your seed. H E we WE PAY IUOlfl ST 1 1. KET PRICES ICOR Pitt 01'0E. Direct, Imparter . ki h; 'h w» placed among the remnants. in dress goods, wrapperette'. eottonade and cottons. 1 ix 1 ti ani � t1hlL t is tax tt t Ian tilde 1" 7. i`, Sweet is visiting friends it3 l mg for Buffalo sht'rtly.. F London. are. Homy l ana•r, an welt known Mr. 1,'Vill. Hill, of Bul1'xtlo,' visited his resident of New Homburg, died on parents here over Sunday. Feb. 17, at the age elf 71 Ile had Jived A sleigh load of young people spa,nt in the village for over 30 years. His Tuesday evening in Hibbert, widow uud five children survive. The publication of a new .ata,#y en - A. E. Hodgert is getting two set of (Ailed " The atystpry ni'Agatha Webb," rings made to build around concrete will be commeneed in next week's silos. issue. it is <'onceded to be one of the Miss Horne was in`nt the wholesale best serials ever written. Wetch for millinery openings in London this the opening chapters, week. The Whyte Pork Packing Co., Stud - Mr. T. R. Mc Callum attended a eon- ford, halm no longer aL strike on its vention of the United Workmen held hands. The striking employes went in Hamilton. back Tuesday nnt.andittonally, and Absolutely pure Baking Powder, tviTl continue to serve under thefore- • sold at Lutz's Drug Store. 10,15 and lnaatn to whom they objected, #. 25 cents a can. Seldom does it fall to the lot of a, family to suffer a double bereavement Miss Hattie McCallum spent last such as has dome to a itratford family week in Buffalo with her brother. .0r. by the death of John McCauley, Dow- Clinton o vClinton McCallum. Me street. Mr Mvt'aulev linseed away Miss B. Robertson left on Monday Monday, at the age of 63 years, only for London and Toronto to attend the three days after t!w death of his late millinery openings, wife. John Treble has been quite poorly of The death occurred an Fridays last late and was in Clinton Tuesday to see near St. Marys of Wm. Adams in the a specialist as to his case. 90th year of alis age. Deceased was a brother of the late Richard Adams, Norman Lloyd and Miss Etheli who lived an the 10th line of Zorra, Elliott, daughter of Thomas Elliott, S with whom be lived until recently. It Exeter North, were married last week. was only a few years ago be removed Jaynes Gollingwood, town, and Miss to near St. Marys, where he made his Annie Horney, daughter of C. H. Hoy- !home with his nephew. ney, of Ushorne, were married yester- The provincial health department is day. _ watching with anxiety the spread. of Edgar Westcort will open up a bar- smallpox. It will be fully a month ber shop in Hastings old stand, Fan- yet before the warm weather of h k- ed effect in cheek- . ec •in anymark ff edn sd .. next s x has block on �V e p sons c , g �` and mean chile to theoutbreak, a � March 6th. � g at tb Ia • cases are being reported aide n e rtd fromw u'immediate Use Dtx cold cure eor the f a •Sundaythere's ere seven area' II to v P relief and rapid cure ofcold in the: cases in the railway canineat Massey Heacl, La Grippe, Influenza, Sick, Ne ta:t ion •one in Bi•o►x ham three in udache .etcg , �,uwa••,a, ...c vutna un lea , . es Renfrew, and old by C. Lutz. Only 15c a box.'Adamson township, w, The evangelist, Miss Morton, will lour: in the Renfrew Hospital. There g are two in Toronto. Of the number preach a special sermon to young ; at etichipicoten and other infected. peonlein James Se church to -morrow ' points there is as yet no record. (Friday) evening, on the stibject of also "Character building."She will a r ash at both snext Sunda Y•which will be the closing Sunday of the present special effort. Miss dor- ton is held in very high esteem by the I people of James St. church for her ear- nest and faithful efforts in this coin- munity. i_ e If present neaotiati'ons carry, the salt industry may be gobbled up by w the trust known as the: Canadian Salt Company, incorporation of the trust with a capital stock of $8,000,000. - It' is believed that this is the preliminary step in the movement to control the ate• --- CE LA Iron Iace on the right side fiist, then on the wrong side, to throw up the pattern. When ironing laces, cover them with clean white tissue paper.. This pre- vents the shiny look seen on washed I>_ce. When putting laces away, _01:3. as lit- tle an poseiltle. A •gond pian is to wind it round a card, as, they do in t'he Shope. T cornflour instead of ordinary salt output of Canada.. ,to .have Lse alreadybeen obtained on a number, of starch for stiffening laces. This makes Sir0 or a d other them firm, and does not rdetract`frein c wells. W. .Van t Horne h the "lacy" appearance. earance. capitalists are behind the scheme of Y Dp is After "getting `up" laces do not leave consolidatiou. The salt industry carried on at Windsor, Sarnia, Kin them to air In a damp place—round the. cardine, Goderich, Wangham, Hensall, fire when the kettle is boiling, for in Seaforth Brussels,.Exeter, Courtright and Mooretown. he. competition in prices is said to haye been the cause of the combine, Children n Cr y for CASTOFIIAt stance. This robs them of their fresh- ness and makes them look limp. Alt laces, before being ironed, should be carefully pulled put, each point re- ceiving attention. Sou will be•repaid iter your trouble, as tae face will look twiee as nice and latt .clean • a much tori ,Fr. time. -eases,. ' All fi1'St elacs goo& prints, flannelettes CARI.ING BR0S urnittire + Emporiu� e t'tli aatul be t=tltIviliee=ti that the above et.t li aus' bargains airs .till left in FANCY GOODS, also Parlor Suites, Bedroom Sets, Sideboards, Douches, etc., ctf tilt (1I1)LEY Stock. Wood Mon in xciiango tor Furnitllr& 13verley & Huston Remember the stands. OPERA. HOUSE BLOCK ODDFELLOWSv5 1 .AUCTION SALE. — On Saturday, March 2nd, Alex. M. Tait will bold an - auction sale at his residence, near the foundry, of all the household eflects. Stale at 1 o'clock. J. GILL. auietiorieer. SOUTH HURON. Folk :wing are the lint of tin: .i.elauty census enumerators appointed for. South Huron, who will act under D. .rquha_rt, census enumerators for the South Biding :-- Town of Seaforth. Div 1, Gems Wilson diy 2, Wnr. Mg- Lean ; div 3, Alex Campbell ; div 4, Jas Watson ; dip:,, Robt Lumsden. Village of Hensall. Alex Murdock. Village of Bayfield. W W Woods. Tuckerstnith. Div 1, :Hugh Chesney ; div L, Peter McKay; div 3,Jno Shepherd, Hensall diy 4, Jas Alc0onnesl. Stanley. Div 1, Jno Murdock ; div 2,Alex S McBeth ; div 3, Alex Mitchell div 4, J as Mc atrmid ; div 5, Peterter Douglas. u, Div 1, Johan 11IcHMichllettael; div 2, Thos 1div Lux- ton Neiland ;div 3, P Ing ey ; d v 4, • div 6, ill • div 5,Jas Snell Hid M Snll .; div 7, Jas .Cox, • McKillop. Div 1, Jas Evans ; div 2, A Dixon ; div 3. J 0 Morrison ; div 4, J Goven- lock, sr. _-`"' Hay. Y • Div 1, Peter Munn ; div L, S P Mc- Mordie ; div 3, Sam'l Ronnie ; div 4, Jno Geiger ; div S,Jermiah Oorrivean; div 6, Jno K Goetz ; die 7, : Wm Mc- Allister. Mr. Will Hill, of Bitlfalo, late of Carling Bros., and. Miss Davis, a for- mer milliner with the R. Pickardco., were married at Niagara Falls, on Feby,. 13th. Mr. Hill had launched into the grocery business in Buffalo, but had his stock destroyed by fire He has returned to the dry -goods trade, and. enjoys a lucrative position osition in that city. Mand Mrs. H,il'have many friends in Exeter who,extend con- gratulations. FOR OVER :FIFTY- 'YEARS Z AN OLD AND WELL-Teter)1 „urn. n Wfnslow'eSoothing Syrup has ;been tised for over ilfty years, by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfeet:succe5e. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays al pain, curet wind Colic. and is the best remedy for. Diarrhoea. It is pleasant to; the taste.' Sold by gists in everpart of the world. 25 cents a bottle.' Its valise is incalculable: Be sure i-. Mrs a bVii.-low's Soothing ': and askfor g Syraip and bike nn other kind. SC'IENC'E BILL. Bttrl:l'ie—atrs, Wm. Netherton visiting friends at Windoe .--Tlica special servicee at. Mots aro' t-uf Bring by the severe neat her.—The rrrnoV- al s tide weer. are Ed. Stafford and family to Bufiaia; J. B. Epplett and family to ith line, Ulatnshard; Rohl',. Johnston and fancily to St. ]atarys,-- lx. Hookwaay, at present in SI—loser/WS Hospital, London. is improving, after as severe operation for appeudieitis.--- Miss Nettie Switzer is visiting f►iend.n in London. There died in St. etarys on S.au,day, Feb, 24, Daniel; Oliver, aged 97 years, Cobbledick & on, of the Exeter roller mills, want to buy any quantity of soft wood. Children Cry for- CASTOR IA . 11.11 From Your Homo Doa1or. Our goods are' the best that money can buy. Our I't r r•ce s•are as low as tl e.l ct: est. Our terms are of the most liberal kind. We are one raf•yourselves. These are good reasons why we claim your bac age g .:.. rPr' We have always on Pianos, Organs, ains, Searing7* - chines, Sewing Mach' Needles,Oils and; Repair; P f also Violins, Guitars, Mance, lins, Barrios, , Sheen and Book J Music, Song and Music Folios, Music Teachers Sup - lies P > etc.' A Call Solicited. MIiRTI tt