HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-2-28, Page 5T
IIMON MINOR NI' 8=145tr bet
4.171 In its r:pk,lo:t8oAf Mt:eilln=edinge. of
fill the News of. interest to
Times Readers Happening.
)11 t11686 601.111ti68
wingliam is to have& new foundree
the buildings for whiche will cost
znarriage has beea arrauged be"
tween Samuel Cooper, a prominent
contractor of Clinton, and, Miss Hanna
o Milverton.
¥r George MeLinebey has pine
chased from edr. neene. Palmer, his,
60 -acre farm on the Goshen line, for
the sum of $3,100:
D. eicCortnick, formerly of Brussels,
but late of Dungannon, bas rehased
the Grand Central hotel in Hamilton
ad has taieen peseession,
Blyth bas had narother fire. On
Sunday evening, the residence of
Harry Bond (son of Wro. Bond a
Winghana) was destroyed,
R. Clegg, of Wingharn, is very 111,
After an attaek of grippe, he ventured
out too soon, The result was a re-
lapse, which developed, into pneu-
Samuel McMa.th, of Goderich, died
on Thursday, Deceased bad been a
resident of the county town for thirty
years. He had attained the ripe age
of 87,
A very pretty event was solemnized
in St. joseph's church on Feb. 1,9„
when Mr, Peter Madden, a Stratford
was united in marriage to Miss Minnie
Stadlemano, a Shakespeare.
Do not, suffer from sick -headache a
moment, longer, It is not necessary,
Carter's Little liver Pills will cure you.
Dose, one little pill. Small price.
Small dose. Small pill,
Mr. Jaekson, a Clinton, is thinking
of starting a factory for the maim -
facture tif clothing. Ile seems favor-
ably itiellued towards Galt, having
been in business there foe some time.
Mr. W. J. Scott, who has been prin-
cipal of the Blyth pablie school. for the
past two years, has sent in his resigna-
tion to take effect on March Met. Mr.
Scott has accepted the principalship.0of
the public school at MOOSOMli
i. AM
The reported sale of 3". Torrance'
farm near Zurich a. few weeks ago.
Was premature.- 0. Walper, the pur-
chaser, bas made a sale of his property
in Stephen, hut on some technicality,
• the deal fell through. hence Mr. Tor-
rance still owns the farm.
• A veryquiet 'wedding took place
recently in which two well known
young people of Zurich were made
mau aud wife. We refer to the mar -
age of M. Wm. 0. Wagner to Miss
Avnie Brenner which event took
place about two weeks ago.
• 'Paulin of Wingbam, and S. Harr
ni of Zurich have purchased the
hardware stock of Jonas Hartleib,
• Dashwood, and also the dwelling, store
building and hardware stock of J..
Ballst,,,,,t,te_snmer -village.' Mr. Paulin
•s oruer1y a resident of Dashwoo&
•and his many friends will be pleased
to hear of his return.
Mr. Eli Due -berme and his estimable
wife, of Drysdale, celebrated their
golden wedding on Monday eveniug,
Feb. 1803. They bare lived a happy
and prosperous life for fifty years to-
gether. lento them were born ten
children, six boys and four girls. all of
whom are still living. Nelson and
Pete live at Caseville, Minh., Jacob at
Windsor, Ont., Mrs. Shorritt at St.
joseples, Ont., Mrs. Quingley at Grand
Forks, Dakota, Mrs. Ayott at Oath,
Mich. and Joseph, John, Matilda and
Eli at'Drysdale.
When David Douglas Wilson and
John A. 'Wilson, of Seaforth, who axe
known fee and wide tbrough Western
Ontario as great. egg dealers, secured
a "new and useful process of treating
•eggs," they considered. it good enough.
to take out patent rights on it. The
process is applied to pickled eggs, and
will, it is said, restore to them many of
• tbe properties of fresh eggs. Other
dealers evidently approve if the treat-
ment, for Sohn Walker, of Detroit,
who as the Walker Egg and Produce
Company does business in Chatham
and other Canadian towns, is accused
• with using it, for wbieh the Wilsons
claim damages and desire an injunction
from the courts. Also Wm. Muldrum,
a dealer in.Montreal, a. few days ago
entered proceedings to declare the
Wilsons' patent void. Yesterday
Walker's solicitor moved before the
Masternat Osgoode Hall to stay pro-
ceedings in his case until the validity
of the patient had been decided,
D. Johnston and family have moved
to their new home on the 8th con. of
' - --Beneishaxd.
• Mr. Ratcliffe, of Anderson, who met
with an accident some time ago in
which he broke his ankle, is improv-
Mrs. Butcher and family of Bran-
don, Man., arrived in St. Marys last
week and will live in 'William Web-
ster's residence on Queen St.
The hozne of Mr. John Parkinson of
IMr. A. Ford, late of hes ey, las
opened.a law office in St. Marys.
A. very quiet wedding took place at
Mr, Charles, Speocern, Milverton, on
Wednesday, Feb. 20th, at twelve on
clone when Miss Susanne Sim was
married to r. William Haeselfield,. of
• Manitou, in the presence of the up' 2.0th, 1.89e, by the election trial judges
mediate relatives of the bride.
A pleasant event took place at the
home of stn. Noble Johnston, in St.
„Marys, on Wednesday, Feb, 20th at
DOM, when her daughter. Lizzie, was
united in marriage to 3, Wesley Som-
ers of Ellapshard, in the presence of •for the preventime of export saw logs, eaneonly ander God give em. 3 y
about forty of their inetzediate friends, noe ae. Gibson added time the pay- give thera everythieg.
Word bas Item received by Mr. Id, ment was for services rendered befoie 'Mat word "Ceurage," 'fitly spoken
M. eloir, So, Marys, that hisbrother, lie was reported. "Cap." Sullivan has with compreeeed lipe ape' etoet grip et
R. H, Not seeretery to Col. Steele of evidently lost his lob under tbe Pro- ' the hand and an intelligent flash of the
the Strathcona Horse, has been Ul in viueial Governmeut tbrougb over -zeal eye—well, the fineat ApPltra that eTer
the hospital in South Africa for two in the cause of good. government. H thumeed Otti the ground 14 an auteuee
the letter was written, that he would be was caught in tlae act," nal oreltard. and were placed in the
months, It was expected at the time was fortunate for the jolly "Oap." that
leave South .Africa on the era Hos- MOW; beautiful basket or silver networie
pital ship sailing for England. He is The rapid inereese in the number rabeefreereatiterseThetiavPer tit"' "1°14 not 11°
expected to be in St, Marys in the deathe from consumption in Canada Furthermore a anatortbag word lit4
0 =Se ot a few weeks, , A
bas not only aroused the Health au- fy spoken is a. beautiful thing. No Geo
On the morning of Feb. 16 the fan -
the Legislature, the Toronto News of
Thursda.y last has the following :
" The well-known "Oap. Sullivan was
the subject of inquiry yesterda,y after-
noon by Jr, Eibier, and the answer
given ite• the Hon. Mr. Gibson was that
the John Sullivan reported on June
JI .ower mud Wor.te.-Ie Vett can Owe
nudes Goa Glee Them That Too carry
as bang gnilty of corrupt practice in vain Everything-7So Mao le a Word as
tbe electoral districe of the south rid-
ing a Ontario is (Mr. Gibson came 1,,,n7au°4 Pot414°°° W1°1111'14
down on that little word with eons . neeee are an many men "'n ha"
v.incing emphasis) the same John Sue all the elements of neefienese awe
tivan who received $433.35 during 1000 Power except one--eourage, It you
ily of eir.Fred NW), Milverton, were
startled to find eir. John Green, Mrs,
Noire father, dead. in bed. Mr. Green
was born in Bernsfield, Germany,. in
1861e He znerrien Annie catnaeme
Baker in MI and. emigrated to Can-
ada in 1845, settling on a farm in
South Easeliorte where be lived tor d
numberuf yeers, afterwards removipg
to Downie and Wilmot -Centre, 's
oe was jest Menu gone," writes Mee.
Rose Itielituelson, of Laurel Springs,
N. 0., "I had Consumption so bad
thee the best doctorsaid. I could not
live more than a, month, but I began
to nse Dr. King's New Discovery and
was wholly cured by seven bottles and
am now stent and well." Ins an un-
rivaled lifesaver in Cousumptinxi,
Pneumonia, 1.a Grippe and 13ronchitis;
infallible for Coughs. COldS, Asthma,
Hay Fever, Oroop or Whooping
Cough. Guaranteed bottles tiOc and
UK Taal bottles free at all drug-
tonlille-ereeneeneesthealOth con Bla.nshard, was the
, scene of the marriage of Mr. Arcbie
Chittie to Miss Florence Parkinson,
on Feb. 12.
For any case of nervousness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve
Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medicine for the price in market.
Miss Eva Bruce, one of Blenshard's
popular young teachers, is among the
successful graduates of the London
Normal school. Miss Bruce has the
record of never having known a
A cow belonging to Mr. B. Clipper-
ton, of Wildwood, choked herself to
death with the chair.' with which she
was tied. As generally happens she
Autumn and W ioter 'meths.
The fact Is now generally recognire
ed that Dorset blood is the meet re-
liable tor tbe prodeetion of autumn
or winter lambs. re is tbe most elle
able since the habit at breeding thee
is most Urmly enere atted on the Bur-
sas. The Donets are also ;wet
milkers mad the lambs base good ap-
petites. But one diflicultY crepe
in the growth or the wIuter Iambs It
Is this: Some of the lambs grow and
remain lean, while ahem at time
fatten out plumply svhile still Intuits.
It is ot coulee only fat Iamb8 that
take the market in tbe best form. But
too many of the Webs don't fatien
Otte easily. Is there any remedy for
this Yes, there s, at least a parVal
remedy. If such lambs with ilams
can be separated from the others and
put in an apartment by themselves
they may be fed more of a fat growing
food. Corn may be erten a consider-
ate factor of sucb a food. But Peas
woeld probably be better than cern,
As soon as ewes become plentiful with
the breeding babit engrafted on them
to drop Iambs regulexly la the au-,
tumn, the evil ean be remedied in part
at least in another way, by the use ot
rams of the early maturing, aud
plump form, and in no breed perhaps
ean such rams be more plentifully
maintained than araong-Southdowns.
Th ia signature les en every box of the senuied
Laxative Broma.Quinine Tablets (
the remedy that mem it cow in 0.10 OPT
Meet all diseases of fowls ace the
direct result of carelessiseEs
illth and impure water.
, Dina forget to neeto the
eirhether ricling or wanting.
Don't elbow people, or, if you do it
unwillingly, excuse yourself.
. Don't stare at people or laugh at
tbeir peculiarities.
Don't carry your cane or umbrella
so as to render it dangerous.
Don't occupy any more space in a.
par than you are entitled to.
Don't talk at a. theatre or concert
gehile the performance is going coif.
Don't apologize when shaking
bands with your gloves on.
Don't forget to, Tender all necessary
:eervice to any orie in need of them.
Don't be in haste to introduce. Find
out first if it is mutually agreeable.
Don't rush for a seat in a car or
Don't tell stories of a doubtful char-
Don't interrupt; don't contradict;
don't be quarrelsome.
` Don't tell long stories,
naked to. .
• •
Montage, but others; some perhaps
from general humane principles, and
others, because of the danger that
may algae to their own bootee. The
agitation bas led to the formation of
tlie"Canadian Associatiou for the Pre -
formally organized in Ottawa on the
15tb inst. It. le sincerely hoped thee
the Association, wbich on its Officiary
has a unneter of eminent physicians.
v. ill be able to devisee some methods
teat, wie; prove elfectetal in curtailing
the ravages of what is now known as
the "White Plague." An exchange
but God could give the noseutery
Obed e and bereft bogies and brelte
en bearts. We ought not to let a day
pass withoet a. *wit- or a letter or
eiteasage prey'exe enenoletery,
YentIon of rubercelosin wincle was YQ4 '1°414 °an ftere eareentee 94 your
way 0:business; pea could leave e halt
hour eaeller in the etterueen and ell a
usloneen of solace. 'You .eoeld brigisten
le aide mem with ,Qtle chrysanthemum.
Yea .could put a pestscript to a late
that would bring the joys of heavea to
a. soul. You mild send your carriage
and give an afternoon airing to an in.
remarks thus.--' This disease is respon valid ca a, ueighberiug street.
able for one-sixth of the deaths that There are Words whieh. fitly Spoken,
might soothe and .einancipate and res.
e GO to Mose from whose homes
lhriat has taken to himself a loved end
a try the word "reunion" - not
Don't use slang Phrases
Omar every year in Canada, And It
le a. curable dieease. It is a commu-
nicable disease, It is not in the etrict
settee of the term, beteditary." If
thesis statentents are true, and we pre
same they are, it should be possible to
check the terrible morel) of the disease
not only by alleviating the sufferiugs
of, and healing those affilAed With in
but also by throwing ,safe guards
,ound those who are subject to its in-
even whew
Is something unique. To he had In
aCatarrbozoue labeler. This wonder-
coevenient little instrument i
very versatile, it aetuallv kills those
uesty colds in the head in half an
hour, and reiteVes sore throat in about
five minutes. Patients recovering
from pneumonia 1k4 Catarrhoeune
a valuable aid, as it strengthens and
improves the lungs. For the voice
nothing is half 60 good, and great
singers, pnblie speakers use Cetera-
hozone and eay they would not be
without. it. because it prevents boarse-
nese and renders the voice capable of
greater endurance. As for Catarrh,
Aethroa. and Bronchitis. Catarrhozone
alone is the only positive cure- for
these diFeflSeS. Ladies affirm that for
sick headache and tired feeling across
the eyes nothing is so helpful as
Catarreozone, whieb also restores im
pared hearing that is caused by eete
Merle Catarrhozone prevents and
is guaranteed to euro all diseases of
the respiratory organs, and you can
get it from any druggist, large size
$1.00. A. trial sent for 10e. by N. C.
Poison & Co., Kingston, Canada, or
Hartford, Conn„ U. S.
: A
Vanderbilt or a Rockefeller can.
"nen a few lines of legatee') and it be-
comes worth anywhere from. $5,000,000
to $50,000,000. That is capital.
's The 'United States can take an ounce
and a fraction of gold and stamp a
"screamer" and *20 upon it. That le
\ A good mechanic can take e5- worth
of raw material and turn it into an
a•rtiele worth $10 or $20. teat is skill.
An editor can take the long-winded
',article of an ignorant- correspondent
•and cUt it down to a few correct lines
'of readable COMM= sense. That is
A merchant can buy an article for 50
cents and sell it for $1. That 'is brJ3-
A lawyer ca,n talk ten minutes with a
client and charge him $50. That is un-.
.‘ A lady can buy a hat or bonnet for
,$10 or $15,. but would rather pay $50:
• ,That la fOolishness.
\ A laborer Can Work ten hours adee
"and handle ten tons of rock or othee
'material for $1. That is unjust.
Mrs. Nation to Go Into NeWsPaner
Tho Kansas Cyclone Declares she Won't B4
Made a Fool of for a. Million Dollars
a Minute
er whitey sky, but la everlasting
springUde; not a land where they ean
be struck with disease, but where the
Inhabitant never sleye, "I am stein"
not a reuetion that can be tollosved by
Iteparation, but In a place "trom
which they shall go no more out for -
So, also. is a, word of Invitation pee
tent and beeutiful. Who ran deseribo
the drawing power ot that word, so
etnall mad yet so tremendous. "Come!"
It is a short word, but Its Influence In
s long as eternity.
Whether calling In wrong illreenen
or right direction really have found it
irresistible. That ono word beaUed
bai the places ot dissipation and ills-
soluteness. It is responible tor the
abominations that curse the earth.
Inquire at the door al prleone what
brought the <Wender there, and at the
door ot the almshouse, what brought
the pauper there, anti at the door of the
lost world weat was the cause of the
Incarceration, and it the inmates speak
the truth they will say; "The wore
`Comer brought us Imre." Come and.
drink. Come and. gamble. Come eaut
an. Come and die. Pronounce that
word with one kind of inflection and
you. can. hear it In the tolling of all
the bells of oonflagration and woe.
I3ut, oh, the power ot that word
eCome" when uttered aright!
frhe Gospel we believe in is a Gospel
bf "Come!" That word speak all the
churches. That word is now building
thrones for conquerors and. burnishing
coronets for kings and queens. That
word is to sound so clearly and im-
pressively and divinely that the day
is advancing when all nations shall re-
spond, "We come! We come!"
And while the upper steeps toward
God and heaven will be thronged with
redeemed souls ascending, there will
not be one solitary traveler on the
road of sin and death.
De Wit Talmage.
On the boundary line t etween Ver-
mont and. Quebec Province, in Can-
ada, is an old building which is now
used as the post office foe both coun-
tries. It is an old stone building,
built about seventy-five years ago, and
is located at Beebe Plain, a town that
is United States on one side of the
street and Canada on the other. The
post office is an exhibition of the good
.will of the people of the section. The
tether is the postmaster for Quebec
and the daughter postmistress for Ver-
mont. The past in front of the building
is the boundary line. It was moved at
one time by one of the citizens to get
a road Into his place that would be in
Canada and cost the two governments
a great outlay to establish the exact
line again. The cellar under the build
big, "which was originally a general
store," connected the two countries'.
Whiskey was known to be "put down in
one country and came out in the* oth-
er. The offices were put in the same
building to accommodate the farmers,
who did not wish to get out of their'
wagons at two pointe.
In the last ten years the United
Statee has increased its wealth $26,-
000,000,000, which makes the wealth of
the nation $91,01)0,00000. This gives
an average per capita, wealth of $1,195.
• This is not so great a per capita wealth
as Great Britain's for her enures are
$1,300 for each inhabitant. But her ag-
gregate wealth sinks into the back..
• ground before ours, for she has onl•y
*50,000,000,000 aganst our $91,000,000-
(160. Her increase in wealth in ten
years is $19,000,000,000, as against our
$26,000,000,000. The inerAse in wealth
in this country in. the last ten years,
es been $337 for each inleebitant. •
Topeka, Xan., Feb. 21- 11-s. Cox -
lee Nation is to enter politics, anis
to become the editor of the "Sneash-
ers Mail," a paper to be rues in be-
half of riegroes. She has .refused
tempting *Teets to lecture and wet
remain in Topeka to help elect a
"diem man" for mayor at the
spring election. These m ttters were
announced by' the crusader in. the
county JAI after the charge against
he,. of sznishiew the eeaato saloon
two wtleks az* had ter\ri dtsmissed by
Jusige McCabe. She i till being held
oe the charge of breaking into Moe-
ser's cold storage plant lust Sunday.
A delegation of the .home defenders
called on. Mrs. Nation in her cell to
talk about nominating a city ticket
for the election this spring. Mrs.
[Nation, who has decided to become a
citizen of aTopeka, was enthusiastic.
"We decided," she said, "to noini-
eve tet *a clean.... loan, a man whet does
not drink, sinoice or blaspheme. Na
other need apply."
The newspaper that ilfrs. Natiop
intends to edit will be published by
"Nick" [Chiles, a ragro joint keeper
who signed one ef 1Virs. Nation's
bonds last week, and David Nation,
Mrs. !Nation's husband, who is com-
irea to Topekt to help his wife witb
the enterprise. fie once edited a
pewee ia Warrensburg, Mo. Mrs. Na-
tio2 says the paper will be publish-
ed Ifor the special need's of the ne-
geoes. It will contain news about
the temperance cause in Kansas, and
will devote much space to lhe lettere
M -s. Natioo. received from her en-
emiee and her sympathizers. She
wi!1 writo' the editorials.
M's. Nalion refuses to go on an3
510 «0 lecturing trips. & circus ani
th•-i trical man has advertised that he
s secured Alra. Nation: for a pro,
fess ionel tripe. Eastern pa per s tele.
ge • plied inquities about this mat•
t•-•. Mrs. Natior announced ISa!
ea, I would :not allow herself to be
"as ass a foot of for a million doe
1.1:.s a intolute."
• Not only forToothache; but any
nerve pain cured almost instantly by
Nerviline, One drop equals in pain -
subduing power five drops of any
other remedy. Thousands say so.
Powerfal, penetrating, pain -subduing
Nerviline. Marvellcus in action for
internal and external pse. The
world challenged for its equal. Drug-
gists sell it Your money back if it se
not so.
BlaGks That tiola Till
Tlic Goods i3tr6
Won Out,
Three Special
Black is the most ueeful of all colors,
and is more worn to -day than ever be-
fore. Any color that /snow failed and
rusty can be dyed over a rich deep
The thee Blacks— Diamond Dye
Fast Black for All Wool, Diamond
Dye Fast Black for Cotton and Mixed
Goods and Diamond Dye Fast, Black
for Silk and Feathers, are all guaran-
teed not to fade or washout. Diamond
Dye Blacks maintain their full, rich
shades till the goods are el, OM Met.
These wonderful Black dyesare simple
and easy to use, and no experience
needed to do good work with tbem ; a,
, child wbo can read the directions can
dye successfully with Diamond Dyes.
Witen you 'decide to do yoer dyeing
work at home be sure ami buy the
Diamond Dyes. Beware of tbe cheap
and adulterated dyes sold by some
dealers far the sake of extra pro t
their use means ruin of eonr niateriale
and garments.
ALTON-In Centrellas en the nab thee., the
wife ot Rev. SSalton. et %eat.
VINCVNT-Da Exeter. On Feb. 24, the wile' of
e. Yincent, or e daughter.
GaISERele enc. -diem. ea WOursday. Feb•
Ode mire ot W. le tialiter, of ndeughter.
1,AWS0N-1u Stephen. on Feb. 15th. wife
Thos Lawson, ore daughter.
TitEnZTIRCK-In Crediton. en Fee. teth wi
of Time Trevellece. cIa deughter.
nrivICTE--PAIIKIV$ON-133, Rev. It -
lumen, on the 13th Mete Arceibald Chittick,
to Miss Flerence Parleiteon. both Of Dian-
OMERS-JOHNSTON- At the residences:I tee
brideemother, ens the 20th ins . y the Bev.
W. 11e/1de/eon J, eveney emigre, 111311.
SIMrd. to blies Lizzie Jobuston. du1iLer et
Mrs. Noble Johnston. at et. Marys.
• MAR K ETS. Pkttherlan
pgBRiTARY 27th 191 , An't 1113:6r-l'A
Wheet perleieneel ... .0a to 611
Oats RT to 27
-36 to 37
e 56 ea 58
-17 to 17
15 to 10
Turkeys • ... a 8 to
Caickens per a .•5 to a
Ducke-- 7 to, 7
o; ee, la
Dried. Applee-
dreasedeo, ea- $7.50 to lania
Loudon. FblitRITAIIV 27tb,
Wieeat Per
Peae• ....
Pas .
Barley,. ...
Corn . .
1 Butter .... .....,
Decks ........
Purim's Per1/4••
Geese per
Thateareee per is4g
Hay per ton
Pork Per cwt...
CASEY -lo 51. fstar.,vs, en eeeeday, Fele !sae
Ties. Casey. aged al eeare.
OT1RY74a 80. Mars. OP Feb.. rah, Waniel
Foley. aged ea yeare.10 zees.
VANeklein Ferituleir, en 5e2h Inst. Jan
Davie. !relict of the tate Jams Vanee'a age
'79 yore.
ORR-In Keeler North. ea Montt inet ,Ge-argo
Orr. aged 73 yearee
PATTEN -In Detroit en thenithicistellattbee
Patten, oged 6 aums. 0 ma wed 1 da.
WEBBER-In Toreoto. en the %lib ittete, Fred
erica: William. Toungest tem of Rev. Geo.
Webber. aged 19 Yeavn
Has world-wide fame foe marvellous
cures. It surpasses any other salve,
lotion, ointment, or balm for Cuts,
Corns, Bone, Sores, Felons, Ulcers,
Tater, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,
Chapped Hands. Skin Eruptions; In-
fallible for Piles, Cure guaranteed.
Only Meat all druggists.
l'or Infants and Children.
%no fac-
eenee-enee e ever
•reeeeerneragen, Irani%
NOTICE TO catEarcals
Of Win Cornishlate of the Township of
Ushorne, in the County of Huron,
Yeoman, deceased.
... . -65
to 25
to 57
10 4.9
le 17
to 06
to 45
Go 77
Go 19
10 18
to 70
t 1
6010 70
40 to 60,
2 to 10
48,00 10* 7.50
- U.50 to 26.0
we bm-01.1114.104.t04 private foods tor inveete
went upon farn or .vetiage penalty at lowest
rates of leteeest.
Exeter. 1 Will make mote bread and. a larger
'oaf than • any other falsely neer.
neo used always weeded.
J. Ct!)BB.LEDICK. es, SON,
Notteo is berchy given pursuant to Revised
Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chapter 129,
that ell creditors and others bating claims
agalost tbe estate of the taid Willeur Cornish,
who died on or about the (1th Jannary, A.1).
1001. are required. on or before the ast April, A.
D. 1001, to send or deliver to James G. Jones,
Wincheleca, Ont., the executor of the last will
and testament of the said deceased, or to F. W.
Gladman, Main street, Bxeter,hissolicitor, full
Particulars of their claims, and the nature of
the securities (if any) held by tbetn. and tbat
after the said dao the said F,xecutor will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets 02 15* said estate
amongst the parties entitled thereto, baring
regard only to the claims of which he shall
then have notice, and he will not be liable for
the assets ofthe said estate or anypart thereof
so distributed to any person or persons of whose
claim or cleims tome shall uot have been re-
ceived at tau time of such distribution.
Dated. at Exeter this 27th day of March A. De
By F. W, GLAD:MAN, his Solicitor,
mgapAR $TANDIt% OR IN Tao
Apply to
E. 0i iCesset,
Fontes-ma EXETER. Or.
1 you Want to have 'goo yakwith
or Christmas cakes use one Princess
Pastry Flour, ask for 'it and insist on
having 11.
is a else for the dainty, the robust,
he dyspeptic ana the -hungry, for all
appetites and conditions. It is the.
peerless item of a good breakfasi,rand
there is no sulestileete.
leave a3are anannt a private fundeto
beau en farm au ogepropertees atlow rates
t ietereet.
Perris ter Maio et., gee -we.
DI% Moro
fieadquarters For
Dyspepsia Cure
Blood and Nerve Tonic
Stomach and Liver Pills
Iron Blood Pills
Liver and Kidney Pills
Kidney Mixture
Sciatica Ren3eder
0°110 Mixture
• Cholera and Diarrhoea Mix-
Chilblain Lotion.
Try any of these preparatioes and
you will be astonished at their wonder-
ful healing and curing properties.
Al Full line of Patent Medicines on
_ —
yereerry. Ti Ix v. Ti. 'amity Vetver
tlice-Crefliloo, Ont..
, IWO ‘Nr IN ti 51. P., 31. C.,
5, i...e,inate %actin Su te*Overelly
coo k 0%7 ;MOO.... $1041431017 Labiga.•
, Exeter-
_linmFomm••••••••••••RmwepFni.,_._ •
Dominion Laboratorll.
teem ea:letters. Notaries, es:even-meg
Cepamint etre. Eta
eletwe minos al li per cent, and 5per cent
FFICE eeneeNSONS 131.0e1f. ENBTER.
e it. mem% 11.ee telegeettes
niernher et he Crux wei to et Ileteall en
r40$ or cacti wear. Jas. F Russel!
(Suceese.or to Elliott es; (Badman)
Niliotaay Pah
Rueeell bas a, nice etee37o2
ree Cutters on band which be
Very Cheap„
bog purchasers u do well
them before buying else -
Conveyancer, Etc, 1
triey to loan on Farm , , andvillage 1 '
rates at Lowest rates a nterest.
ore sonth ef Town
* , 'SMAN, L.
D. P. t4 no Uradtate
or entente Unit mew. Waist..
Teeth extracted without pant or
lad after eirecte. Mice in rata
eon's bleek. Weet eide ot Main
eet. Exeter'
R. ANURSON. (D. U. S. L.
el 1
MOW Graduate of the Toronto UnlveTsi
and reaIal College of Dental Surgeone tot 1
Ontario. Ali bridge work. Crowns, at ti Plate
week dene in the neatest possible rammer. A.
hamlets =esthetic for peinless extraction.
Theetrktest attention given to the preservat-
on of tbe natural teeth. Office opposite Cen
tral Hotel, Exeter, °mark).
1.1 LRINAItY.,
1 ennent & ertnent
entatue Si'.
Osaduate et the Ontario 'Veterinary Col
:•-' -ea r -e
0 Illee-Cne deo: scLutli c2 !'own Hall.
FutiLltNasbiltsteN.V11,'',T86. 5,
leis Compally lots been over 'Near -eta.
Ione in successful operalun in Western
Out atio, and continues to insurengainst lessor
&lenge by Fire. Buildiegs Merahandise
nwnthel ories aml all Other "descriptions of
insurable pronerty. lutentline insurers have
the option of maul Ivrea the Premium:Teton-
eovb eyst rm.
During the past ten years this company has
67,Ligi Policies. covering property to the
=taint ot 840.372,018; niva. Said in losses alone
67AGes.7s5e21. est.'.
176,100.00, consisting of Cash
in l n1,1; Government Devositand tbe.unasses-
sed Prcthimn Notes on hand and in force.
J,.1% AI A 1.111, N, NIL, President; 0 Al. TAYLOR
secretary: .1. 1 . Beaux% InSpector.
BELL, Agent for Exeter and vicinity.
At Cost Price.,
11: storey frame house east side of Andrew sI.,
Exeter. hard and soft, water, acre land with
good bearing fruit trees and small fruits.
Apply to CAPT, 0310. KEMP.
• Exeter.
Near Seaforth, abundance of white clay,
good market, steam power, modern machinery
fully equipped, good house, wood on band for
coming season.TFor particulars apply to
Egmondville, P. 0., Ont.
A good Assortment
ant to dear these lines at once.
The Tail
3. W. Irwin, wbo bas been in the
grocery business in Clinton for the
past twelve years, has sold out to his
nephew, Mr. J. W. McCabe, of Strat-
"..11 • •
You to attend the Forest City Busi
ness and Shorthand College, Lois
don, Ont. Practical instruction in
practical subjects. For over fir -
teen years we have been in touch
with young people and their needs
and the business world and its re
Every facility at command for aiding
young people both before and after
graduation. We are doing supene
erior *work, results prove it. Send
for our catalogue and College
Constantly pursues a. man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of our offer. We
are showing
o a fine range of
BY TENDER. Black Worsted intwills, vene-
tians and clays (bought before
In the 'Village of Exeter, Ont. Tenders will
the heavy advance in price
and selling at the old prices.
Nice suits for $14 in faucy
worsted suiting. We show et
big range at moderate prices
in Sco Loh and Canadian tweeds
we cary a large and well as-
sorted stock. Prices to.
all. A large stock of the lat-
est goods voa oercfor singt
from $1.0 up.
GIVE IJS A. CALL and see
what we can do for you.
J. H. Grieve.
be received by the undersigned up to the est. of
of April, 1901, south half of lot No. 9. from Main
to William sI. , known as Haralin's store prop-
erty. No. 381, 382 Elieabetn at., near bleat'.
lum's tannery, No. 63, 61, 55, Andrew se, No.
05 has a frame dwelliug, 1 rooms, 'will take one
third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent.
For further particulars and terms of sale apply
to owner. The highest or any tender not
necessarily excepted.
T. W. HA), .1L1N,
Brookholm, P, 0., Ont,
Lot 13, North Boundary, Stephenecontaining
100 acres, about 40 acres in cultivation, 8 acres
in wheat, 3 acres bush, balance in graes. The
farm is well fenced and tile drained, with
plenty of good hard and soft water, convenient
to buildings, good frame house, brick cellar,
with woodshed, also good bank barn, driving
shed, hog pen and other buildings, There as
1 acre of good truiebearipe trees. This is a
iirst-class dairy farm, some of it the best farm-
ing lame and is in good condition and will be
and cheap. The proprietor is desirous to sell
on account of ill -health. For farther partict-
Ian apply to owner on premises or by mail.