Exeter Times, 1901-2-28, Page 4he ,',,"""""" THE ESTER , oisons ank ,MAKiNG EYES AT CANADA. - 'tat 1111[ 111Ri81111,1G MEtiiNF , ED BY PAIt7,1A 'NT, 1S35 erverund Bead, OffiNW trealP,52,3 More Oovernnterit Proteetion to ce, 7 JAMES ELLIOT,Baq., OntennAt, Motley advanced to good fariners on their OWn nowth one or more endorser at 7 per estperper annum. eter Brooch Oven arm lawful day from lea. in, to 3 p. SATJAIDA'VS, 1Q m. to 1 p.m. urrentrefee et interest aleciwed on deposits. DICZSON CARLIN% N. D. MIROON, SotaerresS, 344.x.assu .fteter.D0c.*7t)t.'9,7. Calendar for February, 1 9. 01. 10 17 21 litONDAM 7 11 18 2,7 8 12 19 2d NUPPA,T. 0 13 20 27 28'X'.. 1 4122 5 3 5 16 4 1,7ARY 28th 1 he t the post haul; a Ottawa shows eposits on hand et the b were 8,i7S.Sliee673, and i On heed at the end ta1lt$930X1, and 1 gorrat,P4 ,pigaotio Steel Trust Reported to ilz.0t 611.0Iste coucltregOLDIZin4,011 Sydney, 0, 15., Feb. 20. --Yesterday jr. Thomas Ryan of the J. Pierpont Election Lew Oulprits. Morgan syndicate arrived here and announced that A deal, winch has Attoraoy-Geheral Olbs0a Olves Weehtdcal eats and the DominiOn Iron and R'FAkna7 i4 Cal") C°1°nY-Pelvet 1 THE VIsiBLE surrey. been on between the Morgan a.j-ndiitn- Excuses roc "rreteetior. FJection ter- Steel Ocanpany has been StleCOSSfully senators and nallot ROX Ilitruers--No Consummated. Mr. Ryan left here ranawed h1" Vierecycreft - Several Visible supply ef wheat in Canada : last laight but will return on Sat- other cohimn4Aio convergin 911 01n4d6 otgoe United States has decreased rroseoutiotis Instituted in, North t. urdav bushels' that of corn lia-s Waterloe or West War °nice Toms Vewn Remount Station, Toronto, Fee, MIAs bushels. The visible supply of wheat fl Dont° [Ku main :RE ,MA-ETKErs. .. . _ BOTH!! ELUDES ULM IIILlItal Iii. 13°th Ilr"Pc' 1 ."(1 Chicag° Wh°Ett iFutures nose in Price -The Latest ; • Quotations. Went in Direction of KOOrnatM Y 4" .44verpeol, Feb. 26.-Yesterclay Pcort With 2,000 Followers. 1 Wheat futures rose id to id. Chicago, Feb, 2,C7.-Yestertlay May i wheat gained ic per bushel. _ W.6300.711M1 • d I it 11 .oad. 1 As compared with a week ago, the Gen. loovet ManY Xritisit Officers increased 1,183,000 bushels, and flr,Itogem Ponies It, ravished v'er Sarreedering, - that 'of oats has inereased •205,090 Statement of Ile Di &tuxes Mine, of the Ontario Agri - e • ral College, stetes that the MHO. n the cellege rtall, exclusive. a the in dairying, is tile largest, in its rY. Tinatheting 269. The college now been in existence. twenty -ens Bit ess ineu tb t Premier Lues should. receive a arger selary aM that the •Oppesition eader should also get a better meanie. A deouta- time from the Montreal Board of Trede am 'verging 'their views 1111S respect upon the Uovernment, * • • Hon, W. Roes recentlf intimated that there would Ise geueral elec. time until after auother session of the Legislature. This rimy possibly lie true, but the nomination a a num- ber of Liberal rautlidates already Would Indicate an early appeal to the teuntry. in E day, a by the mot couipaines 4 that no less than hundred militon dollars are sinik in this industry in England iIone. During the _ pasatesse years, fifty companaireetrircapitals amounting toetreW0,600 have ceased to do busetlege. • • * Shelborne and Orangeville hay adopted the business tax for merchants instead of the assessment on personal 0.13f6Parfy. Tb,e conscientioes mereb- aut, under the preseet law, may pay more taxes on a smaller stock. than bis competitor, and the new system is intended to put all stoens on a more equal footing. The tax will be levied on 7i per cent. on the assessment value a the premises. The substitu- tion of te business tax instead of per- sonalty as.sessraent will probably be one a the recommendations of the As- sessment Commission. * • The question a increasin the in of members of the ouse of Commons from 81000 to 81500 or 82000 is being qiiietlet discussed by the meta bers. The voice of the „people but what business ni it of theirs) will, we Think be against the increase. ses- sion really need to last more than three months, except in special cases. Bet - keep the salary at its present figure, and. if the M. P.'s think they spend snore than 81000 worth of time, let there talk less, and hustle more. The 'Toronto Star puts it thusly :-"Down at Ottawa the members of each politi- cal party seem quite willing to have an Increase of the sessional indemnity forced lapon them by the other side," * ilk Ilk the bicycle has bad i pidly beteg supplentet me As a result the cycle losing. It is estimated AN AGE OF BUSTN,ESS. gm DEgill's EiniSf Toronto, Feb. 26...--Tweniy-two if erS, sPOken to laSt night, said that 1 'Cape Town, Feb, 20. --It Is report-- in Canada and the United States, Illembers of the Legislature attended 1 Mr. Morgan May have acquired stoCk edoitlewth2‘oo 0eor reitlieot330aismhas brokes 94,440,000 bushels, against 93,- andant-Gen. n i together with that afloat to Europe, yesterday afterneon's sitting. A i in the Dominion Iron and Steel Durn series of questions by Mr. Whitney ,, VoillPanY, but lie Mt sure that the aWay frant Oen. French's pursuit. ih 2$2,000 bushels a week ago, and brought out the lingering tenderness: American magnate had net obtained the direetion of Noinatipoort, 89,045,000 bushels a year ago, of the 0Overnmeat for the threshing 1 cOntrol. He stated positivelY that ! The Boers are attacking the Village inc.xioneo, wtirAT MARKETS, =Rhine, i there Was no truth in the &Spat& . of Richmond, in the Central part of IA answer to Mr. Whitne,y, Hen_ i Sent from Sydney, 0. B. 11e further C8,PC1 "lanY' awl rei”1"ceinenLs atr°iimi°Pivoirntgantwewreheathtecenelasintresg yester- day: denied that there had been. neg'otia- 110-vo been desPntelled front Hanover Mr. Gibson stated that about time that the persons Were reported tioaS going on between his company , Road. by the judges in West Elgin and and Mr. Morgan with a view te, i Derres and stop). Neholie,ayeeork........C$4,s.b.,, $X..,e.13. 80g.,;011.y2. $0:71s5 North Waterloo, the County Crown nulalgaluatiOn• * De Aar, Cape Colony, Feb. 25.- amttaunee ...: 6 lid :. :.' . . . . . • A,ttorney was eoliuntudeated with Pealed in Montreal. ; Oen, Dewet, AOCOMPallied by Mr. SL. Louis ,• - • • • • • • .0 ;Ws and instructed to render all reason- 4., Montreal; Feb. 26. -There ..is prob- Steyn, recrossed the railroad north. freltreZ.'iea-..°0-41a ':' ' °' - P IAK" able aid in. the PrOSeention ef the ably no truth in the flowing de- of Kranskuit and south• of grange aik, white . 0 SO - - persons reported. No further steps spateh, received here yesterday from River Station yesterday. Duluth, No. 1 ,, ,, had been taken. pending the report Sydney, C. B.: "Thomas ltyen, an- : The Orange River rose IIVC feet last . Duluth, No, I ...,. 4 'ZS% . ,.. ..., 0 7TA • 75% of the emoinission of ludges recent/sr nom:Lees here that the Donutuon iron night. A. heavy rain, is still icilling, presented to the rouse. The case and Steel Company is now -controlled and it is believed to be impossible was rendered more diiipeult beeanee by the Morgan syndicate." for the Boers to cross the stream. the. personetion of returoing officers Sir Willem Van Horne has gone They are being closely followed by did not come within the meanie.- of ; to ljaanpaa, aid Mr, James Ress is COL ThereeYeeefle who leit ben_ ;sea, close: Spot wheat, firm; No. 1 Stands personation as defined in tlre Clirie 1 in New York. but the two other toasty by rail. Several Pater ea. ; ard Cale 6s 30 to Os 4d; No, 2 red tario PersOnation, Act. i• Montreal directors were eeen laat mune are converging on Gen. lima. water, ns, 11V, to Os ed; No. I No prosecutions have been insti- ^ evening. I Northern, spring, Os 84 to OS 3i d, uted in repel,. to North We.terloo, Mr. 11. D. Angus said: "There is • London F b "0 1 -0 II - , Nally emcees ruaitshea. , Wheet fututes quiet; Meech ris 11ad, s the report of the trial ,'‘u,lges bas nothing in the story; there Lave not ' nenenons . e • - .- n le else oi l, AA yesterday the W( ier Sarre- -"'" '"''' 4". OrdY beat published since the cora- / been any negotietions on the sans t . m . le ern. e- • TOW)NrO '',l'. LA wnEwc 4 31.41lKK I'. I al.y, z . ro c ,„ mussing a 1110- Ineneement of the present session a ject." • toe to publish the proceedings of Orala- the In s er miter question by lieard nothing about it. rille"Itibtatveer ' cQurts cir in'"137' 841.1(1 it w" sLill Wil:ent' leTerlletit'7e11:911e/r.11; i :' .'' ',1°00618,8011-4° *:•::::. House. Senator Robert Mackay: 31r. 'Whitney. Illibson said that has never been discessed." , the purpose of the Government to whatever aetien may be taken in re- I Arr. F. R. P. Drown, the eompany's make a general luquiry ieto the eon. " goose, hush, ..,.. 9 08 .... geed le tbe falegee teregeaerittes in i irgRtsgsmtAilve hew. also denies .i4e allot of tbe war in South Africa. _ nye, inise. Ittt•I••41,44• 0 i511.h •••• reaSj blaSb• • . • • • • • • 0 ** • • • 0 00 ..• • North Waterloo. it is not intended to i statement. When the svar was substentlelly end- Reftng bush - ..-. t -- .-, a VI." 4 ...Ars" 1 20 1 60 appoint any commission. Mr. WI -Aimee. athed about the MORKAN-V burnt ballot box and contents, and • „.„ elaeretious. The Government, in the 'Ion. Mr. Dryden said: In vietv of , erodes, or recerperat IL Montreal, Feb. 20. -The receipts of 1° .41"!(1.-45 ---'' ! meanwhile, heel investigated; twenty live stock at the East End Abattoir the fact that the nitlges have found. i Pailifill incidents at surreuders, and yesterday morning were 600 head of that th.ese clocuments were inadverte , 4lons Nectled to rioat it. New Torii, Feb. 20.-Artielee of tea had been dismissea. No officer ineorporatiou of the United States returning from South Africa would eass-a* ee calves. 30 slieeP, 00 boo'fitly destroyed, no further steps had I t PI On r lambs. The demand, was good azd - -- 1 - ,' Steel Corporation were filed yester- be eraployed at home witheut Lord prices, Anil meintained. Cattle -- n taken. nor doe,: there seerd 0 be aVY reaeon foe ;any further steps / 41a.,,,. morning a e o lee a e Q er s a t it tr f the It b t * net General Batebener's o be undertaken, , county (lett. .oe, nucleon younts. recommendation, .Spat:e0y.,.0, 'eek'NChoice sold at from dee en 4ac per In answer to Mr. Whitney he stat- '', New emcee pound; good sold at from 3ac to Jersey. Tbe bacorporators are passed 'without ter °Meer being re - 41,e per pound; lower grade from 2c 4 that the attention of the British tehatles (... cute. William ff. Curtis moved or otl- wise punielwd. ... It'verameW 14ad I"" drat" 1° the and Chitties MacVeagli. The total win nceteet tr niteltoner Asks Him. to 3° II° Pounds Calves Wertt sold' mocua station ia Ontario. but the 1 divided into 00 shares of .j.„,,, ape A. Own. Feb,..0. I. from 4t fn to 3ic per ,pound. Lambs epee' was unfavorable. %"" ed that the influential commandant. woo sold from 40 to 4ec per puund. In enswer to Pr. 'eyrie. Hon. j„ . "the '..1•'W rraYlsi" is 17414tie that Piet Forte and several bundred ' Ilogs brought Srom 6c to 7c per tlw etoelt I.U. be increased at aps Minneapaii. o. 1 Nor. .„. 0 74% Liverpool, Feb. 26. - Yesterday's BRITISH JOURNAUST SAYS IT. IS GOQD FOR KING TO RU't.E. d.Nobo0y could. my the war was Burley, Ws% , 0 45 047 substautially ended while 209,000 „0,,atese tee a ea • 2 RN15:011'; COIXI3N4, men, were eugaged in the military ''''''w"e"'" V VO 01,44 11C1NTIIMAI. XV.E STOCK. desirability of establishing " authorized capital stock is $3,000, ' crom 82 to e8 eavh. Sheep brought F b e -It, 's report - manufacturers* COMIniesion agent, eyden seated that the factory lime. The papers Med in Jersey 33"r$ i/1 .13°WetSti tlistrjet a" mind the tors were Messrs. Barber, aged , 'Willing to surrender if the command- P " t but it is understbod that the East Buffalo, Feb. 20. c- Cattle - 3Ir. Barber wag formerly A ' 1-ne • 1 des • "1 C ' Col:a- corns rect from General Xitcherier. Mr. Brown a.joursteneS woodwork- ne* ., ., . W . pittaiy, the American Steel and Wire aompauy, the Ainericau Steel Hoop ,! =eel on EOW.AltirS mateer. Drown. aged 09. and Itocque, ULIFS'AEO CATTLE )IAEKET. City are brief' awl -give few tletolls• ant shall receive a proposition di- EAST . and,31nritonque a ftreaula• 1‘4° • • company, the National Tube Com- . pane, the Aizerieau Sheet ee _ Causes mei* neeret Montreso. nua Ran -Vie, whose age would be givea St 1 Cora The Canadian Fire Underwriters' Association met in Toronto this week and as a result the insurance rates will go up. This is a result of the great bass sustained by the companies in con- nection with Ottawa, Montreal and other great fires recently., An entirely new system of rating is to be made. There will be no fiat rate over a dis- trict, but each risk will be judged on its merits, and advances will be made not, only on all hazardous risks, but on buildings in the neighborhood of sucb riske. All towns and cities that come under the jurisdiction of the Canadiaa Fire Underwriters' Association will be rated in this way, and the result, it -is confidently expected, will be such an • increase in tbe revenues of the corn- •pa.nies as will repay them for the losses they have already suffered. The de- cisions arrived at will apply directly to Ontario and Qaebec. ° • • • • The first vote in the House of Corn - moue gave the government a majority of 9. The vote was the result of Dr. Sproules, (Conservatives.) motion as follovirs :-"That, having regard to the large ireportatioris of sugar into Can- ada for home consumption, and tha,t, it has Toeen demonstrated beyond •a • doubt that the eniti-vation of the sugar beet in the Domition is not only feasible, but that it is being successful- l3r grown ill many parts of the coun- at present ; therefore, in the opinion of this house, in order to stim- ulate the farmers of Canada to engage in the growth of this Valuable product, • and also to encourage the establish- ment of beet, root sugar factories, a bounty should be offered for all beet root sugar manufactured in the Do- minion during the next ten years. C,Inirke Wallace insisted that the de- bate ought nob to be adjourned, but that the government should he pre- pared to say whether or not they agreed to the principle laid :town in the resola Lion. The opposition insisted upon divid- ing the house, and the motion to ad- joutu the debate was carried by a majority of 9. His neejesty Xing Edward VII. a Man of Affairs-slias His Nephew, the Gorman Emperor, as His Only Kingly Rival as a Earcl-Working Ulm of Eusiness. • Alfred Harmsworth, Editor of The London Daily Mail writesz But the future has good in store for ue. The world has passed from the realm, of sentiment to the ago of businesS, and 15 Dclward VII, 'We have one who is Above all a, man of affairs. Not enough is known this side of the Atlantic (he is in the 'United States just now) of the marked aptitude of our King as a diplomatist, a nego- tiator and a hard-working business man. His only rival ia this matter among the world's sovereigns is his nephew, =MM. of Germany, and uo (MO Will gainsay the -fact that for discretion and savoir-faire Edward VII, is more than a match for IL It bodes well for the world's peace that friendship, as the result of the Emperor's visit, will he firm, 'twixt 111/11 and his German nepbew. Mae three uatious do not alwaye see eye awl eye; no treaty will ever link them, perhaps, but there will be that between them, it is to be boped, which we of the work -a -day evorld knew 88 a "business undertaking." Edward NIL needs no training for his office. For sonie years past ell important foreign diplometic patblies have been. sent to Marlbor- ough House as well es to the Queen, a precedent Rfiglish aistoree He has gathered about him. in Sir Frauds ICuowles, Sir Stanley Clarke, Mr, Sydney Greville axe otb•ers ac- complished and businesslike men 'who heve attended to vast eorrespowleece audean infinite amount, of office work in a manner that has given universal satisfaction to the Empire, As Prince of Wrales Edward VII. showed on a score of occasions that prime essen- tial a a born organizer, the instinct or choosing the right man. As a bust- uess people eve need a business Mug. and we have the man eve evaut. Opening yesterday fairly active and 1.0e to 20e bielier on desirable grades of butcher cattle, but arriv- als came in right along, and the a,d- vane° was lost, the market becoming U desired. Dr. erne r. the American Tin. Plato Com- .; draggy. Stockers were lower, but mat, "'go." was formerly a milliner. piny, - , pane the National Steel Compealy Montreel, Feb. 20. --The news or top quality of Canada feeders were Mr. Harcourt requested Mr,. bite one the Federal steel company, the death of "Gat" Howard caused ney to let his motion for eomes of ' IL WaS reported In Wall street that general regret bare and in Lachute, all correspondence relating to grants , Ita mare than 1 $15,000;000 would wiiere he luta risided ftit some years to Toronto for Queen's 'Universities I be needed to float the new -company, , past, Major Howard mule to Can - and until Wednesday. ' and that this amount had alreadi ada M 1885, Irma New Inman, •stronger in some instances. Top quality of freslt cows and fornevd .springers sold higher; other kinds steady. Calves lower, Good to best smooth fat export cattle of clearable Ur. W. II. Hoyle, North ()Mario, Introduced a bill to enable f been set aside by the underwriters. Conn., in charge of the now famous quality, 55.25 to $5.50; Canada men 'who are within 60 days of i ets Capitalization. ; Getting gun, with watch he did ex- stockers, $1 to 81,15,, good to young I their majority to register as voters. " The Ilerald says: "This new come • .cellent service in, the Northwest Re- • choice do., 53.25 to 33.75; hiediug non. J. It. Stratton introduced ct , bination, it is understood, win, he hellion of 1885, particularly at the steers, choice to extra, 33.85 to bill to regelate the sanitary arranges ; called the United States Consoliclat- siege of Datocha After the rebellion $1.25; . good to chpice, 83.25 to ments in unorganized districts. also I ed Steel Company. It will have • a had been put down Mr. Reward was • 33.05; Canada feeders, good to ' " instrumental in establiihing the Do- choice, 33.75 to .54:: Canada stockers Orle to amend the Companie.e" Act. total capitalization o 3 , , , e, 1 000. Of this 3300,000,000 will be minion cartridge factory at Drowns - wan ;tweEvents. Premier Ross said yesterday that 1 •7; Per cent. general mortgage bonds, • burg, four miles front Lachute, and the judgment in Manitoba on tee ; 3100,000;0000 will be 7 per cent. became first manager of the works, prohibition law would probebly not I stock, and 8400,000,000 will be come a. position which he held for four . years. Since sesseraig his cennection affect Ontario as e ease was like_ i mon stock." ettthled, and the thatario I t with them company 1110 had interested ly to befire Government would await the result, I 111E. EITAN SATS IT'S 80. . himself with ninny iudustries, and at as stated to the recent deputations. - I the time of his deathhe owned an. Whe Deal Was Concluded Saturday- . extensive fisheryeindustry, with head- .): • lacer on elarch 1. quarters at Halifax, and large ful- minite works at Capleton, Que., sup - Sydnee, C . IL, Feb. 26. --- Thomas E. Ryan" the Xenir York lawyer, who plying most of the keeling cartridge i and arms companie it is stated is acting as representa- s' in. :America -with ; the products of t tire of j. P. Morgan, gave out the he Cepleton work. s Memorial to Falling Heroes. choice, 33,75 to 54; Canada stock- ers, common to good, 33.50 to e3.75. Sheep and Lambs -Offerings. 62 loads, with a good demand; the general trade was 10c to 20c high- er. The top quotable price on lambs was 35.85. The bulk of the soles -were at 35.80; choice to extra. .55.75 to 35.85; good to choice, 30.50 to 85.75; common to fair, 34.50 to 35.25. Sheep, choice to extra, '34.75 to 35; good to choice, 34.50 to $1.75; wethers, 54.70 to 35; export ewes, 84.25 to 34.40; Western lambs, 35.50 to 35.65; one load, 55.75. ALL1X.MeEX1.L DI:CLINES. Jas. lfnrnday af Clurilry Given North Ilrure Nomination. Marton. Feb. 2 6. -At a meeting 01 North Bruce Conservatives last night ' following statexuent last night: The Alen. lffenain was tendered the I Morgan syndicate purchased the pro - unanimous nomination for the Do- perty of the Dominion Iron and Steal minion House. In replying, Mr. Mc- Company late Saturday afternoon. Neill said that had the generous of- The price paid for the Works was fer been made to him in the after- 546,000,000. The coal mines at noon, he would have declined, but North Sydney will also be taken the evening mail had brought letters aver. The deal will be completed to - that modified his view. He said he morrow morning. The works at would require some time in which to Sydney will not be closed dqwn. The come toa conclusion. If the conven- works will be taken. over on March id inaraediate answer he 1 and the changes in the staff made would have to decline the nomina- tion. It was deemed imperative by the convention that a candidate be put in the field at once, and, accord- ingly, with' the approval of Mr. Mc- Neill, a candidate was balloted- for. the representative of J. Pierpont On the fourth ballot it went to Morgan. The statement he has gite, James Ilalliday• of Chesley. en out, that the Morgan syndicate Mr. Stewart of Alisa Craig. had purchased the Dominion Steel Ailsa Craig, Ont., Feb. 26. -The Co.'s plant at Sydney, is given no Conservative convention for the credence here by the members of the North Riding of Middlesex was held directorate, who characterize it as a here yesterday, President C. Walker of Ailsa Craig presiding. About 150 delegates were present. The follow- ing gentlemen were nominated to ti d on es re an • on March 10, Looked Epee us a “Fake." . ' Halifax, Feb. 26. -Nothing is known here as to the position of Thoinas E. Ryan, who claims to be contest the riding in the interests of the Local Legislature, viz.: Dr. Lang Granton; John Langhton, Parkhill; John Drummond, McGilli- vray; Peter Stewart of East Wil- liams and D. F. Stewart of Ailsa Craig. The trst four named with- drew, and Arr. D. P. Stewart was declared -the 'unanimous choice of the convention. The usual resolutions were passed. Looting Forbidden British Soldiers London, Feb. 26. -Lard George Hamilton, the Indian Secretary, an- swering a question in the House •of Commons yesterday, regarding the looting at Pekin, replied that the British troops had been strictly for- bidden to loot. Stringent measures had been taken. Certain articles of value which had been • left in the Summer Palace after the Russian evacuation, were in possession of the British. They would be restored to the Chinese when peace was estab- lished. Prank 'limn ilton Sentenced. Minneapolis, Minn., . Feb. 26. - Frank H. :Hamilton, convicted. of Manslaughter in the first degree, was yesterday sentenced to seven years at hard labor in the State Prison at Stillwater for the killing of Leonard Day last November, French Members Sore? Ottawa, Feb. 26. -The result, of the first division was the talk of the Montreal, Feb. 26. -At a citizens' meeting yesterday afternoon it was decided to erect a handsome mem- orial in Montreal in commemoration of the Canadian soldiers who„went to South Africa, and to Lord Strath- conres services in equipping the Strathcona Ilorse. It is expected that a fund of 5100,000 will be raised. Twonty-One Slaves neleased. New York, Feb. 26.--Th.e following despatch regarding the convict lease system operated in South Carolina, whereby negroes are placed in prac- tical slavery, were published here yesterday. Charleston, S. C, slave dealers, 'in Abderson County, who have been operating under the convict lease system, • •whiph was condemned in court a week ago, have made the :first move by releasing twenty-one negroes who were held captive in the stockades. Judge Benet has declared the whole system will be exposed. lobbies, and the Russell rotunda last night. The impression is gaining grotmd that the Government 'whips are not altogether at fault, and that the slim majority was not purely accidental. One rumor had it that the French members are not at all pleased with the trimming and twisting of the Government on the indemnity question, and that dis- satisfaction in that direction had its influence on the division. Three PCots,liro WILE d. Sydney, C. B., Feb. 26. -Daniel ToWnsend, George Dixon and Pliilip Townsend, three pilots, were clrown- ed whulc going• tt Island to Louisburg in an open boat Stin- day. The remains of the boat were picked up near the lighthouse yes- terday morning. Search is being made for the bodies. Six People Burned to Death. Londort, Feb. 26.-A firs yesterday , in a residence, situated in the poor gnat ter of Birm in gliam , resulted in SiX 41)t,11 and women Using incinsrat ed and four peisons being clangorous- ly burned. Drowned Her Six Children. Colfax, Wash., Feb. 26. -Mrs. Rose Wurzel*, a widow, -in a at oi insanity yesterday, &Owned her six children, •aged from four. to twelve years, at Uniontown, Wash. Two were boys and four girls. She threw them into a well 30 feet, deep, containing two feet of water, then jumped in herself and held the heads of the children beneath the surfacipunti1. all were drowned. Mrs, Wurzer was found alive in the well with her six mur- dered children, by the neighbors, who Pulled her out with a rope. KING EDWARD IN GERMANY. His Majesty Was Met at the Frankfort - on -the -Main Station by Emperor Trinnam. Frankfort-on-theallain, Feb. 26. - Hing Edward arrived here early yes- terday morning and was received by the staff of the British Consulate. After breakfasting, His Majesty strolled ,about the station platform. until Emperor William arrived. The greetings exchangecl by the mon- archs was most cordial. At 9 o'clock ethe :King and the Emperor boarded a train .and proceeded for Cronberg. At Orenburg.. BACILLI ELECTROCUTED. Tee reccraorcunaes- invention of a Ere: els Scientist to Purify Woter. ,A French scientist, Dr. Francisque Crotte, purposes to electrocute the bacilli in impure water and thus ren- der it fit for drinking purposes. The extraordinary feature of this invention is that Dr. Crate charges the electric current used with en autiseptic gas. Wherever the eleetricty passes the chemical gas goes, too, doing its work of cleausteg but leaving be- llied ;not a single other trace of its p r e tres en csee. Imbles o. bactericidal X-ray, for it passes where it will and kilIs every 'microbe i b:meets. So remarkable appeared the claims of Dr. Crotte that th'e Patent •Oillee refused to grant. his application for a patent until after the most • ex- haustive inquiries and demonstra- tions. • How thoroughgoing these have been is shown. by the fact that patent has been granted on 'Iwo - cess" -a thing which the Patent Ceffice very rarely grants. Even by this new process the ba- cilli are not killed easily, for it tafkes a million volts to put them hors du combat, while 1,500 ;volts is the power with which criminals are electrocuted at Sing Sing. In using ,the Crotte method of elec- trically destroying germs the liquid which ls to be purified is placed in a vessel, preferably a glass vessel.. Wires are attached to opposite points of this vessel, but it is wor- thy of notice that the metal elacls- de what electricians technically call "electrodes" -do not come in con- tact with the liquid. A perfect stream of sparks is pour- ed into the liquid when the current is switched on, but there is no change in the temperature of the fluid, the only difference caused by the electric fluid being the total ex- tinction of the germs of the disease. Manu Old lnhaDitants of the uron Traet Passes to Realms Unseen. Huron comity lost an old settler laet week in the person of Mr, Samuel M. Math, who died at the age of 80 years He was a netive of Ireland and came to this country ie 1832. One by one the pioneers of ;as Wawanosh are passing away, the latest being Tames Bell. Deceased was a native of Ocrouty Antrim, Ire- land, baying been born in November 1811. Mra• Thomas Timms, an esteemed resident of the West Ward, St. Marys died on Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, al- ter an filuess of only a few days. She was taken ill with an attack of la grippe on February 6, which sesulted in her death as above stated. Malcolm McNicoll, an aged resident of Orey township, has passed over to, the majority, Be was 82 years of age- dAnother resident, . Pato!), has - so gr :snide etdo illuisHiroenygfhoornfiot er; yagyeeda7r4s., 'Wm And still another has finished his, earthly career, James Oliver, aged 85,. The old settlers are dropping at fast, There passed away in Stratford Friday; Mr. Wm. Douglas, at the age of 87 years. Deceased was born m A.uglinageegan, County Arniegh, Ire. land, Ile came to Canada in 1848, settling in Downie on con. 9, on the farm now occupied by Mr, Andrew Atchison. In 1850, be moved to St. Pauls, lot 8, eon. $, where be lived till f90years ago, when he come to Stmt. rd. On Saturday, Feb, 10, Elizabeth Mc- Dougall, relict of the late Donald Scott, died at her hcane 18 13rusee1e, eged 70 -years. She bad been ill for the past 12 weeks and her demise was not an urdoelted for event. Mrs. Scott was born at Pitloebrie, Perthshire, Scetland, and she was married there about 1840 to Mr. Scott, who pre -de- ceased her about 10 years. They came to Canada. shortly after their marriage' and lived at Oshawa, Stratford, and Ilarpurbay before taking up their farm north half of lot 80, eon. 9, Nor- ris in 1803. Here they sojourned untit 1874 Nvlen they removed to Brussels. By Clinton's defeat of Goderich on, Tharsday the championship for the, Huron Itockey League this year will est in Seafortb, as will be seal from the standing of the clubs, given as follows : Won Lost- Cronberg, Feb. 26. -King Edward and Emperor William arrived here' yesterday, morniog and drove in a sleigh to Friedrichshof, where the Emperor bid farewell. to the King and retorned to HoMburg. Edward proceeded to the bedside of his "sister, the, 'flowage:. Empress Frederick. • • Ki ng Ed ward re:noir:0(c' with nia sister a quarter of On hOur. It was Observed that His Majesty on leaV- ing betrayed no Special :anxiety, and it . was deduced that he. was :favor- ably impressed with the -'Dowager "-EmpreSs' Condition. :rioter there was a luncheon 17 perScine 'sat clown. :. Dm- :kror ; who had drivn over from 'Hoiohui.g, sat next to King Edward in the centre of a long table. • Gets Three Tears. Woodst• OC , . 9 Pear- son, the Delhi forger, will spend ihe next three years ill Kingston Peni- tentiary. That was the sentence passed upon hint by the court when he was arraigned before Deputy Judge S. G. McKay yesterday moeit- , Prince Karl of Croy is said to sittings, at which Mr. Justice Lount have ceininitted suicide because 3:?e will preside. It will the judge's first; • was jilted by a peasant girl. murder case.. • Ills First Murder Case. • Peterboro, Feb 26. -Sharpe, the Wan, who shot Hull, will be tried here cm March 21, at the 'High Court. „Ootel Horne& at Wheatley: Wheatley, Feb. 26.-11_bout 1 o'clock yesterday morning the hotel owned by Mrs. Merritt and occupied by W. Wilson, was discovered. to be on fire. r.Phe inmates easily escaped. Thomas Coulter, one of the boarders, lost. 5150. The .hotel and contents were burned to the ground. . Loss about'53;000; mostly covered by in- surance. Minimum Weigbt Advanced. Toronto, 'Feb. 26. -On March 1 on the C.P.R. and the Grand Trunk Railways the minimum weight of grain to be shippedto and from lo- cal points will be advanced froM 30, - 000 to Aosoo St0Cli 071 the Farm. If the animals on a farm are con- sidered as customers, and everything they consume is charged against them, the value of the "home -mar- ket" will be 'appreciated. No farm- er ever fed an animal because he in- tends to give such food free of cost. He looks forward to the time when the animal is expected to pay for what it receives. The live stock of- fers a market for many articlesthat could not profitably be shipped, and if the animals only paid for the food they received, with no extra. profit, the farmer will succeed in selling much. waste material in that man- ner. Seaforth .. • .. .1* • • .1. 5 1 Goderich.... - ..... - 4 3 Ofluton 2 4. 1 WHAT WAR COST. It was a costly century of war that Englithruen bad to look back upon a bundred years ago. The fighting re- cord, bevel. in 1702 with the war of the Spitursli 'inceession. «waeh c_nst R02,500,000. The Spanish weer:4'1739ns- absorbed £54,000,000 before it was settled at Aix-la-Chapelle nine years later. The Seven Year's War cost 4112,000,000 and the American war cost £136,000,000. Most expensive of all was the French revolutionary war, begun in 1792, If we extend the re- trospect back to 1088 and up to 1815 .we lind there were in that period 62 years of peace and that the 05 years of war cost £2,023,000,000. The larger item in the vast total was, of course the campaign a gainet Bonaparte,which in 12 years cost 31,159,000,000. axotivo .F.,,tabnshea. An old Scotch lady,' who: had • no relish for modern church music, was expressing her dislike to the sing- ing_ of an ,anthem in her own church one day :when a neighbor said: "Why, that is' :a 'very old anthem David sang that anthem .to Saul." -To this the cfid lady replied: :-Weel; weeli I nOO for: the first One under- staa' why Saul threw his javelin it David when the les1 sang for. him." About Crar,te'ns. Gardens should be ornamental •as well as useful, but especially should the soil of the garden be very rieh. There will be no danger from using too much manure in the garden if it is applied at this season of the year. The soil of the garden should be'fine, hence it will be an advantage to plow the garden early so as to per- mit the frost to assist in rulveriz- , ing the lumps. "Making Over" a Hat. A Corry woman, who couldnot af- ford a new $5 hat, visited a millin- ery store, saw the late styles, went home, pounded her old hat for half an hour with a rolling pin, stuck a Children Cry for, of all the women in the town, to church the next. Sunday the envy CASTOR IA.1 TENDER CORNS, Soft corns, cores of all kinds removed' without pain or sore spots by Put- nam's Painless Corn and Wart Ex. tractor. Thousands testify that it is certain, painless and prompt. Be- ware of sabstitutes offered for the genuine "Putuam's" Extractor. Sure safe, harmless. At ' all druggists or - sent by mail upon receipt of twenty- five cents. N. 0. Pelson & Co.. King- ston, Ont. I MESSAGE Of HOPE TO NielS, WIES on 0011011e13. The Only Banisher of Disease, and True Life-Qiver for Brokendown: and Af- flicted Women. ?RINE'S CELERY GOMFOUND The Wondrous Medicine That:- Cures When All Others Fail.. Thankful and grateful women throughout Canada take pleasure in recommending Paine's Celery Com- pound to their afflicted sisters. The - m - marvellous medicine promptly gives that health and strength tbat all NVearied, nervous, despondent and - broken down women so much need. • Jessie M. Ross, Quyon, Que., writes - as follows : "It affords me much pleasure to - testify to the great good that Paine's Celery Compound has donelor rim. I - was completely run down in health,. and a victim of female weakness, and after using three bottles of the great", Compound I wa s cornpletely cured. It is the best blood purifier I know of,, and I recommend it to all who suffer as I did." feather through the band and went