HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-2-21, Page 8STEWART S
rice Only
.Montj SOUS Tor 6106asit tintm
en's k'sur Coats.—Black Astrachan, Natural Coo; Austra-
and dark Wallaby. All at money -saving prices.
Men's Fur Coats. --Natural Coon, Australian Coon, Austrian
Calf and Corsican Lamb. All at Inoney.saving prices,
Womens Fur Capes, Fur i;aperincs, Fur Neck 4effs, Fu
Muffs, and Fur Mitts. All at money -saving prices.
Men's Fur Caps, Fur Mitts, and Goat and Saskatchewan Robes.
Ali at money -saving prices.
yon have a fur want, now is •your fortunate opportunity. We
are willing to loose in order that we may dear nut every fur gar-
ment in the hop, Come and see what we can do for you.
We have just opened some very swell new black Dress Goods.
They came our way. A bit of a bargain. if you are in need of a
swell, tiew, black Dress, perhaps we ctoi save you some money.
Ydu are welcome to see what we have, whether you. want to buy o
1 flOong's!.;)-1'ierea,--The Parkhill and
Exeter hockey teams played a /natal
on the Exete' rink on. Taesdaty even -
g. The ice was.. in good ebudition
nut- a- very faet gagte, was played,
Exeter lvinuing by a score of 11'401 -
ExrriarratxatEXT.--The enter-
tainment. and. supper of the Presby, ,
terian Sunday School ou Tuesday.
ev"i"' 39‘44 ve'rY: 111"11 e"i"e4hy
N&W 000DS
sternly *lit there wee a fair Alton-
tbease present. 'Notwithstanding the. ,
tlauce, and the • different nangbers -
„g y the children in dialogees,
tousle and recitations were well ren-
I T,Ait'.4 .••B.
, • . • ,
— . , . ,•
CASE OF, sx.i•ramo-x temnoz1:-
The ozedleal health officers haS Pro:
nounce4Oharlee Maaile, a 173 001-
1)orne street, to be suffering troin
smallpox, Maule, who is einployed in a
leather store on Richniorod street,.
has been ill for a -Coupleo. weehs,
the licluse sllet doox' to Colboi•ne
street south aehool, the school has
been closed.
FitEn LuisAilY 001SCEThe corr.
certgiven on Vriday evening under
the auspices of the Public Library.
was one of the best ever given ui
Exeter. E.very number on the pro-
gram wits well tratert-an'd rendered in
pleasing manner. Uiss Alexander
sastained her reputation as an
locutionist. while MitS3 eelway gave
tbe amlience a treat in her sales.
lack Vincent 0,1§10 pleased his hearera
With several comic song, for which he
has become so popular. Miss Ida
johne arid John SnarkMan PIA•Ye,(1
several duets in fine style,. Allss
Rattly was accompanist for Mise Sel-
way and perforuled the 4utles
ahly, 'rho anIX diatippointing featnre
Omit thie affair iv:3,5' that the- crowd
ww too small, the l'eccipts not balanc.
big the expenditure,
011 For Marriae
ctacless Etc
Watch Repng a Soecialtv,
Some may not be aware that
we have a jobbing business a
well as the retail :--the former
extending from Sarnia to Strat-
fordand Owen Soundo.
, coverin
the district to Lake Huron. Th; SrRAWORD. Our
demand for our goods has 8°
"Th Claitral
fairly good over this section mand - "Peru) C' ;it ra
beaerne To3dern and pre-enlin)entlt;
to -d ' hou
the incoming orders a little usinstFueturs are the bPst
that money canhire.
Sections of our Fancy Good. ielltutionts'tt,?.;:iitglail hIan Pet174titt7tel ;at: rat,
numerous than for last year.
have been clea.red. The balances 1"
will offer from Monday,
with all, late arriving stock we
De Z1
wet a utielpronacuoti(ileilig;%57;tel n:g:Ngy sellotniglittfloivnA:t!ittrtonntai
Dee, ...ano_.froom to -clay. why nyft $nnattrbe
a mated
i6th to Jan. 1st,
sale prices, school supplies in d
1901 at
$ whole- ut.eihi:gwaeee.„ Write Air handsonie
ed. Tins will be a Christmas
gift in another form which we
offer only to our old customers
and their descendants.
Christmas cards special, Thurs- t The OW for •changes xnust be left
day noon to INtonday evg next. not later Ulan Tuesday noon, Casual Lent began ye terdrty.
advestisements' accepted up to noon MA'S. liaraing is ill,
Grillo .1 WeduesdaV of each week.
Yesterday was .Ash Wednesday;
Mrs, Freak Gill ontinnee 'very ill..
rge is LrmecteNageow.IoafnFausiallaititha.o, has
olm McNichol. an old resident
"nity, died OP Feb. aged
Huston are having the
at ir furniture store re -
of Listawel, in.
ds o open up a eant tailoring
it) Berlin.
Bell has said bifiwe farm on
he townline of Ribbert to D. Lioton,
f Fallarton, for a nice sum.
R. T. Kidd has sold its livery bust -
u Listowel to James Gunning-
Palinerston, who has taken
s esszon. Ain Kidd will continue
ary business,
t will be of interest to know that
louse of Refuge eosts the people
this county only 7! cents eacha.
7ear. This includes maintenance and
interest on investment.
It is stated that if Mo. George E.
Foster does not contest North Bruce in
the Conservative interests, Lieut. -Col.
A. R. Belcher, of Southampton, will go
before the convention,
Albert Greensides aid Mitchell
itizen, was injured' while unloading
C ar of lumber at Weiland Junction.
He bad his leg broken in two. place,
also his hip and shoulder. diajointed.
Jacnb Brunner, ex -Warden of the
County of Perth, passed. away in Mt.
Forest on Monday' at tile age of 02
years and nine rsionths, Re had been
ill for some time with cancer in the
We MVO just received Ex, 8, 8. "Astoria" direct from
G'reat 'Britain a very large consignment of New Spring and
Summer Metehandise, Among this lot are,
,..,,,,g.e: Dress Goods New 'fable Linens New 'Dwellings
" b atms " Gels Caps
:: LL:lwellesurtams " Trimmings
" Muslins
" Dimities " Chiffons ITFIznereylettes
44 WorstedsMeRs"' St:ice% s " Tucked Namsook
'' Tucked Lawns
Handkelifs ' Organdies
" Embroideries " It, elrets " Ribbons
Millinery, Tips-aud Plu
ittrawyo Bargain&
20 yds regular 7e flannelette for $1.,00.
go yds regular So grey cotton for $1.00.
Regular 25o feather ticking for We.
Regular 28eeottonado for 2450.
Regular 15e skirting for 120.
Regular 12-1c skirting flannelette for .
13 yds regular 10o white cotton for 1'3
Best Paris whiting per lk Ole
Best clothes pep per doz Ole..
New sateen print worth 17e, Spec or
Regular 35e black cashmere hose for 25e,
Regular 75e $1,00 $1,25 corsets for ;We,
6.6 al ill crcsno Farmors,„...00_
aro s the New Lugoiro Fresh Oats for seed,
They I fro 5 to 80 bushels per aere, and am free from
rt mut. They may he had at both our Exeter o
es at a reasonable price. Now is tho time to
ir seed,
lekard Co.
Dire�t Importer.
Try the Scranton Coal -no ellakers Chas. Rowe d to
again confinehi
IBXEVritiR :,Sold by Heitman. on Sbed with a relapse.
Miss era ell left atarday W. Reed bits taken possession of
Rachel Zane, wife of John itleLeod.
ied suddenly at her home on Sluiter
t, oa Wednesday
ning. Mrs McLeod had not been
eling well ,since Salairday last, but
n Wednesday morning seemed ninth.
ameeemeemeameaaeaat morning last for Sarnia, 'where she the North Jilnd hotel.
has accepted a situation.
P. L. Bishop is proSpetting the Mr. ana ittro. Darippor. are at
4Preti Miners of the I)olierty C/rgari Net', Ontario IIiistriet,
ditughtere, Mrs. King and Mrs. Maw-
hoine again after a visit with their Exeter yiuritoipai ,obiatioit. were Oliarles hfugferti. 'Colborne, an
Miss Mary Bilegard, Tuckersmith.
Mrs. A. Ford has retureed ,feevpaa
visiting friends in Brantford.
Absolutely pure Baking Powder
sold at Luti's Deng Store. 10, 1.5 and,
25 cents a can.
Mrs. W. H. Grabanr-returnedtd St.
lklarys on Saturday aftee--;a: month's
visit with Mrs. John '
!Factory, Clinton, is spending a few
Besides 'showing the proVt_or los pabs a house
leaning in edry goods abre.. Anflibe that nO,t_ be
thoroughly .up to -date- for spring trade is placed on the
gain tables regardless of cost,
e have a, fevv o TileSe
Not Nrat, e are pieased o say,
0-! have ;Ore: .t Yl.soy :Short' Et -1d6..
dress toc
ed among the remnants. Al first class goods
wrtpperettes, cottonades, pr uts, flannelettes
u ure
and b tunivinced that the al
any bargains still I ft FANCY aQODS al
Parlor Suites Bedroll!
Tables Couches, do,
of the GIDLEY Stock.
Wood Tam In Mange tor Furnitur
Beverley & Huston,
Remember the stands,.
ERNEST ELLIOT, weeks under the parental roof. last week, is convalescent. .
James Willis, who was reported ill son, in McGillivw.
Council meb purstiant tra adjnornal
4goo tor thowzormos. Assmorcz cost. A Mr. McKee. Denfield, formerly It has senwed almost every 'day meat; at.ToWit 110, February 14th.
%tem of Taranto; also for the Pratonx FIXE ari. employee:of the Sutherland -Lanes ing to Toi•onto next
A. DempSey and family intend niov. sinee-theateginigng -of February. - The All !present.% -
.nstnia-sce Oeurasy, at Leaden, England; Co., Exeter, was married on Monday 'ili•t:11, filled and during Minutes of pre.eions andet-ing read
4--rtra4N4-11 t"1733^I'Ing C°31P'INV' ne Eng evening to Ittrs. Felton, of Xf'ter.
Ins room recently etving•to illness;
Winaerigg, sr.has been Confined to the lastlew daliejAhere has been but and confirmed.
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
izea at the residence of Daniel Burr,
Parkhill, Monday.' 'Feb 11. by the.Rev
E Ford, when Maud, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr Burr; was married to Percy
II Wilkins, son a same's • Wilkins,
_ Miss Selway, of Toronto, is visiting
Leyetta-Armstrong -.That ,hy-latv
at Dr. Amos?. She sang, with. lunch Weed Bros. Made it shipment otfat The South Rtiron Liberals will ersia4 No4.-1001,,to regulate the condactand
TEURSD-4,..Y. FEBRUARY' oisk 1001 aee.eptante.
„_„ tertan church last Sunday evening,
two solos in the Presby- cattle from Exeter station last, week. *vene:att Jlensall-ortliarch h-th to nom., PPOglition of shootingalleries for ti
Sad to relate and very sudden Was
thedeath of Herbert Wendell, beloved
son of IkIrs David Jacksou, of Hullett,
On Wednesday, Feb 13,. at his honae.
Had, only been ailing about a. month
About twenty ladies and getitlemen
of town atteaded the bachelor's ball in • Marton & Carling expeet to . move
_____ Hensall,on Monday evening The and thus being cut off at the earlY age into their •netv• Ittiv offices next week. _ . 1_
getestaefic:r2,,?4,ydrne Ratz' at tint'''''Sriiii1;44411ktiattcm'..ing
i:f and you'll burn no otiler. -
Ilearnan sells the 'best coal, Try- la port baying a splendid . time, 'and the of itl Yeax's is a Sild bluiv-to the mother ' 'Or. a4cid MrS, li.'.. S. 0'.,Ilell on .ues- e„ra of his Sunday asitichool lecia-sg--a'a`-' drawn on" Treaitirer •for 4.Sadid :--
wPes lati..tah91-,a'at, ,* 9d ti nu.,,,.,.. oe.00nnts be PaSeci gad orders be
bail a suceess: There were abont forty and famiiy. , .. .., . •,. day; evening entertained a nuliaber.„ of & s n1900 $8 00".- AdV at
ricit,.;-.Afraawbiortber..bud,sup,„ Pemting Co., error in .:.1F.y1100; $21:10 ;
Sark/ nel Passmere, . Thames Road, The belt in the -doubletree broke, sale, , ... ., . • •
• Mr. and Mrs. John Charlton are mate a candidate for the 1,egishiture, Mt; practice as realfiraatime„ be
visiting friends in Parkhill this week. The ehuice'lleS het weenall. Y-111cLean rnre> retta-a.sectuid acid athr thnn.,,and
fi '0 '
The PA' farm, at Slaffa, him been couples preseat. 1-Vbile pressing: hey at Win Dale's entle. Monday evening to a very pleasant' 1 e tte oc e
sold to Inhn Smale for 6,500. , A load of young people from town
Seafortli met ith'a ainful ad ident another cola n a br•ek ard• for
on •Satitrday last filicliael of Sproat 33ins. of Seasforth,• advertise per atEsseryiaa $JaiToes Ri 1,1sse. ,1,11ratr,bgi.t.ea3173,,n
Mrs. Rutherfot'd f Alytrier is visit drove out to the home of IVIr. and Mrs. • P • • sPenaIng 11, Y•RrY evening. Qu'aeeri'sslitener'arril 1310;truandt.'turi* Dor
ing her sister, Mrs. C. Gidley.
Sunday with his parents bore. hours of the morning. All report hay- throwing, hini • abnat twenty feet. on mairaat,
When picked tip he Was ainconscious.
, • , a , •
• cording Secretary:of-the:I.-0' 'F. at" $1, 40 • 3 plea Creech use of horse on
Mr. Frank Willis, of Porest. spent
where gaixies, inusie atid such like
were indulged in fill the Wee ma' Huriy just belOw'the stornaCh and;
causing the artri tony haekt sttikieg Rage:Flails, late of Ci„eilioo,' has printed the following-pecullarly con.
The St.. IVIArys.jtagriabof fait week.,,prRps Coa 700 pjaines. •charity
alloyed into Searles Datil/30.1s resiiience structed itt-ticlaa—tTaalittahand, Re, atn°-0'31tia'vpsjOsSaitintgt.6.,t11°;° S; natifuOaria970;
Miss Della. Otopker left for St. ing spent a, pleasant. evening,
Marys after at extended, visit with the The Seaforth EipoSiter thus refers A Mitchell correspondeht repcnts RatAteri, • recetvea ''..nn„P•ittardS,Y.Tesb isuo-W• plow $1,E1),;,7,ii,14:es POecb.:lifood
Misses johns:
Miss Emma, Morgan has secured a
to a former teei. VE. est lOle 0111Y-ah'IlYilw. * "
The osiderieh',Signal • coMPlaltls Of that joliii'CliapPel; Of,ltiektonis com- cheek for $2,000 f'd'r tair4gtu' ,for.Town,Ha,$,5'215,
og to Exote te, o . she gazedput-ci.f "W1oodfift,'ng girl, aS,ll
,4?Y' • ' Rrituaconifie 'isaistrince "-fittieral . „ •
• , • .
Box, of the late Broarlf•oot & *Box' Huron being represented' the • • •
situation with Smallroan. & Ingram, uoinpany, c,has been apntantarnan present session of theLegislature, So ,
Frank Snell, who has •been tending At-arspeezalreedting,:.o ta Presbya eX`pe ees 20 0(i., -Carried; • -- " • `
London. . ger under the rjew tonv'-any, aaa will far as that goes, the poroplaint IS well:. 9 . oar a,vv, MaryS, .for tei y of Heron held in , Clinton on evett--Minta-ThaVccioncil 'adfciurn '
• some tune, is home. „ , Tuesday the cona•regations of Leebizrn;.1.1. archlet at -7-.304.3.• inaaCarried.
our sadduty this week to
chronicle the demise of Annie Mar.
shall, beloved wife a Nvuv Boyle, of
licityl.noti, 'being formerly -of Ofilaton,
and for sortie lirae •teacher 'S. S.
No. 8, Stanley, who died on Jan. 25t1x,
at tillage of 27yeates, .• Mee. Boyle be.
came .attonbled with Jung rtroable
aboutat year. ago. • ,
Mr. James Love, of Grey townribipa
who bas rented Me. :EratielS CletterS
faro:ton the 2nd com, take possession
this week. , - • a ia
The Donunion government, witi so
amend tbe.clectipn-llaw aS t() xnak0
perfnissible to ,u,seT, municipal .vo,ters'
lists with9at h4ying heen,printed 00
da4's,InTere,tlie 'pate of momartations.
thildreft test
Miss Yellow', wholas been visiting have full and co.mp . t h. ge . fatlae
with her parents, has retnrned. tot works here; includingthe selecting and a ying in ie pea er o eppoin mg a .
a ll • ' -U. - tt f ' • t,' James Willis • has material, on,; the . .
Ltindon. • , : • ,• .-. a .:-..- engaging•of tbe enaployeeS. - This ,'•ati- ne 'stray ? .The public witi,s000 have ground for the enlargement, of this; of- .into one charge: with, the: •Rat7: j. A.; ::;:‘,..z '• -':' -.-••• 4,.. - •%i • • •- ;•• '
f ' gl tt .1. that tdier wa a ..egis rat :.. .
• p • ' t . fice at the•Inretber• yard., ., ,, 'a . ,,, _,,n- qt.' PP• ? • . . '
,,. 'Mr.. and 1/frs. JameirXincire,:; who -a-I
o'ntment will he very `pleasing to the orgo ei , , e . s. . , . A d s. ' f d -ode ' h as oderator . 4 • •- • -;a- • . ' • - •-•
have bserr ill with la.grippe are able to ' PciPle. 0 '• ..e0Pet ,. a,s' t eY have full . - , - . auriag tn.e: vacancy., ot, a p lure in xa.reb. ...n.d, Are.x.. ,m..: ibf.v_litaribia. an,
and Bayfield, Were
f S " h ' rh - ''' or ,that the offipeare vaeanta „ : .. „, ' ly,. Balkwill and Oan .Davis'` enFri-- -0.0ael,„1413atila4a), r cli 6.2:1111" ' b • --1:47arn* ' '4,'1,g, .. OA,. $aini•days,
h •i., . • . - .;•••••,•1•:,,-, 'confidence la Mr. Box, arid the corn, The Real Estateawners : nom ion. , ,.. , „ : , - , a a • ,.., a so um , in ,9 9171 ,,a'. K. _.,- . , viaarzh.,„.,,,otakittlie•alloaselloid, eafeete,,._
an °1-1- agal-n• ' ' ''''' ' '!';''' ' f rtunate ha' ec h." of London arepertectinglplans,fot the , .0e? -s
, - .. pally are o s tiling is ser ,
E, II. Sawerslyt Bruceheld as anatiera-
7'.;a: ' • i• • daY last shipped'a car:load tif tiielimt- 1 • ---tdd • 1,-- . w , , ihkfb•ti itev. ,auctroji.welprriir,i,:ey, iq'9i°;,e, , !Aar the,
Miss L: 'Moore, nurse at the London • vices, . • a • , ,., ; proposed patellas& ofthe RonaldS team . AN:?.'na. ?o has has Moved en :to -the toraluting' tile Vitnlindy-I':,: ln eid&-ti to . a.,„ •J:l• , , ., .},rc. i.,,
Thames Road, one day Teat -Week . .. • 'D . a -- • -• alearof.hringing thefactorY to Lon, leas for for: a tern] ••O'firears. • , ' ,.., • Hamilton resigtred'Ithe•ap'astol'actel of 8, ,
Asylum visited with her parents i • : • • ' ''• - • • • vire Engine:MrtirkS, at' Brusgel'A, Witk, ,'Weod farm' in ;Usborne, whieh heahas facilitate -the -8e •IiiltritiS f the 7.1116"Vr•P j;• •,:r:i4o• 111.t, -.rat,., 11 .-,3:: a,m,•,•„-: ,3:- li,
donag. away with or greatly eurtailing ' . z.
An aouta,tion is being cotritilenced:',:for
•-••• r• an is osep
- - ke •'
' :8aie::•aVirc34b16clePrV;61-ililatictitrireert--
Miss Lizzie Wilson,.sphool teach.er at furieral services at tlia raV i ' don,' , •-'Sorne $10,000 Worth OtStoek has: .• ; kis ;Shaw; of 'Teeswaterii:ai' .- been '
LeetittemancLilinion:cliarcha;aa: -Le! - 1 Catide.„Yiblitis4nSti“ 'd leii-t d
' '
and. it 1- Is :proPbsed to capitalize the„. 006,
been '•Stitis'eyibect by' Londoir',eitizens, engaged•as milliner forthe'RTPickard The; 'hiatile")kyr..mt.;;Iifid'IMI-S.5111Vim.ina'apaw,tiataffitt6 liTpktiptiii- qflirdi..bay.11.-
'' '1171. tiVtWf 'Otb-19ttibiAl•eiSh-tYc'Jll'Alleiir
Tp, e ra e
Exeter, 'for the,co'rriiiig :sea:SW:11f • -WalSh; Williittel,Stireet,i'. wavthe heenela•figm Vaal -iaani ,-.4.:,•!t') ,:t. .i ,,,t4.1 .p.,..1
CompanY at _850,000: ' ::The.,:cOnipan;Y;, - '"o• - • II, ; ; ; • -, f 'i -•,„.-“ : ofmvery.prettyaweddfng.;barTneSday,
Will 'also ina.,n ufa;ctii rp ' fire ajaritiboxes,, „Ii-aeeve, ,\N-...c4...Tob-p.,.:,:dx. ,h4--..t3pen afterno t F b "1.0th ''.' benflias1 fddith; - •• '-.M.',1441:11.• .thil9RoeL4p,1;p0,tpActst,er; ap,
en:, - -e I , w . •
L •k a d 0 oxiaw,...., lot tri his-
. 'founded,. -how about -the dilly-, •
' " and Ataburnawere united -J. 5E0: 11;•BissETT, Clerk.
re on, , daughter - Of Rev. Jasper
Wilson, Goderich, visited friends here
ever Sunday.
Use Wman's C.,ough Balsam :for
Coughs,Colds and Bronchitin Troubles.
e market, :$old. by C. Taitz,,
sole agent for Dix LniagSYrup. • ' has been tontracted'hy 'standing 'on-
". The' rePort that ,Conductor Ireland covered at .:theIxave Service,
who has had the Ltiadon, Huron land ,was being read. Pas respect,forhe
Brace run for many:years, was to leave ,deacit.hdor not d,emand snch , sactlice'
inclement weathera. §,everal years ago
softie clergyinetianide,a practice of)re-
aauesting these at Me -grave -side ;to
eep on • their filet's, and' this iS a
eneral rele., This a. corninou sense
one • ManYii, Cold i le h
for apother roate,.'-:„.;,b,,etween vven 4`"? e 117313g
• , ,
Sound and Palnaersten•is denied. r;
:Use Der cold .Cure for the diatetWetnici()s latEilasliette;:e8fIroat !:t•ti:Vi)T.brf
tt or
'relief a:nd rapid -core •laf cold nien.the few:extrarets,w'lgch may. ialteresult Ines,
Head, La Grip,pe, influenza,:iSiek;::Ner- a.ny , friends here: -TI) ,poPUlation
,,vous nr Neuralgia' Headache; 'etc,arliere IS about' 9,000 ''cif which one-third ..
,„„stda by C, Lutz. -Only, ,.le'a boat,.. , .1 is bla,c1r; aa big lunataer traffic ,,ikr
'On Thursday; evening, Feb: 14-th,:the (three railroads running into the place; a
teachers and pri,neipal ofthe e p ihn t.,heland is flat and•sandy with - shal -,
. . i a c , , . - .
school Were '' entertained ' 'to an oyster •1°114: soil- .1t• is ver.Y warm
don. , A_ pleasant eyening `wa,a ' spent i lied green peas for dinner the'daY loe-' `la
'and -on departing Mr. •liordort, thforni,_ fore OhriStina4 ripe strawberries hre:. •'•3
his guests that, be hoped this would be for eale, the orange bred
es anpotathes tf
an aturtiai eveut, 18 he believed ,iii, the -are in blossom; the roses and honeY- ,
'....,7i. ' '.:%-,, • +777.7""..7.77."'",,-^;; 10' Oh ;:e al4
ur '.;goOcIr.:7tire....-,thet bttt
..p_i_r-ii4c,eq...:':4-brisi6.7;s1,9!i;y1?miti. 12,:frq119,,y.
? e„,,qtr•.--,0,tar,teitiram.- ane-: of.f.itb.e
'1'e• laaciel's, tho.;,til 'fr'O'llei's;.;.'' NYater, .111'f°-"°.Pai.tn-110{-1, 4g4•!..irl •-al?.JP .`0,ge , daogbtera-MisrraPillirtn awasannited in lit n lY 7 wit _.
TrieterS" ,.i,,i-i& (16'.;,,,, general:- re`Pa,:iying.::• •dOwntown,p.444 ro.oji..-, a-4or .husintes, . nmit,r4gii-44,,E.401 c,',N,,','-,tiy: ,4",Thr9,4ti'is,ing..,,,,4Sulday•RM.aft• ,paas...eclelipid:pf,,,n....a',.-resi.‘•' '.' ' !,., !,11..iVOrIVii.ext3p-64.'d 61,its
1511st.r1;e:: '''. . : ' ' • - ' ': '.. :, ' '":1 .:" MiS.§.-.Vdi tbjEryfainfin On'FridVirast. .young;:dentjst4if 81v ipsig,431:6 ' -.4. ft?r- "lent 9r 4ue tn°w 10 lifan'Y't4'ilan(1.-1.''',.: ''''-'src4"''
bnavolia9",ii.i1.6:::fa".0.-d'..I4isyrrcpif, .0t entertainediSeic (81ifidat•;:sehOor 'el -ass ther of'ais, udbffe ,to. (*ey• .., .rm,-.9.5.1' Rbt,Apie/Ply,911.0p1 ;FY: ester'3411:: MI4)37 W'S --1-4•411.-• MAtlf -1Pjatl;90'
0the ,1841 ,90,11. - pAtiAt,-:.:tigpatheo;:har • to a pleugtint'stsgli- ride around town, or. Miiyard perfrAii-i?e,d':::tih'e'e04-4Ony.**V -;,•,R>,4?-r18;hg:iie,
..,,s,; p,- i ,rpniecha,te.catise.of tleath, be,' ‘, ,....; a .• 1, 1..J.1 ' "A'.,„ i.,t,Q,i,i, 4
he •t .f. II The 'deceased was , a . ' ' 'Tli'el3tirle' go ked,t, Velyaiatettyin; white..,,e, Naikyffriends DIPA-Ae,grefi•-t,oileatP.P4 Of,•7. '.-',1) :?:' IV:88W6 'IT -ay§ (.6 ,("lia'itl
The,sadnews.reaelyecl'vvitigham on, • ,' ''
IVI'"$re'' .'V•Ivv9ell-'06•,••1310).91.10.1i: this, .
,S.'i ,; E.' i. Nr , -,-,:•,,, 7 : ayinghaiiatil The" obitidel4its,.1-16.1:'reciat:an.,..,.. skew svyaPyaltine.,Pe% , '.• et - busa10'.4 N....41','es; 'fr„,1t140driZep7airSt; ,
lug : at Ft 1.1.r.e. •
inlier' forty. thirdiearancl'leaVesbe••' V,e•ea- ' shut' Via .'irtiliati•olIA.:Mong• ale Milted the death of 'Mrs D.:Li:Pa' 44:4111.1"1111ti ''''''' if- .'n'• Dat'ott.t
;Stallien, !'"„Prinqe...-.Frilerick,,!;to,,E0ink,..
41§0secl; 9:f;':-.4(?"10 • '°IYAgsgalP guests ,preIefit Wiiiid'ilioge,'fronilionaa(gla1141,e'r4iiafigiIiAt4OAr4WAttgrOell-o's".1f1.- ' - • --s'T.-• i,' • • • ,A:0
,Flatios 0 44 -is 'Sei:vin«l'
hind her hl. band, and one daughter •• ,
' ' • J,•5' - • - - -'-___ ''''..,f ,s.. Tf3.0,,,is . , - ! . _ - il, i a 440 , 11 . 'r.4. t:
don i'PaiiiS •'; 8d'a-friltli:;z Lib:U:4'611:7%nd •Aieflill**1 PAIROt.01: fiftkriliNo.k,e, .gev,,,le.;c•I e, ..•,oliicrrtt j'''',‘"SeNtr'4ingio. ilkachine
wi:Uoarnlast,spring .',.for`,'California;-:"CoViatrY.J:Aaii'MaddAY'ribritigitag:-.'-'iVitla' gifts, •,",tokerfS '0:5f Ithoihigha esteeto la ;; -riiyiltgAipeie•aktielniinyg Kevipus i ,;;••,q ;.:,/w,t,:y n•y,iviatz .,.,q1m1,s4.N.itir.,
Montlay-that John:•;•Peitorr,:ii.:Who:;left:- '''''," ''Wna..,4'01W4dent:rettOned•from :file' Ohl: ,!Taient.:•'•,,o.f..nranyalratillaqiie',:tiaat •.-esefyl !apTy, who had been anaygrionlyay- ...1,_ . „..,..‘t".,..,„wirzsz:Itiz.
abctihs;;;;s,ItIbri'W14111aSb'leactotioi:t'd,t0n,ye%1X'',.0tPab•ss•t,abismd.-4. '`''''llinirl'iltt "iSi%lf4LIfie?''.-6i1;417,1gill'1,t.,;n:d:o'?::',33:.,!vta:ey_la'14inbgelle;.: :',lwoel:iti„,,..9: ki: . k ii: 7,1 Zri ftSt 49" : br P,ne .1 grep,k1.17a;itibvtii70,7iteya,V'ic;:la:13Pildipe..:•':31t,jahlied1Pe4416. cit,vh..47;:oE:prcbttile-,!:110-ti'd-bedeka-ttYnit.FccolnItt7,1furleit.16e11.!:c::: ,F.1.47,a.lica,:a;,oi::rfaa,r111:1:41144198,a4i.a.s.i,334.,1'.134:istliS9:0,,,,,i^3:
eaYeS 0,J Widow 'a•rid•largerfairdly.: ';aris '' ''clar-sses.'lli`le'll'ad isv.;Yd
In°EflasruTillrif'n'irl2VcsIbbingeill.atlithin'elb;ii.:11 cancer Morton is an on,unced,t h g i , ri.,°11•R6.‘k•v-aaVi'aiNil.,:, sv:/•,it-h,i ,•!1•'*'°11:i. iie*''':'1:iitiviltli:1111' 'et`ittltillil-ItIr6 :‘811' wae: '''7'''' '-''''.124 ",,i'iai'l.'1'141.r;- '
hails eep ng in Wingbanf; „: grsa; tettistwhichstifokenl tee-) 'Jtin Si,iii.da:
dietinittamuda 1.n SerFaVtli;:iaai.ekshe at boMiVe'r,Vi'64 f.„0".kin'ea St, . C.bureN,:.aliii..„,
Ili°' ljeP' 'Next -"Sluldaihk%va...Pne6I'aiiesbaMetns- hothe in high iii; t•he•ust : wishes of :dauglit; ralftltiMatted)IN:Vni: Itile:s.' aid.„...,;,,b..0,,,.. ,,,,,:„04.11isorolio. 11"0” iti:•,,,,„%i
-;,h.'9.1;, ..'..L •s': .;.,,,,.1,..i , • .'' ii, . MI
:491.We4c`.'148.#14gi ‘b' tbre7041"Y`akO of ..',1:10kjinigA;4004gf'.$:,61:0:464, 43.'' the.-:..ikeddt•d6'Irfg9es'z'';-:l'rfi•'l'Ct1747,;.t'•:6''j:''''[':''-''a'j:'IPy':'l*s'v'aisrA3.11d5(,p"ilipr:fl le:85-,•;:.:;-'17';YPo:j1l4',C•c"V:'''' ii.' ' T4' herstraal
Wgt,-WilWhiiir.isii, . deParted this life ' wril.:,.4 COntiiiiied,thitoi44 next, Weel, . '' ' ' ':- ' :', , „: . •• : ;
3iy4ar's :;'the bOy:waS:firOught home 1a •.&44,••frid4U 1 -d:V$•"siOds,y, allsT large oongre- ' .,, ',•••;1:.T r, ilt ,'; ,r ,j,c r....'l ,,,.' .',' :: ;:d.,,,,y,„:4 17,fly jr,ns,,,,t cit tt,9 .x,e,oe.t.L.c.. 7, .., 0 .
6# 'lb tOt ithlegal a'-';':astis - ,Armstr,ong, 'Wh;ti.OUte ".re',',..,tufe. The:, meetings ,,,,,..,.1„„,..,. .):,..„,,,,,la.z-ara..;---.aarF, -1, ', .,,, r John -,mtig-f,,,H,...dopplpfl,k,!_,,V!iiii'01 two,
sthoof, 4i,, ,oe. p.,t.,,4, 4g6. of , 40,,f, f':•,,,,,,,,61....f: ovenir.ik, ,N00,14 solii.do„.;„ ...,i, .:.. speeial t a sarviaes`..'Wil V' be'. 'liSid in,. ,y9,..ppgyyppl virprvilii3O-cAtiORY- hv hera ,,, F
ars and and -,was g,611.tik:la,iii, tt:i rest. in' 'Cordial inidtatiop' is , 04606cl , to, ‘ an the TrivittlletiliiritilChtirch -'cin Wed:"... in joined in 'Oatt-iyirnony, ::Rev ,g '4;,.
Donn ybrook,,Cenintery on.TtiespAY! ',who can attend., '' ' :, rieS day. el.3,p,triTgpy durnig Lent, i'•...' .;, ' '111U'''F'''YbfficloilPg1":".',.-Phie Pa.:"LiciPants,7"
. .
slIppee by mr. and N. Ety.er Hur„ (market flowers are out in bloom: %we "
best•of good feeling existing between eackle are beautiful; there is no winter .0
the teacberS and the parents of the here, and windows and doors' are 7
scholars. 6
VerYWIl ere open"
...figd,tti.if}t',,:k.T1' •