HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-2-21, Page 1TWENTY-EIGHTH YEAR-NO.27.
gueste from the surrounding tOWnSt. Whe.len INDUCTION AT GRANTON
Are ou Building A $ on e IT,
eees. affair was the 11)0a succe!e.eill of the( heme last Saturday after spending. the , Olhuote. fortnertY el SawYeevine,
Harpers ' furnished the nussie. The BRIEWS. --,- Mrs.. Mason re.turned ; On Tuesday, Feb. /2, the Rev, Mr,
"' " , SoiLitgol‘r;iletioleaGra;ir'newblitc. PrIrvensvgair Beim. • kind ever held in the village, the ar. Peet few monthe in Gest°. Glanworth pe., nets inducted as pastor of the
Samuel, W Ater azi Caleb.- Philip !, day 1VOS a vesT stormy ono and eon-
-ate ot Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
i..4 Petty's filockc„ Henson. At Zurich eery attend, the funeral of his brother -in- 'Revs .35 . L. Leitch, of Stratford, ' pre-
elendes.conneencine MaySetb., former occasion, ; "The management law, Wm- ThotOPson.'who died on !sided Jr the absence of the moderat-or,
• 0..1. slither -4W, Notary Pablio. Conveyan- are to be complimented. upon the sue. Fraley last,- Mrst Plulm Brooks is re- °, Ver. J. Snnth, of Luca», preaebed the •
car, Commis.sloner. Firaiustu-aneo.Ageat, and cessfid carrying out a every detail. guininf.; her strength after heing- eon. t sermon, “Fipsht. tile good fight of
issuer ot Marriage Licenses. Legal documents ntied to her ro.ow with ia grippe.--;fattli." 'Rev. A. tsrant tie/dressed the
carefollY drawn at reasouable rates, MoneY
: also Lucan and London. The Lendon
arn P
Our Prices On
Olass, Plate, Faney, Leaded.
nixed Paints,
Pure White Lead and
_Cements, all kinds.
* Petal Trougtartg,
Don't forget if pay you to call on
11 Bishop
If You Want
A nice neat job of Repair-
ing on your r*ots, Shoes or
Harness, we can do it for
We also give special atten-
tion to,
Ordered Work
in these lines.
We have a few Felt Shoes
and Heavy rubbers to be
cleared out at Cost.
Successor to J. Treble.
You can get all kinds Of building
rnat*rial noUr Grant9n at
and Laudon yisitin with her sone, • resbyterian church, Granton.
F A. Sellery, L. D. S., D. D.S.,Eionar uradu-
extracted without vain or bad effects. Office Brooks left, Saturday for Warwick to siderinf this the attendance was good,
rangements and decorations being
most perfect. The catering was done
by Mrs. Sheffer in her superior style,
her efforts fateeelipsing those ef the
co loan en mat estate at tow rates ot interest. ***'" Mrs. Sotherlay grp -John rapidlyrecovering Anew minister and Rey. T. A. Cosgrove
Ilartof Woodhato. took eha.rge of the of the clanrch eeryped an excellent,
Office at tbe Mee, liensa.11., Seaforth after a severe" attack addressed the coogreeation. 'Melodies
Bills:Fe,- The ehPir of St. l'alli's -131U.SPS.-The Seaforth Hockey Club 1 public school her last week owing to 4 supper.
church were very PleasantlY e._Hketr." have entered a, protest againet efeIvor the absence of his brother, William.
.taitied last Monday evening a4 "le and McGasv, of the leaflet -Leh team. on our piehlie school teacher.--2Tim Mor- l Bayfield
home of Mr. and Mrs- G. e.Pet4'..--.„ elle Around 'that the former is a pro. i kin has returned from his trip to the' _
t MiF.S Alcopk. of Exeter, was In the,v 4" fessional while the latter comes under States feeling and looking, a. lot better Alm. Sterling, having sold her onlup;e pare of last week visiting frielids. the resident ruling. --- Miss Minnie ifor his trip, and remembering at the groperty at Pollock's Corner, has
-Very much svmpathy la felt' for Mr' Campbell, of Chicago, N holidaying same time that far off fields are not so d ought
Mie he•he properti at
Mrs. Rennie and fainilYier Zurich, with her parents. Mr. and tA. freen as, ty loo-
k.Thoware 'Morley oecupied bv Mr. an S.
T;151° Capbell. at present. -MN. W . J. i las purchd ese3 nice tww cutter. the „I. Marks aid son Charlie were both
vs-eceltitIsliii" very
11010 ‚fl m
age -3 Westeott. of Exeter, returned h0Ole f ,eapacity of wie*ich is veined hy Tow " ia.id up for a few 'days this past week
years ago, and lost, his life o» Thurs- Wednesday, after a brief stay with I for the amount et Batten le carries.- ; from injuries recosed in the woods
' my 45f last- weei('• while engage(' in felende here. ;George Patterson is now turning his I wiiile working with timber. -!r. Dean
felling a tree on his fether's farm, near
eels. rif - - tattV,ACtiOn to these parts .Cte the court- I of Gotierich,•lately sawyer in Mr.
Staf fa
St Joseph, a large branch striking I
him on the etid-DUxquhart has
try. He does be, ct-Whelin on dry ?Thoulson's mill, has accepted a elinilar
received the atritogittuent of 'census
land ; never mind fivorge3rotell catch 'position with William Jowett of the
chaansutailirsestlrenibterreSsiQitiltPlolatilliir dialenefl 109134aler'ri;sia-r11,1%w‘Nesillo. frtehllisilasvisl°lakilre,hti:11'tjae• Laie2043:glleuulniiislrontv4714. tell tit' e741rh: witeltild• i. avnlidli4g0e4TMIY•rIlliorf)tiecee01161egesle NB" rtirintfrhe
Mr. Urquhart is well qualified for the Mr. John Swale, for the sum of se,rion. tiaurgkegonthievit;ofgwieanAmMiteis; inr 1911.4:elplipC; .1,1 (3ititi'Opidolsillanitguitiprottia; gferrpode:47..yelvoifilaina;
position, and the duties of his office -Dr. Hodgson has bought the N't4.
ill no doubt be well attended to.- myth property in this village. -One wedlock on tyetineeday of last week i J. Brandon, our geriud butelier, has
Rev. Mr. Sawyers, of the Union church worthy county councilloe. Thomas nat., the, herl-de'4 home on the loth of coneluded leis cheaper to tiny than
Brucefield, conducted services in Car- Itvart, was married on Tuesday last I '''''Ar**"°•r°' t° a" ming' wan of that i pay eent anti liaS accordivgly ppr.
oie' church on abbath Wernipg, and to Miss Lizzie
5/cilharry, sister of township, in the presence ot nearly 100 , chased the propert y he has creupted
village. relativee and Invited guests. The wed. for some time As a tenent,--/ffre.
its. Aviles"' °V RIPPen' In the TAttrIfolkotitrrileinri'de rieerethwisish them ding presente WM both costly and Sarah Rutledge, relect or the late
‘.....P I A ... ;evening. The pesetor hopes to be able :immerge% Wbiell gO 10 testify the 'II Andrew Pit If'fige, departed this life
" !to take his own work next Sabbath. a happy wedded life. esteem in which the young couple are ,i on Monday tught, the 12th lust:. The
!The young hielielors of Heim% beld held- They will reside on the town "ri deceased a.as the dattghter or the late
St. Joseph' ^ their seeonti aestenbly in Millers new
hall, on r.dontlav evening. -The Far- line, near Grantonee Their many John Rutledge of the county of Ox.
EXETER. 14173.10Ult 1
lc irktOn
niers Institute nteetings, held in Mil- friends Join itt wnhing the haPPY ford. She mewled m IRIS Andrew
1 Boluz-s:".-A- Cr *w of Young twople. It hall on Thureday afternoon and couple tt long aod pleasent life. and 0, Rutledge and fa once moved to e011er-
Large stork ot Loraber-ploo and bemlork. '', safe ionrOeY II && lifes rough and 4 rieh tOWnShiP where their continued to
i i,PI,te,Inutileastiviei341i.°3;ai.,11cleut" ttiryl.e2tvAri13.3e33(leatr 1::4 1 etevneaneindg4n1dvenruellinethn jov;e7d. l(pn'antleYni oar, romeue4 at irotrooz trub7 tor I?•rus. c,t,e.,II stoney way.-Jabes Unison. oar enter- "reside until IS.41. when (hey moved
has 11''`a II griPl'e•-N• Callan is work- 1 ly so was this the case at the owning re'asnsotialia-v43.0 tilintsivViTeTiatstikka Prislog dan'Ylulu baS stored xwaY his ',to 111.yllelt1 and opened A. general
meeting, when the hall wits crowded.
Apart, frown very interesting addresses
on fartninee gardening and agriculture
in general, a splendid musical and
mato st.
BniEsr---Patrielt O'Brien is very ill. -
Nelson Fletcher has a severe attack of
W(' for thesummer.-The bush-warkers store uitieti they: conducted esith much
lug vigermiety to proeure a barber for are busily eagefeed cutting wood for ! success, conibining with ktOre keep -
this place, arid it IS expeeted the mat- differeut farinere around here. lin., the then profitable ht,14.11eSS of buy.
ter will come up before the House of
returned to Toronto.,- P they do not in- liteeas7 programme was rendered, In Hogg, of 'Woodliatu, were int -erred in mg wheat. Some twelve years ago
ts s' '•
Centrum -N.-- Mr. Gendron and son have appendicitts.-the remains of Mrs.
'1 the deceased hely became a widow
tend te start their general store until connection with which the solos of $ts Pittirs cemetery here on Thursday St Marys
but has continut•d to live on the store
spring.-1'he hotel ltas changed 'hands. Messrs. Pybits, D, McGill and W. last Davls has taken pmes-
*property ever since, generally< having
Mr. Ilaeignevil will now be the manag. Millerwere very much enioyed, also Sion of hiS 110W factory at Glencoe BRUM. -While driving into town „some of her own children residing
Mousse= bas bought a Amin the recitations of Master Tracmair.- Which be will operate at his own re. lest Thursday from Fullerton, Mr. T. with hers one of wit°01* Ari44Dr.)
near Hensall and ha.s already removed The friends of Mr, T. Brintnell, of sponsibility for the benefit of the fur- Cnreelley's horse became frightened Ilalei)1)3141 rerenq unwed with her
to its -d. Denonline returned honle Chiselhurst, will regret to learn that
from a lengthY noiatten In SautilatM• he is very serioosly 111. ...M. ;Wm
ton. Evre, of Vonlield, and formerly. of
Henson, was in the village lately visit -
log friends. --The Commercial hotel, of
from what ndght, have proreu a very Shier to VII the vacancy. , the time of the Fenian raid inlie
states that at big wother the following chadrent -
Jo hn of ICeewatin, DA Rutledge of
this villageo bad a narrow escape necessitates the election of lilts Lizzie S. smith, of St. Marys,
serious flre bad it occurred In the
- -
O. SUNBURY*, 31 A., -1-ntnTna. .Or
1 Mato with Me,Cartlr.,-, 04ler & eo., Toron-
to. Barrister, Vonvoyanmr, :Teton*. Money
to loan. {Alm tormtvly occupied by Collins ss
Stanbury. over Olicila Bank.
BltlEiltS.-Mr. Wtn. Bruce, who has
been 'spending the past few weeks
with his parents,Mr. and Ales. Andrew
1 Bruce. 12th cone left Net week ffir his
home in idartitoba,-Rev. Dr. Hamil-
ton, of Motherwell, and Rev. Me.
Scott Crornart exchnnee pill its
.6 ii INO next Sunday, .- Mee. Soinnel
Speare is at present very ill with
pleurisy. - Alas. Campbell, of
Illoosteinev, N. W. T., ureiyed here
At the very lev$.0St, prices. We Saturday for a short visits -Mr. John
. have a. large stock on lwod and peat, sr., who bss beercepentling a
we have got to sell, so if you want bee;hrAntigyklrvarmszenes,L.,
is home again, haying ibk nvaerr;
to .get a bargain just give us a Co,
njoyable time.
calk Weare s4116g indh Pine re
Boards at $12.50 per WI.
Shingles at St .5o per Al. First- 1 Mitc hell
class Hemlock at $14..00 per M; Battes.-Mr. Race gave- Sato:lent
Piles and piles of Cedar „Posts on 1 againstthe town and Mr. Meek frt will
not have to pay the •SW transient
i hand at 13 cents each. - trader's licenses The Cold, stormy
• Office-iit door East of Odd- weather interfered with -the Markets
last. week but this eyeek-should be bet-
.. „ fellows Block. •r a:•4 the roads. are dear, once more.
tr Wheal le the constiladiek of commerce
• ft. J. 7 'lithe:le Ncli..”t' keeps. 'at- the ;old
price, 0..,•9‘ttii431c., peas 5Se.; .anct,oate 21S
GRANTON. to '27c. Eggs are. &mil*: 'weird " freely
at 17e. and butte,r is inert.93,1en Writ at,
John Pelton, of Wingharn, is 'dead:. Tr to 18c. " .Poultry has cabling.
Re is a .brother.of-Gibson Relton, near • Mr. Babb hassembeilted in the torn-
Innerkip, in whose family many deaths':
av e of late mestere a.
•WORitING '(:),„VSERTI. • "
Eight hoar laws'..Seareeig:ii`ored by
those tireless, , little.,„ workers -Dr.,
King's NewiLireBillss- Xiii(ftas. are al-. on TueSday last to AfissMcIlhargey, of
ways at wotieSiiiedgetaind claestsetieing the. tbkviithip (5f igardkiii3,1i. . ppxpish,
elndigesttoa, Biliousness, Cicsitipationi• t&iyi hilmy ralvt ..p.f 'happy' 'mairpied
Sialr, Eteadach6 and all Stotilaele Livee, „,„, „lir; -9
J ill' •R4gpii '' Yilicr yfoialy
'...• and,BOwel tranbles. Easy's., pleasant • -""'
'have gone •to M itinespta!-fai tif'..few
i :safe,, sure. 91:ibi 25c let sall:Aruggistie,
'leeks' yiei Cwith"frien di rii,$b. 70.iul'i
and other places.--liiiSS'Ed1.13W.bb'.haS
• ....
•miselon business sie he: Wo oldrnotelike
'Enbe idlteee•A:Logan farinet.',W*ffned
•$2 and costs for-leayitig" lef's feneSe ' ton
hong •the street Orieetthe'..ecilat'dwYs'
this Week. --Th'-The 7g4dfiel,110011d§
of CPutity'CentiaillocTiii*
iireltsecl to leaCtethat lie, waS Married'
- sf' I 'once »toe e!et! lee'Opusi:
' been saSces. ,
1. 1' a'aminatme.ii,te,tmber.T °in
, r
! St's tit: e • 'ett ,le„tewn...:•'; He.,
will take Chargea:tho., Whyte „Eack,
Mg "I. -Op.'s': new mild stPrage., business
;The.'yotitigest :Rude
i"op pi -A .gorklaY Morn
I irlitotd,tfii3stIbSrip.ti,;.a.ond ay
niornie gs...T he, 0413 26,
per IV/r; Kriclhafia 'got
bogs, and..X.r..,lieal, a lot pt.fat cattle'.
to .ship to T*saite. -Mee Neal and-
qp,Aighter,;,;(toin. toe ,• have., arj
!rived lo town Visit Miss Neal for a
few w eeks.:,---The'„ • election,. for • ay: ne w.,
town ceniacillPi. was Iseld.Meedays.
Jacob riteir: was. elected by ?0,majority.
;There . was. net, very terse exate•
c() c is -mow' ceimplete
every respect.-,Ntes,sps. Dowlind
.0414 geo. -,,..KiddSesere. on the". street
Tuesclity•after,a,seige, of illness,-tMr:'
COME-and $gg.:'
. , ,
UNTIL .TI -10'
t . ,
niers of that, community. Mr. Davis
is. but a young man, and no doubt
will make a• succem-Mr. W. E.
Doupe's resignation to the Epworth
League, here on Friday evening last
by a dog. In an endeavor to get away 1.111h ,
the Shats were broken froni the meter tune of her demise her daughter- ine
and it. was only by careful handling of IttOse Mrs. (Dr.) Rutiedge of Moosomin,
the boree by Mr. Currelley's son .W. T., was reekting with her.
th st, fl ea ,e was avertrd _it She leaves to mourn the loss of a !car -
Iwas living at Drutrimoudyille, near l000soinin, Mrs, Ilowell of Hamilton.
night time. We refer 1.0 1.410 overheat- Niafar% pas. and in that year he , Mrs. Ilk%) Siloppard of California, and
ing of the furnace pipes and the Split- tura e a velocipede which he rode in ,ThlWard or Windsor-.
Fortunately it was discovered in time. at alt. Pleasant will be orrened on Sun- Lteut J. Ballantyne, 2nd RIC. Artil- DEADLY' Lit. GItLPRE
in g of the wood work near the O3MO. BIAIRFS.-Tixe new Methodist church aild about that piece ,for two yearS. . -
-- antes e , son o 1 , I day the 3rd, and on Monday following
Bell, left last week for the old countruy. ten, wall be, served In the basement, and
with ti. car load of horses• -Mitis M. on.the following Sunday .dedication
Hutton, of Forest, accompanied by serN4res will be held, Atli particulars
-ler listen -Quite -A number took in the The.faxley and opAt skating was eiever.
Miss Waken, is hero . visiting" 1
sister, Mrs.. C. A, McPonell.-11iiss opening of the new Englislxn ebitreb on 3Y 13(me aua tile`i*-Ping °Ter' 5 baVels
and Auburn. -1-1. Clantelob is confined -irk•ton.--sOttnipoell Dow
elerk with Cotieh & NVhiel.1% WAS e.stimated to he .equal
YoungbInt is visiting friends in Blyth Sunday at le
has a position AS to 15 feet surprised the crowd.-
' Mr. T. Clarke, sou of Mr. .1.0s. Clark,
to his bed with an attack Of -congestion oeheeesees , or Itttchell,-- Miss Ida
of the lungs. -51r. Ryan, a student of Melville ent4rtained a number of her
Huron Colleges, London, son of Rev. school -mates on •Vcitlity eyenire last,
condileted seesecnin St. l'aul's church haying .re good time.- Aeee rt
Francis Ryan,: •forinerly'''• of Exeter. it being her ptheeethem
on Settgley last. -Andrew- Yeungblut r. and ' as.
Alex. Stewart intend Jellying for their
weeeneetallearn, his former home, last home in Gelatin, Sooth Dakota in a
weekeen business. -Miss Maggie Bell,' couple of weeks, '
who is engaged as public school 'teach-
er at Blythe spent;•StitelitY with her
'parents here., --.T.' 0';.Storielnan has put
te Very blinctsonaer Wirff thosisease in his
new premises- Which adae greatly to.
ety, o corge own, TS tingfri*nds
. Ikrumbers its victims by thousends,
in town. -The exhibition of sketirig •
leaseis a deadly trell of diSease ;Ind
give° by AleCulibeh last e"ni°g weakness hel„nd it. You can avert all
ilanger feturelits deadly malatlye you
was witnessed by about 300 pop
eau prevent the disease if' yon will
breathe Catin-rhozones The germ can-
not develope where it is used ; that is
• Prevention. You eitn, check and des -
who has been spending seme 1;i a13 tat !irtonyp 1 yits brriit•.,iyttabgienszbyit0. a trIltl ozisoncentbey.
Rot Springs, Ark., for Ins health,
tewn.sor a few dlys,,,..4/r. mug .481,1sn. i Sold by all druggists, or by mapitaipsroen-
Creamery Co. shipped . on Saturday i r'''''" ..' ''w ......,...... .
Essery. of creatuv,, 41.,,re vtttting paid pp receipt of pric.e... N. 0 -
friends in town. --The St. sestrY," !!-C1.,,,ICntslelee3:11,1,.g.tete,nn. Vannan' and liArt- '
seventeen tons and severt hundred end•I
twenty pounds of butter ...to •greitt I le a .3 A 1 irt re..,,,‘0,.. t
. Britain. -Mrs. Evans, of Ailsa Craig- is lig for the purpOse of organizing for
' A nderpont ' ' visiting eelatives in town,s-Cal -Aril .
, e 1 S, • thiS year. The members are ,:-Dr.
Beeltanan M. IL O., Jose Snell, chair-
. ---- - formerly with 14'. W. Sanderson, armt. Inane James Il'ontln-on, 41mgal:7 in-'
BarEsse --bliss Mary and Nellie gist, has gone into the ritnebing bast -
Anderson, Ieft for Toronto ou Satur- ness in Wyoniing.-OnMontlay night I aPerwri4.aaterne divisi°" - lry Zimmer. -
the appeareame -.of-the ir.terter. -The
100 811.10 SatUrdar were net sold OW- *OM, attended the wedding of his went into force. -Miss Clark,. o'f.Toe.•yestoo. Alex. Mrwen. 1). Speneer,
ingstolbe bids being insufficient. They.stster,Mies Mend Lane, and is visiting onto. who has been a guest of Jeseph and Reeve Latisopt are also' members
will now beeeeld prtvate sale.- friehds here for a shore time. -The M • hen's for a few weeks ti return- a the ra'ara ana Fred Re.". sr.• is
Pits•id.itte0111, who has very. efficiently ,church shed win be catotiletely1 over -
tale& the poitfon of precento1. of hauled improVed, as 11. 18 now too
Carmel clpirch 'during ebsepast" Year; sniallSe-Sfesses. 13rown, Mowers and
has keturned to his forriier .1161ne in.
Blytlo.•Mri .13rOwn,. of. EginondVille,
:Sittig in Cartnetehureh cifilStnidarlast
as an applicant for the vacant-pbsibion.'
-Misseemurray,, of. Miltone.Grove, is,
visieinge her,. uncle, Gavirte Ross, of
Rocigervilleries Francis • Cox:worth,
Marshall brick. block:of stores offered do,yee-Mr? Geo. Lane,• of Brandon, the all-night electric lighting evstetn I •
• • 5
Londoriceperit part.cif,last,,week and.
tbje with her parents heite.-1,44.s., (Pr.)"
Fergileon„ViteitedI friends, SO.': Blyth she
pakt. Weelts-M5deSAleFalls.'enti:tralvk.,
•Mutifieck the vast Week ate Mrs;
It:',Elndgintvisitedfrietidt in.ton-
donllast week."H•Otit7tnill -men are'busy
preparingimaterialtfor the „creCtion of
several! new: beeps tbissectiop:caurz•••
"i•ogi• stonmer;-,4.fise)"-Etatkpo,i• of
.0.Wet)e§f9P.Pfl,, is in,* this week,
reneW:In e•e0:144,1,i4kleMe.-.1PAle%;t,51law-.
rtehoWesfee neVeeee '"ttffig, freendsS
-Re .P191kAncl'
7.1iblj. -17g,e1j1 .1%,74.!0. `OA§ th41e0;'•
ifee'en:tly'P.ufeh age& 617'book,
•`.B ss T g."1314ii IS ,in 1 hat go of Mi
..of'Exeter., spent last
efvliatvt...au!S,h4 Mae e:Acqiktif4rilP.4v.,
ed heine.-The salaziet0 eorninittee of Secretery. The inspectors Will make
a tour of ininection abbot June 15t.
the St. Marys cometl recenmiended.
salaries as follows ,_..1., 1 . The seve.rai "ville.qes. and etr.eli scb I
pretnises will be 'yi ifted ma tbe inspe
tors were specially iustriletekto ex
ainitke tin; wellS in aud around. Vil-
. „
lage of St Sheepla. . - "
1,-- ..
Atkinson, drove sto, Exeter; Tunede5r I Clerk; anti solicitor yearly sid,., $300.00*
ft:4 in-tnber and shttlgies f°l' tile. llew Treasurer..- ..... '..: .... -- -..,.:. - 225.00'
,clreb. shed . -:-/%11.4.-1 as. Atklnson bas Assessor. , ... , .. _ . : . .. .. '. : ..i..:. , 1,00.00
been suffering with a verY Sore 'finger Audi tors,,each ..... . , . ,....,:-% ", '30.00
Qu One,of his hands. ba it. ii obw im- ohi.if Constable ..... _.,.......i. .". 400.00
, . .
proying.-Miss Mend Lane and vim
Go, j)ieltetthon,: were maeried on the
1#11. lost. and ygill reside On. ;the, term-
• ;, ,•,•*." •
• '`•-• ' • " •-•:' •
DIVIg/014- ClOVAT,'Ociiirt was held •
here onitTlintedirss' of lest 'Week. The
ibillytate whiCh'enatelti trIal wag that
'IVOtii:.01iVevtitil."-Tbos: 'both of
Grand,Bend."2 The ; sn'edwfor
d arn'agee Caused. te al Ca of ;hit by the
n watt ...ad& after W. sdni e Whitt in-
-teie`stibgItrilil,,iilakMeiit Was gigetilor
the eliantifS for VIA f ocists-41,3.
* ' • 1.1 -
anti sser.sary et t will leave in a 0i1TIAIS,10:1Wttt.0111Shek :
On' on: father,. for •iEx.eter,,, where; they will
take•••-poeseseien siof Comenegeiter
sivninit,Peikai(iXt.-45.1•4l1:90',"r1:00;•nf • ri '
PAidi"101-°•faqiii4§0 dnreatil'INree- • Jell' ; ;re ,se • •:.,
Night, Constable. ... . .... 3(0 0.0 You's. money rtifunded if purchase tinsetisfecto.ree
.0aretoiker of Cemetery ... .3054)0
WO intead putting the knife deep iota
• all our
We vi ill sell at a sacrifice all our
Woollen 'Underwear at and be-
low cost to make room for
NW sPitisti (woos,
whtch orast 810)1 take
We keep always in stock a large
and well selected stock of
lioes of
Oysters Freeh Daily.
All kinde of Farm Produce taken tzo
P Rosso
BRIER4.-The pupils of $ ".N
Hay, carie up to play A friendly game
of football with the boys of SS No IJ,
which resulted he a vietorv of 3 to i)
favor of the home tearo.-We are sorry
to learn. that miss FloNuce Petty bas
been laid up for a few days with. la
grippe. -We aro pleased to learn that
mrs. Hugh xeConnell who has ben ill
for some time is recovering nicely.
•MI.,..*SINO.1•• *101, ,..5,1111••••••••••••••1. r
73arEus-:qrs. William 'Km, sr., re-
ceived a telegram informing her of
the serious illness of her eon-irelnev,
lir. W. Peebles -of Harriston, on
Thursday last. She left on the morn.
lug train on Friday for IIarriston.
Miss Mary Dowson. - who has been
seriously ill. Nutt improving ver, fast
J Anders purchased a few loads
of hogs on the Bauble and had there
delivered on standay:last.-3xessrs. T.
Herd and Wm. Iliggens cut 37* cords
of wood in film days for w. T, Stinson.
This beats the record, boys, as15' cords
of this was 4ft wood.
eV' Lobb, Goderith thtie; p;
slaughtered a hog the other day which
when dressed weighed three hundred.
and twenty pounds. The bog was but
nine Months and sixteen. days old so
that it weighee well.
On Friday litst as Harry Baker, of
Gotiericb township, was putting a rope
on a fat heifer with which lo lead her
to Clinton the anitnal bolted and Mr:
'Baker's finger .g.it caught with the
rope, tearing it badly.
T-40 vAliti•M OP
This is to certify that I hSsiecf
.Eogiisli Stock Food, inanufactured by
:C. Lutz, Drtiggiet, Exeter, to e horse
that was feecenenttyssobject to colic.
Shade using:, Etiglith Stock Food the
enimal has not. had another attack.
1 have also used It•for other stock and
for •fowls . with 'trim satisfactory re-
sults/. 'Would strongly recommend ItS
nse to stOck-raisrs: Itis the cheapest -
and 'best, feed I have ever teesel,e
' ' '7 E. Seseese,
- 1, • • Township oP
*rice 14 lbs. $1.00.
Truant Caper . • .. • • .1•0•01)*
• teen, Reeser $50 A niouth.foi4l1ree
months starting.jau. 15,,100L: - -
John Keppler, eoginetw, 460.00
Colguhoun, second engineeif,; 450.0a
Alex. Ceul ter, asst, engineer..
lbes emutuittee. rectal:nen:ended
thatthere,be,seveh hetet, lieenses, and
. that licerice:,;fee, fop eitc47.1)e $.c.tP.0 and;
two shop licenses for each be 20.-'
The manY...".frief4s...of giEs Eva Leslie
will regret ettheereof her severe Illness.
-Mrs. Sohn Hertean left 'ter Hamil tor.
on Satilliday Oh' TICCO mat of •thei Mtn ess
of her danglises, • Mrs* Joh» . "Mad ttl
•Ittatoksliztittr,c1nVed,This •b tiara
'-rOOMISAtirbdiirnight. '
Th e ..fadtg.'are • • WeThiake • Stabil:lied fits 'thia,ithiqal'es
and we satisfy snir :cus towers and can. suit4kotui T.-,,ytni do
not tiade ith us r.4•*••••611.•' .*0.to
Thellfi crdrs•lw-se y.bu, yan coine ,t& the
'.sto:ro asyttirjetlpy-effe'Q.Isitqttss;,_ ' - e • - .0.1L -2,
Lis Lelia im6st en SOpday.; .T. ie'ietter,d09.9.'•ger- ' .4 ts.,„i „al -::..„,%,„..,,:•"..„,,,,t3,1.
B•telSers4-es- esPitilehtni..S.te bfl "vi99 70-6e, coPaSebedin.,tileT:E4gtisb ,,.. „.,.., .... . ...,,,.., ,:
,Seefereti,4, lee lee Skeleiltiegeethie, sesteek' 'language. rhe siSlion evill'ATO 'give • •••e• ,,- &)11 e, ..,-.1.sreeearrL14. : , s .e.0....
' ' ' ' ' f: FIN- pit -1 a ..rand lectu re, en. eSonday eyening on I'1 er,O1.1 ' •1•'‹i 4II+ I I.., •'.1 :1•,I1•0 nesi
renewineklelllifft13.-An.Pv,, qp) ... ,,,s , .. ,. , . •,4it.,....0*•ea-x,411,3i,s,yry.:., ii.a.,4.1...,,,,„,,,,,,,,, ......_a, - . n.31. „ 1 • ,
wein„ of Seafbilhvicas here An,.§atur-,. elispeel.,poo,;(ii, ',„.,,,,q•.:-7,vv.,.a re retain`leare• he-
'tlay.-•'-VAstAiggridion't TiSifiddise is yiette ,itpleeetteeriess-i .Fts.A. (..,:f..„:1-4itt, -Fi.f.A., ,I.in.:-: ,,e.p 41,4 '2,ditleskjM • 09,, .fSlill c45 na,
The Hensall curlers in their `TegLeirns 11?4east qw,41,,gAil,P.4)70isi:se,yer,e.:,at-L'vggii-40 ,-,,e).0 .0.....:0,,,et,ktiri•o. Veal', dtillis
big.' lieffabilifth, A '064ve•e"0. tiseets.--:. 7.kkole;...PR- #P9.ar?ARa91,f3 ,,5•101•Aff, 0,*)- ,i':?..onle'S,',", sOn'..of,' 4' ' cl,iiic a 'With:
metebeeeitles.S.Setbeteelesti,wgekewere,..te'e. sLic,•.,1'• la ..glIppe-;,,w4i,ehts1.?,e ..„ciaight 5.Adi.'.'lieen,V;eri,..'..V.",, i34ittlis",•has
defeaectestpf,,,2, sqopp .9f All's•flASveTilFinrnserfAine,i1,Athilnar to houg'ht the sto6k.of,1110,,' kVii`44.-1 f.s,fpiie
'MY.i'..ti..0,1;f9t1.KAt',w,31 ' li:aspiting ins duties_as.own_attlie ±Stee Boar- Of'Wiilkoin'&'0.1appei'at'Itirlitorpr,nd
in LniedStis.,eitc.,..91ds' at'peesecif,.. '§he of the .Neyt beret seetgestern, College; weeteeeseersteo Lit -thosjit,,oForail, .3- u!,:,
Will ''lei&e" thoiliiI . or:ToPqritik.,•10., te.„ Napier v lire, . ,111, - --y1TIII lad Lewis is 11). is nriti •firdkirc ptikriigeie..,.. -bA:§ iii. es.,
• John 1319 we§ an.d Wife '.erelesecl::.home. eiAti,,,f0 1,11.14liiiligi,r-t,Pig is .rkitlioivedrthat•',.TOrbilltO'il?is"Wdeic' enr i5iigifig,S8.41-E7The •th,,,i,ii.,A,,,3:6 ie.,teseweseapeeseckeeleas and
' Monday night from the old. (.-,unt,t37,' ' a syndien:fe 'etr-'10cain miese ems ,reseeseise ifiiiso., D. f ily,iiiii'''.6f,,,Gbytt.' 9314:::1:1n; our :615.1iow&•,•,..go.w1it.;156 &b. 61:1 1-iyili .s ear,
,,, after a twc,,,roontbseeyisit; to! the home; • - • .- 13 -.IIIii " 1; Fg • ' ' 1 't ."ge'rli ifteilz "Odit;e§, ?Wti.,Ik• fie -96a tO. 'ithaitaiiit ivo.iltit+,:q, fi,dtovse rl.,011, lie,
f(.1 id , ...„
• ell sose , ,
SK4NESI., 7:;01ft gailniN • t
'1,:ei••• • .
711clo w 'Cost; tc; -444,1" out,. crgr r ft3f"Llittle
' •,'' Hemobt
r'e.g.41ar ,14i9'Vue'
,• ',;1,0,471J1f0lIcr 1%:;"e...43 "'mi.; ,nl•
TPIg119gAA•li'a'Atik-'76 tO'fft-1 1114'-"g'`44111e °(l'irl•CtIC''15°°;
if:turd/jag. $V,l1"1,me,,,pci„.;c17.„ r,1,1 p PAPA. PRI,f4ftlAc'eP-Asc,74.06.•
in!,-,ref.R ' w444°,1.-44.0ftclin3Atfieft t4C3oe,AT.t4I4Ces•
'L0 Of• ,
ktacer LikO,Cqiy.1,2,fl% 4111cATV;ifT • ait'
Rost,on"Star'Inni an 6 ttl, trpens 42.75'
• -
GdiD ERIC \iff
Of:. his , forefathers-I.e.:Ks; - john: Roy, • ovirlib'd riy44.allicar501,07,,aiiictidiroi.ligl:thEeThtqfir,, I.11i ,ii'dilAg?a-Iss,,gt.y....,,Sei,ii.dr .ael;.-, .worli5Ws'>WIiii!,''be ,lit."Arkfiiiiies'. israiii-,. ' '
Merchant .pf, eel eueheleeit, was 135 t9wils: Briette-menetilsleek,esin -iiKinwstreet: --.,-.. W;11);.. rtli5pePIT..1..rti. is n1 v'erY.."Silfe,Tda ge,...grewiiiil.icai Araingte,i,-,,of.,,,,the.,.pa-,rt;rr.
on 'Saturday, ...lvith.- a :load, of stsinothY„ , Wil ti.tg 1 the'llinattetistvith.fitlie,,,fitreeyioNr+H . ,.
,11...,,,LILIS,t3:4?-„k#triiitel'Exi$'Li.M.I.,.(4' td.' llilii'd'h'as')gOlc.17•1141111t1 1! tit ,bo'vEdWat?,'
sed, --Mr. John:l: Chant:lel; of; Kirk too,' lights? The lamps have • been erected: .'8, 4-e,veY [ ' .h.9.-"Y,9c,0I-.'.1-"11:.-. VY 5-1-.•'!%:YTN',11: Rol)ieson of the GosheiefKr. af'goOct.fig-.. •)...1,,. ---...A..,•74!-•
was io town spend in g ,,S•inid4TI 'wad., rirror, sp,m1,03.e.,, ; , Kv,,,11,9.1,,g i vp, ,41s 1;60'' 'z'Oitk7'.61i.66;.1).1a.6-'1,ii::(t'Ofi:ihr6t.'i;%691.fxtrYe.s.,.. orotaindmwillind.vie3to4h.c.West ... fn the; !,F,...)'',.S., ''1.,,,),, ??,,;('
Monday; .He has sold (set in . K. irliton :iigiA ?..L. -'t ."0" r.4,""d'i:c ,pf,.,,'„,the IIA...e,ti,.,9,0i:§t„.,,.,... ,4 ...-, D albatIT of -Marsh. .,1Ete.: perches -eV a. farge- 1' ''',ei• -,:„.,:,:e.
and.willenove. to Exeter ".• '.' '• ' ' • ',.clitifallx..Whe...pr, „ , ; ,g, to A014.: a; ,Logyet., , tdrh;,w,sedneedety,,,eFeleeleeli,feesrs, je in ,Albeltes•-wheti ;i11. that • •lae. NI r,o:: ,
-,TvieTtiTietlf C.4.a. le fescieill#: 'iliw.q.1„6:',:ilit 4 •41.310;;ArEPAW49 IF,Riatagh,;,t,cip,...,.Ship,'•! ::fall..."ttlt isdnealedmearri,t,110F,,farni§., Qt. , . ;
CORN, SOWING ' .:, 'Sall Clitatioatitib, relitiberrtife cliigitiliat.,:oKoto,ton,00ir,01,..p,440,4,,,,,i,t,,,,Rob,rtattitt Th-oireis INTa•rdeeoiss ce...sele' . - '
, . ..eny..N't.'
IS a Prbee'si'e,eito,by-,,i,-,anit.3i,;, backed Of111048 OW " '-igt,r,Okr a yi .Tre rf et a hyteegesessessme, se., siletket , yesepe, ,,..i4.t,x.44,.)111.1antiai Ward.cotkthisl village., ML MC
ap by gorio!tigilt"IhOn'tsvOii: tneY lack' i".the lAdieze diqlYt.sot ...0.1f0-. "'". ' • '.' ''""4 : •,o4,,a'tA.ywg1oetaPson1Oert,,,,:'fCt:kty.r)t/fpit;1-.. AliStereeettla rdsu1o1eohis7: money.) on.„ 1,,1sI1.,.,
'the Vanity but'v6dlilik$:,:Oiegood. tight, '',1 Tis'ilUtlf1PK-Cliliewgetitindelehalls'af 'them/Well-telt 0,114.tereopoNl'detis,,,Gilferclitae. his purchase ,Ibutl-isthinka, - if: :there's
boots..Lypp. may •,. „wear- see .sieeeehoots1., eee,on, ggienound,Seit,,lksitesloices,:oft tei rig,. ,:p, . . 1.341,.,941 ,,8iftpag13tk8tatrj„01:;.;w0,0a. . enAnytk . • PAnYbodypelse „e "ere
'Oil 'Pl'qa§6' ntil.o.st•ht"-4 4,Ikes! •tOd, sinallabadhelorss.c...tof4iHensaibl-;:.,Wasihela. on gnigikt.eiarratnitti,,Ablhaketia •istetleillpoogy:laitts: f9r Jilin ete will,::,kcep ,,ana;,.1..ii.,;i0.4,
if Ybirtie'Pit tit ft bileS .113a;1,1.1:10s$ .Q.orfi ane17: Monda7 elYOuing tin *:iletls ih all".r, ThemAnatigt or : f,"4„k,e,ap 004,1eito ,Atide.iiitia,leulAix6he i,ite.:I. 44i /..},y,ilk ',.Stiirt, fet•the..„4.tete5,.
Vg.4.Y! ci:om'I.14._ priApt.
0.4 4teSSees.44,40O tolr2,-sto!.0•''
2at•OPlit144E#14.:th ?41Z 11
eseges:•60 to $49
• 43,
;.(:1 .frisyeNt.remt
i.noteysti ;1"? -1.,‘0,t
(,t W) iiVethis
eliesefrotleiciedoVS2,6tsit ."erle
erice eietiessl,oett ••••••yett -.•"! %rt.'s -tree
,e1t1:4-.q kl )1.11-1,'
00, i09
.14 t
1.,-Pk9Nt PO 04.5Apq,,foi,$),P wr.:x
ocs.eresii5Pe•i egg ;•7 .11
3 1 • ' ' •
•%,1•• r
8 ho it .111 nt.10a: ' 1' '
, a
, r
Wert 111xteaetor.S1DreggietS,Selleit. • '.'4':7;erA, forty :ceuples tjawggo 00.000*,,c1,01,p4;
ttt STkaPRI GE r FOR,FRAWI.F13-14
Se" e.-Ii.r.:0".•••.