HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-2-7, Page 1ftY, TWENTY- YEAR ---NO., 25. et?, ON DDIA &AZ:BUTE EXIER, .ONT., CANADA THURSDAY MOR Don't forget the Alexander -Solway Coucert:en Februy Th18 WOOk'S Hanging Lamps $I7, $2OO, S3 0 $ Parlor Lamps 50c- 60c, 7 Glass Lamps c-1 sI 75 lot or 13 at Cost. a Waslib CA4L rn:..ture EM poriu W Economy Store Call and be i!ouvitWed that the above; statement correet, Many bargatus:still VI FANCY GOODS, also ,1 arlor Suites, Bedroom Sets, Sideboards, 3onches3 etc Tables,: ,of tM GIDLEY .&oelt!' Wood:Talon In Entiantic Tor ,FurnItti e. Beverley 86 Huston, itt 011 itueits. , Morgan. and dangle. b bANy0 AI OP the house here and have wstii to Goderich-Mess Annie Elliott gone to Dernoek, to visit Rev. W. 31):1,11.1 and. family for a few weeks. 4 the recent meeting, Of the county well Mr tie W. Hot .u.,, ; i man Wai oppe ed eatut0 y atelitor-- 'Wise Noreh i PUSITII and Miss Wy- nOlIEL Fergalso rave gene to Detroit where, we unI tt tnd, thP, foer at rm least. will res i permatiently.-111r4 Cowie bas retut il front Detroit where she was called the eerions littlest.; of Iler 'brother wh inderwent a eerleirts .44!_,ittiOn 1,1! ' hospital there, -'- IS Willie Stnrgeo ion a our respeeted .townemee, Ja ti :Stuegeon, , bas gone '7 to the Old Coin list. -Mrs. Bra is Rh -Mrs. Jol vraty was in Galley of cGill ING, FEPRITARY 7, 1901, Hensal H J. D. COOIrt.-- (Lato with Oarrow S Prowlfeetiliarriste Solieltor. Notary Public. Heusall, ont. -he A, Sellery, L. D. E3., D.1), S..I.ifionor 'Pratte., .at4 of Toronto V utrersitar. Dentists. Teeth extracted without_ pain or bad effects. °taco in -Petres Block, lien:tali At Zurich; even' Monday.commencing fiav 30th. . J.Sutherland, Notary Public). Conveyan- cer, f_lotoutissioner. Fire Insurance Agent. and Lssurer of norria,golAtemses. Leitid documents Funarton. BetiEre, -Miss Clare Francis is bei sister, [Os, Geo. Edmunds'. of .Fingal. -Rev. R. Marshall, the Dew Baptisttninister here. moved ititot be village on Thursday laste--Mies Effie Stacey hoe secured a, situation in Ur. Merrow's etere.-Maeter Freddie Haynes, youngest son of G. Haynes,. seriously ill with pnettroonia.--:CL, Cornish has been home for nearly a week laid up with te'severe. attack of eater:any drawn at reasonable rotes. sioney to loan ou real estate 40 1014,1•4apt intere,st,. hi.gnppe.-etessrs. ifatnegt VaIIIP‘mn OtriM ab the Post Chloe, and John McNeil intend leailding new A SALE OF VAWAIILE STORES ¶ barns the coming summer, and the AND DWELLIFOSIN TOE 'IL.- 1 contracts are already let.. -Witham I,Voodley also e. ptirpoeee. erectin The undersigned Exeent °date of ' the late John P liarsbeit helm instrueted ear ' new amuse. but the contnictS are not IL S. Philips, auctioneer, to -otter by auction 1 yet let, .dein iUtortlay the Mai lbw of Fels:nary at; tbe Ceznmeretat botch Ifensoll. at the hour et. g ?.O'cloeic p. tn. sharp, the rentable itrope$Y1 CtletSea Iftiowri os Matshaps brilh. block. cottoPtwom' two. (21 welt Mashed ?writ: stores. two, e2.) asteeoerilee::ifig:;.,dwuilt,b aztaillwerlauo::-agnzah re,t1191:,esr. ;S;11-71,40I,xx.y.. sterehonees and eaves:. Voe of the SU4 f S. No. It--bro.'-r"le.i.e11,°fosrebtrieQ sOfollows ;-V, iseititablef 1, store or office rooms. Thettwo t g 14,„1- busior„iror, aq Hunter, Torte, Minere, Dora Delbridge; the'villego ind arelightvd Nflth electricity owl Sr. 1, Ike Delbridge, Eddie Johns, tinge% YearlY rental of taw 11?"s 'Charlie ; Jr. J'1 jV Jones ThtCIngo good investment. 'Piero will Y•so , offered tor salent the sometime a good1 34 I ,„04.31)..ill vivoto• Boo3 am go 'eo • • • Flossie Francis. Alden N.IVollittni.'sia;..113-.4)111nIt storey frame dwelling with brick touada, ion neratnan ; 1/1, oinneklecronneworntioettilicurt4eci4s, titilttauuttecieutthoetrattxtio4resgonotin phale, lieee, fecoroy dwelling or boarding howle. Terms of Hawkins ; Sr. 11,Vera Sinale, Almeno, ale which are very liberal. as the property Ins Heywood. deed ie, Jowls, vietee Haw. o be sold will be known on the tloy of sale, For further part lyubtra applvto yer ; jr. 4-. Lit Hunter, Everett s 1A Nyl114,1141141 ner, Gordon Waddell ; Sr Pt. Il 1.1 t; ,4 O' :11,1,RY JAS El ORS, Nellie Heywood, Vera Creery. Executors. ifensall suggiergrull, their 4geuit. who,. -0 Heywood ; Jr. Pt. II. Laura Geelholt. s at the Post Mee, . Verde. Berryhill. Ulu Godbolt ; aasl tiscoJo. hue, Lille. Heywood. Jae sEk. Pe-reotestulreat If Teachers. BRIEPS, -The Hensall 04 ehestra at ended a. concert at ICirkton on Friday litse and rendered. some tine ilectione.- Prof. DerenWend of Tor. nto, was here, last week fixing u If,a the bare pattie.--131r. Heavy at Marys was in the village thie week.. tinehis sietere, 'Airs Moore and Mrs Stephen St'llnate RErou-re---The followmg 1ieen.-11‘ Bentineu. who le en. the culvert ri•purt of .the, etandiug of gaged in ente of the 1 treeta sitger le: the pupils in 8eb0ol, No. 3. Stenhen. fineries in the State .of Louisan% is home visiting his p.treuts, atui spend. Ing a short vecation,---Mr and 'Mrs Jno Hawkins of the 'tendon mei, Ihty. eetesaittly enterntitaed 4 311143111141' of lung people from ilensall 4111 Thurs. ey evening last.---Skat lug and curling is the melee of the tley.--The mystery eocial held ander the aeepires of the Epworth leeeenta it he Met hoal ist Oh on lionday OWenIntr. ISMS Well anerilleil, an interiNting program was; ear vied out.-Miwi 'rove! of Settfortiv, silent the past week, the guset, of etre Shepherd.- -Miss Ewen b Joimer on 1ms retoened hoi e from (Monet. --T,w•Reir W Doherty of St Nettie churelt and Rev (I Jen it e oI the :tiled-a:4M eletrele "%pis names are In order of meta ;- Se, IV, Stella Penhale, Itenra Jory, "tea eltenhale, Herlaie Ford. IL Beg- shaw ; Jr. IV, Settle Willis, Claw, Bea - v Roy Permute, Hattie Willis ; Sr. 111, Willie Triebner, Monza. Ford, le S:mders, Jennie Sanders ; Jr. in, Herhie Beaver. Eddie Willie, Lizzie Sanders, Mitehell Willie, Edith Permute, Herbie Deitting. Nelson Sen- ders ; Sr. II, Alfred 'Wnertb. Sem Hicks, H. Parsons, Tommy Sandere. Earl Box, Violet Woods ; Jr. II,Harry Iriehner, Ralph Willis, Cecille Ford, Fred Beaver. Annie Hicks ; Pt. II, Victor Sweet, Hilda Preszeador, Tommy Pe nhale, Earl Paranne, Edith Whittaker, Mity Sanders, Sam Stan. - Leh held Memorial servwes ou „satin- loke. No on the roll 40 AVerlge . day afternoon, and referred at cox% ° the decease of a, member of Opt -hal -et siderable length to the death aud life I ' . II` i mit I . - - ' m 1 of Englend. The Captain is remark- - ' . Sceli is on the sick T. B. Hooter .% .i.eaciler. i .1 • , f . 11' 4 - in of our late beloved mid lamented I a ) y Tigraons 01 iS age. 311 4! f.t aite of 'McGillivray, Fred Cettrill, .Allie Haggai), Alvin Baker, Cecil Vail, liectOp mitebell, I lierinan Mitchell.. jr. Denartalent ;-- Jr- JIL Rebecca MeCoy,Clias Heaman. Vernon WilsonAvailVindsor ; Sr. II, Enos Windsor. ,Malinde Cellfas. Major Ridley, Wilft ed Iloelgirir ; jr. II, . Murrity Elliott.. Samuel McCoy, White,. Willie Tomlin ; Pt. II, Mean Califes,. 4131atee Graft,on, Jno White, Gordon Witsoa; Pt, I, Roy eallfees, Earl.Canfes. Joe Johneton. Averag,e attendance . -Iv, B. BASIIhirei, 1 ..'., cu , el , s O. M. Weeetzei, .i- ea' Wieeeilharn The blackeneith hop own. Mel -Cc -rime, Was Partially ity fire one evening last, but for protnpt. assistance wonid have burned to theground. The Ore. it is supposed, started from A Itive einder falling upon the flone.-jelln Sykes will shortly move' onto his. farm n -ear j. Ford.:will Sheeny leave for Pet rolia.-Donpe. .Co. :have got nively Settled down to imeinees. DReern..--We are sorry this week' to annotence the death of Alre. Allan, wife of Ben. j., Allan, whoee fartn is_ .just east of the .villaipie Deceated 'wee 'in her year, bad been- roarried but a yeare awl died soddenly . tau Tneeday evening. A few days Previous's)* bee mule the mother of- twine, from the effects of Which /she eauteettreited, . the twins also pessiree: away. Deceased was a daughter of st\''. Shillieglaw, of Hilbert. The foneral will take plate on Friday at I o'clock tot -he Cromarty eroetery. Wil SONS rk cs intend putti t NEW S which m place, . 1eep a1 aWntl welt e1 S, "lice al one at an.I bee ineke roont for yster All.kintleo Fern Cash.' " take their (IRO i113,S`k dace ROESSAA" Idareit 20,0 at I o'clock. F. MORLEY, Viet le, _ is the coated reyore K !rid= borne. for the month W1- 1.\' move,1 te the houee belonging j. n ! I 1 11 IE3aer:Y; 114 illiteilitei BRIEFA,,----Mr. David Fos r moved the fird line of Blanshaed to the ptein Wm, II. Blieley. tete oftker eCtirdy. Z"....i.bel Mary Ilienee, Wil- rin (lilt l'!'1)" --'IL and Mrs, o Geo. Hazelwood on Mary, Ftreet. it tbe British arvay, and for %Deny rs past sexton. of St. Parel's Ritglieh It. Kiri:tore bee had a unreel:able ience in relation to the life mad f one late beloved. Qinten. As an °Meer Ito aseisted at Woelwielo England, in tiring tlic gone (V, 4 a. an 00 June 2.111e, IS37. announcing the de - ase of 'William IV, and the avieeeien o the young Queen, and did a eintiktr siarvice in tiring the Royal Salute from the Teswer of Li -anion at, Ito? cermet,. tion ; and he tolled the bell in the tower of new St Patil'e, Kirliton, on the occasion of Her lilajesty's death. which was the first instenee the hell of ee,,„ the new edifice was need to anecinnee '''''f"'"''''' 1.••••••ome•Finnerer f January 'Iftlee-Advtm Datiteem. Sr it lien Douce% Jenn lot [tire...tett:1. effellind, AlLeet Zilceinily, Miller :%1QVtu'lly* ti Demean, liana Deltic DI, Jr 4tie Valbert FraPtie, Ch -1 Vlaeieber, Jna Fleecher. Se:ird te, Earl Copeleud, Mabel MetlallYe 3r1e-Neleon Roetb. hear MeCtirtly, Aeldie Toentel„11 • -id Giltillan. ie'r Lind Miegget Clark, Gilltert Ditttealt. Peati Setee. Jr 2:td.--lialthie SitutielVettry Dan- xn. Mildred Copelitrol. Boaelt, fret1 Donne. Nuntlitee on .itrevoge 40. D, MeDat 11,, k. e git 1 crui,„t, me.terinie Queen, and drew many beteutifol and very aenve, ,eepecially m all interests eter recently.-- Mr. merchant, Mr Koenig, of ("lint on, has 47.1ns '`)1(1 114 1.4") palled up stakes o.nd left town, the EX.ETF..RI.11ellieleterall,D. - --Osborne Council belpful lessons Nom her 10"e mime Crediton. relating to church work. to Mr. Sohn Yin of this place, -Mr. EliBice of Otani oye,intends moving . to Clinton in a a )1.e of weeks, where ' he has gone into le monument bus'. ness with Mr. St .--Miss rollick, of Hansa% is the est of Mr. Jaines .Sutton of MeGi ray at peesent.--e , Mr. Wellington eeli while. cutting saw -logs the ,ot day bad bis hand, split open by p Thomas Banting of MeGtilliveay is iking preparations ,to put up a new k barn tlughetning. stitraner.-Mr. Ge Dale; schoolteach,er here, bas pure] ed. the farm et Mr., jetties 'Sutton, 4t n. of McClitlivray. septi Reraeluber lie sta4u1S.. , STA'NBIITR h,, EXIVER or; (Late with y, Oster Er. Co., Toren- . • . • to, Barrister,- Cony°. roc, gotary., none to loan. Offices forme occupied by Collins OPERA II91,TSB BLOCK. ODDF &LEO S BLOCK, . GOLD WATCH: FREE .„*.,.11tondsoinctrrizo for every correct anowor. This is o rundelneture, with a boy concealed. If your eyenaro wide, - open. and you examine the baba@ closely. porbain Yali =IX 'Waldo to find Lira. Whenyou have donna% take a nencilana Ina* the ontlinea aide taco and body. then clip Wont Andre - tart to us with yournsmo and address written very piaini.1‘ In your loner enclose six one cent stinips forpostagennd pack - ins expenses. The,iltskpersonseadingus a coitectatswervall recelvenBentlfaUVEngravAnd,,Gold•Plated Hunt. ing .ctiso Watclii and ailothera will reeelnrilandsobno 'a...tees. 4,.Sne surrix icoeesox lee - Wer01:40 • . .: The parish is. at emit .elevoid "of Sodom, ' 'parish priest as tb ne.,apppmted to this place is laid u •ith ,grippeleeld --.-7 BRIEns.-eyrs. John l'oed who 1,as so the pulpit Will e OCCUtred.,. ,by a been indisposed is conValeseing:-1HerfrY priest feoni Londe J. tateitertV.and DearingeWho has been in ganitole&for R. Deniimine inter wed the;,Bigiiciny some time IS`tigpectecl home shottlStSi 'In London on Thur y lait tegarding be being in aeerious eondition,. hey leg I tbe school trouble. 0.,' Gravelle 'Ana partialjy lost the power ofbig; lower wife Were Visiting i b''' vieinitffoir,a, linabs, the result of...typhoid fever.- 11 few days last week. orkis prbgres'sv IAbe Dearing" who has been,'drawing i ing rapidly in the ill :Fica; Of,th:S*, laige' milk for the Centralia, :creatneuy the I building arid prosp s' are bright -.for' past seahon ; has ' ,discoutinued4-,„ The, its final completion 1 majority -ok;:ourtc,ititenS.'stre „suffering, Nelson Masse had fi oiteeevere...colds,.77.0ne woulds.thipk; out of his ankle,- sup that there would not he much .-wood. %IT his severe setae , left a ultheigay.,swamp...indgingfby, the„ now improving:and i arnnunt that 10 aSSE s here daily. ..,..,,,,, crutches.. ' WORKING OXEBTIIVE: Eight hour lawS:e.aifeNlifirter, by those tireless, Ifttle'... WOrkeri-Dr. King'stNew.LifePills. Milhous are al- ways at work, night and , clayr curing Indigestion, Biliousness, Constipation, Sick Headae-t. and all Stomach,. Liver andeoweV,...6ubles. 'Easy, pleasant -safe, sure,. Dnly 25e at all druggists. THE .„ -e-A.T.2-.• esee: eeeeeekt 41,„1.141` 4", Stanbury, over O'Nel ick. BnireFs.--Obtts. tor, builder atitli saw mill, 'has gon his farailY. His the scarcity of wo season. --N. Conti house formerly oc , Mrs. Bedard re teenier contrite.- nager'oi Parittin'r4 Stretferde With artnre titte°' dating the '<lintel.. , as removeille the led Ge Brisson:. rned to- her"bonie froxn Loudon hos • 1 on Saturelayeei on Friday. -Miss Dencianeeaneived. transient tratler's fee of SIO Per (UK Large stock of Lumber -Vito and ltetnlook, •••••••111• being tot. burdensome, ---The Scott: mem feetof hemlock iitra or for barns etc., ouncil met Feb. 2nd. All the 'non- social held under. the anepices of the also sitingle‘ Ativitirads.ceprmtl?,:ilecoe; bers were present. minutes a hist Christian Endeavor of Carmel church, .rregtblee-Ja' meeting were read, approved and and much enjnyed. Everything wile - The hear must have seen sigl•-(q1 the "[lee". on Taesday laet, wae well attended, his shadow. Winter lute set, in i The council gave an order for a new earnest. Oer roads are blocked.-Uave steel ChamOlon Rola 3faelone, "MU* rite LUIT d by the Good Roads Meehinery of a Scotch eluiracter, and itelnie. telt first of the kind held here, w", 'Jima bad la. grIppe .1' Its abroad in the the more interesting on that, account. Notwithstanding the .non-appearance %of several per sou.s oun,Ounced to take ;part, a splendid program was rendered tas to the eupper, ib Call he be.tt.tte Both our assistant :teachers have been oft duty for two days this week owing to illness. --1-1. Eilher, M. L. A., left or: Tuesday to attend to ble Perliamentary dnties at, Toronto. - Co. of Hamilton, to be accepted after delivery and satisfactory trial, Its, per guarantee. Price $220.00. The auditors' report WAS adopted and one linudied comes, ordered to be WliIliimagined than &embed,- Andrew mrs. Rivers. of rtaveusmmod, Is Tuitt,... 'printed for distribution, leuntnie, druggist. of 'Detroit, is litev • ebeeieeee. The collector's leili NV aS received o.n.3 visiting his imothere-4 C Stoneinan mg this week with her eon, eirne the collector paid bis salary. has purchased a very fine new safe.-- -A umon memorial service was held The reeve and treasurer were au - ?11s9 tbe Evangelical church on Saturday Mis8 Ida Dick is home on a, visit and , Owing` • d d thorized to borrow on their note such ' aast. to some rnmun erstan intends retuaining until 'the ' Otitis?: I tl k - f th . d. v 't 'surns as nuty he necess:uy to meet the millinery openings. --Miss O'Neil of ing tetween le spett ers o e a. , t ca,..a, ma.. current expeuses of the munictpalzty. . . . Was not satisfactory to the pit y e am ience who c it A. cwaves:°Tfloue.n.tinketoltA,73„.2-.7 ;Were pan:band orders Issue in; payment London, was here this. week visiting . ..t caf 'th 1'0 Id not The couticil wishes"' to procure the services of a competent man. to under- take the management. of the road machine and will be prepared to make arrangements with a suitable pereon at the next, meeting of the council - relatives; --Misr Myrtle Hodgme has returned home from Luca.% understand the address given.- Dor, teachers have sent out tuontbly re- -. RusseIdalee - standing of each of the pupils. Let ports to the parents, showing the BitnWs..--,Quite a number from here , took in the oyster supper which was held,at Munro school on Friday even-. .ing,the ist,„ all report having g9od din g cards are taut for the :•rj(Ni .,1 I l • ;',st I ) SMITH 11ENSALL M 'dari I I ' '13ftrin-F,stlti-WW-IIgnaeSi:•,?De-y-le.,- of the 2n1, is seriously ill.-• rs. S pro utglaf Ostiorrte, spent aiifew idtty,strAvitla.i het mother on the 2nd last Week, .,-I-oMmt Jcill-Dr.c.i,Y011;Pstln,r.i1),trtsr Ifli4t)9.4e&.:19.1g biP1 beavy-draugla t horse for a hatad8p,i4tel $.?,^t " Sclitoof. foilonecso '''°;ruPt. 'riv, ' on f ',"Yran nal'y --pott, is based„arn on , work, ar.d.: AO:ens 7, -N-XiiiVg are ili'nrdetOf ;Uteri t Co `J•cisSp, in Co. ItEtiliq)," Willie'li,t;wie,tilY glifi'd.1-5t 'Edward Eaulder, '43,c6crory )re'd reittg81`,"1 Ertiino.:SOOttir: .11811-enite, ;JCiirief, til4guire, Leu i; Tearl, Se, ILIArnoldr.Corigitqn.,A1 I ie;Wilsonti rl 1 Ito 1.3,NY Qt1(.1 --;Ad ,Tiv an 0, ab r al n 06 Lintel ine FredeoLewitege ,gipsi . . 'ly this spring.-gf 'ew,t.b:Pnftint4erv sed4o ;he, caused or'feVer,5-he,Is 6.1XS.,h3' nieaOs •." ?Tr " • 1. • Bnenes,--Miss ; : St. Mary.,s;C•titi I r 'grandmother, rfleYotofcrietbec, da, vistted at;‘;13,. tl,e man's on &Sun -- day G.ittord,, Of St.. Marysi,',Visifed'iti, the liaie 1ist'*e0e.„. Meeting- Obeid on Ti dayicirtirthe igistai,at Ae0c lyaoig§'; traeSiat'e'd..':2M'isS1M el' A1412e4-§,,'It.'• turned home last -wee fter--spenaing mont?b>rIbltrelittiye tad ,,friends in tondeit..--Xy. Win. iter bas corn- menced. his duties as ssessor of the, Ter011uStititte meetings will be held ‘the'TOWliship hall.„hpre,;.,en-, Friday, ,he aftern.9.6 49c1: re'crtrniti latter scbool. The game resultedan iIiossible should dvail II inseiVe.of the, victory -for the PlugtoWn-,•-"bays,- ',score opportunity of beariu able speak- standing 5 mightnbementiened: ers q nest i is of t hat 7 tele ' e '410n:10AI:team' play ere. the '66nrett, the tirMing Was-Siek'aud'as anotitotalioY: was put.: itidustry.--T C, O. F. intend hold-' in',bis place it gave the visitingrtecon• rng art.open,, Id:, concert on a Chance to kick. „„:„ -Fridayevening,. bi , th.' Ai gbod in circler 'di: met& liepartment . the parents show a kindly interest in , the welfare of the children brexamin- in gthese reports carefully,signing them and returning them to the teachers.- .Mts. Sambrook and Children; are visit- ine With, friends in Centralia, -W. marriage `of Emily, third. dangliter of Fritz. eq,pects to take possession of the David Dow, and Ate*. ''; See -wait' Of, 'Clark hotel next week.- Quarterlv, North flakota, ott"Wedn6mItty the tneeting,.sFvices will be held in, M. E. --Saertinient of the linrcrkStIPPer, Sir 'church neXt . Sunday morning. 13usit, Pullet -ten eCieenit Wee' 'Observed. ° eness lneeting on Monday. Wand in BetheliCh arch -oh IStinclay '-1 arshtail,:Bap tist, Minister„bfrallarttee preached Memorial serVicet ot our late, beloved Queen in the Methodist church on Sontleyeeight lest, the , service, was one of thehest ever deliverecl„ , Farct.th4r, . ' . liVnilrhST6 Mar'Y' Allen ilacline; of the Thai -nes 'Bondi.' 'arid ,Mr. A,Nrini'q-ilfillith, pr'opPtrrirns fai Rirktori, 'Wed on Wednesday of last weekilietheI 'your quarterage. Oentralia. , ' Buisesee-MreNelson "Hicks, and Miss Addison, of. Norwich, have been,. the, guests:of Alr..Andrew flick for a. few ' dans.e-Quite a• large- -,iiumber. of our .1rillagers attended the $,S. -tea -,Meeting, at Edereeed report a,gond time. -We are sbrrY to hear' that Mr. ,J-tiO'.. EseerY nf Eden, is '64 th'e sick: list : also Mr.' '.Thos: ,',,EsSerY.'' of '' this.. iplace.--J'olan Wright,. our fwar • 'dorreSpo mien ti,, has, dinners' eWeeted- theinee,1 Mier Oebbag The 4erekndny ,..w tts, tlerfovnyt j'aettrivv0Vlielfiirdillf,th6 Village. ,N,N.i., wish t fermi:6e,, 11 retch iliortilngana eVen• presen ce oftt large-nurriber'nf- Invited him 8ucCess•in)11 IS; new 'splacte--,cif labor: guetts.? •Th'e ' MethodistS,.. of ' this: -ea by.tbecReve 0. Frei:ohne After thee , ' place,leee to have zanothen. great treat, :robnv:.-.Where, a c.stimptuons:,,weacling; '°ex6'Sliba4'''S°1'''.3.)r. G'66'11.6PClei'- ,dereinabirkt ail' repaired:. to :bus,: dm ing. 'got t, the Prestd.ent q. (49.. 't(incIpii ()Cm' 'wits:spell* in.d.aucingto thei.melodiousilarid ltEd en+ at 2,30 ...p..M. May strait -1;6'04;116- Messrs,,,Calneren:,.:,onthe, :via. be 0,,,,i4 to. b.,,,,,, ,..6.1„.f , pdpiillit, a,n4 violiin•-iiit cl:tbrgani,"1; Tb C.'„ ',happ y ',To ling, .p 10 citi 6,6 t atvidei-A.:;?i,tilift.i.k, of- young , a 0 till ld will ttle; on the GH„ ilfillaninniiet- petipIeereN'64ertainedidaSt Tuesday 'Stead!: ,:''Votie correspondent joins.!,tvitti,. night by Mr. itoci. Mrs. W. R.,'Ellicitt, .aila,68t of ;friends:in; ..e.ieleitig..,:thewoungs 'at, theie ..-beitottfutci. rcsidence,--The. couple a long and happy' wedd.ed.,,i li fe.., Fairfield , '.09nv,,, 'p,99ple-,.}vil,t7,4010,.. a., May'Ltheit,:i93.',be tnan sntaia.tiaw r: only" prayer ineepi,ng, thip-ATlictr8clay),' eve 9- troitbreSAittleones .;,. -1.,, ,-.;., ,, , mg at ;the, „ resittenee OMC. , ',inn rOOTDAII.,,;-;-Titetpupits.".6f,the Kiric.-., ,13ake...- .,-R,116,c,:,i,r,46r., h',3'eetio,,,-. toe top stinitilicitahhool, eattietor.i. Phigtoivia ,well ate-ntte,d,4iid :d0,0a.,.i,-01-1 for 03Q. nn" Feiday iiOillast e week/ andtplayed a; ',iieigh.66a-t-bisd-,4,-tho... iffitorl' .;.3*a, t.10 frieffaiS77- giarne - of ',7fouthan,,,.*ittuAlae•bunbe•Toi., ,sie, v,..t,t, 04.:,,ym_ii.jo't .r,iin, .:.,,f andt 'draped' in i .1110tyntnf,,,-for ., R,tir beloved Queen, at the paitsonag-etin OnV"'Villitp..,e '.-,the 'onl'Y'dna'N'I;e IfaVerg'6,6icb.elie.', ' ri? ,c,''''OStie'elied,15°4'ign,l.:-tpEr,i't,7i5W.1-Pleinestillil;19wPiial :1-fsoiti1" tbe thonth.'''''a ':'Sl.iii'tiii:ry.,'" NarileS , are 114 babies. 11 grant toott ers emptov 111 e verte" quickly reheve, and mire. fleet deetore, lawyers, taterchants, and 'public speak - I'S rely upon Cetarritoeitne Tad by for Cet thole. arid Ilay Fever. it is cbeapl use it lasts so tong, and beexass - it sure to cure even tile poorest t card to buy it. Every dollanonte tit is guaranteed to eure. oe rim -met back. Druggists or by mati. A. 'lea sent for 10e. by N. V', Pelson az Coe kingston, Canada, or lIartford, Conn., TESTIMONIALOF ROBERT L 17SBORNF., Aro TiE VALUE oft' ENG LISII STOCK 'F'0 IlTanufitetured by e. Lutz, Druggiet, Exeter. e This is to certify that litwe Me& English Stock. Food for fattening cat- tle and young pigs. flame also fed it to poultry. . 1 haee found It the; cbeapest and most useful and satisfactory tuitiele on the market. Would reemttmend It to stock raisers. ' itoitE'ItT Sieenreve Township,of UsItorne. Price :Ale per itag. Sold. byea ear 'Your money refended itporchase unsatisfactory. P -`4t W illi "prooTamme is being eparedfoe the - 111.7f IKL. EN'S ARNIOAeSALV-E , -V, A, Polly'NV' 10 t1 LilJi in 1di d orct 10 dgi' ' fe f -I IS world-wide 'fame -for -tit arvelloux Ka,tie Elliott 'Clintna Irogart,11,: ",•'347, - • 1' ' It r see- any otber s,t1 ve, Ala ma, Wilson, Edith Minty Flu a 'Prn(114)J:111;' -11r1fC'"1-- 91.° '' f 13 "Pet' A'frgie Ottleu it fiale; Color.legs',` if ace lot °tat went, ,orh stint or ,ut.s, a et, • n 4 „ •'41A 'ivilc; feel wettk. and di "`Ottraiect'' Wilt 'Corns, SON; Se -yes; 1. bit- tralcr,s', Antrn. Earl Alitet!ell ; Si% IV, Brure' BlIOS. & CO, Bleb warm healtit iii6oVrisrrevdia''3.'eceive both mental en bodily vigor Tetter, Salt ltheutn, fitever Solies' 'Mitchtu ell, Clara Frhall,Pearl 'Walker, by Ili;od's Sarsatnt'Yrilla atia. -thus by using Carter'S Iron i11 Willeh are Chttpped. Halide, Skin Eruptions; In Minitie Baynham Ti IV, George coughs, colds, and pneumonia are nettle for the blood, neves and cone: fallible for Piles, Cure guaranteed. .Hepburn, Meno pallfas, Eddie collies; GOD ERICH prevented. Take it now. -' Only 25e :et all drnggists. Sr. III, Rosy Wilson;Warren 'Mitchell eleCela tieeeeee -• htered nd ' .11140, .reance,.onr,gtOck in the following rlinc,0 KATE SKATE , LH:OcKPAtf: TIt•11OCIKeY tiljtk,5 aud •:t 40 (WE SELL nuoic sTast,'Es ,. , ?cE . large range of Sa'Wg and at special. ,prices11 4 .,, ERBA01.1 •-t tin 01 •Q>.z.t. 1 eteatis 3:6 bre',g' •4. '(30.1.'rai§08"tanc.1.1pon.ltry fancier§ , reconlinena 25C. and Oo ,per pa'ekaue. :kiiids----tj Mitts 1oV,4at rejnbca pue 1-1 oa t e 1 J. HE3AI'%AN4