HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-1-31, Page 7A, Royal FamilY VieW Queen's Face lot Last Tante COFFRI FINALLY SEALER Touching Seane7, a Osbaesc Rouse Wiles tier Sistiesty's Rsanairts Were Forever closed srom Roman View Cowes, jou, 15.-A. private service over the remains of Queen Vietoria was held this morning. The eoffin 7WaS placed on a crimson ;dais in the oeratre cf the. dining room, au,i rested upon a s:Iir Jack. A white satn pall was over the •Zoffin, with the roy ;1 crown and, insignia of the Order a tile Garter ern.broitlered up- on it,. S atinels, With arms reversed, stool at the eorners. A LAST LOVING LOOK. With a pttluas anl olsausity Elle • asseidom mark tits passing Lone sy. 1.gat tatotii atimess of the soff:at ths rey Z f 3.ostay took rts last liov Ifs lo k 4 thki.,;atuix.ii of ti -o gaz tilestut _0 es as, sliss slat -31 was btoog .1 it t r or21. wese wa ...g reit ig re..r 11:011,,";-".•1 Fa 1 , trt ^ SSr 'jam 4 latt I . -• tha In b.. lam ere7i.y. , si 'WA 3.21 th awe 3 Era- -76 CP. 4111t4 f 4 4 ' a I :AK fria les - t on A t 4. • ' q "S • St t. it S not ha Pearl Cfrippewe sl 'sets, a Queeu 1 Victoria memorial service will be i held. The address tv:11, be gtliven b, l ram es L. ;Hughes, superintendent el , 1 the Public schools of Tor mato, Ont. IF w11. he introduced by Superbaten. BR:LLIANT AFFAIR EARL SUES FON NORGE ssrsi Rossiya, Former Actor, Wants Wit/1 Fanfare or Trumpets id Nuptial Knot. untied. dent of Education Henry P, Daterson. ubUc ACClairft of this city. The ehureh will be beats t.fusly and apprt!pr.asely decorated. t T1s3 eh= will g.ve ape& TII;S. VAN WYCK INVIDENT. I.ondon. San. 4.-- The Globe th:s " everung, review:ng Atuerican spas A Brilliant Cavalcade Beaded By Bari thy Geat B of Queen, V:etor. . adds (referring tc Roberts Passed newe the Wit pa%vitt. r.ritain on the deatt the refusal of Mayor Van Wyck, den Jan S,5 Ridward VII was proctatmed. ISang et Great otstairt end Ireland and tan! ot Ind:a at St. stairass Palaoa at, 9 cselack th:s morn - ring. TY -3 ,proesessarson was read by Isissasass:. Henry sliseldOrt, ICItg- at- A7rata saace „kpz, mut terate:ly Wind- sor Herald, yeas greeted by a fanfare of tr, resets, cheers and cr.es of "God save the IV,ng." There wos hil'-ae asiminAliCrgi3 of officials and College Fierat.ls. ap000g titkoc m attendance were Xari Roberts. trnd embers of the headquarters staff and other artaay 04 s, and, there was present a great concourse a peo- ple front she, c ututeniesient to the Close. A. the valetas on 02 the ceremony the band heionging to the Fon. Gads :a the .01-7.a.y Court piay., 'God :Save the ging.," KING , NO'L" Th Z:ieg wan not present, hut the LEtI,SED ellobers tt,s nouseno, wituessed Housli e. Oa te Satcany overlook:ug e ceresitony tram SX4r.lbs. oagh the Friary attars, trona svir:eb the pro- eia,mat. cot was read were the Hake Norfelt and Water or ot . Tao balcony torts *traced ; clam. timers the a teleIS In e UPOrW were fitaCune4 ts.late.ets. and here were prom nem persons. am- transy Arthur Wit:te, tae *eei Itho •7>lao ough lloase and the Zdinb gh, 26. --The Earl eS to day began a salt for di - EDWARD PROCLAIM:II KIND it°;c61S4 t h' fa been. an actor, his stage name floes agapas I,ord Rossiya Ness york e.ty, to lower the flag over the' .eity "1u solitary extep. ilea to titz",..s ettitade• of syimpattlytorid respeet is to be regarded as a ;mattex of congratulations ra.ther than •of re- gret. It is a high complinaent that On mentOry of. the good and snare Queet iteald masellied by any recog.nisSon ont the palq of Tammany ff4lItalict :t$ creatures." That St. .jame.s' assets, say 4 Mr. :Van Wyck "so. grossly fria:s., represents the generous. fe'elings ot sliatericans as to ,refuse ti. show in New York official respeot • to the treemory of Queen Viotortio, wItich countrymen Are everyetherie end by al; =yams in their vises' rt.:playing tr the world," FIRST SPEECH cgiAnd Dolighted With SciwArd VIrs. hiatco.; E,Iort Before, PrivY tonceit Inno,raaelm. London, Jan. '4. ---The morn Mord wi" greati,et Sat t „. that the B.,rig 114S 14%-er% tlafa Li ‘dward VII. Tbvy are fili.ed from to end with 4, 4o a yes- rday's toren:tames an accounts sf e slaws ths death anal the es- guards. The tia aguArda asted as a 'an, thre roost tit:- Vis.tied guard of hernia Ay 'tiO 0 pasted and In Alt pa; 14 of the wort . ng lahlwaters first tip oeli is also . T414 D Nita' T g.4,.P1t no:nit:aid .e, .1..t to,c. it rrnry t, as a, large bodY Torre. sal:tiers, and foots s Sul rsathang sosep sittsertsy. .4 d• - 8 Otto It arm ea l'• -••P• iy lik ' Sq441 honer ro the Inon4r, ir .tve . tirt 1 o'clo k ri the morang a liz:111an. calla, aoti, will carry o ft .5.9 ‘.:•-• n • • f t caval:ade <vett 4"3wo 3 Ile Artil, and hop.- and confit.enee tce tht, .ttat.C.-iy 41 i entered V: t•y •C-3urt. It totasi i el ita troulale." a the heo-atuarters etiatr. Itea.1 4.1 by Ir. ug hdwant tvi.1 t I, n 6.4 4 0 Genera; Roberts .a oil tin foni, ttetearteny to- if S:r ave.yn 11,naa and moo saute d^g. immediately berica*Il Uri balcony, A Bil.4144AN I' VVALVADR. The spertatonz t seaDtes it on ear:y 401.1.r. The troopaaresed HER LAST lias Been Proper %Dm s WILL TBE CHIEF HtliEFIG;ARI .3 Y- 1'0 - ..reit tfle coffin, wist , . .evt-rse.d, arras erossed and heads ts . .. Tac ssienee is unbroken save . by se, 'sessional shuffle from the sol III i..» 'Changing their uneasy posis Lis s _ TrilOC1-14ION" •THROUGH LONDON. It is viritunIly settled that there will be an imposing funeral pronessirt through London, headed by King, Erns Reror William and Lord Roberts. The xoute will "be nearly the same as theft a Lor,d Roberts' trium.phaI ort -y, Inti reversed. Mr, Wm. St. John Prot. -frisk Secretary a State. for War, and Lose Roberts will come to Osborne to -mor- row to settle the military program of the procession and the funeral pro. sedum at Wincleor. • , . LORD LAINSDOWNE SMTMONED. The lrapenial German ssisht ashen- Sollern, escorted by the third class erauser ..Nymplie, was signalled durin he l tstternoon at Dover.' yacht evil omits to Cowes and the cruiser isvil proceed to Portsmouth. The Margo of. Lansdowne, Secretary of State fol • Foreign Affairs, came to Osborne to day by special son -Lifland of the Xing He will be presented to Emperol William. QUEEN'S 1itts.S11 Aorr, ;London. San., 25.-4Cis ilelleved one of the last actS of Queen Viotoria wail to es/stilly. a Wish that the testimonies sent by the children of Canada shouli be hianded over to the Royal Pats's:Ali, commissioners for the benefit of thi widows and orphans of soldiers kille; _ in South Africa. The desire was coint irnunicated to the commissioners in % Latter from the col dnia IofZiee, date iL •the day of fler M ijesty's death; Tht testimonial ot the children sc. China& consisted oS the sum of a:3. 0 i \shirt Mr. Chem he.ri a in ferwarili,,.. ( 0 r hi Royal PatsAs Commissio is ;t; t day Qu.sen .VictOria I Sla VICE S s sts-...- s ss, Buffalo, N„ Y., ,;a.i. SS ' sal a evening, at, 7.45 o'so k Metltodist, Essiscopal es 4, • i, 1 •iaass atz,,b Now Yolk, Jan. ozia"s will krin been ruined by Gm du y coast , led ; ar;es. "se -tile oy lair. • a: N as t. p cxt tat ..eany. nen II .14Us il'ANVA.B11 <4 K 1.ra18 aa ;he Q drod e,,,,,eace read. .11e pro- lit.n VI On ;a loud. d ones, and. :bis .13 a great d Stan,•1^, heads r 'to 1 an resill'ng cams clu Kng at- tr us,ta",:ing taw rte.**, 0 ft 4., ." • saadiy, " save, 0:.:3 1r.g." The crowd 1AI k ex 44. MP, tho ESfanfares of Isio amulets, and the b.sts ty HE; Stat,snal :lathes's le it cur ow m The ghltd , of 4.1.1,,aie•;-.1t.e 1 tit% %TIP- ' Duke et. .t GOBGBOVS 1'; O. aiSSIOX. Tho altielstes, then Uoese I "n pro- YU- frtm the bti oay through .he ,r.a" ;Witco to toe aztilz (-our:, 1 1174"."' • a numirr tt. 11 •vsmiages ides, says a NW It•ti1 Ina 1*medCai otter:two v Nothing over wall ntatt .tte King at h. disrs .o.i" the Hari- ' ;is to the provistons mars.ai.The tec.:.; the °mei, .14, the bestrewn, or the aluotint 01 Jr pritstte fortune. r i gt nerally Fiappia.cd that bass preliminary ssretion was rnads in orde. to follow 11i . amj s 4.4 to.ce ions in regard ta I'DDLY AI.TSRED. 1. 410.r.Nu +2114011. OlOd0 11/1110il was rep, a, to.10 ..ed and added .o e .1 atm oust g mitt cull *len weren,ef the Duke and teu.o.tNajitcs.d audnvaitrodht ',L111;1X,tt,,c‘t‘' ,.'11,1)11.arli),`;1:101 u1 ghG tOrtolluasic tan1d1 dAtided bave eclectic to take she train for Osborne. royal salute in celebration of /114,..W.vt,,,inO.T2101411roii daa.triwn,wrintled agovrian.o..:ty. znceers:zr 'palace:As fired at atesimplisae 1. /nese in a Ito 1 :Orl to make any tx: a gtr.%.;, :daze the.. the. RoBERTs watt reail the proclamon ati, .0 the 'sty, escorted by •a tit aehmenr. -of :40ise gla.t 1.4, forming riur otesque. an 1 GoTtle.. It1 LF .S3'l 1SOR OS ilORNE. • Loultn, .lart. 12.55 p. m. -King •Sellwatel, escorts:NI bs squadron of .1to Hors. Out Os, and arecanstanied ke is the Du_a: Yu ak, Prince, Christ- :ncezi I 'at w. Jour Prince n‘y of Patt aberg, will he e.EfEl r RIN CIP..t. a tENEVICIARY. IN TEARS Janes Oskine. He served in South lea. with ThoracycroWs Horse, and was a ever correspondent for the, Lon. don Daily Mail. lits was born in 180, atO married Violet daughter Robert Chas, De Grey Vyner,. of Alaby Rsii, Lincolnshire. They have two shildren, a SQ..A and a daughter. e'son'es title is Lard 1,aoghburougb. e was born in. 108. AFFECT* HAD 'ioneral lice at MAO; BOA Bad Met in England EVERY MAN IS A MOURNER tors .Are Cortspietents by. "Rh* Absence 'throughout United Kiogdeen louden:4 Jan. . The otter'eftect Queen Victoria** death on businese a Waal and rentorkably widesPreorl, Partictilarly affects dealers in all -.* cloth,ng and ftarn:shings. And fl goeda connected with ttalltSem.outs, tlwatricals, and dinners, l3bek Isthe only. color _displayed in w:adows .throughoat the This millinery departments res are, tilled with black ro. ..uneral show of. black clothes, and other estabharenta kwea,. neektres arid hats, In London • Fengl.satman who eau affscd. ring hiack clothes, a black serkie and b'act• gloves. Tho woinen Lr altettireit in :black, and the. of. iy there will he loss on stocks of ot tho army A'ati ues•Y have ' fie :repo hands .= their Arms. All arMy !lige aro draped with. black, ;Natura1. ralored goad; xiarticularly in the .ase of Ltaation "firms act:Ix-40=4 t lepend ott court and ass:i.e.-J-7 hits:mess. Qa the other band. dea1ora in black goods w.',11 ba obit to gelitqlzelir entire v.ocks at a, very „great proilt. I: tact, a famine an '10:ark goods threat ens the tair.tigh market$. British or. dere ate already extrattAing the re- sources of the It'rencia sand German 8.141144.4C%-laPelia. It gold that Lyme.% Dresden and ta.her cent:4101;44 reeits.rai are already verns"..ng more or,' der.s. One of the or-lac:pal whole. sale firms in London. it announeedi. nos Mre.nly k..1 e4 :4008 orders. The 8a44r. riR.Ory comes - from 0:11ar faC- tor.es., wIt;ch ore runnalg.rtigla; and aay to nuop.y detriards. Says ere • wholesale dealer: 'It :$ trittatult• to say how and where the &intuit will end. Assuan:lig that th2t pentad of ,ttograng will be prolOnged for Vitale sea. seas, trade w;11 be revolualonized. and asslie branches el I be paralyzed," Another anthor:ty est fumes by the :week- end 4090,400 had hoot spent in mourning. 'WILL ALL ATTEND PUNER.A.14. 7r1,,n, t.11.,-,Aileortling to a ties- ttorafIrout.srst sirs! ehiltIren Dowager •Empress Proaleriek„ will stliend th.3 funesal of Queen Vietoria, with the lexeztitimx of Pancess Fred. ex Lit Charles, woo it enceinte. $1.000nkou.:-,,t, has onsets" 1 a Dais gitt s restarn.ng an Vrat..!e George s• Saxony will be poesent at the obse- sli.S. Tata Bavarian. smart w:11 go in - Japanning for tbrse weeks. tan too lay of the funeral two servi.....ta will Oe toil in too .lingeish tpel in Bess lin, one fon the mouse:sr a the snit/ court, and atiosiser for ts$ at misers of the diplom :tie carps. Sao is the Governs. of the Isle of Aged. Soldier Greatly Affected Ey "Wight, and will probably inherit Os- His Visit to Osborne beiine Hsuss, and tne whole estate star ..ouniiing it. Then the Duke of itsiew York, 'Jan. e0,- Lord Roberts Uounaugnt and his sow, who have b. n great favorities wi.h Victotia, has ssaid his third visit to Osborne sss te0,i.ee a large portson of the since his retuxn from South MAW, T" D Its v' I tsobsbly Bala the Tribune's London correspou. 110.3 S. Ns rr: ,.‘.1":JOURNS 145 0', J tn. -8.--Ta Po , egott e an..e ye.stee tay ..ft li.,ten ng to culogiziag tae late tt,..een Vi toria and adopt:nit* rtssIst.on s s.,ing Kseg Isswstst V.L, tue ,2 of the senate st he coatis of ti s xnother and a hope th t the t i ndship •tx sting iss.w. en tste two t lions vsaald Is: assn.:tin- ., •essted that 1 after the funeral. LO TAES L 11:os, San. -8.-Da: rostagnee.e arsissr Das Csrlott .1, wi.1 psi:tamp:Its in the naval assity spit...eau on the bsstente the owner of Balmoral And dent. lTbe true, story ot first se- cseasion of the removed of Queen o. tale Scot.ish poverty. seption has come Out. He. was ter. Vietosials boy front Osborne to THE GRANDCHILDREN. ribly shocksd by the ohmage in the Portsmouth on Fels 1. Who a.A0 expeceed to receive' the - ' app2 e3 and 11143 61 -ns 1 11..L.,e1A.RD THANKS SULTAN. Olzaren's ser°. e • ig o . feettsieness, and left the audienee room iosustantattosi jen. ...8. -The. r gest blrlites LS, - are the two child - the with tearS rolling down his face. On ten of Violet' la% yourage.st son, last projects, was the to.mer Duke ct: Albany, The Qtteetr's the QU'eet'S nspointment of the. Duke of Con- s000nd daughter, P„incess Ohl istian nasght as adjutrint general, n wLI Schleswig- Uc,I,stein, is o ot rich pi ebably carred out at an early and it expected that she and het y, as the King will nees1 his br n- vided for. er s advize on Military matters. It is ot s ft •-• e'iildren will be liberally pro - that a patent will be is. t..1.3.(1 NOT A .DENEFI•CIA11,Y. • 'he t o.f the %coronation Sts Eiward VII, who will ba amply .t's Duke of York, who comes into ,the s'! Dake se°11:- Duchy of Cornwall, will probably - (SPEEN S. '1.‘HOUGHITULNESS. not be sharers la the las Qeeen's private fortune. 0 the most inte.CCUinV, London, San. 28.--"TInre is no truth -:-"IT:y7"(.6;6iniani,:, Tri - n the rumor that a change in the t s Ln :on ...oriel 'poudent. 'Whcn 151.1LenaDtiiirisyllimP cpail.,3nItremspallattioulr,:'s psraeyss_ , Nth rcoart: mace at Osborne }•buss is slue to the 1.11:-.11, go, She ss -z; King's kindly dtssiro to spare Sails- •' W:th in't• ,`c - bury Satigns and trouble.' (2;11-1f,s11,71 Isis. I.. bw'.91.ertYam vi t -r - THD SULTAII'S MiTSSAGE. ' ' * 1' • iiit,t.'..sart's son wen-` to Piss H ;Constantinople:, .Jan. s8,--Ths text 11; , a • • - wris zha np.;_, I t in '.2r1 a mem- n luM ,tov...ring various points eon- i;,r1 wida tha c2rcznonials at. the iaa oC a reowi Igo. These were M -Ay tile Queen, the mother by Tong, „Tha. saverOl provided for by the country, and the a,Z °rYILI‘17:1 °C tib3 "tie of Prince cf TO SPARE SALISBIJRY. tis ithe thoughtfwith ulne.1,77 ro y safter esnsiderab e o the Suitart's telegram to ICIng Ed- - • 3 La:* P was f,N.tul and ecn..` ward VII expressng sympathy at the ?King's foss, is as Adlows:--- 'I ItlaVO received tviLli deop regret a tits; news al' the death oc. Her August Your Masessty. Pro 'onally ivere „set, The Q„.estt this naourani .-.,ivent hasten to ex- 10 Crwi, assas,3 had ,antic.17);.,t, press to Your Ma-istY. s n- annoyance and risks of the tra.di- core 'condolences." t.ohe Sultan ha4" telegraphed 'to Ess... :i ns 1;,oceef'roolnrewonAprens atIncid. ih,eaave ts.itshene .peror Nirilltata aul to Empress Fred- erick similar exsressions 0: sympathy. , ' • OOSTIVSGSY TO UNITED STATtS, rO1,15,,•17,,g trio aninounoern.ent that: the PAUL KRUGER'S EYES. -15ark, .3wa. 26. -- IraniediatelV • Governnient 4a:a voluntarily vital President Sabmitq -7"7""i stmerican inyestors from - • . ist's pays:tens o ine0Me. ,eharges qel-r ti3 a s.uscassial Operation. 1.7i.fc.).1' on the basis of Illissien bond- boisings, 'comes, the 'statement that- • LT frv,,,,at, ,Jan. .tzt, opex.aco c an Government -vs exact .„ pe,rfortned to.: -day . on 1Vir., Krt 15) or) tax Isom America.rt holders of Ger-. oyes by :Professors Nellen an 4, awn Government Securities, The Ope.ratf.on was per. t at, 11,as received a telegram frora Ki g Auw am 'VII, Emperor Whitens, . n sinews:3s Nisi:miss, thanking hue so, his consols:nee on the death of • Qu cs. Mejssty has wired King Edwera II, 1/4: on grat dating him up.): his aeo..ssion. ADELERITNCE TO T.RADITION.S:. jan. un true illustrtss 11:. Bnitisn, adherents to tradi- trksd the signing of the proc- lostisa Jam.s palace. The Lord ..y.er is always one 01 the. signers, w. ts.apon, aecording to the, view of p ,ivy %,ouncillors, he must retire b fo.o the, %Cing enters and • the sIsseless arta made. An ancient plc. tuts represents the Lord Mayor am, I. 1..h.a r-Li.eivers of the King, there - I in,.yora LnvariabIy thi,s . Ir.esday, however, the Duke -;_vorishii a, Lord presislent of the o. rsassesteid the Lord Mayor te i • l•-•,7 Che room. whieh he reluctantly BIER SETTLED FORM OF GOVERNMENT r B1; t Coluarti%s,o:: •spool 4.„ Interesting 'Description of Oceen't: Last Ow(;. nog Place , • , '2,‘IIrtila, ext:cut.ve cern • m. the.Federal Pisrly has SMOTHERED BY FLOWZ1IS. sis:y that toe ps$4..go of the The white Satin -covered Coffin is Oa rSed lss-eo Bill by Osingiss. ;4 ,44 argrod ny Four Immovable see:410$ 1 y. „e sorts .g.ven tor tbla Cowes, Jan. - A otsasher A 1e3,111:Og tiew$cOpep correspondent:, ;were admit...04 to see the Queen's, re- i tut•pe „sib is lasts rna !ying in atote to -day. The . APProaches Osho,rne House were as .1' 74.(3-m io4O kri, not r.goruusly 03.4.4e4 as ever. cordon ass sa thehati,sit :y7 or the tees. f PoLoe, the men standsog at atter- of a few apart, entirely surrouod the hu:iding itself. This was lite on:y s.gri tat Ere., The shades Wena ciosely drawn and the royal standard ficiar:ed bait, maett fs-one. the lower. Through :he dese. ted court - '11 -0 the Queen's. eatrance tire re- r„szotalt;ve here of the Assoe:ated ,ss was c. -ted. It was hut a SteP from the entrance across the -••-• • -;lj, 1-gO - .4 .1,Lt- san of cote .3ess,ess tit( stz autto.tss stisstiS tits in- , gole.to • author 4 es. T,4 petiiiono„g t- that .r.ro. 6 ripe for a gen- sivil.governmant, the esttlelish of srja.sh will w.n over those. f g ths insutresAirs; while at the time it will eats:usage the nts, who ate snisseribiaz to favor GI slot gavem:3a tbe Fbilin• „es, unser American sovereignty. 'if.a....„,'‘,..voh.jahth:trucpuorygeor 'st .ptrostialtedeSct age!. 414.11 •o: the einang roian where. the K. .1,y in his or,oteGort to declare tse $4104:14's body -re ted- T•bo eUtrauee insurrection sniel :Ind to establish a ‘dvaanaas ITIVndu:IYatraet:di g• CDovnerrier4s:24TtPrit'se5Mebei brithee 17)trer b'e we e wealis4 %dills Matta ftt; , ALL OTHER MATTERS sy,coN- Lon.(Tori, , San. `43 -Li., Hay-Palau:1.c- foti treaty a .ialen,an. in the poi t.,..ntions -sir-slat:3 the week, was lost sight of, and cabinet may lae an b1a to r,-(ionsi der the trey for 'sous; tin-, oW"..,ng :to - tropor•Inut bt.l.S..T.1 30S in•aid,en Vit to t acCession of K." ng Elward • 8110 "2111.-10I.TGLI. 1 -.Ht 11T. Now York.3,-an. 28, -- Ls: J. Kelly, , 'a Cleadani,crn1cyed in ta.oe's Shoe L.:ng ga nary- On the• E:On•-, eiry, lyti.s held 'for, the coror,er', to-dwy ore the char,ire 'car siieo_iagi and, killing George Dresse. painter. The pa:nter was engaged in trans:onnang. Usa t'gers on the soenes into nie unte it Ions, When he was shot through . the heart': The isteobt:ng LS believed te A . a ':".4 :neiroi,F3dii:(1),'-furvi:u°41:t•t':4_1:"It. titlui ! l'eQ,*4-1°."'ItulAri-$,Ereratrrar7aPd4 °thlie4'lli-r.es°saugteauoet hettlI spss ' ri lz Chamber of Commerce mod uther Spooner BBL The offi.ials of the 51.r_. st,and inum,tvable gaardsate :rv't avi4s eke4 441 reve's4 perSOnS PX•press the r intent:on a ea "I& The strain is sa great that i r fiti.0314vilt 45,1„.1301,01 to the bey • to be re,:eved e.visry boor. kr4g me effect. Arour TUE COFFIN, no :coffin Itiself was box a inch zn the dower decked :ground, s Ileac!, were the wrea.las of the nen .8'. cad 'Queer; while on:either side 1 0 the taerialg4 Of 'the. Emperot ho 'Empress of Germany. M W5$ a bwaa.iful flotol orowt :golden "it". treat Ptioces: lee- That ii,t1e, of the white n .coVerof coffin OF tho Pin; flap on which it zeuted, boin$ almost hidden .ticte Magnilicen: 'bite pall end et inrion velvet robes ef the ribigniu 'tiro Order of ;he Garter. the wlvale bsing surmounsee by a glittezing diamond crown. whiet -efleeted the lighs of the tapers siat feet high in silver candlesticks. The : nor was ten feet - Wog .and ' foe wide.' Two heavy gold fliziges hung 'from it, and in elch diagonal:F. Were- evaly*:1 lored the Ro,yal elm* surovanated by tir: Crettris This welt was lama 10 done. The lien as in ispl4ieluoel cloths -gold and 114.e. uoirargi Is •11 silver. *bath -worked up in silk em. biraidery. The cav,wns -are in stn. blaiaory 4111k, awl gitirol. The pall WCAS made by (be otuden•ss or the Riesashlgits;a1 Sehoal of needle- work. undo- the direet'llto. of jr". Cb.tistion of Schleswig- 11.1. stein. wit it ' t • my 8 accessful, , .11a.avaraa.ai, NEW KINGSF.PZECH gd.V3rd 'VII. Promises. to Devote Ji Lao to the Nation London, Jan. 48.-Aaa, exttoordinary issue cf the :Gazette Ibis monadaii which appeats whin hlaek bortlersoia• trounces the death Queen Vic.oliti and says; "the, event has eaused out universal feeling of regret anti gor. row to her late °A.f.ajee.y's taithtu subjects, to AvIttini Labe, was endear ec by tbe deep intents in their walfart which invariably manifested, et, well as 11` nanny tAgnal virtues tvnict marked ond adorned her character.' Then fellows the proclamation ol Edward VII., the acknowledgment oi allegiance by the Privy Couricii, and the Ring's speech at his accession, of which the folitawing- is the full text. THE ACIORS,'SION1 SPREM 4'Your Royal 'Highnesses, My Lanai,: and Gentlemen.- This is the most painful occasion on which Ishall ever bo called upon to address My first arid melancholy duty is to an- nounce to you the death of my belov- e 1 mother, the Qtr,7en;' and I know how deeply you and the whole na- tion, and I think I may say the whole world, sympathize with tine the ir- reparab1r„. los.; we have all sustaincxl. I need hardly nay that my censtant endeavor will be always to walk in her footsteps. In undertaking the heavy load which now devolves upon me, I am fully determined to isa constitusienal sovereign in the st, Jct. es.: sense of the wonl, and, so is as there is breath in my bodysto moil; for the -good and arnslloration in people. I have restslved ba known Ise the name of Edw.:tit:1, whieh hot; boen borne by sir. of ray once...stars. In doing so I do not undervalue th‘, xrune of Albsrt, which .1 inherit front La: ever- to -ha -lamented, grea:. and wise father, who, ley' universal en - sent, is, I think, deservedly knowl by the nalne of Albert the Gcoll. and I desire that his name shall ss and alone. • In conclusion, I trust 'so poi-..- liament and the an inn to rapport ria.3 in the arduous dutis, ,which row de- volve upon nits by inheriliance, tt which I am determined to devo 013 whole strerigth during ..he remainder of my life." ROYAL PROCEAMA'fI071. Aftei giving a l'st of rlicse who at= tenidecl the coin:loll iha Gas,rd te nouncea that :has Xing rultars tl the ea Hi relating •to the Seca. illy of the Church of \S. outland. It concludes wi.h tho King's formai pro:ilamation ordcr- inir all officers orivi pa-riscas anti'. Ority throughou', dorainirnsto continuo trii exercise their offiees dur- ing .the raYal. and exhorting his subjectS to aid ,.and assigt such officers in the Performance and exe- cution of their tint:les. GREAT COMPOSER 1S '0 Despatch From Munn say; Verill Ilas P,tsseJ \sway Borne, gen. 26,-A special rlispalch from li/filan ths Vai,ria says Ver,i, the composer, is dead. THE REPORT IS 1.r.iNissitasE, Rome, tr" gS v -The spe;.;a1 dispatch to the Potri anneunein the o" Verai -was' olivjeuely Inc. nUasequiertt dispatches ,rom .TSI. tan a,nnounring. that -Ill.?. eiiiposat was atilt attve bat SIOWly C.xpiting al 7 o'clock this morning. 141 00.1EZO3 MISSIONARIES' Ire eFre..,1 ii so ng Jir es That ins 6i:were:nen st bine$ 0.4 Them Fekhavepar*-1:1" San I 2,4:I, -"T.,,13:1Thf:i..7..C119;1.1es3rnplintinir,47a7 itnola:Ies on ;he Lia.,s ettat:7.4 Up.xl st:t.e.it-rt or In..:pEsb we - ttA. 4(rAtil ialeirt Ine 1-3, the nwetirs or 55 51 it0415 th9n le LT1111"4.1Aftll jrastted chitg y re, ed a committee of znassiona.les the WA* 111.7 :iattlitf!:11 ;%lire on lh ..er the ch rae someone, 1,• telan‘ws voenuenmzilr..t.,zzlilasn'441an.rilIcead limo for 1,17n t 1 0 hest lua an y objr,...!,laas to the anisslan Don't neglect tbat perste a, ',mg coogh till you Orel yourself in ote,,li of consumption. la's as easy mat e It ngfrw by raking OR, WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SRI", This pleasant remedy heals and sooti.es Ib* lungs artel bronchial tubes, and PoreS lingering and townie cOnghs when other 4usectieS Mr. W. P. Cann, writing from Morpeth, Ont., saysz "I honesnY belteve I would flue died of cowl -motion only for Dr- 4.1'nod's Norway Pine Symp. I ha.ve used it for years and consider it lias ete ova) severe colds and throat traubres," • ainterst toftlia,ta, 'Zto yelitogra,r e 1,a-verl tla Pr-oce Ching' f: e aTsoraneFs. 0`ZPH1N AT.ITO "IRE. "tr-h stor. jon. rsmes has given ou, verdict • i'te -notteat ;taro the derth9 tin 3 lacreions. v ctms of the fire in the INieeettster Orphan Asyt•um tba roes:rig ar January 8, The cermet strong words and. severely era, • the trustees ot the asylum, do. ng that they were zrogrgent. denounceat 1ltrayor Carnahan and • nembers of the board of estimatt ;I apport (=rent for their poic.3 ;an gir ng the tiro marshal suf.- " -rat aSS:tilafre to pen:nit of tho ..,.p.r aspeot.on of the buildings of !--Iteeir• taisiva would bit a protitabit • prise itz 'ores were it no; that Us" rst is endemic. lei.usetts Was the first Blatt establi;h a free public librart, - by the net or 1890. 1.7..,1,ir artist policeman, E. T. Jam .1 it a landscape accepted at Orb .*$ royal academy exhibition. 117.41,y-, five years ago the farmers the U. S. sowed one million acne buckwheat. The acreage In ,Lsa was 1)78,332. RENEWED VIGOR BROUGHT ABOUT THROUGH THE USE OF DR, WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS. Mrs. Peter limiter Tells How These P S wr.1 roc them out thebfoas ansi coAtfcssZcaz give aso to Cho Ea son, tiss wefisicaawn painter ansi '1,•121-4401". so Oxford St., Tonalto,„ Ont., v., .1; About eight wee:4 atgo wan taikenwl.la an excrutnatingpainianlyback over the It' %xis. It VMS so had that my wife. had to o.r:11,7 hot eioths Olt ale doctor oxen, ;old vr4vo - 1,7 morphine. Ifts said the II was doe to A bt0134 passing trout the kidney to the bladder. My water was loaded with a brick dust deposit and scolded on passings Whiles in condition I heard ofDoan's Cidney Piiis and started tatting -them. It was not 1.7ng before 1 got relict front pain and l'AVA been improvingin b ealthevet smce. Ivy urine is now nicer and does noi smart mei, and I feel better than inyoana Pills Released Her From 'Years of! Neutalgine Pains After Doctors and" Other Medicines Had Failed. Among the hest known and most respected residents of the township of Gainsboro, „Lincoln county, Out., are Mr, and V.'s, Peter Deemer. rot a long time Mrs. Reamer was the vic- tim of a complication of diseases, Ir;otrli Made her life one of aluicst, constant misery, and front which she ntsaily despaired of obtaining relieL TO is reporter who recently interview - ea her, 'Airs. Beanner gave the follow- ing particulars of her illness: and rd- tiiiinte cure: --.Tor some nme year:* I was troubled with a pain in the hack, and neuralgia, whieh caused me unspeakable misery. The pain in nay bark was so bad that, whether sitting or lying down, I suffered inore or less ttaiture. My appetite left me, and 1. buffered from headaches arsons - ponied by. attacks of 'dizziness that left me at taises too weak .to walk. My. nervous system was badly shat- tered, so that the slightest- noise would - startle mei and My sleep et night was broken by sheer exhaus- tion. I was. under the care three different dtietois at varions tithes, bu t :did not stiOceed in getting. more titan the tnersst temparary relief. I ulso Osi-d several .advertised medi- cates; but with no better results, I Was finally urged to try Dr. Williants Piot. Pills; and got half a 'do/eii. box- es: In the course of a few weeks 1 noted considerable 1111:proven-lent:, an.I as a consetiniMee, I gladly sonitituud the use of the . pills fel; .seseral months, with.• the result that, every sytaptom of the ontlati left mei and I ' was able to -do my housework without the. least trouble. 4.s:several years have PaSsed'sinee • u-,;c4c1 the Nle feet safe, in tlist the care is -pernitanent; and the result also verities the• that, Dr. ,Wilharos Pink I Ills core when • :Medibine fails." • The reportet 'sail 00.- ly"add that, MrS,Beatner pre.,:cn eon - di ti no indicates 4 State Of perfect health and.speaks loader than tissue words, can.do, the benefit. these pils have been to her. : Williams' Pink Pills h re- stored' more weak ant 41.1n-,;, w. u. and girls to robust health tit .19 y other Inedicine ever Cliseovore.1., in part accounts', for .their ;Wats ty throughout the,. world. The -c. pi;ls are sold by all dealers or moy be had' , by : 'mail at 50 .vents a.' bass- or s -x boxes for $2:50; by atidsesdng Oat EX. P V j The °little al ami naturally on the SySteln, :V.:sit:4%470;1J, ablitubcsoulle arattusi. effete material, a, sick .sitmatlactlaweb. eltacatrtue17..1,,no, .-tvizetnevaterb.v 1 'ills - You Make A Mist -'e If you have Pale, Greenish, or Sallow Complexion, Gold Kande and Feet! Loss of Aps petite, Dyspepsia, Lack of Energy or Stonuuth TroUbles, You Make A Mistake When you do not use Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills to cm__ er- ct these conditions. Why? B ciiite they contain all the natural elerlents necessary to build up the human system. The way to a cure lies along the road from the stomach to the blood and nerves, All food is acted on by the stomach ai,d pre- pared for absorption into the system. Dr. Ward/52111s give just the pro- per help to a tired system, and dif- fuse a glow ot health, through the whole human 'frame. You feel yourself getting well when you take Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills. 50 etc per box, five boxes for $1.00. A.11. dm* its, or Sam Williams & Clo.,.roaonte. Out.. vooa's Phozishoaine;- • 37te Great Ith{egis7: nImedy. Sold and reeoniniencled by all druggists in Canada, Onlv reit- able_ medicine cliscovcred. paekaocs guaranteed tia eure all forms of Sexual Wen kness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on receipt of • ilvtistleet' To'usil:P°hWateticsolao4;ectl$11°'nmsei;ie.'•::Y.ol. O‘dvnialtirtwa:11:•Ir27.1e°tuelt siz will cure. Pamphlets free to any addresn. i Children Cry for STO R.I For Infants an& Madre Dr, VVilliatns Medicine Co ocis ?kens. Ont. •exile nrsattire