HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-1-31, Page 5aaaa. E XIX.ET'OR TIMES 111111011, MI011118fk PERM NI N6w8 01 interest to 'Times Readors Happening nt tlie$e 60untie8 Nixon Sturdy has disppeed di his new brick. bouse. Goderich, to Mr. Harrisoe for a1.„52,5. The people of Harm will be iileased to 'eerie thae His Honore Judge Ales - eon. ie able to be around agein, after agree attack of la grippe. Aire. Win- Crowstoo. of Ti.Ingham, W m eeized with paralysis OD :.TtIesAilY OVelling of last week while ettendiog A eoncert in that pleiee, Messrs. fiedgeos Brew, of (-diatom have purchased the Jameee Robinson dry goods stoek. Godericb, end will opeo a brencb tore them The action er 'Carter's Little Liver Pins is pleasant* mild and ilurid at. They gently etimuiate the liver, and regulate the bowel, but do not Purge - They amt sure to please. Ty them. Tbe death rate for 1.000 in Ooderich was one or the bighest for mauy, years.. being about, 13 per thousand inhabitants. The births recorded for Pm same peried number 49. and the marriages:,e#, ehi Wednesday evening lastlOth, the home of Mr. and alree P. Sherwood* erewe, was the scene of a very mem - arable oceasion, wben their daughter, Margaret Aim WAS united in the holy boucle of matrimony to Joeeph Ell- patriele, both or Crewe vicinity. Ron varopeigne, of Goderien, whose gPrious illness was almounced Itist week.epaveed away at noon Wedues- (lay. eiete medieal ettendante gave no reaeon for }lope the, paet few dare AS AVID Thursday of last week be had been gradually oinking. 111$ 111111eSO of A month was A Severe one. Airs. Arthur Bennett, of Port Al- bert, who passed to that bourne from which PO traveller returns, on Tueeday week last, at the age of eigbty sec yea*, was one of the old eettlere in %int section. She wee a woman of open beard and loved aud respected by U. both old and young. A,. few weetee since we noticed the, death of Mrs. Beeelamin on,, a one time resident of Godericia nt her Inane near Drayton, North Deketa, ;old now we have to note the death of bet. part- ner, which occurred on the homestead ott the 17th inst. The late alr. Wilma " when a regitlent. eif Goderiela WAS eX- eeetli9gly well known. as he took a prominent part in politicel and numi- •viral matters„ and was ever ready to oopek lend a baud in all good works. At ii, recent ; m 1 eet g or the stock - ,11) holders forming tla J. E.Crealy Dairy Supply Co.. held at eleaforth, the fol. lowhig officers were .4 eleeteth-Preei- dent and pelmet.' manager. J.E.Cfrealy London; treasurer.. Jelheadallaren, Seeforth ; aeeretaryeT.Cattiford, Hot- eneaville. The con/pours plant con - fists of bead officeeNel retell store, 27 Dungae„r-Seveterta41.*Akki, ay.-S.0112P' --------eaddinitanery at Romokidiatibton factory with ekkraolug statieue, at Seadorth and Brueelleld. Holtuesville tbe pest week has been onuenand eae on (mount of two deaths whicb occurrea. ' Ala Monday morn ing T. E. Pickard, ides had been on tbe sick list for some timepassed to • his eternal rest. be was a native of Devonshire,hut had lived in this coun- try between 80 and 4U yeas, At one time he was a B. C. preacher. but on account of his bean he retired to n. farm, and foe &number of years be has been ttn honored local preacher AZ d class lender of the Methodist church. He was 07 years and 8 Months of age. Hugh 'Sturdy also passed Wills last rest. He was 52 ears of' age, and made his home with us brother Samuel, Re will be much Missed by the family and his associates as be had a large circle of friends. Much surprue and universal regree wee felt on it becoming known that William Gordon, of tbe 4th concession of Tuckersmitb, and eldest son of the late Angus Gordon, one of the pioneer settlers of the township, bad commit; ted snicide. Re was one of tbe last men in the world one would suspect of harboring such intentions. He always seemed to be cheerful and in good spirits, and was a steady, industrious, level headed: well doing man, and was in kasy and comfortable circumstances finaucially. For a few days previous to his death be complained of having l'el slight headache, but no person • thought his ailment was serious, and so far as we lave learned he had never been heard to express himself dissatis- .. ilea with life in any wny. He loaves a, .wdow, but uo family, and 1 he deepest. sympathy is fel tJoi Mrs. Gordon. on •• account of her sudden and terrible her- eavem en t. The funeral took place on 111cmclay and the remains g ere laid to rest in Bahld's cemetery, St :ode). . Middlesex. 1)1.. .1ames R. Anderson. of Ailso Claig, it. is onderstood, will be cen- sus counoissioner •for North Middle sex, The point t. of. the f()1loo iotr additiomil license cominissioner.. been announced : South Oxford -Andrew, Sutherl iroa „Tames Ryan, John ROCK. North Middlesex•: -John Gunn, M.D. -Thomas Bogue, David Mackenzie. Dyspepsia is difficult digestion, tl rte. • to the, alisence of manual digest ire fluids. Rood's Sargeparille reeiere, the digestive powers. -It is understood that Rubel t R. g - Tiara barrister, will he appointed rgis- lra •of tlo city of London,' to fill the vocAlleY 0 toll d by I be death of ihe edaat L 'II it II Alt GI gel , of Parl;bill, •di; II riot. 4, long illness.at age of 85 ye.Its and six months. ,1,1 Ah GI Pizor ',lab ,on estimalde Analiries t n,ind and heat I, y rivild.", •0;•1 rla. lives 1011111'0 ide dee I e die e es, euee, ine mee inofee it,koo. His health fet tento„, 7•:4•'s 1 0 1,- de( ;•,;•-t• ;0,3 ;.;;; 1'1 r r• • . . •st . lit evi;','11,•!,' i'°'111;;Pi! " ' tt ' I I I e 3 , together until the latter died some tWo or three years ago at the age of dd years. The death occurred Thursday at (iho. or the Rey. William Pollard, a .1$antiSti nnnistor, WhOSe xesidence was et or near Dutton. Deceased was '75 years old. • * Perth. The anneal meeting or the South Perth Conseryalive Association will be held in the town hall at alitebell o Thursday, Jan 31. Miss Inealse Mclaibbon, daughter of the late Geo. lucKihhon, was married on Tuesday, Jan. 22nd, to A. Pentoo. 0. 'well known barrister of Stratford. yon are tired taking tbe large old- fashioned oewiping •pills. try (Yarter's Little Liver Pills and take some com- fort. A maze ecaede stand everything. One pill a dose, Try them. S. Skinner. an ereployee of the Max- well Works( St Mat:ys, while handling pig iroo, had the misfortune to let a meee of the iron weighing over fifty pounds drop on his foot, which will lad him off or 0. short time. Tbe annual meeting of the St. Uary Natural Gas, (Mond Mineral Develop. ment Co. was held in the council chamber Wednesday afternoon. Favorable reports were submitted by Mr. Coste mad other eminent author - Rad, Comore' Peart and Pte. Graben). of St. Marys, bave sent in their adplica- tions for the South African Police force. This body will act as A military force until the end of the war', and will then fill aoposition somewhat similar to our own mounted police of the northwest, Mr. John Gibbs died in Listowel ori Thursday. aged 37. Ile had formerly resided in Guelph, awl leaves a wife d two little Ones. He was an ardent MAU, a skilful taxidermist awl a nown breeder of fox terriers and hounds, tang prizes at all the InaAmerica 4 bench sboeve. painful Accident bappened to Mr. IU of Deis nie, ott Monday. He chopping in the hush. when his • Slipped awl severed the great toe his left Toot cutting. threugle the bene. A physician mit stxteen etitcbes in the wound. and eveey effort will be mete to save the toe. It is thought, however, that amputation will he necessary. Last Thursday. while engaged in un- loading lumber at the witch. Mr. WIll. Prallyblautt. St. Alarystretewith accident which might have resuittel seriously der hiu,. -Vie' Wither d become eietted with ice, and when stakes at the side of the car were removed, about 760 feel. of beady Imo - bee slipped ont. suddenly, Striking Ale. Pullytilank. His nose and eheek Woe vete broken, and he suffered several cuts aliout the head aod face. Ile has Leen confined to. the Imre ;ewe the aceident, but is doing as well as could be expected. BLO \VII TO .iti.r03 The old idea ilia the body some es needs a. powerful. dietetic, putmo . are pill has liven exploded ; for Die • 'dime' dalew Lire PWs which are per. redly harmless, gently stimulate tver and trowels to expel poisonous matter, cleanse thedystera and absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only taZe ateinyrdrog store. Alex. Innes, of Stanley, has clzaied 50 ilert-za of hunt hetng the smolt half of lot 31. con. 2. lately owned b ,Robt. Fermin. ei Innes now owe 200 gen vs of excellent land all in on parcel. It %US 6illfrgillt. that the new'llag juee purchased for the town of Clintoo should be hoisted at ball mast for its debut /5 a signal of mourning for the death of our beloved sovereign, Queen Victoria, Christopher Dale, of Coustence, bas perchased Mis: Jas. Snell's farm on the Gib con. of Ballet t. Mr.. Dale now possessor of 1000 acres, ad in Hut let. This goes to show what persever- and induitrv will do. Prompt relief in sick headache, ziness, nausea, constipation, pain the side, guarani:m.(1 to those using Carter's Little ,Liver Pills. One a dose. Small Price. Small dose, Small pill. We are exceedingly sorry to heat Of the serious illness of Ed. Saartz, of Goderich, yomigest son of George Swartz, Agh0 js suffering with double pneumonia, and whose case is t Peterborn shoemaker has received an Order for t he largest pair of shoes ever made in Canada, being for y omit; Indian in Moosejaw, N. W. T., eigle ern ycars of age, who stands 7h ;feet and weighs three hundred and eighteenpounds The last on whith the shoes ‘vere made is sixteen mid bree-gtiatter illeiletS long, and the number of t bc shoes is 21. • The other evening a young holy of thietoo eat 1 ending L.ear "a lamp, and earing a rvil al( 'id coul h, 11104 ngi01; fire elien the hem of tile it, mit, atol her hair was b 1:11y loteoe.1 beftre n. rovild irignisoed The next evetdog a lady frict id. 11 h., was also vt f'r9itig u. 51101 ,,v,.r Irmo, of a fire,woon it al' -ll aud 11.Wa,-; •,i)1 V I /N.' '4 14ii4i;41 1;1II1 ;H.,. 5t0•- 1..,1 1 i; y 11 • r.arr•fcli. or tht' with 1.11 ('ar. 1001) OIIANGED TO POISON. Pitt .1'1 ing food in the iptestioks t, Pi 4 ; 1. 13,t •4.• 1 4.;,Irt 1 lo 1 N.( W hilt. Pill:, 41tk.4 ir t4 h-'lnitfogged 1,.. we's, 0i1stipatlQn, ii•;4 1•• SiCk. headache, Fevers, all 1, I( 131twel t'oilbies, ),11:4 *25c tit a ,y deng.:,1 ore. k 4, Pills are a p 5• ; 1 sick -cad,. no. rilionsness. s 14; fl 1 'spep-, eha el Ionia 1-11 tint] 1 1,14,11.41, They VIVI. , vreakon or ..icison. .tO, at , „ • „ C011t.:11S 140 l'OU1,4 21'011011.11.18, k 1 1'01 Pains in he Wheez- , 1,,, '114.00 and Asthma, - ;. ;11, ; inc f (PI le, Of .1)r. V (‘', 1 S Pcloo 25c. 11TE SNAKE B1 110 moire DEATHS CAUSED BY Ttill POISONOUS REPT11..E• Inject:044 or Snake Viro)i linguine) AR UV. log a ohmas against:0o Fervent -Toe Dig, eovery 'Untied gri a godsend. to Indio %Where Thousands:wenn/ea Byer( Teen, Suakeleite eau be cured on the Pao. teur principle. rqually iraportaltts-- ,perhaps more SO-oecience has learned VaCeillate people against snake °ism). Just as it vaccinates them against smaii.pos. Fortitled Unto, you might wander tarelegged through the groves •of Florida and let the rattlers and moc- ins bite you as tutzell as they pleas.. It would not irecesesary eyen to re.sort to the tiree-houored wideleeet treatment. Seeing that rattlesnakes are lound In every state of the Ileioo-eue was Ted within two miles of New Yoth cit not long ago -and Viet eopeera cads and MOCaSsing make theraSelVe$ at tome pretty nearly everywhere, this discovery should increase the comfort and security of life in the nee Settled parts of this couutree eay it is hailed aa gOclaeA4 to India. where 20,01/0 pereous every year are 1- led by the bite of the cobra., Tbe ematee himself furnishes the (media fin his bite under be method aeoeutee by Prod Frazer, ot Etlin- burgh, and Dr. A. Calmette, of 1310 Pasteur Institute, Prance. Slittaii vette= le Injected into the beillee of ltving animate in. doses at aret amall and gradually beeendeg larger until othe Animal is proof against barm from e. blte eveo of the largest serpent, From the auireal tilos imutimizee ea is procured-a:Trete le tbe , colorless element of blood -which eeted int° tile vow Of a man enders blue also safe from harm should snake bite him. or, if athuin- letered soon after a bite. will neutral- ize the poison, Antivenin° is tbe name given to the gerwn. Dwellera in Make coentries vlio are wise will fertify their blooa wIth it beforeband ratber tban tuk aleuf131413:711;t.i\r,411rni:leisrT34,g');CetnItlearerattlYe How loog a dose or the serum will -he a Man proorregaluet enahe pat - bas not been found out yet. hat die ence lasts more Mao twenty tlaye rabbit. One or the most interesting (Weave made by the =ants hi their ex- riteerda was that an inoeulazel :bereau impart immunity to her . A tabby cat WOO one of the Meets employed. Cobre Yen- ta, pumped bate her Wool by degreee until ebe was 18 tit can - ion to play tag with a tamily ot s and. not come to any berm. tly afterward she preeentea the ed ecientiets witb a family or bouncing ItIttens-wItleb meant to Item olx new subjects for experiment. Tboeo unbappy ItIttene soon felt tee iek or tbe hypodermic veettle and eicaness that follows email doses or snake poison, and, not, Itztowelg that it 'was in the interests of Mal/ - hind, they doubtless felt nagrievea The aStonlehing part of it was that bey proved not at all susceptible to be venent, and the obvious condit- ion was tbat the mother's milk im- Amine] them. One of them actually 'Withstood twice the lose large enough 10 kill A full grown cat. It is sad to record that the savants, hungry for grease diets, killed another of tho kittens by injecting a triple dose. It Is generally supposed that snake poison taken into the stomach has 110 effect upon the system,' but Dr. Fra- zer bas conic to Use conclusion that it acts as a prophylactic against snake- bite just as quinine does against malaria, This Is one of the iustances in which sclence,has confirmed a dis.cov-* ery of savage man. The Bushmen of South Africa swallow the poison bags of snakes to make themselves im- mune from the fangs, and the blacks of Australia, by eating venomous snakes whole, arrive at the same re- sult in addition to providing them- selves with a hearty meal when kan- graoos are scarce. How the 'Moqui Indians of Arizona protect themselves against poison, an their famous snake dances, • when they freely take rattlers ia their mouths and are Often bitten. is tint known outside the order of priesthood to which this rite is confined, but there is ground ?or suspieion that they; too, fortify themselves by swal- lowing the poison. ' A Cape Colony physician, Dr. Law- rence, knew a Kaffir boy who allowed deadly snakes to bite him and, shooiad no ill effects from it. He explained his immunity by relating that when a child he had been bitten by a puff ad- der, removed the poison glands and dosed him with pellets of mud dipped in the venom. . Prof. Calmette procured hia snake (poison from Delhi, India.: For a5 a Month a Mahoinetan named Killian furnished him with the venom •ex- tracted from 1,00• live cobras every week. He had.a special roam with a floor of polished Cement on which ths sna.lceS, which need unevenness ot surfaee for locomotion, were almost helpless. • • Kullan, who had a knacloof gaining control over, lila captives and talked to them as if they were his dearest friends, would cone& the venom hy holding a eonclave Watch -glass in a reptile'S mouth 'while he grasped its neck with the other hand. The cobra would clOse its fangs on the glass and squirt a dose of venom into the holloW. From 60 to 100 snakeS Would thna be "milked" In the course of the morning, , The venom In the Watch -glasses trt: -iilewed to dry to flaky yellow powlor and was then scraped 111t0 • - a ocl up and forwarded VI t , en c i, LitIuar, tyno nos Charge of thelk 1 - Thin Bignattir0 is on every box of ihe gontiine Laxative Brotitd.Qainine Talkets the ieuredy that cruses n_etyld oixe,day: reptiles at aleone Park, as a differeer *nethod of extrACting the poison. He fastdhe a b.aindkorchief over the sleuth of a tumbler arid permits the rattIesualte, or whatever it may he, to bite through it There is a ROO c011eCtiOn of snakes, incloding three or four large eobrae, et the Bron a Zoo, Mr. Ditmar began by keeping sualies as domes tie pets •gad bad learned a great deal about them as an amateur 'before he Oa tabsed Ws present position. New Yorkers may be interested to, know that, whereas there are no pois- onous snakes in Greater New york, rattlesnakes and copperheads are ta be found in great numbers up the State, in Long Island and in NeW jer- eY. the bounds Of the allude elpality itaelf-aparticularly in Statea island -there are black enakes six feet long atiti at least eve varieties or mealier barmleee snakes - earter gnaljes, ribbon snakes, grass Snakes, bog-noeed sealtes and water snakes. The most iuterestiug et tbese is the bee-nesed snalm, emnetinave tenor. at. ey called the pufe adeter awl firmly eeved by meet ruetics to be a dead- virer. • He is a thick -set, 'handsome little ffli!ew, ranglng frOna a boot to two feet bna`a. Striped with black aud ore aege. On being disturbed he code detteee his be and hisses long and low). Teta is eleVer trick to trighten away hie elleniieS, but so copacipus is to al bis owo belpieesness that lac dem tat even try to bite tbe bawl that ooe httri from the ground. Hie nose, with waieli he digs In candy sell. Is tip-tiltee, sharp and ot bow structure, in sbape rezenabling ithe mut of a hog. • some Curious Rugagement Bing Th ellOOSITIg eugageuteut rings for aeir ilauccee lovers at /UAW (Deena e venveutional jewelled circlet in vor Of the bizarre, fantastic, mid even greweome. Not long glinee. says Titellits, out ot portion et a horseshoe that be had feand o. young MAU Itad a- ring made, whiele he gave to the lady of bis choice on the day or their betrothal. The remainder or the boreesboe was Utilized In the manufacture d.of .,-232romiLutil*okiro: - Another iron ring, wbdeb a• ebort Valle eince was eecepted by a young girl as a toleen ot her ltrlier% e01111tAA-t- • Y, was a, eection cut Vent the barrel •a pistol which BMW years heel; ad played an uuenviable part In a mily tragedy. The Rion et A wealthy familY. whose fortunes owed their exietellete to extenelve tobacco pleetations, licia a ring made out or the fragrant weed, hardeped by soma proecse to the cone tiztency almost of metal. with width to eueirele the Auger ot his Inamorita. 'A able() diamond gave rellee to tho amulet% combre lme. Opals, formerly tonsidereil so 111 melted, are new not infrequently em- ployed In the settleg or engagement alum. One gentleman, a native of ataneltester, edidit, Indeed. to an al- most extreme lengtli in his repreba- tion or superstltion. tittering wbiell gave to the lady he bas now inaree 1 being* a hoop of thirteen opals, tho rorzuer possessor of each of which haa met some serlone misfortune, The engagement ring chosen by cs well known actress had once decked the anger of an 'Egyptian mummy. Disdaining everyday gewgaw with its vulgar glint of gems, she set her fancy epon thN strangely diecolorea stone, evbich hail nothing to recom- mend It but its unconventionality ana age. A Wealthy bachelor, Whom we will tall Taylor, has lately compounded his third threatened breach of prom- dse action by the payment of a sum running well into four figures. To each of the three ladies who have in turn pabnaised to be his wife this gen- tleman has presented an engagement ring made of a peculiar glass, in the sibylline character of 'Which the ec- centric giver places such faith that its fracture presages, in his Judgment, some matrimonial disaster. Perbaps the ladies were careless, but thrice alas the vitreous hoop been' broken, and thrice lias Mr. Taylor, sooner than venture on marriage, paid •a. handsome sum to keep the affair :nit of court, Did Tog lCienry That Meta's Need •'cod. It may sound strangely to bear per - cons talk about a "tired steel axle"' or a "fatigued iron rail," but that sort of talk is heard along railwaYs and fn Ina,chine shops, and it. obnsidered cor- rect. "The idea of inanimate metal becoming weary!" may be your thought, but experts familiar with the ways of machieery say that work makes it tired, and that it needs ret, • as you do. "What caused the axle to break?" asks the railway superintendent. "Fatigue of the metal," answers the inspector. • That answer is frequent and often In accordance with the facts. At times an axle breaks ora rail parts or a wheel separates under much lese than the usual strain, and- the most ca.reful examination possible will show no defect or weakness.' This leads en- gineers to charge fatigue of the metal ,with the result. Sinews of steel can tire as well as muscles •of brawn, and metal that does lint have ,its rest Will ceaae to do its Work and may cause great dam- age. At leant so the engineers say;' and asSert that.witliout rest the affinity • of the moleculeS of .the metal fOix• ea.ea other beeomes Weakened, until: the, breaking- point is • reached.. Then cornea trouble, ' Barber's hold the satne opinion; and nay that razors m lave rest, or else You cannot keep Odgeon theta, and many inert who shave theniselVes keep. two Or thore razors so,.as. to' Make' a vocation for rec_uperatidn poseible; ••• it 'has beieedededect pediena tad}, • tf o person,keep bees, he does it: at Jos own risk, and that: he ia Ilabie aomages if the itisects revol . and iree yade the premises of other people, - "The Least kair Casts a Shadow." it single drop of poison Mood <unit, onless checked m fling, make the whole impore, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great leader in blivc pgrIfiers. It. oasts no alladOna but hrloge &line and health into every housaMid. RiltUtlillit Sore -4' My Mettler wai troubled voth rbeebtatiata 11) her inee or a outolaer ef yeara, aua it broke out hatO rlutpisgsere, gbe tOok three bottles of /gfeod'a•gareaParilla arni ia now well. Roadie Olive. Ointment helped to beat the eraptione4 ¥Es, jonn Plano cloverlawns, Aneaster, Oat. Rheurnatistn-"I was belly afflicted scietio rheumatism. Consulted doe - tors without relief. Was persuaded to try Rood's Sareaparille, and Owe' bottles gave me relief and enabled me to go to work," Wox,taat RoAcn. MargaretvUle, s. 1 nodes 15JLt»r� *air tat t 0 IIVIONEY TO LOAN. -,,a7.111;:auggrvPagtepr%necIVZ 14',(:Z 1 0 ere$&QRso,x4c CARLING Exeter. I II ONF47: .0 LOA 1Nr. have a lare-0 oinourit of prirato fit nds If van oo farm end viVagepropertils a,1w ratt” f iuterest. • F, W. GIJAPMAN, Barrister .Main St.. Exeter IR. J. RIVERS, M. B., '1'0ItONTOI,INI VFIISITY, 1i It, C. M. T ;Pity truive Eity„ ftlec-erediton, Ont.. klo t ia 041way tdloe rc,-nItoico, Li .111;.14 1,40#1,r0„. Exettr. , aiati Di leeSON Se Z. LING, Barr/were. i -o iciters. Notarle.Q. Coma) Cenuntal rar- aita. aac ries to Loan at Si per ceot. and 5 per cent 0115ICF.1-FAN8ON'2 RLOCE, EXETER. 1.14. eaomao. es A. L. /1,. PICK,SOM 1204.L.rdtzthig Lupotl,ipoef eoarctilloorpecT IDo at iiendil on whh lioars so:rasa-arms, MARKETS. .Exeter. Jaail.TAIII" aafth late Wheat per buahel --... ,GL tu liairleY• R • 0..4 114 RR R.:3i 00 POS . • .... ••• .1".... 4,1”, 50 te Butter-. ..... ••••• le• 60 IQ •••••• VII.," 20 t0 14071MS • • • . • • lik • • ••••••• d to eeee.•.••• ••,••• to 5 LO 0 DUCkfil 4.4.4 wor re • • 7 to 7 Wool.... .... 10 to la Dried Applesa o „ 5 to „II Pork clrexseo.e... . • 410411 •• ft0175 to 7,e, 2 "s Loisno. xna, undo% J. ' ' deb.leete ;heat per bustle)... .... eti to Pa Peas .... ......4S to ....99 to fitie,kinieat...•.•.. • • .• • • ...4,0 to It.yo . .•. ZO t4. Corn . .... Scans "1,PP8,'m • IP* 0 . P .. UPI to Butter .... . • le to ages - once ••••• •••••. 11••••••16 10 10 .... ftto Ueese Va •••••••40 1.0 a to (emcee Potatoes per bag.-- , Hay per ton ..1$ 6.90. te ..i.0 Pork otrowto . ., 41.50 to $50Q AO 1. .14 18 10 To 50 10 A DEEP MYSTERY. It i a mystery why women endure backache. heatlitebeinervousneosodeep- lessness,melanchoiy,fainting and dizzy spells when tbousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble." writes Mrs. Phebe Cherley,of Peterson, Ia., "and a lame back pained 100 110 I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cured 'Int., and, although 73 Yeat'S Old 1 now ant able to do all my housework." It oyercomes ('onstipat- ion, improves Appetite, gives perfect health. Only title at any drug store. SZEURALGIA. "I had been suireritig about SiN11101d1IFI 'with NOgnalgia when I started taking MIlburn's Rheumatic Pills They did ino; more good than On)* medicine I .oyer used.' Mrs, Annie Ryan, 11.2. HOTEL NOTICE. Public notice Is ligrolir given that X have op. plied to the License Inspector or South Huron, to transfer iuy hotel license, known as the Royal rtoto, le tbe village of Crediton, to 'Wm. Fritz, of faredlten. Itona afelsaa.as SOUTH HURON Fdreirasstitute 'meetings of theamith Huron Farmora' Insti. tute will be bold at theft:allowing wart% on the dates named, when addresses will be delivered by tbe speakers end on the subjects named be- low, SEAFORTH. On Tuesday, February 5th, 1001, in tbe Town Hall, Glenderming, Manilla. 'The hog and ex- port bacon trade ; L. Soith, Whits7, Womens' institutes, their object and atm ; Jame; MpE wing. Dnwtou, 'Why and bow to underdnun." kV:EN/NG MEETING. - .Ad- dresses lay IL Glendenning. 'Farmer's fruit and -vegetable garden' ; Mrs. J. L. Smith, "A. talk on Domestic Economy'; James hIcEwing, 'Corning problems.' L On Wednesday, February 60, in the Town sbip H. Glendenning, 'The hog and esmort bacon trade': 'cultivation of corn for the silo' : Mrs. J. L. Smith, 'The ber'who stays on the farm' : James IticEwing. '114aintaining fertility in soil.' EVENING MEETING. -II. Glendenning, 'The farmer's fruit and vegetable garden' ; Mrs J. L. Smiob,'In and about the farm hom use' ; Jaes lYlelt:wing, 'Some thin t's boys should be taught.' IIENSALL. On Thursday, Fehruax.y 7th, in Scott's Hall. 11. Glendenning, 'Feeds' and feeding' ; Mrs J. L. Smith. 'Farmers' wives and daughters; their delights, ,duties and discouragements' ; Ja.roes McEwing. 'Systematic farming.' EVENING.-- R Glendenning, 'The farmer's fruit and vegetable garden"; Mrs. J. L. Smith, 'Our grandmothers' days and ways': James MolViving, `Some things boys should he titeght: • • • EMU-VIM...Fe On Friday, February 84,b, in the Town- ship Hall. H. Glendenning, Cultivation of corn for the silo' ; Mrs. L. Smith,. 'In and about the farm house' ; James MeEvtong, 'Mistakes made on the -farm.' EVENING. -1.1 Glendenning, 'The farmer's fruit and vegetable garden' ,Mrs..1: L. Smith, 'The food we eat and its preparation'; James MeEwing. 'The gospel of home influence.' DASH WOOD. On Saturday, Februory 9th, in Moser's • Hall. 11. Glendenning. Poultry, for the expert trade' ; Mrs. J. L. Smith. 'The boy whti staTs on the fa.rin; ;JaineS MeEtving. '.Why and how to underdrain.' EVENING. -H. Glen don plug, 'The fariner's fruit and vegetable garden' ; Mrs, J,J.. Sniith. 'The dayS tied ways of our gtand- motberst!..; James IVIcEwing, 'Some things. -boys should learn. • • SI-IIPKA On "Tueaday, February 12th, in Ha o- nan'a HalL II. GI lendonning, ...the hog and expo! .4,10,8 . tradO' , Mrs, J. L. Smith, 41, el mon,' AN'i VTR III CI dallg1,11Org ; their "duties. delights and dis- eour4gentents.' Jarfies111crewifiz. n i n i n the fertility of the soil.' 01(.:11- denning; The farmer's fruit, and voirida,blo garden. Mrs. J. L. 8rnith, A Common • se;Isq tall( to young farmers and their wii 44,4. 3511104 ThegoSpal of homs influence. At each of lye afternoon meetings will also be g. yen by local men. Al, each, ef the oycning roneddl,g, Iha gramme bo varied by voca a -al 11-.41 The etteeaeon meetings commence at j44 in . and the,evening in outing at 730. AW are cordially intited,, 44,0(11,4111 4.- 11ThCl0 speciall,. welcome al ilia ;titer!. well T. lTtp asGhitevoinNiiIE, s To rnetitigs. A. S. manwrr, Secretary, t'reslcIOtlI k'arqnhar ('.1). 41 li'LADIVIA1%;,` POecessor to Elliott ez Gle mane Barmier Xicitor, flaw hap, cOnv(Vancer, to, Money to Iwo Olt Fara) alai villoge opertwa tot.i,MINe:4 rates or interest. FF Filitherls Inttes o. ARE PREtrA D TO PUROal THEE{ MIER ITHER ST OR IN T Apply to 'Kessel, Exeareat. Ode. If yon w5 your Chris Pastov Fit) haying it. it. to bave gond luck with as cakes tier our Princess Ask for it and insist on VINEATLET Isa dish for the dainty, the robust, the dyspeptic and tbe Ituogry, for au, appetites and conditioes. 11 is the peerless item of a good breakfast, and there is no substitute. STAR FLOUR Wilt make more 'bread and a larger loaf than any other famiiy Dour. Once used always wanted. J,„ COR,RLEDICIC & SON; ROUT SIRS IN bTEET EXETER CUTTERS CUTTERS ' TI KINSMAN, L. 02, AND 1111. A. It. N. L. 1). 5.P. D. 5,„ Beeor taniduate et Octant° Cniveraity. Dentist. Ih extractro ailbout pain or • defier reireeta, (Oleo in Fop. aoe'a block. 'West Mauer afain • R. ANR.RSQN. 0- 6.1, PP.INTIST. Honor -Graduate or tbe Toronto la-Seeto od Royal taallege of Dental :surgeons tef ()mark,. All bridge work. Crowns, .1 d Plate work done in 0mi:teat-est pooable mointee A oarmless antestbetie for painless extraction. Thostricten attentiort &oven to the preaervat. 0.10 of the natural teeth. Office opposite Oen oal Ilotel, Exeter, Ontario. 1' kU24R) 'Tennent & vennent nee' et lee oat. of the Oniarlo Veterinary col- lege. ree-one .drer nth f Town Hall. WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INST:BaNe,F co „ useibilebee *853. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONI ('eunions L'O, beau ever Tive1fl1'.1". 3 CODin eneressful opernion in Weitera 1.,441 1 6,111.41 t boareapieo lets It tom 1)54.' 1)3' iluildinzt, lis) ao [odes 11.4.1 4111 other deserttit toils of irsurablo propeit. Intending insurcri have th e p ti on tt t Inset illnOrt tliO Profit:on Nato ot Cara Name. amine the ififi.t tett years this temp:my bas imen ;4%1 nit Polities. covering property ti$ Mk, mut unt 01 $411,S72,01.S; 1114,1 NMI itr3303;110110 Uwe:et . nseeis.441 m000.00, cousistinc of Cab in 1 ail Government Demuth:toil tlit.,itilaSSOS- Kil 1'1u:titan Nolte nu bawl 1411,1 111 Ione. a -11 111,1a. President ; al. loom st (rotary; . 11 t 0114 14, Ins' ever OUAS. iiiILL,Agcnt for Exeter and vicinity. NW se.1:180.) ieSg ndbtn oe Cutter an 4;titleik, ni(g. Very Cheap* t njt ott:Vr'or' Intendltig purchnsea f. (in to inspect them tefore 34,.11sg • where. THEY ARE NOBBY, AND CHEAP., jas, F. Russel' Twa doors south of TOWn SPECIAL LOT * TWEEDS At Cost Price, FOR THE NEXT 15 DAYS. A. good Assortment ALSO HEAVY PA1'..7TINGS Arr COST ewautto clear these lineS at once, W. ',JOHNS, The 'Tailor - sum WITH WORMS. .D. Mayo, South Stokei,v, Ma wrote tits, fallowlog "One of my children took Sick with the newels and after trylog everything without gettiog relief Nee procured Or. Low's at Marketawhich noted prorntly and „proc- ti The undersigned has opened up al new meat market one door 400 1-1-, 4, Soutt 01 Garlina's Store S 427 where be will keep the choleest Ine.ts constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITEliItT ,WILL PAY JOHN T. MANNING SOLID Zgreggraggsbr COLD ndyTe"trgargineal trEinaat300.aset. nese 51115 108 iiiiisbedin gold and enamel. Pratillr engra(ed and neatlyearded,. threat() a set. mural.° sueltsplendidvalueonr agentssefithomlnalmostereryhouse. Sena as this adrertisementand we will forward tho Pins. Sell them, return therooney,anathia lutSoThlGoldfllngwflI besentyou by return mail, absointolr Oen. 21i0ve1ty CO, Box 105 Toronto, Cau. gall a ioN ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Usborne bort Mutual Fire Insurance Oonmany win be bold in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on the 4th February, 1901. at ono o'clock 24 m. Btrsarass. -Receiving the Director's. Secretary -Treasurer and Auditors reports, The election of two Directors and two Auditors and any other business in the intereseor the Company JOHN' ESSER*, THOS. OAMERI/N, President. - Secretary, pROPRETIES FOR SALE ,"'` BY TENDER. In the Village of Exeter, Ont. 'renders 'will be received by the undersigned up to the 1s4'. of ef April, 1001, south half of lotNo. 1 from Main to William st. , known as Hanilites store prop- erty. No. 381, 882 Elizabeth st., near McCal- lum's tannery, No. 63, 64, e5. Andrew st., No. 650411 a frame dwelling, 7 rooms, • will take one third. cash balanoe in payments et 5 Per cent. For further particulars and terms of salo apply to owner. The highest or any tender not necessarily excepted. • T:Vtr. HAMLIN, Brookholm, '. 0., Ont. FARM- FOR, SA.LE. Lot 13, North limindary, Stephen, containing 100 aereS, about 40 4100011 10 cultivation. 8 acres in tyli(at, 350044 1)1141, balance in grass. The farm j3w11 fenced and Ili° drained. -with Wen y nf good kard 1411(1 s'of t Water, C0711'01/ len t to building good frame bou,e. brick cellar, With woodskod, 1111.1 good bank horn, ariving shed, hog pen and other biiildings. There is 1 acre .1 good f rn it -heal -in.,: trees. This is a first-class dairy farm, Some of it the host farm- ing )afid ;and iS in good condition a ,o1 i 8018 che .n. '1110 propri1or i; do;ii`ou 4,0 sell On IICC011.,T ;8 till -health, Fo'r ffirthus par; j 011' 14(411 14114.1,,, 011 1:1`;,Tili-e.., or in,jl • ,1 ACM I kN' 1,170 give a h Leh .1.1141. rofished.Nickdosse.othamentsa edge, hour. 15,11,1110 011d, E411,114 bandy, keyless wind, American '1,wierMovsment,forsoll. isganly2doz.daintygold 'and 'silver *I n 'shed Iforseshoo. Phis 'at Mo. eaeh. Maiklatie advertise. 511.1 and•We'llsendl;he Horse, a‘kbes. Selltbem,retnrn motley ril your Watch will .te sent you, aboobtely free: The Dix 44•• '13ex 105 Toronto. r You to 'ti'tteatl the Forest, City Huai ness and Shorthand College, Lon don, Ont. Practical hastructiontha subject.lticalFooerfifteyears 'we have been in to4cb with and the business world anclitslt quirements. Every facility at command for aiding young people both before and after graduation. We are doing sup - Oriel' work, results prove it.=Send for our catalogue and College Journal. j. W. WESTERV•pErLinT. eipal. 'FHB C otli QUESTION Constantly pursues a man it is. easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in •l)itae and selling at the old prices. Nice suits for 814 in fancy worsted sui g We 'show big range at moderate in Scotch and Canadian s"eds- WO cary a la ede anti well as• sorted stock. i'tio.es to suit all. A lar,e stock of the lat- est goods t front ..14 10 u E I's A C2\1,1, so 1:11“1 :‘,1‘ f-lut do for you_ rieve. lii 11,ANT Tee IL