HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-1-31, Page 401$011
Heed Mee
ced to
NT, 1Seie
rmers on their
dor6er at 7 Per
very IuIdypole a. m. to 3p.ra
SATURDAYS, is. to P. Ea.
urrent rates et interest allowed= clellosit%
eoraciroes. eneelegea
er, Dee. 27t13.'05.
0 19 20 27
7 14 21 28
1 S 1523 29
9 10 23 30
10 17 24 31
4 II 19 25
5 12 19 2ti
Wet will take
, that the new 1e-
1 be appointed be-
tel Ur. Daek,
d tt to get it. How
t; 'may Registrar.
• *
Smallpox is not as tlaatfie dieeast
RS is generally suppoeed. I W16e0P•
• ein there have only been two deaths
in two months out a led ems. A
TOrontopItysiciau etatee that he woald
nethee treat 4 patient for ematilpoe_
then fee consumption: that he would
Itne (lee:al the e,onsequences of con-
tagion and have greater bore sne•
Cees with hts nationt.
• * *
1%70 doubt the Logislature will at it
eitteicas ordain the change of Fs's:11-
We from May 23 ton, en that
ate enee nate! day roa'y con-
lebrated. The traneitiou
ill be testy. road tiountless
iEhthis object hi view dint
it, was pieced en the 23rd.
A 1ote4oittenseorary preposes
thattht Dinhkrn Parliament super -
Cede protiumdie)) melting the
Alth geaserai D'entittion being tinder
the titte **Vietotia ty.," This would
probably he bailed with approvel the
collate' Onea,
n 1,1t. Ftbrest, has written
presentative a that place as
oThw:endow UN' to suggest to the
hers a pion a minlmtzing the
f our otherwiee excelleut
Iks The suggestion is that
il procure a few loads of
te) *and and distribute ft to
cepere foe ute in front of
their reepeetive etotes, If the side -
'Welke are kept elear a snow mid the
epritzkled on them the slim r
ill be entirely remoyetit
nr taking the suggestion
d cities grid of the use
the only eatisfactory
slippery condition.
Government proposes I
* •
be growers of elver beets.
t there is as yet no market
Outano, of course,
e Thee" ma how -I
ever., 1tuarket before long, for
a -company is talked of in Chatham
for the erectiou of a factbree and it
may be in operation by next fall. In
the inearitiree, here is a paragraph
from a Michigan paper that has some
sigr ificence;
The Woleerine sugar factory at Ben-
ton Harbor bas proved a failure and
the property will be disposed of. The
promotes ek large bonuses or sub-
seriptions to stock in a sugar factory
from en izens of Port Heron.
The wbole subject seems to be one
that will stand a certain amount of
Sovestigacion before It is necessary
gieaur enthusiastic.
* dr
Taionto, Jaw 2. -Chancellor Boyd
and Mr. Alsace Street, to.day gave a
Islam J.ix connection with the North
c ion case, declaring good all
initialled by tbe deputy
officer. Either side may
count these now. At the trial Oben-
cellor Boyd said he did not think the
vnter should be disfranchised because
of a presumable doubt of the relia-
bility df the ballot. Mr. Justice Street
k did not express his view at the trial.
The court sits at Southampton Feb.
ath to hear evidence on the charge
of corruption.
s *
To the young of the community, es-
pecially, the death of the Queen brings
a, most unwelcome change. It ehonges
tiie birthdey of the sovereign from
gay 24 to Nov, O. Ring Edward V11.
lining horn on the latter date, in the
Year 1841. Both in Great Britain and
ie Canada- but especially in this coun-
try -the 24th of May has been the
most welcome holiday of all. it ush-
mied inuthe summer sea.sou, and was
always celebrated with much zest. A
eoveyeign'e birthday in November evil!
me be easy to become reconciled to in
Cjnda, bough we often baye roost
delightful weather at that season of
fly y,--ae. It is generally recognized
teat Thanksgiving Day is enough for
ne month; Bet now we are to have
the King's bitehday.
Tlioa roX.ST
Dr. Ethat's Vantons Sanitarium ta the
R ON Julian Ales -new neette It motored
by sunlight aud Feeen LIn
Velcies is in the •Julian Alpe had
here it is that the ewe cure of the
T 1,
Additional LocErui
als t growers in South Essex. are
comPlaing of the-destructioof
their peach trees by rabbits. r----
A great many of our citizees are ill orchard over 300 trees were girdled by
tirlsette, o
Miss Ethel Sweet is Hisiting fr
iends nombere along the lake shore.
Wit' grip, the pesta who have appeared in large
Allem Wise of tbe llth con.,
eneall visited
in London. f y . .
Mr. Youngblot, o
!rho Opines Ifostess and Otiosts Aro Ia., I Celebrated, Dr. Aruced Retie hes bCqbeenfriends in town. Smithey. aged about, eighty. years. He was one
trtesto antle.
e ew remaininpioneers and had
almost *every disease. lie rg I
established. Dr. Rileh benevee.that Mtss Edith Beer is home from Lon- of th f
d iXt'western
M. T. A.I. White, returned. to his klie wife survives Win.
Goderieli Township, died last week
Minds, sue:tens of neseeerisy-$teuses
of the Well-te-ne, and wage
teeeption oore.
Chineso houses ere hidden from
passersby in tee etreet by high,
blank wane, while ou each side of
the entraece are- the stables and the
apartments set apart for the gate-
keeper awl °time servants. In Chi.
the mule takes the place of the
1ore and near the door of the
111 ard A well groomd
ed, wen fe
mule will geuerally be found eitebed
to en iron ring in the wall. this be-
ing the animal which the listener
either -ridesee or haraesses to his cart.
'When. visitor is expected after acs
eeptiug an invitation, if the hostees
ander dant:Thum-in-lam, are aot in
weitiug to receive tne guests, there
are sure zo be bait a, dome women
servants, while the female,- will be in
waiting in the evert bt,"*Oxid• They
ill dreesed in their attest ap-
parel, rich ,sillts. uleguifieeptly era-
broiderad. with the hair elaborately
dressed awl adorned with jewels,
and bearing rich silver and gilt faus.
also much, decleed with Sewels. On
Wring the guest addresses the mei-
eiefai-la,w -first and afterward the
belles, the visitor. if a everatiri.
welcomed in the Chinese tun -
by placing one closed tanel up -
be other and moving it up and
. If the childrea have been
gist out for inepection, as is
getterally the case. they will be
el up in line and will greet the
itor with a pretty and graceful
e rule, Veigrese children will be
Omni extremely pleasieg and at-
tractive, their quaint and faecieatiog
tittle drawee. exacts and trousers,
evbich suit their dark. ekins and
bright eyes so admirably. lending
reticle to the general. itappy effect. A
Chirieee household is a commurtity ie
whicii the parents are the Lead. over
which the mother intlee with a rod
of iron. Reels c3ri, fogist bring las
wf lEO Ins mother's home() km Lis
tnerrtage. and lie meet tnere remain
71th bis grownot Leanne rutil else
fortunate erateugli to give birth, to
n the posetioa of tie daughter-
. w is WIZ,' much lihe that of M,U
Tryout, her life being free:Inuit-
f the grbetteet utleer,S. The
Ian of tha lies:sae 'face the
t. end these aro oecupied by the
else having 14;tattlly
of apartments. with reception.
i wed bedrooms, which are sep.
ed by handsomely carved screens.
T Roaring is of brick or etone and
uneavered. this being even the ease
ittlie emperor's palaces. What is
more it is seldom clean and is made
the repository for ail eorts of rub -o.
bish being carefulee swept, how -
v when a visitor is espected.
itt the reception room of a well to
Chbiese house a bantrebb, +able !
is u
opposite the door, with a. chair
on eaeh side, while around are cab-
inets filled with brinsee and porce-
e t zoom a %tug, •or
oven bed, occupies more than half
the space, and on this bed the Chi-
nese womaa spends more than half
her existence. sewing, eating and
gossiping thereon, and at each tree
of tide "'bedstead are carved ward -
tubes. The dining room is separate
ed from the reception room by a
solid wall anti not by screens, as in
other apartments, while it must be
reached by going out of doors, al-
though it is under the same roof.
The furniture consists of a. high,
square table, with, two or teem pol-
ished and none too ccerifortable
looking chairs, side tables for the
serving of the many dishes which go
to form the meal, and upon the wall
inscriptions in Chinese characters.
On the threshold' the hostess steps
on one side and entreats her guest
to enter", evhiell the la.t.ter, to be po-
lite, must strenuously rause, request-
ing her hostess to precede her. This
little bit of Chinese etiquette can be
prolonged for some time, when of
course the guest enters first, as was
originally intended. She is., then.
ctinducted to the place of honor,.
this being the chair tit the right of
the table, which she must at first re-
fuse, repeating the previous meaning-
less performance, ending by occupy-
ing the place. Pipes are then
brought in, but if the visitor is a
foreigner ..and does not smoke the
hostess foregoes her accustomed puff.
Preseetly tea is brought in, clear as
amber, fla.vored with flowers and
served without sugar or creain.
With it are served deTicate small
cakes, sweetfeecule, candied fruits,
red fruit marmalade pressed into
small squares 'aed watints browned
in hot oil and clipped in sirup. What
is nieosidered vulgar in England is
Considered polite in Chita, for dur-
ing the meal the guest must smack
he e lips to show the meal is apprea-
ated. Very few are educated, the
great Majority being able to neither
-write nor read. Probably first 'ef
alI the guest even be asked her age,
for the Chinese ask the most point-
ed and eel -sone' questions. The old-
er she is the more admirable will she
appear In the eyes of her hostess,
for yonth in China does not gain
much respect. The hostess will then
Want to know if her :parents arc
living, how many brothers ,atid siti-
ters she has, and from these inquir-
ies will 'pOss on to dress, any peft-uli-
arities in , the visitor's ,toilet being
earef noted; '' and the jewelry;
lace and "ribbons are religiously ex-
amined and admired,' v.11 that the
visitor possesses being , extravagant -
1'7 praised and the belongings of the
hostess cor resp midi/103r dePreel a ted.
At the close of the visit the la tter
`will insist upon accOmpanying her
Visitor to the outer court, whieli of
course she Must 'be in-tido/net not I rt
do, but which she does in the or,'
all the, ..same, finall3+ Itt• -
Chinese fashion, irif Ler. w!, tl •+,
itor eaters her cart and ci3-c-ts
ndon o see old tV ott+Is
retorn to nature is a sure euro for don and on the siekIist. been in noP005 health for several yeare.
Field MaltShal Count Gourko died
t-i-kchty on his estate at Scharow, -near
er, Russia.
A - rt received by Dr. Bryce from
Wisconsin states that from Dec. 12 to
JR14. 2,1 there have been 299 cases of
smallpox and only one death.
Manager Walker, of the Winnipeg
tater, is threatened with suit, be
caase ba-elosed his theater billed to
-flay there on the day on which Queen
idoria died,
hildren Cry for
that the blood must ea.e1), day believes be home in WindSer, Saturday. Harold, Maeaenzie, son of ,Judger
mane to tall below and rise above • Mrs. Alotone eetertained berSundee ' elacketime, Sarnia, and it fornier em -
the nermat tetiaperetuns, beeause all school elaSS Tuesday eveniug. , ploeee of the Canadiao 13ank of Com -
tallier= actiou provelsee awl inclueee I Miss Doan, Of ZurieIh is the guest of merce at Parkhill, who has just re-
stagnatien atid paralysis ol the nee , Miss Gertie Dempsey this week turned from South Afries, was /na-
tural eueetions. atm skin must act i Mr. John Noet eat, Thames Road, salted with an addresa and it purse of
and reeet„ and for this there are , is confined to his Itorae with 1a -grippe gold by his Wends at Parkhill.
three coeditious necessary: i J. Jones, of Maniteba, errived 1 is The Sareie Electeic Street Railway
First—Exposure to rays of liget, i week and is visiting -bie mother Mrs. jwas ()facially opened between the town
8e004—Tension and relaxation, i Jones. : and the tunnel station at three o'clock
these latter to be produeed by cela )
The eepsus enunseretors in. Exeter 1 Aloriday afternoon,wbep the company
and heat (persPiratiou). i are li. E. liustou, James H. Geeive, I gave tbe town officials and it number
Third—The absolute cleansing ef W. Trevethick arK1 A. R. Kinsman. 1 of invited guestsa, complimeptaey trip
the skin by water. ! George Thaw, of Niegara. and James aver the road. ,
Of eeeeee, the fresh ao, treatment Daw, of l3enmillee, haye been visiting. The officiels of College Averpuenletb-
at tilts time of tee year is slightly ' thell'1119ther, 1‘1"• W. Westcott, who °diet, Chureb, Woodstock, Out,. have
riontaed. It consists principally et , is very low with cancer. ' extended a PPM/4110M call to Rev.
sue beths in glass roofed, chambers, - Alvinstou is a niatrimonial magpet" J. II. Mel3ain, Ridgeway, Ont.,eto be -
but in the spring, slimmer and early for eebool tentless, A majority of cont their pastor, subject to the ap-
autumn the system is in full swing. the teachers get married during their prove) of tbe Hamilton Conference
noon the patient arrives, sun is ! enzegements ip that tome stationing committee. The present.
I Aim. W. 11. Parsome, who left here pastor. Rev. W.H Caswell, ha e teneiv-
given' a' Jut to live 14' 'This is ()Pea . fOr EdniOnt00., N. W. T.. has been un- ed and accepted it call to a Anuilton
ke. here i,4 a brawn bolland cur -
nu one nide and I'aces .t1=n bea4t.1441 I able to proceed any furthli than Win., church.
it iPeg Laving taken sick there. t Mrs. John Stoeehane of Cifutote,was
tall' 1441°1 she na"raw at will. The (holiest pert of tbe winter is strickee by paralysis on Thureday last
against tint winds of heaven- ' cold than hae tr et been experienced , concon hut leas now somewhat im-
At 5, or soon after, in the mom- bet, these will certainly be more day: proved. Tbe affliction b rendered all
ing the colone- wakes, and the in
habitants start off walleing to the , e isre eorey to report that B, 8. Stoneham has been 411 fOr
but this is her ouly proteetion
Past, Titsreeteteetil probably be more mid was for souse time in a dangerous
- light. the more sad from, tile fact that Ma
air bath. 0 'Neil Is confined to hie room through some years and regotres constant a -
The ladies' air bath is au tucloaect innees, eto Sunday woue in eherea teottoto
parte highly &aced arid guarded by be was seized with it faiotiug sea, , On Weduestlav, Jan, 230, 'Tames
palings pad trees, about a. mile and when be fell to the floor op lets fate 1 cartwriglit, of Ilullett, was mar.
a half front the air hots. }fere, elod in flicting a wound over his eye. We i ried to Miss Ilateietta Howard, The
in testae tuuslio, they walix to and, 'lope to see biro around yery soon fully 1 de ereony took place in Trinity eburch
fro on tee grass or ear410 Path, recovered. 1 at 4 p. ne, avid was performed by Res-.'
barefooted, bareheaded and bore Otto of the (shiest imitates of the Mr. el(Quillau 1 Idles Apple liemiltou
shouldered. At 7 o'clock a frugal House of Refuge, Olieton, in the per -1 assisted tbe bride, awl Amos Cart -
le eerved. At .9 every elle tiTeSee5# this week, aged 78 years. The fureral - Rimed the duties of eroonaniazi. The
breakfast of bones'. bread and milk - son of Richard Rands, passed ;levity a rigbt, brother of the gr001-0, per -
au a couple houre 4ra devoted to rites were performed bye Rev. E. 33.
writing letters or other oceupatiens. Smith. The deceased was admitted
At 11 comes the stet bath. Dr. front Tuckeremitla wheu the House
hes put UP a capital new large bath- was first opened,
heaSe, ou the roof of witich all Lie The books of tbe Metbodist Twee -
Liddell from dire another, the nead lietb Ceetury Thantssgivieg Fund will
sheltered Aud the body in tbe great, • be detheitely closed au Felauary 2S. An
beautiful blaze of the sun, you feel official eotice bits been issued, signed
as if all the ills of the flea) were be- by Rev. -A.. Outman, elmirnian, and
happy couple bave tbe hest w Mee cif
their friends.
A disastrous fire stinted ia Berlin
Seteuday Meanie lu the Economical wee) eta
To the Editor.
' DEAR em, -,-011 Saturday next in
'vetted with the res e of our sorrowing
Empire we tneet to pay the last tie -
rite of reepece to the beloved memory
ef our late Sovereign.
At the instance of the clergy of our
village We are invited, to attend it rae-
=Oriel service arraOged for by them
to be held in the Trivia, Memorial
elnereh at two o'cloele p, ttt. All are
invited and ail who Call will got for
there. Qminqus con
eeit°trizts ilitariasasts iannare "7,411i:it. se more
realize in the death of one to whom
we are pmsonally iedebted to a. far
greater exteot than is generally Iteown
for that national peace and ptosperity
of which we have been the undisturb-
ed possessor for sotriany years. Not,
only bas ber earriestly exerted person-
al Wind:tee stayed the war levers of
the eld world and prevented it general
coefiagretion there but it has beep ex
ertecl on behalf of this contineut as
well, and the AO -feeling that might
neve led to an opee rupture between
ourselves and our powerful ueigbbors
to the south and made our own lands
and homes the storm centre of a bloody
and fratrieidal strife, has been chang-
ed to a peace that has had ne ending
iota no greater strength than now
within the memory 474 the oldest live
And 'whilst we have enjoyed this
thoughtful care during all these years,
the enorerthus value of which will only
come to us with the change ineetievad
friendseipe thee is possible with its
oss, have we also Pot even greater
vetted) to be thankful for the wonder-
ful influence and example ot ber owe
pure life We are hunaini, few live
but to follow the example of those
whom we recognize as healers.
A perfece eartiopal Urals impossible
otherwiee. To follow and be led wise-
ly is the ideal of it truly great nation-
al life, even as the willipg obedience
f the members of the b
• ary to the best result, of every individt
wit life. Bow much then do we not
' cave to Iter for the perfectexample apd
fi g g c aiacter bas een.
streets. building was completely: it,F and service with ,.111stily thought
Block, eon of ing and Fouudry Truth and bouor and Purity and Adel -
gutted. The Are stated in the ware- I and sympathy have been the clear
rooms of 3. Feupell Son, hardware !starlike gents in her crown all tbrough
merchants, and, owiug to the coneo tee years, and into the bomes of the
ing burned and blessed out or FOAL Rev. John :Nate. general SPeretary- bu$tible nature of therneterial therein, great and tbe lowly their beams have
After 40 minutes of this excessive treasurercoiling hi all retUrlts from soon epread fron the bottom et theI alike fellen with the Sante stew/erasure
baiting ;tem, bath woman comes and , the circuits before that date. buildipg to the tap. The toes will ruu , awe ltreettlight, and before which all
ie. appearance a helpless EgyptiauMr. A. Dent. of Mitchell, basi otfices ;bud J. Fennell 0Son. 'ate Yers , as the zocial circle has slunk abashed.
mummer'. but your skin pours eorth debarked in tbe std
ationy Imeluess Millar Se Sims wad C. Bitzer had their . Truly her price bas been above rubies
perspiration. A quarter of an hour in the eitY of Winnipeg. Nr, Wilson Oleo ill the hheelt, while the lilosuoiel atal our loss net yet revealed,
only you remain enure swathed and has been connected with Barber .5:. El- Ball tweupied the ilia a etereee, 'We mount her death iu the home
beipleee, atid then. you detects(' to a. lis, Toronto, for a nurober of Teals. Very few now remain of the oho , for the loss we realizeto the influences
deep tepid bath, witere two lusty ' lars' NV ai
'Aeon will -remn in Mitchell % "Pioneers of Blanshattl." One be. one 014 surround 43nd effect, our home,
women so rub and serub and sham- radii spring, When elm will go west they are 414111h11; 711 sleep." On Sue- :me. At the Teem ejemoriai aura)
poo tor tour minutes that you ce,,,, to beeoute a permanent retsident cf the day. Jentillry 20i li, Samuel Radcliffe of ; on satorday we jot our countrymen
' Pltdrie City.
Mr. Arthur Kemp, eon of fully away, feiet :bleed) he WaS ed to our waitron] life mei interests,
relle you in a blaishet. You becOM4 "
gr. He le Wileou, of Torouto, SOYA- I tip to $40.060. Besides the Economical teat is lb r t h
out feeling as fine taS SilIC. 247.1t eon. 11, 131aPshitratPassecl in teourning the toes we have eustain-
Tee afternoon is devoted to rides, o
t b 1 ' etrieken with paralysis, but nine weeks As apart, of the mph.* we gather, as
drives and, above all, long walks ploy of the Molsone Bank here for
through the beautiful pine woods. several years, oos been trnutterred to
At 5.00 all the patients meet for Owen Sound as teller, ele times malty
a° principal meet of the day, and F,It • friends Imre tom /rats mut ooeud
7 tbe greater number are in bed and circles in which he has takiU en it very
prommept, part, and a wish him it
fast esleep. Isn't that sort of Die
enough to bring health to the rAOSt jeiyous thoe in owen sound,
brokee down woman? Mr, Martin, of Montreal, has been
transferred to the branch of thc Mol -
FOR BEAUTIFUL, TEETH. sons Bank here, Ma Young will soc-
coed 'Ma ArtbdottEeiamt. ger
• trispie suggestions ow:lemming the ieee, •
special memorial. service for our
Tale mouth.
ago be had another straw and be bad • a, part, of the nation we bow together
scarcely recovered frora this When on Saturday in sorrowing subunssion
four weeks ago he was again seized, and gmatude to the one who has so
From this he never recovered. The Inghly exalted and favored us during
late Mr. ItUdelltre We& klieWlk-in the bet. we,
heteoisgnillnisotynniinaw.ly...vos.no.ts\..v'ty $11,1441,n: win:asfulbsattsreiroaluollslogdf u;VVis riielptit,erlsg tabetivellyl.,thenwtlatit WnoOt do
mere etteond friend, it good ninghbor
---1.57honorab1y discharged the duties
of life. ,
The loss in connection with the
match factors, lire in N52'alkerville on
Friday evening is estimated at $30,000.
peeved by about half that allielent of 1 Cannot the benevolent societies bold
explosion wits tensed emergency meetings and send it depu-
tirolnagnhee* agrain. y chloride Lief pet-. tation of their officers,say 0 or 'Deitch.
ash being stored in the budding, Calmat the Sons of England, the Sons
of Scotland, the Orange Society and
the Sons of lrelautt with their own
beautifel flag Cense aud together pass
their banners to the Clergy who may
receive them and have them reverent'
ly placed in the cbaucel during tbe
baler of service as emblems of our na-
tional submission to it common
Father's wise will. Not for the show
of it, riot for the glory of it, oh no I
but that the reality of oer great loss
and our sense of it may be made clear-
er to all and the remembrance of it
banded down to the youtiger genera-
tion as it lesson that cannoc be unheed-
ed and unlearned, vizi-That our hest
national rules and national blessings
are gifts front His band and may only
be secured by national as well as itt-
dividual obedience to Hint who' is
King of Kings and only Ruler and
Governor of Princes and Rulers.
Truly, the rank and Ale of us will
crowd the gates, We realize in part
cue or .r1.1. --"-------'*A" •
late Queen will be held iu tne Trivitt
As the montle is said by physiog- Memorial Church on Sat. Feb, 2nd at 2
O'clock, when the several clergy of
noraists to be the surest indication
of a 'MOM= S character, so it is also
the keynote, as it were, of bar per-
sonal habits. Hard, craeleed lhis,
stained with black, and indifferently
kept teeth, tell their own tale of
carelessness and neglect.
The, first tiereet comes froze - an ugly
habit of biting the lips, or, it meet
be, of fever. The former May be 1
remedied b exercise ef will power, aae,..-.......a.e.n..a.----..
and the ev deices of the latter re- 7
moved by a nightly application of ...i 0 ClarZ 1.141,TC11, - A. hockey match
'Will be played this (Thuesdity) evening
pure, cold cream or vaseline. Th ' between Clinton and Exeter. .A lively
teeth are more difficult to Seal witi time is expected and it 'good game
The most important item in. th ' . played. The game will he played on
care is a ...yearly visit to a rano)/ " the Exeter skating riek. Admission,
dentist, whose services are absolute -'tents 15 cents, Ladies ard Children
ly necessary to health, as uncared- -10 cents.
for teeth, by their action upon the
food, affect the stomach, and so the
whole system.
13ut, besides the yearly or semi-
yearly visit to the dentist, there
must be unremitting individual care.
A. soft toothbrush should be used
night and morning, and when cir-
cumstances permit, after every meal.
A good tooth -wash or powder is ne-
cessary to perfect cleanliness; char-
coal or precipitated chalk are harm-
less and ineXpensive, and may be
freely used.
At least once in two 'weeks the
teeth should be thoroughly cleansed
by it rubbing process. To do this
dip a small hickory stick, which
roust be softened at the end, into
chalk or ground pumice stone, and
rub carefully over the entire surface
of. the teeth, , particularly the inside
and upper portion of the large mol-
ars, where there is usually a deposit
from the various secretions of the
m with. -
Dental floss should be used to re-
move all particles of food; the usc
of n toothpick is not only an offense
a gt i wit g,- oti t as le, but is also. in-
jurious, as it. loosens the fillings- of
the teeth and bruises, the gums . as
W.01. -
Charcoal is invalitable as a denti-
frice It whitens the teeth and ' re-
move; any unpledsartt taste of a dis-
ord red 8L0111 act'. A Taw drops of
ti, ctero of in3 rrla in a glass of tva ter
's 'tot eNcer out moll Lli wash, while
t stcrInq as an all-round purifier and
antiseptic for the mouth is unexcel-
Exeter will Mlle part. In case of an
overflow meeting, provision has been
made to hold sea -ole in Main at. Meth.
that the council as the servauts ef the
Oroivn attend there their represe
Mime capacity as a body ? Will it
be well that our edncational board
likewise? Cannot the principal o
our Public. Sebool see his.way clear to
bring a delegation from his charge ?
Bricks were fouttd op the Malleable
ehurcb addressed by one or two of the Iron Co.'s roof, 700 feet away.. The
clergy. The council have proclaimed two firemen, Wm. Brindle aed Geo.
a holiday front 12 noon till 4 p. Da. R. Phillips, will reeky° a military
F,vere body is invited to attend the funeral on Sunday, hOth litelbg hon -
service. Ooze MiettiOtted officers of the 21st Essex
rusiliers. .Brirelle's body will be taken
lo the home of bis father at Cardinal,
Ont. Alex. Langlois, fireman, wbo
was badly injured, is getting along
'nicely. The boy Housen is ill a cad -
1 condition, hut the doctor thinks be
ill recover.
A nit. of Homan .1Vtature.
Dr. Conan Doyle tells this story of
a Boer and au liInglish saldier who
lat3- wounded side by Side OR the
field of battle: "They liad iier,
sontl I encounter, in which the sold-
ier received a bullet wound and the
• burgher a bayonet thruSt before they
both fell' exhausted on the field. The
, Britisher gave the Boer a drink out
of his flask, and the burgher. not to
, be outdone, in courtesy, handed 4,
p,( -c -e of one. itt exchange. In the
t cesrieetive atebo-
them off to
n fled friendly
mate,' said
1,1essing is
Very important farmers' meetings
will be held at various points in this
riding, AS advertised on 5th page of
this issue.
The speakers mentioned are all prac-
tical and successful farmers and stock
The FarnierS' Institutes are doing
good work in puttiug together the
mostproneinent farmers of each neigh-
boebood, to discuss among: , themselves
matters pertaining to then; own busi-
ness. To be successful in farming, as
in all other lines of industry, is ineces-
sexy to have co-operation and the
mutual exchange of ideas. Methods
of farming have entirely changed wi the
be a few years. The active braiu triu'tt
now be associated with the strong
arm if genuine success is to be achieved.
The.fariner of tinday must road, must
apply scientifio principles to his work,
must keep a,n account of everythips
he buys and sells, must weed out the
unprofitable anitnal of his herd, must
recognize and destroy the pestileut
weeds before they take poseession of
his fields, must in fact keep wide,
awake and on the alert or he Nvill get
left in the race.
Let every farmer attend the Insti-
tute meetings nearest his holue, ancl
while there fool; sharply after every
bit of information that, might help bi
in his work.
H. ,Glendenning, aninille, who
will address ineetiegs in this district,
is , an exit,Irtiemstic dairymen,
grower and seedman. -Ins- exp, rience
in teiying and selling gran, gaiss and
clover seeds; Made lei ni an author-
ity on the subject. He is itn advocate
ofclean farming and emphasizes the
t,ecessit,y of using pure seed.
James MeEwinve of 11'reytete is one
ef nut-olelest lastitut e e or Lets. He
has Leen secretary of i tie NI -est Well-
logt on Institute for a noielY1'1' of veal s
t,Itot (nighty uncit°Itsbnittds Inst itute
work :His talks 611 "Maintaining -
Felt ilitty cif the Soil", to Under-
draiiiS-and "ISlistakee -inane in Farm-
ing" Lave been meet) a pereciated
eeerevei. he has gone.
GUINTEV-Th Crediten. on Tuesday, Jan. 29th,
wife of Matt. Guinter of a son
PIDEERING--Ab Shiniest on Tuesday, Jan.
Mb, Wife of Wm. Pickering, ole son
JONES -At the General Hospital, StratfOrd,
Jan. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. J, Charles Jones, a
DIGNIE-Y.OtICIT-On Jan 23, alt the residence ,
of the bride's anat. Queen street. St. Marys, our. loss.
by the Rev G. W. RenderSon, Olive Dickic, (ISE OF TRI1 CITIZENS.
to David Leach. of Belton. ,
ZWICKER-11. TZ- At. Khiva.-on the SOth
inst., Iry the R. Mr. Yaeger: Chas. Zwicker,
merchant of CrediproIns, toMiss Emma Ratz,
daughter of Valentine Rate, of Khiva. D.
STOTTS-On Jan 17. 1901, at residence, .1273
Wabash ave., Detroit, Marybeloved wife of
George E Stotts. formerly of Goderia.
sTte. arot- Gritlerieh township. -SanuarY
20th, 1901, Hugh Sturdy, aged 52 years Red
3 montbs
' Whet! the Clillit.iPlityli noolce,'' , ,
Children lometira, es pretend to be ill
to escape going th school. Feigning
Illness to eseape duty is called in the
army 'malingering, and is always pun -
felled when deteeted. - A child who
habitually eomplains of liteada.ehe just
before school time Should be put on
a sofa in a darkened room, not per-
mitted to read, boor look at pictures',
and'have a' hotwater bag placed at his
feet. If the ailment is real this is the
Ibest treatment for the early stages:,
1 if it is feigned the ellence and , soli-
tude soon become So irksome thateehe'
1 culprit is glad to do anythiug to es-
cape from them. Other affected pains
'should be treated as if they were real,
and It should be distinctly understood
In the family that fila child who is too
1 [tato go to, sebool and to learn his "es
eon,e, is too ill to be out of bed. • If a
child plat- 'truant the lessons should
ibe Made up at home in his play -time,
' and the mother 'Should" take pains to
see that this isdone, so that he :ease
find truancy unprofitable. , He n\he
put to bed as scton is hereturns a
on,the ass, umition that he inutti---,..„ ,
because nothing . but illness ge9e.'
keep him fro m goingto school -T4..
eedee° Home Journal.
-DOCTOR TETE' Houses._
tee Thos'. Thompson, 1..o,and, writes
"My husbanti would net he. wt1.11. 11;;Tryg.yard's by druggists In every -part of- •the world. 25
Yellow Oil in the hon.c. ant t1tt trtes it it, Cents a bottle. ItS value, is incalculable. Be
goat ace] for doctoring tin thn horse tint con- suret and tisk for Mrs Winslows, oothititg
iders it splendid.' pi•Ice 2.5c, syrup and take no other kind:
Dr. Cyrus Edson;
Keep dry, warm and: well fed ; wear
warm underclothing. ,•
Don't be afraid to wear rubbers. It
is more important to keep the feet dry
and warm than any other part of the
body. '
Get a full eight, hours sleep, and take
a cold bath on arising if you can stand
If you can't stand the bath, bite a
masseur. If you can'tafford massage,
have the body rubbed down.
Avoid excesses of all kinds, especial-
ly in eating and drinking, but don't go
too long without food.
Phenacetine, 2 sCruples ; 'salol, 2
scruples ; quinine salicylate, I scruple.
Mix into 20 pills. Take one.pill every
hour for four hours, and then one
every two hours for three doses.
In the field of tnedicine is Hood's Sar-
saparilla. It possesses actual and un -
equalling merit by which it cures all.
diseases caused or promoted by
,pure or impoverished 'blood. If you
have rheumatism, dyspepsia, scrofula
or cat eiah you may take Hood's Sar-
paiilla and be cured. If you are run
clown and feel week and tired, you
may be sure it will do you good. ,
The favoeite family- 'cathartic is
Hood's Pills,
WilialoW's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty years by millions of mothers feetheir
children while teething, with perfect suctoss.
Et soothes the child, soft ens the gums. allays al
pain, cures wind colic. ancl is the best remedy
or Diarrhoea. it is pleasant to the taste. Sold
TtintitlilliOil I tee Medial/A
King Edwerd ?recleaned In Neey TOW-aq am/. .
Lenden. Jan. e0...aInn9 Edward VIL
hex 01'001. m ly reties
and tousle of the Ma:U(1 Wnedoen, tile
,..etetaiun nit rag Oen tee Mayo)
attended the other raerabere of tilej
corporaienn and read the el oaanese
teen in ...hoof:own hall or market place
In Deblln ouiforni.e.d.heralds proclairre
cAl Edward VII. at one of the castle
gates, al the preeence of the le:ord
lilentoriant, Bari Cadogan, and the-
Privy Council. An =noose as.
soriblage attended. the proolamation,
Beffalo and Toronto to be Connected
Within Sevea Weeks
Buffalo, N. Jan. f0. -The Cour-
ter te-day says: "Ruff do and Tts-
onto wilt les emotes -eel by a (ir011eY
wethin, seven weeks, A. 13. Celvini
ex -treasurer of New 'nark Seete, who,
since his retirement f roue public life
has become, owe of the glante in elec.
trio railway circles, confirmed laet
night the forraotion of a eompant
were)i will give direct and speedy teen
ley ear colineetioa between Buffett
esti Toronto. Mrolvin, ['wino is not)
the head Of the Niagara Falls, SS
Catharne's and Toronto Rleetric Rail-
road, came to Buffalo last niget tc
confer with represeetativee gf the
Westingliorae Elettrie Compepy, The
new eotnneny has narehaeed it meg-
nificent l7ni .or steamers to eautteet
with care at Toronta and Port Dan
ttousie, running front the last nantee
place to St. Catearinee, eai Iron;
there to thee omit reridge. There tbe
cars will run over She rail* of tap in-
ternetional Traction co„ tbrouth the
str.ets of Buffalo and 41ireet to the
1'Ati4Aar, riean e'eju'sit bit."
Cat RA.T ENTER PR Ft.,: atatel'RED.
Fer some twenties negotiationt
leo :nig to thie clue: anntinenieatior
wiea L'anada hen.* eeeretly
inoat, and the greet entree:4;e 6tie.
eessfilly euint'netel an Teeeity,, wbet
the ozoleetore of tee tattridian role
tvole ceeiens Snort
t Dz"efri:On etilwalts
et,f01.0 ;47'0:1C.
12,--‘a(41, stosk- 1 et
eettinea and is .t eel at steeeetteet, -s
- oat -.1 ;tautly be Ma ("ilvire, hie pa* n
te aattt2,1i Poit",,it'S, 'tit 1 it sunning
leurtutto capiteliete. 17 will
1 co h ti et ise..rigee an 0,1t,
n an t II1t it.' a;+'1"
• ta I.rjug ratt. n,
'101 TozOnit itt lst±u,' 4"7;1Uz.t.07,4
1U;ng, iba Hummer .7a aneelzer time
n e. 1 at far lcse o Vo :a she ttit.'•7401
ils van carry them. W. Corelelly,
e.SiCid`M. jrZ late °I .tin d Tea .
Votrip bny, see.) ti ..-intiegente
• M see s C. lee t -.it I ria.
firm (he seery of elle gre it pre -
j et last, nit,^lit.
Queen's Death Al 'os Protium! Impression tit
,„ eieteeee. 7,eeee
r.etoria_w n. 27. --Signe or corrori-
-tho deo.til of OW ;.; WO eV-.
eeywhere visible. Been the burghers
show it respectful syina, thy. U.
eeen suggested by influetel htugl
?es that on amnesty preened wool
have the, effect ot gi eetly h enua ieet
the return of peace.
Paine's Celery Compound,
Has Never Disappointed
The Sick.
It Ever Retains The Confidence
of the People.
Wheaever once used, the sick and
suffering of all Classes of our Clanbe
dian people are made to realize that
Paine's Celery Compound does not be-
long to the ordinarypatent medicine
ranks, such ite nervines, bitters and
sarsaparillas. Paine's Celery COne-
Found is as far beyond these ordinary
preparations as tbe diamond ,is so-
perior Co cheap glass.
Paine's Celery Compound possesses -
extraordinary virtues, arid power's
peculiar to iteelf, for health -giving
and lengthening life. It has saved
men and women- young a,nd old -
after all other medicines failed. It
has so ,MuCh astonished plifsiciatis by
its curative powers that they now
prescribe and recommend it. -
Professor Edward E. Phelps, M. Do
gave Paine's Celery Compound to ithe
world as a positive cure for sleepless-
ness, nervousness, liver and kidney
troubles, neuralgia and eheimeetism.
Thousands Of thankful letters front
,people of every rank, give proof of the.
fact that Paine's Celery Compound
"makes sick people " If yo- sigh -
and long for a new health, it better life.
is yoor sure, teward if , you use Her
medicine that has cured others.- The
use of one bottle will convince: you
that there is power and virtenin each
drop. Beware of substitutes.; see•that-
your druggist gives you nPAINE'S"'
the kind that cures.
After a night with "the b o3 s" there is no bet-
tor remedy to clear the head and settle the
stomach than Milburn's Sterling Ileaciftehe Pow-
ders. Price 10c and 25c., at all dealers
Every year a large number of poor
sufferers „vvhose lungs are sore and
racked with coughs are urged to gee,
to another climate.. But this is costly
and not always sure. Don't be an ex-
ile when Dr, King's New Discovery for
Consilinption will cure you- at homes
It's the most iefallible medicine tor
Coughs,Colds and all Throat and Lung
diseases on earth. The first dose brings
relief. Astounding cures result from
persistent use. Trial bottles free -at all
druggists. Pi -ice Wc and $1`,00; *very
bottle guaranteed.