HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-1-31, Page 1TwENTY-Erount YEAR ----NO- 24— June HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETT WEEPIN StatOS !oaitCe% ii06k611 StiX gOVOS kart SdAtS %CS 8e A large stook of second Itand stoy EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JANUARY al, 1901. eounts. The council adjourned until 111, en, Victo in the Evanseli. s R,E1)-1 icTiop4 NMINLZ•IPV*14e119i°1' a it) P. M. -W. BuIRES,-Beantiftil winter weath — 1 1 is taking in many new members and . of the eervice.--jobil Deity,. has moved , Hensaii 'II .7.D, COOEE. tiving them the Wiens'. - Urs. Wm. lintel the houee receotly oecueled by eta.vidson and little liOn are very sick i Mrs. Pugsley.-Iting Edward VII may (Lat with Garraw 4: eudfcanflarrister 1 with scarlet rever.-Berb Andrew had lio the new fieverelre of the 13titiqh . senator, Notary Public. Reiman. Out. the misfortune to lose one of his large f Empire but la grippe seems to be -n, e.senery, L. D. S., D. D. s.,lionor Grade- fat steers, it baying broken its leg by 1 monarch of all it eurveys in this see- .. .n,ate of Toronto Unlyerstty, Derittsts. Teeth slippine- on the stable floor while walk- i tam) 4:4 country. -Her many friends extracted withouuottn or baa effects. Office ing in...-‘" Mr, and Urs„ James aartip. will he pleased to bear that Mrs. (Dr.) in Petty's Bieck, nonsaU. At Zurich every a neat, senfeeth, spent, 4 emetele of , Avers is gaining elowly and will soon Aioad&Or.eoutraencing MaeSette days at Mrs, martin's sister's. Mr. I be well again. G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public, Conveyair Jos. liaWkins.-j. A. Drake.of titeatb- D., , con Commissioner. Fire irr,urarice Agent, anti . jastu.cruf 31,,,,iageLicemes, /4„...4..4404amas ray, Is spending this week with Afe. iLucari 4to3I'leora,un/lovrilirretwl nosatattteaaPlIolawbrirdritoTin549terlelsetY. eagedirMw4e'sr'e ttnt(ilic:whiTenTialPppEolinitatnaveiniet rp, AND Min/41140S T II TfIR V.Efr di ' - on Stesday and Monday everejeg sup_ -1-•-AMFt.3.----Dr. lteave4,„ , as been - m " • I's thes sone to Silverton Coloeadn wher °face at the Fest Ofiltit.ifeusall. Ar CTION SALE OF FAIXIABLV SWIMS plying the mush. fo the d it ' practicing here since . ept Inner, 10100. uee ess to eay, did then hest. - Mrs. ' ' " ' e . e has decided to locate. His /amity The uudersigned4Excettiorsof the estate of i, Fenton of Lambeth, is visiting t 1,1,51/ jc,in bits, next, rocietie_Tile bu51 thet.tte Jelin P Mar-ltall bare, hiqtruered 31r. 1,Tms, lialps, B.S. Philips, anetioneer. to oTer I% auction t i nese pl.aees in tbe villa:4e are draped t ca church here on eaturday afternoon, er at. 2 p. tn.. the dity of berbu& z41 prevails, bet the bis fraternal society Revs. Litt awl Hussee will have eharse •^0,0!"----•••• I3oker s, Star, and American makes The latest and best Club and Hockey 306 up Alio Mac, O'Haara Club. All kinds, all sizes, 80 up. IVIcelarys, Gurneys and Moores (cooking and heating, wood or coal), BIG REDUCTION IN PRICES. Jem!...orpoustamalottegrommufswitnagtopinost.FOROPORWM.44.0...WMP, Premier„ Monarch, Perfect,. Etc. iiv Gu e The best Canad u and Amer makes. CHEA.PER THAN. EVER. on hand. (Ile r and Cooks), below cost. H Bishop 4% S Emporiu The co cony Store Call and ,!,onvinced that the above st e e correct, Many bargains still ft in FANCY GOODS, also Parlor Suites BedroonE,Se Sideho rds, . Tables, Couches etc. .of GIDLEY Stock. Wood Taken in Exonato tor furniture. Beverley Huston, Mitchell 1 BstlNea,-- Mr. Thos. Baker and Miss Messerschniiiit were married at the bride's residence, in the North WArd. ell \Wednesday eveniug last -Die Potts, of Toronto, preached education- al sermons on Sunday last. Mitchell Js the best place in the distriet for Kitt- ational collections. --Trinity church 't • draped in black on Sunday and the IteseyeT. T. Keerin preached a maio'ia1 eerroon. Remeinber the stands. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ODDFELLOWS BLOCK e•••••••10101INAIRM.0•11.,. .rnigotn•KoMMO•10.110.11061101.11.01101.4.1...112100.. GOLD WATCH FR EE ana Handsomer -A= for ovary correct answer. Thla is Rustle ricture, with a by concealed. U rout eyesore, wide,. <1130-41.43.tadsou.4mangivattielaturo closely, perhaps Yon roal be able to Whenyon Imre done so, take minuet' and mark the outlines ongstace and borty,,-then clip it outcry' re. tnrn tons witaryournamnana address -Written -very &WY. yourletter enclose nix one cent stampsforposUlgoand pug, nig expenses. The first person s ending us a correct answer will receivemBeaUfanyzngriived,Gold-rlatedlimrt. ing (rase Witten. and all otherS wiii rect.IvelWnitsoine Prizes. ART surfent Co., Hex 105 Toronto IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE. — The fame of Backlen's Arnica. Salve, .as the best in the worldrejtends round the earth. It's the one perfect beater of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcere, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions. Only infallible Pile cure. Ze a box: at any drug store. THE ST RE -AT- HE SALL COME and SEE US -WHILE OUR - IG SALE IS °PI UNTIL THE tliCi 01 WE WILL GIVE 113A1ZG Ai IN IN ALL DEPARTMEN`PS. SiViITH BROS. & C s, ENSALL GODERICH St Marys Bstees. Alm White, of Detroit, has been visiting his brother, White, West Wortefor the past week. -Monday the residents or Blanshard Assembled at the Township Hall. Ran - neck, and there presented Pte McLean With an elegant gold Nvateli and silver medal. There was an excellent pro- gram, consisting of songs by iis ellen and T. T, Garner, St, Marys, 1 strnmental solos, addresses by Prof. Dele, Wm. Solieston and others. --It is rumored on the streets that the Council are conternplatang puttlne in ZL tower clock in the belfry of the Town Hall. This can be done Car about $500 or pop. The clock would have foar dials, so that it could he seen from any quartet! of the town, and as the electric lights will thee be running all night, one could tell the time even after midnight hour.- A.bout onta-lialf as many season tickets were sold this year to rink skaters as last, The late season caused =my not to purchese who otherwise would have done so, weeteee Farquhar BetErs.-The annual meeting of the Hibberb and Ifsborne Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Public Hall of this place on Monett', Feb. 4. th.-A. meeting of the Shaveholders of the Hall was held here on Saturday evening of last week and they are aU well satisfied with the year's profits. -Mr. R. McDonald and his sister Mrs. 1 7, -hos. McCurdy were in Toronto last 'week attending the funeral of their aunt, a sister of their mother. --Wm. Stewart bas purchased a new piano and exchanged his organ as part pay- ment of the same. Mr. Stewart is very fend of music. A SITRIMISE.--14., number of poling people from the vicinity of Hurondale and. Thames Road drove to the horue of W. J. Vallee and. family of the Boundary. After being given it cor- dial welcome, all repaired to the par- lor where the evening was spent in social chat and games, After thank- ing Mr. and Mrs. Vance for their hos- pitality, altreturn0 htnne at a small hour, feeling well pleased with the outing. Kirkton Cannon Ormsfvfo.- The opening services of the new Church of Eng- land, St. Pates, Kirkton, have been appointed by His Lordship, the Bishop of Huron, for Sunday, Feb. 17th, Quinquagesima Sunday,-Service:at 11 a. m. and 7 p. ID. The Bishop will preach at bath services. Offertories to be applied' to .the church funds. Frierlds of the churcleare cor,lially Crornarty BRIEFS. -It is our sad and painful duty to chronicle the death of two citizens of the immediate vicinity. Mrs. Scott Barr after a short period of married life passed awhy Tuesday morning. The funeral took place Thurtday to the Stan, cemetery. Rev. Mr. Scott presided at the service at the house ancl. Rev. Mr Doherty at the church Staffa She leaves a hos- ! 1).1.nd and a few days old baby girl to L mourn she loss of wife and mother. On Thursday morning one of the Old settlers nt he person. af Thos. Hog- garth passed to the grea t beyond. Do Ceased had reached the age of 79 years. His rernains wera interred in the' Dromarty cemetery. He. leaves two &ins John and Thomas; at home un - Bidclulph Barzrs-Mise AT Carroll, the Biddillpb heiress, who was recently left $10,000 by the deatb of her uncle in Albany, New York, is visiting hi.1:3idtiulph and London at.ptesent. -What, might have been & serious accident happened to Mr. W. H. Elliot, of the Seuble last week at a barn raising. Some careless fellow left a cbisle on one of the upper bearns and in. raising the bent it fell on Mr. Elliotts head, going through his cap and cutting a deep gash in his head. -Mr. Sallies Aram- tage Ims returned to his home in Kin- cardine, after visiting friends it) 1314- clulph -Mr, John Hobbs, of Nisseuri, is visiting friends in Bicicluiph.-Mr. John Atkinson, of the Saehle line, luts purchased a house and lot in Centralia and intends to move there in. March. --- Mr. Jas. Brown, of Eidclulph, his 4(701- 1 lionse 01 Lucan and iotendS to [hove there. --.Mr. Ben Revington, who married, anti two &aught ers, Polly at has been o17 the sick list for some home and Mrs. D. Hay, of Kippen, to weeks 11,1,st,, is on tile mead. _miss Murdy is visiting friends in Michigan. COUNCIL ETING„ -The new come cil met, plarSiiR;at to Statute, S. Li. Ilodgins, reeve, and F. A. Ryan, Thos. A r itage, Jas. Tooliev and' Jas, „ Bryan, councillors„ Each member took arld sobscril)ed the Statute of Declara- tion and 7 o0. his 21 74'. 'The t1 eA:-.3ure7's 1)0 rid WAS read ;old. approved. Mr. Joseph G ran t's p pl i cation for the the 1.'l1agle• 171. and • -NIL1'., 1110 Clerkship was o tmhianoitely filed. All ltiourn the loss of a kaactfather..,-J. S. 'MeDraith arrived bonte Saturday from Lanark Co., where,. be .had been at- tead,ing the fun eral "ofhis f ath e r. Norman McKenzie :was. up from, Tor-' onto to .Mrs. Barr's funeral 'and stayed over Sunday.. lieneeepied the pulpit Jur Mr. Scott here and. a,t;',Roy's Station very acceptably. - it MeOnllocb; Mitchell, is visiting at her l'a,othe,r'S 11 sal 0 as fil.g,tarday the loth day ot Fe mars. at of those sPee" meeting:. zuoataing for the Queen.. ---Miss Cane i tkleCornmercdcal hotel.liensaii, at the hour of la loteres in a telephone F. man. of .14:44404.1N.-110 ituks been spend, 2ct'clook D., ri.t. share, tfie IPI,,,...able Proke.47 telegraph. fo(3 plaee at the Townehin jurafetv days wait p„ii,ey ovine. nee known as Marshall's rir olt titorx.. comora-mw Rae oo Tuesday evening The at- '1." ii t ti -t 1 eti 1,..r9 two Pi well firriskie(r MIA' stores. two. 40 I, " • returne o ie et y a oeg +ma t , 4. stories bleh with metal mats. goecl creme. , tendance was large hut full ,(4 husir.ess Istoh 4-)1,810. torehouses awl earee, One of the Fe?...,na land the prospects tire in favor ot ha -v..; Dr, Hossactfinetz4leVO4‘,7z4.c)sliftL:111'btisr* isetteete tor store or tenet otene. Tint two 1 - „ . .., tedes ta lined up as a emenee and the 0,-""el'l lng a line erected from WineheIsea to I, .11 c, ,3 res /no ,n,1,-,;(,. leetetiee - ... . Di nese a 11 , t 1 . teresare situated tn the Inst tem.:rm.-5i part et t -tirxexer, and a eomalstsee was UPP°41V. John F. Cain, Williaut Ward, JAUleS nip village auttare/tJaed wig) electlic4tY and 'ed. to wait on lleberne eouncii to 1.1.,roDaroett agi4 pettl, E. t$utkr were else., - . ,,, . afree'lega good balre-34TUVIlt. Ther0 will ahlo e a' rig14 i)ir ,WilY to ,,ereet LIT ,n'' tedZby acelantation eft, James R. be efferete.fee Falp at tho Elmo, unie A goad 1,t, ephone or teiegrapii Joie. „pewee -on urcomb woe. also eleced reeve i)y at, etereY frame clwellielf with brie% feemlatiee And Wog:Wham did not have any re- onroation. manclodeemcloucevtgrie,n1cieerds. tuitdu:otcfaeinvoatlerrs.taog aolnt per (.11 tat tee 01 tho me.egog. so it ts 041 a corner let Avails suitable either as a. Rood not known wit ether the line will be con. moray ewelline or boaeting home. Terms et e wIneh are t erylita.ral, as the litlilllatY h3.9 to e sold wilt bete -item on the day oteete. .ur tardier p3rtieutar7 a.mly. to FRA,SCIS Mit1lbti41.1, necked with those villages or not. An- other meeting will be held on Tuesday even, Fele 12th, at the Town Hall. trand Bend BB eighing party of young sp la, Pritl4Y night at the or MARV J4.NI.: orctl Acctt e 11F". 0. 1 eentralia balitepeople of Jas. Pettereines.-Re. eli4a to G. J. Sutherland. their Agent vaunts la very ill at time of writing with grip. O1iiG0 is at the PIA oraw. Bumrs,-A tuernorial service wa Mete 1,1„ Punching spent, the paq, h.. large and representative gather. held on Sunday evening. Our pastor few days under the parental roof. tiea- g uf the Liberals of South Huron, as1 referred eenderly to the life of the rate forth, Win Oliver haspurcliased a;v11- . nstituted for Pxovincill urposes, held in Miller's opera louse on Tuesday. The leaders of the party all the riding were pp:sent and the test enthusiasm orevailed. Stir - g addresses e delivered by V. Auarterly meettng %wit be held ; sacra- ;.tce making, every preparation for a. ex.AL P., (Cu. McEwen, M. P., "went and love feast atter the 1110rtlittglpleasant everaing.-The three.year.o/d I. Y. McLean, Af vb. Melton, J. G. • bory„ Wrn. Lv.wts and otbers, < ecided to hold a convention for rttue of nominating a candidate, the date decided upon being 'Tuesday, March Erth. at Miller's opera house, 'Ilte following officers were elected for 1001 Pres., Fred Hess, sr., Zurich ; 1st .T. 0. Stan - Queen Victorte. The prayers, initele !use lot from Abner Mollard awl to- aud sermon were* all ta aeeerslanee tends building on it in the eprime. wltb t $(1101'2;11 name, or the tiervice The, W. M. A. S. intend bolding a box 'rho choir gest= some very approprla.te euvial At the home of Abner Mulford. selectlow, Net. SufulaY the regohr on Feb. etle The ladies of thie sateety 011 TI e intepd puUu WI= We Nt 111 sal Woollen Unarm low coet to make teem to V SPRING GOODS, wbieli must s roletake place. k.a arge 0 Fon lietee and HARDW ds of F4rm 0 in g retu issue , ses it than in tits have been Made or ly horse mut eettlefairs,„ eh has wooed the recent, siotta.1 eXaolinr..4iOla .1.1irboet • t delta. kitobOS,, who Zett; 4 up inntlin Can. t to tliet. Canadian service.--311ss Benlab Beaver Vent child of ,hoint G Ire wets bar.ed here on . 841111.4PYarsibonils.TrItr....'al.rtniTtin. • Inpep1;1, Zito.' '1' MP:rutteY,stfrit-lelurIcosaf:::triEk gTieStit oda rasa. has been spending the winter at the 14 Abner Milliard. -,1. Seaton, of Pee- Tuckerenaitia buyer. Exeter; fird vice.pres., J. 1.71, wI°11(eir°:)avivIenegY hvelY time svas silent: f 1 Kalbfleisch, Hay ; treree, Geo. Sam- -Our old correspopdent leaves shortly i aftrIll le, me"' )antl ;441edf liteleet111303r11 talLIT. well, Exeter ; seey., A. G. sminie, for other employment. A new one le itiollgrill,Istohae,t1)1;.'stQck lintuuthheeseetpvaolettles,_, los unrol7oiasirlinvgerehigiettveeollfz !Isetru,,tetir a. sitilt;ivit,4,1.4..ttiolgoSp:;i114,:,,4,!: a:1Z the cold shoulder on Afonclay night for : euse now Mr. Arra, Down took a. hanPY, llenvOr --W. IL Buffett, of Parkhill. called ' tinted at enee.-Mr. john Lingua! Jediee to the Eden soezals "on friends here on Satued-ty.• -The for going with ragged shoe-. f left last week for Weet McGillivray to Boyle, well known to all around here, mas Feeney, of Staffa, mar. work foe his brotherendew.-111r. Thos. 1 and who has been in the elerkehip of . rieMr, Thod on efoutlay, Jan. 21, at Irishtown Mr. R. Pickard Si: Co. for the past few l'aiss Cronin. The levity couple Will years, is tlow situated at Dashwood settle down to the stern realities en and in catit a rt. Atom for the Pickard tile St b concession. Co. --Mr. I.,uther Pym, who has been The young people of S. S. No. in the St. Joseph's hospital, London, 1 rshoeue, inteua giving au iteet4).d4t; with typhoid fever fee nearly nine /concert in their' school\ on Friday'. Feb. W Is, we kre pleased, to stly, re. ,Stb. ,e%. gotta programme is being pre - covered so as to be mutated to return pared which win consit-A of home and to his home. His sistev, Mrs, W. F. other talent. Buller, who has been in. the same hos. Mr. Frank Melville, of Russeldale, vital with the Sante disease is also re- had the misfortune to cut a severe covering nicely and aide to be out gash in his foot while tutting wood in again. -Mr. and Mrs. John Davis. of the bush. it. will be some time before Iowa, lefb Monday for their home after he will be able to be around again. epending a few -weeks here among Mary Allen, beloved wife of Mr. their friends and relatives. Mr. Davis Scott, Barr, of Oronetrty, died after ; short illness. She leaves behintl her a young husbaud and little daughter. Ile renuans were followed to their last. Stff R.1011.14t LtIM Meat -Lame stork of Lumber. 70,10 1.4.3t)Clif he4llIOCI:434041 44/go iL410l.. Mt xrasenable,-.4t*WIMI,. Mato st.- and,,beinlee taraseet 43 t.F3 re, east stee We learn that the supposed pa.rteete ship between Dr. Hodgson, Pow a Staffet, and Dr. Hatchinson. formerly there, has been denied by Dr. Hodgson and that no form of partnership exists, but that both mimes might be placed on cards, labels, ete. This agreement 'beans nothing and was allowed on suggestion, Sodom Betenee-The questiou, " Which is purchased two very fine thoroughbred the greater civilizer the pen or sword,' heifers Nom Mr. Smith end paid over which has been agitating mankind $300 for the two. They will be shipped from time immemorial, was fifiallY soon to his home in Iowarestnig place in Staffa cemetery by .4 settled on 'Wednesday eveuing laet by very large coneourse of sorrowing the Sodom Oratorical Club, wheit after . redlton. a long and spirited dtecossion it was — decided that the pen is better adapted to elevate a man morally and intellec- tually than all the edged tools in the universe. -Miss Annie Ching, of Mani- toba is visiting friends in and armunl Sodom -Mrs. John Ford, of the towtt Hee, Hay, is suffering from an attaek of inflaruatory rheumatism.- Mr. Al- lan, the blind man, intends organizing yager, in the presence of a large etrule a Senior League in Sodom, of friends. After the ceeetnony the BMWS. - On eN edriesday of this week a happy event took place at the residence of N'elentine Rate. Iehiva, when his eldest daughter, Miss Emma was joined in wedlock with Obaries Zwicker, n. prosperoas young leer - chant, of Crediton. The ceremony took place at 2 o'clock, by Rev. Me. Currie arp. still on the sick list, also the old muijcipai officers were ._.(7 (7011, Lamond, Jr, pointed. and by:lac-vs passed confirnalitg the same IVIr. A Beqtsoo sr off e,-„;1 Lazzative 13rorao Tabletg. All t° 10a° ttioneY to the eel -11161 TO CUR.E A COLD EC ONE DAY. ' 711 711 07007417,ts refteld the money if it fails to m cure, per illet/I. 0 iTierW s C re drawn for '3.V. Grove signature it' 01) each. bottle: election expenses and outstandmr, ae- .young couple drove to Parkhill and Dashwood took the train for Obicago and other G. STANBURY, E A,, =grim, WIT (hate with MeCarthY, Osier & Co., Toron- to, Barrister, Conveyancer, .erotary. Money to loan. Oalees formerly occupiedhy Collins & Stanbury, over ()Wells Bank, BRIEFs.-A gathering of young peo- ple assembled at the residence of Jas. Snell one evening last week and report having spent a pleasant time.--Re- viral meetings are still in progress. - P. Walters, agent for Dominion Life A.ssorance Co., was in towa this week. -Mr. D. Hartleib has opened a jewelry store. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman were at Brampton attending the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kibler. " -Mr. Tgnatz Wettin has disposed of his blacksmish shop to Mr. W. Ehlers. --miss 33. Youngblat paid our -village a visit on Monday last -O. W. Snell left on Monday last for Boston, Mass„ to resume his studies. We wish hiin success. --On Sunday last pulpit refer- ences were made to the death of Her Majesty, the Queen. The pastor, Rev. S. i. eforlock, dwelt generally upon the personalehara,cteristics of Queen Victoria and the influence she bad been for good and peace dur- ing lier long reign. The text chosen by Rev. Morlock for the sermon was Proverbs :31 30-" ,wornan that fou -et h the Lord is to be praised." The pulpit and other parts of the church were draped liz LT) ouriaing and the whole service was of the most impres- sive 11, 01(7. Anotler death has occurred in the much -bereaved. Pelten family, of In- norktp. Mrs. Pelton tiled at the hos- pital,Sunday,of typhoid fever, Seven weeks ago the father, Gibson Pel ton. diol froni it. Not long- ftiteutvards Mrs. Wm)ds, of Galt,a married &ugh- ! ter of 1.1 i deceased, succutrobecl to the same cli,ease. She had beea utirsing , her Nate antime the mother and another (la tighter and a son were sent up to Lite h- -]:1 al there,,mifertng wait typhoid fever. The damihter died two ago. The mother was then vety weak. aud it wa,s known hy the doe utsys ti tat. she Could. not reeo Ver. The bey is getting along nicele y. Il will receeer, Ile is the only one left of the fa v of five. points. The brule was supperted by her sister, Lizzie, while the groom's brother, Chreetian, traveller for Mc- Cormick, of London, performed a sim liar duty for the groom. The charm- ing young bride was elegantly attired & beautiful costume of white peen de Sol silk, trimmed with silk tulle and carried a baguet of whits roses - Her travelling suit is grey tweed, trim- med with Mink fur. The bridee\ wore white organdie over pink silk and looked very pretty indeed AS the carried a lovely hoguet of pink roses. LittleKatie,niece of the groom acted as maid of honor and was pret- tily and daintily attired in white silk. Geo. IL Zvvicker. of London, played Mendelsohn's wedding march, and the ceremony was performed in the pre - settee of a large nuxnber of invited guests, chiefly relatives of the con- tracting parties. The gifts were cost- ly ttnd numerous, showing the high esteem in which this very- popular 'young couple are held by their friends After congratulations were over the compeny partook of the wedding- din- lier the newly married couple left early in the afternoon for Parkhill where they took the train for Detroit, Buffalo, Niagara Palls, Toronto, New Hamburg nild, other ;points. After their return froin wedding to at' they will reside in Orediton. May their happiness never grow less. --A number of the faithful attended the Liberal convention at Hensall Tuesday. lb ais stated. that Wm. Lewis, sr., is spoken of as the Liberal candidate at the next provincial elec- tion. --An infant child of Dr. Rivers died on Sattirday and was buried in the Evangelical cemetery. -Jerry Moatz, of Elition, Mich,is visiting friends in thiS section. -The wife of Matthew Goenther presented him with A young 8-01.1 this week-. His broad smile indicates something, ,unnsual. -There will be service in the Evan- . ehureb Sthiclay afternoon, out of respect of oar late Sovereign, Queen Victoria. -Rev. Russ:), is on the sick list and as a result the special services hi the 171. E. church have been closed for the present. -There vein (D. V.) be held a. union ruembria0. service for our r The death is announced at Egretnon township, 'G1e3' vounty, of lire. e Morrisoe, sr., aged 102 years and days. It is stated that when in 1 101st year IlarS. Morrison Milked cows regularly. She bed 8 chit& 5 sons and 3 daughters. One handr mud forty-seven de...amid:tuts surely her,2 children, 07 grandehildren, 00 great-grallichildren and 2 great.great- grandchild re II. -3, auoled actying ott foot to cone pL'iv0.te tnterprse. i eahle "le to the coast of Betel:d't ing of public buildings awl dahlishreente has been carr „dustrionely since last week. The Toro to City Direetory Pelee Ushers place the population at over 30,000. At a largely attendesi meeting of Moor men of Toronto yesterday teizoon it, W'4.9 unattimousiy resol to Miele 118 bare, etores, scat') 1.rewe1!1e3 all tlaY &Wird This» of cour-e, it; binding only thoee nes weze present at the. in mg,but ,d1 persoas engage businees will he notified. It stood th tt thebotelkeepers thrr, the peovittce will be goverued b clecisem of Tororito. ....44114.41**•• TESTIMONIAI4 OF ROBERT SU LelRY, USBORNE, TO THE VALUE Or ENGLISH. STOCK FO .o...,41••••••, 'Manufactured by C. Lute, Druggist, This is to certify that 1 have used Mellish Stock Food for faetening cat- tle and young pigs. I have also fed it to poultry. have found it, the cheapest and most nseful and satisfactory article on the market. Would recommend it to stock raisers. ROBRRT SY r.T17,2.Y, Township, of Usborne. Prim 39c per hag. Sold. by C. Lutz., Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. To e Slat! htered t elow Cosi Must reduce our stock in the following lines : SKATES SKATE STOWS, HOCKEY STICKS, HOCKEY PLICkS and toves (WE SELL BUCK STOVES AND RANGES.) X.OUT SAWS AXES A large range of Saws and Axes at special prices. Stock raisers and Poultry fanciers HERBACttliM recommend it. 25e. and 50e. STOOK FOOD per package. MITTS and CLOVES Coal All kinds tot' lined lAitts and . G -loves Itt reduced prices Coal Coal The best at the lowest maitet prices. J4, ,- AM