HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-1-24, Page 5MI101,11 N100118E PERI •Ithtne NewsQ interebt to Times Reacier8 happening ti1086 601111tie Huron P. R. E. ease has decided to lewe Seaforth and will shortly reraove to Toronto. Dr, Dowsley, forrnerlyof Clinton but at of Ottawa, has decided to return Lo 4:Anton to practise. Mr. Chas, Grieb, of Zurich, has sold bis hotel to Messrs. Shoeroaker and Shaffer, who takes possession shortly. Miss Beatrice Punchard, of Seaforth, has been engaged as tea.cher a a school near Granci Bend, for the current year, Miss Scott, daughter of Ya. Scott, se„ Clinton, met with a painful eget, dent last week having fallen down the cellar stairs. Tockersmilb Council for the current year is composed, of• Messrs. 'Horton, reeve ; Chapman, •Elgie, Doig and laek, eouncillors. James Lockhart* ex -reeve of AfelKil. /op, left on Titesdity last for Madoe, liastings county, where be intends en- gagieg In tbe saw milliug and lumber- ing business, D. McGrath and Jos. Long, of tzrelia, Cal., are visiting at their old home iu Seaford* after an abeenee or 13 years in the golden country, looking bole and hearty. The many friends 0 Hdward II Snell will regret to learn of his death, which took place at Pottage La Prairie on Saturday last. Deceased was a, son of Mr. George Snell, of Uollett. Notice bee been given of An APO= tion tl l the Legielat tire at its next sea. son for a charter foe the couetruction of an electric railway from Port Stap- le._ _v vht. London to Settforth. Mi. J. B. Ferguson* has received word that. her rather* John Peltuu* late a Viriughatn, and DOW of San Jose. t'alifornia. is hopelessly afflieted with cimeer of the etornaelo Moe,. W. Smith, 81 years old, died sin Jan. 14 in Wingharo. She was a, nespetted resident of Londesboro and was vieititig her daughter in Wng. bum at 'the time she passed awave. Dan MeCesradek, formerly of Wing- • bane bas sold out the Queen's Wel at Ittinganaton to Jess Mountain, of • 1.ontieslioro. M. Moutitain was mar. vied to a Miss ataSOU, of Zia Wawa - nosh. Wm. Ross died in Wingham on Sat- urday last, at the residence of his son. Inditly, Francis Patterson, aged 83 yeare. The remains were interred in Bluevale, where be bad been a fernier resident, e At tbe annual congregational meet- ing of the Egmondville Preshyterian oburell, it was resolved to gtve the pastor an increase in Eakin, by one 'hundred dellars, a recognition of faith - Ad services. INIT.& Joseph Brown, of Baatield. re- ceived. word the other day namouneing the death of her father, Mr. Thomas Bitrgeee. Deceased was a former well e"----...- ItTtilerfrealtlent of BayReld and highly respeeted Re died at the residence of of his eon, John D. Burgess, West Branch, Michigan. Abota live years ago a man maned Thos. (tarter left Clinton for San Jose, Niche subsequently moving to Oshkosh Wis., at which place be died on Dec. 29, at the age of 61 years. leaving three daughters and one son. Re was formerly employed with John Middle- ton, Goderleh township. On Tuesday last W. Bart, of the 5th ton., Stanloy. and Miss Agnes IleClin- .chey, of the Goshen line, were married hY' Rev. Zs Joining% of Baylield. The bride wail the rpleut of a very large number of useful and valuable presents. The happy couple took the evening train to M arlette, ID ich.,where a grand reception will be given them. Wilat perhaps were the largest logs ever brought into Clinton were those which Rirbard Baker took to the earV mill last week. They consisted of two very large logs twelve feet in length , cut from a soft ehn tree taken off the farm of R. Jenkins; their diameter was five feet or about sixteen feet in circumference. Close on to 1600 feet of lumber will be found in each. Offleer Ginody lodged Patrick Hickey in jail at Gotlerich Saturday night. The prisoner is charged with an assault on Police Magistrate Beatty, of Seaforth, the night before. He is said to have entered Mt . Beatty's h ouse twice, the second time after walking a mile to bis own home, returning with an axe. The police magistrate man- aged to drive him out with a snow - shovel, when, the neighbors being aroused, Hickey made off. The as- sault was the outcome of an old de- eision of tbe police magistrate's, which nas been rankling for years. Mayor Wilson and •Mr. Durnin sat on the case. • One of the most appalling and pain - i ful accidents happened n Goderieh township last week. With lantern in band, Bert, the ten year old son of Ed- ward Wise, Bayfield road, went out to pat the windmill ont of gear and in do- • ing so was the victim of the accident. L' To put the windmill from working the shifting of a lever is necessary, and in this act, bis tnie caught to a pinion in . the shafting, which twisted his right •-1/4- ,arm breaking it at the wrist, and again ,e,bove the elbow; at the second fracture • the bone projected, the arm barely • lianging on. It was found necessary -to amputate the arm at the shoulder. Had the mill still been in gear be would undoubtedly have been allied. Middlesex. Miss E. Langford, Biddulph, left Saturday for a two months' visit with friends in Delhi. Rev W. F. firovvalee, pastor of the ,,St. Thomas, English church, Granton, moved to Clandeboye lastweek, Mr. Jamieson who died at London recently, was a brother of Mrs. Diamond and Ms Brownlee of Lucan. Mr. Harry orpe, of Granton, 4fritoh hasesecured a tuition at Teeswater and will leave his week for his new borne. I George Carter iotends b t new brick residence in Clandeboye in the epriog and already has a quantity of the materiel op, tbe ground, Herbert 0. McBride, of' London, has been selected by the Dominion Goys ernment to take charge of the erection ot the Caeadian hnUdin atesthe Pan- American Expoet tion in Buffalo. Malcolm Cameron McArthur, the well known and highly esteemed, G. T. R. station agent at Ilyde Park, died Monday morning, aged 40 years. De - eased bad been suffering for eonsitler- able time with 4 cancer, Ott Wednesday Morning, jam 9th, at St. Patrick'e ehureli, likldulph, a 'Very pretty. wedding was solemnized, when Henrietta. Ellen,youngestdaugh. tee, of John i.;''arrell, druggist of Iowan, wa$ anited in the holy bonds of mates, maim to Robert, Crossland, of Barrie. Perth. The South Perth Farmers' institute iss. growiog tioncern, There are now over WOO members. etse ;le W. Wood, formerly of St. Mem, has purchased the undertaking • business az A. Green of Brantford. John Barr, of Russeldale. has pur- chased a house and lot in St. Marys and intends moving there in the spring., Richard Shier arrived home in Wood. haul after en extended visit in Mani- toba of two years, lie purposes going baeg in the spring,. Mr, Robert. Rogers, of Motherwell, whose leg was operated on a couple of weeks ago, is doing nicely and will soon be around again, Mrs. W. Collie, who has been out West far several year, is spending fety weeks yisitieg her old friends and neighbors in Ruseeldale. The electors of Fullerton township decided by a majority vote to abolish the statute labor system and also to prohibit stole r mining at large. The people of Blanshard township peeeented their soldier hero, Private Aloe. McLean with a gold watch and • a handsome sliver medal Monday even- ing at Rannoch. Friends throughout the county of Perth will regret to hear of the death f Mr. Arthur Reddaway, of Stratford. He was a prominent gram buyer and well known in Western Ontario. Mr. and Ws Robert Pringle, of Blau - shard, returned Saturday from Bruce ' ntY, where they had been attend. the funeral obeequies of her sister, James IL Rowe, who died on Th*zrsday last. Ir. Ben. Schneider, a young farmer • near Milvertou, died Saturday MOM - 4 . He was foond lying in the stable utuonsebns on Thursday isiormug, one the horses having kicked hint on the head. Re never rallied. A wife and three ehildren survive him. Two lerge eleighloads of his parish- ioners drove out from 31ite1ell Tues. day evening, Jen. 13, to recognize Rev. Father Downey's good work and faithful spryly' s hv presenting him with an addrees and a handsome gold watch. On the outside a the watch ease Is nicely engraved a large erose. A happy wedding took, place on the west boundary, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McPherson, when their deughter, Miss Celia, was united In marriage to Mr. John Norris, a peosperous young farmer of Ribbert. The happy youngcouple will reside on i Mr. Norris' farm n Ribbed. Rev, Peter Scott, who has held the pastorthips or the Presbyterian el:melte:: at Cleimartv and Russehlale for 20 yeers, has deeded to retire from the ministry. Mr. Scott has been a • patient and painstaking man in his profession and after many bard years of toil be well deserves a rest. Mrs. Wm. Thompson. of Blanshard, wet with a sudden death ou Tuesday, Jan. 15, Besides her husband tbe de - teased lady leaves a family of four children, the oldest of whom is only nine years of age. Mrs. Thompson was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston of Eirkton, She bad been ill but a short time. There died in the township of Ful- lerton on the 8th iuste Alexander Miller. Deceased was a native of Rox- buroughsh ire, Scotland. Emigrating to this conntry about the -veer 1836, be settled on the farm formerly owned by the late James Hogg in the township of North Dmnfries. He sold this pro- perty in 1850 and moved to Fullerton, where be has since resided. Sir Charles Tupper, Bart., bas writ- ten Wringing farewell address to the parliamentarians of the Conservative party and to their supporters through- out the Dominion of Canada. It is to be read by Mr. George Taylor, M. and chief party whip, on the day of the Conservative caucus, ou the eye of the opening of parliament. Sir Charles asks for moderation and union, and predicts a bright future for the politi- cal organization, the leadership of which be has recently laid down. One of Fullarton's most worthy residents died in Toronto last meek in the person of Mrs Willows, widow of the late John Willows, who died some years ago. The remains were brought to Clarlingford on Friday and interment took place the same day inthe Union cemetery. Deceased was over 80 year of age, and came to Carlingford from Onondaga in the early fifties having been married in the latter place, She resided on Int 5, con. 7, Fullerton, up to the time of her husband's death, when she went to St. Catharines, to live with her daugbter, Mrs Daniel Heatberington BLOWN TO ATOMS. The old idea, that the body some times needs a powerful, drastic, purga- tive pill bas heeo exploded ; for De. King's New Lire Pill, which are per- fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowelto expel poisonous matter, cleanse the system and absolutely cure Co nsti pation and Sick Headache. Only 25c at any drug store. Last Thursday, while Joshua Wal- ter, of Colborne, was chopping wood in Wm. Vanstone's bush, a lodged tree fell and struck him on the head, cutting a gash an inch and a ball long and slightly fracturing his skull. ,e7Wtoel° Mr. and Mrs. W. Bugg, who have been residents of •Prospect Hill for This signature is on every box nr,AbP gelapirtei several months, left last week to liye Laxatve BroincoQuiniue Tablets in Pontiac, Michigan.• •the remedy that cures 5 void n oie THE SUN CURE, ‘The Least Hair 1010l's r011teel$ Saltitoriulu ist agnate Alps -now Keel*. Is leestorea ley Sunlighe nod rreelt Veldes is in the Julian Alps and here it is thet the sun cure of the celebrated Dr. Arnold Ellen bas been established. Dr. Rikli believes that a, return to nature is a sure cure for • almost every diseaSe. He believes that the biotic], =et each dee he made to fall below a,nd rise above tbe normal temperature, because all uniform action provokes and induces stagnatiox . and paralysis of the na- tural functions. The ekin must aet and react, and for this tbere are three conditions Aeeessary: leirst—Becposure to rays of light. Second -e -Tension and relaxation, these latter to be produced by cold and beet (perspiratioe)- Tlaird---The absolute cleausiag of the skin by water. Of couree, the fresh air treatment at this time of the year is slightly modieed. It consists princiaeller of sun baths in glass roofed cliambers, but in the spring, summer and eerier autumn the system is in full swing. When the patient -arrives. she is given a. but to live in. This is open on one side and faces the beautiful lake. There is a brown belle -lel cur- tain WhiCit site can draw at will, but this is ber ottly protection against the winds of heaven. At 5, ore soon after, in the morn- ipg the enlony wanes. and the ' habitants start off walking to the air beths The ladiee' air bath is an inciosed park, highly fenced end guarded by paliegs and trees, about a milts and a half' front the au. buts. Here, glad in white muslin. they walk to and fro on the grass or sanded path. barefooted, bareheaded and bare shouldered. At 7 o'clock a frugal breakfast of lionise. bread and milk eyed. At tl every one dresses, and a couple of hours are devote4 to writing letters or other OCCUPatiOns. At let eOlilee tile min bath. Dr. RUM has put up a capital new large bathe InatiSe, on the roof of which all lie bidden froai one another. the head sheltered arta the body in the great. beautiful blaze of the sun. You feel if all the ills of the ilesit were bee g burned and blessed out of you. After 40 minutes et this Me:5%We, aking your bath woman comes and rolls you in a blonitet. Yell beC01410 hi etilleenennCe a helpless Egyptian muunity. but our skin pours forth perspire.tion. 14, quarter of an hour only you remain tints sweated and helpless. anal then you eles.vend to a deep tepid bath, where two lusty women so rub and etiruh and sham- poo for four minutes that you rime out feeling as fine as silk. The afternoon is devoted to rides, drives and. above all. long walks through the beautiful pine wood. At 5.00 all the patients meet for the principal meal of tete day. and at 7 the greater number are in bed and fast asleep. Isn't that sort of life enough to bring health to the most broken down women? FOR BEAUTIFUL TEETH. 4. row SImple Suggestious Concerning the Care of Thera -The Tolle Tale Meath. As the month is said by physiog- nomists to be tbe surest indication of a woman's character, so it is also the keynote, as it were, of her per- sonal babas. Hard, cracked lips. stained with black, and Indifferently kept teeth, tell their own tale of arelessness and neglect. The first defect miles from an ugly habit of biting the lips, or, it lusty be, of Toner. The former may be remedied by exereire a will power, and the eVidenees of the latter re- moved by a nightly application of pure, cold cream or vaseline. The teeth axe more difileult to deal with. The most important item in their tore is a. yearly visit to a reliable dentist, whose servleesi are absolute- ly necessary to bendth, n uneared- for teeth, by their eatiou upon the food, affect the stomach. end so the -whole system. But, besides the yearly or semi. yearly visit to the dentist, there must be unremitting individual care. A soft toothbrush • should be used night and morning, and when cite. cumstances permit, after every meal. A good tooth -wash or powder is ne- cessary to perfect cleanliness; char- coal or precipitated chalk are harm- less and inexpensive, and may be freely used. At least once in two weeks the teeth should be thoroughly cleansed by a, rubbing process. To do this dip a small hickory stick, which must be softened at the end, into chalk or ground pumice Stone, and rub carefully °e'er the entire surface of the teeth, particularly the inside and upper portion of the large mol- ars, where there is usually a dePosit from the various secretions of the mouth. Dental floss should be used to re- move all particles of food; the uso of a toothpick is not only an offense against good taste, but is also in- jurious, as it loosens the fillings of the teeth and, bruises the gums as well. Charcoal is invaluable as a .denti- frice. It whitens the teeth and re- moves any unpleasant taste of a dis- ordered. stomach. A few drops of tincture of myrrh iu a glass of water is an excellent moutlt wash, ' while listerine as an all-round purifier and antiseptic for the mouth is tmexcel- Jed. ' • A int of flurnau Nature. Dr. Conan Doyle tells this story of a Doer and an English soldier "who lay evoimdecl side by side on the field of battle: "They hada per. sonal encounter, in 'whichethe sold- ier received a bullet wound and the 8urgher a bayonet thrust before they both felr exhausted on the field., The Britisher gave the Doer a drink out of his flask, and the burgher, not to be outdone in courtesy, handed a piece of biltong in eiChange. In the evening 'when their .respectivc ambu- lances cac to carry them off to h oep i tal, el gen ` friendly eeeenete 'lgood-bye, mate,' said e soldier. 'what a blessing it is wc met each other!' 1 Casts a Shadow." angte iroP of Poison blood will, antess checked in time, make Mmhoteimpare, Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great leader 'in, blood purifiers, It, caste no shadow, but brings sue. Ihine and health into every household. Runnlng Sere -'My teether troubled with rbeenzatisee In bier enee fez a number of year!, awl it broke out into running sere. $be twit three bottles Ot 094°C1 OSialv"eO4PTurtal:entelll4 and dki8 towbcalwtel4h0 emotion," Mee. Joeus Fee; CloYerlawne, 44eas:um7 Rlt* -" I was badly afflicted with sciatic rbeumatleta. 4r:45111Na dee- tors without relief. Was persuaded to 03' tesea's eapsaparela, and Ow bottle.s gave rat xellet and enabled me to go te wore.," Winnow R. Iteseei, Margafettille, N. S. goect'srsz c are neer Itts ; the nenerrilealue A 'weir celloattle fa tako WWI Moo malt /WARMED, EART-MeLINCHEY - At the Gam IWO Stanley, en the 150:i inst, by the Rev E. 0 jeloolug% Beyeeld, Wm- lTart. to Mae -.Sieges liesniaebose both cr Stauten, VOT1LV-1111DIACON1IR- AtRent:villa on the Seed itisteby Itev. W. J. Weddell, a the home of tee breten veneer. dames Cottle.. et Ceberite. to Miee Maud, youtigesteaughtse et the hte Jelin lirlinectillibe. ITAIITO.Seeln Eeeter, on .tholGth ban, Elie - limb Zoinre Liarten. aged le erne.. WERBER-At Deem -tie the 16th inst., George 11. Webber, aged So 7Cors.7 BFITCREte-retthe Teava line. nese near ea, repta, on the lath lest „John neteben, at the age ,of eters, 8 months owl leder., TO CURE', A. COIAP IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative uremia. Quinlue Tablehe Mt dngrgists retinal the Money If It fails to curie eke. Oxman signature is on each bottle. THE WORLD'S BEST It Has Met The p ds of Thousands in the Pt. me s Celery ompound. es and Maki People ••••.•••••••••=4, 's the Kinil You Need If You Are Ailing, Nervous Weak and Despondent. Paine's Celery Compound Makes New Blood and Builds "Up the System. Years of experiences and tests by physiciaus audits use as a family med- iate have folly proved that Paine's Celery Compoond is the world's best and most, reliable medicine. The relative merit and elfitiency 0 f Paine's Celery Compound, in com- parison with all other remedies for makingpeople well, is clearly shown i in the ntelligent eliarttetee and res. ponsible standing of the people who to-cley rely ou it to cure insomout, ner- vous debility, rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles and blood diseases. Its power of rapidly repairing tbe tissues and cleansing the blood makes Paine's Celery Compound the great saver of life that it is. It, beings to the weak and suffering the needed nutriment to the nerve tissues all over the body, and increases the volume of healthy blood, so that a breakdown of some vitel pert is aver- ted. Thousands of lives now fast wear- ing away can be saved if Paine's Celery Compound be promptly used. 1! you are numbered amongst the sick ones, procure Paine's Celery Com- pound to -day, and test its health re- storing powers. FOR 0 ER FLFT Y.EARS AN OLD ND WDLL-TRIDD V.E11112Dr.—MrS, Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over /MY Years hY Millions of mothers for their children :while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, toftens the gums. allays al pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It is nleaeant to the taste. Sold by dreggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and tusk for Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no ether kind. Laxa-Livor Pills are a positive cure for sick Headache, Bilioneness, Constipation, Dygpep- sia, and all stomach and liver complaints. They neither gripe, weaken or eicken. Price 25c, at all dealers. - All kinds of coughs and colds, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough, Pains in the chest, Wheez- ing, Hoarsenese, Sore Throat and Asthma, yield to the Lung -healing- properties of Dr. 'Wood et Norway Pine Syrup, Price 25c. SICK WITH WORMS, Mrs. J. D. Mayo, Soul h SelkelY, P. Q. wrote the following • "One of my children took siok with the worms and •after trying everything without getting relief we procnred Dr. Low's Worm Syrup whichtacted promptly and effec- tually:, ••••••••4•414,...., FOOD CHANGED TO POISON. Putrefying food in the intestines produces effects like those of arsenic hut Dr, King's New Lifer,l'ills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently P easily but surely, curing Constipation, Billiousness, Sick Headache, Vevers,all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles, Only 25e at any drug store. Ioc cottons for 8c, 1254cart draPeres for 754c, 123C cre- tonnes for ioc, 25c draperies for 17c, 14c art •muslins for ioc at the Bishop store. MARKETS. Krzeter, JANI,TARY 1900 Wiaeat pet' baSlael Oats neriey.. Peao Sutter Jegge., Turitoys • Ceie0i0A AO AA AAAAFA 443344eXia Per RA AA *AAA DUClai• A Ile WS *,14 AAA. Dricet.e.pples.. • a tAovehayeetoetxed , meet tpan far:qslpoNA atea ot laterest. 0AR SO te 5`. I -rIONEY TO LOAN' 1 have a large 4)40E114 of private fq,440 20 t,o 0 . ...,7 to 7 loan Pn tam. and village PrOPertias atieW rar. ee le of interest. g t43 enea tol,00 tteeseeeteest LONDON M-4,RIIRTS, Loudon. JANUARY tar& 1900. to es eft to 25 .4,3 to .57 .44 tO 40 —.44 to 47 49 PO SO Wheae per bueeel*-. Dew. nerley.....• nuelewbeat Rye 00„rA Beans . Butter. ' Ftggt= Deeks. I'llrkeYe Per f.....- Getere per Cheese. PO:,10.4eS per bag.. Mae per . . Perk per ewt.. F. W. (LATtnIAN, Barrister Meta Ste BX.etee. lil oat, IAA. J. IL RIVERS, M. O. TORONTO Dna Eljity. AlteeS-10.17c.rillitoel)..0Cnt inftlr , Ma) , 0 r. h. tiradnaiv "I,vIviia On t 45-i w 77 t, Irl.f:01,:si.:7041,. tit e a vv. it Pe II Lahore. IS to -IS :OS Xt4(; 70 T.,4teA I. 9 to 19 f?c' D I KSON & ARLIN to 60 eo eine 110 0,0e vezuroisei lucre. Ere. .4 SA* ee 749 .oarteei ere. Soncitors. Neterlee, 0tIttreyanC9r8. te '75 I 2$10ne tof.oanat 1t per cola and '5 per cent OFtIONee.RANSON'S BLOCK, EXETER. X. 5, C45L1N5. 4 A. L. 0. PiegefIhr. member of he firm will be atHensall 'iblio-Oi.4, Of eaell week, •OURING PORE. • In different, loealitleeecoutgry /pine wee their own way of curing bacon, We give the Seine!, method in Scottish Ftwntez'. The •chief points, to be ob- served are Ile perleyt cleanlinese,(2)• borough salting of tine •whole,,. flesh, ()proper storage. Dry caring -1. Lay your flitches of bacon on a stone fiver or on sti ue sones, in a cool, airy, sunless, but not datup apartment,. Rub them on both eidee with younnon salt, !Nieto for a day then rub it. off. Then pre. pare a fraxture io the following pro- . portions: Voile ponntle 'common belt* one and ,ortediaff pounds bay sale. one and one heir pounds brown stigs ate Ram Puttee§ saltpetre. Be sure not to overdose with ealtpetre •or the • • flavor will he inured. Spread a thin • • layer of this mixtense on • eneit eide the flitches, ,nd, let theta lie in it for a month, turning and rubbing them every day, giving them more of the snit mixture when neceesary. 13e careful to reit welt into the folds, wide. .etceato4 examine daily to see if thew are any spots turning wiel- dy and clammy, when they mut he removed. At the *lid of a. month hang nom dry in A. COOL • airy room. or smoke for a week. 4,44,141,441 W. Gle.A.DM.4,N :;.$41CCeSSOntq Efliott Gladmanl Bak/Alfal *SOffeiter, NOtaly 7113110, cpnveyanper, E„to, money oseloeu on Fermi and village mpertie,s otlkoweet, rates of interest. STRB EXETER A DEEP MYSTERY., VANAPARAVO`OAff• It IS a mystery why women endure backache, headaehemervousnessedeep, lessneeeauelanchaly,fainting and dizz spells when thousands bay° prove that Electric Bitters will quickly cure elicit troubles. "I suffered for years with kidney trouble," writes 'Mrs. Phehe Cherleysof Peterson, Ia,, "and a lame back mined me so I could not dress myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cored me, and, although 73 years old 1 now am able to do all my honsework," It. overcomes CODetipate ion, improves Appetite, gives perfeet health. Only title at any drug store. NE1.711ALOI.A. "I bred bon sufferhur about sin months with Ineurelsea when 1 mance teeing =Wingert Rheumatic Pine They did nio more good than any medicine' ever used.' lira Annie Ryan, N. S. s'ete"erreee HOTEL NoTictE. PUbVe notice 19 hereby given that 1 Lave op. pued to the License Inspector of South Enron, to transfer my hotel iicense known as the It °yid Hotel, in t be village of Crediton, 10 Wro. Fritz, of Credlton. Rom licirmaa, SOUTH 1.1rato>.1 F driller' MEETINGS. .••••••Alen ateetinge or 'Weenie. Huron Farmer' losti- tuto will be held at the following places on the dates named, when addresses will be delivered by the epeaker3 and on the subjects named be- low. • SEAFORTH. On Tuesday, February 5th, 100I, in tbe Town Hall. 17 Gandenninge Manilla, 'Tb e hog and ex- port bac, trade' ; Mrs. J. L. Smith, Whitt y, Womens Institutes, their object and nim ; Jamee Malwing. Drayton, 'Why and how to underdrain." EVENING itfEETING. - Ad- dresses by Glendenning.. 'Farmer's fruit and vegetable garden' : Mrs. J. L. Smith, "A talk on Domestic Economy' James McEning, 'Coming prat:gems.' VARNA. On Wednesday, February dtb, in the Town shi p Ball. H. Glendenning, 'The bog and export baton trade' ; 'cultivation of corn for the silo* : Mrs. 3. L. Smith. 'The boy who stays on the farm ; James MoEsvine, 'Maintaining fertility in soil: EVENING MEETING. -11. lelendenmng, 'The farmer's fruit and vegetable garden"; Mrs 3. L. Smith, In and about the farm house'; James McEwing, 'Seine thin et3 boys should be 'Wight.' HENSALL. On Thursday. Feneaohulia.ry. 7th, in Scott's H. Glendenning. 'Feeds and feeding'; airs 3, L. Smith. 'Farmers' wives and daughters; their delighte, &eke and discouragements' James MeEwing. 'Systematic farming.' EVENING,- 11 Glendenning. 'The farmer's fruit and vegetable. garclen' ; eirs. J. L. Smith. 'Out grandmothers' clays and ways' ; James Meeltving, 'Some thingbovs should be taught.' ELEAVILLE. On Friday, February 8th, in the Town- ship Hall, H. Glendenning', Cultivittion of corn for the silo' ; Aire. J. L. Smith, 'In and about the farm house' ; James McEwing, 'Mistakes made on the farm,' EVENING. -7I. Glendenning, 'The farmer's fruit and vegetable garden' ,lere..I. L. Smith, 'The food we eet and its preparation' ; • Jamos IticEwing, "The gospel of home influence.' DASH WOOD. • On Saturday, February nth, in Moser's Hall.• EI. Glendenning. 'Poultry for the export trade ; Mrs..1. L. Smith, 'The bey who stars on the farm' : James IVIcEwing. 'Why and. how to underdraine EVENING. -H. Glendenning, 'The farmer's fruit and vegetable garden' ; Mrs, I, L. Smith, 'The days and ways of our grand- mothers' ; James McEwing, 'Some things boys should learn,' On Tuesday, February 121b, in Han- • nan's Hall, • H. Glendenning, 'The bog and export beam trade' , Yrs. e. L. Smith, 'Farmers' wives and daughters their duties, delights and dis- couragements: James MeEwing, 'Maintaining the fertility of the soil.' EVENING. -II. Glen- denning, The farmer's fruit and vegetable garden. Mrs. J. L, Smith, A common these . talk te yoencefarmere and their wives. 330108 MCEWIng, The gospel of home influence. ' • At each of the afternoon meetings addresses -will also be given by local men. At each of the evening meetings the pro- gramtne will be 'varied by vocal aed instru- mental mush,'• • The afternoon meetings commence at -1.30 p. in, and the evening meeting at 7.30. All are cerdially invited, and ladies will be made specially web:mine at the afternoon, as well as the evening meetings. ROBT. GARDINER S. A. MOFFATT• , Secretary, President. Farquhar P, 0. ean. ert ACOANVAANFAMAAAAA.110•441MAITATAIR NS 10 L'Iriev tracto4 settle) r effects. Oft] West bide oX OR. Aitint RSON. (0. I). 8. L- DF.INTI$T., Honor +Graduate of tee Toronto Tenive .041 Reyal (*allege of Dental Surgeons All bridge work. Crowns, odP , lute I work done in the neatest wellies manner. A. 40 znspec earmiese anteethetie for. palaleee eXtractiOn, where. 1 tie serietest Attention given to tItO Restrrot• eePetde ETIUy .ftazz x0103.r. tot Of MO mutual teetuth. Wise et Hewn Exeter, Ontario. If you wan your Christin Pastry Flour, baying it. WHEA IS a. clish for the tbe dkapeptic and th aneetites and conditi Peerless item of a good there is no Substitute - 0 One STAR FL 111 melte more bread an than any other fand used always wanted. J. COBBI-,EDICN CUTTERS CUTTERS CUTTERS 4 * Jas, F. Russell has allies, stocke audeorins clutters 00 lifted 'which; be elling \ Very Cheap v • erment 84. 8ennent v.:teazle tliST, ceadeatetf the omelet) Veterinery Col- l9c-Ont deem uth Town Hall. rpul wilmenuo 'NJ:VITAL Fine' 17,1Sr3taNee Ilo, iiilit111110611111131i10, 1303. 'AD OFFICE IVATERLOO, ONT 134 evuzuour bee Imes ever Twenty -Mee eters in suecessful otter Ilion in Western inlot plat calif NW'S to ti foogailliC leo sr dos op, hy 'Mereasendiee 1.5) I, u eterits mei all ether 11,eserteri oils of neeeteeeeeettres• 11)101)41nm tueireet earn the option ot num rineon the Premium Sethi: Vasil I•e elem. Duran:11;e past ten yvors this compeer hat ie .1 is roneies. -severing preperty to the anu wit 01 eilleineine: Lend pald hi leases atone Zete 5.370,100.00,cousisting teak In i nit, (uverineeta 1)01,o:elatel teo unasses- std. 1 1'011111111 :21.0iON ali 1i,ni,t Mel ni tome. „L,‘ .11 Al tee, Men.. 1 resident; 1+ M. re meta etcrolery ; I . lR,ii, In4 ester. 011A.S. 13111,leagent for Exeter and vicinity. NEW it Jas. R Russet Two doors south of Town Rail, SPECIAL LOT* TWEEDS lAt Cost Price. FOR TRP. NEXT 15 DAYS. A good Assortment • ALSO HEAVY P.ANTINGS cosir. want to clear these lines a W. „Jot:IN Tile 'To. Beale no equal as a prompt and pos- itive cure for sick headache, bilious- ness, constipation, paiu in the side. and all liver troubles. Caater's Little Meat Market Liyereth Pills. Try Oa . Ft4;Z- f 0 te.. The undersigned has opened up new meat market one door South 0! 6ar1ing'g Store where /ae will 'keep the choicest of meets constantly on hand. IT WILL PAY JOHN T. flANNING A CALL SOLICITED SOLID getiv,g=13111ttrylm4-, rAwei COLD oniity.ituvrart.e.c..2.,:r.,61117. tyPlaantlao.aset. nese Munro, finished in geld awl °name], prettil/ engraod awl neatly cooled, three to a set. Theyano such splendid rale* our agentssellthemlnalmosteverybouse Send us this adrartisementand wo will roman' tha Pins. Sell them, return Shammy, andthis beantl. tul SollAGold RingwIll basentyou by return mati, absolutely free. Doneilliou Novelty Co.. Ilex 105 Toronto, Can. STRAYED HOG. Strayed from the premises of the undersign- ed on or about Jan. 8th, a white sow, weiching about:en pounds, Blind in right eye. Infor- mation leading to her recovery will be suitably rewarded by JOHN JARROTT, Loudon road, north, Hay P. 0. ANNUAL MEETING. The exultel meeting of the 'Osborne Se. Hib- bert Mutual Fire Insurance Company wie be hold in the Pahlic Hall, Farquhar, on the 4th February, 1901 , at one o'clock p 13usreenss. -Receiving the Direetoes, eeerotary-Treeearer and Auditors reports. The election of two Directors and two Auditors and any other business in the interest of the Company. JOHN ESSERY, TOS. GAIvIERON, President. Secretary. pROFRETIES FOR SALE Br TENDER. Lithe Village ot Exeter, Ont. Tenders will be received by the midersi ned up to the ist. of of April, 1901, south half of ot No. 9. from Main to William et. , knoWn Itamliu's store prop- erty, No. 381,382 Elizabeth se, near IVIcCal- limes tannery, No. 63, 64, 55, Andrew st., No. 65 bane frame dwelling, 7 rooms, will Wee one third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent. For further particulars and terms of sale apply to owner, The highest or any tender not necessarily excepted. T. W, Brookholm, 2.0., Ont. ,FARM FOR SALE. hot 13, North Boundary, Stephen, containing 100 acres, aboute0 acres in cultivation, 8 acres in wheat, 3 acres bush, balance in grass. The farm is well fenced and, , tile drained, with plenty of good hard and,soft water. convenient to biiildings, good frame house, brick cellar, with woodshed, also good bitter barn, driving shed, hog pen and. other buildiegs, There ict 1 acre of good frit -bearing trees. This is a first-class dairy farm, some of it the best farin- lug land a Ild is in good condition and will be sold cheap. The proprietor is desirous to sell on account of ill -health. For further particu- lars apply to owner 00 premises or by mail. • JACOB WURTZ. You to attend the Forest Oily Busi ness and Shorthand College, Lon don, Ont.. Practical instructionfin practical subjects. For over fife teeo years we have been in touch with young people and their needs and the business world and its re- • quirements. Every facility at commend. Thre.aid young people both before arn graduation. We are doh), erior work, results provettte - for our catalogue and College Journal. - 3. W. WESTERVELT:eI, Principal. THE Clothing QUEST ION Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, vene- tians aml clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices. Nice suits for 814 in fancy worsted suiting. • We show d big range at moderate prices in Sco6ch and CanadiWt eeds we cary a large and W:t., 1 as- sorted stock. Prices'to all. A large stook of the est goods voa oerefor from $10 up. GIVE USA. CALL and s what we call do for you, J. H. grieve MERCHANT TAILOI