HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-1-24, Page 31 -
Oiet Brittsh EMPIre Plunged
into SorraW
And the Final Transition May Com
At Any Moment
Emperor William and Other elembere of iler
Esjesty's Family Are Aexiceisle
Awaiting the End.
- -' •
Cowes, Isle of Wight, jam- 4, 12.15
e. ne-A collapse, or what the physie
;ciens feared was a collapse, eccurred
einexpectecUy about 3.0 o'clock last
negele eernaegementh were herriediy
11243,413 to prOV:tiohnecial telaphonie aod ,
telegraphic facilitiee. Details are noe 1
obtamable at thee hour; but a is es -
'sorted that lier Majesty's oondition :a ;
oh:el:1y dee to a severe. einking ellen l
eend. an :nereaen of the parelyelo 4441- I
toms It :ls understood thee the i;hee•
Aticiane etave resorted ta artifeeel
<methods to nrolong lefe such es are ,
a.t,gf.etl only in ca.see oZ persons .n ex- t
treenes, The Aeeceizatecl Press learien
4114 thth 144'45's:a is eh:e:ly evident in
che taco, one ende of whiell appears k a
Atave lost all nerve, and muscular pew.
4kr. At 0 o'clock lest evenng 'nee
;Milady had not reached the v:tal. er.
Weis, although it it ad naturally vau-
ied au almoat total loss of tiho rower
sif $eeeele -What was so meth fee red
eras that tele brain might be attacked.
Xeeenly eensnive of her affihrtion and
reppt•arence, the Quesn has absoluiely
Aea, used to Ses warm-, but her niireee
erit 1 doetrs; and it le under:stooil in: 't
4210 Prince of Wales ie the 4only ,.x•
ception to ibis rule. and that bee in.
4orynev with the Queen lasted but le
few %eon -tents. Ilene° the exeet nature
of the malady ne knoten only 1.0. a
Very feworef .t ifs the royal WiSil tint
elle eaddie ishould not Irt informed ta:
41.1e est Stence of paeelyerie. So f ir eel
Saer immediete eefety te coneeruel en
ereene weekt eel; cattees almost m re
eilaten thee the paralyeis. Much &tn.
iculte leas been expeehencei hi ad
eet .ritig uoutishmene, for ehe at feet s
Neu ie unable to masticate. To tine
week -men are probably due tit • !mg
gpv,"1-1 ne ureteenseaan.snees eltreepte
es,:e"eli the has been paisseape el.
enough 5; ki almose ingtoesible tot Oen-
teigiteeh these from the insous ee.
grrateltinert$ of nateslysits. For noe e
thee n week the enure affic5als Ind
ilter:1 v.•etrit to keep her fro teelev eve
ee n'te wrong t:me. The last leme
che drove out the villagers were ite
tome -Lei to thear tlte clear treble oe
flyQt eon of the Prieicess oh Bettelniere
tril'ing out popular songs from. tbe
=yeti carr:age. 1"te explanalhon
Chat lee was enging to keep his grand-
enether awake. Now it agan she
,13oxed, wakening to toll the boy to
eontinue his chant, which, to the in -
Witted onlooker, centained a world
ntn pathos.
exel . •
leagentor '%-e, 1.ao Praire al
elee ander:7;e aka of York ;trete.*
eeten to armee at the Osberne Hine 6
-44s.(Mende4e),,, The only add:Ceelai
yel perebnage win/ arr.ved yester•
day was the Peincess 'Victoria al
Sclileswig- Holstein, who arrived dur.
inn the afternoon. Yesterday at
Osborne, hedged around wall inten e
elecrecy, bega4 with a touching Fcene
&raid the bright sunehine, in marked
etent.raat to the gloomy aleies of Sat ur.
eley.there drove out from the pahice
grounds a cnrr :age eon tte:n w: ;lie
fOr the tomb of Prince Henry of Bat-
itenberg, in the little church at Whip-
pnagliam, about ten miles ride from
She royal xesidence. Then follow-
ed carriages containing the Prim
of Wales. the Princess of Bat tenbel g,
tP.rincese Louise and others, all are, s
red in eke deepest black. The face
the Princess of Wales showed signs
cif the toax'ety she was undergoing.
The annual memor:al serviee for
Ihrince Henry, always a sad occas'on,
was nfore than usually sorrowful, for
the shadow of a still greater bereave.
e.nt was uppermost in all mends. The
lerincess af Wales and the Princess of
Battenberg sobbed bitterheand there
was scarcely one of those loyal heads
bent in pr tyer that did not shake ehtt
gr:ef that could not be suppressed
The depaelure of the Prince. ot
Walefor London shortly after le
o•oloek to m.e.et Emperor Williern wee
tritnet,e. accomplished. The Queen hue
been informed of tbe leaser'
ecceineag and end signified ter de.
sire that the Prince ehould go te
=eat inm. Rather agaeust his will
the maxi who for the moment was
practieely King 'of England, obeyed
his mother's wishes. It was riunoref
that the Queen wanted the Enaperoz
tp postpone his visit to Osborne House
as she did not wish to receive' hin:
m her present condition. Apparently,
'in har lucid 'Moments, she believe°
--she would ima able to conquer the
dread d:sease which had fastened it.
zeif upon her. Beeping the afternoon
the long laaly road to the palace
grounds was crowded witli people
pa,rtieularly young men and tvomen,
arrayed fn their Sunday garb, dotting
the lsaidscape svith vivid patches re
-color. The local gentry, after eharce
IS erv:ce, wrote their names in the
visitors' book at the Iodgeelnquiries
of enportance all came by telegram
;Ind these were leg:on. „Hundreds al
people. all , soets tied penditions ol
mem, clargymee predora:rlating, flood-
ed Cowee with telegrams askIng for
*.he late.st news. •
•CONVCS, J11.,11. 21; 2 a.in.-SerrMajes-
ty's physicians hope that she may
rally by 5 o'clock th:s (Monday) morn.
bag. If she does. it is expected that
;she will live through the clay. If she
410e8 not. all hope wal be abandoned.
,Isiuriediately on the occurrence of the
Queen's collapse about. 10 last eyen'.ug,
message was sent to Landoll sum.
anoning the. Px-inoe of Wales and, Eno.
pe.ro.r Wi1jaoj. The Prince of Walea
ava$ in miall a condition of health thaA
ft was utterly impossible for him to
leave London at that hour. but it
hoped he"will start for Osborne
ITOuse th'.$ morWzig.. '
y-, )
Oborno, Isle o.! Wight, ,Tan
21, 2:15 a. ni.--'.17113 oflicial bulletin is
Bue:t at midnight says:--"Ithe Queen't
con..;'tfoup tate this eirening becarnd
es rous with increasing weaknesi
55 .,,I;11.11t1i3113j. pow,ir o: taking nour,
1,ndua, kTat. 21, a. n.-
A A 4, 44 Tian has r.oc..?ivel the 4ollow
spatolk-Cow,tte, jam. 21, 2:20 a
L -rue /Queen is in a com.atoee con
iion and le reoerded passitt&
Cowes, jan. 21, 3 a, m,--41116 ever&
.xpected at any moment and tilt
•,. tnn.nrs .0: the Iteyal .amily are n
einbled tile QUeea's bed chain -
▪ howes, onn. 21, 3:45 a.m.-The Queet
et. Li lives, and tore is rie change ir
oe. conlitioa. Everybody is uh) {Os.
n:' house, awl terribie anxiety per.
• . a. It qtlarterS. I the Queen nese
Getestiay elle will eurpyise her
ore, wee have Len eearmg teat
Iva1 not be able t survive beyono
keeteees tins morn eie. The lat .st
with its ate ul news, wes
reo tate to Weenie icannion
w10.1ge tereabouU. The exclus ve
relation tbe Aesoeinted Piese
..na4 au aeur •-nzliez is still less
a meteor o: publece len elge.
Cowes, Jan. 21. 6:15 a. ne-The
o tile royal . agely are stile gene
ex a i-oom adjointhe the Seneca's.
enamber. flee Meiesty netcoa-
' MS, and tee ead is expected at any
C -owes, &Tan. 21. 4 . ee.-1,No osicia
bu lane etas been issued ,eince
n Potebts era exoressed as to
eeether the Pe -4w- 0 Wales and Bra.
peroe will arrive here bootee
toe n 1. An enormeas crolvd oh newa-
p -per repeesentatives and othere,w5th
.reizages, bicycles tel lanterns,
cielftted at ta louee gates waning in
.11134.5 exeitemen,I. to convey the mom,
mientarety exp n.cd, that the Queen
breatbeil her teat.
cinven, Isle Wight. Jan. 21, 7:re3
Q‘leCil la still alive but all
hs: are gone.
els Jan. 4.111. -Tile Queen
f SU. frIXtlY
ie Jan. 21, IS p. Tbe
heneful bulletin reeeived at neon
ti 1 viz,euecl the uoivereel apprc.
n inn en t evetywhere that b*Le-
r. earrewleg (reeds
theeet aweithz the out.euret
11 . 31 j $ illneere Pteperati
, .11 :Ai official quarters for sit
iitcli.,41V, the exeeet
cif ti2054., who might he suppose.1
. lest inforTh
med. e roy,a1 eperte
at, ati Windsor Cestle are Wino
• :catty for a sudden return of
h, and all stat officials in anY
TIC ,¢ned in the issue arc bolding
. ..ele in readiness for prompe
Ater of the Queen's OhYsiclane.
S* Thomas Barlow, reported at t
tne earHome this morning end a mo-
rn ut 1 tter carnages daeheh up bear.
leg Emperor William, the Frinee ot
Verdes, the Dune (4 roek, and the
Duke of Cennnaught.
Berlin, Jan. 21, 1 p. m. -The Vorthgn
O Las reeeived aortae then (Alive
Emperor Willi:ins 44 zdval at Osborne
'House that the condition of th2
Quctri hopeless.
The Aseociated Preen learns that the
()WI. Tof the erapi gr's visit wae tc
("paver special parting messages or
behalf of himself and his mother, but
It is believed at the British erabssse
here that the Queen bas been un.
conseloue eince Wednesday night. The
embassy officials have eancelled oll
vitetions end acceptances.
London, Jan. 21.-A despatch froru
Ostend sayJ the arrangements for
lite depeeture for England of 'tin,
lee:1g of the Belgians have beep temen-
te: mended.
e owes, Junuar,y
Queen of England iies death',death',(icor. She was 'stricken with par-
elyzis to -night. Reeter's Telagrope
Ge. understamls tbat the Prinoe
Wales has received authority to act in
Iler Majesty's stead and thus has
b en created a practicel, though not
constitutional, regency.
A local rumor, purveyed by ()shore's
House employes, declares that the
Queen cannot live until Mond,ay, but
tine receives no off:cial confirmetiot,
though it is adraitted that the Queen
is unlikely, if she recovers at all, tt
r•Fgain the use of those vigorous fac-
ulties which have distinguished h2r
am.ong the women of all time.
Gathered at her bedside are the
Prince and Princess of Wales, Prn-
vess Louise and other members of tte
royal 'family, while Mr. Ritchie, the
secretary of state for home affairt4,
officially represents the cabinet. Lor.)
Salisbury is in constant telephonic
communication with Osborne lilauz-e
and it was rumored that he had ar-
nived. at Osborne, .bat this does no(
appear to be true.
The arrival of Emperor William mai
other members of the royal family e
anxiously awaited.
For three days the Queen has beee
kept strictly to herself. The last time
she idrove out in Ccwes the rain beat
down heavily. upon her. Even tlIS na-
tives who have grown tc look upon
Her Majesty as an ordina_ry body ha.ve
noticed that she 'looked more delicate
and shrunken than ever -44., mere
shadow of her former self, yet, with a
feminine ,pereestence the Queen for-
bade thine aMunel leer saying ahs was.
Tra.clition and etiquette -ee that
she is never ill, and so with aogge,d
determination she fought cff the ray -
ages that worry over the Boer war,
the deaths •ber own family and her
increasing years have broughll ppm)
her. But against the ruthless hand
of natuno even tne imperial resolve
of the ruler of the great empire prey-
ed futile. Over two nights ene dined
at 1 and never stirred m. frotle:
apartments she occupd 'eat Osborne
Humbly, for this 1.voman rules her
court with no uncertain hand, her
court officials implorea her to se -Al
rn,clical advieQ. messag,es she
steadfastly ignoreLi, and, though to-
n'ght iher condition is admitted to bo
most serious there are only in atten-
d ,nan Ds. Powell ancl Reid. Doubtless
the .1 -niece of -Wales to-tncrrow will
securn tro troont.
LVIajosty halpless and ap.
epc h is Cshoine
eiurroutc 1:y y t
()abet n Henan' is bar-tea:en
geeney peek,' of etre. ft lee bel
'ode, The wine wee%
channel and SiirgeS. throug
trees like a de.atla A toile
St Lois the
noto but. the hOuseliold can pass,
the soVereiga's kne
edge.. ,POsteti. bulletins annOinic
1,'!.04 Rion.
D.eyeix-4 the bulletlets nehh1ng
in% Q144,11able; but nit eeul e
a A ted en orty way N'R OSIVAM
to 401,eve Rex Majesty can survive
Zhis atta, it, In fact, lacAlly. the f.,o-•
aonacement of her death 13 AWIL:t
4th, s• '.01, thing approaehing
nx ty, N vex" la tbe Meelory of her
mbj ets has the gaeen been
fo and now that at her Delver -eel
.1 she ilea been stricken, if, seems
h•rie who la 'ive lived attain. 1 11r it.1
imp* e f her t0.1 rret'aver.. TZ. -a
• niselc.3 ho la ,v rean la • r
.• ;a girlhood w.tg, tb-ir heads te-d y
xtenight and Say it is a sod dee'
T ...ft Lil halleties M'1Y sefele
' .II,e ai optimistic. Teel y
eleing the (lir eus
• i ..zs of the r '" '•
Lemke). Jan. 19.-1robab1y ne.
witt,re else In the world hen twee
Vietorie's prea,treCon heen so Censea
votively treited in the newspapens ao.
wh?re it is of the most vita.
ken ezterte The Lewes, like her sub
j.?vta, 10$.0te, to 4,,,Fook plainly of tie
feere cipp ening theni tomer leg
Queen. The headlines of most or
fteruotaa papers toettay were e
finett to non-zonuni t -1 woreis
Orp,,, Bee eI j4ty's
/let the Ilene verniore W,31.13 doing
tremendows business with every
tion. It was a gloomy day for L
doe. The areclety on every face, trot'.
tlae East En t wertiagmen to the fre
qer i the SL J1ms club, cone
petted with the die try, drizzIng ram
London's cogent re on ee tereae's o.f.
met snit meet was elt t. t m'ght meat
little or ea.ucle The balletia of to.
day foreed the convintioe on the hale
Be mind that it tu en/ mech. Off'm
t.1 1 eh. newep p .r correepentlene
thee3.x y hope fer the beet, bte
th ir
in htuer *towel e fe tht
:Wit ion. elre int1 g pee I. not sue
p 1;.. p p3.-. The sn ialtuous eone
rat in was that ti.ey f.,,1‘•!.1. it. Vial(
the Qu on 'wee wen:e.fully stretie
elyei glly for her age, the cares one
Tint only of the war but arta
leg Lora the t -:,e tth of her grezelson
Seeen Afein anel of ht.r favorite 111:11:
i 2 w,.,1,I1*11 the dowager Lally Church
at fintienerie, Ctel ter vitel
, awl the eraplie uwaitai the new:
f Cstea ulth the keeue SU5
se in the memory ot the Queen'
subj .ct 4.
The British Eeecud claes cruiee:
Minerva, having a sliest cw,r
k ois, L -ft Poi ternouth at 9 o'clal
to intercept the vessel bringlog Ene
peror Wiellaro. end Lie Duke of coo
naught from Flushing anti take then
to Oabo,n Ao urgent telegram let,
bhili sent to tte, Duke 01 Cambridoe
recalling him from, Paris -
The official bulletins regarding tle
Qn an, Peered at the II:ins:on Home
and Marlborough Hoes , Seturday
were read with evi .ent, anxiety ant
eagerly discussed by the liege *wood
reent .n ly surrourolieg them until z
late hour of the n:glit. At the club:
the last bulletin saying there was e
"slight improvement was receive(
with some incredutty as more Cent
one private telegram. one ehireen ex,
pressing tbe most unfevorable vi
of the progress of Iler AI.j.ety's 111
Among the otninous items of nee:
or the evertng was the et ttement
I h .t the Rt. Rev. Randall Tie nee, Da.
'Olson, 3). D., bishop cf Winchester
b e.t suramonee ond had reachee
0 teo.ne late last night.
.norae of the newspapers tesuel e le
rions as late as 11 o'clook, owl thee:,
e ore eagerly bought. They cant One I
however, nothing to sati the pain.
cd interest wihn which they well.
p :used. The Duke of York was al
Y. rk house late in tee ?evening, whet
1, was announced that he was not -go.
leg to Osborne until to -day.
neaten gencett ills Serghees to
nritish to the "Bitter god'
Cape Town, 4 -art. W. -The
tee n
Atte43 w
141d:nbargit's VOlunteere, a Tawa
reg.hneet, ‘vbiert 128.,S been. ga Mee
Derneoe qualand West wail
arrow:idea by WV Mere frclaa
5 nate yeateraay, entiee the Boers
wto were wneour guns, ,na.a.rviml
away in I • • eimoriou of Reitfoetein
The Tioers firea on the garrieon or
ery day from. 0 (retook ia the. morn
t,ng until 1 et -clean in the evenbag
bio on:y three men were seriouel
le:renen, tee Boer commandant, de
mantled the surrenoer of the gam
• wfffeb, Was retested. The Iheer
itreatenel teat tte surrender WS
not fortheoreeng 'rimy would raze al
the tomes tte piece.
A party et nom ems vhseted the
Pea.ue'ore West cestret, of Cene Col-
ony, tales trona Cape Toms and
eommendeerea eve,rything they re..
The Boer preoners of war at Dela.
• t hay eefose to con.sfeler a proposal
for their eernevee to Portugai.
,, London, redden, Yale. 18. -The Daele
- Mill asserts, elaiMing that the InCi.
, ilent tuttt cm:1%4seitige political im-
y portence, that tbe Prerield coneeeelon-
Three or the Slootil, Barrer and eeldie
. Alebebn Railway, which. when come
petted, will cenneet elle capital of
O eleyssinie with tbe Red Sea, have con.
e cloned an agreereent ivith three En
1 glise companies by iyhieli the latter
will eind the money to construct the
lino and tbereby practioa.11y eoetroe
It. tAbout ,200 kiletreetree Q.' the road
le aireany Ilkatly COmploted, 'Inte con-
eeesion was granted in /891, and it
glves the reght to continue Lite litiO
to th0 2Cile,
age pa
at St
paints. Sht
he; was eerlerfeed tIn
1 Companies Olttale Control or ti
Cepa Town, Jan. 11 -The Times to -
0'a dee warm:y weeennes he ex ena7on of
tie ertial nnv t nearly every district in
0/h Cape Colony, one 1.110 prcx'lainat'.011
hat the ,Peace Pres?rvatean Act will
London, Oen. 20, 4 a. m.- Beside:
giving columns filled with the lates
scraps o; information concerning He;
Majesty's condition, the movement;
o: members of the•royal farolly ant
parsons connected with the court, al
this morning's newspapers relect thi
fears of the nation. of a fatal termini),
tion or the illness which has so un
expectedly stircken down the eget
monarcie fletey dwell at length tip
on the deep love arid reverence whiel
the people cherish for the sovereigi
wee so long hes guided th'e ship o
state, IThe Sunday Times says: -
"TIM news from Osborne house it
the List few hours has eent a thril
oe anxiety not only throughout thee
realms,nut wherever the electric win
has Clashed the intelligence. Vier:
wal Jan keen suspense and enxien
arnong oer subjects until it know)
that elle is out of clanger. 'Quest
Victoria re not only re4.,. -7-it by he:
own peopre, but without exception t
the most univenally beloved livim
monarch. Even the country's Lamson.
enemy, Kruger, the consequences oi
-whose intat utimatuan caused n4
small part or Her Majesty's suffer.
ins, has rrocimmtly spoken admix,
lngly liar. Whatever' may be
thought an the coati...len; about our
sorentryinon, trea Queen le ae objeet
af voneration .*oel respect, and it
wane] excite nni'eeesal i‘arrow were
Her Majesty new t.,asa awey."
The sunday Sun says:---"Thero nev-
er was a time when the Queen Was
MOM btkiered. Never has aho been Rra
near her peopiel in the escerree of her
long. reign as during the nourse 0:
the war which hes knit -the Zinxd,re to-
Gretner. et Ls izapossilole for anyone
to reerionsly consider England aed the
lifieglieh without the :iuguet presence
eV one lee) has endeared herself tc
her Peopi, in a peculiar manner aM
to. a degi es um ttainaala be. the eov.
°reign or any crt4or
'Ills Sunday Special says:,-"Unclei
the circumstances the nation may
mourn tor the sovereign they have
lost; Out surely the sovereign,\'is
happy in nor death as in life, our las
there ever bean -it; ruler more ,werthy
of the epitaph Sit Henry .I.aisaireoca1
wished to b,ast his, the noblest a man
or woman can desire: -
0_ 'She trnd to do. tier duty'"
eneoreed oteer plaoes. Under
It's not all tivaltatti are cetneelled ta
hversp nn- arms eey may have
n leueir tiOneeemen, and Ls enforce -
lent veil xenetee tonne caueea of er.
eete.on and tete:ewe danget.
• deenentement terough
The Argus expreeeee tie) epeseon
!Worry ei a very neceseary measure.
The ailraninkratgan et netrtial law
s preened:rig actives,. unusually
ruesesziem. e re:elections neve Lane bu-
rn response to a can for the surren.
der or arms and niumunnenu a :ellen.
'ty of eurienee aed Tiontei.;nr,F, oeso.
Joe weapons dove wen brought Or hy
uat:yes. A large nenrber aS eport'ng
and (viler settes neve hen eve
te but it is estemeisel that only Jell
f the available weapons in The ells
Jieve as vet eeeri bl.rrpudere,
Fur ter eastruottone re ating t
penalties to be itopeeett tor eeditious
utterances, tor serv.ng co:deers wit
drink, for oveeettarg.ng by traders
tor holding any meetings whateneve
vithout permits, ono for epieedin
Marta:at report:, wet iesue to -day
inatructions als 11f4:190 tll
responsibilities or ootel ;end beard
Inge hotel() keepers eit eunneetio
with canceo.lea arms found on thei
•Peire Peewee de la flaweel" Iles Lon
Varied car •es,
Berite. Jan. es-ceo.: ge 3i nolesco,
s "Fiume Georg. 11,- la 1.10wai-i,'
xito Nees arrested y reay in Game
) les y a CVOS( P. roi., in Ber-
lin soaal and rateng eieitl le Tee was
. a.nst t
and hclucleoe R:ver
in tbe Supreme Court th, Ka
a c tf,ou w bre tbgb t La race v
‹lainages for injUrins receive(
by tee pienti e at Cep Vi cent ot
SePtainher 11, 1S95. wtSce. time ths
train foist :ell upon her dnring s
heavy etorin.
ilorne Maneetivres On a Larger Seale
Will Be Ilndortaken
Lendene Jan. ar
forms, the Aesoeteted Press 1.
will awash% cleielly in au endeavor no
impoeve the existing methods of gee
Deal mint it y trai ieg, rather tban m
any attempt to ereeicate fetelivielual
defects \Vitt a, mere full.7 devel,
0.Ped heoette eeneye the hilittlinestratioe
believes many of tbe drawbacks ex,
isteng at peesent, will' gradually dis-
aimear, wttereae ruthless reform
weald only resat in desorginizetiden
and claim's. With tbie in view
a new manoeuvres bill twill he intro-
duceee, giving ..,the government plenary
orcreTa6riPsiiinlgel l'r
uerves or watery blood, such
tion, Skip Beats, Tbrobbieg,
Dizziness, Weak or Paint Spells, A
Nervousness, Sleeplessnese, Brai
General Debility and Lack of Vitalit
They are a true heart tonic, nerve
and blood enricher, building up a
renewieg all the worn out and wats.
tissues of the body and reetoring perfect
health, Price 50c. a box, or e foe Sieee,
E all druggists,
eseeeseenceneesegneree._ genersemnereeceeeenten.
polver to select large tracts of comn DI( sto iim
tiy„ e,speeieily in Irelend ,ane' Seat.
I est, where the been. -army will hese
the opportouity of manoeuvriog to
' weiderable numbers over ,A rough f.
nd unknown vaunt ry, wbere the g
Ile will heve tile OppOrtUrafy of
: arning to tennis:, divielows. In the ee, ,
nemion of the Settretary of Wee, l'e11111 Ders of Pe
. winilt4 St. John hireelrielc, I. is Canada Who ar
criticize* °Givers end none ... .--,
) ai . nevet 1) 0 b II ' Cured or ..onstimp,1'
n ,re ea or uho
al ow4 tow an orein the Roumine have never ce-operetel exeept m toe
n ;view. fle fin] frotu Roememe on restrieted canines of Aetershot. and
th • i:i te ;ye y thet it. 14 cortint:tten some not even ther • ee •
forgAry, Rettig to Pees, lioneon. New Inch of grouted Is /mown to alencoi, eve
Y4h IS', and oilt.r eh; ve. 1 t iy he pry °Meer of the eervice. The bar-
racks tatil,liug on Sellsbury Plain
win, it is lolieved al 1 this plan, but,
bas become genereily reeagatzed by
the War leffiee thee it is absolutely
esentiel to have rough eoUutry end
a good of it ai the dzsponil of
the forces, Ontray tefictenles tr. ip
the way of eveuriug ;teen, eneere oL
Lolietd awl Seotlend are ;.itOOSt ell
lit. private property oe aristorratic
ownere, who either eise thein or
o them for sheeting nierpuses. Una
$eason's menoeuv n'S over ages es-
tatma prelobly ruin the gerae.
lerge oeropusetion mu:S. 'he
. This, 31r. Ilrolrtek bows to
gt appropriated in spite of the
sent beavy taxatien, b it
vain 1 be an investment which would
eevol the cauntry raLlions glee of
another war. Many other changes
are likely to come tn. force in due
<mine of time. The board of army
o-orginizetion is silting day m and
net, dealing with the immense probe
1 m, but 'the ca.rdinal Ingot of the de.
liberatioes, on evtich public opinion
14 unanimgres, ia the necessity for the
new manoeuvres To 11SP the
weeds oF. Lentl Ragt In:
eenou might us well criticize the
admiral who is always obliged, to keep
his fleet in harbor _ts to criticize the
army, fel...whim the country provides
XV o manneinering ferMeiese"
et! eotree tate to,...ntio of the ra0St
claim in B•sin.i. Fin illy, at
B rlin tote:, he etel feota Item.
An 1 ,dy of rank a 41 'talooti rreck.
L* te worth 40,000 :ens
seronoi, Jen. l9.-Ti*e Wbite Pt,
• f omit Cymric. Ceptain Lin
eara n or York. Jen. 9, 'or tiff
1. 1 tea eta arrivel at Queezetewr
o ey neeirifore and proceeded. We
eieeett in the hi.rsey this mein
wan the Britiele steamer Cari:
• •e • se 1 Oath vessels were dem-
• Tiege w Ant to their assistance
vorpo.e. Jan. 19. -The damage tc
g-, te weft nor serious. The Ca:it
AV,Iti damaged in her uppee
TO PethelheR END.
Standerton, lan, IT. - Lotee Botha
recently pact titre:al Ir:SCIS to Bethel
and urged 41L. eurgeers to continue
fighting to the letter end, saying
that even if t sy were all Wiled their
children would carry on the strug-
DEiwag r" POSITION'. t
Beebe% jail. 18-1t. is stated hero
chat teen, Deetet :a at, Benet°, where
8000 Boers are icaucentrated, prepar-
atory to en invtis:on oZ Natal, which
Gen, Dowel, is Intently advocating.
A Pte1teltDeelee0 FORGE.
Teendon, hhn. '6-Accortrnie to a
war office none just fssued the fol.
lowing la ihe nannies of regiments,
batter:es, etc., now torening the Soath
Arr:aa. Field 1'olce:-i7 cavalty regn
,ments, �t batter.es, is artillery com-
panies, 114 inlet:try Oattalions, 23 en-
gineer units, ee A. 1-1. t companies, :9
medical companies, 9 ordnance com-
panies, 20 Yeomanry battalions, 81
eolonial oorps.
Pretoria, Jan. 18, -Two influential
Boars who were sole:teed from Pre-
orla. for the purpose of persuading
tele rank and elie ot the Boer come
mandoes to su.rrencier, and N 'h() pass-
ed through here, were seen by deaffir
scouts io tneet Inur o..her Doers, and
tater freinary palaver ta go on to
nuelenburg, where they stated that
they hid eeett no Boers. They have
sniee gen- tN 1!..1.4t 1,N a rd, and are prob-
abey nev elean.ng up rifles
Led a British. -wit-;-their household F,oree Into An Ambush
, 'of' tlieEnemy
Johannesburg, Jan. 18. - Several
Boer eamnie
taiects crave been brought into camp.
and -are being sent on. to „Pretoria.
Experience Shows that this policy is
the best, as the women anti children
are Sate -guarded and fee in the
tenets, wilereaa On their farms they
are liable to starvati.an and molesta-
tion by the Xn2firs. The women,
moreover, take advantage of their lib.
efts to bake bread ear the belleger.
ant Boers anti to assist them materi-
ally at every opportunity in the genie
of hide- and- .seekthey have been
playing te the atgalisiilaerg mega eor
the last six moetbs, When they are
driven onom one eule they skip over
to the other, and if British columns
are operating against thenr from both
sides they vanish nes e ed, ieaviag
small bodies ot horsemen on the
bridle-patfie to watch for convoys ad
Experience, in many countries showe
that a raw armed horse,nen in deli -
cult territory, with the sympathy ol
th.o inhabitants, can co, inue this
sort of warfare for a long time
'Though it is dtZficult to see the end,
Lt cannot now be far off, as the
Government Issues Detailed Intrue-
'Lions'. to ,Prospective Recruits
Ottawe, ante 'Tan. 19,- Tho M-
14rf:0fe neuerai order was prOrnuleate
Cal to- day in regard to the South
Aerican pollee force'-
) Candidates will, in the fleet: lee-
stende, make appl:cation to the Adju-
tant- General, Ottawa'in writing,
using- one oe tile printed forms for
the purpeee. These eorms can be pro-
cured from the .Adjuttint- General, 01-
tawa; tile District Oficercommanti-
ingi-rn Ontario, at Ottawa, London,
Toronto anti Megaton, In Quebec, at
St, Jonn's and Quebec. In New Bruns..
wick, at 'Fredericton. In Novo Scotia,
at el. iiIinix. In Prince Edwaril Island,
at Charlottetown. In Manitoba., ti t
NI inrupeg. ten British Galumbia. at
Victorm. Also from the ,oiticers come
mending the eollowing stations o: the
Northwest atuunted Police force-, viz::
-Regina, ass.; Prince Albert, Seek.;
Cattle orti, Sask.; Fort Saskateliew in,
Alta.; Calgary, Alta.; Mel...soil, Alta.;
Lethbridge, talta.; eIaple Creek, As.
&Ise in. Britisn Colurabia from the o: -
leers commanden r earaPanles 0+: the
Rocky Mountain Rangers, at Ross. -
bed, theason, Kemloops, Itaslo and
Revelstoke. ;
i Upon tile arrival oe Capt. P.Fall
I Strathcona's (Horse, who has been ap:
f pointed temporary recruiting o '1-
i cer Cor 'Canada, these applications will
be passed noon by that aeficer, and a
aotnication will 'ha Sant the, remit -
dates wttose applications appear to
bim to be settle a.ctory to meet him
at a place and npoa a date to, be name
eki, ':or tne puepoee a: being finally
peccepted and attested.
,No candidate's aoplication will be
considered unless the medical certi i-
rate contained in the iorm a- applica-
tion is duly ailed out by an oificer of
the army Medical Corps, a medical o
Oder or 'the ptsrmanent force, or any
corps fa: the active militia, the North-
west Mounted P.olice ..orce, Or a .medi-
cal oLleer who usually perfornas, the
medical examinations in connection
with the itockY Mzuntain Rangers.
Can.:I:dates must bear the cOst az' this
axani:nat*ojB any traveling ex.:.
penses in connection therewith
Aptalfcatians must also be a,ecom-
plin .e..t by tsvo testiinonials from re-.
...4xnasble persons, speolallY as re-.
zar,s riding and shooting and: steadi-
,aess and soOriety. 3.1 the applicant
4.Aon.gs to a corps a: active militia,
Ir to the NrorthwostXfou'oated Poliee
orce, on8. of these certificates sbould
lee from ties captain pis inspector, as
Lilo case may 'be.
The order .0.' pre:erence in the selL
action or candidates svill be as 1:01-
10sys..-1., tYran who ;nave already serit-
ea in South LA 'riet';': 2 Men who have
-eried inthe ime,..inted 1>ranches o"
the permanent derps e.'.' Lilo 3,\I'..N.TAW
P..13. Men who hi ve ,..:0,nr, -three cgSse-
(anti-ye years"' training in 'the cavalry
or Cield artillery o.: the a:ctivo =Bi-
na_ 4. Men who 'have \tierved in the
Royal Canadian Re,ginaant 0! In entry.
. r.,v1rni who have served in the in an ,
ry and garrison arti ils...,,ry 0,' 1:1; a C.-
iVO militia. G.. Other applicarts.
From date of attestation to date el
15 South, A rica the pay will
•a,e one shIlling (21 cents) par •,,iem,
Railway fares from place of attesta:
ion, ,also subsistence en route top ci;
.... embarkation, will be provi;:led. NO
U bsistence will be allowed prior, to
ate of departure for po9*11 of colleen.'
TLltlitiu.S. tiMe,Orders .I.afor the mehiliza-
tan ,prior to 'embarkation ..:,o,r S'aull
Crica will, b!.-) iasuedl',a sufficient
limner crofst to warrant it, a special .
try is being denuded of supplies.
The Beer women haveng requested
that their ramiliee ani belonging -a
miget es brought into tenger lorp,
earn° wagons Under the escort of a
small body of town:tied men and in-
fantry, were sent out on the morning
o ' the 31s5 nit., to a farm six miles
from nerugerselorp, in the direction t
oi Mulder's drift. On reaching the 0
homestead trie party 'build it tenant-, s
less, but learned that the women had ,e
jo,nsei a Boer cominaedo the pnevicue t
day. While returning the estort was
sinladenry attacked by a Boer eateon t
from a nogeeoring farm, A
one man badly wounded and
Mg elle remainder reache
( t
einsport wet 'Ise provided, otherwise
roopers twirl. proceed by third.. clase
assages via England. e People," e, on t e wrapper around taitele
Often Sat Up in Bed Coughing tit
Whole Night Long -Doctors Intim
ately Told Rim the Trouble was
DevelopingLto Consumption --How
Relief was obtained.
From the Times, Pitton, Ont.
Nothing racks the body more than
a, severe cough. If it is allowed to
run foe any length of time, it is very
hard to get rid of, and often leads to
that most dreaded of all diseases -
consumption. Such a sufferer was
31r. Thomas Jinks of Prince Edward
county. . Mr Jinks relates the fol-
lowing facts to a Picton Times re-
porter; -"I am sixty-seven years of
age, and for the last twenty years I
have had a bad cough. I was troub-
led with catarrh, whieh started in
my bead, but later spread to m
stomach, leaving me dyspeptic. For
two years I was troubled with pains
in the stomach, arid was not able to
raise nay arms above my head with
out experiencing severe pains about
my short ribs and stomach. Then
my kidneys begao to trouble me and
at times I could not get out of a
chair evithout help- My limbs and
feet were often so swollen that I was
linable to lace my boots, but as soon
as the swelling went down I was but
a mere shadow. My wrists and
arms were so shrunken that I could
span them with ease, My cough
racked my whole body. I have sat
up in bed ancl coughed the whole
t long. I tried several doctors
eithout success. They finally told
nie I was in the first stages of con-
sumption. In the spring of 1899, a
little pamphlet was thrown in the
halt dour telling: about De. 'Williams'
Pink Pills, and 1 deckled to try them.
Before finishing the second box. I
noted a change and after using them
for a couple of months, I was comple-
tely enred and the cold had left me.
At .pt•esent my health is as good as I
can wieh ,for, mid. I can truly say
through all my suffering, I never got
t relief until I took D
any permanen 1.
Wil Item's' Pink Pills."
Mr_ Jinks added that it was not in
hi$ Own case alone that Dr. Williams"
Pink. Pille had proved of advantage in
his family- His daughter, Miss Mild
red, was in very poorhealth, ancescar-
cely able to go around. In Tact, her
friendsefeae.ed her trouble was devel-
oping into dropsy, She 'used five box-
es of the pills and is now enjoying the
very best of healtb, ,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure such
apparently hopeless cases as Mr.
Jinkse be,t•ause they make new, rich,
red 'blood, and thus reach the root
of the trouble. These pills are the
00 y medicine offered the- public that
can show a record of such marvellous
cures after doctors bad failed. If
you are at all unwell, ,this medicine
will restore you to health but be
sure you get the genuine Nvitl) the full
name "Dr. Willienas' Pink Pills for lento,
Pal P I " h
eabli box, denture
Of the Marvelous
Slocum System
MORE Bla DOC: tIrttr, ; '
!ocsuoslit:CM14:111 •
4 brorebbe tune 1 5:11.
Otl8 0tei*s*4 veleta e:,..04Vi
coasTh4tsa bOpe*s base bai.• rttaaa',a
Mate etloenra ffsteaas rt:f
he preparatleos ceu,pa •Ir
t tOgAiller Wail T4 61:4 i
I' Ira= laxar tam el r, :
mild not lost a aqta.tta.
Slocum ilstena ;
t askoel to pay e ill z.•11 litV*
-ftIhe 14'. .4. timattn (4,;",,,, tn.
7 I; 1. West, ,e4e, e Lam,
A. pa fdco a,„A AL.,04
soli be melt pm ihetap
bqyueliat'y Teehelfileiesilre"itenli.
is no positive at * hat his ta tue
TPAlie3 this u24prece1en3.e9 er, Par .7.
wbat the remelt* wilt In ta all no,
ge\e"4.111 ermite for them aiwass tee
3)319e'c'rrn+nua9IleatIlatinv 110014g VOCIMVarreo tar
4iner11uat uoprrm win pleAtO Cad tin tempi
)haeorart• eiterateries.
Bad Backs.
• The orampea tip peal -
Cori in wind* 41, tailor
work° comes herd on
his kidneys and hard
on his back. Very few
escape baokache, ttain
in the side and ttrinety
troubles of ono kind end
r'lletecar-tinfea the 9rat
warnings of tidney
heehlieinee aro ins:halted-
Will 1,0 44.,41 right
in a day or two -but
art kidneys won't get well will:hat help.
Are the best friend of klein y3 needing
49tance. Read the proof irom e. tailor
N-410 has tried them.
Mr. John Robertson, raerchant tailor,
1)tirliam, Ont., gives his experience es
oI bad been ailing with my kidneye foe
more than a year wiien I coreinameed takinP
Doan's Kidney Pills, which X ta
Farlane's drug store, and arhhinee
bat I did so. The wrong ache:
kidneys made me sick alt overneadreenge
me much inconvenience and pain. Thane
now a thing of the past, became Doan e
Xidney Pills cured me. I have had no
trouble or inconvenience with eny kidneye
or back since I toolt these remark ble pills,
and you may be sure that' 3. gladly recom-
mend them to other sufferers,"
are the ladies' favorite medicine- They do
riot purge, gripe, -weaken or sicken. They
net. naturally on the stomach, liver and
bowels, curing constipation, dyspepsia, sick
headache and biliousness. Price 25c.
Deomm4r. Wood's Phositoditte,
,T7ie Great Bractisit Remedy..
Sold and recommended' 13 -all
drugglata in Canada. Only reli-
able Itzedielne gaiscoyemd. Sssc
• gas guaran4ea to earn all 4
tonne ot eexes, Wimliness, efients of abase ,
or exceso, Mental. Worry, E=cessive u53 of To-
brdieta.,Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recent
°twice, wee -package 41, 45. One tadit,pteaqt-I,
toiil care. Painpialets free to any addresti.
The Weed Company, Windsor, Om.
Wood's Phosplaodine is sold in Rioter
1Jy J. W. Browning, druggist.
Children Cry li
childreii Cry foe
For Infants and 0
‘4444 every