HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-1-17, Page 5. . . . . . . . .... N. AND was certainly ni� nal.y .1� I brought her, looked up Into her hus- "His last farew;il,11 responded z. urs from, the poroll band's taCe, reading inotinctively his etta. "It was iwt the pairtirig Oi one to hert; where had she seen out like it? thoughts,. %n ludVferont husband, madam. "Ari , Quickly her Mind driftea back to dies back," the gentlet I "Of .%ruat are you thimking, 1111. darlin.g,' he said, 'siomatbing has hapt tbat mornin on' th—e beach, and itt g; but the ladies woU14 'A=tl" 01W asked, timidly. .a portralt"t, a bowi peaed which will necessarily part ui th or husband h d s I back; they would knoi3O iUe gazed tWuglitfully over the disk, for a few days, but it -will. 'bOl � 0411 her; his work, be had said. a disturbance. tant bills as he answered: for a few days at most, thea I shat 19�iow strange it is," she thought diess of shawl or wrolk "Loraive, ithis is the first 4trangei return to my wife.- 'Ke Placed al 411 should see just such a picture it y he b b ay out to the groAq ever 0orit,beneath the roof of th* the Mona ad a, out him in M! real life as crossed his brain in fanqy..' her Ulvesfords. Bvery,member of the t y a .e w - a d na b. d ty 'v� n tind some dprlz, object 1�4 'hands, together with tba address ox. 8be remembered the dull pain a X Ir', ; �o snow, family Avas,boru here," he repeato tba laur-se- lHe never 'knew I WaA her heart when Alderie. had cargleosIj .4 th tle�ii 11, d to die. It Is lQrt destitute, h gentlemen entreated ter t4 and Aerothey retu . e 'was not so bard to admitted be liked fair women best. 9 To Strange, the first break has been tbat.,, I n ra to the house. Loraine never know why a Buddex made lit our time, Lorains,. I bad Ton, will catch your death 01 But tho addrm%" questioned Lo, faintness seized ]Nfrs. Rnss; she wovl� 4 "' Ul, rather it bad been otherwise.,' old, Mrs. Ulvesford," they urge,31 nine, "even had you not lost lt� It have fallen to the. floor bad she not ,91se re Klam, sure I did not know, Ulmont, Nvas useles 0 ek you axe shivering now." a. --se u � f nover thought." . no one in Silvernooli steadied herself against the marbI4 As Loraine persisted in seeing wt.'cti tnew W blm� you sa3T, inautel. %".��*� ": ". "It wasall due to X4ur ',kindness of "That kyas -1 "You are mprvous and agitated, IVA was the matter, the group silentl3 heart, Loraxae; there is no help for it , the eDly Tnrt of it I made 'way for her. 4 6 could not understand, mada%,. I ad- Ross�" said Loraine; "I trust it is nof StW1 now. The bells of Ulvesford Mansion vortised for montlis In the e.,y papers duo to this inte�viow with Ur. Ulveg, There was something in the should not Titkg; it IS not an heir Of ford -, be bas� heard your story, and beauty of the white, upturned facil th, -Ulvestorcts, whose. birth sUSUld be, for Alderle, or any one who unew th feels very kindly disposed towar4 lying there that touched a deep 0110%`4 joyou-4y telebrated." whereabouts; it was all useless. Since you in Loraines heart as she knelt Aowx oyou UTO plot angry kvIth me, Lyl- Oat fatal morning I have, never look - In the Bitow beside ter. ed upon his fuce.", A hesitating rap at the door )Atwr, In after life pe,26 ia often. apoUe� rupted her, PZCertainfy riot, dear," and he Pass- Loraine tould not imagine the "Well, Annette, what is it T1 asked depths nf such cruelty. .%vlxo wituesoed th4,,j 'Slit, of tbt on to his library. Loraine. strange *ogtrast iAo made. L9r* A few Momenta later Loraine fOl-' "I Ought tO be very happy. XTs. 441f you please, ma'am !Iiiswere� aine, In her robe of A et, the flaslx- iowe4 'Jilm, the mwt citriously beanti. RoFs; I have never known one wisl t ing lights quivering,loa ber f . ine ful �smile playing about 'her mouth. unFulfilled. I never bad a serious he maid - Oltbe artist has finished ar laria 1331yesford's portrait and sent it home jewels and on hor golden hair. and thil "I have someilling here to show, thought in life, until I met my �bils, do you wish it brought up t Ts alight, delicate figure 134ag tbor4 yoa," t7to slid, blushing rosily. bard; then 1 -said to myself, unless I By all means," answered' Eralnei Ulmont learied lack in Tal, air, pain the love o� this man, life Wit: , wrapped In. the dark, ch let It be brought lig here at once., cloak, the sweet face, p2rfeot aa h and puslied the pile of letters before bold ro pleasure for me; be, was mor( 'Waw, Mrs. Rass," she said, "you earved In marble, on whieb. the dark him into ,-. drawer. to me than all the world, and when I shall see my husband's portrait and silken lasUes Jay, seernod the face w "Now T am. all atiention; what I,- married him Toy bappiress waa cow. judge for yours -,U; be is just the re- achild;tberawasa pitiful expressfor itr Plete- I would as soon think Of livink verse of one to liaspire, fear, even It about the mouth, hard to see, on cim For answer, -the plac�4 a little' without The sunshine as without 'u' the heart of the, Most timid. I bavt so, young. week soft bundle she aged directly husband's love,"' and the 'proud, pet. told Ulm so Much of yon, be has tt Oe. V,Wbere Is Dr. itafford?" 02.1lea I:% dils arms; the ner ustant an 1 t 1 la- ted lbeauty trembled as -she spok-e. OEM to b T, a led . ave his curiosi y gr tir 1 oralue. faut's piping wall fell upoil his ear. Izettat sigbed, -,is she replied-. I There was a sliglit. shuffling of feel "I am bere," he responded, prompt- Two grear, darl.�. eyes "werek staring 8 love was wboll) '0� w1thout. ,lid the next ra-)meut 4 ser- vronderingly up.lato bis own, and a "I'll husband iife; I lind, nn share Ir � ly., "I havo forced some -wine down 00 , vaut entekred bearing. The prtralt 01 poor ereature's throat. site will $nor little, waxen Aarad curled confidirgly i%tTrt"frOrftXy1, live, Only for my bo� , Tylulout Tilvesford. recover. Xrs. Vlvesford." around bli Xorefinger. alone. I loved Alderle iondly. suol�' "Ali. it Isi true to the very life," ex- "AN'lly is she -not brought into tht 'For an instant every Urop of blood it love as 71mon . mine ends only in de't1hk** claimed Loraine, delightedIv. boust asIted Loraine. aeft L Ulrestor4's handsome There was such pathos In her voice Tb , en s4e Iurne�d to Izetta, proudI3 ff 1, Irive ordered a carriage to huvc race. r that Loraine felt vaguely uneasy-, she as a young queen might have doneat 'her removed to the hospital 11 replied Alif who could tell what thet tluy, did not, like sombre thoughts. . iihe said:— I L the doctor-, "little good cowc-'s of bar. creature t4at held him F.pellboltud. She was so irrest4tibly drawn to- "Lool-C, Mrs. Ross, this Is . my bus� causing Ills AeaTt to thrill as it bad wird Tzetta that she determined not boring peoplo of tbig 4-ind in one.4 I band I't never 4hrIlTed before, The, Magic 11DUCII Of tile little v to part with her. Thire, Nvxi sctmothing aplipalin a Jiandiv'nmanned him. g Ir 1 "You Lave not wri Wy husband CH&P-TER XXV. th- still, white face tbat Made tile in, Th,e �jtlloi ftmd rested aga, ,t his Mrs. Ross; be waii Palled �suddenl.*i rphrAt ta Face, �heart k)� 11mont Illvp.%fords Nvitc breast. wit1'a soft. low coo. away tho morning 0tor Christmas. I Tbe bright sunshine fell full upor ,warm linevitseiclusity toward her. T110jreat. dar1c, searching eye$ expect him Lome some time to -day.' the pictured r,.ace. It 'was a strange, fate which led never oft Ids face. 1 441 shall tell him the sad stcvy co "Laok. !Kra. Ross," Loraine repeat. tIrt,sek two woXikn together. these Abiwuoi could tell wbat thet tiny, -this poor creature. then %vilen UP see ed proudly -, 1'thl�5 is mY busbaud.!' two who -,,o Fassionately loved thc- nursing etterub had discovered. her. bewill think inore Icindly t4 ber,* 1z etto stepped forward; for a singlf same husband— the bitterest of ri- Loraine's Taco graw white as death Shc' 'thought. Instant only her dark ey" rested or vals. a4 shenivatolied the Infant lying so Loraine did not quite like tho ide.� q ;heil, -.vitli a IcAv. plerohip ) the picture, I "TIAck child must be brought Into th( e�ntentedly upon her hu4band's breast of having the ebild tb-r:­, and ,;6 C4601 I cry. she eank dcAvn beside, it in a deaC, kouse,k ror tho prvseut, at least," ro- ti qhik wa�% neglunlug to feet heartily as prartio'Wo shei N-lieved lzettk,! si�aon. sponded Lgralne. re�olulely. , sorry she had brought it to hlm� oould be induced to part with It, shc I "I wonder what could have startlet, The 1-ing eknic. wbirb had hiebor. q1 "Ah. ffAvaiue," be sigh -4, "I would believed, too, that baviog It tater her aa T, pondered Loraine. to quite coueealed. the sileat figure f, give halt my fortune, alld think It obarg- P'olsvwhprt� mouldheliest f6ii The wbita lips Opened with afain, lying there. was suddenly tossixt baelt- i urellsjwnz. ff this little One was the the k-blid. 1',. =,oan b -v tho driving wind. 1wir of r-1yestord Afanorl" -Sho had vet to learn the 1 --ower o 44 Alderlo —Aldorie I" Merceul heaven!" Pried Loralne, a- 1 The wbite, lines ef p3in greAV di'ell- mother -low;. she -was sorry she lu,0 "ftor eblld P* thought Loraine, "Slit 1,41le gazed in Startled alive upin the, A er about Lorafnes faPe, 29. with a utimed Ibis strang�-r's rbild a4vik hen must have been comparing her owt white'. marble face; "sho is n', child, r, foreed Iaugzi, ,sho replied. quite care- Lusband. cruel lot with mine:, 'gho Is—" I lessly. Lwalack was wondering how till; Slowly the dark eyes ovened. "Husbr' commanded the doc*or.wbo I "YOU will Oakfk MO fOrget my ar- ci)uld 'Ind words to tell her sho lnuf,-, 1-1 beg your . Mon. Mr. . T71v . p & '% 5 flastily roplaced the cloak about tits i rand,JUlmontrl art Trom her ehild. ai lzetvii tbanl;oO ford," she $,lid, while in her bear^ quiet tform, anti bore her teiiderl�, 'It must have been a very I=- gcr so gratefully for lier goodner- :case one great cry , "so M -P. ah I st within. ".9hall she be sent to t hi, portant one if it could 'be so easily Poor Tzelta. )low could thin); 11k6l" tospital, 3rrs. Mvesford?" It(, aslc,d, f0rX(itteuk" that this fair. proud woman Priviot' olf my husband's irmrtraft bid re anxiousbr. "IS It uot important th"k baby should nd' her the possessma o� bPr tittle child presented a stern, forbidding face, X0,11 4iiswered Loraine, simpht ,I have a camel That was my erra 01101114 s"17 it, was that whieh Vauset 0 -W the )zero. The young mother hold out her Deep down in lzpttals beart she lfrq 'ould mot fkave the heart to tu I a (hope that soma day site would %, -VO1X to falut., poor erpature from thp sheltering hands to me and satd� call him what led to Alderie through his child Tzetta shuddered. 11�lray I look at the portrc walls of Mvesford 75ran%lou." 1 you will., y thought Perhaps you uni tit agaln?, lla,v- lit'tj, slit, kil,�, who it waq could help me. dear," her Ptztb was so stoodfam. sho �Aed. Avbom vbp harbored- !.Ix - ku,-w ro � h t I? 00%VVI "We Imust wait very 1,atiptitly, ytl- Loraine was, only too pleased. ,,Uy suggesting something yet,, and I baby," she, said-, 1,snnp day -,w, sho, who liad becka borno into 'hit I shall meat Alderle." her heart gavt ItYos,ft she answered, leading the '11ox4p so 'Jimplessly, k1hould 1W ri-Xil t, think appropriate." lough. N�ay to an Inner apartment; "I havi ri� eolglina lTterv�' fis mistress tho "Ther(Irs plentyof time to think of a great throb o? joy at the tt 1:d It bung where tbo best light wil' It almost took her breat aw:ly. to thrown upon It." ed and honored wite of it,% master that." b , "I have already thought a." a A3M( Loraine had derlded tv. s:ty nothin As she spoke slick parted, the amhp� for him," declared Loraine, timidly. of 4he, plans slie Und ean(.Iu(Vd to salln curtains, and IzPtlft was VIN CnAivrVIAR XXIII. "Somebow I thought—I (lid not know "baby's future until she conferred wit! to face with the portrait of 171mont In The Gray Dawn. I whether you woul d tipprove a it," Ulmoilt. i I Mvestord. c, mirth. and revelry, which had "AVIlat IS the name You thought 04-?" Quite hs Loraine hid expi-ted. Iti She did not ery out or utter a Mon, momentarily suspended, flowed he asked, curiously. I 'was amazed; he heard W-,; lvtukht� her brain whirled and her breati gatu with Todoubled zest, little iWas It the cruel irony o," tate that I wl"e. whom few could plcli-Ack, had de. seemed to come and go in .short, Pon. Ing Lthp strange oecurron"., Nvh*.eb causeA Ulmont Illvesord's quileless oided to keep the bi-nigbted w.indprer I vulsive gasps. At the first glaneck ill, taking place in another part oT young w o, ay or lan . I , wbo bad 'Ied there for sholter be- fttaj :resemblance to Alderie, bad al e building. upon tier usband's arm as, e an- neath their roof. most overpowered her. As she, look e doctor had been quielcly and te. swered, wit a smile on her Ulm' A I:Qellng of Pity for the desertet ad again she saw the partralt of summoned. 11B use -this litt Ick stranger %vais young wVe, -whom be deterailned no,, fair-haired young man, while Alderie'� insorry -for'making a pleasure born at Xllvesford Mansion, I wisb to like, stole over him, as his golden. was a dark, girssy brown. Shick re 'ne of business," said Mrs. Lor- him called Muont." haired Loraine relimted her sad story membered AlderkM nvrluth, 1)r!-ud nme akicilogetically; "but. there may A silence, deop, as death, fell beo 411t seems almost incredible," lit haughty; this one was almost wholl� ,ion lor Or Services before tween them. said, "that such wrongs call go un. couccaled by the long, drooring mus, .10 -doctor." I The dark eyes of the infant plax-d- Punished. I will am, this young per. tiLtube. The proud, uplifted hefid, an(� t ibe onl 00 pleased, to ren- I ingly searched Ulmout Ulves.ord'.- son to -morrow, then I cin bottci the dark -blue, searching eyes alont lit's in my power", I Taco. ( I judge wheither she is more sinniW reminded her foicibl.v of Alderle. of the usual order I His beautiful young wife knelt at against than sinning; whether or n. "It is simply a Mneidenoell slit, please inform me his feet, the firelight playing on her she Is a fit companion for you �nv i told herself, "nothing MoreX Larrimer. hair. 'wi e.1f She had not thought it possible fox I gold idok wide world te, natural eight; b Billy cooed softly, lying aghinst his He was determined she should not be any One In 'the w hall- room reast. I urged to remain, until after Jac ba,, look like Alderic,. She was stirtled to heather in The very chiming of the Christmas seen her. at the tumultuous throbbing of- her tehing grave- bells seemed echoing the straim There was. but one incentive vrhieli asvit, heart. The sudden warbling ol "Call JAnt Ulmontl" led him to think favorably of the af- a yellow canary, hanging in a glided ,that oross- fair, wbich was a 'keen desire to keei cage above her head, aroused her ce upon which 0EMPT M4 XXtV. the child near him. from her deep reverie. Ile meant never to lose sight of the "I -,am pleased that von like in�, interest The Portrait. child born at TJlvesford Tlansiun; i4 husband, Mm. Ross." ' St. VhicU side would the scales fall? he never had'an heir of his own, pe It suddenly occurred to Tzetta that 4do, and One day, two weeks later, Loxndne rs. Ulveaford might not be 'pleased haps, —who could tell what he, woulo M and Izetta sat in the drawing- r oom do for the little fellow in the future but she could not turn away; till, '01' in deep conversation. 'niself he would think a� gaze she had bestowed on the p6rtrait a- hands "Yours is indeed a strango He told hi. with the intense scrutinN and rapt �tory, well of the mother as he could— Af,, a tear Urs. Ross; still, after hearing it, � I the child's sake. dark blue eyes held an tinaccountable sumed again repeat my lormor offer. 'You The next mornIng Izetbi; was slom. fascination for her, thv, same ques- .say you are seexching �:or a situa- moned to th. library. Loraino li id tfionmg exp­e3sbn in th I- d-pths sh-, tion, Why not accept mine?" sent word the ' her husband wished tr bad often read in Aldericls; then the "It is very dFfarent now, � Mrs. speak with I heavy silken folds of the, curtain fe Mvestord, since I have baby. I r_w- Izetta -was )aading bab-,, when th.- bet -ween Izetta and the portrait, and ndt -expect to -procure the same kind Maid delivered the message. She felt as if the darkiiess of night of a situation as before." "Mr. Ulvesford wishes to see me V1 had slowly settled around her. That- will not Make any difference she asked, in dismay. The words Loraine. still sounded "He says you axe to come at fbf why h me, Mrs. Ross." in her ear. She could not tell You are very, very kind," mur- earliest moment, please; he's a w,Ik. the bitterness of death seemed to fall red Izet-ta, impulsively kneeling at ing up and down the room, and not r33 upon her, as she gazed upon that pic- aine's feet, her eyes filled with a, pleasant mood, either. Hes a nice tured face and heard thQ .,Y�mrds - "You have been �so good to gentleman, but he does get mnst aw- "Look, Mrs. Ross; tjii� I I s �uy hus- bart&" she sobbed, "I would give 'iny - fuj cross wben he has those thinkinp, rs gMr. 7 -:,,'6rd alralts Mrs. '.83 113 y, li,,.e for you if I could ever spells, as -we call lem. Why, them ly,% R y You." timed you could go straight past him the 11boary," said the maid, again makin her appearance. aine smiled down into the dark, a dozen times a minute and he woul(l ' 4,Tel 1 him she is with me, in the or, t over your head -withoui .utiiul face, little dreaming of the look atraigli oic -%vilf lying dormant in the, glrBs seeing you. I,ve soon hint. even turt mx)xning- room, I will send her dowri ast, or ol the terrible - ordea his head away from his wife, and say - d�reetly. There need be no hurry," she dDon't tro , uble me now, Loraine; gC salid, tarning to Izetta- "I Want you human endurance. away, I'm thinking.' Hei to xeginn some lost ich would try her beyoad all pow . of your color -bew 6 n1ways b-cy. fbire you go down. Any one would was a question evenly �bal&nc� thinking, no one but himself know.0 Imagine you . had seen a ghost." ly heaven could tell on whieb what about. If we have anything o scales would tall. particular to say to Mr. Ulvesford sheJLttlg knew the young gLri n -go itis," 'said Lotlaine, -we always wait till he's through witi. had stood,, tha t morning amid the 11 1 shattered r-LIns o& her dead hopes, face deep shadowEr have. fallen his spell ol thiinking. life while intue blas i been "Ali, baby," whispered lzettal whe-a to face with -lier prast. alone,� "perhaps Mr. Ulvesford regret� Izetta w' d with It firm, step to - can lindersUi�id,, poor I offered you and me I a " "1" '4110 ry. % .well you have.. lovef your baLS WI-te MRS "Why, shou I shrink and cower?" t I cannot see h Shelter."' she asked h If. "I have dorne no fyo"'r ,live thiougb s �j bitter Unconsciou$ly her hand closed ovei Wrong ; 1 in � be brave for baby's ,bf�� , tie waxen fingers that o.m.n the � same lit -wa:ys had curled so confidingly in Mmont',- uly the sake V, �_cla�p; 41owly she turn. d and descend-' The door standing ajar, she notliave wondexecl had knockea U twice, but ed the grand 't 1 117 Ryspoonnscee'a t the 'third answered Izetta, "h ­U0311e in, ��111-"wa called Lo- there -wan I s good andnoible, 11t. raine, as.she door. ftnd little 1041cir tap, Zack, the. coach- elieve those lips I in��,I, ffyfed the a MOIAS. L,rrainels fitting 0 Uln 5a., tire to take a se, yo�u could %ave uttered y 11 smiled.,, oaskeit for thp- iowel� it held, th aSt4 was cailed awaly for a room Was A ynass.of solftened�bloom IVIII return in w very feW d�red, LoTaine and. �n INritth a great profusion 'Pola I I , erfurne Id. you he 'loved e lnie n '3' "1. of� tall, white lilies, that'held up tb ii " ,, -' -ithdrewtroni the room whifte cupis to the glimmering s'uV- & 61,11 e rj'� love; 'he d 4 IZei-, t�j -"'I h6i�oontempla� Tirst, , 17�lttq, neVEw forgot Loraine as,she t!"'n of he., IY 'ber the'r�. on that NvLnter, 'mornlnK'i � nata-boo]A glove, and a riding , hA p 1, desk� betore her. fA stnod I . I'V, ail e lbe� me,.n��Tv lingered''witYlier, hall , 1� sop�%'r- n-ipiiqure, h4�,If pain, all. the.,years ol hu.-rn ma�tiff It 'an the hearth -rug �11,n 'Ch3lng'. her fr m und r bi, huggy h,q,. atter IUB. 11 1 1 1 . rll;h. Sba wore a robe of spotless whitte'� e' v�bro�v,;. The, ou own n1inae falling upo M the of ,1,4 she, bent, her beautiful head over 14tee.n` iboin, cilia! 'ention. �s- "ho. lilies, , one cd her goldeh curl,9 twine(l, atound bhe Illy's 8tem,, and ."Are you not afr �Ndll rul� it, Mrs. mingled with. its gold�n, ealyx. thi� - franger -to r he Fnr ,m instance th u- bl6ocl receded - " 9 rol"f� r said a stra from Izetta's face-, this picture whirli TALMAULT111111 SE1010 %UNsTHAT AnE 8T141.,A1ll_-0ONQU W11 IN'Q FAITH, ,,stoog out %Vhi@n ^ cooa man Alau0s Too 041; XIAXf T11QW pa�,, ,*ad TlActr Sup soV tit Noon. .Look out whe 4 good Man 1114ke$ the Lord big ally. Joshua MiOe� hiAP face, ra 4iaut with Prayer, and looks at, the descending sun Over QIbeou And at tile , faint grescent of the m9ou, for Ion know the queen of the Alght sometimes -win linger around the P41-' acesoftbe day. Pointing one band, at the descending sun and The other hand at the faint crescent of the Moon tit, tile name of that God WhQ 5haPO4 the World$ and Moves tile worlds, 110 crlej5: .Stui, stand thou still Upon Glbeou; and tUou moon. in tile valle$, of Ajalon.' They halted. "The sowe miracle Is perforineb uo-wadayg, The wIcked 40 not 11VO out halt their day, and their sun set$ At noog. But let a man start out in battle for God wid the trukU. and agalust 4n, and the daly. of U;;s Vae* julness % prolonged and prolougP_4 and proloagea. "What is the greatest power 14* Clerm4ity tot -day? The $mPt-041 thirone? No. The great uUIveV.5ltie$7 Wo. Tbe mightiest lallueuce In Ger, many to -day is Uartin Luther. 110 lived not fo much in the aWmenth pentury aa be live's in the xilueteeatA, ,I met tim this lust slim=er in the areets ot Dresden and Berhu. As he aeaves ibis world I hear ay saying, *1 do not want to 4"M now. il want to live on in the reformation, -1 started. Sun of my ChrIA1311, luflu- exce, stand thou still over Germany!' And it stoodstill. "John Summerileld was a consulng- V.ve Methodist.. He loolzed ge�krfully VbIte, I am told. as he �Stood in the old Sauds Street Churelt, in Br00%lm preaching Christ, and -gaqu, on the anniversary plattorat In Now Yorlt, plemlling for the Bible until unusual and imlinowu glotleo, rolled forth from that boolc, When Ile w,19 dying ails pillow was brushed with the W;.as of an angel from theitldQa. thq ;messenger that God ,�ent down. "Did John Summerfields sun cet? Did John Summerfleld's day end? 01%, not Ile lives on In his burning utter- it&es in behalf of the Christian churob. Ile said 'I caunot die now. I -am only twenty-seven years of .190, Sun of my Christian Influeaves. stand thou still above America!' And It %3tood still. "Robert IlAcCheyne was a c0nsumll- Ove Presbyterian. It was said when gie preached he coughed -so It seemed as It he would never preach again. His namo Is gragraut Inalli Christendom— that name to mightier to -day thatwas ever his living presence. Ile lived to preach the Gospel in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and Dundee, but he went away very early. He preached him- self into the grave. "Has Robert McCheynOs sun set? IS Robert McCheyne's day ended? Ob, no! His dying delirium 'was filled -with prayer, and when he lifted his band to pronounce the benediet;on tupion his country, he seemed to say: #I cannot die 'now. I want to live on and on. I want to start ail influen.03 for the Church that will never cease. 11 am only thirty years of age. Sun of my Christian ministry, i'Laud still over Scoiland.' And it stood ztill."� W. De Witt Talmage. How Vnst tho Hair Grows. It has generally been assumed hith- erto that the hair of the human head grows about an inch a -ad a third per month, or sixteen incRes a year. But an invigorator who has made minute measurements at various times of life Ands that his own hair grew only a dittle more than half an inch a month du his twentieth year, and rather less x idly in his sixtieth. api He made some other interesting di* goveries. In contradiction to the, common be- lief, he says� that cutting retards In- stead of promothig the growthof -.he (hair, and that the normal rate oZ growth is not restored until a con- siderable interval has clapsed after Cutting. Shaving is often followed by I regular growth owing tothe fact that the hairs are arranged in groups. of -from two to four, and a . curious law - of growth. connects the members of each grotip. Ifte hair grows faster tha I n its fellows for. a time, then the leadership falls to a second. When all have had their turns the first hair agadu grows the most rapidly, and - then, the rotation is repeated. Nor. -do the hairs of- a group ever fall out simultaxwously. One always goes first, and so, the formation of bald s -Dots Is delayed. Widowers, like tu)nbled-down touses should be repaired. Much. of the ch%rity that begins abroad never reaches home. castorla Tt5 0J. -till � T eney" U�"!Qq tlxe stowwjx wt. Tomauuy aW nati=1 c-1 Nother"s Cmto4a. 'I 44COA100a is *a t=011ciat =49cipe :fcr� .Cxii Qf1t3 Ima 4CffCgt kqwu Mi. Q. C. Q.1"Ov. T Iff THE FAC—SIM12.9,L4 —,Pvl APPEARS ON EVIVE01"I"JIL" �"E CENVILUR ViOMPART. IT PURRAT STACIM Dowt weara slicie tbat 0'aarbesat lbe'Irvel. VQt 1, Van't weara ,51ioe so lease that tile fc t� Met wear a shoe thatwill not allow a Straight Van't Nvear a Slane that it is tight an) wbere. I feet makes them grow large and unsightly W"ece, Don't forget that "Iftater Shoe.%" are in Jdclut"� root -fitting shapes, six veidths, thirteen size S and 14`1� Don't forget that the leather in both solv` a' s I "Slater Shoes" has passed the -nost rigid c llallun�ltl' I -am Don't fail to look at the Sole for the nil ana slate fraine, this, proves the ppnw;ne, S-00" Mo% forget that everi '14'sutor Slit 1�. J. -SM and as, ury1mvind. Arurinu lAver1low.mmutonell. and ailvcr finl4altea llmnesaluwa pim ot 10k. mt. sinit yoir Watchvill bo rent "—pt; OAl'o.-autely Ine. Th 0 x C0.4 33�_ lui Toronto. so %W- FREE $105000 WORTH IN BRIGHT BOYS, GIRLS and LADIES Sir Charles Tupper, etc., size 9 x 12 inches. F ralimitedtlTne too. each, and to �anjone selling6 orinore, wag' ahand4tinepre I Do 30 Valuable Pr W S to Do not delay, send us your name and2ddressandwe willsend full illustrated Sbeets of Premiums. Sell the Partraltq, retura t ABSOLUTELY FREE. , We take'back any umola plcture& VC1 Unie only, The ROYAL ACADMT IMBLISIKINO C Ir NC Made by t N Cana . s Ide t afac rers. t thick c �A�, 4- Q, R.bb- T -P, band of pure rubN the upper (see the of pure rubber aad extra strength and These are sole the uppers. They a r e t strong heavy rubbers Canada. Look for thiLE trade mark on th� soles. MAde by THE CANADIN TORONTO, � MONI VVIGOLD WATCH'' M13�Xtt pri'' �� so�se Ze I andy Itexamanotbapidin Experience is the pay a man getS i Adtonhdhim, N11h0yojtJia for making a fool of himself. t I tunt to Alsvftl� your nhmo wid, ill onecovi rotxx lottoremlaso six Sometimes it IS the cashier (A VW, ats the best, of t -1,,,e, run on �a �bauk K