HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1901-1-17, Page 1Pain bac of you eyes? Heavy pressur in your head? And are you sometimes faint and izzy ? Is your tongue coated? Bad taste in our mouth? And does our food distress you? Are you nerV0u$. and ir- ritable? Do you often have the blues? And re y.ott troubled about sleeping? non yew liver is off wrongs But there is a e 'Tis the old reliable 1TH MILITARYN Body ot Lat a.pt. 1Wrn ztezer at Qttabea Quehae, jan. 120- The 1.ueaI of the late Capt. Sutton, Royal Canadi. n Dragoons, took place this morning ith full military honors. /ion. ;Naga It -outliner and F,rneet and rfenri erne), were the principal mourners. oet of the leading eitiaens, etvlhan d trailitaty, were in the eortege, Nog them being Ron. Messrs. Par- 1 ent, Fitzpatrick, Teasier and Chas,. Langalier, .c:'-etoator Pelletler, judge Caeault,• Lieutenant Colonels Lta- narti, Evantures, Turnbull, Roy, Thechesnay and Farley; Ala- ' rages, Ca.pt. In and py others. All of the eity troops were the proatession. The body, which was enclosed ha a handsome oak canket, was covered by a British flag whiah had been placed ma a gun carriage and was reeeived at the Basilita. by Rev. Louis Paquet, and a number a clergy.. The celebrant at the ftme was Rev. Father Paqtant, pr Notre Dame de tauebea, anal R eta Archbishap Begin, peed or oh. elated at the Libeth. The remains were buried in Behwan ernetery. The firing party waa pro., aided by the R. O. A. THE UESE, TOO arches et acateh Castle wh 13ad Hams t the Hoodoo Th own hi I'udoa, jan. 12. -The memorial, to ae an institute by the Gordon Wanders, at Aberdeen, whiett'Obs IIeUb, Airs. batende :at a oost 4,000, to ereat in memory of her SQU latent. Percy E. Forbea-Leith, at the Firat Royal Dragoons, who died of fever recently at New Castle, Natal, reealle the fact that Fyvle Castle. Arraa Forhes-Leith's residence, Is one f the many noysterloas pl Aces in Scat - and, said to have a evirae which n- vrnbIy ea the eldest eon the houee. For many generations th potty has failed to descend In. a t line, and when Duff.• Gordon yvle Castle to Air. Pothes-Leith ft vas argeed that the curse could • transteracti tea.nother But the death of the young subaltern at the age a 20, ht re.. vived the superstitions of ail Aber. deem CE -CONSUL WAS TOO SAY 'They act directly on e liver. They cure nstipation,biliousness, k headache, nausea, nd dyspepsia. Take a lenitive dose each night. r 6t . years years they ve been the Standard mily PIUs Prior 25 cod& AO Drollest& 10 taatia Aye's Ii- ly for Mx MOuth0. They hikv eureame of rakvere beadtebe, arU cauz new walla from two to I les witintat 1,..ettieg *nett or out teat% something 1 by not tadotorreaur YearC" $A), Urns, USW. WWI* thiDentench, Iran tate goer eaanttsaitt saatever tradatiretteatitiont.azatachrhvyou. nationlyrcech-,T.wrim dealer r . Vclawif..g MOM FroAF t sildreT;r. 150 YEA XPERIENO av 81 .5.1. Jam 11-. V. S. Co rine, wiits l'ann JuSt ••• with .31.r. G. Mt John.. fileid, has tonal a t ;awaiting WM, u45't blis4 eillgagOi 1st om- tks tvm. the 0 ensu1, Who is Ts•ri.zi ,li sub,pvt, is t /undertaken t eonstrue tho ehlihot- laruoha ortnner tlirn lio imposin.li-tc,Islitlosial few., oft tIgiassterfs , Cor afatiattits not heretofore tiernntati- II ed:rett 3 fortnight the viae- conani athatiad ao mud; irritation that the E eonnuerce had to dr3W up to Lord FnUshary, requatt- 1 t fa-marl/el to W11.574:trag-- IS knell attly eoanter. a t lat. v- • tuna: s ittrini4i. .f)nd ata•taty reantg strx;iiPsra ti? the .ta. ate Ea mit hittatea. 'in s5in. of the 4.,1111,;., 1rat•t•ene t MMT:fle2t1Ve< of eta , gr. 11-0,1,,,, Vil gale r. pat ter et" afte Antatlated Pains, "a hete are aeme Slaaft a i 1 aartli,n wr., aptcp. 40.4 nal I .74 " / •v,,' o4 3 cl-r,v;,9":.', dally I-1. ilin in er.,.. f wcitc4to the anpart taade. 1 haa beon 3 paint of InfirPre I, S fraaanan farye 41'''',., Ult. 1 il 1 fi ' M ht It 'alp -at -Ana utemrp II' a for Loth csi otter anti con. Nal.' uua Tnatm Manna A Bro DESIONS OPYRICUITS 440, up dintaltraseettain .otor inw.rs wou wer hoshso4 Antattereatiltur eloetch avottottrnion rest , 3nvermun n paienoth ye. Contraries. *tons serteilt.'cinuutentlal. Ihuideoakou ents stem tme. n(leg Kersey or securstnr moos. tiateras lalmsi through Mune & ANN, rt.:refer* special notice, without crane, UL the Scientific Jinierican. A handmometr illustrated weelilt. Unmet clr. erdation or arm Pm -entitle Penni. Terms. S.',; ear I tour months, Saul bran swetrodesderst, UNN &,Co 36iarostiwarlew York Wealth 44,,eti, &OP $t, Vtarls.,,,,ozt, D. NER BEANS .Nerv.zus.• ,• and ,litanho,11: xi.:',14.una the ueslcursa or hely. or rated erased lij ottonworta, or the errors ore*, cows of $eut.b. ii Itenntlyab. UII the non obstinate eases when r.0 other s hareteind estate stheve. zoldl..ydros. t perparlaszul,Or.C7C for 1 y on of vim 14 cad:FT:am. TT! 'pronto. Rheumatis Nobody knows all about it; and nothing, now known, Nv` ways cure it. Doctors try Scott's Emul- sion of Cod Liver Oil, when they think it is :caused by im- perfect digestion of food., You can do the same. It may di: may not be caused by the failure of stomach and. bowels to do their work. If it is, you will cure it; if not, you will do no harm. The way, to cure a disease to stop its cause, and help the body get back to abit of health. When Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil does that, it elites; when it don't, it don't cure. It nevr does harm. atta oe, and 11'he genuine has t1ii picture on it, take no other: If yeiii liana not tried it, send for free' sainple, its agreeable taste will surprise you. scovr BOVINE, Chemists, Toronto all clrugc.-istS STICKS TO HIS WOB r or UIi Std o fftwe Die Ili 1 eniIen, Jan. 12. 1 n. n. r eebrted yesterday th o Ids arrtval at np W.A by t nthng, wl.h he (abi&te, the bwjue otin Royal t 'Woolwieh. Ue ac eeitsinvinniens only on the unden stantUn . that the dinners wilt b. private, and that Ws work at head. quarters will not b.., interfered, with Tins It a •necessary precaution whet, the sant ;Ian in South Africa is aer! loos. Lord Kitchener'a despatches while recording British. oucceases reimsling ts, show that flu .13oevr. tare attacking Miao great epin at at mane pain s and that theri operatiOns are preconcerted. WAS 'NUS A DROTHER? Eraneiaco, Jan. X2- Lle eun of: Icater fount among t • wheats of the laze Ainanant Roberts " :via) died on alab. 9, in a anew or linnard street, marse4 he COr<ane: to baNeve that tha man may havt Inas). a hrotner to Earl Roberts, cord tahader hi eaial of. the laritieh army Teo tatter in cans Ian w.iawrittet on Nov,. 2, laal, ha 1,,arry Roberts a bother of the deceased, who 1 appears, is an accoutuaat employer bythe Eirst N.t.ia1 Bank Princeton, Ill. It stata: Our inother, Gan. Roberts, is now, I believe, in charge of the Esgrisli forces in Ireland." Abraham Roberts tVas 10 years old. Lie had no relatives here and his bodt is still at the morgue, L RDOEPTION PLANNED Whanipeg, Marta San. 12- It is 471,e. finitely announced. that the returnad detachment of soldiers will -arrive in. Winnipeg on Sunday by the re- gular morning. train. The, men Will receive a grand. re: lLion and rd." terwards a luncheon at the drill hall. CH01.1 WILL 4,81 -101 - London, 'San. 12.- Accordng to a d'•spatch to the Daily N w.1 /roan Shanghai, Capt. Chou, wha partici- pated in tha CliutChou nisssacres has been nentenced to death. SOUTH AMERICA HIS REFUGE Cincinnati, Sari, 12, -It has 1>sen 1.3arned here 1...ht Prank ht. Brown, who is chant. with de 'ra.ucling the (4e.rnaan iNrational Dank oi Newport, of .1101,000, has returned, to Scul Amarica. a-irown waa in New- Orlea.no tins week, and was met there by some frieacte trout New -Part. It is gator. ally believed that they fuaniahed him money to return to Ifotodurae. Re. ports have been current here for some days that Brown would retuan to Nowport, give himself lap and make a can ,oss:on that wOuld involve pram- iant peOple. IIU IT WITH A' BASEBALL' RAT Albany, N. art, ,ran.. 12. -• Lou, Ga.rrier, aged 40 years, at .an earl looar theta morning cut his „throat, broke. 1118son, Areili,e'R head vi..1„„li a ?1,SCba15 bat, and, 'wound up tato, tragedy iby orink.'Mg" a glasvs paria green, 'elicit tflefl .cut his nwri 1.h.rcialt frerai e.a'r to ear With arant Fa I /eta?, in and son' tir+.1 dead.. -3 1.4X 105 asjiliartellowdUa ,, poi iee , „ was pr HIS COFFIN KILLED HIM Kept It an Its Raem and it 1 Him Whiz, rivi-atg zar4. /t. ...., Abraham .r, an eceentr:x German, aged U „nears. some Vane ago be-. xv-tft f-,ta: nekton that aft gx-4v:.. robbers waniel and sell Et to atane Ira antltet heliew f+ 0101 a heavy natnal rag tozt.' on Oa:Anode • casilat sVa.9 , atratt time ite itarilamy light in le. A fel to move 11 on fohn. hian;i aay• P2cvd twert rupts4r,1 a humph art tile deal h, 1 41 aunt '`.4-4 ra atn, take spar .n! n the rtrep- Iata wan tra. asket, olaen yetnerday. cotin atel in his Itoth. that .S1,0 THEY ie Sahaza e qs's :151 ltarle. Jan. 12,, -- A movement nt reciu;v:Iftql, S1v, brave aahonera annaannan, wan, nun, 3 t.t.r Cani\. inked their linea intat, inaaiearer en t.hiA Irt itresle. The 31tatatea 3r7, -;ins, Nvt zsn ortrarn entotai t.nattrararte, ,Aeta ett laratroar, an i isa ;taut ,alae 40. o s-werz-111 atnaaters tho men b.* r'of1,7,P,r7§s - ton5 sr'4."1,drs'.*aix in to tit MT FLU fl rtO Psa(setVtin el' Fire Va' • Mani, Oven, Jan. i. lhavaa CoAa tirArfogsliS t•toizi, t; fire 0:-Im n:Rht. ' rovered by inauranaa.Weavo teary store (top ming a 'so o; lo iani s,an It. Ina tato! wa mowed. Owing a la. kliracti So wind and ate, r a ntion o: fIre tvsll in !lie atijleon, ti)1;344 tIO iV.° was cent:neer tat, taxa tan, attoaea a la attia • Colat nci Ortion te.xu wau`al hay,' halal al loa rayed. Ala ad Fatally Ilan evarytatnn tau the lug a hey wane. 0 FAR Consequence His wr Cionng Con victioa Isquabbod Toronto, Jan, I:1, -The D1vision-4 tonrt this morning quashed the cen- t ain't et A. Arcuutia, a prominent w Ottaw, a, for soiling moo& after the hour pees trilpd by the carla ena n,, y 5 w . 1-51111,n app . 1 ed on two gtolux;:a, Jinn that the gho is were so i Ly an auctioneer and not in the reg.:: wz:y of trade, an se pad, that the mtgintrate excee hid hs jutladiatian is omfering imprison na rot in default of p yeaent of costs. tourt upset the couviction on the n tar ground. , Th: Kingston roaparation 1 aborera • en atrike again. Ittialay morning in th,y reported for thri and were toi off whz,re to go. Bot. Moan, a nintaanion mein, over whom there has been so Dinah trouble, was on hand o and was tow to proeeed to work. Wien the union men heard this they coin being called off by the unit:a. CORONER CHANGED HIS MIND Toronto, Tan. 12. -Mrs. Mary Elnd- lay, aged 55, who resided at 14 John street, died su.ddenly about raid - night under mysterious ' drew:rat dances. (The pollee say that she took a dose ot earbolle acid, which - her daughter had lamight as an eye lotion, and that death tollowed in a few moments. Coroner Greig issued a warrant tor an inquest, but after- wards withdrew it, stating that Mrs. EindIay's death was due to heart SAVED HIS FUNERAL EXPENSES trooper to South Arr.ca Did so By coming Bach Alive Mont raal, WI la Co: paral H. Evans, of DI B ittery, Royal 'Jan Wien rAtillery, left for South Af- riea, a arumber of his:friends made up a subseription for tile purpose of bringing his body haelt to Canada for burial in case, he was killed tor died of disease., Evans (same back alive and his friends have now pressated him wide the amottat of subscription ab- , Oat a250. o, • ,1-1e.v. 13. si. vfey, • 1,11e ptoneer ftresbyteriari nassi nary to the Yukon, haat accept:ea lt call to Sal - Kirk. Lieut.,- Governor Forget of Regina has Ina:lined °literal aarormation tha ,Tobn Saforrson, i1e manta- murderer, is to qiailis on the 171n fast. The 19th Battalion Mind hLvvo par_ liaosed, forty klio.ki uniforms at. an ,,,xpszase of ,5?()0. Manager A. Berne - thy has 'received a message from the htialater of 'Militia, forbidding 'kite Ind wearing theta. The rellitary ats any that no one belonging to military body eaa wear any um- orm otiti;:r than the authorized one a pate oi a fine. of 020 per day. NAS ATTITUDE ns Causes Of 11 'Feeling THE:. EMPEROR'S .DESIRES :21Z":::•litlY4Inannot;::stC-1110a BO:LefoinTtrotk::: 4111.ra$ or Joint Hate Pekin, Jae. 12, Prince -Ching, roter of tho Emperor, vvii,Q Is asw E Pekin, and in witese honor the fier. son will hold a review, SSTS tti4t ' fttt 4 i .11°4.5 °t ! Aokiaxree4 oeliwaihist21 *art:Abe b- earriningt is In favor of gto etlia. Indeed theEm wrore to Prince Cidng recenn- tad astrai if hie apartmenfla ware •"fi eta -aa for hie early retura. China. says the Claineae btve 1 quetkn, The foreigners do cot zee= ifP realize that China jeeta ob- o•71raa maintenance of the lege- ion go.ard na more than a purely emaarary ure, because there is necesaity for it. The Boxer move- metat, anteata, waa a purelr jr- en,, meanintt China for the Chineae. rot- laarir years the liana baggei for trading privileges- liaator aobtaittell these and waxed inch frorra the profits 'ate/rata:, they fore - td ahdesinarde trtaties naon China, with threats of eantineatiora of the holaaat of coautotry.;fl igh:eat int haa lanai oaeaaian aelanire rri-ktory rzirt vnittiablo, copzos. Nahatally even a peaceal_r'e wi".11/ turn at law. T paapia of Prinee Ching r tlealares, have hen gradual. irked tap over the recent loan rritery Wel Wei, Port Artbr ahd eisawiriere, npd also over f rights Mil Lenora to t19k 1d amities by officials. sill ions •v 1I1e ‘..araao as individuals The Chir. accord.. o gnat Ching, traish,elraved no did tlaatFreneh daring tl revolu-ion. The Chin- .. 3Ci• the most peacealde eh, awl sorb ',rouble 15 • r4-`6Ti ja,IT fripiTtrnt tana:n etaanries. Ile ht. thtarat t Eat Ftnaar la f1441S tkA, prg'SerVe t ;!4' raraht iiita alya titInt ga), rtnaretat Dawager. Do•1'7,,, itt,11--rbillizetal tz)zIn4hnu* Faa thila nratitra, an.t whinia la ahnatvit Ohnit ventatnia "te vi trant"tant ra fair- freasan tittitar,CAnt: net • mini -Inn re of ana-e -han ererdienni iirrara.iti ie nat of' Sf-,.Iterritpr, Caftan re- I'leaIri tala tot• -nage fat it was ratan. • tart, to stan tir atal arinne award. the Tazr,14 ro,rugitr:z la tz,:aktveotria ir!yr,t.:17, vie F:iati nartrailo, I(tirt,,larte; to • atl'ull kite denvandri. Rtriht,I,TY WAI.I.C11*1ED Shanghai. Jan. ii -Litt Kun Yi. viva .49;• of at:11116n. lam rararnarialized nanaoatar Kworn ahi to h • • • dnetien he wean Monehn. and Naineta. Fen Wan Pao. heir apparent, tiven forty !Amino strohas ter n trying due reanact tul hp Emperor, Emorana Dowager acquiesecti in Sho puniahmant. BOW GERMANY FEELS. Inalin. Jan. 12-Witi1e Germany de. clineal the United States propetal to aultrialt the arleles in the China a- gronaont relatina to indemnities and commercial treaties to a acnferenee ba held at Washing:on or else. where, It la balieved that Germany ageees to the new American proposals for :accelerating the negolariens at Pekin. ANOTHER BOER REPULSE 4tteekel Idnehadodorp, But Were Driven OM Landon. Jan. 12 - The followin despatch haa been received from Gen. Kitchener, dated Pretoria, Jan. 10: "Tho Boers attacked Machadodorp last night but were driven off be- fore dawn. "Ilerzog's tommando is in the neighborhood of Sutherland, Cape Colony. Settle is organizing a column to head him of,f. "la the midlands and eastward the Boars have brokan up into small bodies, ernne returning north and some hiding in the mountains north- west of jamestown." A GUN METAL WATCH 'Belleville, Ont., Jae. 12 --Col, Sara Hughes to -day presented P.c. Geo. Phillips, who serval with him in Africa, with a gua metal watch, suitably laecaibea. The presentation took place in the council chamber, and there was a 'large gathering of the b,ava in khaki, and the, veterans at 1806. Mayor ,Toh.nRon prc.sidecl and Speeches were made by Col. Hughes, .Pte. Phillips, Mayor .Tohnson, Col. Boni on, 1+.Fayor- Elect Graham, Sir Mackenzic Bowell and Col. Ham,bly. THEY'RE ORDERED TO SIGN Chinese Envoys Instructed to Sig•ti Joint Note Pekin, 4Tan. 12. -The Chinese :Peace Conannesioneas have received ardent from ,the cau.rt to sige the joint note or the'power. 11 HUNG CIIANG AT DEATH'S DOOR Shanghai, 'Jan. 11. -The Mercury says that Li Ilic,ng ,Chang is breaking clovirn, and that his death' is inanyineo I, aNGLISEM'EN WALKED Ott Iraain Tan. 12. '--,La taloa one ' pub•, ladies a allitaa-thit from Rome describ- Ina a farewell' meethog of reission- arias vestarcla0,/ in thh presence oa a nuarber Enen troiselort" I atty. spoke, ,„, ,arlant .t Lie tare :a Boer rtest c DO, Cardinal "Vaughan, Areliblatle,13. VOStMitaster, aectord,-, fr./ ,Gtzglog Cape Town,Oef r tbe Caro penans ther elaborated. tt"eoelaes at tlIr caturee ware no fcivni gnard attic -ern! * ;tura-ear A n.fiia oMaiir Reit •sratcs and ammum -Sandbag forts an warks have been create TitOtarti Cibrala.ar, Jan. in. -a. ve mated Brttialt antantry :a the Cape to -day. They a Malta on neartt trio troo thalenea, aud were reanappad a:warden Cantle. o .1" MORE ATTA1S EXPECTED Organiglng Them -Daily AntsileS COnt,113110 tIreorn, �nn. Pa......rne Boer; bar danng. raids in at - it near tha Brit- eutpest eastern lice. ens. fRabingtoGori* are hem- sleirmisnes al:, Fia. the Beare OUt `.," tae, Manl rg. Theaa n‘ vett to &±hzt ommner.. in. Vitie: Jna aa re. orted tobat ortrantai,ng ` 'es 0.? et tba east, to' wiii:athee at et nn$tbar places fIlla afgaay ht 4 da.Y Taorn:rig• vivre the 'Ca ng. Et WV MINES'. iTan. Chamber 1188 finally arranged with 't tout heath -at the 'or. guatal f.'or the protect:ant at. A thousand meta w".11 b'rtve the coast, tatans ter J. or tifta purpase. " detailet eaela A =DEUCE'S EDITOR. IVO. Jan. ha Outland, V..“..)1 arrest,. charge ot" anialishhag a dead Fent:tuts caneern,. antra traaapa, raja rear. and camin:ttad 'or fi le -ea/ hs de -hum. Only ft denso vis taken, t, eaV.I'S 13 1 nioINt Ida Carneao railway is PTbilye t.trry the ease of Enter sari of Ottawa. 04:arrod with r4 'Aglitter, .411.sagreed. Tk3KAWCII Wattina, eN-11a rd o lugs*on peultentivy„ 1ogston, aged Ott !anal, elm Roars" store an hot ni he aver Bta ar *nor -at O0.1 tate w t 50. AI v. lianollann oa, th-tearg haa een )intca i se at er Owen Se Its 1.A913.7,i3tr,. .'ho served in t,• t IRt,1•41 t:Int e riling to tolv*N.4 aram Berlin the alth o' the la •Av agar Eanpreaa tr " causinn a:miens again. B. al,. Lab\ who contested Eastern ia, an 1 Was (idea t ed. agora . , „mandate for the constivientity of . Grenfeli in the laaal LagisLai are. The tOth year of 11Pv. Frauds An. thews' pastorate of the Presbyterian charch at Keene was eelebrated Fri- day. .A. heavy snow storm prevail. bratighout Northern New rork. Ab- ut a foot of snow has fallen in the hat . ouzel. The organizer 1 abor unions of 'te- rmite will oppose the introduction mannol training ito the public achatat of that city. The Presbyterian church twentieth century fund has reached $1,200,007, and Is expeated ultinteately to amount 10 $103,000. Miss Georgie Jamiezon, M. A., of Napanee has been appointel asaana tutor hi lingtrigea in Queen's 1-ge, Kingston. The Lord's Day Alliana nsfully prosecuted ton vendors who sold Dona - pore in Ohatha.ta S . Parliament at its sant will Ira asked eompany which is the St. Mary's I Marie. Mrs. Joseph heard that her • son, nova en ran Africa, was dea the shook. The roof of opera house weight of snow recently. There ono Ivo hurt.r M., de Giers, to China, denies curre Russia Is endeavoring to ail agreement with China xr.resp. tive of the other powers. A deputation from the Montreal harbor board. will wait on the Ottawa government to -morrow to urge the further d.eepooning of the St. Law- rence channel next elimmer. Sergt, Maj. Solinn Mchloarphy, aged .p yeor6, who fought the Boers in 1841-2 and later served in the Cri- mean war, is dead in New Westmin- ster aa the result of a fall.; al ing grow Dr. Loa him that deve uhananl ' airve:op„ si -.meat - ce,sses of s mei a death aYOWed t•Vrha ea tali," r app:leation Oda ratty lelwe life when tt. warked in the future?" In the American jouratt slatogy of ,T331.. I„ 1U01. Loeb describes hia experiments (he Po:YR and e.g in regard vernthc development, be lava; CAN REVERSE DEVELOPMla "We generaDy conaider dsvtio an a preens,. which can only in one direation, or, in other w irreveraiiair. But thin 55 8515 ently net gonarady the eA3e. 1 Se Cann", that tha motphogenetie prue whialo brings on o.d ago an 1 del lt hydrahts raver-alb:a, "Here is au exampla: Canipanni Is braaght in contaca, al.to holy and it is tranataacial into on • ferentiated M3t.ter :";;V« iltili stie..011. If I ri:ttgo ora, an ha tatonar bank, eontact 'nigh aaa orator hi gis risa to a aolyp agrOtt. 'the stu may be done with nonage:hi 01 bSkIVQ;id.S. 44Z0 M-A"ra;uriel a nhatige ; the orientation of a branah pa:yea wid bring ahout az? Manta Inaton, of thin material into a attna- tri:i bit the task ttk dezermine lana In the aniara itiradanal the panent r found to La reverslbe. It chtlatta au in a form 54115 a revers/lam sievelopmeta de at not neeentrily fOliow a Lige of tleve:opneatt sorresponAing .ni.Ity in titan. DUATI1 MAY BE PRBVBNTB "It, is not intfos4b:e that run; .leath 4-01np4rsb0 to the oitsa,i h prz.serit in the xuature le3Vea 11,..'347. tir" w Nob ztt .5 s• vim it. tfli tvoi tvil C3Fii" far Wit t, nt 1101 show 45. nt • fi0 V1.7=';+ M ',riding Prof. them h . out as hwera or away,. ould have them, men will 1.r..• ive along at a fast elan, giving hoed to the raulOrDis3: p ("PM:. WhiVili are bringintr twin 011111 they reach tho certain niy1.0+ our critical lit.int la life. At thia ey must have an extant pi - new environment for than a Mar toribe new toods them known to have the power et processes of dev Then the man will grow ba if the prozess continued 0 would be a babe in the time. The role of the ss c,gg is captained by pamphlet. Re ileac merits In reversba follows: ROLE OF T "The genera Joie of the sp ss of fertliiza a stimulus, an the devehopm statement is c tggs in whi rothaee ' Mr. Wa S. Clark, of Toronto gives notice that an application will be made to parliament for an act to in- corporate the Canadian National Dank, for -the purpose of aoing a gen- eral banking busine,ss,„ ' L. PoWer, of rialifax, will be Speaker of the Upper libuse. As tho ,5peakership at the Commons go0,3 o a Quebec man, Erode -Ur, the Veputy S'peakership of tho Commons wit' to Ontario Draf ',UsedonAld < lautota, loeing the lucky man. thnt outbuildings Of James Barret, itt dertaker and, furniture dealer., Vo nhl ea< Hill, consisting Of stables, rn and la/ ge h-riek, shop were burn. Friday night with all the con- va e was e. troyed,i baby earaiages and a latge lock 0' garrakture and eoffine. Vint irag the -ha patob„ lett the hall, tot. t (543 lia st ated at about $4,,000,.. lowed by aeaar51 Englisilmo OL eausee ont iy ant:, gan etic. antr Lea by ..ow temperature,. so that it this 0;180 death doen not oeaur, though no cell division is possible. we suaceed ainaing a substation I whieb acaelera.tes the process of ee 1 diviaian in the normal temperate -4n this will at the same time lead to a suppression or a reduction of the an. processes that ahorten at` AGE- LIMIT TO DEVELOPME_NT. is vont- important to reaiize that , the introduction of catalytic 611t- titari0V8 into the egg does not pr(... - long ii -s life unless the egg_has reach- ed a oritieal point determined by to sets of conditions. The one is th.e turity nt- af the egg, the other the change of conditions connected s.-it.11 the egg I.ea ring the ovary. As long as the egg 8 inanoture it lives without the in- to °auction of these stib,i;tances. or the iipnrinatozoon, and this may he Lane to. the mature egg Os Long as it rc. mains in 1,he ovary. Tne fact, thai tlwre is an age limit for kite develok- !Tient of the oareMOma anay be ' airnitar 1,thertomonon."!'