HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-27, Page 86011W
in ' e
Furs the
Cu,' C a r7rePS.
r, Some magi not be aware tha
We have a jobbing business a
well as. the retail :---tile former
extending from Sarnia to Strat-
4, ford and Owen Sound, covering!
. the district to Lake Huron. The
demand for our goods has been STRATFORD, ONT.
fairly good over this section and The deinatld merle upon us during
Cllr incoming orders a little morel the lost the,.=e year by Uus.iness cot -
leges for our graduntew to take pos!.
numerous than for last year. ] tions us oaucr ers sn their schools has
Sections of our Fancy Goods i been exactlyy six tunes the supply.
This shows there 1tt :f
,Til t that , 1 a tion o otxl's
have been cleared. The balance , Is strictly first-class. Qur g[atdt[ rtes
with all late arrivingstock we li;LVE' tleen tent erkably successful in
will offer from :'Monday, Dee. getting s ptendid positions with busi-
zGth to Jan. 1st. I9ot, at whole- ttr'.y fl[n.r, Iistint haveattinns from
tlt��specttve,tauden,ts have hoes receiv
sale prices, school supplies includ- ed : All)erta,S iskattt•hewon, Nanitrtba.
ed' This will be a Christmas Quebec, Nova Scotia and the [. nsted
`sa ar is
States. �'t anno hindrance E. to
gift in another forin which we 'thsewee wish tr, e:E'6 the lie tit ('ataL-
tlfter only to our old customers Iogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT,
and their descendants. Principal,
Christmas cards special, Thurs. ,
• l :,' evg next.
ir de
or Marriage Licenses,
Wedditeag Rings,
Watcl;ie* , Plc:ckR,,
Speptia les,
Watch. Repairing o. Sneviaity.
coming to Exeter some four or
ears ago, he conducted a farm
arquhar, which he purchased hi
ioneer days. Ile was much re -
as was attested by the attend -
eat the fune, a id
t anal.otle son,, Wiral!]ia,Hetn.leaves w-
Ate AlVEAL Ix SEAsox.—The I3isllola
of Huron has issued his auntie' Christ-
mas pastoral to the members of the
Church of England throughout the
Dtecese of Hurou,renllnding them of
the Christmas offertory usually given
to the clergymen of the perish. He
cites the late abundant harvest and in-
creased prosperity ,a5 the cause for a
liberal and generous spirit on the part
of all. and urges a substantial exprees-
ion, in this manner of good will to-
wards their earnest ane devoted clergy-
CIIIVISTALAB VIsxTo#ts.—The follow-
ingwere among Christmas visitors
here during the week Norman
Creech, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoskin.
Brantford ; Mervyn Huston. Parkhill
Luther Howard, Galt; 9P. Moncur,
Guelph ; Air. and Mns. F. J. Oke, Tor-
onto ; Dr. L. L. Follick and Fred
Treble, St. Marys ; Dr. Follicle,Phila-
delphia; Lillie Welsh, Mrs. R. Barnes.
Fermi: Ease, George Salter,. Ruby
Pickard, Richard and Jeans I#leeett,
Rich Creech, Edgar Westcott, Frani;
Taylor. London ; Nelson Sheere, Pe-
trolea, ; Ed Eacrett, Goderich ; Mr, and
Mrs. J. J. White and child, and Clyde
and Cooper White. Windsor ; Miss
3addie Holland, St, Cath..t*'v
'Acrobat -it sl
We ha e a beautiful assortment of goods suli;•able for
Christmas Pr Nits all marked at prices favorable to the`�
urchaser. tar �c 'dully invited to inspect our c1ck. 4 f
c r Maas ratrons
Pretty silk hdkfs ernbroid-
ny worked, special ..
White Japanese silk hadfs
hemstitched, special , . , .. , , • IIK25
White Javan Silk hdkfs,
beautifully initaled, special 25, 30
Alert's size Japanese silk
hdkfs, with and without initi-
als, special at so, 7$ and
Ladies' fancy lawn and lin-
hemstitched and cmbroid-
rd hdkfs, special at 5, to,
IS, Mo and 25
Ladies' fine ked glov=es
pecial at 5o and x.00
Finest selected Valencia.
raisins, per lb. , . ,
New figs per lb, special ..
Fine black new currants,
special 2 lbs for ... - - . , .
Best lemon and orange peel
3est shredded cocoanut
We are clearing out our entire 1
stock of Furs nd you can rely
Ilan getting a bargain in anything
l you want in thisline.
ERFUME$ & SOAPS:4:. A beautiful assortment of
Lovely perfumes all odors geiltstties ties, the latest nor-
m 25c up ha 2.75 a bottle. l cities at25 and 501
Florida water and ,cologne
ecial per bottle .. , . • , . ,
Toilet Soaps in various
fumes put up in fancy car-
iO ,
The copy for changes must be left
than .0 Y
not Etter u s noon. Casual
e da Jas 1
accepted cepted uliao noon
Wednesday of each week.
J. G. Stanbury spent Xmas at his
me in Bayfield,
T. Bishop ix spending vacation
is parents ere.
'Uri An rson visited her mo -
'ache' this week,
the s, of Toronto, is visit-
. rs. S. Fitton.
'gooks, spent the fore -
'c in Mitchell.
ek, of Ohatham,spent
Parents here.
v York,;visited his
H. Powell this
nwell entertain -
soli during the
B. A., of St.
into, is visit-
"ickard are
their mo -
baking o -
+w, of
en on
-eke a
'un -
',run A Snowy ILLNESS.—On
day morning George Senders, son
rs. George Sanders, Exeter. am' -
embed to the effects of tvphoid fever,
sifter a brief illness, For some two
or three weeks he complained of feel-
ing unwell, and was urged byhis est-
piiyer, George Murat, and °tb e
friends to :take a rest, and seek medi-
cal advice, but being ambitious, he
continued to work a l 1. nits ! [ was
through weakness to take his bed, It
was thea learned that,hee was suffering
from an acute t per of typhoid fever.
He gradually grew worse, and after (
lying in tied aLUont a week and a half,
he died in the presences of three dod-
tors. Deceased was in bis 20th year,
was ss,}
tS a harness -maker
va h ne..4 nlakE r by� trade, a and
tuns considered as gond workman, fle
was a general favorite with a large
circle of friends. and the announce-
ment of his death was received with
great surprise. His mother, brother
and two sisters have the sympathy of
the community in the loss of so
amiable aL companion. The funeral on
Wednesday was largely attended. the
Exeter band. of h. which we; 1 e t a mem-
ber, leading the cortege and playing
suitable selections. Among miter
beautiful wreaths on the coffin, was
one "Our Comrade." presented by his
young associates, as also one from the
members of the band.
Miss Urquh.ert spent Christmas in
W. J. Neaman spent Christmas at
his horse in London,
A. J. Rollins and family will leave in
a few days for Detroit, Miele
Rev. It. 111ilyard spent Christmas
with his mother in Markbam.
W. H. Levert and wife spent Christ-
mas visiting his parents in Parkhill.
ji'r. and Mrs. T. L. Rogers and fam-
ily, -of Parkhill, spent Sunday visiting
R. Rogers, town.
Miss Ethel Farmer, of the Snored
Heart School, London, is spending the
vacation at her home here.
lin TL Es wishes its readers, one
:apd a11, a happy and prosperous New
Year, the first of the 20th century:
A. E. Hodgert is away this week
Goderich in the interests of Battle's
Thorald Cement for the corning Year.
Miss Garlick, missionary to the
Blackfeet, Blood and Oree Indians, at
Red Deer, is visiting at G. A. Hynd-.
Nominations for Municipal Caudell
takes place oti Monday evening next,
when school trustees will also be
Geo. Andrew, of Hamiota, Man., ar-
rived here this week. He is visiting
friends in and around Elitnviile and
intends remaining in Ontario until
next fall;
Miss Cady McKellar, of. Hibbert,
niece of A. E. Hodgert, of Exeter,who
has been engaged with Miss Tait;town,
for aterm bas returned home a full
fledged dressmaker.
For the County Council Division of
'`Tay, Stanley and the villages of nay -
old and Hansall, Tolan Torrance of
ay. and Wm.' Lamont. 'tf 'Stanl'ey,.
reelected by acclaims, .op.
,osis Stahl, of Elktet,' Mich., for-
rly of Crediton, was ,a .caller at
TIMES this week; R. Harfkins, of
'y, Iowa, formerly of Hay,. also
, each renewing his subscription
sir favorite paper.
hursday last a team of horses
ing to the W. H. Lovett Pro- r.
o. ran away from:the station
an around town for some time
ending up at their own stables.
egon was badly wrecked but
es sustained very little dare -
ns, special .. • • .. ..... .
Silk drapes and cushion
covers, nee have them at 75,
, I,»5, 3,00 and
We w111 pay highest latices for butter, eggs,
t>llary, and all knifes of farms. produce.
1 ap
erect importer,,
Mr, and iters. Wm. Dauneep are
visiting friends in Wyoming. I SIlt.S-APPI,I;TON-'At
/mean. an Dee. 25 Caytor, of Detroit,is v'stllthe Rev. T. 0,Smith, h. Ii AjJohn elmto
her mother, Time. Bissett, sr. Lt2zio Appleton, both, ott5trhentownship.
Mrs. John Finkbeiner, of Stephen, laelywUQD--IiEitf1ZItT- On Den 19. at the,
1tc�t, ITU 11t. hr Ittt.1 '..1. ll'adda !! Jilin
This is a genuine clearing 4't sale.
G YOU1.. Cf11tL TMAS PIS " N+ '
c111s, Toys, Books, Chinaware, •1? us ' Goods,
Everything must. be soltitt oboe.
,D R, tdofors
i . sEitntlt of P.O.P
STIMW rtit : tit,x:: =,..Gaal..
threshed oat straw. 8'2.00 per load*
1 by the ton. L. Mt Tees aaT.
Fott SAM: Olt To R1. M -A comfort,
able cottage on I:Iw, beth street. uppI
to J. Melea si as..
died on Monday after a brief illness. a residence of the brides arent, James Her
Frank aN, ill is and Nisei Morgan, of Iloy,vood, of Elimville, to Miss Zeta I?erhert.
Forest, visited at, James '�V`illis' on 1 EARN.--WIllT FOOD -•t))) Dee. G,. by Rev
Christmas. , W. 3. Waddell. at the resident of the brides,
MissAdaL'I'rE file has returned from " parents. Wesley Horn, of Zion, to Mies Re -
Dorchester, en -1 becea A.. Whiteford
Dorchest r whe 1
e re she bas been,
IiAItDEk_tIiI.IL�I:i3I20i`C�'Ff-- Ati� . A
gaged the past season, drewsehurah, on Pe'. 23t.h, byRev. Xk..
Miss Annie Brooks who has been
• Johnston, Frederiel. W. Hartley. L
ondon, to o
past. returned to Detroit on Wedges r Fra Crrrk Membrane, of Eva street, Lon -
aiming her other for sotne time Mat A,tdtt ebrotah da
ughter o
don. Mr. Hardy NV418 is former resident of
day, 7.urirda,
Julius Perri", a very old resident of WILLIAMii--at,lilon•-tin Wednesday. Dee.
't'1'rto[lstock;- lit'd-ttt the house of Re-' aetli,tat the residence of the bride's father by
fuge at noon Friday at the age of Soli Rev. C. \V. i3rown. 1I I) aati,i eel be iters
Fletcher ars An hews Lien, ; 7. �VUllat Ls to
years. • Miss Lauraa 1tlaud.second daughter of Philip
John Sins and MissLizzie e 1p?1
dla d
els4., both the township
of t borso.
both of Stephen 'township, were mar -
vied in I.,uc:n,on Christmas by Rev. J. BA;v'DEIII4—In Exeter, on the 24th Inst. Geo.
0. South. Sanciele, aged 19 years, 10 months.
Henry Heist, of Michigan, was here' lltL\ AC(IMBE—In Exeter, on the 21st lest.,
this week attending the funeral of his Thomas Brimacombe. aged 67 sears.
sister the-1ate! Mrs. John Finkbeiner, TO OMB COLD IN ONE DAY.
of Stephen, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
The concert hl the Opera, House. druggists refund the rnone • if it fails to cure,
Christmas night by the Canadian 2+a• L•W. Grove's signature isoneach bottle.
Jubilee singers was well patronized
and touch appreciated.
Every member of, the Blanshard
Council will have opposition it is ru-
mored, at the coming election, but the
majority of the old rneinbers will be
Ms—Botha, Zif con. 2, Howick was
driving across the track on James St.,
Palmerston, when bis horse became
.unmanageable and was struck by an
engine. The horse died in a few min-
utes. • Mr. Botham received some
Oneday recently, while P. Lamont
and Burns, of Zurich, were looking This signature is on every boa of the genuine
1i E
up some timber in the Stanley swamp. • Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets "
they lost their way. After. two or the remedy that coxes a cold in one day
The instailationofofficers of Lebanon
Forest Lodge, No. 133 A. F. and A. M.
will take place Thursday evening. The
officers are W. M., Bro. P. Gowans
S. W. bade R. Marlin T. W. Robert
Knight ; chap., Geo. Carling
; Tress
B. S. O'Neil ; see'y, 0. II. Sanders ;
Tyler, S. Sweet.
To Itr•,x'r a -A. two storey brick cot-
toots on i� tlitnnt site+Eat, 10 snouts, ;til.
ply to Itay L. Pinson, Exeter.
Paseeer.r•,•r le�a,jsx --On Monday even-
ing, Dec. 10t;f', between Main St.
church and Trews Hill, •t ;;nld lrasce-
let. Finder will please leave same
nontr in s drug store.
g >�.
• rh, t ,,
it iAt 1 Ur
r. fist S
lit lL
Lumps. a .y
FAIR: MI6( � +�`elle • holtlln (3u
:tiClllrll ifliltlt`t'lnelzts
Iron, Tin and woodenWye of al! ? f rf'llt lines of (roods.
kinds, Dolly in endless variety. G;aues, t Pianos l''
Xmas cards, Calendars, Music :a 4,1our 1i,11t1 rz;;l
sliest. jlrst-classs, goods very
The finest assortment of Mat in ; , ,: ' at
Boron Co. Fruit sets, Salad , and "at prices..
n .
C ,
Celery�t 'din. `' er
C= (Belies, a 2L2 nntl {di
111 , .1
J"r, `�C''i 117 i
Vases,Fancy Slippers ers and toes r'
Cups y 1:itot 1i is varied andG.
Rose ars and ,Saucers.99
Glass. Opal and Celluloid )r ec.., Ina money can buy.
Shaving, Manicure, Glove ant' ldkfe' I
cuff and collar setts. Do not forgetsour S
Fancy Combs and Brusl $. 1 lines such as Children's
Ebony and Silver .Mani re and 1
Stationereesetts, Glove and oe But- � terrs and sleighs, also Vi
FRESH FRUIT rindTSC1AlI%S and 'Banjos Mandolins, 'Gr.
NU. ,� ^
!Mouth Organs and all. l
No trouble to'tihow. n Conl in of of musical goods at rock
and look at them. iV e cheap or
cash. tome prices.
Music in sheet and
e..e 'i't'7 F' airform.
■ sr Malt
Laundry sent/vaY every T ursday,
i -aN . 4 STORE !
three hours tramping they fortunately
came across the path where they ' went
in and retracing their steps got safely
De.SV. E. Browning, of Caledonia,
Minn.,. son of Dr. J. W. Browning, of
Exeter, was married in Pontiac, Mich.,
on Christmas to Miss" Dorothy Jane,
daughter of Mrs. John Gould, late of
Eater. T TEs joins a large
circle of friends here in extending con-
gratuliLtioes and wisbing the young
couple every •li,ipptness.
Those of our readers who suffexsfrom
any form of rupture should not fail to
consult with J. Y. Egan, hernia speci-
alist, during hie visit to Exeter, Com- t
mercial Hotel, Thursday and Friday,
all day and eve, two days only, Jan-
uary 10 and 11. This gentleman's.
social and business standing; combin-
ed with his thirty years of successful Handsome Cutters on 1iAnd which he
practice in the exclusive treatment et is felling,
this menacing affliction, 'should guar � �
antee to those. afflicted that, he is the Very .
most competent to entrust your ,case C
to—as you are then under the care of
In the Village of Exeter, Ont. Tenders twill
bo received by the undersigned up to the sat. of
of .Writ, 1901, south half of lot No. 9. from Main '
to William et., known as Hamlin's store prop-
erty. No, 381, 382 Elizabeth st., near McCal-
lum's tannery, No. 63, 64, u5, Androw st., No.
G51)as a frame dwelling, 7 rooms, will take one
third cash balance in payments at 5 per cent.
1+'or further particulars and terms of sale apply
to ovineoessariie.y Theexcepted. highest or any tender not
Brookholm, P. 0., on
a • s
.Tas. F. Russell has i nice stock of
a gentleman who is sincere in speak- Intending purchases will do w,' ll
tends, as he inas heel eying asperhe form- to, inspect there liefortl buying actingelse-
P w3ere,
ing as he promises, and being as he
;appears to he—that is what J. Y` S LY ARE NOBBY AND CHEAP•
4Fgap always does—and it is therefore e
tit to be wondered at, that be is meet i',
ilea with such great success, all of ,` . '� l
which he undoubtedly deserves. See 4,"'
advertisement in this issue.'Two doors south of Town Hall.
IN D. NrE0i.
HRISTMAS' will soon be here, b1 we are liege fi
it, and'" are in a position to sul2 ly your needs i
many lines of Christmas Goods, •!. Hdkfs ties; glob•:
pWl. A complete range of stylist find uta -to -date goods 4
large •rangeof men's neckwea' expected in ' ' i''cv day:
lateest ;find most up-to-date tolie had.
t+.verything you what lea, that line. New fro.its,
:, i
raisins, `choice layer and in 't figs, at the lowest prices.,
don't bay the cheapest ; Cii.osse & BlAckwill's are the b
have it ; lemon. citron and orange., Best selected vaisi
per ib. See our choice layer.raisllas in 7 lb boxes,also „:`
raisins in packages. New canned goods all in;,• Cori
and tomatoes 3 cans for 25c.
A call 'solicited. Produce taken in exchange.
First Store North of Post. Office,