HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-27, Page 5•
sublished every la,hursdar morning at
illitaS Steam Printing name
in street, nearly opposite Fittelialjewelry
etore, Exeter, Ont., by
JOBB WRITE ee SONS, Preprietera
l'irst insertion, per line 10 cents
.Eacl. subsequent insertion, per line3 cents
To insuro 3,nsertion, adootisements should
te cent in riot later than Wednesday inorning.
xthc largeet and best equippedin the CountY
ef Dimon.. All work cuausted to us Neill re-
ecivi our prempt attenton,
lregassitug Newspapers.
1 -ADS Person Wire takes a paper regularly
Isom the post office, whether directed in his
aline or anothereeor witetber he bile subseree
ed. or not, is reeponsible for payments
aest D. person, orders his paper execontinued
ie nuat pay ell arrears or the eub isber MOT
continue te send it until the peel:mut is macte.
and 11.011 collect the whole amount. whether
the papei s taiceit trout the office or not.
3 -In sui ts for subscript, ons. the suit may be
Instituted in, the place where the paper is pub-
lisbed, aethough the subscriber may reside
emea.reds of railes away.
4 -The eourts have &ailed that refusing to
take new.papers or periodicals from the pose
office. or removing an4 leaving them uncalled
Ior, its eriena facie evideme of intentional
tIte Non OT Intorest to
Timm Ronda* !lapwing
tliose 6ountios
Rheumatism in all it forms is
promptly eared by Hood's Sarsap-
arilla which neutralizes acidity of the
Death has been very busy in Mit-
chell during the year, one undertaker
....ne haviag consigned to earth over
sixty bodies.
T. IL Race. editor of the Mitchell
Recorderhas been elected direetor for
Division No, 11„ of the Fruit Growers'
Aasociation of Ontario.
Geo Reid, son of Win Reid, of
Brookedale, who has been farming in
Manitoba and Dakota for the past 14
years, has returned lime to stay.
Rev, Gerald Willoughby, pastor of
the Methodist, church, Teeswater, has
been invited to the pastorate or the
Brantiond Congregational aural,
Rev. 11. E. Mason, a former pastor
of the Winghane Congregational .
melt, is going to Washington State.
Filson has recently been etationed
Fanners' Advocate for Decent -
Ines to hand in au exceedingly
owe cover. The glowing ex -
is but a foretaste of the many
'hinge within.
Robert. Strang, a former resident of
Linwood, died in Winnipeg,
of pneumonia, While Dr
0111e twenty-five years ago
x mill and a general store.
y wedding took place in L.
ad on Dee. 18, when Miss Lena
s 4.Shakespeare, was married
to Mx. James Boughtflower of Strat-
ford. Miss Elsie Boughtflower, of
Hamilton, was bridesmaid.
Mr. and 111rs, Chas. Hardy and al-
ily of Armstrong, 13. 0. are visiting
Mr. Hardy's parents, 111r. and Mrs.
Hardy, St, Marys, Mr. Hardy has re-
sided for four years in British Colum -
bin, and speaks very highly of that
Robert Peacock, of Tuckersmith,
nearly four score years of age, is still
Jcpsite hale and active. Mr. Peacock
was superintendent of construction of
• Buffalo and Lake Huron Railroad
from Durinsville to Port Colborne, in
1859. Mr. Peacock's father was one
a the contractors of the famous Stock-
ton and Darlington railway -the first
railroad built in the Old Coantry,some
'73 years ago.
The financial statement of Fuller-
ton township for the year just closing
makes a gold showing and is credit-
able to the reeve and councilors who
had the management of affairs for
1900. The total expenditure has been
$11,101.60. which includes nearly
$2,000 for the McPhail iron bridge.
The receipts amounted to $1S,671.99;
The assets reach $359.34 while the
liabilities are placed at $7,294.
Tenders for belting for the new
electric power house at St. Marys
"slave been opened. There were a
number of tenders in, several Mont-
real and Toronto firms competing for
.4the contract. A Montreal firma whose
.. e •
'fender was the lowest, was given the
contract. The price is $2.10 a foot for
a 20 -inch 95"foot belt put on the pul-
leys. The belt will cost nearly $200
.and is guaranteed for five years.
' Andrew Macintosh,. the foreman at
the Lima. Northern yards at Delray,
ly saw the accident the supposition is
that he was busy coupling the cars,
ing of last week. Re vvas engaged in
ayard between two freight cers, and
though bone bis companiors actual -
had his life crushed out Monday that tbe train started up, and that his
overcoat caught, drawing him ender
ls. Wheel found a car had
al its entire length, man -
in a horrible manner.
'n Gederich.
Xmas time many
ley take place. De-
' one of the favor -
w oro • Cupid
be of the
Little Dolugat
Other Lea
Wheat fatui
t ,lafe
sft o
I slims the bode
,Flis father lives
Around about
weddings genert
• cember seems to
ite months witb ebb s
has been visiting. A
affair ocenrred at the resid
bride's Mother on lpthsleY stre
on Satuqay evening a .. 0 cane,
when Miss Christena M. Mt Elroy,
dest daughter of Mrs Wm. Mc -erey,
s united in love's holy bond. s to
re. Mackenzie, of Chicago, Rev w.
IlleLeall, of the Presbyteriati cht leeie
Hallett township will vote on a by_
maw to abolish statue labor. Ther e is
quite a strong feeling that the time
- has come to abolish it and keep ' p the
roads the sarneas the other reaiperises
of the township are doneeitirproposed
to collect 40cents a day in lieu of stat-
ue labor. &boat fifty Ontario mulct-
Nvill at New Years vote on
the questioa of abolishing statue labor
and substituteng the contract system
dr.road repair; the experience of town-
ships that have already made the
change is said to ' be most favora,ble.
In pric• dtur
aiviT :arAitmers.
.)ro the elosing prices
I/heat eentres ort Sat-.
Chicago a
New. Yorkeaaar • •
Milwaukee 0 77 0 le 8
St, LQUIS -*It; 11 tr;-2sa.,
Toledo 0 76 q 0 Sips
Detroit, irlat .. 0 77 0 77 9 /ay.,
do, white . 077
Duluth, No..1
Nordic= - 0 71 0 71 .... 751/4
Duluth, No,' 1
hard . 0-73 ..-
Minneapolis., No.
1 Northem 0 711/4 .... 0 741/4
Liverpool, Dee. 24. - Saturday's
Close -Spot wheat, dull; No. 1
standard, Cal., 6s 2a/c1 to Gs 3d;
No. 2 red winter. ris 111;c44 to Os;
No, 1 Northern., spring, fis ailed to 6s
ad; futures. inactive; Feb. Os Oield;
March, as (ned.
TOriON'Tts sT. LAW Irlilstets sx,REss.
Toronto. Dee. 2 La -Receipts of fella
produce were 4,750 bushele of grain,
25 loads of hay, 3 of strew, and 50
dressed, hogs on Saturday, beehive
immense deliveries of fruit,. Veg,e-
tables, butter, eggs and poultry
' for the Xmas market,
Wheat. buslia ....S.0 07 to .50 071/4
" reU, busb. ....... (.1 071/4 0 OS
" life, Mist). 0 GS
" geese, busle 0 01 (V4i1.4
Oats, hush. ..............0 25 0 30
Barka Miele .. .... 0 40 0 44
Rye, bush, 0 511/4
Beans, Mali. 1 13 125
Peas, bush. . 0 59 0 03
Buckwheat, Musa: .. 0 53% • - •
alay and Straw -
Rae, per ton 05 to $14 00
Straw, sheaf, per ton 00 32 00
Straw, loose. per ton7 en 8 09
Italry 1104U(0'
Butter, lb„ retie 0 20 to $0 23
Rage, now laid .• 0 ar, o 40
Eggs Iteld, per des, 0 22 0 25
Spring ebieliene, per lateen 3) lo .10
Turneys. per lb. 0 01) 0 12
Spring tineke, per pair.- 0 50 0 90
Geese. per le 0 CO 0 07
Fruits one, Vegetables -
Potatoes, new„ per 5ag$0 30 t. $0 a5
far", per ra LI 3 ra
pe etc ........•••
Apples. per ble. 1 Olt 2 00
Turnips, per beg ....a0 lel 0 30
per 0 20 0 30
Eed 4bilage. per. acme0 3n 0 40
Onions, per bag 0 75 0 8)
TortONTO LIVE: '41.430112.
Toronto, Dee. 22. -The run of live
stock at the Cattle ,Martiet
light yesterday, at) loads, compoied
of 270 cattle, 1,140 begs, 404 sheep
and lambs, and 10 ealves. 'ren ore
Of elm thove zunnber contained 1,340
hogs. which were shipped to Park,
Blackwell & Co., direct, which inada
a, total a 9,480 hogs that were mar-
keted yesterday. The qualitY of fat
cattle was fair. 'Trade Was fairly
good for exporters, but very dull for
all classes of butchers' cattle, as
most of the deniers bad. got their
Mims supplies. Sheep and Iambs
Wore sold at still lower quotations,
'While in all other branches of the
tra.de there was little change in quos
Expeet et(Mel?git;t; ii,O4 to 4 15 4 50
" Choice 4 Oil 4 so
" hulls, light 3 iitt 3 75
lanes good butchers' no
exporters, mixed .. 4 25 4 57a
Butchers' fettle, reeked lots 4 40 4 '50
F gI1041 75 00
" medium, taxed . 3 30 3 40
" eommon ..... la 00
" Inferior ... 2 40 .2 75
Feeders, heavy . ..... 3 40 3 Ott
Feeders, light 3 00 3 25
Feeding bulls .. . 2 75 3 25
Stockers 2 021 3 00
Stock bulls ................2 00 2 25
Mitch cows 0 00 '15 00
Calves ... ... . ... , 3 00 '10 00
Sheep, ewes, per eNv't 2 75 3 00
Sheep. bucks, per ewt 2 00 2 50
Lambs, -eaeli . 2 50 3 so
Lambs, per cwt. 3 50 4 00
Sheep, butchers' 2 50 3 50
Hogs, choice. not less than
160 and up to 200 lbs5 87% ....
" light, under 100 lbs5 se ....
" fats a .. 5 50 ....
" sows --------------3 50 4 Mt
" stags ..... 2 00 ....
" stores . . . . 4 se ....
EAST BUPPA.12.0 oATTLit 31A.12.1KET.
East Buff; az, Dec. 24. -Cattle on
Saturday -Market very quiet; offer-
ings small. Calves, light supply,
fair demand, steady; choice to ex-
tra, $7 to $7.25; good to choice,
$6.50 to $7. Sheep and lambs -
Offerings, 21 loads; choice to extra
lambs, .$5.50 to $5.60; good to
choice, $5.35 to $5.50; fair to good,
$5 to 35,85; connnon to fair, $4.25
to $5. Sheep, choice to extra, $4
to $4.25; good to choice, $8.75 to
Dee. eau. Key.
$. ;0 70% V:P
Monster Religions Revival to Begin With
the New century.
New York, Dec. 24. -It was an-
nounced yesterday that a secret
committee meeting was held in this
city yesterday, at which plans 'were
perfected to hold a inonstor religious
revival to usher in the 20th ceotury.
This revival is to be the fruitio)1 of
the plan evolved by the late Dwight
L. Moody, which his friends took up
and have enlisted in its support the
mass of prominent Christian workers
of the country. . Practically every
branch of the Protestant Church,
and all the great religious societies -
identified with it are united in the
crosade. The week of prayer will
fOrmally inaugurate the movement
all over the United States, but this
city will witness the real opening of
the campaign.
The Czar Remains at Livadia
St. Petersburg, Dec, 24. -Tho cor-
respondent of the Associated Press
was informed by one of the 'Ministers
of State yesterday afternoon that
Emperor Nicholas and the Ministers
of Finance, War and Foreign Affairs
do, not expect to leave Livadia.,
where the Czar is cotivalescing, be-
fore the middle of January.
Trolley Strike at Scranton.
Scranton, Pa., Dec. 24. -The 'ele0-
tric railway men's strike was order-
ed yesterday morning, and the Whole
' Wyoming Valley is completely tied
of poison
$ checked in
whole Impure.
rata 1,,v the
• too d purifiers.
w, but briage Suns
every housebOld.
-0 My mother watt
atieni in her knee for
ncl it broke out into
oolc three bottles 01
and Is DM well.
t helped to heal the
FARR. Cloverlawas,
was :badly afflicted
era Consulted doe -
Was persuaded to try
Roodia earsaparala, And live bottle, gave
me re/ and enabled me to go to work.,"
RoAce, efargaretville, N. S.
f Jr. a4ezi6
te to in r
le mutually a.gr
r a seat in,
• Don't ten •ries et a ctonlattutS char. ,
acter. tors w
Don't interrupt; dou't contradict;
doist be quarrelsome.
Don't tell long stories, even when
asked to.
k Don't me Mang phrases.
A Vanderbilt or a Rocke'clier caa
'Pen a few lines of legalesaa and it be-
comes worth anywhere from, $5,000,001
to $50,000,000. That b capita
The 'United States can take ounce
and a fraetion of gold and stamp 0
"screamer" and $20 upon. it. That is
, A. good mechanic can take $5 worth
of raw material and turn 11 into aa
article worth .;t10 or $20. That is shill.
. Aiz editor can talcs the long-winded
'article of an lenerant correspentleat
and cut it down to a few correct Moe
of readable eorenson SClifie. That is
e. A merchant eau buy an article for 50
cents and eell it for $1. That is bin -
.A. lawyer can tails ten minutes with a
client and charge him $30. That is tins
A lady eau buy a hat or bonnet far
10 or $15, but would rather pay $30.
net Is foelishriese.
A laborer can work ten boars a tiny
and handle ten tons of rock or ethcr
material for $1. 'That is .unjuot.
All is not beer that Is bitter.
Overtalk tires more people than
Hospital bulletbe contabe the aelve
of the weak.
A vain woman is like a street piano -
she is full of airs.
Every man who ion't prominent lue
glues be will he some clay.
A spinster can't lear31 to play the vio•
lin unless she has a beau.
Talk is rather cheap, but OM° Deo.
Plo have a, mania for trying to monopo-
lise la
If you would keep your enemies from
I:mowing any harm of you. don't lot
your friends know any.
ne went nonsrer tti zest e
Lieut.- Gen. S'a. Charles; Warren. ;
soinntsnier thf the sa .1 • ..
pa:ban polie.e, has leaa nemie a •
comma neer of the Britaih trestis; t:
Ca n da
;11t Whil nsy and MrCle-ary wor
billed to addreas 0 mass mese :ne
Vta.liand opera house Frith e taes:a
lea both were taken suddenly ill :in,
tae niceties bad to be caneelled.
"Seow 1tfl" Sir :1 lt, 1 he r-Tlvri burs:.
lar Ito, eerly tea •aez morniee
• Ontiel En the :se: • won f a yolin2
in Torair 0, will), when
I' es. hos fa I her, ltsa r'.2g :Tres ms,
rr 11 to 2 ls re Net. ruck him: down
v„ Is s pi of i pips, was rant -
.1 he ce;"-• ne".esiteile to 19
anitent iarY.
Foreign securities in Femme are free
from tax when they have paicl no divi-
dend or interest in two years; but the
minister of finance has lately decreed,
that in order to enjoy the immunity,
security -holders must produce balan.ce
8/met, Inventories and minutes of the
general meetings of the company, cer-
tified by French diplomatic agents.
The military commander of Paris has
ordered that placards illustrating the
evil effects of alcohol shall be placed
.on all of the barracks In that city.
These cards, -which are hung in con-
spicuous places, show on one side the
interior organs of a drunkard, and on
the other those of a temperate man.
Beneath is a brief explanation of the
pathological and moral effects of the
abuse of alcohol.
According to the laws of good so-
ciety in China, young widows sheald
not remarry. Widowhood is therefore
held in the higbest esteem, and the
older the widow grows the more agree-
able her position becomes. Should
sh.e reach 50 years she may, by apply-
ing to the Emperor, get a sam of
money with which to buy a tablet, on
which her virtues are named. The tab-
let is placed over the door at the prin-
cipal entrance of her house.
Officers of the regular army are
greatly disturbed over a clause in the
army bill. It provides that "no officer
* * * shall be detailed as a bar-
tender" in connection with post can-
teens. It is said that the military af-
fairs committee of the Senate was
urged to strike out the Word "bar-
tender" on the ground that it was an
intuit to officers to intimate that they
could serve in that capacity. Now that
the objectionable phrase has been
enacted into law, there is ntuch indig-
rhe British Home Office report for
1897 shows that while serious crimes
tend to diminish in England, there IS a
great increase of minor offenses. By
far the laeger number of criminals
convicted during the year have been
convicted of some crime before -a, fact •
(bat led the Home Office to conclude
"that neither penal servitude nor im-
prisonment serves to deter the habit-
ual offender from reverting to crime,
on...it is the habitual offenders wh\sti:
form the bulk Of the prison. popula.,
Mead's 21eu !Ives fib; the coisirrritstins and
enty ea:house to take ssit)i "bsitaparille•
Some wealthy merehants of to-0ar
might not have been eo had there beea
110 suck word as fall.
The total amount received by thy
Red Cross Society as the result of the
endless letter chain started during last
summer by MISS Natalie Schenck, of
Babylon, L. L. is $20,000. She still re-
eelvee an occasional letter,
.An enormous pipe Isar Juet been.
made for Preeident Erueger by a Dub-
lin firm, The bowl le of the finest briar
root, the stem of cut IttlIeattite, and
the ease a leather lined with chamois.
On the front of the bowl and carved
into the wood is the Transvaal coat of
Dr. Negro, of Turin, has succeeded
In curing 100 out of 113 cases of seiat-
ca by digital pressure over the painfut
par:. The preseure is applied with all
peeeihie force for fifteen or twenty
afeereele, and is repeated for mime
lereth ot time after an interval of a
few minutes, In many cases as
tmatments are all that is necessary.
Through, an error in the bill provids
net a code of laws for Mask% Albert
D. Elliott, clerlt of the Diotriet Court
at Moshe, whose salary is ilsed
32.500. will receive in fees sail:Hi-at to
nothe bis total remuneration hmws.Tri.
$20.600 and $25,000 a year. Title will
mite the OW the best paid of any
In the United States Government with
the exception cif that of the Presi-
Times Clubbing Rotes.
Do you tette tile "UDEAXONVIINV, It's one or
bettattest, best toustrated. gtott most rettdaaplo or toQut
Papers. We oub o havo twiceasmauysubscribereaud ai.e
ternoned to tr.et ;Item. To gain these rtew sub S er.1 here we oger
absolutely free. 51 COLD to lie distributed -wider tue
following coedi tons. we want - - WATCHES_yea te tirniuge the tioeunible4
tettora in. the moat. into filenames or 3 carmine a cities. whe Met Person sending us a Gees
rest sointion will receive a Dminaillecut atlyear Gold Pilled Wr.lthour llrattia• ladi's or
ears size, opentaceor hunting earie. as Alestred. 'The net 314 Neittlint; erect answers
will en c11 receive Gold. Pla tea BunUng Case WatcheS, ladYs or geneseelec a* des111.4,
more tbituthisnutulter Oreerrect lessver,„ -we was. giNo LaeleejLiOnmra 4.101.41 MOM 4
oisroine VeutesekTa.1vL So Ice eElLeibi iii4fgazi.yekokte0017„tetCutilTASILLeirfe rs
ban that date. 4. Wrth your answer You must eis- • q elose s • Alt
year's subscript ton to the DOME MOiLYDIANAUNC. 3. Sloneystuust be sent Its -Postal, ote•ila.
prcs$ Order or stegistered Letter.. kitaillIM OOt accented. 4. All auswet:s must be scut bY mall, re Ins
here perfect fairuesS. AnSrireeS Will be numbered in Abe order reeeerea, end watches sent to Alre
successful compel Attars ou hes:1st clue or rebrnalee mot. write ceausss rex- ceie is a seeelal oefer or
rettltillP$14043 ear montlaynagnztnerer onty 50e. 21031E P17181.11$11.1.N.Q Mr., Box 10 Toronto.
FOR 1901.
`hams and Weekly :Mail
4.• I I " Mole. 1.50
44 4f FainilY Herald & Star 1.75
" " Montreal Witbees 1,05
" " London Free Press 1.75
" Weekly Sun 1-75
." Daily Mail 4.23
44 Daily Globe 4.25
" Evening Mail
" Evening Globe 3.23
a I " Daily Newe eees
" Daily Free Press 3.23
" Evening Free Press 2,75
" Christian Guardian 2.00
-AL. Finn INSPItS 'Net ("0 .
• ifistablashett LID, 1263,
bis Company liss been ever Tiventv-Ii.th
in successful emir dim iu Weetern
tasurie. one retain itesto insureassill52 loss .n•
den ass by Vire, Buildings. 31 crehattlise
Strustst net Dries and all st her &seri p Li o as of
insurable proeerty. Intending insurers have
the option et rnsmingon the Premium Note or
Ceti4 '3*ttll.
1)uring the past ten years this columns has
itsuct.57.t9i, Polielei, covering property to the
*111(1182 et $40.872,148: tout paid in, losses alone
As4.ett, $L70.100.(10. consisting of Gash
in ) :mit Government Depos.itand the UilaSS CS -
sod Pt ossium h (sea on hand mud hi force -
.1.1. .11 ',leas, 31.3e, 1 resident ; M. TAYLOR
tecretary : .1. 1.11rent s, Inst. ee tor . CHAS.
BELL, Agcnt for Exeter and vicinity.
Notice is hereby given that the 26th antrual
meeting, of the members of the Hay Township
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, will
be held at the Town Hall, Zurich. an Tuesday.
Jan. 81h, A., D., 1901, at the hour of one o'clock
p. m. BususasS.-Receiving the Directors' and
:Secretary's annual reports, election of Directors
and other business for "be good and wisdom of
the company. All members are requested to
Jos'rus Ms:men, Esq, Einsarv Enstnns,
President. Secretary.
The eighth annual general meeting of the
shareholders and patrons of the Winchelsea
Butter and Cream Association will be held in
the Township Halt, Elimville, on Thursday
Jan. 3rd, 1901, at one o'clock p. in., for the pur-
pose of receiving reports, electing officers and
general business. The Treasurer will pay -a,
dividend of 6 % at the conclusion of the meet-
ing. Your presence is requested.
Pre4ident. Secretary,
Winchelsea, Dec. 201h, 1900.
Of John B, Penny late of the village of
Exeter, Gentleman, deceased.
Pursuant to Chapter 129 of the Revised Stat-
utes of Ontario, 1897, notice is hereby given
that all creditors and others having claims
against the estate of John B. Penny, late of the
village of Exeter, in the Count v of Itnrou,
entlemam who died on or about the Eleventh
day of August, .5. D. 1900, are, oil or before the
First day of January A.D. 1901, to send by post
pre -paid to the undersigned solicitors for the
Administrators of the raid estate of the said de-
ceased their ohnstain names and surnames ad-
dresses and descriptions, with full particulars
of their claims, a statement of their accounts
and the nature of the securities (if any) held by
them. and that after the day last aforesaid the
said Administrators will proceed to distribute
the assets of the said deceased among the, par-
ties entitled thereto,having regard only to stela
cIainis of which notice shall have beet given
as above required, and the Said Administrators
will not be hale for the said assets or any part
thereof, to any person or persons of Whose
claim or claims notioe shall not have been re-
ceived lathe time of such distrilmtion.
Dated at Exeter this 18th day of December, A..
Solicitors for Administrators
Exeter'. DECIs.MBEIt 19111,191
'beat Per bushel . ,... .611 to 61
. 21 to 15
...31 to 137
Peas ,...... ...... 50 .'ar 5;
Butter-- 41,4* 18 to Isl
Egge 20 to 2e
Turkeys ... 8 20 13
IGeese.• • ..• .....• 5 19
Chickens per n" •.. •••••• e it) ...t
Weirs.... . .. 401, i til, 7
1,1% amt.-. .••• 4 ILI,,, , •11. 5210 iti
1)rie4-A.1)0es- - .. a to a
Perk dreseed,-.. . . . ,.... a 26.75 to 7041
LondOn, DECI.,13413412 19211, 1900.
wheat per bushel.- .• •• ••••53 us
Oats-, -.21 to
Peas .... .... ...-.43 to
Buckwheat ....45 20
Rye • •• SO t4.4
Cern . 4.. • 4 4444 • oaf. 444.444.4 Pe
1311t Ger •••• 113 to
Egli8 ...... 1620
Ducks --- 60 to
Turkeys peril...-. ...... ti to 11,1
Geese perlh...... CO to 7u
Chickens 40 to 50
Cheese.-- ----• ..... t to lu
Potatees per beg... e 5e to es
Bay per ton ...... ...$ tbet; to $
Fork taw c,n.. - .. 400 to 25.00
.*There is only one cbanc 0 to save
roar life and that is through an opera-
' " were the startling words heard
by UPS. 1. 13, Hunt of Lime Ridge.,
Wis., from her doetor after he had
sandy tried to cure her of a frightful
case of stomach trouble and yellow
jaundice. Gall 3401303 had formed and
she constantly grew worse. Then sbe
began to use Electric 131tters which
wholly cured her. It's a wonderful
Stomach. Live 0 and Kidney remedy.
Cures Dyspepsia,Loss of Appetite. Try
it. Only 50 cts. Guaranteed. For sale
by all druggists,
Mrs. J. IL 11044 itiok%tew. Ont.. says: "1
have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for ahliblains,
end round it 111082 elreetuill. It relieved the
between al mat immediately end a few e.ppla
eat Rae made a complete cure."
Take a Libxestiver Pill before retiring, and It
Will work while Noll t,leen without a grip or
gripe curing Biliousnes14, lrenstipatiou and
Dyspepsia and make you feel better in the.
Morning. Price 2.1e.
.Itzlin Mereri:-.e, regal r ,
Lea 4rk, 25 ;1.' 1,
1.1111•,:-,1.ri 2113, ,7%
r 1.,1 N ttva 1.31,•
-.v. Dr. Crs.nt„ 111.1., an t •
1,.11 t111, 11 :4 3: % e. „.. 1
21 ys2r.1 oI, .y.
.1. 17. 2Lover:el'. r
' "1 ea% W2l4 t'l-11,41. 2 t4;
in Is'. Y;ii-Or ol 11.1:4 P.?
11,..;ers :
2_1 as ::%i".tt'ister I' '!.• I
',II, ". .:'• - •
• • n Tivt wr: t haat la -
I u ,ss t .littv. 3', en eet
n l e. 7, as el eei
ate bs. i1se..1 .2 4:: 2% I.s
te, .k • 1.e, course ..• ,
si on. wh-i is en0r eonietie.. o
it at iteg"ret for the murder o
o t tualy at aloosomin.
14rinslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for
over fifty years bymillions of mothers for their
children while teething, with perfect success.
1.1 soothes the child, softens the gums, allays al
pain, cures wind colic. and is the best remedy
for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to tho taste. Sola
by druggists in every part of the world.. 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Soothing
Syrup and take mt other kind.
We have unlimited private funds fOr invest-
ment uppn farm or Vin,In property at loweS6
ates of interest.
flowrz TO LOAN%
"I had the Rheumatism in my shoulders se
bad that 1 eon -4 not rest at night. took. 1411'
burn's Bbeurnatie Plits arid have tios:. tea a
trace of it eince." John reiratom teleuteno.
fOOMTIRENNIII/2.7•0•••••••11177•11161.1.1771•,=••M .SIMITM111.1•1•1.1.4
Fldheriand Ines Co. LTD.
1 have a large amount el private funds to;
5'. W. GialtlIAX. L4M-
!flatten farm and villagepropertiee at tow ratee
of interest.
larriszer Main $2,„ Exeter.
klq. 4 Ince- Orcditon. Ont.,
W • 111.1()‘‘:';I5.ti 14.
t VA.11,-ii:s Vivi* espy
duce se,1,, 414, 44e4. ,'..l1l, 02, labora•
nay. Exeter.
E. OR Kessel,
Barristers FOS:eons. Notaries, Conves-aueerse . .
Commies& eicra Bee
alcuee to 1,Am at CPO: cent. and 5 Irg' enit
OF1'10E:--FAN.%)N'S 161.0c6.'„ EXETER.
2.11. R. DieNSISN.
Member 1 he Orris will 120 31 lit u-oli an
I Match* el taell week.
(Successor to Elliott & Gladmant
Barrister ,Solicitor, Notwy Public, i
Conveyancer, Etc, '
Money to loan on Farm and village i
properties at Lowest rates of Interest. i
• _ - - ..._ _
,. -,-- not aittpon. torlt"
- - . , '1.4 ICI ' * * EINtIA .. 1
.1,0 ;::1;Su. ;A:T.1
Teeth extracted without pain Or i
• 1/12. A. It. .
itiv cogoi try, Gpr a.ednUt tiv.itt.t i
had after elfeets. Office in Fan. ,
sOn's 1110(k. West side Of Blain '
8treet. Exeter' s
OR- AftB380P. (0. D, L D. S.)
If you want to have g,oed lima with
your Christmas cakes use our Prince
Pastry Flow. ask for it oral insist on
having it.
Is 0 dish for the dainty. the robust,
the dyspeptic and the tazzegry, for tall
appetites and conditions, it is, the
peerless item of a good breekfast, and
there is no sabstitute.
Will make More bread and a larger
loaf than any other family flour.
Once used always wanted.
a011or Oralluate Of the Toronto Nasser -I ' ; Y91.1
and Royal College et- ,Dental Surgeons
Ontario. All bridge work. Crowns, at d Plato
work done in Oae neatest possible manner. A,,
harmless anresthetic for painless extraction.
The strictest attention 51V00 to the preservat-
on of the natural teeth. Oilleo opposite Con
tml Ilotel, Exeter. Ontario.
Tennent & ennent-
Grachltde (1 the Ontario Veterinary- Col-
Oilice-One dear sruthef Town Hall.
Valuable farm for sale 1; miles from Exeter,
100 ties Lot 3, con 3, Hay township.good brick
house, good barns and stables, driving shed
two wells, eistern, never failingstream,suitable
for grain or stock, 90 acres under cultivation,
balance wood. Convenient to schools and
churches. Apply to
Hay P. 0. Ont,
Public notice is hereby given that a meetin
of electors of county division No. 4. compose
of Stephen. 'Osborne and Exeter, will be held at
the Town Hale Exeter. on Monday Dec. 24th,
1900, at the hour of one oaloca p. me for the
purpose of nominating candidates to represent
the said county division, in the Council of the
County of Huron, for the years 1901 and 1002;
and in case 4 poll is demanded, polls will be
opened on the 7th day of January 1901, in eacii
polling sub-divisicn, at the. time and place
fixed by by-law of the Municipalities in the
said county division
Nominating Officer for
Council Division No. I.
Dated at Whalen this 17th day of Dec. 1000.
We give handaomeWatch 'with
edge. hour, minute and second
;hands, keyless wind, American
and silver fi n IS hed
Horseshoe PinS at lea.
each. Mail this advertise.,
moot and we'll send the Horse-
shoes. Sellthem,rotnrremoney
and your Watch 21211 2. sant
you. absolutely free. The
Dix COet Box 105 'Toronto.
A good Assortment
We want to clear these lines at once.
' Tine 'Irmilor
Anyone sending a Sketch and description may
q uickly ascertain otir opinion free whether an
invention, is probably patentable. Commtmics,
tiona strictly confidential: Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patentit taken through Munn & Co. reoeivo
spate/ abtics, without arge in. the
A handloniely Illustrated weekly. Largeet cir.
ciliation of any Scientific journal. Terms, 53 a
year; four -months, N. SOld by ali newsdealers.
36 i Broadway; New York
bream Oftlee. g25 F Bt, Washington, D. 0'
SOLID woginthNheautew Solid
ty Pins at lee. a set. These Yins ore
finished in gold and enamel, prettily
engra end and neatly carded, throo to a
set. They axe suchuplendid value our
agentssollthemin almosteveryhouse.
Send us this advertisement anti we
will forward the Fins. Sell them,
return tho money, widens beauti-
MISolidGeldRingwill bosent you
hp return mall, absolutely free.
krotidulon Novelty too.,
Box 105 Toronto, Can.
Meat Market
The undersigned has °parted up a
new meat Market one door
out carling's Store
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on hand.
e, Lon
•tion in
its re -
With :
and the
. ,
Every facility at command for Mirug
young people both before and after
graduation. We are doing sup-
erior work, results prove it. Send
Tor our catalogue and. College
Journal. "
• • •
Always keeps on hand a com-
plete stock of caskets and
trimmings cm different kinds.
Also the largest stock of furn-
iture ever shown in Exeter or any
town in the county.
Prices as low as can be made.
Do not fail to see our immense
stock in our two storey building.
Our desire is to please every-
o ' 1,,
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of our offer. We
are showing a fine range of
Black Worsted in twills, von e-
tian s and clays (bought before
the heavy advance in price
and selling at the old prices.
Nice suits for $14 in. fancy
worsted suiting. We show
big range at moderate prices
iri Sco6ch and Canadian tweeds
we cary a large and well as-
sorted stock. Prices to stiit
all. A large stock of the lat-
est goods voa oercforsingt
from $10 up.
GIVE DS A CALL and see
what we can do for you.
. H. Criev