HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-27, Page 4TELL.ri EX,ETER The Moisons neteielleBee , One ea1 Qc,oteaL eteldriee ELLIOT, Este, Gr. -Neoax o deed te good fanners with ono or more wieorser annum. enester Wendt very lawful day from le 4.'01.03 p.m f See'reeItDATe., le ma to 1 p.m. Urrcnt rates ot Intereet valowed on deposits. CIXSON 4O CARDING, N. D. lEICIIDON, SObierrOUS. MANAGER ' Dee.tnne,'ete RESULTS OF RECENT 1NO0DEL EXASIS. AT mrroRnt, , Oat of 50 who wrote at these place te" 44 were successful. Following is the list, au intereseieg one to many studentez- Annie C. Dougherty, Mitelaell, Belle Dow. Mitchell. Lily A Harding. Auderson. Beatrice Punebard, Seafortle Louise Rooinson, Violette F. Tbomeon, Hattie Weight, Mitchell, David 11. Dow, Ruseeklale. Robt, B. Francis, Mitchell. Tiniliawn W. Hart, Woodhaart. Melvin L. Hooper,, Mitchell. Horace G. Hinelbeirt, Mitchell, William May, Mitchell, William A. Robertson, Alonkton. Peter S. Stewart, Mitchell. Hugh S. Welsh, eaforth. -calendar for Deeternber, 1900. Seeersex, , - 2 1 23.3(0 Moxneee " 3 10 ri 21 31 I Ternsoex• 4 11 18 25 .r WEDete:sDAT... 5 12 19 26 TeirEseteter..- 6 13 20 27 Eatnetne 7 14 21 23 .Se.TURD..eee ..... I 8 15 "." 20 Mitehell quired was Mit: the pees mark 340 or r' tate. The honer leark, 073 or MeNaughtore feeyse , All the candidates made over the pais New State. Is visttelog ad were granted Third Class (\tUI- for Christlekee.-Mr. cates. The following as the Het: - Chelsea, took away a , ui on Saturday laste-1, Chidley, goes Pierce, Alue7 ity was a husee daY anlonR Wel Courtice, Hattie Stewart. Mary Me me, even without sleighing. A ; cameben, Mabel Scott. Ethel rny cattle 'with loaI:O ds of Pnce Dultelartha Alice Taylor, Augusta .F3 was an old time iziarket - Miss Elliee Mettle otterill W11 attend the Normal echooll,, Rowe, Jennie 9.13.Ureettsro, oFalczaircietri.oe at Loudon after the New Year. -One meEn.en. Alice m ;mon E, it of our old citizens died veey euddenly ; on Saturday pornlug. seer. Gladden ; BeelAett. NUil'Ate.sn'opbell. George was up towum the morning end re- Cooper, Eva Down, lenoeE. turned home about 10 eecleek and ;in Doan. mina few minutes felt 01 and died. He was Goverdnek. Jennie pilloieTeinttU..s,it,11:11 75 yens of age and liveel in Fullerton. X elewen,Elizabeththdud, Donald till about le yes ago, when he -came MeLean,Auselia J Hamilton. Thos J. to Mitchell. He leaves a, widow to mereeed, Fiera goeper, A. ed. eorVive .-Jam Wallace died on „ petteeeen,:mnry1. g,ipotriek,w. E. Peetulee' ZROV5illg,after a Ilengeildne-'5'9. Ititchie, Annie Matheson,. Wro, T. Ale had lived over :11'1,Years all(ene,YePt Seenbury,Floretta, XeDoueld, V. bad 13:kry•F Yvars Ple3snre e.141`Y` Sirtithe, Agnes E Susitle.Elee. OAR Pest middle, lite, he Ise" a l'"17 Tlienipstee Whittle Stela, Bobo life. when tile Segvataon eertnY le" Wi SAIL Ethwell Taylor, Hugh beldo him:anal, to their ewdilt 8'2'2" Weeigia, leale.1 wightman, Wm 1 vccnit,t1 'in reforming, arel the peet few Aioenelead.eeneet woe. levee. Tzat-31kt^ bas (low the 1"e't 41.64411 4or4. Rota. illinteseEtiwin aletne and leadieg a changed, eezahe, John life. His health failed ;theist six mon- Ono. Bentle secy., Clinton. AT CLINTO:c The Board of Examiners for the County of Huron met in the Model ; School, telinton, on Saturday, Dee.22nd at 10 a. en. to finish the work of the I Medel School terra, There were in all 47 candidates, and of there 21 attended oat leo:tench and 23 at Clinton. Of these eaudidates 8 bekl Senior Leaving 7t b, IWO nonprofessional certificates. $5 held Junior Leaving Mad four held Prim- ary. The total noraher of marks re- ths 'age. and grednelly got worse until !; death conie. The wedding of Xiss Annie Abery, To Em , „aud Alex. Creighton.of Biensherd took Too eritus oo Divieoes -eo- place on Tuesdaysat Woodhaue 4. --Being evable to see. ail the electore 41. E. ('wily is going to erect• a of this County Connell Division.I take, creansery in Clinton. the 1 ouncil bay - Me medium of eoliciting the votes ing gie en hire a free lease of property and influence of all who consider roe q elle 'ees1 to ateeet in moving. The L lit and roper pereon to lepreeeeit bonding win et, L-ixim feet. neu2 at t County Council of Hume 4 . m The Ohl gene -minden of Ontario e el as Reeve of Vellui ' , ports eiee0 dear killed diving the a, nn er c'f Fea"* 3" 6'14 at tht. eeieein juet elosethehis le 2000 less than 'ouncil for eeveral terme. ) in low *ears ago, I ani acquainted with i WP Iearn that J. P. Elliott, of the titte that devolve upon the r.,e,;e1 Bayfield line, has rented the property -ntative, and Promise. if eletrtiee i meet' by Arthur Contelon, at present •rform the functions of the °Wee i in the hands of M. Petrie, are and eeonomy. Again sone- t J. Pickett, of the lith con. Goderich Your votes and inn"e"re' 1 beg to township. bad the misfortune to get n, yours truly. JOHN DELBRIDGE. Ws hand badly cat in a enttieg box the other day. :elle Darling, of Rueseldale, disposed -0 Tiu Ereeerons t Lecome of his flute stock and implements by tonso axle STEPUEN.---At the solici- auction at week. lie Intel:WS niov- on of a Illeete number ef eateiveYete ing to St. Marys about the end of this esigned the Reeveship of the week. ehip of Stephen, and consented At a meeting of Granton Preshy. e a candidate for the t.ffice of t terian congregation held c,n the 10th .4,,owaty Councillor for Division No. 4. inst., it was unanimously decided to I will be unable to personally eee all extend a eall to the Rev. F. W. Gil - the •electors, end take tbis means of mouse of Newmarket, Ont. solicitin.g your votes and influence. If you are nervous or dyspeptic try 1 piouuse if electea to give careful Carters Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia attention to all matters coming before makes you nervous, and nervousness the council, and discberge my duties makes you dyspeptic ; either one ren - with that economy ccorisistent with tiers you miserable, and these little good government. Wishing all a pills cure both. happy and prosperous New Year, 1 Canvassers for the proposed beauti- am yours truly, Brennan Rime. , fie new Methodist church to be erect- ed on 'Victoria, St. Clinton, have met Additional Locals • with a niost cordial reception. the list totalling at present over 87000, which t it Is expected will be very materially Melville Howey, Elora, is visiting a his increased before it is closed. home. A woman who is weak, neryous and Mr, and .Mrs.N.Keddy visited friends in St. Thomas. sleepless, and who has cold hands and Mise Edith Rollins is spending vacat- feet, cannot feel and act, like a well loreat home. . person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize , :Miss Sarah Orr, of Detroit,c the circulation, remove nervousness, is visit- ing her parents here. and give strength and rest. iss Jane Johnston !aid claim of $500 The Misses Gerry,of Mitchell,are vis- iting frieuds in town. against.the township of Stanley, for I injury by breakieg her arm on crossing Miss Belva Holland, of Lowell,Mass., is visiting at her home. at corner of Beatty Bros., Varna. An agreement was reached whereby elle Mrs. Jos. Bowden spent • Christmas with her sons in London. accepted $100, Beatty Bros. paying $60 • " l Miss Amy Johns is visiting friendsand the township $40. i in Toronto and Aurora. Once again the peaceful slumbers cf • the residents of Blyth were aroused on Miss 13. Crews, of Exeter North, is Wednesday morning at 12,30 o'clock visiting. friends in Benroiller. by the alarm of fire, which was ascer- tained to be In the very heart of the business portion of the yillage. The fire was first noticed in the rear of J. Hamilton's drug store, and in a very Miss Lila McCord of St. Marys visit- ed at her home on Ohristinas. Mrs. J. A. McCallum, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Bucking - few minutes it had spread to C. John Prout of Usborne, was married on Wednesday to Miss Simpson, of Thos. Green, con. 2, Logan, has sold his farm to John Kenney, the price being $5,000. lYiess Edna MeCallum will leave for London shortly wbere she will take a course at the Business College. Joseph Davis mid his mother spent Christmas in Winghane Mrs. Davis rent aining for a few weeks. birs Smith and Mrs Stokes, of De- troit attended the funeral of tbeir 'epnew Mr. Geo. Sanders this week. bliss Della Crocker and Mrs. Crocker returned to their home St. Marys on Saturday lifter a pleasant visit with friends here. Ir. joeeph Bastard, of Sarepta, ed us a volume of The Old Testa - printed in 1643 in the time of Wben you have rheumatism. ,Musc- I Elizabeth. les feel stiff and sore and joints are Jerold E.R.Willoughby of Dun- paieful. It does not pay to suffer W.T. was married On the 18tb long from this disease when it may be •is Maude F'oussette second cured so promptly and perfectly by e of Dr. Poussette. of Sarnia. Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine dIreent Louisa, third (laughter goes right to the spot, neutralizes the Geo. Webber Toronto was acidity of the blood, which causes d on the 10th inst., to Rev. Dr. rheumatism, and puts an end to .the IL Patterson of Smithport, Perna. pain and seiffness. Pain in the ohest And wheezing are pfoltiptlY and completely cured by Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Its the 'best cough remedy in the world, Easy to take, Price 25e, Mrs Hibbert Beck, Newburn, N. S., writesd Children Cry for as in bed for Weeks with Rheutriatiem ang 141 ate move witterut help, I beg an us it cAsT 8 Rhouniatio Pills and one box relieved na six boxes coMpletely cured me." Smith s jewelry store on the one side and J. H. Chellew's rurniture store on the other. Willing hands were soon at work, but very little could be saved in these places, mid as the fire backed up to John Mason's hotel they found it impossible to save the building though roost of the hotel furniture was saved. On the opposite side of the street, in the Petoria, block, most of the plate glue windows were damaged by the heat. " The fire made a clean sweep right back to the alley-wa.y,and as far south as the hotel driving shed. There is considerable insurance on all of 1he buildings, but not enough to coyer the loss, EVERY MOVEMENT HURTS. 13iliousnese is cured by Hood's pills, 25c. ees Whalen. Eser.ofe.--Ruraor has it that we are about to lase one of our citizens in the person ,of Wm. Dengham who has worked with Jabez 1iUsou, durieg the • past four years. We regret his de- Peetelee Wee' much,- itiehard Curtain, of Bad Axe, Miele, is visiting friends In this neighborhood after an absence of ten years. Puorae Exaeuxavox.-A pleaeaut event whichthe people of Whalen had for some time been anticipating occurred in the public school here on Friday, Dee, 21st. This was a pUblic examination arranged by the teacher and pupils of tis section and the mas- terly way in which, the entire day's • proceedings were conducted reflects credit on both. Early in the forenoon the people of the section were seen flocking to the school house with bas- kets well filled with good things for themselves and the eutnerous visitors expected and by ten o'clock the large room was well filled witb an atteotive audience and eight visiting teachers were present. Lessons. were ably con- ducted by Misee 0. M. Walker and M. Elston, el Centralia, and Messrs... Reid, °mining and. Lane, of Zion, Blaoshard , and McGillivray. When the lessons 'were over. the many baskets were e opened and several of the young ladies and gentlemen treated tbe assemble' to eandwichee, cake., pie, etc.., aud af- ter the laroe au -erupt of fragments was stowed away the lass reviewiog Was continued. 11Iessrs. Buswell end Park - 1 insoneel Eden and Breemeton, conduce ted the succeedingleseons and the final !mon was ably taken by by W. B, Bagshaw, mencipal of the Centralia Public School. Many people who meld not come for 'the whole day came for the afterepor; and soon after , dinner the eehool was filled to the dome :me visitors from LucateRxetele eranton, Woodbinu and other pointe, were eeen le the audience. As time would not penult more lessons W. D. Stanley, of Granton, formerly a teacher hi the old selaool took the chair. , lie made a very pointed and interest- ; g opening address which was follow -I ed hy an ably rendered program of forty five items. Musical seleetions were given by Messre. Bonn and Barry violinists, the Gueniug cousins and „ Messrs. Reid and Elston, Miss B. Morley gave severe) excellent lustre - mental selections and the Misses Hope burn, Boyle and Waltzer aesisted by Mies Audereon, of Centralia, rendered / smile grand vocal eelections, Mares- SQS were given by Rev. S. Salton. of Centralia, and Rev. W. A. Walden. of Ellinville. The mmical selections were interspersed by reeitatious by the cluldren and speeches by the rate- payers hut the elub-swinging and slack -wire perfoming by the Cook , Bros. forme( the grand events of the day. A. pleaeing and noticeable feat- ' ure of the part taken during fore and afternoou by the pupils, was the clear- , pees and promptness of their speaking. While the concert was in progress two boys mounted the platform and the teacher was calledforward and pre- sented -with a beautiful gold chain and pendant. Though taken entirely by ' surprise he made a. suitable eeply, I thanking the pupils and parents for , their kind hospitality and. beautiful I olio By six o'clock the concert end- ed and after a long round of hand- shaking all repairecl to their homes well pleased with the profitable day spent at school. The following ad- dress was read with the presentation, To eie. David Elston. Drean TEACIIER.-The time is now. come when our relation to each other I as pupils and teacher must be severed, and we cammt allow the opportunity to pass without expressing to you the regret we feel at parting with you who, as our teacher during the past three years has taken such deep inter- est in our welfare. Be assured that you will be ever gratefully remember- ed by ns for your faithful end earnest endeavors to direct our minds in the paths of useful knowledge. That our regard for you may be shown by something more tangible than mere words we beg you to accept this chain as a small token of the esteem in which you are held by your pupils. Accept it not for its intrinsic value but cherish it as a monaento of the feehngs which prompt the giving. May you long be spared to wear %and wherever your future field of labor may be may your efforts be crowned with success. Signed on behalf of. the school, TIMOTHY MCGEE, HARVEY SUTHERBY, RA.TIE TWOHEY, OSCAR MORLEY. Users of natural gas all. over Essex county have received a scare by the notice sent to manufacturers by the gas company that they must prepare to use some kind of fuel other than gas. The factories at Kingsville may have to close down as there is no other fuel available. James Brown, manager of the Kingsville woollen mills. was in Windsor the obher day interviewing M. X, Cowan, M. P., with a view to having the Canadian government take a hand in the dispute and compel the 1 company to live up to its agreement, which is that so long as gas is export- ed to Detroit to manufacturers near She wells are to be supplied with gas at the same rate as given to Detroit. Mr. Cowan promised to lay the matter be- fore the government at once. A young man named Jenner, of Ra- leigh, for two nights dreamed of falling off a load of hay, telling his wife of the great impression it made on his mind, so that when a neiehbor wanted laim to deliver some hay he reluctantly put on a load for hina. BefOre leaving home he aarefully examined the build of it and had bis wife do the same. Kissing her good-bye, he got on again though she asked him to walk if he felt so nervous. The road being rough he stopped a passerby and had him see that all was right. Being re- assured 61 its safety he started and bad not gone far before the load up- set and in juropitig off the opposite way to its fall, he struck head Bret is supposed on the axle of the front wheel and never, regained conscious- ness. FOOD CHANGED To POISON. Putrefying food in the intestines produces effects like these of arsenic, but DaKing's New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Billiousness, Sick Headache, Fevers,all Liver, Kidney Mid Bowel troubles, Only 25c at any drug store, I THE JOINT NOTE RIMED, POSITION Of CAPE COLONY Li Hung Cha'ng. Was Unable to 1-0)0Pende on HoW IVItePle Arrinleinie Attend Meeting of Ministers. tit1T1 the Dutch Oen Raise, It'xineo Ching Presented ots owe and the 'jJfee liftiudeed Have Already eeeetra the Earj'scredentials and Said All Clkino. Wanted -Peace -This Was the Desire t of the Court Also -lie 5n1d thoNOtt Yfrou tatieleilZjape:::erliatelY Trarisnacl tte Pekin, Dee. ee.--The el:owe:sere Joint 1 to 13111!was today t e ";,% tatend tee meeting et the attesters, and his credentials aed those of gringe tteohirvniggneerr,eennivoepnyr$ore.sen:ed j„,byptetiecoialoratter:o:e Fence chine re e pArrieSnieSitetell the 'f:Ote,ISYelknjlietowet:led iSuunPalle:11, ately cemmunieate its content* 'Lo tee nne Per0r, and esSurea the Ministers taat a Valle reply was the desire of the court, as frit that all China wants peace and prosperity. Assembled, at Spanish Desistence. Paris, Dec. 25.-A despateh to tile ina- Tee AgelSee from Pekin gess: eThe MIS istere assembieti at the residence of Senor D. J. De Colon, (the Spanish Minister axid rtheceeltittetIenPri9nfeetilehe Dinit roat'sile'hoctoorPgi Spanish Minister handed the pint mote or tee powers. Li Rung Cbaisg. who iS std. Pi. asked to be excused. nrince sate: I have the honor ta aeopt the llgte concernIng; the re-estabilshmeut or geea relations. nue wilt transmit it hunwIllately to tbe Emperor, and cominunlea!f. to you ids reply 45 won as received.' Teinn and. Cho nog.krrestc London, Dec. 26.-T5e Shaaghai eorres- pondent of The Steutlard, telegraphing Dee. 24, says: "Tile Government has arrested Prince Toau and Priuce Pisaung an the bor. ders a the Shan Si and non j Provluees. ):ti listen has been ordered to return to SaoVuforthwith to lwexeeete 1, it is sup - is inferred from these reports that tlie Irnperlol Suthoritier ano preparing to concede the demands of the joint note foi: the punishment at the instigatom ot the trouble In China." DONBAS orsea. eer ree ed Twelve Catholics liear Pekin and Corainitted Other Depredations. Dec. despata from Pekin to 4 flews ageney tem dated Dee. lee says missionaries gate ibat Beeert, lel miles east of Pekin. killed 12 Catholics and burn- ed elgat in the temples, AccorilIng to a news agency despatch from Pekin, dated Dee. 24, the Porelgil Ministers there are traninionsly of the opinion that China will aeopt the condi- tion imposed by the joint note of the pow- ' ers within a month. Tile note was started on its way to tire Dowager Empress and the Emperor iMilleillately after Its presematiou, the despatch says. but wire communleetion Is slow and it probably will not reach thclu until Dec. 27. 'Flee' Admiral Alesejeff says the $t. Peters. burg correspondent of Tbo Timei, has Mu. ed orders to the men under his eouunaird In Chinn to make detailed lists of the Chinese property -money, cattle, provIsions, etc'. taken by them, and where such property now is. The correspondent also says that detach meats of Russian troops in Southern and Southwestern Manehitria eontlnue, to pursue the work of exterminating disorganized I Chinese troops and brigands. zarenehnten a Brush. Tien 'Psi% Dee. 21.-A Preach detachment of 100 men left here Dee, 20 for liuug 2.`su, 20 mites westward, to scarvii for arras. Ap. preaching a village across a fronen creek, a force of Boxers opened tire, killing Lieut. Conte' and wounding another oftleer. The French burned the village. PRINCES AND PEASANTS In Ileissia Dined Side by Selo -Noblemen and Ladies Rubbed Shoulders With the Poor. St. Petersburg, Dec. Z. -The PrInee of Olanbourg, President of the Goverinnent Temperance Counnitice, at noon to -day, de - clued the People Palace epee to the pub - lie. After the inaugureil ceremonies, the Prince and twenty of the higher emir or- fielals, Tneillaing 1.110 comrnnndthg gene,r- als, along with high officials, nein°. men and ladies, dined, side by side,. with peasants and the families Of the -working- men. IN Mt:EATER NElev YORK. Nand of Charity Was Stretehed Out and Thousands of Poor Were Fed. New York, Dec. 25.-,christmas Day was bright and pleasant, and before the day was well under way the hundreds of Oharlt- abie soc et es workers were seeing to the providing of wholesome dinnerfor the thousands of the poor thruout the eity. The Army Pell 150,000 People. A later report , sass : Of all the set Christmas feasts given to -day, that of the Salvation Army at Madison -square Garden was the largest. A beentiful Christreas dinner was served to about 4000 personS, men, women and children. After dinner eheadquarters' brass band struck up 'Onward. Christian ,Soildlers." and the great crowd joined In the hymn with vigor, and then Commander 13ooth-Tucker made an address, in which, among other things, he sal " spread tables In ihe S : To -day the Salvntion Army Ims 000 guests, and IntO 150,000 hearts we shall Seek to send rays of Cbristmas gladness, tidings of new hope, hariengers of better rsonis's Boys Fed. Miss Helen Gould providerl tile dinners to the boys at the Woody Crest Sanitari- um, which she maintains, near Tarrytown. Besides the dinner, site distributed pre- sents. Tile Festive Parisians., Paris, Dec. 25. -Christmastide was favor ed in France with bright cheerful weathe'r and Parisians celebra :ed it in characteristic • fashion. All the restate:ants and cities were thronged Chrisonas ie -e, With testIve sup- per parties, which 014.1 not disperse until eaely this morning. At midnight masses, • with special muslcal attractions, filled the leading churches to overflowing. The charit able side of the festleal was represented by numbers of free meals and seasonable gifts to poor families and outcasts. Madame Loubet gave MOO fraues to be used for the relief of widows in necessitous eircum- stancee. . WiU Fight It Over Again. Lethbri dg,e, Alberta, Dec. 25.-Wlinain Oliver, who was teecteLl recently as Mayor of the town by the eastieg vote of the re- turning officer, reeigried his seat, and yes- terday he and his late opponent, aohn Ken.- ny, were re-nomlnated. ' The contest again peomises to be a close one, and will tette place Menday next: Fite at Roland, Mane Winnipeg, Man., Dee. 25.-Abent 3 o'vinci... 'CUB morning fire broke out in Ca.mer en's furniture svure. at Roland. The premises, tegether with SInils on's* general store, Were totally destroyed. The ineeratiee conmenies are the Lancalletere. Nolen British Le Mer- cantile, Northern Insurance Co. and vic- toria of Montreal. Serious Fire at Stevensville. Stevensville, Ont„ Deo. 25 -The general store and dwelling combined, owned by Dr. Collver and occupied by C. 0. I-Iarris,,mer. chant, Wa8 COmPleielY Ileetroyea by fire to- night Loss about il;aaao. orieie of fire, eitoosion of latim. Beere la the Bbilipstown, District Ajene-Ninety Per Cent or ale mace Waltiug lese a ldesourceful Leader - Lord Kitchener on Kaud, and Kapidly P.m:dosing the Raiders. 1.403inion, Dee. 20, -The position of Cape Colony is hanging in the balauce, Aceord. Ihg to The Morning Post's Cape Town cor- respondent, everything depends upon the quantity of ammunition In the possessto of the disloyal Dilteb residents, latiO of whom have joined the Boers in the Phillpstown filstriot algae, Pinergetic measures have bean taken to stem the Invesion, hut there Is unquestionably danger that parties of Boers will get Gm into parts of the eolonY, ad gtednallY raise the wbole Calm into re- bellion. Reinforcements Cart arrive none too mei. Most of the despatches from cape Town, however, describe the raiders as do- ing tittle berm, mid as beteg tepidly euelos- ed. br Lord leitchener's comeination. Ieetelreaer la on, nevelt leitebener Is lie tbe imare of the eisafteet. ed distrlets and has the advantage Of beteg of the rising whiedi occurred then, He IS necer4resothstu. aullayreakeebuealsnutvederarvisithea Itohe:lscoupnperletissoinosn. 'mingle; down thousands of troops from the Tbe Standard's Cape Wink correspondent says the loyalige denunid tbet martial law shell be proclaimed tbruout Cape Colony. Iuiposslbbe owlug to tbe lave of sufficient troops to en- fbolirteeadt:7 '`‘Suelt ft step is now Ilea -Boer rupees feulet. Tim correspontleut of Tee Daily elan at Cape Towu says; "The prodleer ;Amelia - pars are singularly quiet. They have been Made uneasy by the promptuess and thoro. russ of the military action, lettereports trent various parte et tbe western premien fore- shadow perilous possibilities. "A responsible colonist, who recently made a tour at the colony, cleelares teat 00 Dee cent of the niece are simply waiting for the appearepee of a resourceful leader te rebel." All Railways Beguisitioucd. Clvfl railway trafae bas been suspeadee largely in an parts et the colony. aud, 'movements of lioth Boers and British are almost unknown in Capo Town. It appears that one Boer column attacked Steeuslitieg, but wae repulsed mid fled from entreecie- raente ie the tountalue. Ariettier Boer eoramendo captured n partY of pollee a Ireeterstail. elouutee colonial troops sur - Prised 391 Boers 15 miles from Burghers. darn Dee. 27, and, after a tease inierceanae at voileys. retiree with a less et two men. The Cape Town correspondent of The Tirne$ telegraplis tbat scarcely any Cape Colonlas have joincti the Invaders. _ SOME' rovoreturae Nome ;lawny Service is ltngular Now Between De Aar and Cape Town, Cape Town, Dec. 21.-Iter,ular railway eenece between Cape Town and 1)e Aar eas been restored, Tee report of the de. struction of a bridge south of De Aar turns out to bo incorrect. Only a culvert was damaged, Trains aro running from De Aar to iiintherley irregularly. There are considerable delays elsewliere, as the result Or heavy rains. rigitting Near De Anr. Cape Town, Dee. 25.-1Ighting Is gairg on near De Aar. Particulars are unobtainable. wo hundred 11OCTs have left Brits:own after commandeering all supplies available. — BOERS II,ETIRED AS USUAL. Lord Kitchener AU31011riee8 Britslown Ile - occupied by tbe London, Dec. 25. -Lord likehener. tele- graphing to the War Office, under date of Naanwpoort, Dec. 24, 0 a.m., reports: "Therneyeraft's :Mounted Infantry have occupied Britatown without opposition. Mee Boers retired to the north. In the direc- tion of Prieska." Cape Dutch Relying. Boers. Londoa, Dec. 25, -"We learn, says The Daily Mail, "that the reports of tbe serious situatien In Cape Colony are fully confirmed. The invading Boers are re - receiving muclz assistance from the Cape Dutch. Runway communientiOn between Cope ToWn and the north Is almost en- tirely severed, pertly by 130er operations end partly by rains." NEW ZEALAND'S LOYALTY. will Keep leer Contingent Pilled and Send Moro Mounted Men. Wellington, N.Z., Dec. 25.e -The Govern ment has asked the Governor, the Earl of Itenfurly, to inform Mr. Joseph Chamber- lain, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, that it does not wish the New Zealand colt- tingent in South Africa to be diminished, that drafts will be iorwprded to 1111 thie ranks and that additional mounted men will be sent. soENE IN ST. PATIL's CATHEDRAL. -- John Kensit Objected to Ordination of a Curate. London, Eng., Dee. 25. -The irrepressible John Xeneit created a paintul scene at St. Paul's Cathedral yesterday, at the ordina- tion service, conducted by Bishop Barry, vicar of Sts James Piccadilly. The service was being concluded without interruption, until the congregation was asked if it had any objection to raise. Then Kensit walked up to the chancel, and objected to Rev. Henry W. Spnrling, who he said had been a curate at St. Saviour's Church, Pimlico, where the law had been deliber- ately broken.' Spurling, he added, had also been associated with it notorious brawler at a legal marriage. liensit evae about -to object to another candidate, when the Bishop said nuthing had been shown against the personal character of the candidate*, and he would, therefore, ordain them. There were cries of "Shame," and when four vergers went up to Elepsit, 'there were cries of "Hands on." Kensit land his fol- lowers left the church, INCREA.SE OP LYNCHING Has Made One Indiana Judge Remodel a Legal taw. Indianapolis, Dee. 24. --While instructing a jury in the Federal Court, dilege Baker, ,inreply to an attorney for the defence, and while instructing the jary, .remarked: "In view of the alarming ,InereaSe in this and other states of Instal:Ices where .people take the law in their own hands instead of allowing justice to take its course, it might be well to reconstruct one of the old legal • precepts to 'better that ninety-nine inno cent men be found guilty than one guilty Mall escape.' " The jerk acted upon the suggestion. At least the defendants were returned guilty. Cies-Country Ilider Philadelphia, Dee. 25. --While riding cross- cometry to join the Chester' Vallee:el-runt to -day, Henry L. Wilbee, egad 42 years, son of IL 0. Wilbur, the well-known cocoa and choeelate manufacturer al this City, was thrown from his horse and killed, on the farm of A. 3. Caseate president. of the Pennsylvania Railroad, near Valley Forge. A Blaze at St.' Catharinem.. St. Catharines, Ont Dec 95 -About 11 Nearing the End iardlyfhad a taste of real winter weather yet, but its coming and tilink ofAall the things you need, then think of Fos'O's Quit Business sale. Wie hav4sold this business to W. E. Doupe & Co., and give up po ession on Jan. 45, 1901, but we have to keep the store open and $ 1 as much goods as we can till then, to get stock down. We don't care any more for profits. What we want to see the goods go fast. "Clean them out" is the watch -word here, and if prices like these will help they will clear out double quick: 198 yds Dress Goods ,compris- ing this season's designs in blk aud cord fancies, tweeds, cloths and homespuns. our regu- lar prices were 50 to 75e a yd, your lase chance and that a bar - emu). 25 only ladies' Jackets, all new and stylish coots, they consist, of bile and brown beaver cloth, also blk curl cloths, ell to go at. hall J?". that, is you can buy 9.00 jziekets for 4.50, 8.00 jackets 4,00, and 7.50 jackets at 5 only ladies' IA astreehen fur jackets, must go at much less than their real worth, for bastance you can boy 35.00 jet:- kets for 24.00, 33.00 Jaeltete 22.00, 10.00 jaeleete 20.00 end 20.00 jece kets for 31e, 3,23 60 inche half blettched table linen, new patterns, regular 30e a, yd to clear 62 inch full bleached table lin- yead. Ayo.uhascleaoalpiro'rtruengiltir 75° a 10 gross cotton spools, all num- bers, 200 yds, bile and white worth Sc each, while they last 3 pieces Unioo Cerpets, brown and green colors, reversible pat- terns. wegtilar 500, value for 11 only Mens Freize overcoats, heavy weight, bile or brown, high collar, a very serviceable coat, regular 3,00 quality, lees than half price 27 pair Men's hoots, box calf or dongola leathers, ince and elastie sides, all sizes, eave eye on a pair, reg 2.00 and 2.23 re. 13.50 dueed to 200 30 3.95 1,50- A. J. PORD & CO, "The Solid Value Store." WoocIthatri. N. B.—All indebted to us will kindly settle same before Jan. x5th next. DATES LOW Established MS. Over 30 Years of Success In Toronto, Ont, J. Y. EGAN, Rupture Specialist. gs11..,tirtg,Stir CURES EFFECTED WITHOUT AN OPERATION, THE MOST RELIABLE and Successful Authority -In the treatment of Rupture wtthout an operation. Re who maltose specialty of one departineut roust certainly he more experleneed and capable thou these having many irons in the fire." Stop wasting Ulna and money in useless efforts elsewhere, but go to one whose life-long study lias taught him what to do. Raw you not had experienee enough to justify you in adopting 801140 Change for lho hoItore von ever intend to be cured now Is thebesttime="neetweek may be toolatc." LET NO ONE DESPOND; Do not be deterred from seeking my advice, beeaus0 after baying been treated by many who failed to cure you, you have become discouraged. This Is the vary timo you should make ONS MORE TRIAL. 'When I mite it ease, I exert my whole mind, energies and skin to perfect a cure, irrespective of any money consideration and bring to bear on it all that science, honesty knowledge and experience will accompi hat. Imowing that the exertions of these :lever fad to bring their jest reward in due time, THE PACT THAT YOU' may not be (AT mizsree) in a Mandel ray able to have yourselfproperly attended to -should not keep you from consulting Speeialist. ADVICE IS FREE, and this alone may prove very valuthie in your case. -Read dates carefully and tell your friends of this visit -Send two cent:it:trap for .s vaivable circular with fuller information, etc. VARICOCELE (false rupture of the scrotum) men of ail ages suffer from this terrible afflic- tion in some way, -there is no other affliction to which man is heir that so completely unfits him for the duties (or pleasures of )ife) as Varicorcle-the universal teridency of these eonditions is to grow worse and more complicated. VARICOSE (ruptured or congested veins of the limbs, male or female% If you suffer -Consult. Specialist and be successfully treated, AU letters of enquiry, cent:WIN,: stamp, will have prompt attention. Letters should he addressee J. Y. Egan, Specialist, PD. Box elle, Toronto, Out. LONDON —Tecumseh House, January 8, g. EXETER .—Con-tmercial Hotel, Thursday and Friday, (all day and Evening) two days only, January 40, II. ettid,ATM GDDERICH—Jan. 42, r3,if';' 111WINGHAM.—Jan. iet and s' CONSULT SPECIALIST EARLY. eirmiC01011211.166.112.C.I.111644 LACE , Iron lace on the right side first, „then on the wrong side, to throw ilp the pattern. When ironing laces, cover them with clean white tissue paper. This pre- vents the shiny look seen on washed lace. When putting laces away, fold as lit- tle an possible. A goad plan is to wind it round a card, as they do in the shops. Use cornflour instead of ordinary starch f OT stiffening laces. This mieftes them firm, and does not detract from the "lacy" appearance. After "getting up" laces do not leave them to air in a daxap place -round the fire when the kettle is bollixes, far in- stance. This robs them of their fresh- ness and makes them look limp. All laces, before being ironed, should be carefully pulled out, each point re- ceiving attention. You will be repaid f or your trouble, as the face will loolt twice as nice and last clean a much, longer time. Ten grains of bichloride of mercury in coarse powder; rose water, two ounces; distilled witch hazel, two ounces. Shake until a coraplete solu- tion le obtained. Apply to the freekies with a bit of linen or a velvet slicing° once or twice dilly as required. If it irritates the skin very much add more rose water. Do not foeget that bi- chloride , of naercury is a dangerous poison. Sornetimee the reason that a.beneftt le not got up for a man's widow is) that his death is benefit enough. o clack this morning the two-storey frame residence of Mr. Henry Wilson, Henri/ - street, took fire frem a detective cillinneY, el will Raging Reartachies, that nothing se w and before the, fire was got ander control, cure. are quickly quieted 1)Milburn'b Sterling the house was damaged tor the extent of Headache Powdeis. Prine200,y and 25e, et all 4500 and the contents, 4200; fully Insured. dettlere. Refuse Suloetitutes. EW STORE AND It NEW STOOK AT 1S1L-11 KA I hereby wish to inform the people of the village of Shipka and the sur- rounding country that after renovat- ing the Post Office Store, I have plac- ed,a stock of merchandise therein and, am now in a position to supply the wants of the community. emember I This stock is complete i4 all lines,. , comprising I Dry Goods, GI' 0Oetri , Boots, 1 & Shoes, gats, qaps, • Oroj,ery an • Illidware , and such linis as are usual y kept in a general stoee. • i Remenalier this is no Bankrupt ' Stock, it isl' all new and when you buy from me ytu don't get goods that are shelf worna nd out of date. Every- thing is new and oe good as money can tiny. e When in the village call and see my stock and get, the prices ; it is only a , pleasure to shaw goods whether you buy or not. I am here to do business and will buy any kind of produce that tbe farm produces. A CALL SOLICITED. Jas. D. HananJr SHIPEA, ONT, - ee '11" eele4