HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-20, Page 8a ` XEr tE Actio eee—Ura Tuesday while en '" ART'S Cash or Produce AS H 4A.,..•,. be fPiltng�, (,t trees T ,n Ro t. Ise t tot bush, em ate Sut- in RQ1)t l.,P`tthorai'S --,...0 BIC One PrYce. STORE ton, of town, met with ar serious acct- dent.. In tatting, one tree struck arse i other, when a heavy lnanch of the `second tree fell ant. struck Mr,Sutton, mos Boxes ! )(Junes Boxes! breaking his ri#tht collar bone and dis- ba atirg the left. He is doing as well -``x8TER Yes, we are read... with a most useful lot of �-mas goods. Buy as could he expected; y � d t.y -�.__ Marty is the best advice we can give, as there is bound to be a tre-1 Tee ivaiczwar. ELECTION POT.— tnozzdous crush during the last fewdays before Christmas Bring a The.`e is nothing defknPtely new in elee um possibilities. For the Reeve the chrildren with you, they are auras elcome at the Big Cash ship the names aaf W. G.. Bissett, T. H, I Store ; and then at this season of the 3,=ear there is so much to in- Me('.alltim, dol7u W. Taylor and 'i't?',)I, terest them. Yes, bring them along, we will make room #'or them. X -alas PztciTS.--Our stock is its �' CxximEs G.A.LoaE l Royal mix -y4' new could wish for. Choice need. taffy mixed, brown mixed, cut. Raisins, new Currants, new Pigs, 4 • stiek taffy, old fashioned taffy, new Dates, new Prunes, new Peels* perfection taffy, cltocolatee,creanes�' ,e all of the best quality we can buy, caramels, liutnba; s, mints, sticks, • and yet the prices are in your the most complete stock of candy *' £-tv4(?ouae orad see, 4 ,ve have eves` short ta. 4 te4t*tom#+'eR Nuts, Oranges, Lemons,—and Cracker Jack ; try a 5c package of Cracker Jack You'll like it. New peanuts, new filberts, new al- monds, new grenable walnuts, new mixed nuts, Coble and try them, sample costs nothing a. you t lovely lot of new cushion tops, some of the finest we have ever shown, 25e to lac, each. ('-union cord for edging and 'cop corneae the latest fad, all colors, 12; to 13c i Lovely fancy folding screens, oak frames, very pretty 1,35; 13:ttteuberg table covers, pillow 1 shams. staud covers, tt ilet watts, and sideboard drapes, elegant pre- senis, 10c to 1,501 Fancy toilet • boxes, something new 3 and ti IlkfS in each, they're swell ; a 15e to tele each box, Fancy hkfs, thousands t yes thous- ands et them, and every lidlef a; bates gain, 3t to 23e for our leaders,/ Child's grey Persian lamb ca beauties, 2.50 and Grey Persian lamb storm collars, large swell collar, beauties for .mos, 1.75 X-nt.ts gifts, 855, 1.00, 1.25. L35, 1,50 s, Fur neck ruff's, very suitable for 2,50, 3.7o, 4.50, 7.50, and 9;00 each Ladies' fur mitts, special for pre- sents, 3.90 and 4,50 the pair Ladies' fur capertnes. what nicer present.? 20 different styles, 3.90 to 1O.00. We can please you, Lovely tapestry curtaitisforarches doors and windows, 2.S3 and 3.40, great value. J. A. STEWART. 61iris1fflds easy FQw� � n Ria , 9 Wattcheas. Clocks, 1900..Jewelry, trio Cur Customer, Somme may not be aware that we have a jobbing business as INTER TER BBOLS J. _>xo, well as the retail :—the former 'AT extending from Sarnia to Strat- Central ford and Oven Sound, covering C,„..02D the district to Lake Huron. The Marria a Licenses Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. demand for our goods has been STRATFORC, OMT. fairly good over this section and . The demand made upon us during the incoming orders a little more the lest three year by business col - numerous than for last year. the for our gradazath to take post tions ri teachers .in their schools has Sections of our Fancy Goods been exactly six times the supply. have lacca cleared, The balance This. shows that the reputation of ours is srictly first-class. Our graduates with all late arriving stock we have been remarkatlily successful fn will offer from Monday, Dee. getting splendid positions with bus to Jan. '1st, IgOT, at whole- prospectivastudertsnilgvle beens n reesim sale prices, school supplies includ- ;. ed. : �llberta,Satsk,ttehewan, lelanitoba, ed. This will be a Christmas Quebec, Nova Scotia and the United States. Distance is no hindrance to gift in another form which we those who wish to get the best. Cata- offer only to our old customers logne free. W. 3. ELLIOTT, and their descendants. Principal. Christmas cards special, Thurs- day noon to Monday evg nett. TO ADVERTISERS. j will rtuu The copy for changes must be Leal y not later than Taesday noon. Casual ,� a .dvestisement.4 accepted up to noon Fe Wednesday of each week. INSURANCE. ERNEST ELLIOT, f{� ,Agen for the WEBTERN ASSURANCE COM- ettivr, of Toronto ; also for the Paar = EIRE Nal:MANCE COMPANY, of London, England ; kL LIANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and THURSDAY. DECEMBER20th, 1300 LOCAL HAPPENINGS Tuesday will be Christmas Day.. Ed. Stewart is home spending the holidays. Percy Cann, of Detroit, spent Sun- day at home. Miss Eva Wilkinson, of Strathroy, visited Miss Annie Brooks here this week. Thos. Vivian, of Mitchell, visited his father-in-law, George Brooks, last week. The merchants are fully stocked with Christmas cheer for the festive season. Wm Delve is on the sick list. e 13. S. O'Neil has recovered from a Buy your Xmas Groceries at Stew -„byte- illness and is again on duty at art's, it's the best place. the bank. ti.The rink was opened for the season Use Dix Little Liver Pills and Dix Friday night, with good ice and large Kidney Pills. Sold by C. Lutz. attendance. Will Hart, Woodham, has been en Mrs. Thos. Elliott is entertaining her gaged as teacher of the Whalen school sister, Mrs. John Dearing, from Mar - for 1901. 1tte, Mich. The Times has a large assortment if A nice pair of slippers makes a, pleas - of wedding stationery. all orders are +ing Xmas box. You can get therm at efilled promptly. Vit. H. Sweet's.' Fur Coats for men and women, the . oily, HOLLY HOLLY. — Holly in uundance for Christmas *decorations largest stock and best values in the county at Stewart's. • E. c --- - If you want to have good baking for Christmas use Lutz's absolutely pure and fresh baking powder. The skate of the season, for finish, durability and price. is the new Star Hockey made at Halifax, for sale at II, Bishop & Son's. County nomination for No.8 division Leyett etre freely went tined, but it is not likely all will enter the contest. For Councillors the present members Messrs. Muir, Evans and Armstrong will likely seek- re-election, while as robable candidates the names of R. Pickard, H. Bishop, Leonard Me - Taggart, Alex, Alex, Tait, W. rlarding, w, Christmas 'r' e have a beautiful assortment of goods suitable for Xi leka RS —s: .0 A NBROS' • Merchants, $ . ALL. , have donated this space to Jamesest, church, to let the Public know that they have the opportunity of hearing the RESENT Weekes, A. Ge Dyer, othexs are mentioned, — with sooh purceaser. You are cordially invited to inspect. our stock,, material a careful and progressive board should certainly be secured. The nominations for County Commie - ter. Stephen and Vshorne, will he re- eived on Monday next December 21, w nominating officer, F. Morley, clerk of Usherne, There are no new prob- able candidate% besides those mentions WhitelJapanese silk hadfs ed last week, viz Hicks,Stephen; John Delhridge, Usborne ; .A.. Q Bo. hemstitched, special , s ee liter and EL SPaekman. Exeter ; W' White ,jaean Silk hdkfs, owls, 17. S., of creditor), having de - HERE FEW SAMPLE PRIMs : FA nee, ospIng to in.lien3t11 to offer Ian, beautifully initaled, 'special 25, self felt eleetion. A. vigorous revives Men's size Japanese silk already being prosecuted by some the aspirants, and no doubt the hdkfs, with and without initi- eleetion win be keenly contested. als, special at so, 75 and r A SARNIA MAN'S OPESIOIC.--Rer. R. Ladies' fancy lawn and lin- MilFard, Maio St- ehttrehn who en hemstitched and embroid- Preaehed in Sande Methodist church for nee, Dr, Denims, reeentiy, win no ered hdkfs, special at 5, TO, doubt have his modesty shattered hY IS, 18, 20 and the contents of a letter written by a, member of the Sarnia congregation to ri GLovES lie seys the two sermons preathed , TWO LEADERS. of all the hest ever delivered in Sarnia. Rev” Ur' MilYard* were in the °P411°41 Ladies' fine kid gloves Their judgment is good, as the raver- sPecial at 50 and end gentleman is certainly one of the most eloquent, thoughtful and prac. PERFUMES et SOAPS A beautiful assortment of tical preachers in thtn London Confer. gentstties ties, the latest nov- Lovely perfumes all odors ence, while his personality makes him 39 00 25 Finest selected Valencia aisins, per lb — New figs per lb, special , Fine black new currants, Best lemon and orange peel Best shredded cocoanut per lb FURS We are clearing out our entire 5 25 stock of Furs and you can rely , on getting a bargain in anything you want in thisline. .00 MENS' TIES cities a.t25 and univereally popular ; and it is his in- from 25c up to 2.75 a bottle, nate modesty that precludes him from Florida water and Cologne securing the very best church and. sal- ary in Ontario. Mr. Milyard labors for the good cause, not particularly for DEATH OF AARON' °thee of the pioneers of this section Passed away on Thursday last, in the person of Aaron Dauncey, father of William Dauncey, of Exeter. Deceas- ed died in McGillivray where he lately resided with his son Tassel. Mr, Dauncey was born in Somersetshire, England, In the year 1815. He mar- ried Sarah Gould, sister of Joseph Gould, of Hensel], and in the year 1841 with wife, one snre (Willia,m,) emi- grated to Canada, settling in the town- ship of Markham. In the year 1851 he moved west to McGillivra,y township and purchased a ferns, which he suc- cessfully conducted for a number of years, when be retired. His first wife died 24 years ago. In mat he again married, taking as his helpmeet, Airs. Rabids. of England. She also passed away in 1885. Since that thne Mr. sons, visitilig them alternately. De- Dauncey had mede his home with his Young, who is working in Lon James Bonthron of Toronto, brother • ceased was possessed of a strong con- don, spent this week in town. stttution, and scarcely knew• what it was to be He crossed the Atlantic seventeen thnes. Although of a (inlet Toilet Soaps in various perfumes put up in fancy car - 25 35 so TABLE COVERS Silk drapes and cushion covers, fee have them at 75, 95., 1.25, 2.00 and 2.50 We will pay highest prices for butter, eggs, poultry, and all kinds of farm produce. THE 19 ICK ARD Direct importers. IIIMM•aimimeed,•••••••••••11..•011WIWIMOMIONViiiiiMiltf Om, dried apples, n EXETER U MINUS GIINDIAN JUBILEE SINGERS AND IMPERIAL ORCHESTRA, On Christmas night, in Gidley's hall. This is the only Canadian Company that has toured in Europe and the United States. This store is up-to-date with everything In our line. Go and ear them. Conte and see us GIVING UP USINESS MY WHOLE STOCK WILL BE SOLD AT COST PRICE This is a genuine clearing out sale. NO RESERVE, BUY YOUR CHRISTM&S PRESENTS NOW. Dolls, Toys, Books, Chinaware, Fancy Goods, Stationery Everything must be sold at once. 2 doors south of P.O. Arnans.—For sale, a quantity of. , green apples. .A.pply to W.11. 'Aware Co. Fon S.een. OR TO RENT.—.A. comfort- able cottage on Elizabeth street, apply *,4 To Raxe.—A two storey brick cote kluge on 'William street, 10 rooms, ap- :1 ply to Ray L. Fenson, Exeter. BRACELET LOST —On Monday even- ing, Dec. 101.11, between Mam church and Town Hall, a gold race - let. Finder will please leave same at rowning's drugstore, Tuttle Mills. of Woodbam, was in "WM Ross, of Clinton has hee4 town last week. chosen vice-president of the Clinton George Sanders is confined to his hockey club. room with fever, Merchants report Christmas trade Warren Ross who has been ill this year far behind lest year at this with the fever is able t o sit up. Aliss Eva Carling, a student of Ham- ° 2.s• ti• Collins, town, this week i disposition, be was highly esteemed by a large circle of friends, as was attest- recent poultry show in Stratford, for ' his fancy fowl. ed at the funeral. He was a member nton Bros. have disposed of their Exeter Municipal Council. of the Baptist church for 51 years, and received word of th cl ti • e ea of his son, Mon College is home spending vaca- tion. James who was living' in a city in Ari- zona,. He was killed by a steeet car. 3. H. Grieve secured prizes at the ve a cons sten e, ever reedy to the Old Country. assist in any good cause. There are Wm. Harrison sold his farm stock left to survive his memory, four sons, and implements yesterday, having dis- viz ; William, of Exeter ; John, Aliso, Craig ; Joseph of Stephen township ; Tassel, of McGillivray township. He was in his 80th year. His remains were interrred in the Exeter cemetery on Saturday last. BITY FROM HOME MERCHANTS, —The following, which we take from the Wingbam Times of last week, will. perhaps, be as applicable here as else- where : "We have frequently referred to the subject of baying from pedlars, but nearly every week some outsider comes here and takes money oue of the town by selling goods of some kind from house to house. Recently a young man made the rounds in a neighboring town, selling large clocks, and he made some sales. The price paid was $9, and upon enquiry at a Jewelry store, a repot ter was informed that a similar tirne piece could be pur- chased for *three or four dollars cheap- er. In purchasing from a home mer- chant the customer gets the jeweler's guarantee, and the clock is kept in re- pair, while on the other hand he (the customer) gets nothing but the clock, and, should the time piece stop, he would have to pay the local man for epairing it. The custom of purchasing moods from outsiders is a detriment to s. the town, and in nine cases out of ten ei, Charles Rowe and family, of Flushe$ a higher price is paid. for the article ng, Mich„ are visiting Charles Rowe, mas. Stewart has some beauties. 1 ive all the pedlars the cold shoulder. spurrshased. If our townspeople -would e would soon be rid of them." But Ars. Rowe's father What about a new dinner set for t is not only those who buy from ped- rou had better see them. lars who pursue a penny wise and „k The Misses McLaren, of Oromarty, pound foolish policy. Sortie people And Miss Marjorie Vosper, of Mitchell, make purchases from the large city called on friends here one day last departmental stores, and give money including Hay, Stanley, Bayeleld and week. and patronage to them which should , Hensel!, vvill be held at the Town Hall, Matt Flood.y, son in-law of R. Croc- be giyen at home. Every resident is ' Zurich, on the 24tb inst. e .ker has gone t° Hastings eountY interested in building up their own l'erfunies, Toilet Waters, Hair *here he has a sawmill and a timber Brushes, Toilet Sets, Purses etc., suit- able for Christmas presents at 0. Lutz's Drug Store W. H. Draper of Montreel,Inspector of the IVIolsons 13ank, was here last C Lutz We have here as good stores and other week again looking up a site for the The next jury sittings of the High proposed. new batik building. Court of Justice will be held in Gode- Mrs. W. H. Parsons has almost re- rich on Tuesday, May 14,before Justice covered from hee recent illness, and ateMahon. „ expects shortly, to leave for Edmonton, See our ladies and children's wo.Ois Turkish Scalp Food le an elegant s dressing for the hair. Restores gray hair to the natural color, relieves clan - &nil' and itching of the scalp and pro- ' motes the g,rowth of the heir Sold town. To do this they must patronize sthe business men in their town. In a 04:Yse Winon's Cough Balsam for Vlace like Exeter, for•instanee, there maglis,ColcIs and Bronchitic troubles. f. Especially useful for children. Sold by de little excuse for any person going 'arm home to xnake their purchases. business places ae are required. while the selection is ample and the prices as low, quality considered, as even a large departmental store can offer. PurchaSe all your supplies in your tmlet shPpera f°r Xmas presents at sown town, 'and in this way help to $1.00 and 85c. Any colored desired. ;build it up, and enrich yourself instead of sending your patronage and money Rev. C. W. Brown B. De, will preach to build up other trade centres and en - ext SundaY evening °°. "What God rich other people. isays about the wine glass." Yonng men specially invited. W. S. Westcott was in Seaforth on les Rieke has a very choice stock o See the new X -cut Saws and Ameri- posed of his farm sometime ago to Ardagh Rollins. Sometime ago a boar belonging to Richard Drought attacked two cows belonging to Francis Davis, of Bid- dulph, killing them. James Dearing, of Stephen, gave a wood bee yesterday, and a dance in the eyening, in which a number of Exeterites took part. Mrs. D. Mile who has suffered sever- al partial strokes of paralysis, is con- siderably improved. and rapidly re- gaining her usual health. Wm. Ford, Lake Road, will shortly move onto Wm. Wood's farm, town- ship of Usborae. when Mr. Wood and family will move to London. On Monday last Fred Carr, of Oredi- ton, and Wes Snell, of Exeter, in re- sponse to a challenge shot at 15 birds each, the former killing 14, the latter 11. Rees.. W. McDonagh, of Stratford, will preach in Main St. church on Sun- day next, in the absence of Rev. Mr. Milyard, who intends spending Christ- mas with his aged mother. Mrs. H. and Mrs P L Bishop gave an "At Home" to a number of their lady friends on Wednesda,y week, while yesterday evening Mrs, F J. Knight similarly entertained lady friends. a special sermon in James St. church Sunday evenine last on "dancing and , card playing." The discussion ' was ' pointed and should be productive of 1 much good. ,t Chas. Suet], J. P. held Magistrate's Coust in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, when the several parties interested in a charge of false pretences, which comes from Stephen, were present. The case was adjourned till Saturday. L. H. Dickson is prosecuting and J, G. Stanbury defending. There bound ie to he considerable change in the Hilton county council for 1901 and 1902 as these four of the present members have decided. to drop been a success as Warden and retires with honors. Mr. McInnes has sold his farm and is leaving the district to in the enjoyment , of a much better aid post than &seat in the C. C., while r. Cook has tired of it all and after many years service will let the work, and such hoiaore as there may be, fall riot been elected to the "Warden sh ip. bury making final arrangernerite fote ware just arrived, suitable for the i Mr. Byee, of Centralia, brother-ine? ''' the Purchase of the Seaforth Sui0 eoming Xmas trade and will be sold at 'law of Jas. Seal& was in onnton foe which will now be conducted in his a very low price deeing the balance ofs the purpose of engaging in the moire- pine symp, it's tho beet cough "remedy in the and completely cured ,by Dr . Wood's Norway Pain in tho chest and wheezieg are promptly name, Ibis year. A call solicited. le went business with Mr. Seale woria, Easy to take, Price ese. . Council met per statutes at Town Hall, Dec. 15th. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read Evans—Levett— That the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on treastner for same :—N. D. Hurdon loan to Library Board 5221.03 ; D. 13raund, rent for engine room $2.00 ; supplies to North End Fire Co. $1.50 ; H. Spackman, engine gauge 53.00 ; Geo. H. Bissett, pt salary, $25.00 James Creech, postage 60c; S. Sanders, salary $55.00, --Carried. Evans—Armstrong—That, Air.Creech be instructed to have the gasolene en- gine and power house insured for the sum of $400.—Carried. to call of Reeve.—Carried SAW DEATH NE A.R. 'le often made my beast ache,"writes hear m3r wife cough until it seemed her weak and sore lungs would collapse, Good doctors said she was so far gone with consunaption that no medicine or earthly help could save heabuta friend recommended Dr. King's New Discov- ery and persistent use of this excellent medicine saved her life." Its absolute- ly guaranteed for Coughs, Cold, Bron- ohitis,Asthma and all Throat and Lung disease& 500 and $1.00 at all druggist, Trial bottles free, THE Question of the Hour What. can I get for Xmas gifts ? Yon need not worry over it any long- er. What is more 'suitaule br more cheering than a nice bo- quet of cut flowers or pot- ted plants. Every per- son of taste loves and apprecia- tes them. LEAVE YOUR ORDER EARLY. W -e have the choiceSt stock of. confect- ion to choose from. Bon -bon boxes from e5c up to 90c, shelled al- monds. shelled walnuts, oranges, lemons,grapea ates, figs, etc. Xmas Cakes end a good assortment of choiae baking always on hand. This is where you, get XXX bread, e. A. POLLACK Xrtitas AT LEVITT'S MIR. Iron. Tin and wooden toys of all kinds, Dolls in endless variety, Games, Xmas cards, Calendars, Music 5e a The finest assortment of China in Huron Co. Fruit sets, Salad and Celery dishes, Sugar and Creams, Vases, Fancy Slippers and Shoee, Rose jars, Cups and Saucers. Glass. Opal and Celluloid boxes, Shaving, Manicure, Glove and Hdkfs' cuff and collar setts. Fancy Combs and Brushes. Ebony and Silver Manicure and Stationery setts, Glove and Shoe But - toners. FRESH FRUIT and CANDIES and NUTS. No trouble to show goods. Come in and look et them. We sell cheap for cash. Levitt7s Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. ' Laundry sent away every Thursday. EXETE latch for With; only 2 dor. f,rurt fituilEraiellleelaraliratlaGutatill4ra:r1Ilrip14:11741BNu'alblueo and :cod Plum 201 tbrm. return tho looney, and your Mack will IA scut, swan, charitc pald. CHU PIS CO., uox los tummy. For the Holiday SEAS We are holding out excep- tional inducements iv:our dif- ferent lines of goods. Our Pianos and Organs are first-class goods at very mod- erat prices. In Sewing machines our stock is varied and of the. best. that money can buy. Do not forgetsour smaller lines such as Children's Cut- terrs and sleighs, also Violins, Banjos, Mandolins, Guitars, Mouth Organs and all kinds of musical goods at rock bot- tom prices. Music in sheet and book form. A CALL SOLICITED. — S. Martin. Imenoteasal Ran E NEW STORE ! DRY - 000DS and WINERIES. Ate • HRISTMA.S will soon be here, but =are liere befor it and are in a position to suriply your needs in the large range of men's neckwear jexpected in a few days,'IThe latest and most up-to-date to be' had. CHRISTMAS GROCEqIES A SPECIALTY. Everything,. you want in that line. New fruits,currants, raisins, choice layer and mat figS,, at the lowest prices. Peels don't buy the `cheapest Crosse & Blackwill's are the best,we have it ; lemon. citron and orange. Best selected raisin 10c per lb. See our choice layer raisins in 7 lb looxes,also see raisins in packages.. New canned goods all in ; corn, pe and tomatoes 3 cans_for, 25c. Laxative •Broina.Qiliaine Thig signature is ond'every bl 4.f theTgasbuillaf, , oeiWitsatato the remedy that eareo °Old in one ooy First Store North Of Post Office - A call, eolicited. Produce taken in exchange. •