HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-20, Page 6MAN WHO WEAR THE CHOW
melt vele is to shovel awe the
man: wbo has to hoe t
olige.Ye thelo-trovialea. have their /welt'
otelms. their mietortenes and tbete
Ys be ban trylog lourney who
o ritraing hero below
j4Lenceeed. to •getting somewhere with
the product of his brains.
;131.1t thg tatt,n wha wears the crown -
The ASSanSitt shoots Win dawn.
theter cage hitli lam a Mime ;where tm
fancies that tee reigns.
Mhe. MBA WIDO ad e up columns at cold
•flay ,n througle the day
May tteatbat Vate's agelost him. but
• she isn't-eot at elli
IEWie eco bts a.nel healthy', Nvnilet the
Czar Is tucked away
With a rover or -with poison that is
etiretro un hes gall
'While the feaiser. pas.s.ing clown
The:matt the decoreted town.
reever legates from whet die:emit/a or ju$
when the ay rimy fen!
There le trouble for the ratan who Imo t
ear a bis daily bread.
Ana eve
he the ceaseless grumble o
. Seattle Jones and Green and Bratrn
tee-ere's the weasey crossnig sweeper wh
is wisbing he were demi.
And les beart is full of sarrow iwborn
the V.Pters voted down,
Hot in state of all the care
We poor coin:non people bear
tWetean laugh while dread is barking tn
the same who wears the crown!
-Cao Tirees-Ilerald.
raeter Sketch of Pu t gropr
When Preeideot -tete veto°
awl meat .aleorte sighted. pentician
Scottie Africa, defeated atm Freaer
the polls,. he tette anproaoho-cl -Med 0
fermi the daal presedetacy
would at itt his lot with toe Tran
veal ana war with Great Britain. 4
Z8 himself. aesured exteat leroonstad,
be felt the indepeadeace of his repo
lic Was InenACed by Great laritai
aod the struggle must come now o
he would b:t aubinerge41,
ei I
e_ Britlah Tinder Clements Nake Way
b. fOr,...._Delarey
tile proceedings to -day in the
11131kR E CTRINE
tuiniature of the debetes of tae
brief oat -seen. Tie ministers were .
necked, the war •was ammo -aced and • a
- at • .• tua • 1 a ol was bother
at:mei:ate buo the war tuna; were:eta,
a ly 'voted after +he Secretary ol State
- foe oWate MneWes. St. Jolto elrodricle,
. heel given tee assueance that the gOr_
erronelte during le:Testi ou 41 cordial,
S - I rat. nit . on. Kimbener m
an oniteevor to ed the war,
- , • e,
metros of Mr. eolte Bryn-, Roberta
Liberal. ile deelared that tbe British
treatment of the women of 'South
Africe, PY41S ea outrage on eiviezatten
ant that it was biasphenty to hold
Ciaristiao services. in St. Paul's en con-
neetioo Gm return of LordAllab,
there• were suet). proceed,
• ings South .Africa.
Mr, Brodrick hotly denounee4
Bryn-- Roberts' charg-es, asserting
that it was eteindoal to make _allege..
Lion wheela 'could not.' -be tin'ovedout
twiticito hevrever, wooed be telegrapleed,
tee Seattle Africa to increase; the dia.
ceeetent *XI -sting ttere. bald toe
M. fletrerO4Roberte to the, eenSnrta road
. reprobation of -nearly every .member
of the aouree of Comatose& nose re-
f. marks Aver* •greeted with, cheeria
• A ar.Brodriebt then repeated that the
government did not desire to pnrsne
• policy tulaich would make it more tilt,.
ficult ifor the Boers to cease fighting,1
and that the government abided in
the deelara.tions of alr- Caeroberlaio.
The s.oseion was suspended until e
o'clock in tb-c afternoon when both
. houses mot awl vivre pr. oro.gued.
l‘ir e h Olt - •
The leollandeta eauciled there weso
, ebamm, by purebased sympathy on the
tecontiztent, by -n.f.dic;cnts tia.latiO4 of
• taternamonal eeeloustes, by cereful,,
: patoiering to the preendices oir tbe.
peace party in elogiated, to inake eve.r
without suffering permanent, ic*:S., IP
:toy event, 'eranseaei lielleelders have
• alwaas fiehed sucoussfoily iia trou,bed
waste, aott the subse.queut Mae -would
he to the Soors, not to them. Those
t of us who watched tbions In the
Transvaal in the months zrecediag
i Lord Roberts' ocoupatem ofiexe-torie
0..keeew laeat wiliet okaled anglt:rs they
ej proved theueseivos na be.
e. Gael ao the intmegue deeelopect to be-
e l come a national policy. Beni Krugi.'
, was bend, and Sir Alfeed abluer 154:..q.
1 ed la:s hand at the beginning. Later,
ii me man might stay the war. t
t it is Weil LO reittembex, however,
1 L
., toae the test Setfil, session. of the
I Vo.ksraaideatite aess"ent ties; euthortz-
l; ed, sowento moults ego, the dos:oath
:, of les inemmet .ultineattiont to teeeole
Dettain-the best of the tO0ere voted
for 1,eamt. letose who voted agetost
k the ismer-, or the uottratiotem ittelitoie4
o .
1 Counieraneante teleueeto Jonbert, Gene
- -; eraBeth*. theael'al De la Iley,
• Center:a teame Meyer, tletterti and
.1.s.cut Sct;.0,7. Burger, end
,!":11r, ilartittard, oho wee keeled ot
I Iterate eort.
i These were% the pm:rime ammo; the,
i lett-t.s--„he npn vtlie vvere never unties,
- t tie, Ile Tommy inflot ege, the own weft
1I beige. the hartio ST for powe ,ted Lit.... -t*
I Once fought the me:latest foe tear
; to -entry in the field. Paul Kruger
i wee not of that number, ile aed tie-
ll-teruilned on war.
'., 1 aseribe hie seraolneneste to meet
; Greet Preello in bootie to relone
; ather Limo to retitle:11 te-ntiments.
-.t healthy beget' Lae betterao, -mit to Iiim
morbid fantititiem. 1:0 I hi, moment
i be believet Gad oil ea.:. -ere at Wen
' the vietory PVOrl .., 11 11:!. ire the
i (mattering of all; Imre Rrtoe trans.
.71.6 •ir aceetet I rot enstrove. ttie
;-, thitla i-, me the teeth oof at- Cr41411.
CO toe r, AL i.
': St..igI-41 4.:k,',?.•,, WI. • fiiiiq`; _ -;,T' ,:!'le or
'1 bis conduce., ten it etrie. emoting
1 Omen his; leseeriors Anti bie emeenents.
00ite Floal'lea alleseeetittrY.
, end eei be ie eitrzere. io eieese
'l 3 tie amonalis I item' Met t
': metitontommteeetar:-"t. mgeet-orolovae-isooflo,s'.,.i‘oef :leF.-. le'---erttfe:,y1al
he prm•eri1,-Jhatton1h1erd
U ;ad 11%*,.4
ri ,...e:: hi, persona eitteerl„e" the seeen
1 itorersi open me.
; I leove beide me a canine, u.nel tele-
! grant front President lerumer to%
4.;en. Botha. dated eition a e, 3,..-03).
z I; eie tze fellowse-
I "Keep up eour 4 finvizi., ytou God -
i fatring people. 'fbe Lord i 4 iai,aul,
/ ;ma Ile elean stoat ilet •erengtei in
iyewweekut,es. Itrmizer, caul said to '
i Devid: 'tie out a,9*.tin*.t the Allt123::...
1 And ite werm, Imo W.DS beaten.
-- erit'LIV repo:toe! him.. A seennd th -
a the Lord send 'Otte and lie went,Mi.
1- again he wee lentoeni Ile third tinet
• leo etked oi the Lord what Was the
re:1141 of these faitures,as •the Lord
Hinted; ix et sent him against the
oxen*. no-, Lord then mild, "There
Is ion -eel. 011.-. with eour people. Pun -
leis elate Devitt id so, aad then the
1 eeiot tests rest:eve.
' "Antenet us 3.- there also an evi;
' r Mt. Witi,111._ W=Mot Imnih and east
4 , • ; o
1 ito se. Li4`,14 .;.,i b..' 011,:r own brother
or tete own (exile., he zroust not he
t p.i-ezeil he. The eve lies in the toot -
1 toe dna t he leteat of goods 'belonging
t to tie- government :MAI to the bur -
1 Otero. Tell it to tlw people th-it
. wherever this ii ;men le' err fel Mu',
, (officers and men the criminal must
b , secured and punished, -v- n 1" he Ir.!, .
tigir own child. Feu ,1... .1 41 the
thieve.; tbit thee- perloaps think to -
?, gein something,' but that they are
eurely ttying upruin for -hem:selves
1 and for the whole country. There Le a notice ineapeteity in all
' thie to reelize that, i: Lie :assump-
tion be true, hie own rarernel con-
duct was the most lilt 7:: t 0 arouse
3 the wrath of the .Alailehte. And
w.• - Paul: Kruger sines -re when he
see t he t eonal en I i el MI ssage, as
sincere as when he smile' -. the salaries
of hie stare:hie Government clerks
• upton the expen-to • '7‘ i1.1:: h(lfin'hOld
in Brussels. - Denotes Store, in Lon-
don Daily 3Fai7.
Cerieuely elexel With a IO31SU111i41 Lew
on1h Afrieeet war begin twelve
au. Paul Kenner wee ,boeu
s1y.v :mare egroa All of, ^het
tehree.guerserit of "1 V41:•nry hie. been
for him coott lies too-opt:ma period tee
enrolee, : ,Z;traggILN. U4', %elite wreetiong,
livitia ;he irreettstitio forma oi: evolu-
tion anti It.,V1'.01)4)1. )a- . ,in toes ftlU
• lt 61.-.41:16 ;.'in totem ea- exe L.s coml.
try, a of
peteetras,, *lite 1.4 :1 .sureived,
tine Itteeeti,nt elleetter rem% bit, 4.4
14'11",V. 11/ f1.a'1•11tra• VaZ t; -,:is ma toot.
otee fignre, all We, ':!3!•,i uUiS
the retetteres eol
art ,•as, • -4 toe too -ram r4 4.4: ilL'AA gotta,
Pear -stet taturen te move ;more etie
gemeettor tot oer• teoreetie „to.
;time um. -a io -e D1-1:4 gV,141
a eater. -vvrioie.;
6c 7,114 S. nentext-
• ..eol V:ayfffl .
en 'Jan. etee ,
tZ jimoste8
ernst: end Irlue• eitaa
its An,.rt bag te,rtil ;tr..;
deteeiteelee'to.41-4;,; A A
41. 4 !,:t
111a4. tint'. 1186
A D Reletei AN it et -e *N.
te1 teem, ;,. „,: t4.14
wee s ote-tom to' ;74; r
tit mint it,41,1„.,4.,,,„ •
, 5
:tau £f-.11• r4.y .
Illea.1 me, 0 o: I •r at:
50;{ -j i• tI3
11',. .L•ti' me:44 oy 13*
thee iot limit 4. aim: •rose tit- r. strott ae
and the vie s oe •v.:. emit.
144 lent the Stm ro%tee leo t 4.01
eitai Or t u I; E II ID i 1,s
cares n1 worri is .tnges, mot, .ad .d,
;yet. 0,1 bog for to, s iii• evel
toth, sou.* tettralim• ted !elle
lieenteszead on the vt- matel not
iimegeet, toy n ei v. to e1.1 at 0,4
nalltii.eN fl4 1 1 OVI.r 4UF 01
cefita tome ie.; Lome -seep. Wien his
miseread ;-; for 140 I ieil he
Re it ik, :ma its la neer!: for 001..,.:111.
1 ien t1 lo h., e teed rule a s a in
nevi etomitze &perm !tie eefairs.
he the eilvent of revenues e,tme
noel f-ir a et- rare, and .n is
1.781121,15, i. eavolod i uid of. the
alto lender. Th. rien 11 s the witutie ex-
p :An Lien of Krurs : • 11.
t h • Hit Landers 'ot-
f-eetai by ;he s- al anent that made
the Boer a r4.11.flt, foe, e. worthy
enemy. They m te tee tie
Tranow,ta, for what ot zoolvant tg!
h4Itl 10- 4 hem. They hated
th •1 i it b CSI1S • h s mei, t al-
ly sred dile -en tie mind, in
probity their suptrior. They sucked:
tbe b cool ot tb.- -ate-
ly with Lha o of the Baton, end they I
int ..-igueti stg inst 11.-• Tierismeeter ;Is ,
they id 4+g i a- th. E gielam n and
Sco tees:on_
'Yeats ago I 4iekei la o Krug r wite
he erapoyea so many- Holt etelsre .n
gove. mutat os h n there wee
so fine a e o ye; :moue toluented
Africa:alders - to ha hand. Ile
said: "Af 'Wanders I canot use.
Tbey woud am be true, to me. Eng-
lishutaa. 1 cannot use. They are "eon -
est, but they b untly tell me they are
iny egiemies. The Holanders fair me
14 1 grow e at them, they tremble. 1
tan use them."
;And so to maintain his persona
pneer, Pia Kruger surrouided lem-
mata with an entourage of liollandere
a cordon of corruption. Many sue
vile whoa seeking work-. the Trans.
vaaI Hoilarader ma tyrant wherevez
be is possessed of a little brie.!
thority. Prom ead to end af tin 1
repubac he was hated., and, when flu
war came, the old takhaar shouldered
h 3 efauser, muttering, "W.hiehever
way the war goes, mow wet shall get
rid of the Holander."
There'was throughout the sera-
pe ga a Ha lender commando, until
fee ing b: came so strong between Os
members and the Boers it had to be
(Hoban (led. • The H'o net -et s, wit eo
matters had sufficiently developed,
met in. conference in Pretoria, and
(lest/etched a cable to their Queen,
begging for a battleship to carry
them safelo away from the country
they had fattened upon so long.
Thoee were the men wbo made Mat
;war, and Who had repaid Paul Kru-
• ger's gene,rosity by selling his preti.
o'4ny anclais country's inde-pendence
tame engineering of the cleheele wart
any aerie 'congenial wei lc to the Het-
ineriguants. 'Atter or fin4 esearts
o they realized that Paul kroget
asi altering his end, ead that ',With
Is death lemon canoe toe loss of ell
4their powia- ta the land. :Theo Jame
peon, raid atforded them a text from'.
ittretiolt to. piteach British °vett:men
Aged Bette:3h trettehmety
Likely to Be Recommended by Assessment
Commission in Assessment Laws
Toronto, Dec. 11. -The royal assess
latent eommiasion has just about
closed the hearing of evidence, one
it L.3 the opinioa of those wbol ,have
closely followed the sittings thatair
Juatice McLennan and a majority icei
his colleagues will recommend a ;rade
oal change In the laeseet Ontario that
wilt relieve mercantile capital anc
ro.anufacturing plants engaged in tht
Indust ri I busenees of the community
and tax more heavily the wealth ac-
eueaulateee in the hancls of the rich
To -day's ereument was devoted large-
ly to the hearing of ,evidence
municipal officers in refutation of tilt
proposal of large corporations hold.
ing public franchises that they bt
assessed on 60 per cent of their grow
earnings instead of on realty tame_ per
aonality. Mr. Fullerton, Q. C., show;
ed that Toronto aloas would lose- $47,.
000 in taxes by the <mange. Mr. Hutt
Lon, assessraeot commissioner of Ham;
ilton, gave details of theloss that
-would result there, and the 'hearint
-was closed by a statement by Mr
Robinson, Q. C., that allthe companies
wanted ware a system that would bi
tualform throughout the px.ovinoe.
The. green houses ae Mount Pien-
mnL cemeteey, Toronto, have been to -
telly destroyed.
James J. Ei1I ties resigned the
•presideney of the Great Northern to
devote his timie to Dis work'as chair-
men of the board of direalors.
•Dr. S. Ilaegfraer, aged 49 years, a
prominent consuming , engineer and
chemist., of Hamilton, Ont., is dead at
Joseph's elotepttale; Deemer, •of
typhoid. fever. ;
Perlen Which" casuallnes Were Heavy-
Rentforeentents: Serried Forwere-Other
'Seer Attahles Repulse
London, Dee. leeoLord Kitchener re -
porta that after severe fighting at
Kooitgedecleto Gen. Clements" force
erase compelled to retire by Vora/nand-
Ant Delarey, with a forceetie 2,500 mein
Tiere British officers were killed. The
other casualties were pot reported.
Lord licitebeneria officiel dispatch to•
tbe War Off' ee i. as -follows:
"Preterite', Dec- •13.-11emeotte fotee
Noottgedaeht, on the Magalieesburg,
was. attacked at damn to -day by De-
Jere"-, reinforced by Beer's commando
from Warmbath, ma.ktog a form, testi.
mated et lt,500. Thougb thelfiret at -
'tack was repalse4 the Boerseuanaged
to getnt•Ore top ot, the Magatieshurg
erlencla was held by fteartheMPanies
the Northumberland Fusiliers, and
were thus able to monmantIVIeutente
paw. Le retired on Hettpoarto and
took 433118 0.4tina op, a hill in tele cen.
tre Of the valley,
-"The came:sales bare not Immo com-
pletely reportee, but the fighting wee
very severe, and, I deeply "'regret that
▪ Legge, -of the thetheitimears, and
Caplet, alnebeano Morderth and At.
Uinta were killed. Reinfozreemente
have left here."
Lord Ritetumer oleo reptorte that
the Boers made an attack: and wert
repulsed .at Licbtenburg, and that olio
B oer general, Lernmer, wile killed
Attacks oo Bethlehem end lereole were
;oleo: repulsed, the pewee fusing ler
killed and 14 womuled. elm -heel
attacked Dee. 1.1,
FORE t; 013i NOS;
London, Dee. 33 -,The seines tot Oat
wer office to -day recta; those ult.
neesed in the- early siagee Of hc
war. A constaut stream of excitee
people fried the lobbies ell seek:hoe
tie:41.4- of the disaster. Tho, rietanee
of ;he nukes el: rine of the offivert
of the Northuniherleini Fuel lore le
Generel Kneelietterte detiettels 1 ads te
;.he forcheting 31431 II h • four totem
lotnies of the Fusiliers ine114eno,t1 are
411e 11.38414
Ibe ort14-als of ;be %ear 0,673-
11'111.:7.1 eNtW4 4 heavy casualty list
let; they are lemainl, from the feet
that the dew nob dome rico mention,
the eel -gore tee the Nertionalterlande
14*tsusha greao catastrophe h
leeen esetapeol.
L41re8nr,0 •-• Tee
Britieh troop.; tot itioentrotiptiort az-
mantling to amine 111 She enpeetaney43
1144 nitaelt by a !leer Tome of leen
which ie. in that vicini4. • It
Ineesel to be the intention of tbe force
10 MAUD I (341,514 1314311 Ile, 4, 1341. Tbe
13 414044 S reetardel et redone.
A fore*' at I'M intent re. io • tioacirto
of •eivaire ani moot p..pig
pliehed to Ili- frt.atir 1,1 1:31eilitrz
1,17111,EV PA.R.
Cept Town, Doe,. ;a- -,otbee, :are
wets was given tale Leatting lot Lein
Australhin and ('4111111.1 131 3l'isliket, wlu
were abeue to start Oar their homes
The meson: made au adoiressen wide'
he hailed the reentiel troni • '41', homes,:
of the Empire, 113, e.1 leo; hat
many limee lean isezietio vorners,hu
the Wee of heitting the white flae
never entered their laeole.
Rieh trot. AY: 311 (eatmeliane, it
replying to the arevoret matircee
het the Dominion troop: 110.4 no
1..en fighting soleiv for South Afri
n interests, but for their own.
Governor Sir Alfred eTilner, ;teem
p.nied -be 1114 staff, went to Ilis
dories too led the troops farewell. Ile
thanked the eons ingents for theit
serriees, and doe:: upon the •fact
thet their presence in Soutb .tfrier
had strenethenai *be Minds bf tbi
FA4'11111elre&tp, Tint el weleomtes the am
rointmont ot toir Alfred elilner at
Governor of :he -Orencre River one
Vaal River •Colaniee It alto publishes
a strong mlitorial on the stibjeet 01
megnaninehy to the Deere. It says
there is motet reason to fear thal.
axle attempt at nneue magnanimite
on the pert of Great Pritein is fore.
ecezened to failure. Tt aads that •
Gemmel Roberoe Tetley of genertoite •
feilei of prartiea! result. Tr beim
Ow better resolts *moo- Sir "Kraft
expresses o''pt14i»n c44. tho
fecisibite-e oof a reagnanimeem tettiey
0 :tetwa, Dee. 13 -Th el'inister 0:
511.1.1e will introduce a hill at the
eamino 541551011 of perliatnen" to pro.
vide a penoian fund for the Canadiaz
soldier's who were disabled in Soutl
Limed*, Doc. 13 -The vorremetiot
leis decided, by a N'Ote• 0: '22 to 2, tc
-confer the freedom of the city on Mr
London, Dee. 16-Orriere were is-
sued at Ablershot, 'Malta,and othei
military centres this morning to des;
batch all the available mounted in
fantry to ,South Africa.
Standertan, -Transvaal, Thursday
Dec. 13 -General Louis Botha is re
ported to be twenty miles frons .hert
with fifteen- bottdred men and oleo
gen. He has eelled a meeting . Ot
the burgher's for :Saturday.
Indulged in at the Closing Session of
British Commons •
And the War Denounced -Mr. Brodieek
Roasts Liberal 1431. P. for Treasonable
'Landon, Deo. la.- Parliament was
dismissed to -day until the middle of
Februar,y with. the reading of the
ebortest of the Queens spesehes. It
evas follows:
eel" Lords and Gentlemen: I thank
you for the liberal provision you
leave Made tor the expenses incurred
by the operations of my armies! in
South, Africa and Caine."
{Loudon. Dec. 15,- Ben.
upPementary despItt.h. referring t
tbe disaster at the Magaliesberg
firms yesterday's most lies:48415o
fears and deMenstrates that the es.
tostroplio is among the VI,OrSt of the
war. The matter was brouglo up lit
tbe 1101.1se of Vonnuons toolay, bleu the
Secrete-170er War, Mr. Nem. St. tiolen
Ilrocirielt had leo informatioa to 8414
except wounded numbered sia; of -
(teem and 45 tom
S. Government Has No Iflea,
Britain \VIII Accept It
hiugton, Decenteer i. -
Mended beemned may degree
ed in the $enote by the re-
' lo leaders, and resolved two
rtu as to Ma,fte it- au abecoluto
cum matter to be coramum.
pending ito,y- Pattneetote
be ematted to the Brit.
raga% by the president.
a/mien will be purely pro
for be administration baa not
he slightest idea Mat tbe convention
will he ample -4 by the British gov-
ernment. If this belief is %all found-
ed, 1 .en the document 11141 go Into
3;mbo or treaties failed of ratifl-
ion, its position comptring in some
degree with the Oney-lliuncefore ar-
hitration treaty.
An expect 43401) t ha t the action of
Uw tiOriTin yesterday upon the Davis
retneirdinent to tne Day- Potuneefote
treaty wou'd result In tine Immediate
retirement of Secretary llety from the
cobble. ;*11 ne lazed. by the fact that
the stemware" has not resigned, and
ace ueling 30 bia own taps, will not
:wive the cabin° at present.
When the Oe. went into execu-
tive eseestion eenator Lodge reported
the ,onendment agreed upon in tom- •
mit 44. There were two of them. The
first of these inserts the words"whieh
is hereby supereedede after the"Clay-
ten-Bulwer treaty," in the first para-
graph of article :Int the treaty, mak.
in that paragrapn read as 'followst-
"The higb enntrarting parties, dcsir- t
ing to preserve and. maintain the
general prinetplea of neutralization 1
establisbed in article $ of the Clay- 1
ton-1u'wer eonvention,Whieh is herehy super, -led, adopt as the basis of ;
such ne . ion the fallowing %
ru es subetanlially as embodied in 1
the vonveretion between Great Britain
ena certain other powers signed at
Conotantintople, for the free naviga-
tion of the Suez maritime canal." The i
swim' nf the amendments strikes out
article 3 of the treaty, reading as
follows: "The high contrar-ng par-
ties, Immediately open the exchange
of the I.-iliac:Wens of this conven-
tion, mil bring it to the notice of .the
other pnwers and invite them to ad-
here to it."
It was stated that the conntaittee
Mon been unanimous m its action with
the ex-eption of Senator Money, who
oppesea any- action except. the abso-
lo.;1. ena unconditional abrogation of
the Clayton-iBuIveer treaty. That re-
su.. is accompusnea by the amend -
men reap:nee. to-ctay, but the efts-
ets .ippi ecne-or would have 11 13 done
through other means that the Hay -
P armea, t repay.
After the report was made Senator
Cuettereon, of Texas, rook the floor,
and he was 1011.0wod by Senator
Speoner. Mr. Spot:act- reported the'
oh outchnit nearly the e.ntire l'g's- s
lative mession the senate was in ex- g
ertuolve session discussing the Hay- e
Pauneefroe treaty. No business of e
unportance was transacted in the
b ief open semtion exc. tring the ad.op-
tion df the House tesolation for a
holiday' to ex end menu Doe. 21 to
Thuesaay, Jan. 3.
After eeporting to the• emate in
executive session Loosay the new
amendments to the, ty- Pauncrifote
trettv, 4,3 made oy coonainttee 00
en ei en r Lan met o Lo g 3134141
an ate gt to have a aay set for the
t..1.1r4n af vote tipCn the tee Me FIe
euegestoe n -x Thursdav as the. g
11: to 'epeabie ctrae, but din not .
smeterol in getting the Unanitnuus
mineral' necessary.
)111I14 Quotes It in Support or His
roll the 433.5, Senates What They Think
Them -Britain wet Not consent
• .
reeleleoago, rsgard ta, ti4s
neaniog an4. jostifloation 471
kalled Warts aneeneltnent. to theflIay
iteemeefette treate, N. H. lateleheaot
oditor a the Tintes4ferald, to -day
•no.kea Pablin a private letter' bo -re.
zeivea from the late Seaator
• Boris.. ralte letter hears date *of
Kara lg. MO, and ,hdin partiths fot.
"The amendmeat has Oda etepental.
--telvantaae„ -tbat it was Phra404 as
4.earIS ap..pa..s4Tale thaelangaage of
the teata artiele emeetylottGooetan-
sinople, Therefore* Ma amendment,
oa. adjusted to the treater Of Vonstane
httoPleo pats the British Government
ria the pealition where iteenuat. either
wept the priociple of tb.eetreatY 'of
eonistalettnople, ela Great Britain
aerself proposed, or flatly say. that
-Foes. of that treaty. eithiele. are to
eavaeoamet to Great Britain abell
stated ottir, treat st wed ellat the
the lines of that treanyeeyhich are AG
oar adva _of -age; and may be . disad,
Fontageous to Great .D.ritain,eleall be
abliteroted from our treaty.. Its the
tonnatittee had framed them a.nterid.
_eat on different lines, or in different
;orals, Great Britaio would havelsaid
at we. had departed froug• the
reaty of Constantinople anti introduo.
new principles. Sbe would not
been correot in saytit4 so, but
the would Irene eahlOte ady own ob-
tent Was to head herr. elosely as •pose
eble to her OWn pr.ecerient."
l'he letter .conclude.s as follows: -
"The pos.sessio.ns of the United'
tetai, an to Texas, aril ices tlISIElat,
0,3 to California, Roth -melt further
lestant from •the -marts offaceese of
the elicara.gon Canal titan are tilt\ pos.
_mecum of Turkey at Out lower 'end
f tbe Red -Sea frorathe Port of elereae
trout the Suez Canal. The idea that
the two attuatioes are riot ^identical, in
erinelpie so far as the ereceesity -of doe
:mum Le. concernee, no simply prepas.
"Article, 10, of the treaty -ref Cooston-
„inople, binds the partiei :oltotli.
er atates widelt belie 8843 51g114141 it no
secede to it. This thttrnited Settees
:004 slot do. imeaufet Wile% mere.outo
eoz a violation of int totem,: teafto Ea.
:wean -complication-4e ooeadsly ad-
eered to since Washingtou'a farewell
oldreas. .Article $. and Feasibly some
time" articles in the treaty of
antinople. •bind the signatory vow-
to wateh over tho etteieution of
att. 'ro 43 )*i* woositio Laing the
States 1141. eoneert 81
Europe asi an active.. portieimaline,
and passible, belligerent power. net
whieh we cannot 40 mite Iturope,
flay.Panneetote rota y invites, 4431? ED-
ropeito powers; lo 10,14,,
;,,r13 Ifernisphere. introdueinu theia as
parliee under control who' eerttain
•sontingenelea aiel all in violation Of
the Alonroe 41004 rine."
nnvrtgrr TALK.
Loudon. 3 !„-Time •
able absence or .eq,maten after-
noon paper:a toelle on - it tak-
en by the Palled :gales :--.fitata re-
gardinr, tee Nhearague Canal.
St. annuls tort:tette takee toceamen to
lecture the "Jingo e'en:, 1 *levet it
ell -Ye, "has again. rotothly eelotif:e41 tlus
President and aferonied olo, genero-
sity of Groat nritoin." Th*' James
Go cc t te fart her deal:tree 1 t 1141? :to-
tem of the Senate in rorolaining bat
nu. party shall keep its advantages
411 11 the object that the, lot her shall
un be eareguarami. ts imprudent I and
1 it persistn in itstagnorantly selfislt
course Great Prittun intuit fall beck
48 Iter right under On( rellayten.Bul-
*ter treaty, wberoby ,nl)e is ontitleol
o refuse pornaiseion• to the 'United
'441.iF.4 to build the eanal."
Don fall tiazette sayet-e
"Iirliiesh consent to the Amendment
unpossible. Everything for not&
ng 1 am a ;working peinctple."
London, D. 14 -In the House of
Commons to -d ty the attempt of Mr.
Henry N'orraen, Liberal, to draw
the government on the subject of the
iragua Canal, failed, Lord Cran-
e orne, Parliamentary Secretary for
;.13 Foreign 0,7finso contenting him -
1t. whit replying to the effect that
tommun e ion ha* poseed b tween
Greet Dritaia and ihe other Europ-
e- st governments with the view of
i ain,g wbether they agreed to re-
, 1. nemral a canal cccupied and
for i itd he the United States.
No useful rurpose, Lord Cranbdene
enema, coule b served at the pre -
sen moment. Ire- replying to the other
p raga:epee the questioo of Mr.
,N.ormen. These asked if Nicaragua
accepted the, ITnited States Senate
committee's elite Omit the relation -
01 the United States and Niertra-
ua was analogous to that of Turkey
nd Egypt to the construction of the
uez canal, namely, the relationship
of suezeram and vassal, and if the
United States associated Heel,' with
the protocol signed at the Lenolon
conference of March 13, 1871, to the
effeet that no . power could liberate
itself from the engagements of a
treaty without the assent of the con-
traoting parties.
Washington, Dem l - tha senate
committee on foreign relations to -clay
hold a special meeting and decided to
recommend further hmendenents of
the Hay- leauncefote treaty. The
ouramittee adopted an amendment
suggested by Senator remakes, whic.h
declares that the Hay- Paancefote
treaty supersedes the Clayton- Bul-
ever treaty, and alto strikes out of
the Hay- Panne • agreement
artiele 3, wleich •permits the submis-
sion of the limy- Pauneefotte treaty
to other powers and invites their am
•ce,ptance af .it. '
Paris, Dece le.- Th Fr h `goeerr-
m nt wi 1 not oe'er be. cotton to any
no1 on oE the Unitel Steals congress
regardng the C ayton- Bulwor trea-
ty. They prefer that the Niearogua
cane' ;thou cl be lieu' ra1, hut they are
ereciate tin IT. S. strate,got reasons
fo- '0-tiey net the ee r1 , and France's
irests are too SM 1 to induce ths
government to interfere in any woe
in the matter.
GE-11.etANY wait; tonL Tel I -I t: ' 11
New York, Dee. us. - Thc Evenim
Poet says:- Banking firms ha'i34
loolimete association with the Ger
mon financial situation express to
day . no great concern over the 51 444 e
!new of Germany's precarious coo.
,bontic sta,bility. While admittino•
the situation presents seriohs este el -
they :tesert, pcsitoeety that there ,
eo cause for alarm.
Cassopo is, Mich., Dec. 13. -- Early
this morning a body destitute of
clothing, with the head and one arm
eevered, was found on the Michigan
Central air line treeks at , tete junc-
tion in this village. The arm was
foinicl about 40 feet distant, and the
head end clothing about one-half mile
east of Dailey and more than four
miles from where the body waEi 'found.
Papers found with the e °thingshow
that his name was Geo. Y. Grifeith,
and a resident of Canada. A cheek
book allowed that he had on deposit
with Dr. Hernando, Toronto. $46.85.
gassetts p,ofd this city to day. et:
peasenger trato was looted botweei
oar on the northeb.o.. 1,)Ott; l.el
lTeXarkeuao Ark., Dee. le. --The 104.1
eral registered mail pouches weee o 0'
opea and tile ccoatents, carriee( 134
11 s understood that Lit ( ouehee con
' tained several valuable, telekages 411
route from Meraphis. Tee mail clerk
John, W. ))e(434145, 14135 foetid unconteti
Oots front a tame" on tho head when les
train rep:oiled Texarkana. lentil le
'recovexa no description of the net
aera can be seeored. Twt, re. n havt
been arrested on suspicion at ea -apnea
Writ., bat no trace of roe pioneer we;
Pawl on them.
Kitchener Reports Capture by Boers
or Wee; 111111dred hien
setweea clements and Oelerey-Penere,
French 09.ee $o Am tbe FQ;q1.4.810X,DOP
fpr Qom team
Leeirden, Deo: JO- Lord Kitchener re8
ports that eiglateen cancers and fivt
hundred arid tifty-five men are rates
iug trona General. Clements' forces
ltbey consist of four companlee of thd
NorthletteberhaPd Fusisiers. Judie*
from the message thesr were eaptur:
4141b),' the Hoven. Clements' eaSnal
ties Dec. 13 utuottuted to five off1
eel's and unw, Men billed, awl Man)
apparently wonude4,
London, Dee. 10 - jecoUtieCtioX
with Lord -Kitcaeuer's re,port of eel*
ous fighting at Nooitgedaelit betweer
a British force under Geo. Clement:
and Doers tioder Commondent De -
Iterate a despatch, dated Johannes
burg. Dee, 14, 3.314 p. ro.,
battle 414 continues In the .hills I
few miles from Krugeredorp. thoi
Chemente bus Asked for reinforce
sides. It is estiatiete4 that the Doer
have been inane cestralties ou boil
mumento:024,41$;,unteel men under Gen
French Imre atready gone. Tilers
Ciateee-Detele SOLDIERS,
Le,ndon, 11. 1 - The War °Met
143813 ssued art order iliet hereafter
lnvaUde(1 oolouial troops shell be cen
114831.11 Atria: nsserond
passengers lumeel of In thi
"NaVgleL.L Aee JOHN.
Datifax, N. S., Dem Toe- The Wet:
Office cub:eel the Agifirairaillix autherl
aie*i• to -44 abet the FS. Like Chem
plain witl la -ad *be C„inadion cantin
gent at $4. John. Preparations fo
their reception here oar', nem off.
aithelealeall 1,71031 MILeeRitt.
Oat twa, Ont., nfe. K. - Sir alfre:
C4 foliows: "Dee. 13.4%inolitt rt con
311inor eohilee to Lore Mizzen 0.434
Dingo/ID ,; alyd to -day in 114'61:111
:11.1:111s!nn.t ettni cier,001:84thn ouhgole
'IropiliTtanidst ettIsrietu.e.
Oi tau a. 1)e. le- The t tempo an(
Oro% on board the Itoseen Caetit
om Come Town utile he expo:aeon a
Halifax ahem Jan. 7, according 10
milk', from Co'. Digger, reetived
the Mill. I Li department that morning
Only 3 he rit ral heona Herm, now re.
iins 81 the Canadian troupe ir
remelt Aeriee.
gem Hague, Dec. le Q men W11
ltelmina hste invited Mr. Kruger tun
Dr. Leyile to dinner to-nitita.
A11.NIN:1 eitt01 . IIA„
New ork, ih.e. 16.- N.. -*pitch 1.
the Journal front Am, sereent eayze-
The following proolaurition by lien
Linea Bot ha 1M1 been re aims, -
"erberea.s. 1 hare teen 1i1»* 1710:
that he enemy sir. et 4*' 4 4114,4:41111 0
wrong awl tying . 413Z43'.13 1314
burgher.: about *in, t1*1yfr1333f..1, an,
nay. elf, our off E.r-i .81105. 4,11'
e12arg+4,1 to commauleate t he followilso
inforinatton to the mexeral publice-
eThe executive council, aft.- eon
roultang the president of, 113 f ALig
Free State, tuts dereleol, 311 1e in
tereets of our muse +: ,,,reve leave 0
al% enee to our state preeideae witl
or lent to go neuneilietely to leiairogi
to aesist our deputation there, in th
work they have before them. Vice
Pre-ale:it ochalkburger has beet
aworn ia according to law, and i;
now acting aa state president. He i
aseisied by the state secrete -to tue
members of the executive council
Lucas Meyer and myself, and °thc.
officials; in short, our governmentax
ists in the same way as before, attic
is now in my immediate neighbor
hood and in direct comneunioatiox
With tad. -
".Let the blood of ourtbravet dead al
ways be a strong voiee, inducine
every burgher to fight for real liberty
We have ;nothing lef t Id lase, but
everything to evin. TOG Governmenl
Ls most firnily decided to bontinue tits
struggle. r am convinced the bur.
ghers vvill a,ppland this elecisiore and
act a-ccordingly until the end.
"Burghers are warned against tho
fine 'words used by the, enemy to de
ceive them, and to make them put
(down their arms, because, according
to the proclamation of Robertsifthej
all be transported to St. Helem
or Ceylon' as prisoners °fewer. /Oui
cause, however .precarious, is nol
hopeless, if every burgher wily (Joel
leis duty. The Lord isl sure to 'give
ablessia owa
edlendwaiyett.,,Hin men time
tn a
IL is reported. at ems Angeles, Cal.,
tb a a cloudburst occurred to -day ln
earl Francisco, resuming in greet
loss of life and mace. damage. %San
iineiseo is entirety cut off from
e ormunioation by wire.
'It often made my heart ache,"writes
L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin, Tenn., "to
hear my wife cough until 44- seemed her
weak and sore lungs would collapse,
Gond doctors said she was so far gone
with consumption that no medicine ot
earthly help cruld save hentatta friend
recommended Dr. King's New Discov-
ery ana persistent, use of this excellent
medicine saved her life." Its absolute-
lyrguaranteed for Coughs, Colt', Bron
eh i t is, A sthrn a and oll To coat and Lung
dieeeses. 50c and $1,00 at all druggist,
Trial bottles free,
tis KILL -
We know of
nothing better
than coughing1.
to tear the lin-
ing ef your
throat and
lungs. Itis
better than wet
feet to cause
bronchitis and
Only li.eep it
up „Ind you
will st-1.-:.eed
red;;:i. your
weight, •losing
your appetite,
bringing on a
slow fever, and
making every-
thing exactly
right for the
germs of consumption.
Better kill your cough
dare it kills you.
MS coughs of every
kind. A ZS cent bottle
is just right for OA ordi-
nary cough; for the
harder coughs of bron-
chitis you will need a 50
cent bottle; and for the
eoughs of consumption
the one dollar size I
moat economical,
"Kyeeresb reolocell me to a mere
siteletoo. t tried way reuseatee,
bet 43b411'844 folleol. Atter using the
oberreeneeterall treineetetew he.
gam to Improve, met tareo bettlee
restated toe to heali14 LbCUSte 1
ewo my life to It."
SAD.= Nortattato
'1,1a53. rfOltrOtAWS# VS.
01.40 ANP 4343315144 mEn REffirgnr,."-Sfm.,,.
Witn.lowiffeoothIng $fyfrap bag been wed for
over fifty e -ears by millions of motbere for their
children while teething, wino rerfectsucceoa.
It soothes (he child, softens tbe gums, altar( al
P31133, rum+ wind co1l. ond IS the best remedy
tor Inerrbco. It is pleasant to the taste. Sole'
by druggists In every rasa- of the world. 26-
eentsabottle. Its value Is Incalculable, lie
sure and ad: tor Mrs Winslow's Soothinon
Syrup and talte no °tiler kind.
Every Organ of th3 kody Tone&
up and Invigorated by.
Mr. F. W. Meyers, Meg -St. E., Berlin,.
Ont., says: "I suffered for live years'
with palpitation, shortness of breath,
sieeplessuess and pain in the heart, but
one box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve.
Pills completely removed all these
treesing symptoms. I have not suffered
einee taking there, and now sleep 'well
and feel strong and vigorous,"
Milburns Heart and Nerve *Pills euro'
all diseases arising from weak heart,
worn out nerve tissues, or watery blood.
Heart Humbug
It is fashionable to -day to have a,
new heart scare every 24 hours..
The commonest symptoms of dys-
pepsia or nerve trouble, such as pal-.
pitation, weak spells, loss of appe-
tite, and poor circulation, are magni-
fied and distorted into serious signs
of heart trouble, with the object of
frightening the public into taking -
this or that heart remedy. If a,
hundredth part of the heart trouble.
we hear about were real, the ceme-
teries would be filled in nt . A
Wrong construction is 'put lap
mon aihnents in rder to hu
the people into th belief that t
disease is prMent, whereas r
heart trouble, Which is so sadly an
suddenly fatal when it does occur,
a rare disease. Lopsided arguments
cannot convince an intelligent people.
r.ron is the vital element of the blood.
Too little iron means weakness, lack
of spirit, pallid cheeks, shortness of
breath, sleeplesiness, nervousness,
loss of vital force, ending in general
break -down. The iron in Dr. Ward's
Blood and Nerve Pills is in the ,scl•
agents lcih6
eti of on. other ry) 7 curativelufeel
manner that disease can't resis
well when you take 1)r. War
Blood and Nerve Pills.
Noper be; Ave lioser for VA. All nroselltir
or Elm Willionui &Qr. Tomato. ore