HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-20, Page 5TEE1.1 EXETER TIMES
ER111 a'rd°'" midcllesex I, GRIM 0[11'8 1111111[81
. and],.E. McCallurreLondes-
Doneld G. Graham, of Lobo, has par- '
chased a hundred acre farm from Neil
Fletcher for $5,000.
fill tile NOWS of interest to Philip yd,of London, has been a Mao_
Old iollaDitants of tlie
d by the trustees of $ S f
Times Readers flappealna gon,eWest Nissouri, to teed; fo; t
I uroo, Traoas tO
In t11080 6011iltie$
Vanhorn, Hills Greeo, while
working in the swamp had his head
severely cut by a falling tree.
Edmund Geiger who has been teals-
ing for two years in S. S. No. 12, Hay,
has been re-engaged for next year.
Last week W, H. Woods, Hayfield,
geld his residence, fornaerly owned by
W., Burns, to Wt. Jewett.
Mrs. Young, a sister of Mr. D. Hay,
iof Kipper), formerly of Farquhar. who
Lias been ill for some thne et Stratford,
died iaet week.
J. IL 51eHardy, who left Clinton
aboute. month ago for Nelson. B. 0,,
died quite suddenly in the latter place
on December 11.
In cases of catarrh Hood's Sarsapa-
Willa, heals the tissues, builds up the
elYetern, expels impurities from the
blood and ciiree.
The roof of the big block at St. Jos.
spit is completed. It contains nearly
sqoares,and is probably the latgest
TO) f in the county.
An old resident of NVroxeter passed
Away on Friday last, in the person of
Xr. David Forsyth, Ile was born in
fealashiels, Scotland.
Mr Charles Cook Godericia towns
ahip hate now a -splendid artesian well.
it is 103 feet, deep and lbas 70 feet of
the paves'', of water. •
Jonathan Miller, of Goderich, has
Purchased the celebietted trotting tta1-
Woodlitevu, front the °unary
Weis., for a, decent sum.
Alexander Rennie, of Crossbill, with
4everal members of his family, arrived
at Zurich last week to take possession
Of the farm recently procured front S.
11. Beanie
Fleischanee sold his 50 -acre farm
Sus the Ittlt Con.. Hay, to S. Levegoad
for $2,700. This price loonies the
' Lw-
gerpuvtton of t be stoca and implentente
VII the farm.
Mis$ Mina Doan has been engaged as
;Radler in the Zurich public school for
the year 1901. Mr. Torrance intends
giving up teaching,and it is underetood
evill study dentistry.
J. Torrance, Zurich, sold one of his
heavy horses to MeMann of aforth,
:for the handsome figure of 8210. The
eaten; evening Mr. Torrance received
an offer of $220,00 for the same
There are many forme of nervous
debility in men that yield. to the use
Carter a Iron Pill. Those who are
troubled with nervous weakness,
night, sweats, etc., shoold try them.
Charlie Hoist, of. Dashwood, met
with a serious accident last week. Ile
bad an old gun, and while shooting at
a mark the breeell blew out striking
be boy in the forehea.d, breaking his
skull and: almost blowing off his
Joshua Calloway has en toren act ion
against The Winnipeg Free Press for
$5,000 for calling him a "foulmouthed
• islauderer" in the recent election cam-
•. entign. Joshua is an old Stanleyite,
but bee resided in Winnipeg for 20
J. C. Miller, late of the Clarendon,
Clinton, has decided to go into this
wholesale liquor business at, the Cana-
duin Soo, and be joined by his son
in the course of a couple of weeks,
The family will probably remain in
Clinton until spring,
Wm. Henry Maize has purchased 50
acres of land from Robt Higgins. being
east half of lot one, con. 1. W. D.
Ashfield. Price $2,400.-Robt. Hig-
gins has bought 50 acres from Robert.
McConnell, being part of lot one on
the 5th con., W. D. Ashfield. Price,
Many whose friends and relatives
live in Moosejaw will be pleased to
learn the Methodists there have just
opened a fine new brick church, cast- 1 medicine her the price in the market.
ing $7,500, cf which sum $4,500 is al- The residence of Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
ready paid. The Epworth Leave Dunseith, lot 4, con. 0. Downie, was
presented the church with a $500 ednesday the scene of a pretty wed -
organ. ding, when, at 5 p. m., their eldest
In convection with Brussels Metho- daughter, Mary, was united in 'nov-
elist church, last Sabbath was the date riage to Mr. William Wivell, also of
set apart for receiving the 20t1 Cen- Downie.
tury Thangegiving offering, $1,000 be- Henry Andersoe, of St. Marys, was
bag aimed at. There was placed on arraigned Fride.y afternoon before
the plates the very munificent, sum of Police Magistrate O'Loane, of Strat-
$760 and. the balance will no doubt In ford. on a charge of perjury, alleged
forthcoming when all have responded to have been committed in the prelim -
to the call. inary examination in the will case of
Anderson v. Anderson.
The home of Mr. J Boyce, at God -
Samuel Riddle has Sold his farm
erich, was the scene of 0, pretty weds
on the Thames concession of Blan-
his eldest, daughter was united
ding on Wednesday, Dec. 12th, when
shard to Sydney Ullyott of the same
in mar -
concession, for a, handsome sum. Mr.
siege to Mr. R. McCorkindale, of Lon-
Ullyott will take possession on the
don. The ceremony was performed
J of April. Mr. Riddle has not yet
by Rev. Mr; Andrews, in the presence
decided what his future movements
of fifty guests. After partakiug of a,
emneptuous dinner, the laappy couple will be.
A pretty wedding took place in
left for London. Staffit, Wednesda,y, when Miss Alice
The .T. E. Crealy, Dairy Company
It is understood that Mies Toltori
has roigned ber position as head
teacher of the Thorridale school. Mr.
Campbell, of StrathroY, is her eueces- Ttie WEEK'S RECORD
Miss Mary Carroll, of Albany, New
York, formerly. of Bieldulph, will visit Mrs. J. S. Trueinner, an old resident
of Zurich, died on December 10, at the
age of 70 years.
Harry Detwiller. a former resident
of the Mitehell road, Fullartou, and
Realms Unseen.
her parents, Christmas. Miss Carroll
is the youug lady. who was heiress
to the $10,000 left by her uncle in
Palpitation of the heart, nervoos- • brother- of Andrew Detwiller, of Mot-
ness, tremblings, nervous headache, herwell, died suddenly at his home in
cold bands and feet, pain in the back, Dakota a few days ago.
and other forms of weakness are re- Colin Bethune. Treasurer of the
lieved by Carter's Iron Pills, made town of Seaforth, died at his residence
specially for the blood, nerves and there on Saturday, Deceraber 8. Afr.
complexion. Bethune had been in ill -health for
.A. meeting, of the municipal electors about a, year, and coafioed to his resi-
of the First County Council Div. of the deuce for the past three months, He
Co. of Middlesex, composed or the was about 64 years of age. Efts wiclaw
townships of McGillivray arielBiddolph four sons and three daughters survive
ad the village of Liman, will be held him.
at the Tp.Hall,Lucan,Monday, Dec. 21, One of West. ZOrra'S pioneers passed
at 3. p« away Thursday in the person of Miss
The frame farm house on Charles Catherine AlcEay, who died atthe age
Mill's farm, east 02 Mount St. Joseph, of 71 years. She was one of Zorraes
4th con,, London Township, was des- early settlers having come to that
troyed by fire at an early hour Sunday township from Seatlend in, 18$5. with
morning. One of the hired men who tter parents i\lterteal Mrs. Hugh McKay,
lived in the house had a close call for now decd,
his life frout suffocation by smoke.
Frank meICalawho livee On the lith
Bus of East Zorra, narrowly escaped
being killed a few days ago while oper-
Jos. Tiernan, for many years lancl
surveyor and resident of Tilbory, died
Thureclay of typhoid fever, after a,
weelee illness. eceased had returned
Ming a. steein grain chopper. A part about a month ago frono a several
of his clothing became entangled in months' surveyieg tour in Algointlearal
the gear and Mr, l‘Icay would cer- WAS in splendid health then. He
tainly have been dashed to pieces had leaves a wife.and four ehildrem Rev,
not the accident betel seen and the en. Father Tiernan, of Mount Carmel is ft
gine stopped. when the young Mall
was released from the machinery he
was found to have suffered severe in-
ternal injuries.
The many. friends of Rev, M. J.
Tieraan, garish priest of Mount Car.
noel, McGillivrey Township, and for
nearly twenty -tour years connected
with St, Peter's Cathedral, London,
will be glad to know that the twenty-
tifth anniversary of hie ordloation to
the holy priesthood took place vester-
day. lu congratulating Rev. Father
Tiernan upon his silver jubilee and
length of Team in the holy ministry,
we are but giving voice to the senti-
ment uppermost in the thoughts of
his old friends- and they are legion, -
Dot alone in Lamson, but throughout
the diocese.
The Presbytery of Stratford met a
Lucan on Tuesday for the purpose o
ordainiug and. inducting Rev. Mr,
Smith, a graduate of Knox College. in-
to the pastoral :charge of Lucite) and
Fraser churches. Rev. Mr, Powell,
moderator of the Presbytery.presided.
and Rev. Mr. McAuley, of Mitchell,
preached. After it prayer by the mod-
erator, Rev. Mr. Smith was ordained
and inducted into the pastoral charge.
He wits then addressed by Rev. Mr.
Cosgrove, and Rev. E. W. Penton ad-
dressed the congregation. In the
evening- a largelyattended reception
was held in the town hall, at which
the newly inducted pastor was made
acquainted with many members of his
Chas, Garbutt hes purchased lot 18.
con 3, Fullerton, consisting of 100
acres, from Joseph Nichols for the sum
of 80,330.
A. 11. Loft, at St. Marys, failed to
attend as a juror at the Court in
Stratford, and was fined $10.00 by
Judge Barron.
John Makins has sold his farm of 100
acres, lot 19, con, 5, Ellice, to John
Mulloy, of the same township, at a
good figure, possession given next
Wm. Bowes, a young Downie far-
mer, bad his face badly lacerated
Thursday by the kick of a gun. The
cuts, which were mostly on the fore-
head, required several stitches.
For any case of nervousness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Nerve
Pills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
recently granted a charter by the On-
tario Government, is to have its head
officei. Iondon. The provisional di-
•ark,-19hn ErnesbOrealy,butter
aefurer; William Francis Bask -
e, butter raker, and John Pat-
on McLaren, all of Seafortb; Fred-
ck Obarles Elora, of Holinesyille,
met., and DanietTtiorne McIntyresof
Avon, courty of Ekfin butter maker.
gr. Crealy was formerly butter xnaker
Or Mr. Bobier, Exeter.
At a meeting of the Huron Medical
Association held some time ago, an
able paper was read on the advantages
to the profession and public of 'having
a supply House, where might be pur-
chased drugs, etc., of the highest -qual-
ity, pyre and at a reasonable price.
To ensure this an analytic test would
be necessary for all drugs used by the
riled kid profession. This is very nec-
essary as druggists have been forced
Atghto competition to cut prices,and hence
' "Th. Auce quality. After careful consid.
.ration and many commend.atory opt-
." "nions from medical men throughout
be province, it was decided to apply
for a charter and oreanize with the
follovving provisional' directors : Drs.
"W. Graham, Clinton ; Wm. Gunn,
1 _Linton ; Wm. Shaw, Clinton 3. A.
' obertson, Stratford ; Jas. Henry,
Irangeville ;..T, S. King, Toronto ; A.
Goderich ; N. W. Woods, Ba,y-
eld ; S. 31. Henry, Harriston ; W.
lexander, Toronto 3. L. Turnbull.
White, daughter of Mrs. John White.
was married to Rev. John Henderson,
pastor of the Methodist church, Staffa.
Mr. and Mrs, Henderson will be at
home after Jan. 8, at the parsonage in
The final written examinations of
the Mitchell Model School were held
last week. Nineteen students are tak-
ing the finals in Mitchell. The follow-
ing have been engaged to teach in this
The death of Mrs. McGill, of Clinton
which took place an Monday evening
was a great shot,k to her friends,many
f 'Whew did not know of the danger-
ous nature of her illness though she
had long been in poor health, Mrs.
whose maiden name was Cath-
eriue Hartley, was a uative of County
Comm, Ireland, but came to this couu-
try with her parents sixty years a go,
when she was in her thitteenth year,
and settled in Peterboro, On Dee. 21,
I851, she married Mr. McGill tied after
living upon the homestead in Cavan
township, eounty of Durham, for
twelve years they moved to Gorrie.
Ibis county, where Me. MeGill carried
on business as it storekeeper for about
twenty years. Thev then took up
residence in Blyth and after eight
years went to Clinton where tloev have
since resided.
The late Philip P. Harding, of Mc-
Gillivray, whose death lute thrown
such a gloom over the community in
which he lived, was highly esteemed
by all with -whom be came in contact.
Being always ready, heart in hand, to
assist, others, his removal will be keen-
ly felt in tbe neigheorhomt In a
wider sphere be served his township
well and faithfully some years ago as
County Councillor. He was at present
a member of the municipal council of
McGillivray. As an evidence of how
be was appreciated by those who knew
him best, it may be nientioned that at
his last election every vote cast in his
own polling division was recorded in
his favor. The pall -bearers at his
funeral were bis four colleagues on the
McGillivray council board and two ex -
reeves of the satne township.
As ,esonent Comm; oa Aevised Not
Sanction Too a -low n burden
Toronto, Dec. 1.. Repre.seal •tives
of Canadian an,1 kritish Life otur•
;tore Companies, with S200,000,00 co
teince in torte oi Canada. and
0',..t400 or of actual etipital invastments
sololed on tee Royal .aaseasinent 'Cora
ni'.ssion this me. aing, and, througi
K. MacDonald, of the Confederatior
L:fe, as spairesman, explained that
the companies' holdings we not theit
own property, but were 1ly deptss
it,o, that they mast retnr •Ith inter.
mit to the persons who1 entrustei
them to them. It wa.i therefore co
the grea test importance. that ir/ tax•
leg this accumulation of the Israel
savings of the persons insu.roty noth.
ing -should be done to. itslace a jheaviei
tux than on other classseor of wealth:
Mr. MacDonald claimed that in To
runt° and Hamilton the assessment da
p:irtment had, taxed it far greatet
proportion of the earapanies' assets
it 4.1 earnings than was warrantedi
Cic'v1and. Ohio, nee. Le, The i'ai
Isoal :r sayer "The meet no of Inc Owe
nt glass manufacturers, whi, r. h •
come to a cies:, in this efts, ,. erten
s to have a marOcol effect tiss 41 th
• ;1o:tr.) in i be Unitsol States. 0ies.e1,,,t1
1. ,:•ra tnerpndent glass man laitet e
muntre attended in parson or soot
; son ted bs proxy. The pre!: 1141;111
st000 were talon towards the form e tie
of a :strong and complete organization ts
lee pose of whicb will ba to force the Ott
• • r
an -Vsrindow Glass Company. tied e
wn as the Window Glass Trust. I
males terms with tht independent ma,
ufacturers• Otherwiso a war to the Oa I,
w11 bt.! IrlatiZtlrated."
Raging Headaches, that nothing else will
cure, are quickly quieted by Milburn's Sterling
Headache Powders. Prim 20c and 25c, at all
dealers. Refuse Substitutes.
section during 1901 :-D. H. Dow, No.
11'5, Hibbert • liss B. Punchard, No, 12,
Stephen ; W. May, No. 4, Stephen ;
W. W. Nart, 1,,Vhalen Corners, Us-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Green, of the 2nd
con.; Logan celebrated their silver
weddirig on the evening of the 6th
inst., when s Iarge number of their
friends and relatives from Buffalo,
London, Mitchell, Dublin, Brodhagen
and Logan assembled at their home to
spend a pleasant evening and rejoice
with them on having passed 'the quar-
ter century of wedded bliss.
There seems to be a great traffic in
coal oil in Mitchellthese days. Last
week Fred Davis got a car load of
American oil in from London and
started to sell it at 1Se, a gallon. 'The
Standard Oil Company, hearing of it
before it arrived here,. despatched ,a
car load of their finer quality to E. ‘,A.
Campbell, and instructed lien to sell it
at 15c a gallon. The result is that oil
has been going out at the rate of a
dozen barrels a day.
Of John B. Penny late of the village of
Exeter; Gentleman, deceased.
Pursuant to Ohaa 129 of the Revised Stat-
utes of Ontario, 1897, notice is hereby given
that all creditors and others having Claims
against the estate of John B• Penny, late of the
village of Exeterin the County of Huron,
Gentlemanwho died on or about the Eleventh
day of August, .A, D. 1900, are, on or before the
First day of January A.D. 1901, to send by post
pre -paid to the undersigned solicitors forthe
Administrators of the said estate_ of the said de-
ceased their obristain names and surnarnes,ad-
dresses and descriptions, with full particulars
of their doling, a statement of their accounts
and the nature of the securities Of any) held by
thein, and that after tbe day last aforesaid the
said AdMinistrators willproceed to distribute
the assets of the said deceased among the par-
ties entitled thereto,havitig regard only to such
claims of which notice shall have been given
as above required, and the said A.dministrators
will not be liable for ihe Said assets or any part
thereof, 10 any =p?trastliis of Wil°8°
elaim Or a shall aye been re-
ceived at the time of such distribution.
Detail at Exeter this 18111 day of December, A..
'D., no,
Solicitors for Administrators
The Least flair
Casts a Shadow."
A single drop of poison
blood will, unless checked in
titne, make the whole impure.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
great leader in blood purifters.
It casts no shadow, but brings sun-
shine and health into every househeld.
Running Sore. --"my mother wee
troubled with rheumatism, in her knee for
a number of years, and It broke ant lute A
fanning sore. $he took three bottles et
Rood's earsaparina and is now well,
Heed's Olive °lament helped, to heal the
eruption," Mae, Jona Remo, CloverlaWns,
Ancaster, Ont.
Rheumatleorn-"I was badly afflicted
with sciatic rheurnatisna. Consulted dec-
kers without relief. Was persuaded te try
Hood'e Soreaparilla, and five bottles gave
me relief and enabled me to go to work."
Wrtaxam R. Ron.mi, Margaretvine, ai• s.
Rood's IOW ease Merlin': tbonan-inrItatlug and
caste cathartic to take with, Roodo Sarsasiarlits.
alenSEra,14,--PATRID04-In Z4itebeU, Dee.
3. by the Itov. Mr, Afe.A.oley, Reward Mar,
shall, to Stella. Psdridge, all of Miteltell.
nyenteeespant- sat the residence of th
bride's parents, Dee, 6, by the Bel% Alroithrey
Richard elyere, to ClarirsodaUghter of Joseph
Noir. isionkion,
JO WEIT-WILIDDON- At the residence of
tithoevb.rEld. aneaoreonints4.,44,11. jottilme 3row,Itotstt,i0hymitiihe
Mabel Wbiddon, both of Daylleld,
leCORKINDALG-BOYCG-At the residence
of the bride's parents. Goshen Line, StaeleY,
on the Iltit inst., by the Rer. J. W Andrews,
Itiebard, MeCorkindele,of London, to Mitts
Elizabeth Boyce. of Stealer.
WILAJARY.--DLACR-In St. Marys. on Dec, 8,
by• the Rev. T. +k- Cosgrove. Miss Jessie
Blaek„ of 34 Marys, and W. e, wearer. of
JA R VIS -BEAN -In Clinton, on Wednesdey
Dee, 12t1*, Its Rev, W. 0 Rowse% of Ratten-
Airy St. etierein.111.id Bertha Maud, youngest
daugbier of Air. and Mrs, John Bean, to
Oliveraarie, tioderich township,
ilie resideno of
Ole tiridee parents Dee, 11. by Rev. George
Henderson. assisted 1,,y Iles-. Geo. Andreses.of
Fulla.rton, Reis john lienilmooll, of statlInte
Allee, youngest daughter or the late John
White, of Ribbert.
BAKER -In Ribbed, Dee. 10, Elijah Ilalterase
ed scare.
DAVNCEY-In AleGillivray. on Owl:Soh inst..
Aaron paunces, in hie 18th rear.
CLARK -In St. Mary& Dee. 5. Aforoaret Mad.
den, wife of Frauds; Clark,
ItYANosin Macbeth Dee. 0,AgneS. beloved wife
of Wm. Jinn, aged 33 years, and ti months.
HARDING-At the family residence On 2tul
eon., SicOillivray,on the 13th insto in Morel:Id
year. Philip Powell Harding,
TRIlF,A1NER-At her residence, Zurich, on the
10th last,, Mrs. John Trueinner, at the age Of
70 years and e days,
COATS-s1a Clintor. on Dee, lltb. Marion Rams
1.110n, wife of Walter Coats, aged l3years,
Clintoo, on Dec. 1011t, Catherine
Harder, wife Of ,las. Met1111,aged 73 years and
7 months.
A strong point in regards to Hood's
Sarsaparilla is presented in the num-
ber and character of the testimonials
written in favor of this medicine. In
this respect, as in many others, Hood's
Sarsaparilla is absolutely without an
equal. No other preparation has ever
done so many people so much good as
lloodee Sarsaparilla and the vast
number of testimonials written in its
praise are the natural consequence of
the feelings of gratitude prompted by
its marvelous cures.
Those testimonials are riot written
by people who are anxious to advertise
themselves, but by those who are anx-
ious that others sbould know what
Hood's Sarseparille has done for them
and what it has power to do for all
who are afflicted with any disease ori-
ginating in or promoted by impure
blood. They are written by honest
people who are capable and desirous
of telling the exact, truth about them-
selves and the effect of Hood's Sarsap-
If you are disposed to believe the tes-
timonials of honest men and women,
you must certainly believe in the merit
of Hood's Sarsaparilla It May be you
have taken many different medicines
and have failed to receive the benefit,
desired. If so, do not let this fact
deter you from making a fair and per-
sistent trial of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
It is absolutely true that Hood's
Sarsaparilla cures when all other pre-
parations fail to do any good. That is
why Hood's Sarsaparilla is America's
Greatest Medicine.
The worst cases of scrofula, salt
rheum, hip disease dyspepsia, catarr h,
rheumatism and neuralgia are constan-
tly being cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and the same is true of the long list
of diseases that have their origin in im-
pure and impoverished blood. What
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done and is
doing for others it will also do for you
if you give it the opportunity. Re-
member, Hood's Sarsaparilla is 'Uri
honest medicine, and that its merit
has been proved over and over again
in the experience of the people. If
you would have robust health, good
appetite and good digestion, and if
you would be free from boils, pimples,
sores and all similar manifestations
of impure blood; it is your privilege
and your duty to take Hood's Sarsap-
arilla and you may confidently expect
that it will do for you whet you desire.
It will purify, 'enrich and vitalize
your blood' and give you health, vigor
and vitality which are needful for hap-
piness and success.
Notsee is hereby given that the 26th anneal
meeting of the members of the Hay Township
Farmers' Mutual Fire Insuronce Compauy, will
be hold at the Teem Hall, Zurich. on Tuesday,
Jam 8th, A, D. 1901, at the hour of one o'clock
to. re. EIIHINESS.-Roceiring the Directors' and
Secretary's annual reports, election of Directors
and other businees for I he good and we/fare of
the company, All members are requested to
President. :Secretary.
The eighth annual general nieeting of the
shareholders and patrons of the Winchelsea
Butter and Cream Association will be held in
the Towesbip Bali, Elimville, on Thursday
Jan. 3rd, 1901, at one o'clock p. tn., for the pur-
pose of receiving reports, electing officers and
general business. The Treasurer will pay a
dividend of 60 % ni the conelosion of the meet-
ing, Your preseness is requested.
President. Secretary,
Winchelsea, Dec. 211h, 1900.
100 von tithe the " IMO .31E MoNTHLY." it's one of tlie
brightest, be: illu.strated. and most readable. or nesettee
papers. eve °tight tO 1H,V0 tilde° ag snanY $1111Seriberi OtOt 1lt'0 Oe"
absoltoetrentlyinferileer,grittnbLemp. 'No goth ihe$0 new sabseribers we offer
very solution win rer,teive mannineent tat weWa,IGI:oCi!!ISitted° Iib%e-ca'IlLsiatratlb:t'eatdehu.niall:r.'st140!
Untowingeonditions.Wevant • '2'9 Yea to arrange the'.20,1311,1114104
tercersoc the biota: Ante the Dooms of 3 canadion eines, The Poi -son sending mincers
te°aPeelltitrifare(*eefolelGnonilliku)tlaTetsitirlindtetusigr4ILLst7Whoetel°111st.PettsSse't 'olienfielro'VAleclsadnesswigaii, „,„4, 0,...,4 there he
snore than thisn oMber Ofeerreet 1'. 0 n jilgrVe• *a addkrion 1 Gem lowed goes,. "ewe lootooes
closet:et the last eiteorFebritary.reeenndottietters
to too mot .14 persoos sending sitt torrect answers.
CONDITIONS '...'ulcsobxsee,reueentiogzulavrte
Ve'll'e'iatIsTieLstlee'tigi'ilittligert‘oiraxaonsewroePe'rillter litte'olZINE. noneyinust be se.ntlbrirsille"osIleal*3117°:(041.1'nEXIet
mess order or Regzstereditetter. stomas Stet tieeepted. All AUSWOX'S 1111141 be sent 713 1n2411. to tn.
surenerfeetfoirneos• 41. Antair Ors will bonlmberod. *21 tho
e rder areeelveda
, nd watebes C.tSat 0.1 11113compotitorSou the last day of e bronze; 1901. write toolay. for Ibbiis a Sviecita, Oirelr 411 11
wegula 1.040 24 ,3 e.7,1r mouthxy uagazine rov °WY sec. i1011114' L4:014$1111.N61.400.s PDX 105 91010140*
koseter. DECEMBER 19111.19i0
WhePer lot-onci
Peas .
Tuottells • • •
Chickens per ts
Duette..., o I •
00/ • • .1
Dried Apples.. ..
Port 4re53e4.... .
We ha.ve unlimited private funds for invests
02 ment upon form or viljage property at lowest
os totes of toterest.
.., 7 to
111 10 11
5 to
$0.73 to :At
London, DECES1111111 1911t, letito
Wheat per bushels.. • ... to 63
eits .• • • .• 4 • 4 • • 46 to 07
Barley .... 3b to 40
nuelewheat .••••. in 4:
Ityo ... ielt••• 7,9 tv Co.,
Corn • •••• o••• oo•• SO to 45
Beans ... ..... oti to 77
Butter . .. a a 18 to le
Eggs ...... 10 to lo
Lluelts ..... 69 10 To
TurkeyS per lb.... I/ to le
Geese pertb....... ••••.• GU to ni
slackens...a. •••••• to ia, et,
cheese .. .. . a to su
Potatees per Oag ..... oo..6t to 75
Hal.per ton n • t • • • 4 • *4 • • * ••$ (1.01) to $ 7,5u
Por PerOwt., .... .. 51.60 10 45.0e
Wheat Wan IMA' at Liverpoot-Toronta
Live Stack and St. Lawrence Market
Reports -Quotations.
Liverpool, Nov. sae -Wheat futhree
were Muer yesterday, closing ,,c1
14igher than on Monday.
Liverpool, Rec. 10. - Yesterday's
close: Spot wheat. steady; No, 1
standard Cal., Os ad to es 2!d: No.
2 red winter, fis 3.1d to 6s; No. 1
northere. spring, Os 2A to es 3d;
futures, quiet; Feb. Os, March Os
Toronto, Dec. 19. -Receipts of live
stock wero larger than was expected
yesterday, 47 carloads, composed of
63'9 cattle, 1,207 hogs, 910 sheep
and lambs and lo calves. Quality
of fat cattle fair, some few well fin-
ished lots of butcher eat tie being of-
fered. Trade Was fair generally. but
not Dearly so brisk as on Friday
ExsitI cattle, choice.. ...51 50 to $1 70
4 "5 4 50
O ocaututsle,, oullogiboto
4 00 4 50
" bulls, light 7 00 0 75
Loads good butchers' and
exporters, mixed 4 20 4 37o
Butchers, tsattle, picked lots 4 40 4 6,0
" good 3 00 4 L0
" ineillum, mixed 90 2 60
-I 75 3 00
letifuelnirio°rn 9 40 9 75
Feeders, heavy . 40 3 90
Feeders, light 3 00 3 23
Feeding bulls ... 2 le 3 25
Stockers ... . Ott a 00
Stock bulls . . 2 00 2 20
Alalgelis .
ce.NOS .. . .. • • . 30 00 50 00
3 00 10 00
Slice% en'es, per cwt. 3 On 3 121.4
Sheep, butlfs, per ewe 2 00 2 5
Lambs, ea 00 3 75
Lambs, per en:i 4 12tO 4 25
Sheep, butchers" " 50 3 00
Bogs, choice, not less than
160 and up to 200 lbs... 5 13716
" light, under 100 lbs. 5 50
"fats ... .. 5 50 ....
s 3 50 4 00
g.s..... . . . . . . . . . 2 00
. 4 50
TORO'S l'o e. rosooltIeNot: •• sitozise.
Receipts of farm produce 'were
large yesterday, 5.230 bushels el
grain, On loads of hay, 3 of straw
and large deliveries of apples, pota-
toes arid poultry.
Grain -
Wheat, white, hush. -50 tO 67y.
" red, bush......0 OS 0 681:1
" tife, bush ... 0 6711.i ,
oguoor,.... bush 0 9
0621io 00 6s20
Barley, sh
y, bush. 0 41 0 44
Rye, bush 0 51 ....
Beans, bush. 1 15 1 25
Peas, bush,
ueltwb eat, bush 0 64 0 65
Poultry- . 0 55 ....
Spring chickens, per patr.$0 40 to 50 75
Turkeys, per ib ..... 0 10 0 11
Spring docks, per pair.. 0 50 0 oo
Geese, per lb ...... 0 06 007
East Buffalo, Dec. 19. -Cattle -De-
mand was fairly active at the gener-
al decline of Monday and easy tone
yesterday. The export cattle yester-
day were of record grade. Calves
Were in light supply, fair demand,
steady; choice to extra, $7.25 to
$7.50; good to choice, $7 to $7.25.
Choice lambs sold steady at Mon-
day's closing basis. 'Lambs, choice,
85.40 to $5.50; good to choice, $5.40;
sheep, choice to extra, 84 to $4.25;
good to choice, $4; Canada lambs
sold on the basis of 55.40.
"There is only one chaste e to save
yral life and that is through an opera-
tion" were the startling words heard
by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Ridge,
,Wis., from her doctor after he had
vainly tried to cure her of a frightful
case of stomach trouble mid •yellow
jaundice Gall stones bad forined and
she co ns tat 111 y grew worse. Then she
began to use Electric Bitters which
whnlly cured he: It's a wonderful
Stomach, lsivee and Kidney remedy.
Cures Dyspepsia,Loss of Appetite. Try
it. • Only 50 ets. Guaranteed. For sale
by all druggists,
Mrs. .7. B. Rusk, Ruskview, Ont., says "I
have used Hagyard's Yellow Oil for Chilblains,
and found it most etfectual. It relieved' the
irritation al foist immediately and a few appli-
cations mode a complete cure."
Take a Laxa. Liver Pill before retiring , and it
will work while you sleep without, a grip or
ripe coring- Biliousness, Cobstipation and
eyspepsia aud make you feel better in the
D °ming. Price 25o.
have a largo amount of private fluid* t
loan on farm and viPage properties at low rates
of interest.
F. W. ulanne,,N,
Barrister Main St., Exeter.
"I had tbe Rheumatism Se my shoulders 60
bad that I eou d not rest at night. 1 took Un -
burn's Rheumatic Pills mid have mos bad a
trace of it since." John Kiritton, Cilenborcs
ntherland Imes 0o. LTD.
Fn.AiyErs. J}. 19noNTQoLNI
1.1tr1 1, Is. . _uver. OTHE
sity. 1 fliee-Credlion, Ont..
\'‘ . NI:Akt D.,
sI'. 14
Oleo so-
nry, 10;et
. .9 utii 4 V m1,1414 73..s , riity
o u 00311.10;01/ LlibOr0.
1. la 4
rareroosnielensgtinrcorttrattNo.etaries. Conveyancers
:money teleanatisper cent., and a per emt
1.0, CARLING, IS. A. 1,11, OteRSONS
member of Ise Ilion will be at ea
llawsday of eavis week.
(Successor to Elliott & Gladinan)
Baninor ,Sa;icitor, Nobly
Conveyancer, Etc.
Money to loan on Farm anil. village
properties at Lowest rates of Interest,
D. i. 1). D. S., Heuer tintduate
of Toronto Univereity. 1)entiSt.
Teeth extracted without pain or
had utter effeets, ()filen in Fan -
Hen's. WeFt side of 'Alain
o.At'.40:11SON, (D. S. I., Ei• S.)
Honor Graduate of the Toronto Univers4
aed Loyal College of Dental ourgtons 202
Jimmie. AU bridge work. Crown?, 01 d Plate
work donein the neatest possible noutner. .&
harmless ontestbetie for painlests• extraction.
The strictest attention given to the preservat-
on of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen
•ral Hotel, Exeter, Ontario.
"V 11.1 ERIN dint.
Tennent & ennent;
Coaduate of the °Mario Veterinary. Col -
effee-One dcor scuth cf Town Ball.
Valuable farm for sale 1: miles from Exeter,
100 ac., Lot. 3, con 3, Hay township. good brick
house, good barns and stables, driving shed
two well, cistern, never felling streanosuitable
for grain or stock. 90 acres under cultivation,
balance wood. Convenient to schools and.
churches. Apply to
Hay P. O. Ont,
Public notice is hereby gieen that a meeting
of electors of county division No. 4, composed
of Stephen. Usborne and Exeter, will be held at
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Monday Dec. 24th,
1900, at the hour of one o'clock p. m„ Inc the
purpose of nominating candidates to represent
the said county division, in the Council of the
County of Huron, for the years 1901 and. 1902;
and in ease opal is demanded. polls will be
opened on the ith day of January 1901. in each
polling sub -division, at the time and place
fixed by by-law of the Municipalities in the
said. county division.
FRANCIS molitnx,
Nominating Ofhcer for
Council Division No. 4.
Dated at Whalen this 17th day of Dec. 1900.
We nice ahandsomeWetch ulth
edge, hour, minute and second
Panda, 1e11e00 wind, American
and silver finished
Horseshoe Pine at 10c.
each. Mall this advertise.
meat mid we'llsendocHersa.
shoes. Bellthem.returninoney
and. your Watch will b sout
you, absolutely free. The
Co,, Box 105 Toronto.
Apply to
E. 00 Kessel,
If you want ttebave good luck witl1
your Christmas cakes use ow- Prineeis
Pastry Flour. ask for it ;trod insist on
haling 11.
Is a disk for the dainty, the robust,
the dyspeptic and the hungry, for all
appetites and couditions. It is the
peerless itena of a good breakfast, and
there is no substitute.
Will make more bread and a larger
loaf than any other family flour.
Once used always Wanted. ,
You to attend the Forest City .Busi-
ness and Shorthand College, Lan-
don, Ont, Prachcal instruction in
practical subjects. For over fif-
teen years we have been in touch
with young people and their needs
and the busmess world and its re-
Every facility at command for aiding
young people both before and after
graduation. We are doing sup-
erior work, results prove it. Send
for our catalogne and College
• * •
Always keeps cm hand a cow,
plete stock of caskets and
trimmings ot different kinds.
Also the largest stock of furn-
iture ever shown in Exeter or any
town in the county.
Prices as low as can be made.
Do not fail to see our immense
stock in our two storey building.
Our desire is to please every-
o e's
C1 ti-iing
SOLID YolgtVV:iititany"
COLO and two pearls, for selling
ty Pins at 10a. o. set. These Pins aro
finished in gold and enamel, prettily
ongraisdand neatly carded, throe to u
Set. They are such splendid value our
agentssellthemine.lmost ovary house.
Send us this advertiseMent and We
will forward the Pins. Sell them,
return themoney, andthia beauti-
iulSolidSoldlting will he sentyou
bY return mall, obsoletely free.
Dominion Orovelly
Box 105 Toronto, can,
gate ,
Meat Market
The undersigned has opened up a
new' meat naa,rket one door
South of Carliro's Store
:Where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on hand.
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of' our offer. We
are showing a fine range of
Black 'Worsted in twills, vene-
tians and clays (bought before
the heavy advance in price
and selling at the old prices.
Nice suits for $14 in fancy
worsted suiting. We show ct
big range at moderate prices
in Scoc,ch and Canadian tweeds
we eary- a large and well as-
sorted stock. Prices to suit
all. A large stock of the lat-
est goods voa oeretor singt
from $10 up.
GIVE US A CALL and see
what we can do for you.
J. H. Crieve.