HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-20, Page 4El XiT
The .MolsonH: Bank 'Times :-.Clubbing Rem
PAK up Capital , fe.500,000
eeeecrt e Kerte 42,tenatel
Wader -Am Me -a traes
FOR 1901.
TIMEs and Weekly Mail $1.75
Globe 1,50.
JAM'S 741410T. nse.. " " Family Herald k. Star 1.75
nfonee =War:yeti, to good. famine on their
OW:11MM wilhOde or more eialoraer at 7 rer
Exeter Ihnech
Open evav latefet day fee= sere m. te 3 p. re
elATURDAYe. re. za. tot p. m.
=vet meet ot interest allowedee depesita
der foz- P?cemher, 1 900.
. e 9 16 23 30
la 10 17 21 til,
. . 11 18 =4
12 10 WI;
eanes .. ..... 7 11 21
etatela •• thin appea
'aiazettt on Satiat'dte,
nt for the despatch o
irsday, Fob. 6the
it • *
The eilunatiou department of
alio has decided to send to the a,
American expeeition atBuffalo
theice eeltation from the ehaeologi
cal maseunt at the Norman .schoril
13th, ee
he Can
r.aUg Parli.
aebine for
9 IN *
Judge Morgan, of York, has decide
that herb wire fences are a public
nuisance it placed along a public road
Exeter Public School Board. wAR11 sT HE foim/I NI
eeting o tbe ,aaard held io the
TOWn ThUaloeday, Dee. 17, with all
The following it the order of busi-
ness duly eubmitted and approved.
Per chairmare that the roinates
Montreal Wituess 16.ij previous meeting be read.
" London Free Press Lea Reports a Committees- That 40
" Weekly Sun asea cords of green ;slid ten cords of dry
Daily aa 'I
" Daily Globe
Evening Mail
Evening Globe
" Dailu Ne
eeee word had been coetracted for at a.3.2e
4,2e, and 83,60 Repairs, that theseats had
beereceived and duly placed, ale°
az that be required chalk-leage bai1 been
e r provided.
" Daily Free Press
Per H. Tina= and IL N. Rowe that
Evening Fee Press tee the Prineipal be autherized to secure a
VhriStiari Guardian 2.00 suitable dietiouary for the use of the
JOHN WHITE & SONS, fichool.
Per R. N. Rowe and J. Senior that
Exeter. the Inspector's report as read be a
opted ad filed.
Per R. N. Rowe arid. H. Huston that
the following aecounts be accepted
MaCay, Examiner, $1.0.40
Globe Fern, Co., Desk, 887 12; G.
Ford. gravel, 85.50;E. Folliek, brooms
Per W. J. Carling inld Heston
that the usual number a .financial
aternents be printed rind distributed
at the approaehatig nomination.
Per W. J. Carling adjournment.
Gnmo, See'y.
rucle Sana cannot find fault with
the progreseive business be is doing iu
It the iatst fiscal year be rolled up
, his saes here to art05.021,218, as against
857,074,001, in the Oscial year 1899.
In tbe current. &wad year he core
tinues to swell tbe record, his exports
to Canada for the month ef July and
August being 82.850,048 ntore than for
the same two months of Wet year.
It is gratifying to know that Can-
adeas buying power is expanding at
such a rate, hut why should, the bene.
lit of this proeperity accrue chiefly t
our neighbors. ?
No other people maintain such a eel.
fish attitude toward us, their studied
liject bring to prevent a policy devis.
ii, wholly in their own interest from
ringing even a. eeissible correlative
advantage to iiit,
John Chariton'e theory that we
should meet the United States tariff
with o. like tariff is sound,
The coal famine, the result of the
rike among the operatives in the
mining districts has now Leen broken,
aual ceal is being, remit ed by oor
Nolveseernfebte..z, al* ; lvvilittabis. stoatoisl at two, a gfoesr
id 4 death.
Mr. Bain. Motherwell, who through
fah bad the InEt.fortune to fracture a
ili is progressing nioly we are pleas.
ed to say,
Mr. and tars. John Wilson, of Mani-
toba. have arrived in Mitchelato spend
the winter with the latter's naother,
Mrs. Jas. Haricoek.
Jas. Peglar, "Woodburn, intends r
tiring from the tile•making businese,
having dispesed of all his machinery
to tlr, -Enke, of Seaforth.
It cost a Mitchell ratepayer last
week over 511 for refusing to tell the
Assessor that he was owoer of a dog
and thee the owriers et such will Iie dealers m large quantities. The 1114, ,wilLil: he bad one harbored about los
teld resperreible far damage done to legeney wit! show us bow depen, r
eattie. In a given case be atsessed a we are en the yeeitee co:ti mono. John Stewart, of the 10th con. of
otter foe OW aril el,St9. ' poliStS Who 'ttre responsible for keT eFeuenaall,°,./le' heaLsveitilelritlessed eh,Yewee iiiii,'°
:am law people wave taesee. ias ..." is.. see.iiiore 445.545P4,...55 55....5:4- 5454 5.5445CF
a a a 1,5;1114z, tut, CO u of but. live weeks. He is nearly re-
Streuee, tanulduatheres take place IP weather.
pelitie. i 1
uxworhy. 'Motherwell. who
tient csi the lacteassa Vietualli•rs'Asstei NOT WANTED AT THE DINNERS. bits leased the farm property of Jas.
Bamfor a. term of elates bas moved in -
Nene of the Llsgar Liberals have to his new borne and become a citizen
hem iuvited to the 1 ton blow -outs. of our burg.
Itatt thei . was a dirnwr the other day The Rev. G W. HendersomPreeident
to R. L. Richardson, the anti -SWUM of the London Conference, is now in
candidate in that constituency. 1his third year in St. Marys, and has
3Ir. Slielding, a veteran Liberal, oc- been invited by the official board to
1 cupied the (ham, and in ,opening the rernain for a fourth.
laze elertien el a SelCri*Siffi dido ' Pr44"dinW."-'41(11• Mae. A. Johnston, of Blausbatd.
forE41 1,.,,t1t vi, ".. M. "fluatin iLiii,.4n %ad, r.. .tiehardson bad to tight an who accompanied tbe Yukon Field
the load leadeletare tor Welland ; imoutlitau exPeralitufe of inoneY. rind Force nearly three years ago,returned
coorn,F tonk.phop vitadeeaht:a The the worst campaign cif slander, tnisre. home on 'Monday. Mr. Johnston will
eturnved ive Mr. Gross Mi
areseutation, forgery. and corruption spend tbe winter here, and will return
re receig;lo a.
nuti,,,,ity a 11,-,4, Atb
t ,. Ronan) (lea.that was ever inaugurated against any to Calgary in the spring, where be has
taw mit (semen bed a majority, et, _ It was a miracle that be won bought a farm.
fail. It will therefore Le etas that the miler the circumstances, and iliti Vie- .tr. Robrt g • . St.
Liberal tire loritv b reduced ever toey was a great tribute to the lion- Marys Collegiate hietitizte teaching
„ este ef the people. Mr. Richardson's Staff, has resignea Ids position there
• •
0 • • 1 victory was a repetition of bistory. i to accept, another at the Paris High
i The great giant. Goliath. had defied' School. aIr 'tt ightumn is especial -
Premier Ross has declared his in- t the whole army of !semi for many ist hi znathe.matics and is a very sue-
te, ntions (4 bolding a confereuce ! days, until little David came along and sessful teacher.
shortly with the triernners of the On.; with a few stones of truth, honesty, I
' tario Mod Roade Aseociation. His and ilecency in hiseiling, be vanquish -
Object is to atcertain the views of that ed tbe heathen giant. So our Mach- WANT BETTER GRAIN.
leaders of tias movement for read re- I ardor, like David, has gone forth in -
form as to the best manner of utilize i the conscieMilleS6'. of a good cause and data* Buyers Complain of Shilmiento ta
Lig Governmental assistance, whielal bad vanquished and overcome all the Canadian Authorities and an Tuve/di-
vas outlined during the 'est evasion of 'enemies arrayed against him, and the
the Legislature, set that time the! victory was a red letter day for de -
Premier declared his inteutton of dis- coley and independence in public life.
tributing $100.filntii yeat for ten years Like David of old, Mr. Ricbardsou had
on cendition that tit least as much '' made till: giant of corruption bite the
bliould be given by the IntIllieipalitiea
for the same end. The subject, was Mr. Richardson himself declared:
taken up too late in the session to ile "There was no scheme which ma.-
threslaed out, and tvae laid over to be i chibe heelers, assisted by his Satanic
dealt with at the corning meeting of Majesty, could devise to beat him that
the House. i was not brought into requistion, but
; the works of the evil ones had been
James Bennett,of Blytlialied on Fri. turned to confusion, and the -people's
day last. cause had triumphed. Sneaking of
Fred G. Loft, of Burnside, Michehas i corruption lu politics, Mr. Richardson
rented lealiehe blacksmith shop, Me.; said it had grown to such general and
ton, and a ill take poseession the that °, alarming proportions of late that it
of the New Year. Mr. Loft was a God- WAS a menace to the political, moral,
Erich townehip boy. . and, indeed, to the national, life of tbe
G. B. Reeve assumed his duties as i -country. It bad reached such a stage merry OF THE EMPIRE.
general manager of the Grand Trunk . as to threaten the very foundation of
Railway Company on Dec. 15th, at.. our representative Government and
which date Mr. Hays reliriguished the our popular liberties.
',Unless something happened soon to
DaN,...f. Tait and wife left Blyth on ' stay tbe hand of correption anarchy
Tuesday last. Mrs, Tait will spend 'must result. The people really had no
the winter witb her parents at Muncey voice in the management of the af-
while the doctor will pursue his media fairs of the country. The machine and
cal studies on the continent. political bosses eeleeted many of the
A pretty December wedding took candidates, paid their election ex -
place 'Wednesday evening at the home penses, •and bought the votes to elect
of John Bean, Clinton, when bis youn- thei.n."
gest daughter. Bertha, was united in Stich talk as this would be Out of or -
marriage to Oliver Jarvis, a prosper- der at the Sifton banquets ; so Messrs.
ous young yeoman of Goderich town- Skelding and Richardson are not ex -
ship. pected to attend.
The inquest in the case of Miss . .
Annie McBryne, of Botany, Ont., Coal has been coming to Goderich
killed by a Detroit street car last plentifully this week, and on Monday
Saturday evening, was held Tuesday the whole train of the black diamonds
afternoon, and the jure decided that arrived at the depot. -Star.
she came to her death by her own A public spirited citizen of Morpeth
carelessness. The Jury also exoner- Elgin county, has written to Secretary
ated the motorman] from all blame. Glockling,of the Labor Bureaudrawing
Geo. Seller, sr.. of Berlin, died on attention to the ravages of the "white
Monday, Dec, 3rd, after a brief illness. plague." • He believes that farmers
Deceased was horn in Baden,Germany and cattle owners very frequently
hi 1811. He emigrated to Canada, in contract tuberculosis by milking cows
1835, and came to Berlin by team or cleaning out stabes before break-.
frorn Batealo. He leaves a widow and tast, or on an empty stomach. He
ten children, among wborn ,are John, asks for investigation by the Provin-
of Palmerston, and David, of Elam. cial authorities.
township. It has for months been apparent eo
Isaac Errata Reeve of Seanley, does all visitors to the House of Refuge at
not intend offering himself for re-elec. Clinton that the building was altogeth-
tion. The names of J. MclVanghton er too small to comfortably accomino-
and W. 3. Stinson are mentioned in date the inmates on the roll, to say
eonnection with the vacancy. Both nothing of the altogether probable in -
have done splendid work in the 0011B- erease, The committee of the county
nil and either would adorn the chair. corincil reported to this effect at last
Tbey will not likely oppose each othev week's meeting when it was decided
but if they do it will be a gentlemanly to bave plans and specifications sab-
and above -the -belt contest from start mitted at the January session when
fio finieh. For the vacancies in the some •action will likely be taaen.
cot:nen the names of Matthew Bites, There are plans in a pigeon liole in the
John Gibson. Edward a olanstone and couney buildings which were prepared
W. L. Xeyes are spokee of. There tlesee ortfour years ago so that they
are likely to be any number of aspire will entail no extra expense.
ants or the post of county eouncillor • • .---
nave held. by George McEwen, M. P. elow ARE YOUR NERVES?
Among the names mentioned as most
probable 'candidates are W. Lamont If they are weak and you feel nervous
and X. 0, ItaIbfleisch. John Torrance and easily "flestrated,". can't sleep,
and xese in the morning unfreshed.
yoiir blood is poor. Strong nerves de-
pend upon rich, nourishing blood.
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the perves
strong by enriching and vitalizing the
blood, )1 gives sweet reft•eslang sleep
and co pl etel y mireth nervous troubles,
Begin taking it to-ctay.
Stanley township la entitled to a Naiatea, indigestion are mired by
Craton el teuehete :aewl th3Ioutreal
Witnete =irked tegetlierin the reeent
leleetinre and ritll)icell together at the
aeselt. Tire 'aliintreel Witness has re.
CliVed as a, reeosee
mitten af fic?Pliii'l?9 for the leturier
eation Will us nem.
t aWa, Dee. lie -Lord earatle
sone was presented, with compluinis
from. the purchaeers of grain in Brit-
ain as to the ,character of the certifi-
cate on which the grain was for-
warded from Canada. The High Com-
missioner laid the matter before the
Canadian authorities, and it is now
understood the Minister -of Inland
Revenue has recommendedhe tap-
poitonhent of a commission to inves-
tigate the whole matter so that it
;nue* be remedied.
The question is a very important
one. as it affects the standing of f'a-
nadian wheat in the British markets.
Of Hay township, is regarded as oae
of the winnere no matter bow many
candidates take part in the fight, Mr.
r.rorrance's long esrperience in the
CoUnty Connell rendering him a valu-
able member, W. Lamont is also a
man poSeessed of much exeeutive abil-
ity, and would fill a seat at the county
council With Much acceptance; besides,
repreeen tative this term. Hood's Pills,
Principal Theme of Lord Stratbcona's In-
augural at Aberdeen Bniversity.
London, Dee. 19. -Lord Strallicona
and Mount Royal. the Canadian. High
Connnissiont.r, was installed yester-
day as Lord Rector of Aberdeen Uni-
versity. 4 -le met with a demonstra-
tively cordial greeting from the stu-
dents. In his rectorial address. Lord
Strathcona dealt with the unity of
the Empire. He referred lo the
gratifying growth of the Dominion
of Canada, the Federation of Aes-
tralia, and the similar Federation of
South Africa, to follow the war. The
speaker did not altogether favor an
Imperial Parliament. Ile thought u
consultive Dnperial CounCil would
meet all the needs.
At the close of his a.ddress Lord
Strathcona, announced that he would
give £25,000, provided £50,000 more
was raised within a year, to wipe
out the debt of the University.
Will Own Its Light.
Kingston, Dec. 19. -The corpora-
tion of the city of Kingston has
served notice on the Kingston Light,
Heat & Power Company of its inten-
tion to proceed, under the terms of
an agreement existing between the
city and the company, to arbitrate
and fix a price for the purchase of
the gas and electric light plants
from the company. The value of the
plants aggregate $300,000. The com-
pany's contract, for street lighting
ends with the close of 1901.
To Tender On Nevr Plans.
Ottawa, Dec. 19. -The contractors
Who tendered on. the Lachine Canal
work have all been invited to tender
on the new plans, giving a 500 foot
instead of a 325 foot lock. The in-
vitations are by circular, not by
public advertisement.
Hon. J. I. Tarte is having a report
•prepared for eettneil on the Sault
work, so that some days will elapse
before the result. is -made known.
Beautiful Home Burned.
St. 'Fr al air e, Que., Dec. L9. -Mr.
L. A. lerais' beautiful residoece here,
situatect on the bank of the river,
was burned yesterday afternoon.
Twenty thousand dollars will itot
cover the loss.
Lord Salisbury Says This Is Ne-
cessary for Imperial Stability.
Beaded Etteranees of ttie rreseier ut the
.Conserentive Vaifta^gONL$tagot tie
Boon the Btuning s2eestiee Tonally in
.1eeneen-leerd Sa3ihuxy CennSelS eke-
tiea Yeeeleing Wewares. .eifeee-Wela
Uhl Xteer Innen
London, Dec. 19. --At the annual
coufereece .of tee National leuion of
Conservative Associations yesterday.
Lords Salisbury, contneenting on the
evaarkabie cheep of London from. a.
Radical to a Tory ,stronghold, res
marked that the only Radicalism re
maining was found where tbe burn-
ing queetiou was the bousiug of the
poor. The Conservatives, he added,
could not more surely maintain their
hold on tbe Public thau by devotisag,
their whole power to removing this
'ndalof civilization the suffer -
"kg ;41e,Kw working people bad to un-
dergo from the pitiable aecoramoda-
tioes - and providing adequate,
healthful habitations for the poor.
War 1utL c Fonglitt Ont.
Atha:lime to the war, Lord Sans -
bury said that. if they wished to
sustain the Empire and maintain the
glory of aa-igland untarnished. their
efforts Must not Ite slackened until
this great enterprise ebould be car-
ried out, for, on the iseue thereof,
depended the glory and perpetuity of
the lOripire. le might require
strenuous effort and great self -sacra
. Tho .present was a period ot
Bowe anxiety,
"We," f -3a id the Presider, "do not
'now .exitetay what has taken place.
V nestle; Lope the issue may be
etter than the beginning.. But. we
eve to push it through. Maybe there
re mutters which bave not bear ex-
piained, and when explained it niay
be the subject of scrutiny as to the
ste.nAl.'LervIiAy the present results
ve been reoeheil. Bat We must
efforts wtetreby the glory
mointenanee 'of our F.ropire
at • echieved."
MCI` 1tan%%eh+ Splendidly Z.aid.
Johanniaburg, Morelay, Dec.
Deteiis of the defeat (4 the British
t Nooitgesiacto. .inclitate that Gen.
Clement's entire fliOTti, had a narrov:
.escape front .capture. The Boer plans
were aplextdielly laid. If the British
column Lod tarried a little longer
there would have lean a complete
euccess for 1 be Boers, who Qxposed
themselves unit:tuna-say, yelling and
weving their arms. Their rushes 'were
ady stemmed by artillery.
,efter the iirtt NI retreat the Boers
Neil a preeer mating, Their hymns
-could be heard by the retiring sol-
diers, AU uccounts indicate a heavy
Boer loss.
Con I.agge eeliihited splendid brav-
ery. He shot five Boers with bis
revolver befere hi- eel. with three,
bullets in his body.
All the Wounded Doing Well.
London, Dec. Ie. -Lord Kitchener,
in a despatch horn Pretoria, .dated
Dec. 17, reports that all the British
wounded in the engagement t Nooit-
geda.clit have arrived there, and are
doing well.
lirabants and :Cape Wiles Defeated.
Cape Town, Dec. 10. --The Boers
who ,crossed the Orange River into
Cape -Creamy, west of Alava' North,
on Saturday, encountered the Cape
Rifles and Brabant's force, who re-
tired with loss.
Their Affairs Going to Buhl, and Wa
Office Sias Let Them Olt
London, Itec. 19. -The Government
publicly requests employers -who
have kept open situations for yeo-
manry, colonials and volunteers to
continue their patriotic efforts to
minimize the sacrifices of these men
in the services of their country.
The War ()fiice has issued the
Queen's thanks to the yeomanry,
colonials and volunteers, expressing
their reliance that those abroad will
continue to aid her regulars_
The foregoing are designed to quiet
those in the field who are -waiting
to go home. •
Numerous volunteer officers' resigna-
tions were gazetted last night -law-
yers, physicians and business men,
who have urgently represented that
their affairs are going to ruin. The
War Office, on account of these re-
presentations, has let them off.
Boers Entered at Two Points and GOP.
McDonald Xs Engaging the Invaders
London, Dec. 19. -"The Boers have
raided Cape Colony at two separate
points, 100 miles distant,- says the
Cape Town correspondent of The
Daily Mail. "One commando ad-
vanced upon Philipstown, between
Colesbery and Kimberley. The other,
supposed. to be Herzog's commando,
crossed the Orange River between
0 dendaal Stromlo. and Bethune,
northwest of Burgh.ersdorp, its ob-
jective apparently being 'Cradock.
"General McDonald is engaging the
invaders, who have no guns, 20 miles
west of Burghersdorp. The latest
news is that they are being slowly
forced. back to the Orange River,
where a warra reception is being, pre-
pared. for them."
eiatele Quarantine liaised.
Cape Town, Dec. 18.-A woman
has died from the plague in the King
Towe. district. No fresh
cases have been reported, and the
quarantine has been raised.
Sen tenced 1'or Treason.
Cape Town, Dee. sen-
tences imposed by thb court at Coles -
beg in the cases of the men convict-
ed of treason aro regarded as very
lenient. Van itenshurg was sentenc-
ed to eighteen months' imprisonment
and to pay a fine of £500. Roux
was condemned to two years and six
re on tits, impris onment, Swart to one
year and six, months, Vowler to one
year and to pay a fine of e500,
Jdoste to one yeav and three months
and. to pay a fine of £500, and Mul-
ler to one year and three months. .
Dadepeadence or Death.
London Dec. 19.--Tbe Anglican
• Isiehop of Leboinliat says that he
found a dying Doer in the Delagoa
regioe wearing a iliedat inscribed,
"Indepeudence or Death." The Boer
said that many of his countrymen
wore similar medals, all of Wilein
bad taken an oath to fight to the
death in the Cause of the republics'
rise koviur..$47ice.
London, Dec. 19. -.The contemplat-
ed thanksgiving service in at, Paul's
Cathedral in conaectioa with the re-
-OA= Of Lord Roberts from. Smith Af-
rica has been abandoned, owing, as
the Government, announces, "to its
being considered desirable to defer
general theelesgiving until the close
of operations in South Africa." The
program now is for Lord Roberts to
debark in the Solent, to Vslt the
Queen. a,tbsborne House Jan. 2, t
re -embark, aid to laud finally a
Southampton. coming from that
point to London.
Deniaea Geseremeet require.
Berlin. Dec. 19. --At a meeting yes-
erday of pan -Germans, protests were
entered against the expulsion of Ger-
teens from the Transvaal. Some of
tbe speakers so expelled alleged they
were brutally treated by the British,
emi a 6overnment inquiry was de -
Iott Saij ForEurope.
Lore Inez, Dee. 18. .Ierr
Pott, tbe ZeUterlaui1's Consul. sailed
to -day for Europe. There was no
dentoestrat ion.
Corp. aellaban, C. K. 3)angerens1
ski; at Pretoria,
Ottawa, Dec. 10. -Si :red Mil-
er cables as follows:
Cape Town, Pee. 1S.-3$0, rattle
der; 639, Hermitage, Spririgiontehe
03. corp. Callahan. let Da.tt. Can-
adian Mounted Rides, l'retoria, dan-
gerottely ill.
The C. S. 0. at i1a' wires aa
Halifax. Dee. 18.-aFollew1ng
vvd from War tefficee Rosie -is rats.
le left Cape Town. lire. 1:1. due Het-
. Jan. Z. vitith 45 eificers and
7,99 men 'Canadian .contiugent.
Haeibroolz insane.
tSignetin C. S. 0.
-Every emu teas a Watch.
Vancouver, 11. te, Dec,
borate preparateess are being made
Ln the city for the reeeptiou of Brit-
ish Columbia's returning metabere of
the Transvaal coutingent. Bach
Vancouver man will be presented
with a suitably engraved gold watch,
and it mentoriel will be raised to
those who bave found graves on the
African Veldt-,Taektion and Whitly.
bauquet, will be tendered the whole
British Columbia contingent on its
arrival here.
merlon motto. Banquet.
St. Thoinas, Bee. M. -Monday
night the City Council decided to prise
sent ,each of the five returning South
African soldiers, representing the
city, with $31M0 and a suitable me-
dal. The money .is taken from the
Home -Corning Fund, raised in the
city. A. banquet will ,also be tender-
ed them.
Mr. Panther Advocated Its Passage In the
IL S. Senate.
Washington, Dec, 19, -After going
into Executive session yesterday, and
before taking up the Hay-rauncefote
treaty, the Senate ratified the minor
treaties before it, eenator Foraker
then spoke on the Hay-Pauncefote
treaty, defending and supporting it
as a wise precaution for the protec-
tion of American interests. He said
that he had been willing to support,
the treaty unamended, believing it
to have been properly guarded. but
that if there originally had been any
doubt on that score there eould now
be none, in view of the amendments
already adopted by the Senate, and
those recommended by the Commit-
tee on Foreign Relations.
Colombia's A.ttitude.
New York, Dec. 19.-A despatch to
The Herald from Panama. says: The
Colombian Government win do ev-
erything within its power to facili-
tate and hasten the opening of the
canal by the Panama, route, whether
it is effected by the actual company
holding the concession, which ex-
pires in. 1906, or by whomsoever
may represent their rights.
Hon. Joseph. Martin Ill.
Winnipeg, Dec. 19. -Ed. Martin re-
ceived a letter from his brother,
Hon. Joseph Martin, yesterday, in
which it was stated that the latter
was suffering 'from necrosis of the
bone of the knee, and that it would
be necessary for him to go to the
hospital there for two or three
weeks' treatment. His case, al-
though a painful one, is not of a
serious character, and Mr. Martin
has no doubt that his brother will
coine through his trouble all right.
Mr. Martin was troubled with the
sa,me disease upwards of 20 years
Woman Burned to Death.
Toronto, Dec. 19. --After a fire,
which destroyed her dwelling in the
rear of 49 and 51 tilizabeth street,
had 'been extinguished early yester-
day Morning, the dead body of Cath-
erine Wiggins, aged 65 years, was
found by the firemen. There was
nothing to show how the fire had
started, but it is believed the We -
l -rim met her death by setting fire to
her skirts 'while lighting a small
house lamp.
Prominent Montrealer Dead.
Montreal, Dec. 19. -One of the
leading business men of the Domin-
ion passed away yesterday afternoon
in the person . of Mr. Jam.es Robert-
son president of the James Robert-
son Company, Limited, For more
than a year Mr. Robertson had been
in failing health and had been coin- -
pened to give up any adtiVe interest
in the vast, business he had caeat6d.
Only 9 Days Left
Lt1RiNO 01
Since we started this sale we've been hustling the
goods out indouble quick time, but for the last nine days
of this sale we offer such a tempting list of seasonable
and stPple goods (xnany of them -would Iliac suitable
Xmas gifts.) Bargains that really border on the sensa-
tional, that we are sure of having our store crowded from,
owmaw= fill we close this business,
We urge the attention of all the opportunities announced.
yde half hisech Wit. limn 2
yds wide, pure linen, new de -
elms. Ger tegular pan Cac a
Taut, *oldie it tests
12 pr Nottirgbom kite crataits
aiy petty ateigo, at yards
let g e CO it( ate erg.
Lee arid 1.75, saie elite fe
Inelles'tutheelias, ellk and wall
tep, teel scds. tnithad with
Fiat er d geld recuotirgs
bnPdieS theee ale useful
N.nras gifts. leg. 2.Z.0 frm
and Laaquality for 1.48
Faits Lodics ilvegola bcots,
lent crcd r.hit 0,firefltib1e
quality. If g. lake 2.(0 kr Lae
:10 pails hey's licoist in fee huff
quality, tor beet over, or hvy
eolid for haid wear, N.trtth
evcry cent el 145 and 1,53, to
dear at eC'e
en's fur caps, Pezelan tomb.
leg. 7.00 for 5.63; seg. atin fer
4,75, Fine Seal ears, If g.
for 3.25 aria 0.00 for 4.a.0
15 only Ladies' cloth jackets,
evacie ef Pre bleak curl and
boucle dab. alao a few black
Axel Id Et avei cloths, all
tLiskkeEfg'.soNit 6.L( t a tate;
at in the Ict teat .ra ".1 Mat
ft (Da fl CO o fete- c *, lance
to save dol ars i.sale peke 35
!Nally alcee Lee v v fth re over -
crane blear cr -I tear, high
cellar, sold vs 'lolly at 8.t V; Us's
thou half t nly 3,05
Path t i(MT
teats. fire quality, ill lined
eta taikeid ; ur leg price
W* 0 to 13 ; a 1 areraiti at 7.75
/only le7-piece dinner setts,
gun tr tIne decoratioos,
Re t al pilielain trate, new
elihrt t.. gi id value at our reg,
tr, ealse 3,CO3, sale
te ice 6.59
6 Tin fttiS et 41 pieces each,
geed eel viceald4ware, wetly
deeetattd in blue decorations
reg 3,Z0 sett ; they go at less
than Navies:de prices, 1,03
A. J. FORD c* Cf:),
Solid Val e Store." Woodhatri.
Sexsmlth Usborne
oTE.,4.-Ilaste4' Percy Shutruer. of
Detroit. called on bis uncle, C. Ald-
worth some time ago.---Idiss Geddes
turned to ber home near London al
few days ago. -William Walker has 1
been wearing a broad smile for a few
days past, le is twin girls. -Joseph
Yellow, oftExeter North, is working
for Roger Northeott at present. -
Merry Christmas and a. Happy New
Year to all.
Elimoll Ie.
BRIEFS, -Mr. and Mrs Thomas Halls'
of Chicago, 1.7 5, spent a few days in I
the villuge visiting his old borne and
their relatives. It is 12 years since hel
left our Burg and will no doubt, see'
trimly changes and new faces. -Mrs
Gifford of St Marys is visiting her '
Smoot. Itorousa-The Ioilowiug in
the school report for S. S. No, 9,
barite, for the month of November.
Names are in order of merit
Doupe ; Sr IV, Albert McCurdy,
Mary Doupe, Wilbert Duncan, Mabel
GilflHan; lut IV'. Aetna Copelandi
Pearl Duncan, Miller McCurdy. Edna
Duncan, Olive Copeland ; Jr Wil.
bert Francis, Aguas Young. Cbarlie
Fletcher, Edna Fletcher; Sr III,Reggie
Turnbull, Joan Duncan, Lily Baikal-
tylle, Mabel McCurdy, Earl Copeland ;
Jr III, David Gi1011an, Win °Mau,
Arthur MeCurdy ; Sr ILNelson Roach,
Addie Turnbull, Myrtle Francis, Gertle
Shute, Guy Routley ; Jr Renny
Duncan, Milton McCurdy, Willie
Roach, John Ballantyne, nobble
Shute. No. on roll 57„everage 46,
D. MeDoroatse, ream e
mother Mrs .SVra Johns -•3 He wood „
had a bee on Tuesday bauling gravel
and s,and for his new barn to be erect,
ed next suminer, -Geo Andrew and
Wm Brock of Zion, attended the thor-
oughbred shorthorn sale of John
Isaac's, II aeltham, on Tuesday last.
A grand concert is to be given hie
Centralia next Monday night by the
famous Jubilee singers.
Bitiars.-Mattbew Thonipson, of
the Boundary left on Tuesday of last
sleek to visit Scotland. Alr. Thompson
goes to combine business with pleasure.
We wish him a pleasant journey and
a safe return. -F. Hackney and A. Mc-
Laren, of Detroit, have returned home
to spend their Christmas holidays
at their respective homes. -Geo, Hack-
ney, of Toronto, is also rusticating at
home. -D. McDougall, teacher of 8, S.
No. 3, lasborne, who has been ill for
eoree time, is vapidly recovering and
will be able to attenil, to his duties as
teacher at the beginning of the year.
Dame Rumor says that a number of
the fair ones on Thames Road are
soon "One by one to be stolen away
to shine in other homes and hearts"
Particulars will appear later. -Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Vance and family
have got comfortably settled in their
new dwelling. They are highly pleas-
ed with tbe workmanship,. the mason-
ary being doue by W. Howard, of
Exeter, the painting by Brooks Bros.
of Kirkton and the carpenter work by
G. Miller of Crorearty who as a house
carpenter bas few equals and no super-
iors in this vicinity. We wish Mr.
and Mrs. Vance along and happy life
in their new dwelline, The Thames
Road Presbyterian Sunday school pur-
pose having a Christmas tree on Christ-
mas Eye. A. splendid programme is
being prepared and a good time is in
store for the children and all who may
have the pleasure of attending. -Oys-
ters are cheap during Xmas times and
if those parties from Kirkton who did
not get their roastiff-like appetites sat
isfied at the supper held some time
ago, in this village, would drive to
some of the neighboring towns they
would undoubtedly get their hogshead
capacities filled. to running over, for a
nominal fes.
Putrefying food in the intestines
produces effects like those of arsenic,
but Dr King's New Life Pills expel the
poisons front 'clogged bowels, gently,
easily but surely, curing Constipation,
Bill iousness; Sick Headache, Fevers,all
Liver. Kidney7, and Bowel troubles,
Only 25c at any drug store,
wo givelhis b8autied Gold
Finished Ring, set with throe ,
magncent 13rilliants for se!.
ling only 10 handsome Scarf
"I suffered such pain from corzis I
could hardly writes H.Robinson
1'Iillsborough, Ilis,, "but Bucklen's Arni-
ca Salve completely em ed therm" Acts
hke magic on sprains bruisee cuts
sores, sealds, beinabolls, ulcers, Per-
fect healer ,of skin diseases and piles.
Cure guaranteed by any druggists.
Smart Weed and Belladonna, com-
bined with the other ingredients used
in the best porous plasters, make
Carter's S.W.. & B. Backache Plasters
the best in the market. Price 25 cents.
Rev. Dr. Warden announces that
during the past year the receipts of
the Presbyterian church have aggrega-
ted 850,761,33 as against $08,007.01 last
year. For the work of the coming
year 5316,100 will be necessary.
George Densteidt, of Blyth, has pur-
chased the hardware business of Jonas
Hartleib, of Dathwoorl, and will take
over the business first Of the year.
Tickets will he issued for the
Xmas holidays at single fare going
Dee. 22nd to 25tb retnining up to Dec.
26th; at fare and one-third going Dec.
2a.l..at to 25th good to return up to Dec.
• ••-• • 9
I hereby wish to inform the people
of the village of Shipka and the sur-
rounding country that after renovat-
ing the Post Oce Store, I have plac-
ed a stock of merchandise therein ad
am now in a, position to sup etite
wants of the community.
This stock is complet /in all lines,,
comprising it
Dry Goods, Groedies, Boots-
& Shoes, Hats, Cap,
Crockery and
and such lies as are usually kept in a
general store.
Remember this is no Bankrupt
Stock, it is all new and when you buy
from me you don't get goods that are
shelf worn and out of date. Every-
thing , is new and as good as money
can buy.
1Vben in the village call and see nay -
stock and get the prices ; it is only a
pleasure to show goods whether you -
buy or not.
I am here to do business and will,
buy any:kind of produce that the farm
ne at 50,. ,31 soh. adust hsd
advertisement, with y our
'Thu" ana 6thlre". 41°'‘ve'll A CA.LL soLtorrEo.
send you the Sell thou,
send no the money, and we
will Email you" this heantlftn,Jas. D Hannan Jr.,
Ring carefollY Peeked in a
handsome velvet lined eam.
miners Neesne
Bolly5v,Torento.Can SHIPKA ONT