HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-20, Page 1;New" frWENTY-EIGIITH Y.U.R.---NO, ELETRQN & 1V11PPLESEX .GAZETTE • EXE I ER, ONT., CANADA, THUilsDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2o, two. Skates Skates Skites, THE SKATE OF THE SEASON THE OENVINE Beautifully finished, Puck Stop, Splendid Ouality• STE HOGKEY Best Skate on the market for the money. A WONDER Tli New American HOCKEY SKATE with its new runners and e braces and handsome finish, is withdut dbulat the cheapest skate this season. Bokees German Hockey Full Nickel Plated, puck stop. CHEAPER THAN EVER. Halifax Club Skate HANDSOMEL Y FINISHED BEST QUALITY EULL STOCK OF STRAPS AND REPAIRS, Special Prices In Stoves Coal and Wood Heaters, Coal and Wood Cooks, AT LOWER PRICES TI -IAN EVER A large stock of second I.and stoves on hand 1' S—A new stock of X.Cut Saws and new American Axes to hand H Hensai TT J. D. COOKE. (Late with Darrow Proudfoot} iearrister Solicitor. Notere Poblie. Renew% O. FA t seller L.,e„. D. D. S.,Uonor Gracile 'Ate of Toronto Univereity, Dentist& Teetle extraeted without alum. bed effects. Office , o WnrrE 84 SONS 'TT Le Shorn() Corenoll Greenway Usborne council met at Township Haff, Dec. leth, pursuant to statute. AU the inernbers were preeena Minutes of last meeting were read. approved and signed by the Reeve. -tweed by R. Carona seconded by A. y, oa enean. At eiirice etY unkin, that one hundred ccpies of Alonday,ceintrieLoii3g Almralt/a. !the minutes of proceedings of commit O. J. Su! Notary Notary Public, Conveyan- I ter 1900, be printed for distribution,- cer. Commeseloner. Fire Insurance Agent. and ; carried. Usurer et /liar:bee Lieensee. Ie doetimente roved by J. Moir, secouded by J. carefully drawn at reasonable rates.. eioneer ee . - , - -, ee to loau on real estate at low' rates ot interest. , xxasvii-inS, tria.t. tee expenses oe ene edice at the Past Deice, ilensall, l3Dar4 of Health for 1900, amounting to eeS„74 be paid to the Clerk for dis- A-NI7D' tributiote-Carried. toewhich the higlteet market, pieces wed lie t I. Illoir, that the eollectotes time for 4 leeee emulate et Clover and timothy. seed. 'Moved by A. gunkin, seconded by pant be _La. aesee,t1returning the roll be extended to hJetnuary 14th, 1900aed thet be oe linines.-A student of Knox College I !authorized to continue the collection win preach in Carmel (church on Stm- of the, Impala taxe...,,.earrieti. deer n'nt0 morning 'eOlUg' - Orders were granted to the Amount. Christrune eerviees will be held in St.0 of $f..8 90 Pauls church on the SundaySollowing len.exets Moue...Ler. Clerk, Christmas. instead of on Clanstrnas fte ..,,,....., usual. --R. A. Bell left here on Monday 1 Brgoefielcl morning for Bruce Mines. where he in- tendsremaining until spring, -Mrs. , Burmese -The membere of the Pre - Alex. McKenzie was in Blyth, her for- - byterlan Sunday Seaool leave lately mer borne, t1n latter part of last week, taken the pledge against intemperance renewing aequalutances.- The Jolly and foie language. -Geo. Hill has late - Pulls Co. will give a series* of entete . ly hAil 145 bones) plastere -Johnkillie / taininents here the latter part of this der 1us bought the rightfor a Pattern morale -0, 0. Petty will try couelia horse collar for part of Horon Co. We sions with Reeve A.rnola for the Reeve- trust it may bave A Successful venture. ship for 1901. -The tine weather eud i --The Stanley school uear our villege absence of suow has somewhat inane is preparing a lengthy program for its ki,ishop & Soi-i, -.hones Woods and esster re iesborne, are spared by the teachers ni. ed the hitherto good Christmas trade. 1 entertainment on Dec ?let • no eine where they will remain for some timelentertelelleent a MAWS'S ; both teach - left tide week for Los Angeles, CeleBaird and Miss Mustard, to make the for the benefit of Miss Wood's bealth. ; ere are eugaged for the *hoot for the KtrietOn -Miss Shaw who hae been engaged !condo?. year, -R. McCartney. from Furniture + Emporium EN we say Furniture Emporium we back up the statement in the most ample sense of the term. We have one of the largest stocks to be found. in any town of the size in Western Ontario; all modern and up-to-date. When we say also that we can undersell our competition we makp ,o bluff, we mean business and mean to carry it out. IV?, easy enough to assert broadly that we sell furniture cheaper than any other house but that doesn't mean anything, so we just set the prices of a few articles for your inspection. Extension Tables $3,90 and upwards. Bedroom Setts $10,00 and upwards. Sideboards $8,50 " $6 00 " Lounges $100 Parlor suits $17.50 Fancy Rocker and Easy chai,s $1.50 Couches tt tt cc t tt ti In fact everything found in a first-class furniture store can be purchased at Lowest Prices. 30 DAYS SALE Having purchased the entire Furniture and Tinker - taking stock of Messrs. Gidley & Son, we will hold a 30 days sale at which we offer bargains in Fancy Rockers, Fancy Tables, Easles, Screens, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suits, Table, Etc.. Undertaking a Specialty Wood taken in exchange for furniture. eaters. -One night It week some person was so kind as to remove five bags of chopped oats from Dr. Carr's stable, The Or. hopes the beast, they are fed to will cholte.-Ilarvey Son has part, of Damet lelazelwootre house rented. Surley he is not going to keep bachelor's hair -elm Gourley moved. to ber farm in Usborne last. week. -Amos Doupe sold a thorough- bred shorthorn cow last week to James Hannah for a good figere. Cromarty Br1Z,-Alies Lizzie Hamilton who spent that past summer in Mait I n xi, arrived home last week; also Miss Etta Gardiner, greed ditughter of Mr. An - sou, Thames Road. -Mrs. F. R. Hamil- ton left Tuesday for St. Thomas for n vieit atuongst friends; -Mr. •Oswald alket, st., is preparing to erect a, laege bank barn in the spring. -The Post Office is now in Mr. Hislop's I store ; all danger from diphtheria is supposed to be past. -George Miller is busy putting a. new floor in the Com- xnercial House stable, mad some other necessary fixtures, Fu 1 I arto n BRIEF. -Miss O. McCullough was visiting Mr. Thos, McCullough a few days last week. ---Miss Flazier, of Cape Croker, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Stewart. -Mr. Thos, McCul- lough's new addition to his mill was partly raised last Saturday. There were not quite enough hands there to finish the job. It will make a great improvement to the appearance of his mill and also to working capacity. - Rev. J. G. Rodgers came home on Monday last for a few days. Preach- ing seems to agree with him. -Miss Nellie Francis, who has been working in Mitts millinery establishment in Toronto during the fall season, is home for the winter. -The Gill proper. ty in this village, which has been rent- ed by J Ridge for a junk shop, has been sold to Messrs. Harry and Fred Rogers, they to take over the property in the spring. It is to be hoped that Mr. Ridge does not leas -e the village as he is the handy man in this neeree- borbood.-.Miss M. Wilson, of Mr. Morrow's store has secured a situation in Glencairn and purposes leaving here about New Years. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ODDFELLOWS BLOCK THE .Remember the stands. Beanee.-IVIart McTaggart's services to see a protest entered against, the re-- - chisel burst claimed on good authority that several many dissatisfied Liberals would like given anotiaer term. enopposed.- The farming commodity coming into town not at present sa,y. The Mayor will be at present. The price received for some ranges from $5 to $5.50.- Muni - many loyal Conservatives a,s well as cipal election talk is still the go. It is soift itohne. pbruets ehnotviCioatiretchi 1.1 swi pliaey ew eo pc pa no: • St. Marys. Beverl,,, yu ' BETEFS.-Oorol wood is the chief seem to be in great demand at the pre- turn of D. K. Erb. In all probability Have amice assortment /CHRISTIVIAS CO(3138 A bound book Sx5 inches at 15c and lovely bound book usually sold at 25c for lec also paper hack hooks at - Big reductions in ladies' caperines Fur Caperines was 4 00 for 3 00 500 400 6 60 5 00 " e 700 600 6.75 5 50 " " 750 e 650 also 10% discount off our Up-to-date clothing until Dec. 25 only. SMIT BROS.& el HIENSALL GODER1CH sent time. He is a hustler on the end of a saw. -A number from this vicin- ity delivered fat cattle in Hensall last week. -We are pleased to see Mrs. (Rev.)Long out again after her late ill- ness. -The Methodist church S.S. have dispensed with their annual elhrietmas Tree this year on account of the special services. rarrton, ----- BRIEFs.-The Methodist S. S. intend holding their annual anniversary on Thursday, Dec. 27th. --Archie Chibtick has purchased hie father's farm on the townline, Blatashard, and is repairing the house. There is evidently greater attractions for Archie in Ontario,than in lelenitoba.-Arthur Westman left his horse which was hitched to the buggy tied at his front. door. When he came to look for it a few minutes later it was gone. -A. J. Clatworthy, •lumber dealer, has purchased a handl- some building site from Mrs. C. West man on Queen St. D. H. Sampson, of Parkhill, has been committed to serve three months in jail for non-support of his wife and family, The 'natty old friends in Huron Presbytery, of Rev. H. McQuarrie, formerly of Wingliana, will sympatie ize with him in the loss of his wife, which occurred on Friday. this will be how the matter will end, and if so South Perth will yet see a Conservative member renresen ting this riding. --William McCullough, of Toronto, is home for the . Christmas holidays. - Preparations are under way for the purpose of giving Pte. E. Peart a suitable reception when he re - tures home from Africa. He is expec- ed on Friday. The Jubilee Singers appeared in the Opera House last Friday before a ver poor audience. -The revival ser- vices will be continued this week in the Methodist church unal Thursday night. -A meeting wits held in the 1 Town hall on Friday evening last by the citizens of the town for the par - pose of arranging for a reception to be ; given Corporal E. Pearb when he ar- rives home from South Africa Christ- mas Day. A grand banquet will be given the heeo, followed by several ad- dresses of welcome. Col White has charge of the leffair, so that it is bound to pass off well. -Saturday's market was not so large as what might have been expected so Shortly before Christ- mas. Turkeys and other fowl were the chief products offered for sale. Turkeys sold at 10c per pound. DESTROYS WORM. Mrs, John Lowo, New Germany, N. Sovrites ; "I hav,e given Dr. Low's Worm. Syrup to my children with excellent results. They are fond of taking it and it n.ci 8 perfectly, requiring no cathartic afterwards with The R. Pickard Co. for the paet Moose aw, visititm at ale home or two seasons, left tide week for here bis brother, Hugh McCartney he re, bonze in Teeswater.- Mies Dulles. of ports in the wvoid weather in the prams, re. Goderiele as -village last week vinee, the tbennometer having mill was epenee on Saeurday everdeg cur they do not feet tile coal, the first time this season. The etel was in good condition and the attend- tlentraiia renewing nenuaintatiCeS.- The rink , as IOW as Sri' but, unlike Ontario people anee very fair. The skaters seemed to enjoy themselves of as yoree--elies Isla U.STANKRY• 11. 4to ExweElt.0:41' Dick, tylia is engaged as milliner in • n eta with eieceeicelielee (e.,e Te Durban), spent part of last eek. and toe Dat'ader. coliveetaliele,elefer; -e" this visiting her parents bere.-jaines eteeeteenla.011,11tigiftlerro„,e,rigozZlilllell by CO11111164- Gilchrist, left, here this week for Sea- ee""e-4s.4111". forth, where be has purchased a meat . eottleares,--A merry Christmas to your • THE ExnER 'Ant aut rex)), /Argo stack o Lumber -pine and beol l* reasettalee.--JAs Wel•L,Ite, Yani East side ;eNiarket lie ?dale st. leeme j'ese of herolock lumber for burns. ete. also Shingles. -lath§ end ceder pasts. lerlees Brune -a -Rev. J. Morrison is to ;le liver his popular lecture. "That Boy" In connection with the Christmas tree entertainment in the Boeton Methodist church Cliristmas night. - Miss Bella McPherson returnee home from visit- ing friends in Declierville, sad and pathetic death occurred in the pereon of Nathan Bullock„ the four- Yeareeld sent of Mrarid ears. Thomas Balloek- Ile died very sieldenly Thursday evening, frAttli cretin) and. diphtheria. Toe little fellow was re, nearketey bright for bis age and was only sick a few dare The bereaved family end frievele bave the heartfelt eympethy of their nweeroae friends !z std reaet Mena Bayfielel BaleFs.eeletseleillister WAS in Guelph dthtlerlierigwititeielltalta laleittitninghabriti9t fa'oi Detroie is visiting his people here set nreefeeet, o Ineton of the Sauble Line has purehaeed Mr. S. Logan's* property on Loisiea etreet and intends moving kite% town. ---We regret eery much to report that Mrs. John fell down stairs one dey this week and sustained eerions lueuries.- J. Sturgeon's (13.1gliter N still very iil with the fovea We hope for her as Safe recoveree-The English church enter, tainment on Friday eveniog of this week prouietesto IA` greud alfah aline progrein is being prepared of lisougs, quartettee, dialogues, drilla re. eltatioue. ete. Everybetily welcome. - A. meeting of the otendiere of the he‘lel Mon- rrig;ig fur a grata teaesTila•e= tt4alvti; • held in the Town Hell on New Tear% Eve when as good progr Wall Iv given. -Miss Ruble Fisher returned from Goilerich on Tueeday wheiT tate was visiting triende.---Mre. teem returned home Smithey Let after a two weeks' visit with Needs at Goderiele -The members of thi 1. O. le are pre- paring for their anima! grand ball and supper to be held on Jan. lth. Tbe committee are spariug no Nine in making this ball a grand success. -W. Jewett hes moved into his new home on the squere this week, -James Fere. guson now wear:, a ple;xsantemile. It's as boy. -Skating is the pastime for the young tante now there being good skating on t he inill pome-Wm. San- derson and Ed. Weston, who spent the summer at Owen Sound ;termed home on ruestley leen-Messrs. Dave • Gardner and ('hau'teveva spent Tues. business. -W. Miller this week readerre and unless there is a ehang0 moved his buggies and eaters into his lt will be a green ease too. --Mr. and beer show rooms in his new Mock Mrs. Wm. Rini of Alma. Mich., are which lu reeently ected.-The ee- visiting here the guests of his brother, rem t= sale of James Jobuston's effects Richard. of Fairlield. -WiMur Hicks „ on Saturday afternoon was well at- hs past snie ettlinilenellnitoitmaetaziftleLssonaewrol, .Ass.-ingt tended and articles brought. good prices. Th -Miss Davis, of Aylmer,. is visiting Ile speaks highly of the country and 1 Case of the London road, Slaughter of inc eeniela, home . ---Thos. Elston hes ler brother V.('. Davis. -Mrs. Geo. ni the near futnre will make that part MI'. end /sirs. neoggeeth, is trete tie sot up a. large soul very serviceable -D. McGill, owing to ineess, WAS nn CbOpping coucern, having purchased able to take his work tie precentor in everything new and to a great advent - Carmel church .on SundnY lastr.-T1 are. He is now prepared to do first - usual Christmas tree entertaininee Cass work for the farmers and being a, I day in Goderich. Will be diepensed with in Cannel good distance from any other mill we church this year, and in place thereoexpece to see our grist mill boom.-Thef a lecture will be given on Friday even, regular meeting end election of officers Centralia L. O. L. in' of this week by Rev. Mr, Wilson, connected with the Of London, saleect, "South Africa, and WAS held on Saturday night a good " illustrated by threcent war views attendance rand an interesting meet - e 00 calms. Tile children will take lag. was anticipated. The election which took piece after the general part in singing. Mr. efeGill viell also Tee business was transacted, is as follows sing several patriotic songs, Jubilee singers will give au entertaiu- DeputyeVorh1pmfiaileter, uteetneryFrankmnis; chaDavviais 1:tiiu; =day eyeniug.-The village was ent in the Methodist cburch on Sat- in, Anthony Nevin ; Reasec'ye F. J. semi darkness the latter part, of hast Davis ; FineSeey, Jeam Wright ,• week owing to the burning out, of sev- Terreasine,tons,Thomas Caves Lecturer,Iia Huxtable ; Director of • eraI transformers, while on Monday een evening a breakage in the engine left Rich Horn ; Committee, WM. Caves, the village in darkness. -Miss Viola John McFalla, Henry Cundy, William Campbell, of Farquhar, is visiting her cousins, Mrs. Harroll and Afrs, Mur- dock. -Geo. Thompson, of Hay, has sold his fifty acre farm to 'William Thompson for 53,000, and intends leavinr for the West. TnE 13ALL.-A grand success was the ball held. by the Young Bachelors of Hensall, over ninety persons being present. The music was furnished by three of Tony Cortese best musicians. The hall was nicely decorated with men to move his family to the Classic. patriotic pictures, red, white and blue Oitye--A. G. Box, of St. Marys, ceme bunting and flags. It would take too to Mitchell last week to fill a situation much space to describe the beautiful inhMe oa re. Cioil naipbwella'sr iis hardwareion andstor ethe.- dresses worn by the ladies, the ma - T jority being in full dress. A number folks can sit up all night now as Amer - from London, Exeter, Godertele, 'Can sells at 15 cents, and may be lae Zarich, Bayfield and Seaforth were some -Rev. Jahn Aikens and wife present The supper was served by from yantsport, Nova Scotia, are here Mrs. Sheffer in store and underneath to visit their many friends,- Miss An - Davis, Frank A grand concert is to he given in Centralia next Monday night by the famous jubilee singers. Admission adultsc, all under 11 15e, children free. Mitchell BELEFe.-George Tuer moved his family to Stratford this week. Mr. Tuer is about the last of the Whyte the hall, and could not be served any better by the best city Cateror. The dance broke up about 3 a. in., every- one giving their thanks to the corn- initee for their splendid management. Crediton. Bneurs.-Rev. S, G. Litt who has been holding a series of Bible society meetings returned home Saturday evening lasb.-John Hartz, of Pigeon, Mich,, and Mr. Krupp, of Waterloo, are holidaying at Tobias Wartz.-Miss Pearl Jones, of Marlette, Mich, is the guest of Miss Lily Weiner. -There was a good attendance at the League Tuesday evening last. -Daniel Oes- treicher who has been ill for the past few months was happily surprised on Friday evening last by the T. P. A, and friends. -It is reported that a profitable and enjoyable time was spent.--alichael Schwartz,jr., of Port Essington, British Columbia, surprised his Deafly friends on Tuesday last by putting in his appearance after an ab- sence of about 10 vea,rs. He 'looks hail and hearty, and has some inter- esting stories to tell of the West. - Out friends from across the border are again putting in their appearance. -Jacob Haist and Wm. Faist, of Kil- managh, and Solomon 'Boltzmann and Lewis Stahl, Of Elkton, Mich., all are visiting under the parental 'roof. - Don't forget the entertainnaent to be given in the German Evangelical church, Dec. 21th, Xmas eve, A beautiful cantata will be rendered. entitled, "The corning of the Xing." Upwards to 100 children are being trained for this occasion Don't fail to hear the ehildren's beautiful choruses. A grand concert is to be given in Centralia next Monday night by the J b'l g re nie Francis bas arrived from Toronto to spend the Christmas holidays. -An- other olcl settler was buried in Trinity church cemetery on Thursday last, in the person of Mr. Elijah Baker, of ' Dublin, who had attained 74 years. Mrs, John Lemon, of Mitchell, and Mrs. Win. Canning, of Stratford, are daughters of the deceased. -Miss Tordon and. Miss Dougberty bave re- signed their positions in the public school and Miss 3. Cameron and Miss 1417 May appointed to fill the vacan- cies. -- Joseph Jackson has de- cided to leave the County- Council af- ter many years of faithful service. Wm. White will make a good success- or in every ilarticular as he is a good debator, a good farmer and not least st good Conservative. -Miss Eliza Robin- son left Thursday on 'her long journey to the States and Manitoba, where she will remain till next fall.-Willirtin White was in town on Wednesday afternoon. He had just sent Rev-. John Henderson and his bride away on their weddieg trip, The Rey. G. W. Henderson, of St. Marys, Presi- dent of the Conference, performed the ceremony. It is hoped that their future life in the parsonage will be a happy one. -Mr. Burritt has decided to run for Mayor next year. Mr. Davis got it from Mr. Burritt after one year. so this year it may go the other way. Stephen Corsene-The council of the Town- ship of Stephen, convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Saturday, Dee, lath, at one o'clock p. m. Ali members present. Minutes of prev- ious meeting read and approved. Willett -Hicks-That Gottleib Brown, collector of taxes for the year 1000, is hereby instructed and authorized to continue the levy and collection of the unpaid taxes in the manner and with the power provided by by-law for the general Ievy and collection of taxes. -Carried. Hicks-Sweizer-That by- law No, 0, A. D., 10110, being tf, by-law, which cotenders it advisable that in future Auelitors should be appointed in the mouth of November and Dec- ember to audit, the accounts, being iot Feltiloots Felt Boots A limited number of efen's Felt Roots, sizes 6, 7, W, 11. at a great bar- gain. will be sold eegardiess of tost, .}1441444.444 Spial Bargains In Men's and Buys' caps. slip bande, at 24 and 5r. Great Value, Mee we -have just, received a let 44 FA,.."STCY CI11NA, eultabie for tile Xmas trade, and afoil range of fruiti. orauges. nuts, .eta, all fresb. Turkeys, Geese and Chickens end alt krndctuf Pant Produce for which highest prices will be veld, J P Ross. f reed the thine time be pessed,-Caae ; vied. Willerte-Yearle.ye-That bylaw No. eie A. la, 3,91)0, he peil appolute • ing Henry leayle. of the Townehip of [ Stephen, ae Auditor. being read thin,/ ' time he p:i'sea..-Carriel. Tile Reeve apeeinted John iersikeneliive ate the &vend Auditor. Yearley -Hicks - That the following pereelle shall he plenlept5titeerttreptr;neistagf 5.ettet101;:erdtoor tar t. e'lect' namee t -Ne. 3. Newton Raker, Sehosilheuee :CV, 1 ; No. 2, Chaa • Browse, Lewis' tailor chap ; it Wenzel, Town Hail ; No. 4, Henry payie. Cunninghent's leitchee ; X., 5. R ah ItlellillInnil. Hannan s hail, ..e.o. te Chrietiati Stade. Mossetes hell ; No 7. T ,e,t' Iktyt er. Wilsoat's halt ; No. SON/en Oliveraelaccabees hall. Carrie,(. At - ter -muting' orders to the amount of • S1312.01, vithielt will. appear its tbe Treasurer's ilanneial report. the eoun.e ell adjourned tem:sleet again be the Town ifna for nous netion on Dee. edst, 4the et 1 p. m. Tbs. vi 1 seetisties oe Townshire of Stepheh, efor 19110 an!, 92 births, 14 marriages an;101:7i, de.atbe. Ilnewe Eueinite:epe telerk TO CURE: A COL& IN OlsZE DAY: Take Lanatire BM= ossein l'ablet, Ali estls:1 refeue tee um4 It fugal! cpa, 2;.4 b. 1%. ureve e tanetutee, on awn ironic. TESTIMONIA.1., 01' THOS. BELL TO TUE VALVE 01? ENGLISH STOOK FOOD. This is to certify that 1 have used English Stock Food manufactured by Ct. Lutz, Exeter. 1 bave used it with calves that were fed nothing but skim milk, and they did remarkably well. bave also fed it to fat cattle with excellent results. Have fed it to nay hens and the result in the egg produc- tion and condition of the hens has been most satisfactory. Would. high- Iyrecommend stock raisers to give it a, trial. Thomas Bute. Price 511e per bag. Sold by C. Lutz. our money refunded if purchase unsetisfactory. XMAS GIFTS Skates tesnorne ELECTION Ecnons.-An election is possible in the township of Usborne. Alfred Hunkin, who has Lorsome years sat at the Board as councillor and has proved himself to be a valuable mem- ber, is about to retire. To fill the va- I cauy the names of Amos Doupe and James Baltantyne are mentioned tts probable caudidatee. The other mem- bers of the council will seek re-election and nomination day may produce some dark horses. , ea, „...e.,-•-eeeseta Our skates are made of the { best quality welded and tem- pered steel runners with pat- ent cup brackets. We offer you no inferior skates. Cutlery {Pooket knives, table knives and forks,carvers in pairs and cases, razors, SOiSSO1'6, shears. Nicely decorated best qual- Tea Pot, rty, graniteware Tea Pots also fancy nicigle plated, copper tea pots. --useful gifts. We have a large assortment of other useful and approp- riate gifts for Xmas. We have lots of fresh ruined Scranton Goal in stock. 41 1......eseesetaele