HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-6, Page 8�F. LI B..1S1h..[�P ST AT THE BISHOP STORE The ... 'eat Sale Continues. Extra special bargains in overcoats. Extra, special bargains in suits. Extra special bargains in furs. Extra special bargains. in Crockery and Dinnerware. READ THIS LIST IT WILL REPAY YOU.. Men's laankaroo fur coats worth 16 00 for 1175. Men's Russian otter fur coats worth 15 00 for 1100.. Men's coon coats worth 35 00 for 27 00. Ladies' astrachan capes worth 15 00 for 10 00. Ladies' astrachan napes worth 18 00 for 14 00, Ladies' astrachan jackets worth 27 00 for 21.00. l ,idles' astrachan jackets worth 29 00 for9..,3" 00, Ladies' astrachan jackets worth 39 00 for 2900. Rr Men's fur mitts, calf facings worth 00for I 25. **##4*t#*it.ta1+,*i}**1F READ THIS LIST IT WILL REPAY YOU, Men's beaver overcoats worth 700, clearing at 4 0a Men beaver overcoats worth 7 50,. Clearing at 5 50. Men's Beaver and worsted overcoats worth 1000, clearing at 7000, Den's beaver overcoats worth 12 00, clearing at 800, Men's all wool frieze overcoats worth 0 550, clearing at 4 05. Men's all wool frieze overcoats; worth 7 00,. clearing at 4 85. Boys' frieze overcoats 3 00, 321, 3 50 and 4 00. Men's heavy serge suits, black and navy worth 5 00 for 3 65. Men's heavy Serge and tweed suits woeth 5 50 for 3 00. Men's heavy tweed suits worth 6 50 for 475. Meu's extra heavy tweed suits worth 750 for 5 50. Men's extra fine worsted suits worth 000 for 0 75. Men's tweed and worsted suits worth 1000 far 7 50. Boys' 3 piece suits worth 4 09, 425, and 4 59, clearing at 3 35. Boys' 2 piece suits at 100, 145, 2 00, 210, 2 30 and 2 CO Boys' knieker pants 5e, 40a, age and 00e. 157en's heavy frieze coats, short square cot 2 25. ;}fen's fleece lined shirts and drawers 50e, clearing at 40c. Tea's wool fleeced shirts and drawers '75e, clearing at 60e. Men's fleece lined shirts and dra w ei3 Sac, clearing at 65c. 4 We have about 350 ladies' kink? ets le- ets to clear which must go this 0 week and nest. Ie you want a. new and stylish jacket at about half price, call and we will be 4, pleased to show you oursttiek, 97ie ce set,serol- orcelean c dinner r worth 7 00 now 5 00, 97 piece dinner set, semi-porceloaau worth 8'50 now 0 25. 07 piece, dinner set shaded and gold decorated 11 00 now •S 00. Whitt toilet sets. English goods, only 120. 73c plates for aa, 85a plates for 03c,. 03c plates for 75e. A largestock of dishes of all lauds at cost price. Jaen s and Boy's gain rubbers at cost. Men's extra fine shirts and drawers Men' and Bays' stub proof rubbers 125, clearing at Bae. at cost. We are doing a big ordered clothing trade. It you have a suit or trouser notion let us save you money. Black worsted suits a specialty. The Bishop Stock at The Bishop Store. Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel. Store open every Evening. J. A. STEWART. Griggs 1 For liarriake Licenses, Eiook Storo, A full stock of School Books for Public Schools. = , A full stock of Sunday School Library Books at wholesale prices Family and Peachers' Bibles Full Line. Everything in Stationery, wholesale and retail. Jolill Oriu'9, B x i Il E a eexeseeeceseoccesommonelk INSURANCE. LIRNEST ELLIOT, Agen for theWEsrxiu Ass:MANCE COM- PANY,:of Toronto; also for the Psa2NIxFIRE: NSQTiANOE COMPANY, of London, England; and LTANOE INM:TMANCE COMPANY,. of Eng THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1900 MAL HAPPENINGS W. T.' Goodison, of Sarnia,, spent Sunday visiting friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ovens, of Maple Lodge spent Sunday visiting at Mrs. Oven's former home here. Messrs. Levett & Rogers have made large shipments of fowl theast week, to British Columbia. p The roof has been placed on Carling's new block, and it is expected. to be ready for occupancy during the begin- ning. of the year. While descending a set of outside steps at his home in Usborne on Thursday last, John Hunkin slipped and falling fractured two of his ribs. Several Biddulph and London town- ship friends were in Port Austin last week e k attending thewedding of Miss Mahar, daughter of E. Mahar, and ai 'Jr, Kennedy, a wealthyfarmer, all of Port Austin. Miss Mahar is a cousin of Mrs. M. J. White. John Daunce and wife,of Ailsa CraigS were in .:town over Sunday. They came to attend the anniversary of Main St: Methodist ehnrch,and show that their love for Main St. ch irch(of hi t which Mr. I3auncey, was one of the prime movers, in re -build- ing ),has not waned. Many old friends Were pleased to - again n siake hands with the visitors. Wedding Rungs, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectacles, p acles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. 1 4:X. '14 211 zs OIL Do v.� A — 'he Sarnia Cau ., � t CxAxN. '1. adian said last week; "The price of crude oil suffered another, drop of two cents last Wednesday, snaking the net price $169 for Pretrolea crude and $1, 54 for 011 Springs, It is expected that low price will prevail for some time ; as there .has been a general depression of oil values in United States, follow- ing three great strikes in Lew isCounty West Virginia, where an absolutely new territory has been opened up which promises to equal the record of the Pithole and other districts fa nous in the early days of the oil business. Pennsylvania oil is now down to $1.05 and South linaaa. oil is down t4 73 cents and the tendency is towards still low- er figures." Meanwhile up this way we are still paying 25 cents a gallon for oil. SCUTT( HURON FARMERS' I:rsTrrenrE. --The Directors of the South Huron. Farmers' Institute held it, meeting in Hensel). ou Thursday last. to arrange for the holding of Institute meetings during the winter months. Regular meetings will be held in Brucefleld and Exeter an the 11 and 12 January, re- spectively. Supplementary meetings will be held .at Seaforth, Varna, Hen - sail, Dashwood. Elimville and Shipka, on Feby , 5, 0, 7, S, 9 and Ilth, respec- tiyely, Due expressions of regret were made at the death of the late F. I. Robson, Supt, of institutes. Speak- ers who will take part in the meetings are; W. N. Hutt, South End, will at- tend in connection with a speaker to �, K ' be selected by the Supt, of Institutes,1 to succeed the late 111r. Holasou, Sup- Large ge size flannelette blan- pleaueutary meeting will be addressed l kets, regular 1.15 for • - 90 by 11. Glendenning, Manilla; J,IX .' EwenDrayton, Mrs, Smith. of Whit- Lovely all wool blankets by. will be in attendance at all meet- special values at 2.50. 3.00, 3. SO ings, to deliver addresses, which will snake the meetings more interesting to GROCERIES ladies, of whorl it is expected there 20 lbs of Redpath's granu- will be a large representation. A grant of 85 was made to the Provincial lated sugar for . . . . .. I �E Piekaid Co. Great 30 Daus' 6iearhiu sale fr Now in full blast. Every .article sold at bargain prices. Do not miss this opportunity to get good goods cheap. HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLE PRICES FLANELETTES 700 yds good heavy wide width flannelettes, regular price 70 for,,,, ,..,,,.,• 300 yds plain colored flan- nelettes, extra wide width, regular price 123/ for ...... , FUR8 All our beaatiful stook of fine furs will be sold at bargain prices during this sale. Now for bar gains, you'll save from to to 30%, 1 S Winter Fair, to be held in Gueiph, 11th 3 tins best canned peas corn and tomatoes..,, •..- Finest selected Valencia , per sa •sin. ib...., .,,, isins, 3 lbs Japan Tea. for Best lemon and orange peel 1 Besteen coffee per ib , .. � 5 doz cloths pins for ... 2 lbs baking soda .. , .... . 2 boxes Royal Yeast cakes Best shreddedcocoanut to lith Dec, inclusive. This grant of $5 atlflliates this Institute with the fair, and will entitle all members of this Institute to free admission to the fair f a u1 ex• upon the presentation a d y eeuted certificate from the Secretary, R. Gardiner. T. W. Uawkshaw spent Sunday in Lucan. Mrs, Walken of Port Hope, is visit- ing air. A. Ford. Parlor suites 17.50 andupwards at Couches oHuston's. ll kinds very cheap at Beverley Ruston's. The price of pork is again high, and the farmer rejoicetb.. J Miss Livingstone, of Creditor), was the guest of Miss Hardy on Sunday. Miss 0, McIntyre is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. (Dr.) Lutz, who continues Mkt.. DVm, Mckenzie purchased. Mr, W. Leake,s farm in Logan for the sum of $5,000 Ladies' fur neck rug` a 845, 51.00, $1,25, $1.35, $1.60, 52.50, $3,75 and up to $0.00, Stewart's. The weather in this section of 2.ouir try remains fine, and lawns are as green as in May. Use Dix Kidney Pills for lame back t and derangement of the kianeys and ' bladder. Sold by 0, Lutz. Robt Muir, dentist of Buffalo. at- tended :the wedding yesterday of his sister, Miss Muir, and 13. Makins, of Exeter. Raymond L. Fanson has been en - aged as alert: with the R. Pickard Co, . r. Fansou was a few years ago an employee of the firm. Mens fur coats $13.00,$17,50, $20.00, $22.00 and up to 540 0U lien's fur caps very special, $100, $2,25 and $2.50. Men's fur mitts $L25 and $3.50. Stewart's. The Jolly Pulls Co. completed a weeks' engagement here on Saturday, and on Monday left for Seaforth. They drew large houses here, and gave first- class entertainments. Child's grey lamb fur caps $2.50 and- $2.75. nd ' i 7• _. r5. Ladies'fur mitts '3.90 and $$ n $4.50. Ladies' 27 and 30 inch astra- chan fur capes, 515.00, $10.00, $17.00 and $18.00. Stewart's. James Rielly, of Detroit, formerly of Centralia, and aMiss Collins, of Lon- don, were married in Detroit last week. Many friends in this section will join in extending congratulations. A quiet home wedding took place yesterday at the residence of Alder- man Muir, when the Rex, W. M, Martin joinedin wedlock, his eldest daughter, Miss Jennie, and B. Makins, the genial proprietor of the Exeter laundry. Txtn TIMES joins a host of friends in extending congratulations. Mr. Tinsley, Chief Game Warden, will send out circulars to the hunters who took out licenees last fall, asking them to report to the Department the number and weightof deer killed by THE them. It is hoped :by this means .and also by returns from the express com- panies, to arrive at a reasonably accur- ate idea of the number of deer killed in November. We notice an article in the Seaforth Expositor relating to the age of three books which a man had in his posses sion, William Dinnin, of Cromarty, can beat that by some few years. He has Culper's British Herbal, dated 1653, Chemical Works by Caspar Neumann, M. D, dated 1773, (the Eng- lish Bible 1778 All are in good con- dition. Don't fail to attend the Barry Con- cert Co. entertainment on Monday, Dec. 10th, and see the Animated Pic- ture Machine showing views of , Cana- dians in South Africa. in . motion, also the latest illustrated songs and other interesting subjects ; also monologues, character sketches, etc. Hear Alexan- �der'Bing sing 'The Holy City'. Re- member this is a refined,' high-class entainment. All coxae. After an illness of several iweeks, duration. Mr. Marvine Ward of Logan passed to. the Great Beyond. Deceased had not been', in -very robust health for, the past number. of years and when he was seized with an attack of pleurisy he never seemed to regain strength. On Thursdaylast he was released from pain ain bye grim Harvester. ' Mr Ward was anold resident of the town- shipwhere he followed his trade as caenter. P A. J.Rollins, who has been a resi- dent of Exeter, for some years has decided to leave town and immigrate to Rochester, Mich., where, his son. Fred is in business. Mr. Rollins has disposed of his residence r on Main St. 'sid e to John Hawkshaw for the; sum 'oE $1800, while the latter has sold his cottage near James St. church to F. V % Gladman,, Central sae r STRATFORO, ONT. A school that is doing the best work,' in business education in Canada. Our, magnificent catalogues uss grva full. Infos oration. Write to -day for one. Sev i`., eral Canadian colleges and many large American schools employ our grad- uates as teachers. This is one strong point m our favor.. Enter now if pos- sible. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week, Mrs. Sims, of Sirncoe street, intends selling her household effects by auc- tion on Saturday, and moving to De- troit to live. Chicago is a Canadian city. If you disparage it you disparage Canadian people. Outside of Toronto and Mon- treal, there are more Canadians in Chicago than in any other city on this continent. Wes. Huston has purchased a half interest in J. Beverley's furniture and undertaking business. Me. Huston. is an energetic business man, and with Mr. Beverley they should form a strong team. Humane Society medals have bee ' awarded to Fred Shannon, of God - rich who saved H. Miller from drove , - ing .in the Maitland river last July, and to Christopher Butterworth?,, who rescued Geo. Lillipant from then, Thames river, near London. The Rev. Heber Hamilton B. A. who was announced to give a mission- ary lecture on Japan in the lrivitt Memorial School Hall on Monday even- ing. Dec. 10th. will lecture on Wednes- day evening, Dec, 12th instead. Mr. Hamilton's lecture will be illustrated by beautiful lime light views. All :ire invited to attend. The Picton Times thus refers to R. S. Lang's apple business Messrs. Geo. E. Oakes and George Walt of Brighton, have about completed their apple ship- ments from this county for the season; their shipments including what is be- ing stored here exceed ten thousand barrels. ' They have been buying for R. S. Lang, of Exeter who has had men buying i :'Huron,n, Perth, Oxford and Northumberland counties. W. F. Tripp, of Hillier had control of Northumberland county. After sum- ming up the business Mr. Lang has shipped this season two buttered car loads of apples, 35,000 barrels. TWE9EADS We'll sell you a regular 75 for .... ............ ,.,, And while it lasts a regular 5oc line for . • • .... • . TABLE LINENS Here's a snap, regular 35c table linen for , , .. , , . Bargains in table linens at 40, 50, and • ,,., ,.,, Beautiful bleached table linen, worth 1,00 for .,.,,. PF INTS Soo yds extra heavy qual- 00 5 I0 25 I 1. 5 DRESS GOODS 42 inch Fancy Bik Dress Goods, regular price 35.c for 65 New Fancy Colored Dress Goods, regular 50c goods for so. MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's fine fleeced shirts and drawers, very special at 49 Men's fine all wool shirts and drawers special at 50 and 75 LADIES' UNDERWEAR Ladies' heavy fleece lined vests and drawers, a snap , , 47 Ladies' all wool vests and drawers,great values at 48 and 73 GLOVES Ladies' kid gloves with fey embroidered backs, special Ladies' fine quality kid gloves, in black and colors,. two dome fasteners, regular price 1'25 for ,,,.,, ,,,,..1. LAMPS Our Leader: lamp, a beauty just opened up, worth 1.5o for ,.,.., ...,., ,,,...I A beautiful assortment of new lamps at 35, so. x.00 5 200 t0 ,,,,,, ,,,,„,,5.00 5 GLASSWARE A beautiful new line of 20 ..crockery andglassware suit. able for the Christmas trade at 5, 10, Is, 25 and,,,, so LACE CURTAINS A beautiful line new lace 35 curtains, extra wide, full len- , gth, worth 140 for' . , .. , ... 1.00 Also special values at 50, 2.5 .75, 1.5o and ........ ......2.00, HOSIERY 75 ' A heavy all wool black hose, ribbed and plain, reg CARLING OROS:. A Big Drop Ladies' blk Cashmere hose lovely fine quality,good value ity, Gerrnan prints, Indigo at 35, for .. , .. , ... • .... . t? dyes,goodpatterns,a lue zea Thr for. , . , . • , • . • • . • 12 T, Beautiful quality French A FRENCH FLANNELS OOTS & SHOES flannells, in good patterns EXETER STORE ONLY and colorings in the regular way worth 5o,for . , ... • .... 25 PERFUMES & SOAPS We have just opened up a beautiful line of fine perfum- es, ranging in price from 25c to 85c. You can save money by buying here. All Boots & Shoes will be sold durin r this sale at discounts ranging from 10 to 25%- -FANCY HDKFS , Ladies new style fcy lace it trimmed hdkfs, very special 2for 25 Ladies' lace and insertion trimmed linen, special 3 for Beautiful embroidered hdkfs special ........ .. . ...... . 5 25 2 25 Floor 011 Glottis and Linoleums This is a line we can save you a lot of money on. We have them at 25,17 Tz,aud 5o sqyd BIG BA.RGAINS IN MEN'S ORDERED CLOTHING. We will pay highest prices for butter, eggs, dried apples, ;poultry, and all kinds of farm produce. IL PICKARD C009 EXHENSALL. Direct importers. Rev. R. Milyard preached in Sarnia Sunday for Dr. Daniels. James St. church anniversary ser- vices on Sunday and Monday next. Mr. Thos. Hawkins sold his 25 acres of land on the 3rd concession of Hay to Mr. Arthur Ooxworth for the sum of $850: s The Scotch con, jt given in the Presbyterian chu,, on Friday night st was a decided lsuccess. The pro - deeds amounted to $14. 'Mr and Mrs Wm Dew, who have ben residing here for some weeks, re- tuned to Benrniller last week where tl' y will make their future home. t. H Mc)allum is being strongly • . rged by a great many citizens to be- come a candidate for the Reeveship. He ^ has not yet fully made up his mind. Besides the names of W. G. Bissett, H Spackman, A Q Bobier, that of T B Carling is also freely mentioned as a probable candidate for the County Council. The anniversary services of Main St. church were held Sunday and Monday. - On Sunday Rev.' Dr. Daniels of Sarnia, preached two eloquent, thoughtful and`limpresssive sermons. Monday evening the usual tea was: held and was the most successful in. the history of the church, the pro- ceeds amounting to about $130. An excellent tea was served, and too touch praise cannot be given to the ladies for their efforts. Rev. R Hobbs was the attraction of the evening, and gave an' address on `the tri -angular an" which contained manyvaluable suggestions to nearly all anner of men. The choir rendered the music, IN TI -11B . PRICE OF Ready -made -Clothing They were NEVER LOWER TRA i NOW. We do not know whether "Laurier” is the cause of it or not but the fact remains which makes us and our custoiners happy. The variety is also large. The reduc- tion comes at an opportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready to start school and want to boy most for their money, We have a line of boys suits that were $2.75 to $3,25 a suit which we offer at 51.50 to eiear,aud many other lines proportion ately low. We are also clearing out sum- mer goods, blouses worth 50c for 400, 75c for 50,1.00 for 75e, nluslins and a number of other lines at your own price. If you want good good at right .rices we are with you. If you want shoddyor the like you p ill have to _ o elsewhere. Give us a call, Highest prices paid for produce, LINO BI OS Fon Sara OR TO Ru rT.-'-A comfort- able cottage on Elizabeth street, apply • to J. IdeIxxxs, Ar,rLUS.—For sale, a quantity of, green apples. Apply to W. H, Ll v r'r .% Co. To RUZ .---A two storey brick cot- tage on t 'ligula street, 10 scones, atp- ply to Ray L. reason, Exeter. S\%ite Wyandottes ; Canada's Best ud Biggest ; six young Cockerels and few Pullets for sale. Have also for sle a pen of Light Brahmas an 3. SE:qua. We have experienced Iudian Sum- mer the past few days. Beautiful bedroom suites 13.00 and �• b up at Beverley & Hust,an'e, The Garrick Club go to West Mc- Gillivray Thursday to play 'Finnigan's Fortune,' It you want to sec a. stock up-to-date in every ,particular call on Beverley & Huston, Miss Lillie Redden of Crediton, visit- ed Miss Alma Caadmore during the past week. Rocking ebairs and small tables just the thing for Xmas presentspit Bever- ley & Huston's, There is nearly two million dollars," worth ofproperty exempt from tax- atfon in property Use Winan's Cough Balsam for Coughs, Colds and Bronchitic troubles Sold by C. Lutz, Municipal ,elections have not yet" THE awakened any excitement, but, the pot , will soon begin to boil. Strictly pure .and fresh Baking Pow- der con iuin onl the urest in red - tae Taut: P lents. Sold by C. Lutz. Toronto, sell the most wonderful We :Wu z1i rof n to and th Mrs. Firth, 7. of o e . Misses Campbell and McClennan, of mas AT tV1TT'S PfiIR. Iran, Tin and wooden toys of all kinds, Dohs in endless variety, Games, Xmas cards, Calendars, Music 5c u. sleet. The finest :assortment of China in Iluron Co. Fruit sets, Salad and, Celery dishes, Sugar and Creams, Vases, Fancy Slippers and Shoes, Bose jars, Cups and Saucers. Glass, Opal and Celluloid boxes, Shaving., Manicure, Glove and Hdkfs' c setts, ufY andcollar s s Fancy Combs and 13rushea. Ebony and Silver Manicure and 'Stationery setts, Glove and Shoe But - loners. FRESH F1U'IT and CANDIES and NUTS. No trouble to show ocels. Come in apd look sit th.'m. V e sell cheap for eeash, Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR. PARISIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Laundry sent awiviw every Thursday. St. Marys, visited at W. Levitt's on Talks, It Sings, Laughs and Talking Machine made. Mrs. H. Jermyn, of Whitton, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. W. Levitt, who has been ill for some time but is im- proving. Turkish Scalp Food prevents dand- ruff, cures baldness and restores faded and grey hair to its natural color and vitality. Scld by 0. Lutz. Only 50e,;i. bottle. Oscar C. Johnston, who has been in e employ of the T. Eaton Co. for the past year, returned to his home in St. Marys Saturday, for a few months' rest on account of ill health. TEACHERS' MEETING. ;A meeting of the Teachers of Dis- trict No. 1, West Huron, will be beld ;1n the Exeter Public School on Satur- ' day, Dec. 8th at 2 p. m. PROGRAM. 1. Problems for Pt II and II class. D. MCDOUGAL'L 2. Our new text books. OPEN PARLIAMENT 3, Row we are governed. Mn. BLOOMFIELD P. GARDINER, Sec'y. Plays in a Most natural way. Ve expect in a few clays 1 doz. New William's SEWING iMACHINES Being the last shipment of forty of those celebrated machines shipped to us in the last few months. \PIANOS and ORGANS ur Piano and Organ stock is fist -class in every respect. Mu is in sheet and books al- wayS on hand. W will consider it a pleasure to show you our different lines of goods. Oakland see ns. S. Martin. while solos. were given by Misses Johns, Gridley and White. On the whole the affair w is x gratifying suc- ess. Robt. Kirk, of Kirkton, aged 90 years, was taken to the house of refuge at Clinton yesterday. SALE REGISTER. A notice in this column is worth the price of bills. Inserted free until day of sale, if bills are printed at TImms Oys'xon. SATURDAY, DEC. 8TH.—Household effects, property of Mrs. Sims. Sale at two o'clock sharp. ` John Gill, auc- tioneer. SATURDAY, DEC.8TH.—Stock, iinple.,- ments ands household furniture, the property of Hoffman Bras. Dashwood. Sale et one o'clock. E. Brae. eruct. MARRIED. LAING-CORNISH— In Exeter, on the 20th Oct., by Rev. J. W. Ten Ey3k, Thos. Laing, to Mrs. Meaner dornish both of Eullarton. MAKINS—MUIR- At the residence of tho brides father, on the 5th inst., by the Rev. W. M. Martin, Mr. B. Making, to Jennie, daughter of John Muir, Esq.. of the Woollen Mill, all of Exeter. TREBLE --MORGAN— At tho bride's home, Exeter. North, cin Nov, 28th, by the Rey..T. W. Ten Eyck, John Treble,to Miss `rlifretta' Moran, daughter of the. late Thos.' Morgan.. SANDERS—DTJNSFORO—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Nov.'' 28th. by, the Rev. J. W. Ton, Eyck, Wm. Sanders, of the 3rd con. of Stephen, to. Miss May, eldest daughter of Wm, Dunsford, of the Lake Road, Stephen, McDONA'LD—CAMERON—On Nov. 28th, at the residence of the bride's father. Goderich, by Rey, James A. Anderson, 13. A., Duncan McDonald of the township of West . Wawa- nosh, to Maggie, youngest' daughter of Alex- ander D. Cameron. • E NEW STORE ! DRY - GOODS andG SRO Eft 1 ES. W. D. Y ,, i . 1 Wearebet- ter - New goods` ver ee i; now w1 a 1 e yw�� et terpos tion to supply the wants of our many patrons than we have been since'oopening, l�, and by giving vate for value we hope to win many more customers. i. GGENTLEMEN:-01d and young, don't fail.to see our Under- wear g, wear purchase beforeyou elsewhere. There is no better to be had, and weguarantee ourprices will please you. Four splendid lines at 95c. per suit. Also a full range of Ladies' and Children's Underwear in allp rices. See Military oc. our Flan lel at:2 c. and Flannels. from 12% toi 4 5 `v ug inFlannelettes from5c to I c. _ See our Wra - 15c, Extra al , F an 5 e p PPare t': er ttes theylet e ,Y valueTable Linen. See what we have at Special i in 25c., 66 in. wide.Gents' Leather Mitts and Driving Gloves. Ladies' and Children's Gauntlets, in Grey and Black. Everything you need for the cold weather. Don't forget our Groceries ; they, are clean and fresh. A call , of c d 5 i •teProduce taken in exchange. W D.`YE0 First Store North of Post Office.