HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-6, Page 6HEARTY WELCOME A °MST °F AUCL41ATIUNS teCOVCIati to the Canadian Soldier In Old, Landon COT A SERIES OF OVATIONS in Thew entree rh-pugh the Streets-1bl 'boons in Super's. Paysical gopdition end Pieesed Witit Their Wehrome London, Nov. 29. -The weather was evretelted awl depressirtg when cote let. Gown, Lae; St. enntosue, flute. -, Otter, with three companiee of Can- tt.141;•":";t• Anne's, Htele. Dr. 611 11er- S0111.11a111Pt011 tbia morning, says a Mat tine county, 1). Caeon, Lib. Bronet Iany good, reason why a promise E Is. soggests that Botha and Dervet - --- I a" 1 ta a neil tirtt will be °stab Still thla T sameid out be giveu not to setedattene out or the eoautry? -Nile J. B. o in - la Italy, living upon the bolinte el E:0 w few friende4 Quite receutly a play PIT R PURL! BoER REylvALI proauced in London, r. " Daventrye" in which Mrs. Patrick: Me Topic or Disetieelop. . beee the werlof Osoar Wilde, al- NOMinathert Day in Quebee One ahould be env' e t- blithe 'idle One of Acre 111 South Arnerion I Campbell is the star, is said. tts have Sided pee ,e:On eeos a ye e e ; lashed. Tbe suggestion is worthy oe England Wiped. Oat ----- Approval. Tire Digit:a should aot be ..30.- The "Rebbee I - Monerentl, Nov. 3i1.-Nominatione for exenedeat even from the beginning (111°)" Lt7:'4ature were bvIc% ts4'111 311Yittitl wbie4 "an saelY bq ItRE T FAITH IN KITC ENERir ublie (4 Amerlea' throogineat Lae Proviaee &onion fee. given them." - C•11` itr<'e mantes ago, •eade theugli name ts oot attaoheit to it. The play has leeen pronounced the mcdt risque thing that Loudou has ever seen, DID I -1E SUICIDE? 'owing aro the elections by art -lama- COM PAUL'S MOVEMBNTS, n asheaeole, . All tins tune -en d , . • „tom- eneree, Dec. o-oe oournai sale Lt Deauee, Dr. Belated, Lib.; Yam:tele:1, Pares, ,Nov. 3tr-Senetor Faere can, . Pacifying:, Influence, Onee_,tue police Are Ito. mo;_e..thart a whisper of thenev.ent rtuntered that Oscar Wilde, wleo died Jueee Allard, Lib.; st. uyacinow, nd nn Ur, Kruger during tbe dee Orgaeized, Is Expecte:kr to the conunitted suicid NV''cl A. E 101. Moran, rdlie; Montreal st ' , • -.pore toad presented him .with a cone ol Very Great e el 1.41 1.33:411erratei to. tee I toted_ yeatordaa, I soded"- it was (e'elared 1.4 Deeentimrt lia4 been liviog In a hotel on the tteue 18.19, and ik was. gLot erilsh" WW1 (1.e.S Beattie Arts. whore he had been Toe Lae of Washington," dedicated letiown for severel months. Nader the August, .1900. This stetement was by his stregglee and pereisteneys le- more monopolizes Hie attention. The mole last night ler the BoZiviall minis' name Of 31Xannioth. Ver SOlue time In ‘' or Ithll had been. an" dts- posed. In October he as follows:- he gran o man, 11, St London, 5e00. 1.--Soath Africe onee oreellalsnceWarivgetritamilea:odulot:otuNavshigazi15.. Public its ogba.st at Gen. Dewet'e re- tie weleenie as offered to Fraedelin, i hall vet a at li icreed 3 tahte Bpreitvish-ets4g"arrPr'isOvnheroer regrettitig sere ba e been tenable up leo I CIO men ad two guns, r • alreade- tire preaeat to leo-operate in the cabled to the Associated: 1. tees ist de - 1 foundetion of the United States a e•louth Africa, as she co-operated in , efe this tterillte warfare?" tWe'Llb- ehe foundation of the United States I era/ papers ironically itnpneen,Why.., a .A.roeriea." -, .t.slre4 on all sides, 'are these , Chamber of Deputies, remaioing tieiratiog in them as hollow cora_ l the revolution," seal bt,,"and 1 nevet figure. earn% the leaders. ol Mr, Krogex, late this afternoon) trewe eoming bome?" The ovations I visited M. Deselia.nel, President of the to the victors strike even these par -.1 did, MA leainevitte, Lila; St. Jamee, lion- "T d td •h cp2-1'.1dy ,‘dehelagas DeCarle, Lib. ada's first contingent landed at oda eounts, '.‘lorizt, Lib, egenity, Hon. T, Duffe, Lib.. Quelee• a/se:retch from that plaee. As the West, J. G. Hearn, Lih. dluebee Ceo- frawarden Castle zieared the quay tee R. Rabitaille, Lit. St. Sanyeur, aide the crowd cheered vociferously. The (teem were reduablea when the Canadians were rezognized aft with an officer waving the regimental enure. Volleys of questioos were atn-twa nst,ore. The eontingent look, eil remarkably tit ond well, their tioe. S. N. Thereat, Lab. Lew•s, 11. u. il,et. Charles Langelier, Libereta :thabaska, Paul adeu,rigoey; Nee iervii-e, C. Doris; Belleobasse, ilea. Tu „ on; L'Ialet, lion. \Van. Deebene; nehn C. B. Major. in VatuldeuiL E. Lalonde and ti. , Tlereette, both Liberala, are the cart- e rei oases itue neing the debeect oi. 1 flutatt: • 1366rat oornanent. though eeen isaSe 1 y eide with eorete of the flower of the Britida army. Col. Otter was 1Piaisl alteusi itnr:vil in letters mid congratulatory telegrams. 'He e aitl tbe Itellavior of the Cesitteee heel beer; exeellent during the 12 tuonthet nitareeigning, especially eonsidernee Vett ell per tent of them hart nevor bi•firre been under fire. -The barit- e,' fighting had been at Paartieburg. Toed' Iced given final jadgrannt tooto the belmvior if the Canadians in, :tee Goo there." Referring to the eivirgee a barbarism against British. offireree COL Otter declared that the hxtreine. He is looking eagerly for- ofricers were lenient in lee u ward to be Inoue in Canadt soon. A. happy idea. and one witieh pteased the Men greatly. was the preeentation 44 Zitettoner, Dian a EI004 and Iregre 1 TURKEYS FOR e tide. ENedietell le it. fe areeirle,t.ek. Noe, ere-. ,f4O on, titievego. go.veLitete- .4-611 11964"6., 1, pi par nee a eleipmeo. 7.0teil tit k ye fo - tii ;toot sie Very tnarette. .by itt 'tett ?von " eiteehalf cello; . parotid live e -e •reet aatl prepares tit ia. fa.- alit...torten : :1 re .iettippea 31daddeteett, to el et et detre, potpie leaven forwarded through NOW BOSS In South Africa Wept. Vaux by C:tneeliiin ladiee. to tee worn ast soureeirs. Arrionget the . -"Loving weleorne greetings to every •• - - THE Cantiellan on beard from CanediNn item end ileughters. Well 4Ione, teen:ono" CoL Otter and t be other defileera ere proftese in their espreee atone of gretifiretion al test %sorra ' etelearne eaten -lei let the people erf ' tete mother eolintry. OVATIOarea ALL .e.LONG THE . 110:WTE, aamthrr exhra eabb. Lord '1 rettoeurent of 1.ord. Wo°,:iee,y, the re. Stratheona. retnedete comae.. turn of Lord 'Roberts mad the ate aioner. lieedea e deputation of promen innuendos: of. Lord lettettener to On nent Peal& that tnetencidet Ode morns ; onprente volumene, occureiug as they Ind to greet the offreere ereatmen of ' do simultaneously, are. keenly the- useeile Deepite some nusgivneet heape of telegreme was one reeding: UNEASINESS AT CAPE risees lit the colm Strengthened iz Viewer PossItee.bette nale-Oam PAWS Elereillent$ Lorelort, elotarday, Vete 1, 4.30 a. m. - 'here virtuelly eto fresh news Irma South Afriea ;We reorn;tag, but the the Royal Cenadian Regiment, on their arrival in thee rile from Soto h. empton. where thee letelei a few lours before, from the 1 416;rsrillett Cestle. fresh from South 1r rrien, Among those who leeengragee. Lori rathroria are! V14414406.11t4 1 in b., tf, 7. • :4, British stele his fellow tenant reet.• i. Vho have aeon the nelneadoion or -1. Trilier country for iter velar on the let it le Ver., ..-vro *I. X.:arl of Onslow, formerle n New alea Ia ne and 'V !vier :".1ev for the C461034.4. .A1361.1T-El.'4'er•11 Tr, l'eolier tee damn tete er f• • benne 4iivielon of the arras. *, e-02 erowe bad atesereleed ne the el 1,7.... airing with these notables. tine leen; cheervi the Canadian:, 7V. 110 wit from. the train. Tee reeirt• • donned. in p•teatlir oreer. etre ^ CO:. Otter in romm i a !trough the streees it, ieeneentooe triarrack.s, and was teneterel ov t, 011 along routeavereb we; -egret ed with ebizena. At the lie e••••:•.'; Co. Otter read to Ms rave the lad:. of Conna utt 'it tot er f v. C1 General Trailer 'hear; wolyt eel the c Inge t n hui ' ring speevIi. ATI the ofeee-s eel e, qooked exceogringre weir. if -Indian. Ca -pt. Afason and :.' eirtple astet-ially. They wed. greatly pleased ante, lee', reap ian THE Hela.RelllesT Stid :Mother vote aeseatch set- :- The heartiest we .-ortity awaited t• t• Cane diens bis afternoin on rea .1 •te r ea...addle-on Road St a tion from Sou, it - dee peon. Genera Totter, romma fet- ing the borne arnate needed the grow, or seaff offitere tind others preeente including Lore flostow., represent One the caionittl oriet.e. and Lord and Lady Streit heona, Co!. Lake and Vol, MarKinnon, of the "revy Irneerit'e end. Chaplain tined, or the Quren's Own _Rifles. As toe trafn entered the station the band of the Seats Guards played the national antbem. The. , Du -ben, Na t I, N111', 330. -Lord Rub - crowds outside the station. who bed erts as due to arrive at Piteerinaritz- been waiting for seve-a: burs, -her- buog Dec. 4, and, sheull arrive here ed enthusia.stiratild The cheers toree Dee, 8. - renewed as Coe Otter arigeted, with LT.NEtAdY AT 'rag CAPE. Col. Buchan and. Cern& -Fiset, Me- London. Dee. 1.--lerma Cape Totvn Donald., Burstall, Lawrees, editeori and • cothe indications of the uneaslnees tee to the I note. • ; e...1 in WaShingiou preparatory to es -1 operatien. from, the effects, of which tahleshmg o Icgetien. He "Feld tr-ore lie never recOverea. Ile died at twe was no bone -lacy trouble between o'clock Friday morning at tbe areisor BizU hotel1 in ti rarztlditaBetai'lia'llae Inners er.'tne dpeklesPelleirenjeari of Hears W. Phillips., oho arrived. io tbis country Oalin'ag, in be the minte. ARE t f Acre to the Unitell State's. "Ile ; re valeta Suaeludir, who hers retuln-. was obliged, to submit to a serioue with him, ten minutes. Deschattel pared with th,e event a trenspiring at 1 heard. Ins name before.' retureed the cell. The elcrge" of khe !; the Feat of war. Parliament me es, g "Assistant Secretary Cridler saye caurttn0 or Mare, will toll to-roorrow at thellt ed wipe any insight eato thetWar th whatever a the Are Releallelfe. public, is not favor- that the state department herons na. church of lae Sacred Heart, of ddonte tog eesfoota tae moment. of alr. Kruger'e. departurel ficeds opinions aod plans. ; nor of Mr. Phillips. the faraeus 'i the second A representative of the Associated bell the world int taentore prees taterviewed one a mit respinr- of etc' r-reelebdnen who died in ' t4c ,,t. thee laeade of departments and eltec.- • • g . _ • . auevaal. " ed the fallowing vieweed- t T. ndetibteally the eituation in Feauth CUOL-HEADED ORRAIANS, tt 44 . Berlin, Nov. 30,- vie seee"..0eileieel Africe le eerious. It resembles in tatetneut that Mr. Kruger ie .eeraitig 1' ,n.„13a.,," waYs America's trotibles trial ere is tilecneeed eantiously. It IS re., "e rilieiaos. We C3 111101 expect tc tg-44.,ded. ae pro-44,33de to peentet that crash out opplesition for some timed° harty approval. ie given of Ieord Ritcheneirs appointment. It la felt that, if arty feue earl clear up mattere South Area, be is the Mum and IS readily admieted that the task before him, though of a different kind, is :almost as ditfieult as that :Match faced Lord Ruberts ten month, ego, and. is calculated 10 give the fulleet scope a Kitelterier's talen1is :. LU organizer. The 'alorning It n'ints ,broadly that the menu demand of Lord Roberts for reinforetment4 lias e101 been compleed gen! in- sists thui Lord Itlitchenees hands must not be tied by any lack of tuen or horsei. It says if reFniereereeffet are withheld or -delayed, Lord get. chener may be paralyzed, with what cOnSeqUances to the elmitsre /r1 one cart foresee. From thirty thou -end I fifty thousand. men aro notuirea. All guiperor William will receive biro "ale. We are aat withdrawl'ag RIUSeVen of the Victims Were 11(45 -Abut EMS' adored over tha Eoreshadovied 1)7 $411 Tr anei.sro, Nov. 119. Uy 11 British Papor collapse of ehe ro0i! et tee :eon rra e • pi I vito Were Wetchieg 11 Featball Oente- DEAD Root in Frisco It4nres many WAS CROWDED WITH FORE 114 Where 1a no appIeciable sign oo !wept. indiscriminately. nor ere. we RUE TO RUSSIA'S ATTITUDE. be r of people were killed and airan ctsco glaes storks al . VL11)110 41emonstratton,tuld eome of the . indefferent to the gravity of the prole Bryant etmel. this efterreem oum. papers wara the public to beware ot leta• Tthe Houeehold Catards man: fifty more or lese injurea. The vie, 0 policy of Eentiment. polatting 01.11 oecatrie beery eavatry once- teo-Rari. • There is noth- ing se bad for a cough as. cough - lug. It tears the tenderinembrane a the that and lungs, :and the wounds thus made .attract the germ a. of c.on- sumption. Stop your cough by using the family remedy. that has _eel: curio g coughs and ods every kind fer .over sixty years. You Cillet afford to be with - :Out it. evhorne ert' wateloug terobaLl game thit cerraua). is not Ln nettly wades% The iraana re. tg,e1 Alta ro511,108 Talien by the Ilnited Stetee bet „vet, tht. st„.at„,..d. on I I zuv„mivy of corn Artlivelv sontlt •erviee. Wc „ Greet Sraushterot Rebelsin Seethere 0t caliornia teams, witnt ttu.„rof ehange the fate of the Transetpl. Line oPon two things te beingtibout elepre ea t og rilfeat at wine 41 likely to dash with the 13overr1ee11t1.5 $.adiey. WHAT HAPPENED TO JONES. the etlitortals slee.11 with etneatlerabie enol :on ea the net ;•on'e. gio...bt of gnu tutle to Lord Reber:to 1010 11.1A euc- cest-fuliy piloted thrtrugh ten, ea the derkesg. hours tor cur 111.51017. E. FOCH I..IR IN POW ER. London, ,.,Nev. :M.- The War tiffene announees this evening that Lore Vine. handeti over the cenuanne ihe Britisb trove South Afttea yesterday to Lord Kitchener. It .s. firalier anntnint -.tot tea,. 111.64 Q1113;411 UV.. tittA•e,S 1.0rd Kit •;b preeratoon to lieno•nente olth the rank of gen..ral whL,:( v.:nu:Juni in South Africa. 'The.re is an angre fec'enr h.. re veer. t h•• Brit ish revert . a t sae we; edit lee 'fie• Even:tee Stm ....eleoto•.:4 :id sampi ion Of etinition•1 Lord - card. It seye Lode tt,,lesdret et. znuele of a burnanirtari•an :roe tlie work requtr.ed in South. Africa, ROBBIlTee RETURN. pe tee. Firet. the trail 2. e. ram ton f tr rot possitde of all tlie Britise treVi 1 11 Me .i;. i-: hate China ,...,-*. :London, ..$aturda,y. Dec. 1, 3.30 A.m. The Spectator, in a striking article toobae cavalry and r.11113..1 9'1 an- •diri:' dealing with the Cleineee criele, ex- er:eb. Ont., Nov. 30.- Cioderiet e;•rond, through the tot OW -dime a et pr.e.ssea tuo 903100 mat the snot re. dr i tu led out en utesse this evening te eoliee force. leireil dia- latter get.: cept dovebappleuts at pekite fore. orior if/ Serge, ,tlorgart Jorgee, 01'1 varrizitng order, evert t -h" "NratrY shadow. Cleineee viotory over the e dant lturon Itegonatett.wito fought '.' will not be able to r.11 1401,7.,naueli , Attlee), oxen quarrel bee been breaebt tree flag and, tbe e'ea. arrirgel ou the * lash Consietmere. getty all llle goer WW1 greeted c.140 W13.119 1 1:11 TsiJ 96 . 1. elt1P101. and fully 0:11` orwintzei tereetee ti inre rent Penible- The :WV"' "nil tlitittclay come over the ;"eu nr11211 Varrete. AgUeettee VietLect The tretrolian ler; oh ege ern - “ti )13.‘ Beek; t'exortel -load, '1 eel nt•re Orem Soule Afar. 4 1 111.3 /(week a carriage. and the firat'33-4•4109: eepreeeed tut suree-L:ee At 11 IV' 1 Onela 91:1111061 to 11111, T41.1111 11011. W19411'1114 Pa.er lee -Tree. Tire owe or reed an adglreee of eeleggnie .1 el teat they tee" gee beget toe -Ater, whieli lite hero respitiole,1 IgtatieNi. cenadiane loterever. ;are line:tiro " • 1 't/ '4 rice foyer daub! 1,44' t" tO the teat a force," it seys, "and. ferce, on the civilized Me has proved insufficient. This result is uta a y due to the attitude of RuSsie and Vale United Statea. It eitina escapes with Ute payment of a gmall indemnity and many prom:zee On peper -a eeepes nts unlikelea since tiermany end Greet Britain may not be willing to • the expenditure and risk til- ed in persisting la their demanels will be ennivalent to e. victory or China. for noticing has occurred which will. ennVillite the Chlriteie that their mighty Empress has been gle- d. or that Europe can aveoge futons massacres: he Shanghai correepondent of the Itiorning Post. wiring yesterday, seYet "Desplie the cordial reception given Admiral Seymour. the ;situation Is unchanged. The Hertkow viceroy re. toms to stop sending supplies to the court unless the Nankin viceroy will else, refuee, and the latter, although 1*1 brietly. Vertere A1191 Ad-, 4., on. ia expressing the belief that Lord .3nt Yining alio 111:13141 1•6111111 Willa:41pr it76 the reel.; nien to 44-17. eeeeelles, and iteorr cheere Zoe the lete tbe form oti 108 11011' thael, the Queen and Col. Varcoe, ' r„wed by the oeit"...te in stesot neriett. the tworcedinge terminated. On „love littrdly any of the 3 et ura'il*e. offirers glay evening the citizelii expreised entiviein of Linel Robert:el non, near Se-,-ge ewe gives. ewe. in 1,11e facei of lite eeeent re. v...ttl greet Ishii wit it au ;were ei emit 41.1. 144.4 LT10, general i'Le*roa.t. toward gold watch. the Field ",.*a te-trit ie eel!. pat r.ey tha 'Almond, and Teems. ewtft, Calaese , Lafferty, Temple, Carpenter and 2/30 men, who received the most cordial greetings anti c.ongratulations upon the remarkably Gne eondition they were in The men wee e drawn• tie on the platform, and were in.speete.d by , the staff officers and. Lord Strath- Jaen along the raliwed- nee game - cone. Along the croweteti streets, sons on .the Orange River drifts are and headed by the band of tbe Scots being increased. Coerces and the Coldstream "Guatrds, At the saline time measures are the Cano.clians marened Kensine- 'being taken to assiet. in the restore. tion a order end prosperiey. The Pretoria eorrespon•dent e Daily Mail announces that the Brit- ish are distributheg, oats and seed potatoes among the surrendered Boat fatitiers at nominal prices, without which the farms would go untilled for atnother year. felt; All military miens throughout Cape Colony are being strengthened Bioenafoneio is now prepared fox any poseible - ata -k. Betra scouts are out and guards watch the streets in the- .nielat time. Mines have been 111.vr ou.vg-r. Sue a the; eity. It eay t- -ear' eteree le a eel:Heat. dash- Tnrf'nt". Nny' 311. -MI% 113v:'''' emu*" ing and has ili.tplayeti eon- 111'...?tioner4,1: Crow Le 'rel. eel.. i oolae .;,‘„iant„t, a igH ty. la; aft er eded titer the ettediere, 4/1,1 1061 11'1'` itarian for the wore. aow 1mi eone undertekes to send no more arras, turned from South Afaget. and Otter liateltener eve; work. gia the aays he must contioue sending sup - were 10 get 1.1811 front the I re., - eaters nothing will step him."' plies 80. leng as the Emperor requires since, would not, get it in .t• el; a then't. In fact all our remonstrances There are lila --------------11;l , legelt r" to a mieerable farce, 1/""1"‘ (331I"" t'semclin‘."1 1"1.1 fe 1114 9•1 ma meek 41f 11 11W111104 ben ',Atli them gave a trey, precipitating there to the tea „ o • lectory. Song> :4 them fell upon the far/tame an,* one nets of ankeirewn identity was bat 111;•••41 116 11 ertsp. Theeera.sh et the feeling rool wee heard 8 great etenve away, ead housangl •of geple tarried 144 ate Lzetle. Mee-. ogee :lent 10 the city remit:me leineiral anti the morgue iliatt all the .tve ombulanetes uere hurried to he ergo. At the rent reit receiving vital ot one eelocit fire get the in- -.0.1 At the wee , aecident there was tad OW. - 4444 411113' a 4 the hospital, a 111/ .15 101atly unetble to anent le treeeei is they Cattle ut, A tititiff at; was OTt vent 44114 inunediately, catt7m4 nom &eters; 11 tbe sp:ghtierhoo.l. 10 team. render aseistanee. The erowd was gotherel upon lite of of the building., dirvtly twee the furnace 41.4: 114, g141S-4 "06 111•111,-. Wit'491 the roof collapsed the occupant:a were preeipitated 'upon the heated top and relied tref. Fully forte uerre eernauely *reeved. Sevett of the dead are denea ranging in age Cron 10 to 15 years. They were found lYilag In 3 row, lend mine' of them 11".".1:' badly mangled. There were more thau goo people the roof when it collapsed. Those for- tunate Coon& to be ono, Side sect1on f the builabag hurried dowa and bent - remove the injured, The heat around. the furnaces 117:13 great, however,. that to malty no asststance could be rendered, and. 'they slowly roasted to death. "Not 200 yards away were 20,01.10 people, watching the football game, nothing but talk untd lus career Is ended by decapitation." and when the WV'S became nown 14 40 ton Parriteks, meetion, with the wartne.st reception in route. At the bar:dots they w -ere torn -tally received ed by the Dieke or Aberrern, Lord Gree- end.. otbers, on *shelf of the reception cenanatttee. The Canadin leave for Liverperof on December 10. IleireertsiED insfee Trmrrt RECEP- TION. • Col. Oiler and. the Canadians were Interviewed at Kensington learra.eks. They express great pieasu.re at their general reception, whieh was all the more remarkable, as the G-tiards ar- rived, at the sante hour at a different station. winele tended to divert. pub - lite a Inention. The Duke el Con - I.rntl, and only (1114. vireo] 4.1 .get ;ler'. 1 it • out of this amount will gthen 11 111e 46013,17.14/.9. ,M1•4 3) V** expininte mta 00 BUSY m..• amount have no courage to slo more than to t lk In the Chinese theatre here the allies are represented by a soldier Com Patti Nay illad German Emperor with toe enormous mouth, who does t het t he Go ve emu • • • I. the . zuight take a bloek a land, to. t Not at 1:10Me gentler. end not bother with it for Ines lime, thi•rebe le ."1•144 i 1'011: 1,9 1 ..3761; 1.1;(11r1Pval,i;Irlt.e,g ..fost:levenin, oueatee„..0 ceotr:e.h.s! ie.,;.=e;titr sls•;iti'av; ttPryd'Inbtatoibetlib°adA'.';)%lea"ntle..iirlir:dsslatre inforxnation. Defiers.; ittking any ttieeps •armlet ,areiee Nee!, Tuesday, The of. CONCILIA.TION URGED, Itondon, Der,. 1. -The Statist to -day proposes that the government should begin negotiations with Commandant - General Botha and "General Deeivet to birng the war to a close. ee.e the Boer leadere might misunderstand the motive of an overtuxe from the nein- tarp authorities., the paper suggests t the heghest outhority- in would be done. They would get mart t yesterday evening that Mr. :Kruger RE1'reitNED IIERue8. fietal admitted that Emperor Wil- Delleville, Ont.., .Nov. 3o. - 1 tee t ligun's traveling plane may prevent Large anti Cunningham. of the Rot' Itun from eeving elr. Kruger. • e invalided to England. AtIRARI.A.Nte HOPIN.U.L. YtQlotlur •ougeb. TIie f the throat emoved; all infiamma- ion is subdued; and the cOUgh drops away. Thre.e sizes: the one dollar size is the cheap- est to keep. on hand; the 59c. size for coughs you have had for some me; the 2.5c. size for n ordinary cold. area err Tease I bed a very Tod ugh, !The d or tore eudeeetelrees ettaeglat hell a tree ease of =Mien. 'leen 1 :idea Ares e erry recteral end It oats twee a e dad a telt le saw me." Xentios Mter.ene Cetedeteater. eValt:t'lln"itn.aesee. Tee beve egg came:tett etaurger at done tee beg teedieet eeerienwttie tee Meter J. U.41,17A, aowelleelasie A despe.telt to the ILtvas Agenoy at there was intense excitement among par's trba, pel..1„ sasa ow F.,:m.b t hem. The ushers went through IDL' minister there, M. Piebon, Is eu- crowd, ceiling for doctors, rind meny neeeee, to sign and 'lane le {be 1 living Vietlins of the disaster 11'4,111 thole:zed, If all the nrem.bers are in 't surgeons hurriedly left the game, The Chinese plenimetentiarles the propoei. I taken 10 various hosPitele• Tho South - teens adopted by the diplomats at the 1 ern Pacific: hospitnl, vitiate ewe Chinese capital, though, before the 1 blocks of the ecente was soon over- presnetation of the proposition, the I crowded, and many of the -wounded eel itto fresh modifications. lin- ,Ilhauarrit ed. to St. Luke's the receneng, to be turned away. They were desentelt adds, they will probably • I 't I and near -by Luke's, stores. So arrived to -day. They were receivet The -mortality enema iteemen., - .ts ran, 'No.-. lite agrarian or. - 'e Col l'onton, ofehetra and a detarle ' • 1 China from typhoid and eautalle ds- 1 scattered were they :throng the vars.- ' gans exprette the, earnest 1101313 1131,111. eases generally continu..s hog.•, our Institutions that 11 was at first eent of the eeta, and vecorted to Ito drel 410, wirer() spireebes of 'welcome ' AMther • fut aseistance to Ur. Kreger. The lib - were made. eral press far the greoter part, con- - siders that his coming will be use- less. The National Zeituog vaysti • d TEETS ti'REETING spite senn- oefeetti denials. ne te , • e . p . offieial despatches themselves furnish , were bort, or how seriously they were proof of the inroads of. fever, as lbey I injured, The coroner 41.id- no, have ea - deny turnotinte the number Or deat he. 1 ough ettagone 10 remove 1110 dead, and Coesequently volunteers for the -China ; they Nytn..? taken ativity ill express -wag- "seems that oernein a eserves are beeoming more and. more 1 one. Altine prevati• earrentes. Were awnit ;him here, we should. regret the • searce. 1 wa it ;no outside .1 he foot ba I; grounds, oi.d. ,gentleme.nes ttreeinne, trip to Ber- 2,00a SletteiNe bl to tell exactly how tunny YOUR BEST WO= .,14.0,11,Ife••••••••• Cannot be done unleSs you have gOoii health. Yon cannot have good health without, pure blood. Yon may hese pure blood by taking Elocars 28158- fl'V You cannot reniize the' ood it will do you until you try It. ibegin taking it to•day and see WM- quickly it will give you an appetite" e.ength and Vigor and cure your eumatism, catarrh or scrofula, tine were. 'tressed in.to servlce d Th re tie oleo 1111/4.41.6. 1h... wounded. Celia -dim Soldiers in England Ad- Lin, „which at the best, coultionly lea to demonstratione having no. political . • . ' . . . - . . . , .. _ ,, . te_ eosz be itoa 1S glowing re . 881. 11. tenntine- 0. 11.1.411 ranee atu roue. et tee gra Vietoria B. C.. Nov. et). - e - , - • I' a to mael advicee. The villages \cook.: geoands and ehousands of people altbeinni ed. to get inside the en- tilosure. 't'hey were restrainect wile difficulty by a large force of police. The. following is a list of the idea - lifted dead:- Geo. Extell, Wm. Val- enem, Pasadene; 3% A. Mulrortney exa.ggerated. It Is re.ported that on( identified body, that of a. boy, was also• found. So far as known this list comprises. all .the dead, as the first reports 'were exag.gerated. It is reported that out inart, Joseph Gamper, fell into the furnace, a.o.11 his bode inemera.ted. There were 200 people on the rote when it fell, and, ot these 54 went through. The manager of the glass works realized. the danger before the naught's message oe welcome Is espe- South Africa. should. begin negotaa- daily appreciated, also General Trot- tions -if not Sir ;Alfred. Milner, then ter's cordial. recognition of tire value the chief jestice of Cape Colony, or of Canadian services from the naili- eaea ear, es0eetneyer. Thie great teary .stand.point. an amonnnoan,uon. w financial journal leads up to its pro- al, the barraoks le meet comfortable. posal by an analysis of the situation. The officers are quartered in Ken- in South Africa. and eays: "We are sine -ton Palace Hotel, 11411Ob has a losing in. every way -losing in pees: - painful interest for Canto,dia.ns, inns- tree and toeing in trade. We' are 'ninth as Sir John Th°r°118°.° star- seeeng our South African possessions ed there the night beeore his tragic ph:raged into greater and. greater des - tress, and. the opinion is, gaining death_ at Wincleor Castle. The Cana - ground abroa d (Dat we are ineapa b 1 e diens spent a cadet evening to -night, haying declined all invitations. 'To- of bringing the straggle to a statis- m:rev:es they tiefli be reviewed by the factrity rerminattere, military in, Queen at Wiodson and on "Sewn] ay • by the Prinee or Wales at Albany , Barrtecket dressed)y Her Majesty value for the cause ted Press is Ott:tamed, Tbere as no truth, the. correopontient BOER BESIEGERS DRIVEN OFF t°ne the stathe :tentat that a movement te on foot foe intervention by Germany, ----e France and Russia. Regarding the Ind tbe Garrison of Schweizer Reueke Re. question wbether Germany, if asked, lleved-Oom Paul's 5 uppo r ters Dissatisfied would, offer mediation there rs edge --- officio' authority for the assertion London, Nov. 30. -'The membeis of that .Germany would he oempelleti it. the Royal Canadian Regiment, who refuse to make such an ober . undese have just returned frnin South ..ad- it also Islas asked. by Great. Brown. rice., were enthusiastically received "If it be true that Dr. Leyds fine by the people of tWindsor this, morn" ootrfied Comet Von Buelow Mee Tarn - bag. fr,he eoldiers then proceeded to gers conclitione.1 in.tention io come to the castle, and were received by the Berlin," said, a well- intfornitel official Queee in the quadrangle. Her .Ma- to -day, "Dr. Leyds has not been left testy. addressing the. Canadians, in doubt regarding Germany's atto thanked them for the immense ser- tude. In the everie of Ms, Kruger vices they hted rendered to the 'Em- corning, however, he will be received ire. The officers were thea pre- as president of the South A-Inc:re sented individually, after which the republic since Great Britain's annex. Queen summoned, Pte. Armstrong, of ation of the territory has not beat N'ew Brunswick., who ha.d lost a leg officially announced to Germany." during the campaign, but who had fEh. e ;Cologne Gazette, in an inspiree joine,d in the marola on crutches. I eviews the reasons whict After the soldiers hod been shown over the atate ape:rim:tents they were entertained at lutreheon in the Royal Riding School.. The Canatlians mar- che.d past to the tune of "Vive La Canadietrae." The regiment was 81- torwands -photographed at the ape- °lel request of tile Queen. BOERS DRIVEN WE. Vrybarg, Cape Colony, Nev. 30. -- The" garrison of Schevezer-Reeeke Das been relieved bet a coludan of troops sent from here. The beleaguer-, ing Beers; resieted but were driven off. A CHANGE IN' PL.ANS. - New York, Nov. 30. -The .Boer sym- pathizers at The leIaguA are generally dieappointed and clessatisfiecl that Bice Kreger bas changed his plans, says a Herald dispatch from Ant- ' s think Ural. the • ,t 0: inut To Oliukni. Kwang Tung, op - portal the rebels and. emight tor IWO days, hut finally had reth•e with 0 loss oi: 8,000.. the Partite toeing e00. The rebels After their vlatory fired the villagee and mitesaeree w-onten and, children. Adutteal 111;'43 ferrets went after the rebele and, delving them. back, burned their villa,ges. OSCAR IS BEA • Man Who Started A.esthetie Cram Dies in PoVerty ia -Paris Dublin., Nov. 30.-A. despatch to the Evening Mail from Paris site -e Wear Wilde is dead. l'he deepanth adds Uwe he expired in an oheende home 31* the Latie Quarter from meninettie and was reeeived in the. Oatholie elearele death bed. • • • 0 eer Wilde who was aboat AU liver ids are cured bv no gra ills. " ' I< I r kton Bluems.-Robert 1111201WOn4 is very sick at present with typhoid fever, - Miss P. IL Tufts has resumed her studies at the St. Marys Collegiete,- The Young Bachelors and Benedicts. in tend bolding their opening banquet ou Dec, 28 in Abeldeen Ball. -John Moore front Daulphin, Mane will open up a butcher shop in the village in the near futore.-Mr. Callender, an old- time resident, of our burgh, visited friends here last week. accidtent occurred, and net for the pollee to compel the croetedta leave, trust as a squad of six officers arnved the roof event down. Later -The number al dead is nine, as f•ollowst-J. A. Mulrooney, II 4)11 ts preven'ted the powers from interior. Wra Valencia M Va.ndina three un- Eckfeleit, Edgar Plaheen T. 3'. Rippon, ing in the evo.r in South Africa, an yeare of age, was born in Dublee, ant nittied ' aeoltares that those still most an.d pro was the son of Williana Mina Wade Getting Thin is all right, if you are too fat; and alrwrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is - healthy; a Iiale more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. There are many causes of get- ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over- work and under -digestion. Stop over -work, if you can; but, whether you can or not,. take Scott's Emulsion of"Cod Liver Oil, to balanze yot 0 an eccentric surgeon:- denasiewhe hat x hibit any intervention. teemed the "erazy eotoor." Dr ';'0INT PARAtiRAPHS With your work, Tireu can't life NO INTERVENTION. Wiltie was knighttecl foe tea- rag a de. feet- in the eye,sight oa a nronber el the family ott one of the. Viceroys Lady Wilde. Oscar tealcl de mania r 66rl'OV.0 POStrY over- the einem t are el ",..i.peranza.''! Oscar was educated ai Trinity College, • Dublin, and at Ox - teed. He obtainecl the Greek medal in 1874 and the Nevediente priee foe a poern in 11378. In 1879 It:: went, tc if.,ondon, and aeon eteteeveards ertgin. ated the so.: tielled "aesiltetie craze,' 415 Wbutrlesiqued by eV. te Gil. bert, e`Pa,tieriee.a Wilde. vted the Hated $tates; later eta, and I eet a to 6 oo "The useleseness - the useful,' "The seeelf-elnese of soul' a ad "The werthlessness al Worth." "When le returned to Europe his success woo even greater than beforeetarl -mar. ried e be,auttifel, wentenewhe bore ein. two sons. He 113.(1 reacleci the zeal tt12 '' i.s fame tn lege Eive of his pities were being acttsti. in London theatres at one tandand his poems, and book:. were read everywhere. Then cems startling diselosuxes. Ile was dm: vieterl of a nameleas eximee and all thore wao had. known him tried to h 1 itt his memory erom theta minds fooiver. After hes 'release from prieee lia beciante ao outeaet 'France tine /Loa:rade, Saturaay, Dee. 1. -The COD All is not beer that Is bitter. on it--true-but,,by it, yeiktt an. There's a limit, howevei;"\ respondents at Paris and Berlin report Overtalk tires more people than c Berlin lis doubeful, if it hate not beet overwork. IMI Mr. ICruger's proposed visit tc Flospital bulletins dontaln the neva' you'll pay for it Rile !Times' Berlin correspondeot as. of the -weak. A vain woman is like a street piano- Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Emulsion of -wholey lobo -rationed. source idle following definition °teem:- she is full of ain't. Oil is the readiest cure for , eribes eo an absoleitely authoritative metty's nttitade on the Smith Africae ' Every. man who Isn't prominent int* , , enestion:- agites lie will be sonen day. 'can't eat ' unless it comes of -Otte ecannot enteetam Iseruger.s idea ea ',met England agrees to it." e Talk ia rather cheap, hut some pen. long be well and strong, without pie have a mania for trying to mohoPa! ,some sort of activity. your doing no work -you can't A spinster emit learn to play the vio. - areitration unless we ane Inform -lin unless she has a bead. 'Von grains of bichloricle of mercury Ilse it. '11 ^')'TSO powder; rose water, two D:tearrg,u0Pmedeinnotbe:etariettrailketenetpiintrlhfimha:.,pzenfroham--- ounces; distilled .-witch hazel, two ounces, Shake until a complete solu- floliand until the enthusiasm shall Lon a; obtained. Apply to the freckies Dalin. The; Boer he adqua r i ex,s in The Hague announce that the tin- with a bit of linen or a velvet sponge mediate piens of Mr. Kroger aide un- once or twice daily as required. If it lenown. irritates the skin very much add mole competence is aell,eged,and the letatiet teerlfieN THEY TI•ETURN. ruse water. Do not forget thae le- avers ' e • t mil Rade ha rehn tree shoe al 0-1 tawa, Nov. en. - Col. Ottee eable,s chieride of mercury is a dangerous he arcd-ated and the Beene be concil- the militia department, tosiay that eoisord • • •:4741il...0).7.go, Cry for • Mteds "If talth nottG1 and the' eTou.d.tan troupe will. sail for lik Dereti vol tenter:Sy surrender and hn 1 tbem- "-• Gene da by a 9 amp eau ec. ee k . 1 ' D - eta -I ,ttimee the reason that a benefit CASTOR JA eature," the 'Statist staye, "tie there 4s not got up for a xnan'e Widow SeiTOO ,1104: .to at .a.realase roe in the 11 teat his death is beueat enough. t, - The gen ulna has it.yon vrould keep your enemleszroUl • ItuoWing any hum of ,yelke,ain14 YOUT friends know any. FOOD CHANGED TO POISON, Putt•eryieg, food in 11-16 intestines produces effects like those of arsenic, but, De King's New Life Pills, expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely, curing Constipation, Billionsness, Sick Headache, Fevers,all Kidneyand Bowel troubles, Only 25c at any drug store. take no other. If you have not tried it, send for free sample, its a.- greeable taste will surprise you, SCOTT & BOWNE 44-77; Chemists, Toronto. , 1 50e. and $1.°°; 4111‘ druggists.,