HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-6, Page 5IIMOR PERM
fill the News of interest to
Times Readers flappellilla
111 tliese 6ount1e5
Thomas Lawton and family have
moved frOn1 Selltlarye :iota to Gran-
Ala Wm. Leake has sole his 100 acre
farro in Logan to Mr. James McKenzie
for the 811111 Of $5,000.
The other aftereome Airs. John
Brown, at Mitchell, slipped and fell,
breaking a small bone In one of bei'
A little Ave -year -o/d son or Devi?!
McKay, of Mitchell, accideutally fell
across a barrel and broke his shoulder
blade and broke it.
Rev. Sas Howard. of Alasonville,
passed alVa.y. NOV. 25, Alr,Howerd was
in his 84tli year and was widely known
in. and Around St. Alarye,
A. A. Schmidt. Sebringville, has
1eesel the saw mill of the late John
Pearson for avother term and intends
to put it in a shape to do better work
then ever,
W. G. Inglis, of ',Inverters, has pure
tbased the Loclibead bornestead. lot
35, con. 4, Elma, cootainiug 105 acres,
tor e0,000, This is one a the best
farms in the township.
Mr. Will Taylor, son of the Rev, W.
T. Taylor, of St, Maws, has ienfortu-
leateiy been obliged to give up all study
at Toronto 'University for five or six
-weeks past, his eyes being affecind
through over -study.
Smart Weed and Helladouoa, cora-
bined with the other ingredients used
in the hest porous plasters, make
Carter's S. W. & B. Backache Plasters
the best in the roarket. Price 25 cents,
Stratford's Latter Day Saints have
now a. mendiship a about 20, They
worehisi at present on Erie street but
it is then. intention to build a church,
if possible and next spriog has been
fixed as the time.
The funeral of the late Miss Hoch,
Sebringville, was one of the largest
that has ever been 800I4 In this section,
thus testifying to the esieem in which
the young lady MIA beta and the &yew
pathy that is felt for the bereaved.
F. B. Butcher, of St. Marys, left for
33randon, Manelast Saturday niorning
to look after the winding up bf the
business of his brother, the late Thos.
Butcher, jeweler. It is probable that
Mrs. Butcher and family will return
to St. elarys to live.
J. J. Bettridge, of Downie, threshed
ius season's 'crop the other day and
disposed of hie straw in rather an un-
usual way, An ensilage cutter was
operate(' at the rear of the threshing
machine and the straw was cut as fast
as it came from the machine.
A quiet and pretty wedding was
celebrated at the parsonage of the first
Methodist Church in London on Tues-
day, Noy. 27, as noon. The Rev. Dr.
Smith tied the nuptial knot. Tbe con-
tracting parties were Robert Malian
said Miss Maggie Hart, both of West
Wild deer bave been recently seen in
the townsbip of Hibbert. It is report.
dtwo were on the farm of Mr. Win.
eyte, and when seen were associat-
ing with his Jersey clittle. Others
have been reported in other parts,
probably the same ones crossing the
The dean) occurred at Perth house
of refuge Friday morning of Jacob
Leions, aged 78 years. Deceased was
born in Germany, and came to this
country in 1362, living principally in
Bornholm since. He and his wife were
among the first inmates of the insti-
tutiou, having been there since Jan.
7th, 1897.
Ala Purdy, of the Sth concession of
Nissouri, met last week with a very
painful accident. He was in the cellar
attending to the furnace and was in
the act of cutting some wood when
the axe caught on a hook attached to
11. beam above,and coming down on his
left hand inflicting an ugly gash some
two or three inches long.
Joseph Meighen, St. Marys, is nurs-
ing a couple of very sore fingers as a
result of corning in contact with his
Wbile oiling tbe machine
the second Linger of bis right hand
was eaught and was cut off half way
to the first joint. .a. week later a simi-
lar accident occurred the end of the
second finger on his lefthand being
pinched off.
Early on Sunday morning, Iast the
bouse of Mr. Henry Glasser, in North
Eastleope, was destroyed by fire, cam -
zed by an over -heated dry house, and
set the hciuse ablaze. Being a frame
structure, end with a high wind blow-
ing, it was burned to the geound in a
short time, with most of the contents.
The house adjoining, where his son
was living also caught fire and was
• burned. '1.1e loss was estimated to be
over $3,000, partly covered by in-
surance. •
• The sale of the estate of the late
Andrew Forrester, of Mitchell, took
plac:bie4Nov. 23. The McNay farm on
n roiffieetest was knocked down at
$5000; the frillson fares, Logan, at
• 0,170. a 13e axe park lot in Mitchell
oet $500, and andaheepark. lot, 91 acres,
t. $450. TWO Own houses opposite
• the old homestead brought $800, It is
understood thet the properties will
eventually pass through the bands of
Wm. Forrester.
The South Perth Farmers' Institute
meetings are fixed for Mitchell this
year on January 1.0th, and St. Marys
on January Ilth. The deputation to
speak at these meetings were .Tnhn 1.
Hobson, of Guelph, and W. N. Hutt,
of Southbend. Mr. Hobson passed to
his rest on Nov, 23. The supplemen-
tary eneetings will be held at Born-
holm on February 10 ; Stella, 18 ; Res.
seldaie, 19 , Sebrineville, 20, and Tavi-
stock, Feb 21.
There died at the Stratford hospital
Widay Mrs. Katie Young,of Lakeside,
' widow of the late Alfred Young, mer-
chant, of that place, at the age of 32
years and 2 months. Mr. Young died
of typhoid fever about two months
ago and now his wife bas died of the
-same disease. Their only cbild,ewe)
years of age, also bad the fever, but
recovered.. An aged mother, three
brothers and two sisters survive 1:: ie
1 horne in Hibberkto be interred in t at
, 's
renuains were sent to her mot
Mr. William Ditteser, con.14, Logan
has wild his farm, west half of lot
20, cola 14, te Mr, Peter Nicholsoo,
7: D. Moore has beep appointed
Regietrar of Deeds for Waterloo aid
joint Alotz, Sheriff of the Wee county.
The mazy friends a Ald-Hogartia of
Stratford will be sorry to beer tbatbis
condition has taken a turn for the
Lot 0, on, 15, Logan, known as the
Marshall farm bas been leased for a
term of years to Mr. James McNichol,
of Elma, at $140 per year. The farm
contains 80 acres.
While walking on Ontario Street
Stratford at noon Postmaster S. S.
Fuller, was keocked over by a young
man whO was hurrying to school and
fell en the sidesvale, cutting his head
above the eye
Mr. James Hinks, of the 4th con.
Elmo,. bee patented a new hog Nen,
whereby the bogs can be fattene ha
Irons two to three weeks' lees time
than in the old -fasbioued way, and
also at a. Saving of from 1-4 to 1-3
of feed.
The death occurred near Thorndaie
Monday very suddenly, of Airs. W. G.
Walters, on concession 4, lot 21. town
ship of West Nissouri, from all Wee
time of the spine. Decerieed leaves a
)409bantl and five small children to
mourn her unlooked for taking off.
Hugh Moreland has disposed of his
Saratoga farm of 100 acres to John
Clark, -of Auburn, for $2000.
Duck shooting is reported to be very
good betimes at Hayfield, Several
fair bags hew been secured this fall at
the incoming of the winter weather.
Those unhappy persons who suffer
from nervousness and dyspepsia
shoald use Carter's Little Nerve Pills
which are made expressly for sleepless,
uervoas, dyspeyitic suffers, Price 2iic.
A 8011 of T. hemp, near Clinton, was
given by mistake a mixture contain -
a. large qnantity of laudanum, He
was soon ont of danger. The same boy
was once poisoned hy &hiking fly
The direct= of the Burou Poultry
and Pet Stock Association have re-
solved that the exhibition should. be
beld on Tueeday, 20th, Wednesday,
30th, Thursday, Met, January, 1901, in
On Saturday last •a very pretty
wedding took place in Beantfords
when Miss Louise Munroe, formely of
Goderich, was married to Mr. Morgan
Harris, son of the late Ain John Barris
f the Massey -Harris firm,
The Physician's and Surgeons' Sup-
ply Association, Umited, ealeltiti
$100,000, has been incorporated. head
office in Toi onto, with the followlug
directors ..---Doctors William Graham,
Wlflhiui Ounu and John Shaw, Olin -
ton; James A. Robertson, Stratford ;
jellies Henry, Orangeville; John M.
Stewart Obesley ; John S. King and
William H. Alexander, Toronto ; Jas.
L. Turnbull and Alexander Taylor,
GodericheErnest MacCallum, Londes-
borougb rNiniam W. Wood, Hayfield,
and Samuel M. Henry, Harriston.
Employes of the 0. P. R. and G.T.R.
fayor a fortnightly instead of a month-
ly pay clay.
The Cabinet will not interfere with
the sentence of Arthur Pearson, tbe
Hamilton 1/111rder.
' Erich of London's South African
heroes will be given a width by the
City Council,
The steamer Paliki leaves Montreal
for England Dec. 2nd, the third latest
sailing in a century. The other dates
were Dec. dtb. 1801, and Dec, 7tb,
Women with pale, colorless faces
who feel weak and discouraged, ivill
receive both mental and bodily vigor
by using Carter's Iron Pills, which are
ana.de for the blood, nerves and com-
Dr. W. 11. Kenaail. who mysterious-
ly disappeared from Vancouver, B. O.,
where he owned a large stone quarry
was later reported to have been killed
in an opium den, is now said to be liv-
ing in London, Eng.
Miss Lily McMaster's suit against
the township of Moore to recover dam-
ages for the death of her father, was
dismissed at Sarnia. He bad been
thrown out of his rig, but the court
held the road was in good condition.
Omeplete returns from the Quebec
constituencies show that the Laurier
Goyernnsent has a majority on the
popular vote of 27,783. Liberal can-
didates received 110,701 votes, while
Conservative candidates polled 91,-
A project is on hand to establish a
large iron industry in Galt. It is said
that the company will have a capital
of hailf a million dollars and that al-
ready a considerable amount has been
subscribed by capitalists, two gentle-
men giving $20,000 to head the stock
A party of thirteen Germans and
Galicians passed through Toronto the
other day on their way to their Euro-
pean home, after a few months in
1VIanitoba. There were in the party
five men and eight women and child-
ren. ."It was two hard work for my
father," said one girl inthe group,
the only person capable of under-
steeading English. "He worked at a
trade at hone and could not stand
it is not your habit to buy an illus-
trated book for your family's Christ-
mas reading, try the experiment."
MAS," sixty pages, fallof stories and
pictures, will interest, everyone and
widen the vision of all AS Canadians.
Four pictures suitable for framing one
of which 2-:"Raphaers l.Vtother and
Child "-is' an exact reproduction of
the coetlieSt and best picture in the
world. NO where else' can yoa get
the same value! Five dollars' worth
of the bet -art and literature for 50
cents. Get it from your newsdealer,
or from The Sheppard Publishing
Company, Limited, Toro u to.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has beers used for
over fifty years by millions of mothers for their
children 'while teething, with perfect SUCCOSS,
Ooothes the child, softens the gums. allays al
pain, mires wind colicand is tile best remedy
for Diarrhcea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold
by drOggists in every part of the world 25
cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. 13e
sure and ask for Mrs WinSlow's Soothing
Syrup and take no other kind. ,.
. POLITI:AL E,:fs4 DI -F rIS. , Exeter Municipal council.
Lecanemicent Leinem nS'OAture of
tue Many lugeugous Devices.
bewildering assortment of pants
paign emblems is being prepared for
the market, It will soon be possible to
express opinions upon any issue of the
eetimaign 'Without words by the in-.
dlcious eeleetion of a button, a. badge
or a searfoin. One may announce his
"views in a temperate manner and in.
exeellent taste or challenge every pass-
er-by with the most dogmatic, trueue
lent assertIons. F.very issue of the cane.
paign is touched upon more or less dls
reetly. Each and every argument of
'the campaign orators is reproduced by
fPO or a dozen emblems. In fact, a
regular political argument might be
carried on by the Ilashmg of various
buttous. The commonest emblem, as
- usual, win be the portraits of the
cantildetes. These may be displayed in
every conceivable way. One of the
most striking novelties of the season is
a button presenting the head of eiteKine
ley or Bryan, with tine, incandescent
lamps mounted back et the eyes. 2.'bee
lamps are supplied with eleetricity by
pocket battery and the current may
be turned on or off at will. The ape
pearauce of one of these facea, eapece
Tally at night, staring at orm from a
man's coat lapel, with luminous STA.
M SAY the least, very effective. These
-iiiar prl.raits are meuntel. In evsrY
emirs:Noble way. One button more-
eente the faoe Of p. clock with a por-
trait of Bryan In tbe centre. The dial
of the clack Is silver, while the bends
fedicate the significant time et 10 to 1
o'cloela .A great many effeete are pre-
shiced by the use of Gaga, rosettes ot
the national colors. ere. Some of thzge,
buttons are of. exquisite workmanship.
with the faces be enamel or mosaia
and some are very expntsive. Portraits,
AS usual, come mounted for almsst ev
ery object used In every day life whien
niay be adopted for display. The face
ef either centEdate may also ba had
fixed upon fine china Ws:wee 'The pus -
charier of these, it Is :travel. must be
Ore Q11011'411 Of the Ovation ee his fa-
vorite candidate when be Is willing' to
pay a high price and have it in per-
manent form. The full dinner pall 13
very much en evidence In the campalsn
emblems. The commonest form is a
tiny geld locket hanging as a bantfe
to a pin or coat button. These bear the
simple motto, "a full dinner pail." It
aeso used extensively as a deeorall '11
upon flags. Large tags of this }dud,
two or three Inches in height, will else
be worn hung from the handle bars ot
bicycles. Many other campaign en-
blems are being mounted on ellps to
be fastened on hicyciss. The politically
decorated wheel Is expected to be e.
rlovel feature Of the fall season. The
Rough Rider hat atm appears In maey
forms. It is meele of gold, to be wore
as a button, a. stickpin or a sleeve but-
ton, and enters into a, great mane*
campaign designs. The eleplutat with
uplifted trunk, emblematic of the Ra -
publican party and victery, is also
much in evidence. An equal variety if
etnblems presenting the Democratic
rooster crowing lustily will be on sale.
Among the new designs are butt. ee re-
presertting Bryan riding an ostrich,
"Which is balanced by a llgure efale-
11C.n1ey riding a hobby horse labeled
"Imperialism." A white skeleton is
constructed to be hanging from a pin.
which upon pressing a spring falls
apart, displaying the portrait of one
of the candidates. These skeletons are
presented botit in silver and gold. An-
other design shows Uncle Sam with a
stomach much expanded and labelled
"Philippines," but wearing a triumph-
ant smile. To offset this one may buy
a caricature of Mr. Hanna with his
f oot resting on a stand marked "La,•
Judged iterselr Justified
A London journal tells this tale ot a
famous novelist who recently took up
her residence just opposite a school,
where. In the course of educational
routine, the children are wont to en-
gage in antiphonal chants. The fol-
lowing correspondence, therefore, took
place, the authoress to the school mie-
tress, thus: "Miss — presents her
compliments to Miss —, and begs
that she be good enough to arrange
that there May he no singing cleris be-
tween the hours of 10 and 1, then be-
ing Miss -'s working hours, when die.
tractions are particularly distasteful."
The schoolmistress to the authoress:
'Miss — presents her cOmplinacnts
and begs to state that if such a course
were likely to prevent the writing of
such books as 'The Horrors of Satin'
and 'The Muscular Traction,' sho
Would rejoice in arranging a singing
programme for every day from 9 to 2."
Poor Marie Corelli!
A dainty 'trifle, silk and lace
.All white and palest bine;
A Dencil hangs below the place
Where it is bent in two.
'A silken cord limn her arm
So soilt, and round, and hiLe,
Suspends, secure from every harm,
This little book to -night.
Nirithin the tiny tome I glance;
The ball has just begun,
NIA some one's taken every dance,
She might have saved me on.e.
• ACSt."1..s
I look slongv"Zse list of names,
And looking lthere 1 see
That every waltz some fellow claims
Whose name 1--3-1ns with D.
I'm hurt, and say so in a way .
• I fear is scarce polite
lint, as I turn, I hear her say,
"Don't leave me so to -night?"
Then, with a sudden, tender smile.
• She. whispers, "Don't look blue;
You might have known it all the while,
The D was meant for you! '
The tYpewriter girl is unusallY dis-
'agreeable this morning."
"Yes; probably it is because she Sag;
1.1p late last night making herself en.
casually agreeable."
9 -1 -se -At least you will credit me, Mr.
fl.1:7 rap, with hs.vIng an eyeeto beauty.
le" (desirous of saving something
isly complimentary) -Indeed, I do,
liss Claire. I don't svonder you spend
inuell of your time` in front of the
Cooncil met at, call of Reeve at Town.
Hall, Nov. 29, 1000, _All present.
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved
The Reeve explained that the object
of the meeting was to considerbo pro
posal of the Ronald :Fire Engine CO.
for the purchase, of the steamer, hook
and ladder truck and equipments now
on trial.
Moved by J. Muir seconded by J.
Evans thee the said proposal be ac-
cepted, and the Reeve and Clerk be
authorized to sign the same.
Moved in amendment by W. H.
Levete seconded by 1, Armstrong.
that we accept the steamer but not
the hook and ladder truck, The Reeve
declared the motion carried.
Muir- Evane-That Council adseurn
to Dec, 7th, at 7.30 o'clock p. no -Car-
Gno.H, Bissnoes Clerk,
Exeter Sohocel Report.
Room 1 arid IL -Class .A, None;
Class B,Cora McPherson. Ruby Treble,
Nina Carling, Evelyn Gill, Jessie Dow;
Class A, Millie Martin, Winnie Car-
ling Weenie Howard, Ruby Davidson,
DoUy Dickson, Roth Rollin Zero, an
roll 40. Ay, att. 41,
J. M.11 ononesols,
ROOM III .-Se. ATary Panties,
Alvin 13rintnell, Vera Cobbledick,
Ethel Armstrong, May Snell; Edith
Alonciza John Gardiner, Hazel Brown.
ing, Annie Reid, Viola Devidson, Olive
Elliott, No, on roll 48. Av. att 4,
Room Netta Freerno,
Grover Bissett; III, Hugh Mc-
Kay, Florrie Anderson, Mary New -
cocaine Mary Brock, No. on roll 50.
Ay. att. 43.
H0051 V. -Ste 3rd, Lily Acheson,
Hervey Gardiner, Earl 13rowniein,
John Ross, Willie Knight, Alice
Howard, Tierble Soutlicott, Ida Arm-
strong\ o, on roil 45. Av, 38,
ROOSI Sr. II, M. Makins, L.
Amos, L, Martin'Jr. II, E, Smith,
R. Davidson, CV. Armstrong, No. on
Roll tel. Aver. att. 53.
11. D. Porsor.R.
Roost VII,- Sr Pt IL Lois Birnie,
Mary Kydd ; MM Pt II, Mildred
White; Jr Pt II, Garvey Acheson,
Total munber on roll eel. Average at-
tendance 45.
Tai S. J. Imvx.w,
Room No, VIII, --Jr II, De Lernme
Millyard, Minnie Amy, Fred Couch;
Sr Pt II, Owen Atkinson; Jr Pt 11,
Eddie Heywood. No, of pupils on
roll 53. Average attendance 48.
B. J. RieSle.
, Don't forget to keep to the right
whether riding or walking,
'Don't elbow people, or. if you do It
tuiwiliingly, excuse yourself.
Don't stare at people or laugh at
their peculiarities.
Don't carry your cane or umbrella
so as to render it dangerous.
Don't occupy any more space in a
oar than you are entitled to.
Don't talk at a theatre or concert
while the performance Is gang on.
Don't apologize when shaking
hands with your gloves on.
Don't forget to rendor all necessary
service to any one in need of them.
Don't be in haste to Introduca Find
out first If it is mutually agreeable.
Don't rush for a seat In a car or
, Don't tell stories of a doubtful char-
Don't interrupt; don't contradiete
ilon't be quarrelsome.
Don't tell long stories, even, wheni
*asked to.
kDont use slang phrases.
et 'A. Vanderbilt or a Rockefeller elan
ben a fillav lines of legaleap and it bee
comes worth anywhere from $5,000,080
to $50,000,000. That Is capital.
, The United. States can take an ounce
and a fraction of gold and stamp a
"screamer" and $20 upon it. That is
, A good mechanic can take $5 worth
of raw matatial and turn •k into an
article worth $10 or uo. T at is skill.
, An editor can take the long-winded
'article of an ignorant correspondent
and cut it clown to a few correct lines
of readable common sense. That is
;. A merchant eau buy an article for 50
cents and sell it for $1. That is hue-
,.. A. lawyer can) talk ten minutes with a
client and charge him $50. That is un-
A lady can buy a hat or bonnet for
$10 or $15, but would rather pay $58.
,That is foolishness.
• A laborer can work ten hours a daY
and handle ten tons of rock or other
material for $1. That is unjust.
Mrs, D. W , Le Gallais, St. Godfrey, P. Q„
says : "I have used Stelling Headache Powders
for sick headache. After taking two powders.I
felt better and, was able to get up and go on
with my work.
Pfagyard's Yellow Oil takes out pain, reduces
swelling and allays inflammations Cures
Rheumatism, StiffJoints, Contracted Chords,
Sore Throat, Croup, Quinsy, etc. It does not
stain the skin or soil the clothing. Price 250.
Worms affect a child'shealth too seriously to
neglect. Sometimes they cause convulsions
and death. If you suspect them to be present.
give Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, which
destroys the 'WOWS without injuring the child.
Price 25c,
• have a large amount of private funds to
loan on farm and village properties at low rates
of interest,
• Barrister Main SL, Exeter.
Valuable farm for sale 1 miles from Exeter,
100 an., Lot 3, con 3, Hay townshipgood'brick
house, good barns and :rabiesdriving thed,
two wells, cissern, never failing strearasuitable
for grain or steek. 90 acres under cultivation,
balance wood. Convenien t to schools and
cluirehes. ' Apyl3r to '
Hay P, 0. Ont.
"Want of Watchfulness
Wakes a Thief."
Matz, cases of poor health
come from want of watch-
fulness. Dot if you keep
your blood pure no thief can
steal your health.
The one effective natural blood puri'
fie is Hood's Sarsaparilla. •Xt Item,
Irnwlth plIalirneandEldiftdre-s;fxMoyne. rfae• ffertiffoen1
the throat caused by impure blood. She
INAS almost in despair When she turned te
Hood's Sarsaparillas, Six bottles of this
medicine completely ewe(' her." • Joeur.
Witeemee, Galt, Ont.
Scrofula - i'3170(VO Sereaparilla has
cared me of scrofula. 1 was weak and de.
bilitated but it noade me strong and well.
Atter a Severe cold had catarrhal fever.
Again resorted to thiS Medieliseand.it cured
me." SABAn L DAROY, Annapolis, N. S.
iteede Villa cure
e1yefoltarthCei ,
lien the
110,1 AA
4 114
Exeter, NOVEMBER 230).1500
Wheat per latelsel .61 00
Oats.. . 21 to
Barley, •.. sei to
Peae 59 to
Butter...« -17 to
Geese...... • •
Chleitene per te
Duelte • •
We01.... ...g
lIAZ 113 Ste
5 to
e e
5 to 4
0 to
10 to 1
Dried Apples.. .. 4 to 4
Pork . .... $0.50 to 7.00
LoN.Dox nutivas.
London, NOVEMBER l'ith, 1900.
Wheat per bushel... ,.... ....68 to 63
°ate.- ...... ,...21 to 1.3
Peai .., 33 1 .1.1•11• •14•14 •• ...-.48 to 57
Barley.•.•.. ,.•••• • •01•• ....36 to 49
Bucewiteati....45 to 47,
Rye •t•I• • 4111.1•• tO 1.4
Corn .... .... ..*.:42 to 45
Beare: ...... to 77
Butter . . to 19
Eggs ...... ... .... ,16 to 18
Duces -2 to 70
Turkeys iir se-- - - '1 to 10
Geese per lb.. WI RM. ••••,..1 te to 70
Chickens 40 to 50
POMMOS por bag........,.- -.50 to_40
...4.04/0 to 8 4
Pork pee ewe; . .... - 01,50 to $4.1:10
Wheat markets atelier - Cables Came
Steady Prom the Other Side or the
Liverpool, Dec. 5. - 'Yesterday
wheat futures closed unchanged from
Monday's final figures.
Chicago, Dec. 5. - *Wheat futures
yesterday advanced eiee per bushel.
ore r "si rs.
Following were the closing prices
at intportant wheal centres yester-
USTI. Dee. ;liar. May.
New York -ale- $0 77% $0 SOI $ '0 797,i,
Milwaukee ... 0 7414
St. LOWS o 701,e 0 '71 0 71% 074%
Toledo 0 70 0 76 0
Detroit. red 0 781e 0 '7811'; 0 801-:s
do. ite 0 7610 •
, .. •
Duluth, No, 1
Northern . 0 71% 0 71% 0 753;
Duluth, No
bard 0 7Sel
Minneepoils No.
1 Northern,. .... 0 72% .... 0 75
Liverpool, Dec. 5. - Yesterday's
close: Spot -wheat steady; No. 1.
standard Cal., es to as 3d; Wal-
la, 58 lid to 5s 1.11,e1t1; No. 2,red
Winter, 58 Iliad to es le...di No. 1
Northern spring, Gs Sd to Gs 4d. Fu-
tures quiet; Dec. 5s Wed, March Gs
TonoNTO T. LAWItENCE Irene:Br.
-Wheat, white, busk- (rile to $....
e tea, bush. ..•... 0 08 ....
" Me, bush • 0 07 ....
" goose, leash. 0 01 0 61te
Oats, bush. ........ 0 30Y.: 0 Mae
Barley, bush. 0 40 0 46
Rye, bush. 0 511fi
Beans, bush -1 15 1 25
Peas, bush ......... 60 ....
Buckwheat, bush 0 47 ....
Toronto, Dec. 5. -The run of live
stock at the Cattle Market yesterday
was moderate -49 carloads, com-
posed of 448 cattle. 2,000 hogs 1 -
078 sheep and lambs, with 12
calves, The quality of fat cattle
was not good, generally speaking.
Trade fair, considering the mild
weather, and anything good in the
butchers' class was readily picked up
for were easier,
at quotations given below. Prices
or sheep and laM
while those for hogs Were 25 cents
per cwt. higher.
Inesemeentatimeniceeao itattaniarrentrile=
144 otkVve•
Men's long hoots, made in all weights
and lengths for different kinds of wear.
Strong, durable -pure gum.
Soles that wear as long as the uppers -
thick te keep the foot away from th e ground.
Three thicknesses of rubber, two or can-
vas and a leather insole between the foot
and the ground
Thick rubber reinforcement ail round
where the wear comes.
See that tbe heel is branded with the
makers" name.
MONEY TO LOAN. SilthOrialld Inn �ea LTO-
Wohevounlituited private fpndsior invest- ARE PREPARED TO PURCIIASF
ment mem farm or velem Property at lowest
tires of interest..
(Successor to Elliott & Gladman) 11 1 14 I1 11
Banister ,Selicitor, Notary Me,
Conveyancer, Etc,
Money to loan on Farm and village
properties at Lowest rates of interest,
IL ER.!stt),V'
Bailor Graduate
d without paln or
of Toronto Univensity, Dentist.
Teeth extracteEXETER
bad After eifeets, Oillee M Fan-
's Main
All#13r to
E, Kessel,
Sonblock. West side et
6treet, Beeter
DR. ANDERSON. (D. D. S' 1.- D. $.)
l'Ve have a large etoek of mill feed.
an band which will be sold at reason-
able pricei3.
Honor Graduate of the Toronto Universi
and, Royal College of Dental Surgeons tof
Ontario. Ail bridgework, Crowns, ar Plate
work donein the neatest possible manner. A
harmless anrestlictio for paluless extraction,
The strictest attention given 10 010 preservat.
on of the natural teeth. Office opposite Cen
tral Hotel. Exeter. Ontario.
Catmint° the premises ot the undersigned on
or about the 15th of Augusea steer coming two- a". COBBLEDICK &SON.
Year-old, Dm Owner is requested to come aud
prove property, pay charges and take it away.
Lot 111, concession 7, Ikea
Nov, 10, 1000,
Wanted fax which highest market
prices will be paid.
Came on the premises of the -undersigned on
Nov 25111,10113, Sleuth Boundary &Hay, a two-
yearold heifer, Owner is requested to prove
property, pay charges and remove the animal.
Se.7.T3. BROWN, Sarepts. P. 0.
Came into the premises of the undersegned,
lot 23, con 9, Usborne. on or about Sept,
25111. a two-year-old heifer. The owner is re-
quested to prove property, pay expenses and.
remove the anima.
Farquhar le 0.
Came on the premises of the undersigned
about lst of October, a two-yeavold heifer.
The owner is requested to prove property, prier
cbarges and take her away.
Lot 6, North Boundary, Stephen
Noy. 2nd, 1900. (1-t)
Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 7, Ushorne.
second class certificate. Personal application
desired. Duties to commence 1st. January. THE UNDERTAKER.
Applications to be made not later than Dec.
The best equipped Business and Shorthand.
School in Can dn. is the orest City BusineSs &
Shorthand College, London, Ont. bargee/mol-
l:ilea and etrong faculty. Hundreds of students
in good positions, Years of excellent work at
Ito credit.
Catalogue of either course free. Correspon-
dence invited.
Whalen P.
Turkish Scalp Food prevents the
hair from falling out, restores faded
and. gray hair to its original color.
Being delicately perfumed it leaves no
nnpleasant oder. It is not a dye.
Should be in every house where a hair
renewer is needed. For sale by
Left. Only 50 cents a bottle.
Export cattle, choice .......$4 40 to $4 SO
" cattle, light 4 00 4 25
bulls, choice ..... 4 00 4 25
" bulls, light' li. . 3 12% 3 35
Loads good butchers' ad
exporters, mixed .. . . .... 3 90 4 10
Butchers' cattle, pickc'd lots 4 GO 4 65
" good. .
. . . . 3 30 430
" xnedistna, mixed.. 3 50 8 63
common .. 75 3 00
interior . ..... 2 40 2 75
Feeders, heavy 3 40 3 90
Feeders, light ' 3 00 3 25
Feeding bulls ....... .. . . 3 00 3 25
Stcelters..... . 2 00 $ 00
Stock bufls . .. 25
. 02s050000 32.'
MIlclj rows ,. 17 00 47 00
SCliaele7,9 ewes, per cwt. , 00 10 00
Sheep, bucks, per cwt 73
IL.a.,11/1111)ss., ..... 2 50 3 50
per ewt.
Sheep. butchers' 305500 43 0000
1 -togs, choice, not less than
160 and up to 200 11)s... . 6 04)
" light, under 100 lbs. 5 75
" fats ......... ..... 5 75
" SOWS..,.3 50
stags . ..... . ... 2 00 ....
" stores 4 50 ." •
EAST OnriP.I.LO CATTLE ...ltutic)'31%
East ilufralo, Dec. 5. --Cat tic -.--
MarSe5 wais about. steady y er d hY
foot] ors, $3J5, Sin all bun chcs of
stockers sold at $3.25 to 88.75;
buts' ors, $2.60. .(lolves-Goccl de-
mand: full stoadY; choice to t ra,
$'7.55 to $t.z.; good to choice, ST to
11;l7.50. hoes, and Latul-.)s Ore.r; ilprs
15 1,ads: market steatly to it silt' do
54 111'(('; c.isoico to extr,n., f,'5.811 o
$5.40: 400d to eh o oc. $5 to
tth ic'e to (r.,: , o
good to oleo. $2.15 to 84,
It is reported that since the close of
the Crossley and Hunter meetings in
Petrolia, 230 new members bave joined
the church in that town.
eat Market
The undersigned has opened up a
new meat market one door
South of Garlino's Store
where he will keep the choicest of
meats constantly on hand.
Buy the Best
and I
Ignore the Rest!
In the end you "vvill find
it cheapest. Furnish that va-
cant room with one of our
Bed Room Setts, Tables,
Chairs, Etc.
We have it, you want it.
Take a look at .our full line of
FURNITT_TRE and you will
find what you are. looking for
Opera. House Block. '
* * *
Always keeps on hand a com-
plete stock of caskets and
trimmings ot different kinds.
Also the largest stock of furn-
iture ever shown in Exeter or any
town in the county.
Prices as low as can be made.
Do not fail to see our immense
stock in our two storey building.
Our desire is to please every-
Constantly pursues a man
it is easy enough of solution,
though when you are able to
avail yourself of our offer. We
are showing a fine range of
Black 'Worsted in twills, -ven e-
tians and clays (bought before
the heavy advance in price
and selling at the old prices.
Nice suits for $14 in fancy
worsted suiting. We show ct
big range at moderate prices
in Scoc,ch and Canadian tweeds
we cary a large and well as-
sorted stock. Prices to suit
all. A large stock of the lat-
est goods voa, oercfor singt
from $10 up.
GIVE US A CALL and see
what we can do for you.
J. H. Crieve.