HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-6, Page 2PAwnen LIT I len (IELl_.
I'm Papa's. beetett Ilttie gala
'Cause he ain't got but me.
"AnI thiult lie's the Wiest lean
That 1 did ever see;
'And evaty tlay 1 take his Innen,
A. imag riee 1 know well.
Ile gees tee coming an' hi eays,
-God blee.s my little g ea"
I set betide him while be eine
The good thingt nett tote
An' wateb the raindrops poirn OUt
}fie fereaeaa ano. nee.- •
ween Lies dene hleitseee Mern
fete efee ntran
ele eantee and s.ays, earetut pee
(loci Ness my Utile gen."
tie I rile torte 1 -tient to nee
The angels evvilitine
nteeinefig toe. tentieing slow
Ara ening an the air; ,
catamount owe e :lent suit, eaten,.
' tug the paetiter sitneieg along, and I
' /loped be would get Rear enough to COMMENTS
;. telte the ban becau:se you anew, the
i 'feline kind are not huntees by scent
axed, want to see their prey. Di you
, ever see a cat lose a mouse in tee grass,
end uot be able to end it till see se.w it
Met*. though it wasn't a foot front her .
nose? I was afraid the panther woe
, going by the bait, but there was a little
water in his path, and he came over
toward the cabin to pass it. 'The
chauge o cure breught him face to
faee with the ie of juicy Iamb 1 haa
set out as a late lunch for a cartuneent,
genee he mita have been pretty hue.
cry, tor he pquitted and leaped fo°
and he didn't wait for aay cat patyieg,
but guleed it right down.
"He hadn't mere then swallowed it
wben he realized that all was not ex -
as it should be, and he lay eat
oa his belly and began to look warily
around, as if be suseeetee the presence
of an easel:tee The cheat to the bait
• bothered him. ten for he could uet get
414 azd st111 illant on it dowie Ills throatneither could be get
weeee eeve ee it out ef hie nittettb, and be began duelt-
\\thee papa knee me az :eve. lug Ins tend between Ids paws line a
"God Nees my litine gene' cat does wheit slie gets a steng tangled
i n be mouth. I Repit etill, and didn't
interfere with his ntedizatious, for I
tninatinente -tannin itoid td ineneen !mew I would see ef him before
W e parted cempauy, The bleatiunt
g a p an ri neene the siseep moved him presently, adbo
ite Ui ' UUV1. get up, sbantug his head awl pane
neetinentedentiendendeddi,ddeddhd Ms nice and month to get the chain
ewe, meet, away. He stinted fOr the shed again.
204ew,111,,,u6et°,,,reri.,%,",.. ",77, `-ef,-.,,-7; but the rope pulled on hint. end 1
v. - - ei "a -- ---- --in. --- reaceed mit tor Triv end of i- end eere
Wig t° the /74411 wil9 W35 ;et' it a pod 'hard Jelin, to se the books in -
reedy. e side M hint. You ()eget es nave ;nee
"Xehnistieheiren feitillillagerti'itv. litteroltanid-; that panther jiiirtri, but he jumpee in
hut eshingtIol. 1-.t.h ret the direction it the pull. and not
thine.' f4/. P;IIV' ei• against it. for I guees wiiiin tbe Intake
eave butt bine
-non pdndiedd, atddit the other teak bold they must
man. opeeieg a, lentle lif tette. Ile Pereeebed as it they did. anevely. 1
iliftelitvtuthetefItc• atbe tytob au tliswaa Ile; Talltebele4unnociaa:tartuttibeedrortl°01ePtleh.:uouivdeitni I: os fir ebtieuar:ag'i.itieglii.
Paelebeee:" ineisted the othee man , :nil!
busy with ttte lunch. el newt. held) ,...whewiredlilieeddnbtalp!;tt oarwmayt: trulitinat
of suen a thing. 1 tIzeugbt they intuited
but gritt"4tgto puiredlen that 1 eeagged
fer tie:Attlee" him up toward the deer. theugh wino
'1"41regtettlic'lha4T'is Ilt?I'''473-114/71jivir-9e 114. MI T'aite.a:tea,dreieulteenithraer: tibto'aung1141tutifetwelu. diet;
"Well." Find the otter men, boreiess s he muleup reine;netly revnuto
rae pull, fon witb a yell. the repo
sleeted, au il he came at the window ae
if tete weulti get me in spite of everta
thing. I dropped the rope and Weave
over into the comer of the cabinwhile
Ite re at the doer with bis claws like
miner with ee pion. Not itelug able
do any harm. be keened away an
lay down abaut a dozen feet frem the
deter. where he once more began his
trY Of Aritaitine. unelen farm wet' attempts to get the chain oet tit his
grew on trees, nuil we bad a let cf tree- to the rope again. and. began playing
and teem Off the elte:T. we had ority lug than any trout playing you ever
altent a un rt tied ettutdan afford saw• for that panther was a terror
to tete cute. ziat we axed up a log eabin when be tried to get away, anti worse
near the silent sheds. and / wed to when be trled to elaW bis waY through ,
of getting direene at the welter, "seat
eoMit tauten end get etvait witb eintr
peter ot tbie tintea, and white you et
;retain tartlet hew teaul it telltan
=e tow to eth ter Slather.-
nate peether flaelenall drew ea 1.0
Cite feett, and as he at tallied -
"Whoa I wee a bey cif sixteen or
, •
thereetiouttna he vent. "toy father thed
Termettete..erid I went to live with
• tutele in the Ceara meantain arm -
n muted eindte the eatamountd Mouth or down bis throat I came up
plc nth than due othed nun:ninth doein him once mere, and it was more cult-
eleep tbere with a, gun hands^ for tine „
the door. I let him rest awhile. Ana
Maraudere that mi,e,ht Kane alone. a4-tly he got up and tried to Make .
Cataount b a mighty :tarp mantal.
mak for the woods. I never mid
mad that never get a shot at one at ilia word, but when he got to the end of the
any eitend uo began to wady up sinetine and the laooks began tO pull on
Platt tet get a scalp, and I linaln- con-
cluded to try Lining.
en got three big sturgeon hooks -you
IMONV what they are liltenfae.tened to a
Sue steel chain about sax feet long. that
;was strong enough to haul a baystaelt
Ninth. a.nd to the chain I tied about
fifty feet of new hemp rope. My uncle
made fun of me, and wanted to know
iZ was going to use a reel, and what
kind. of fly did I use. but I tied Win te
Atmene ell the struggles. diearr •net
meats, serraWs and bittereesees 01 life,
the late Heary A. Chittenuen gelato
a temper so. Se -ilea, a disposition go
Gunny, that if be did not naelte all wIto
knew him belteve in the gOOdneSe of
earth he at least tuclined them to be
in the reality of heaven
WhIelt cuglat to be mh
ore onoren, the
perh the greatest uumber 01
eelebrated ancestors, or the persee wIth
the greatest number of. celebrated de-
scendauts? Or is there 'so question or
honor, since a man caunot be held re-
sponsible for 'what ancestors did,
and, ought not to be held responsible
for tyliat his posterity may do.
Any one may join the new Matta,
menial League in Chicago who has a
good moral character, a legal right *0marry, a belief in the Deity, and three
dollars. When it is added that them
echee has awakened such sttspicion
that the Chicago poliee are inveetigat-
tug It. wen may it be asked wbetber
any one pos,sessing these quallecatious
would wish to siabseribe? Those wbom
God bath tinned together have met each
other under circumstances more favor-
able to future happinese than a league
which premotes matrireeny by throwi
nag oUt financial baits.
It ie seta that in future no lIcenect
ntfl be granted in Hugland for the
marriage of any divorced person. The
Metres nitabolds her benediction from
any Minh marriagen BM So malty mar -
ave unbappy in spite at the
Cluireds benedietion tbet no one der
siring remarriage would expect to be
happy because of 'net tae Icings
dote of heaven Is within you" applies
especlally to the married state. wIth
thts modiecation, that in a bappy mar-
riage, each tbinks that his ar her
neaven Is in the other.
Why sh01110, a ceateuarian pride hint -
telt on his age, since it is an aelatevet,
moat in which the tm.oisti exceeds
him? On the other hand. way ribould
he not tie so. wben he remembers hoer
one stands awed before a cedar of Lela
An, Italian Mikan Colonel Corner
eas discovered that If wattr be sub -
Retest to great compression and then
decompoeed by meaus of an electric
current Into its elements, oxygen and
hydrogen, It will explode during the
operation with great force. He hat es-
timated that Its power is forty -eve
times greater than gunpowder. The
name at Cosmos has been given to Me
(Lew explosive, and a Company has
been organized for tbe purpose of ex-
ploiting the invention. It can be han-
dled witb absolute aafety.
In the copper district near Houghton,
filicbigan, a new ore of nickel, to welch
the name efolmwaite Is given, has been
discovered, says the Youth's Compan-
ion. It emaciate arsenide of copper
his insides he looked around in WI arsenide ot nickel, and int coraposi--
.elutniefatied kind of Way and la,y down non is such that it is seld to comprise
at the end of Ids tether. * Well as an. alloy of copper and Melte
"This seemed to be an auspicious oc- i the „ne
for which. e. demand :already exists it;
easion for me to get out and go *0 the • — n'n"
house for help, and I opened the door i It used to be believed that rams
real easy and started to slip out. But fived lenger than any other stenies el
he was watching, and I had no mare birds, and it was said that their age
than showed myself when he came at i frequently exceeded a century. Recent
me with a terefic sereech. and I , studies of the subject indteate that no
dodged back again with eta, tli le authentic instance of a raven surpas
mind hie own business and give me haste. 1e He tore at the doer far tevetal ing 70 years of age is on record. But
thence. When 1 bad my taekle really minutes after that, and I tircw the line parrots have been lmown to live 100
T teak a pieee of fresh meat and burl up taut and held bine snarling and ti the hooks in it just deep enough to clawing and snapping. 'leak Wont The Swiss are going to try the elect
eatch held easy when it was time fer fishing! Well, you don't know any. tee furnace on a. large scale for emelt-
them to begin businezs. Then 1 ears thing about it till yorn have hooltea a Ing Iron are in the Alps. Hitherto
ried the bait out toward the woods Panther. just how long I would have meet ef the iron used in Switeerlerel
front the cabin the fun length of the to play him before he was tired out wo has been imported from Germany be-
nne. ana slipping the other etui I was. or how I would have eventually cause of lack of coal in Switzerlaud to
through a ten by twelve window we landed him, I don't know, but the rem- smelt the native ores. The river Awn*
had in the dor, I looped it over a poet pus going on about the cabin had will furnish the electric power re-
in: the cabin for =entrap. awakened my uncle, and he came down quired. .
"It was about 9 °Week when I had to see what was the matter. When he The Zoological Garden la leublin,
everything in shape, and the moon was have In sight around the corner of the has a remarkable specialty, namely, the
shining like a big silver plate in the sheep shed the panther was lying about raising of lions for the trade. Mere
sky. I lay down with the old shotgun twenty-five feet from the cabin, and than 200 lions have been. raised in the
when. he saw him I thought the beast tries capital city since the first expri-
would get away even 11 he had to tear inents were made, mare than 20 years
his vitals out doing it. I held onto the ago.
rope like grim death, and yelled to my The council of the American Chem -
uncle to get out of the way, which he cal Society has adopted resolution's
did by skinning up a post to the roof tavoring the establishment of a bureau
a the sheep shed. He had a gun when of chemistry, which should have power
he started, but he left it on the ground to enforce pure -food laws throughout
when he went up the post. the country.
"We now established communica- . The establishment of a hydeographlt
tions, and I told him that I had the i division in connection with the United
panther hooked all right, if he would , States Weather Bureau is contemplated
bO kind enough to get a dip net and foe the purpose of giving warning of
by my sine, thinking how I would crow
over the untie if I caught a catamount.
and before I knew what bad happened
I was asleep. How long I slept I don't
Imo% but I was awakened by a screeeh
in the weeds that I knew did not come
from a catamount. It was a panther,
for I had heard them before, and I was
on ray feet in an instant and wide
awake. Catamounts were bad enough,
but panthers were a lot worse, and the
few times we had had them come
around they had stirred up the coun-
tryside like an election. I was so land NM. Hie said if I would hold the , floods.
wrought up that I forgot all about my Named brute steady he would come off '
-catamount bait and 1 ranged up along- the roof and go back to the house and HERE AND TH it RE
side of the window slit in the door- finish his nap, because he didn't like to '
we had one on each side of the cabin
to command all approaches -with the ing on the roof awhile and acquiring
shotgun clenched in my hand on ff it mare confidence in in fishing tackle,
were something alive that was trying he slipped down to the ground and got
to get away from me. Inedy but I was his gun, but he hadn't the courage to
scared and shaky on my pegs; and not face th,e panther and shoat him I
scared either exactly, for I was per- didn't blame him a bet for that either,
featly sate in the cabin, but a sixteen- because I knew what kind of a temper
year -old -boy facing a hungry panther that panther had. I told him to bring
even when he is behind a wall, is liable the gun around to the back window of
get up so early anyhow. After roost -
to be agitated, and I was that to such
an extent that I could hardly keep my
face to the window long enough to look
aut. I heard another screech in a min-
ute ar two after I got to the window,
and the sheep in the sheds began to
bleat low and to metre around in fear.
;You know if there is anything that
scales a sheep it Is a panther.
"I located him by his next screech,
and he came slipping out at the thicket
and actress the open with his whole
mind fixed on the shed where the sheep
Were. I could see him as plain as day,
and he was a sight to behold. Not a
very big one as panthers go, but as
graceful as an angel and as smooth as
a serpent as he crept through the grass
with the very motion af a snake, and
not as if he had legs to walk on. I
was not a hundred yards from him
when he alma:wed, and WI he 1aad to
pass close to the cabin to get to the
sheep shed entrance, I laid in wait to
surprise bit. Blamed if I didn't think
any heels would knock holes in the
puneheon Roar, I was, shaking so, and
if the panther hadn't been so intent on
mutton chops for slipper he could have
heard me. When be -was within thietY
yards I raised the gun toward the win-
doW, Slict for the erat time noticed, that
I 'had been too excited to cock it. I was
in a hurry now, of course, and I
grabbed at the hammer and throw it
eta with a reels.' ten t_
thing went inside the lock, and the
dropeee tire
dishrag. I had broken the mainspring'.
That left tee helpless az far ate offen-
sive waie'are was eOncerned, and, 'being
Oil the defensive now, 1 recalled the
the cabin, and hand it in to me, and
maybe I could make it useful. It was
easy enough ta do that, with the cabin
between him and the panther, and I
soon had the gun, with his assurance
that he had put a handful of slugs in
each barrel for greater effectiveness.
eThe panther was getting pretty
tired now, and when my uncle disap-
appeared from Yie:W he lay dawn again,
and began his occultation of pawing at
the ehain in his mouth and rubbing
his faee an the ground. I pulled on
the line to stir him up a bit and get
hira to come my way, b•ut he had beeu
played until he was stubborn, and
though I jerked him pretty hard he
telly growled and snapped at the chain.
He had gone off as far as he could get,
and I thought I would be safe in invit-
ing him personally to come neateer, so
I opened the door and let him see me.
That set him wild again, and I soon
had aill 1 could do to take in the slack
as he came up. I was safe behind the
door whea he lit an it with all his claws
out, and hauling in, the line as fast as
I could I drew him close to the win-
dow. As I stunk the gun through to
end the battle, he caught it in bis
moeth, and jnet then I pulled both. trig-
gers. I guess my uncle had put in ,a HIGH LIGHTS
whode coil of lead pipe, for the gun
The biggest orchard in South Dakota
is owned and managed by Mrs. A. Al-
derman. It covers 150 acres, and con-
tains 8,000 trees, besides currant and
gooseberry blishes and grapevines, and
three acres of strawberries.
According to the latest issue of the
Name Gold Digger to react the United
States, "tacks have advanced to $8 a
pound; eggs to $2 a dozen, though ef-
forts have been made to raise the price
to $2.50. There are plenty of them.
Elam was long since out." The Gold
Digger is printed in red ink and sells
for 25 cents a copy.
The famous Blue Grotto of Capri hart
zloty a. rival in the State of Mintesota.
It towers ill .fl lake on the 'shore of
which there is a cavern of white lime-
stone flooded with water. A swimmer
entering the cave and turning to loots
outwards sees the mostbeaittiful shades
of green and blue in the water, and a
silvery sheen overhis submerged limbs.
London waiters and waitresses have
oeganized themselves into a sort of
union and new demand 25 cents an
hour for regular work, 35 cents an hour
for all aver eight hours and 50 cents an
hoar between 1 and 6 o'clock in the
morning, and no waiter toework ,aver
10 tiours a day. An ultimatum protests
against "the degrading and demoraliz.
Ing system of tips titian which the wait.
ers have te depend. It is a system of
cadging which des roys our manhood,
is an unfair tax t1on the public and
places the eater man at a disadvantage
in y• -' places."
kicked me clear acroSe the cabin and
piled me un onthe cot in the corner,
eeid it didn't leaVe enough of the pan-
ther's head to make his skin orna-
mental when we tanned it. `"That,"
concluded the story 'teller, • "is panther
fishing, and that is veley I say thiS kind •
o; fishing will do when there's none
el the real thing.**
, noel luck is simply having the ann.
ity to get on a car that is, going you'll
The cheerful life is lite all other en-
tertainments; we have to iseelt it out
and pay to get in.
It is well occasionally to put yoursell
In the ether man's place, even,
feel yetirseittOo 'big to be agilod fit.-
teenage wdetne, • ' '
t The Turldsh, mother loade her child
with omelets as soon, as it is bora, and
'a email eit of mud, steeped In hot
Water. Prepared by previoue °harass,
etecit on ite forehead.
The Innsbrucit Inotor Company will
run automobiles in the Alps.
See lions, seals, walruses and pelts.
cans are fed ea tish when in celebrity:
nototaeys, young lions and bippopota.
anus ciente milk --a full-grown hippo-
potamus will Absorb fifteen quarts of
roilk in a .day, Polar bears live ou
bread; monkeys like fruit as well as
milk; snakes require rabbits, chick-
ens and deceit, A kangaroo eats near-
ly 200 pounds of bread it week.
Flowers bloom, in the Sandwich
Islands all the year rotted; therefore
It is believed that that ct tntry is more
deserving taut Japan of the title
"Flowery Kingdom."
In Zululand the atmosphere is so
erniez.that oblects Can be -anent!' seen
by starlight at, a distance ot seven
' The names euggeeted to replace that
of America for this country baste been
Columbla Aileghenia, ApPalaciain atee,
peria, Freeland, Fredonta, Cabernet
Astronoreers are ext the lookout for
Stvitne comet (1894 Mt. Which is now
due :according to Its "search epher-
later's" should mane its appearance In
the cortstellation of the Scorpion. This
comet was discovered by Swift, at tbe
Lien Observatory, Caltforala„ Novem-
ber 20, 1894. It was then iu die ton -
Mellen= Aquarius, moving dowlY
astward. It was a very faint oniect.
4 prize has been Offered by a German
oetety for the best design for an elect
trio railway upon widen trains can
travel at the rate of 125 miles an hour.
Ostricaes are not the only swift -mi-
ning atiimais that can outstrip the
speed of it terse. There is a late' crab
in Cuba that can rival the °strict. and
go much, faster than it Innen
Publisbers say books on the litepaue.
nenerican war do not sell, The authors
w rite too much about strategy and too
little about individual acts of heroism.
Felix flopnmiller taught =boot I
tbe same room at Ste. Genevieve, Mo
for more than fitty years,
The authorities of Cologne are de-
termlued tbat there sball be no Inarac-
tions of the fast -driving laws In that
city. Oue of tbe previsions of it re-
cently enacted ordinance limits the
speed ot motor vehicles to twelve kilo-
meters (about seven and One-half
miles) an liver and requires that each
Machine be fitted with an apparatus
preventing a transgression of the rule.
A citizen of Lawrence, Kan., ven-
tured into church the other evening
and had a long -cherished belief rudely
shattered. "I never knew until I 'went
to caurch last night," he mid uext
morning, "that :S000m and Gomorrah
were towns. I alwaye thought they
were husband and wife. Funny liow a
man can gat things wrong once in a
The Internal bone of the cuttlefish is
used in the manufacture of tooth -pow-
Strange to say, Turkey and Greece
are without telephones.
One-fourth of the inbabitante of tho
Argentine Republic are Italian izami-
Mrs. Mary Yeardley, 710 West Mon-
roe street, was told by the doctors she
would die young. She Is now 105 years
old. -Chicago Journal.
The largest stock farm in Iowa is in
Ida county. It consists of 1,300 acres,
and has 1,500 bead of cattle and 500
hogs on it, nearly ready for market.
Moscow has the largest hespital in
Europe, with 7,000 beds. There are 96
physicians and 900 nurses, and about
15,000 patients are cared for enenually.
During the past five years the Pres-
byterian church in the southleasgained
about 15,000 communicants, -while the
annual contributions have increased
nearly poo,000.
If all the money in the wetted were
divided equelly each person would get
about $20. ,
So useful are toads in gardens that
they are sold in France by the dozen
for stocking gardens, to free thsea
trot many injurious insects.
Summer squash will sour before
morning, and is not worth warming.
Winter squash can be made into pies.
Sliced cucumbers may be kept a few
hours in ice water, but if wilted should
not be used.
Whole leaves of lettuce will keep
fresh and crisp in the 'ice chest for a
tew hours only.
Raw tomatoes, after they have been
ecalded and peeled, spoil quickly, and
they shouict De steweu directly after
the meal; then they can be used in
soups, gravies and made dishes.
Potatoes, beets, peas and string
jbeans may be served cold, with a salad
dressing; also asparagus, spinach,
cabbage, celery and canlifiower, if they
have not been 'served with white sauce.
Green peas, shelled beans, string
Beans, stewed tomatoes and onions, if
served again hot should be warmed
quickly, adding a little water. 11 neces-
sary to keep them from burning.
Green earn should be scored,
scraped from the ear and warmed
quickly in milk to cover, seasoned with
salt and butter.
Thue flies like an arrow. days and
months like a weaver's shuttle.
The teacher should not leave his
books or the poor man his Pigs.
For him who does everything in its
proper time one day is worth three.
The truth which we least wish to
hear are those which it is most to our
Attend to your farms and mulberry
trees, that you mayhave sufficient food!
and clothing.
Let every man sweep the enow from
tefere his own doors and not trouble
himself about the frost on his neigh-
bor's tilee.
When the eword le rusty, the plough
engin, the prisons empty, the greeter..
full, the steps of the teum
tple 'war
Gown and those of the law cotirte gratis -
grown, when doctors go afoot, the baka
ers on hoesebaelie and the men onlet-
ters ie their ow carriages; then
the eigpire zovermed.
There are always 1,200,00e people
; Mittel oa the seas at the world.
In the county gt Kent, England, it
has long been usual for farmers to lose
Atamense quantities of fruit tor lack of
railroad transportation. They now en-
gage a,ueoreabile caret watch they load
io, the evening and take to Landoll dur-
ing the night This arrangement is
working well, and railroad officials ere
busy devising plans to head soft what
may develop into serious rivalry.
There is More melody in Andreas -
barge Prussia, in te Hartz mountains,
than in any other town in the world.
Titore 250,000 canaries are annually
reared, and fourtettas of them are sent
to the United States.
A visitor who returned from Brazil
says that the whole country is perpet-
nally intoxicated by coffee. It is
brought to the bedside the moment one
awakes and just before going to sleep,
at meals and between meals, an goenn,
out and coming in. Men, women and
children drink it with the same liberal-
ity, and it 15 10(1 to babies in arms. Tho
effeet 1$ apparent in trembling hands.
tWitehing, eyelids, Yellow, dry eltia, and
a chronic excitabtitty worse than that
proaueecl by whiskey.
There is alintlallY an excess Of 1,1100.-
000 births over deaths in Russta, qua
Siberte is the natural outlet et this
.A, nurse visiting ber patients in a
Cape Tacna leaspital ward found her fa-
vorite exadier feet asleep, Plunee to
his coverlet was a Kral) of paper on
winch he had scrawled: "To 11 to be
named today, respectfully J. M."
In France it tax is levied upon. all 1
doors and windows opening ainin
etreets, courts and gardens in nousen
mills or faetortes throughout the na-
tion. The revenue from this source for
the year 1899 aggregated $13,694,394.
Aceordieg to a medieal anthoritY
there is tiow in the Vatted States one
physician to every COO people -propor-
tionately twice as many as in Great
13riMin, four times as many as France
ban live times as many as Germane
has, and six tenace as many at Italy
There are two baboons in the Lin-
coln Park, Chicago. wine -so the keep,
re declare. can whietie tunes as fectly as any boy can, nne of the keep-
ers insists that the animals recently
wbistled the air of "Wearing of the
Green." This keeper is a eon or the
Dinerald Isle. Another keeper, a Brit -
!slier, avows that one of the baboons
Whietled "Soldiers of the Queen."
A man charged, yesterday in London
wita want Inciting at the Crystal
Palace on Bank Holiday made an in-
geuious defense. Ho called Ms sweet-
heart as a witness, and she said the
accused had his right band around her
waist all the time be was passing the
turnstile, and could, therefore, not hone
been exploring the packets of stran-
gers. The man was given it good char-
acter by his employer, and, being al-
lowed "the bonen, of the doubt" WaS
The finest church in Posen, an the
eastern border of Prussia, was built by
Frederick the Great. For centuries It
bas done duty as a. place of worship,
and yet had it not been for a war horse
it would never have been built. Close
by a. bloody conflict occurred between
the king and the Rustdens, and the
former, always in the thick of the fight,
had his chaeger killed under him -it
sturdy animal that had borne him
tbroughout many battles. He felt the
joy of victory to be modified by the
loss of the horse, and put up to its
memory the famous church in. ques-
The largest time ball in the United
States is being erected in Philadelphia
on the roof of the Fourth street end of
the bourse. The ball, which is four feet
In diameter, and weighs 60 pounds, will
be hoisted to the top of an hem column
190 feet above tidewater, five minttice
before noon each day, and dropped elec-
trically 40 feet to an air cushion exact-
ly at noon by the naval observatory
clock in Washington. The abjeet of
the. time ball is to enable all the mari-
ners in the Delaware and Schuylkill
river to regulate their chronometers be -
far sailing
The Germans a,nd Russians flavor
their bread with cinnamon, and while
this may give a fine flavor it can hard-
ly be called a good practice. Cinna-
mon contains tannin, and too much of
It in the stoanacli must have evil re-
sults. All through Southern Europe a
little ground cinnamon is used for fta-
voring chocolate, sauces and whipped
cream. A little cinnamon is good for
the stomach, and will sometimes cure
disorders af a simple nature. Cintia-
inon ball ts considered by some as a
good remedy far persistent diarrhoea.
A Chicago lecturer wha has bee', tail..
ing college students that people can
live on .fifteen cents a day, advises fe-
male experimenters with her theory to
use grea,t care in the selection of their
husbands. Would any American girl
look far a husband who, wauld live on
fifteen, cents a day? The average
American girl is leaking for the bus
band who is willing and able to make
it fifteen dollars a clan-Savannab
Each section has its own slang
'Which works its way into the vocabula-
ries of the people almost unconscious-
ly. The president of the board of re-
gents of the University of Oklahoma
Is a cattle man named Bolton, and as
Such he has the power to appoint the
teachers in the territorial schools. Not
long ago a young woman of Guthrie
applied for a position, and enclosed
several good recommendations. Mr.
Bolton examined them with. care, and
tient tthe papers to the secretary with
this endorsement: '7 don't know this
heifer peesonally, but her endorsein en ts
are good, and you'd better turn her
into the bunch."
The most prosperous bootbleckin
New York has long since given up any
active share in the work that made him
a wealthy man, lout he began in the
customary wa,y, and worked for HOMO
years before the tide of fortune set so
strongly in his favor that he became
the owner of a rading stable. He con-
ducts half a dozen establishments in
various parts of the eity, brut direet Su.
pervieion of them has rescently been
handed over to a superinten.dent, and
the visits of the boss in these days are
rare. His earnings last week on one
ce won by altars° from kis own stop
ble were $40,00a.
Treunte to irbeir NeIrati) Or 0
One en of the most serious disturb- M
ances in the records of animal Suris- it
„ri.„,e is that ot "the New Yorlu
, lz”diord, versus tllo
Tb.e gentle fallow deeri waose ramp
lies directly east of and next to the,
owls' roast, congratulated theinseivee
when they heard that they were to,
have the Strixes for next door neigh-
"Suoh nice, quiet, orderly people,
and so intellectual too," they thought,
"What if we had been obliged to live
next doer to Mr. and Mrs. Lion, or Mr.
atuttoceros, or disagreeable old Mr.
Elepitant? Well, we simply couldn't
have stood it at all."
And then the Owls moved in. The
gere an enormous family, pretty near-
ly twenty altogether, "married and in-
termarried in rather promiscueus"
fashion, thought wise and prudent
Alm Peen but nevertheless a learned
aud intellectual faratiet and as seen
deserving of due respect.
In the first place there 'Was OM
Nebulose, Stria, the great-gtasal.
Maher Of them all, whom people call
the "Barred Owl," because et the green
Plaid patclme au her wings.
Teen there was A solitary white cvtl
er barn awl, Viso called 'himself etre
FlateMea Stele, mad wbo is reputed to
be one ef the wisest of his very wise
Mr, and Mrs. Virginian Stria, and
eight sons and claugaters were the
next important taction of the family,
and are known to the neighbors as
the great Horned Owls, for obvious
And last, but not least by anal
Means, were the Screech Owls -a
whole aggregation Of little brother::
and sisters.
The Owls hadn't spent one night la
their new home before the etorkie ansi
he pelicans and other respectabet
birds over iu the flying cage and the
gentle fallow deer In the :urge were
uttering all sorts of imprecations
against the new tenants. Untocial, re -
=veil and exclusive in daylight. they
Made the night one long, hideous orgy
With thein demoniacal boatiiig.
"Waugh Hoot Waugh, Hoo!" awoke
the slumbering echoes in all the Ioe-
wilderness from the Bronx river to
This dismal and ominous hooting at
the owls begbas stortly after night-,
fall nor ceases until the first PeeP od
name And as a consequence the ul-
tra -respectable storks aud pelicans
and the gentle and quiet loving fallow
deer are giving their keepers no end
ot trouble. Instead of dozing In their
eomforiable quarters as all well fed
tend cared for birds and beasts of their
apecies ordinarily do, they have
grown nervone and restless, This ean,
be readily understood. by any one who
will spend part of the night witted
hearing of the dismal "Waugh, lion!
Waugh, Hoo!" of these wise birds.
Such a person will readily sympathize
with the long suffering storks tind pel-
icans, but most of all with the gentle,
fallow deer.
The l'cm 21 *as Carl at College. "
Enumerating upward of fifty meth-
ods by which it girl can work her wadi
through college, a Cornell graduate
'rites in the Ladles* Home Antral: "A
college educatdon is possible for any
one who is determined to have it. It
may happen that the prospective stu-
dent is obliged to stay at home and
work several years before entering,
but intensified desire brings compen-
sation. It is not advisable, however,
to defer entering until every cent nec-
essary for a four years' course has
been earned. Many girls perhaps give
up the idea of going at all because
they cannot go soon after leaving the
htgh school, but nowadays it is not
unusual to find in attendance at uai-
versities, open during the summer
Quarter, teachers, well along in the
fifties, who iu their youth were denied
a college education."
Neer Danger From Bottles.
It has been discovered that many ot
the prairie fires that have destrovele
the grass on the ranges in Montana
and in, the western part of Dakota,
have been started by the concentrat-
ing of the rays of the sun upon bron-
en beer bottles that are scattered free..
ly along the cattle trails and wagon
roads, which offers a new argument
for the use of the temperance folk,
Numerous fires have started far away
from human haunts 'and habitations,
miles beyond the reach of sparks frem
the smokestack of a locomotive, and
the farmers and ranehmen have been,
so mystified as to their origin that
several investigations have been.
ana.de. When a fire has been traced
to its source, in almost every instance
ns broken bottle has been found with
evidences around it to convince the
investigators that it was the 'cause of
the mischief. ' The curved glass was
found in such a position as to focus,
the rays of the sun upon a tuft of dry
hunch grass and start a flame. -Ban-
gor News.
'Vile Squirrel's Arithmetic.
High on the branch of a walnut tree
A bright-eyed squirrel sat;
What was he thinking so earnestly?
And what was he looking at?
He was doing a problem o'er and o'er:,
Busily thinking was he
How many nun for his winter's store
Could he hide in the hollow tree?
lie sat' so still in the swaying bougli
You might have thought him asleep;
0 no; he was trying to reckon now
The nuts the babies could eat
Then suddenly he frisked about.
And down the tree he ran;
'The best way to do, without a doubt,
Is to gather all I can
-Normal Instructor.
Ought not the place wbere new -spa-
per articles are lulled to be called the
decomposing rocim?
It's the ocinstant strains
and worry under wb.idh
the professional man
labors, the irregularity of
habits and loss of rest, that
makes him peculiarly sus-
ceptible to kidney troubles.
)Wirst it's backache, theia
urinary difficulties, then_
unless it's attended to -
right's Disease and -
Strengthen and invigorate tbe kidneys
-never fail to give quick relief and cum
the MOSt obstinate,eases.
Rev. M. P. Campbell* pastor of the
, Baptist Church, Essex, Ont., says; From
my personal use of Doan's Sidney Pills,
which L got at Sharon's drug store, I can
eav they are A Most excellent xtonedy to
Wetter trophies, and I recouuneua, Omit°
waterers from suck eolup1siots.0
If the blood is pure the whole
body will be healthy,
If the blood is impure the whole
system becomes corrupted with its
1 Burdock Blood Bitters trans -
1 forms impure and watery blood
into 'rich pure blood and builds up
the health.
Disease germs cannot lurk in the
system when B.B.B. is used,
• Miss Effie McDonald, Liscorab MUTE,
Guy Co., leaS„ writes: I bare Amain,
• B.B.B. au excellent remedy for purifyieg
the blood mad curing sick headache.
bad tried many remedies but none of
them did rae emelt good.
made me so well that I feel like it noVir
woman and I am constantly recoraMend-
Lug it to my friends:0
St. Marys Creamery
The annual meeting of the share-
holders and patrons of the St. Marys
Orcamery Wil.9 held in the town hall
there Wednesday afternoon. Finans
cially the creamery has not. paid ex-
penses during the year. This is because
there bas been a falling off in rough
figures of abaue teerenimillionenounde
of milk received. Tittatefalling %Iris
largely due to the local price of dairy
butte antl the high price of cheese.
.A. change is now to be made in the pay-
ment made to the creamery for mak-.
ing, Formerly it was a, sliding scale
which varied directly with as the price
of butter. The annual meeting has
passed a resolution,which the directors
will follow, to revert to the first year's
system of charging a, fixed rate not to
exceed Se cents a pound on all butter
made. A by-law was passed enlarging
the directorate of the company so as
to actinit a representative from each
skimming station. The new board
was elected as follows: -Dr. Matheson,
R. Dickson, J. D. Moore, S. Fraleigh,
Sas. Donald, Se. Marys; J. Beattie,
Kirktort ; J. Fotheringlam, Metropoli-
tan ; F. Mr.Master, I31a,nshard and Nis-
souri ; R. Gleason, Murray's ; J. Alder-
son. Kintore McBuorkadale, Ben-
nington ; It Palmer, Thorndale ; N.
J. Chase, Cherry Hill ; if Rigney, De-
vizes. It is hoped that these changes
will prove beneficial to the creamery..
"There is only one chance to save
ycur life and that is through an opera-
tion" were the startling words heard 0
by Mrs. I. 13. Hunt of Lime Ridge, g
Wis. from her doctor after .he had a ,
teddy tried to cure her of a frightful
case of stomach trouble and yellow
jaundice. Gall stones had formed and
she constantly grew worse. Then shei
began to use Electric Bitters wangle .
wholly cured her. It's a wonderful
Stoma,ch, T.Avez and Kidney remedy. .
Cures Dyspepsia,Loss of Appetite. Try
itt Only 50 cts. Guaranteed. For sale
by all druggists,
BRIEFS.—Sydney Wilson is danger-
ously ill with inflammation. -- nintie
the oldest, dang-eter of Mrs. Stephens
is ill et typhoid fevett--S.Peart has re-
turned from Guelph where he spent
six weeks • platting on the farm he
purchased jast spring. -A. lare number
of our fartners intense ete ," ding the
eqoumanintrty8Otifiniirilat'tre' Ofatl'erdhav
Henry Ilern intends moving aptl rais-
ing tes barn, and e AVM build a \brick
fontulatione ieetnes Kyle nill put a
jb.rinckell:notawnhiliitbite:inl"ditalnci)erxicili:ehtoettlesee: while
Airs. elibbert, Bock. Newburn, N writes
'"I was in bed for weeks with Rholimalism and
I coeld notmove without help, 1 bogan using, -
Milburn's Rheumatic Pills and °'5l) oz relieved
the pain and six boxes complotell cnied. me.
Children Cry for
Children Cry for
For Infants and Children.
tee face