HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-12-6, Page 1O HURON & 1VHDDL hSEX GAZETTE E TWENTI -EIGHTH YEAR --NO. 16. f':' .Ta' K� . � • .,,,rte^ caRYR:GNT R%•GlaTC . ,.X7, I CAACT v� '1?_ COW CHAINS at LOW PRICES, ee the new X --CUT SAILS Also a large assortment of he the best know crakes ot Lower Prices than last year. AXES KINDS AT ALL, PRWT S. £aeric rER EXETER, ONT., CANADA, TH U1 SDAY MORNING, DECEMBER Q, 1900. WE HAVE A BIG DEMAND FOR Second. Hand Stoves. AND WE CAN PAY A GOOD PRICE WE HAVE A BIG STOCK OF New and Jpto=ate Stoves, From the best firms in Ontario. BE SURE AND SEB OUR DISPLAY. McOlarey's Famous Stoves, (Awarded Gold Medal at Paris Exposition 1{100) Gurney's Souvenir Stoves (With the Aeriated Oven) Moore's Famous Stoves H.AI (.Biggest Oven and Fire Pot.) shop ori A large stock of second band stoves on baud Em poriuni HEN we say Furniture Emporium we back up the statement in the most ample sense of the term. We have one of the largest stocks to be found in any town of the size in Western Ontario ; till modern and up-to-date. When we say also that we eau undersell our competition we make no bluff, we mean business and mean to carry it out. It is easy enough to assert broadly that we sell furniture e clheapel than any other house but that doesn't mean anything, so we just set the prices of a few articles for our inspection. Extension 'Tables $3,90 and upwards. Bedroom Setts $10,00 and upwards. awards. Sideboards � tt tt s r85Q Couches $6.00 Lounges $4.00 <c Parlor suits $177.50 tr Fancy Rockers and Easy chairs $1.50 In fact everything found in a first-class furnittu e store :can be purchased at Lowest Prices. cc u t: tt A Call's Every resident of Exeter and surrounding country is invited to call whether intending to purchase just now or not. The pleasure and opportunity ortunitV to show yon what we have to offer will more than repay us for the slight trouble involved and we think some of the pleasure as well as profit will also be on your side. Undertaking a Specialty �e riyt yuston, `apposite Grigg's, ODDFELLOWS BLOCK. Ir a 1 thought I would cough myself to death.- I got a bottle of Dr. wood's Norway Pine Syrup and. it cured me in a surprisingly short time. tic Mrs. J. II. Myers, Isaac Harbour, N. S. St. Marys. In the spring when Grippe was raging I had bad attack and the cough was so sorer( that COUGH OF GRIPPE. N THE -At NALL SPECIAL REDUCTION ION SALT FOR THE NEXT, 30 DAYS, RE 10 off new FALL and WINTER i / ' i all de. MANTLES and rediictrons n p elements. Call and See THESE eGlal Bdrud!flS. P aS�I ON"roduce. 1-1 EN aA L L BRIEi's. -Mrs. Geo. Moir, of Frank- lin, Mich., is spending a few days visit- ing in town. -Miss Mabel Brown, of London, is the guest of Miss Carrie Haynes. -W. D. Jameson, of Toronto, is spending a few days in town, the guest of Col. White. - The many friends of John Hocking regret to hear of his being ill with typhoid fevers.- Slack ever. -Black squirrel shooting still occupies the liesure time of many of our local sports. The report of the gun might now be heard in every bush nearly every day but, for some unaccountable reason those hunters who report them- selves he -selves as good shots generally return empty handed. -James Clyde will erect a commodious new house on. Welling- ton St. The building will be complet- ed this winter, if the weather permits. Evangelistic services will be held in the Methodist church for three weeks beginning Sunday Dec. 2nd. Rev. R. Whiting, Rev. Henry Irvine, and Rev. E. N. Baker will assist in the services. A most cordial invitation is extended to all. -Hay sold for $7 per ton on the local market this week. There were several loads offered and found ready sale. -Wm. Glenn, of London, is the guest of Col. White this week.- The frontage tax by-law will shortly be submitted to the people. Voting will no doubtake place the p o e t re same time as municipalal elections.- herewill un- doubtedly -doubtedly be some change made in the present council, but where this will be effected will be hard to determine. All the Councillors who at present compose the board are men of good business qualities, and should not be displaced for menwho might prove to be of inferior worth. BROS. & CO. CONSTIPATION CURED. Mrs. Jaunos Clarke Comuhanda, Ont., writes: "I was greatly troubled with Headache a Constipation. I tried Laxa,Liver Pills andnd. GOAERICH shot' "did me more good than anything ever ~ took, Lumley EXETER. LUM t3ER YAIW. large stork of Lumber --pine and. hemlock, Meet feet of bemteek hunter er for bents._ a, also shingles. lathe and ceder posts. rieea rr s ra le.--dS 1L 1IS, 1and • BastNide ot Main et. F ar. -Wednes- dayCllox�I•.ra Ills FOOT O (yesterday) Harold, son of Wun. Earle, of this place, while engaged in chopping wood the axe glanced off a log and striking his foot at the fourth toe, split the foot up the ceutre almost to the heel, only aparticle of skin be- ing left to hold the dismembered part. 1VIttchell BRIEFS, -The Mayor has a very grave subject on hand for the rate- payers to think about, viz., the pur- chase of a town cemetery where the dead of all dennmivations can be bur- ied together. £he Methodists have the only one outside the corporation at the 'preseut time. -Rev. R, Whiting had a marriage ceremony to perform on Wednesday evening when Mr. Bert Kerr and Miss Lucy Worrier were united in marriage to keep house for the rest of thew life. -Mr. William White will run for county councillor at the next election. Mr. White will make a first class councillor,-Mr.Mar• vine Ward, an esteemed and respected resident of Willow Grove, near Mit- chell, died on Thursday evening after a sh ort illness of a month's duration. He is well known in town and coun- try. He leaves a widow and one son, Fred, to mourn his death. -Messrs. Jones and Roy shipped turkeys from Dublin on Wednesday. .A whole car load left Mitchell on Tuesday last. - John Norris died on Monday at his home in the West Ward after a short illness of less than a month. He was well known and respected in the Cromarty neighborhood living lived in Hibbert until a year azo when he moved to Mitchell to live retired. He was 58 years of age and not married. His sister who kept house for him will be left alone. -Mrs. Wm. Cornish is visiting friends in Brussels this week. - Samuel Honey is advertising his farm and furniture for sale. As he is get- ting old he will retire from active life. -There is no trouble in any of our choirs. Only one member thought there were more beats in a piece of music than another. As long as its not a dead beat its all right. It beats all how they can sing sometimes. -The market this week has been on the dull side owing to the muddy roads. If sleighing came for December business would hum finely. There have been a lot of live hogs, grain and poultry in this week. Prices do not change very much. Wheat is 60 to 72c, peas 55 and oats 23 to 24c. Live turkeys sell at etc and dead at 8c a lb; geese are 5c; ducks 6 and chickens 5c a Ib. Wood is com- ing in freely and brings a good price. -There was a very large hog market on Monday morning as the price $5.63 `is nearly back to old figures. -Mr. J.G. Jones, of Winchelsea, was in town on Monday last on poultry business. - Another of our old settlers has been called to her reward after living near- ly 80 years. Mrs. William Ettey died on Saturday after a lingering illness of over a year's duration. Mrs. Ettey withher husband came to Perth coun- ty over 50 years ago, raised a large, family and made good farms out of bush. Mr. Ettey eY died several years ars iago. Mr.s Ettey and "one daughter have lived in town retired. Three sons John, David and Robert live on farms near the town. McGillivray ScH 000 REnonT.—The following is a correct report of S. S. No. 5, McGil- livray for the month of Novembers Report. is based on work'and attend- ance of pupils. Names are in order of merit. --Sr IV, Cora Shortt,Lily Light- foot, Josephine Coughlin, Edward Faulder, Tommy- Lightfoot, Willie Lewis Jr I • Sam Scott, Rosilla ewV , ; , Lightfoot, Leo L oughlin, Olive Shortt; III class, Erwin Scott, Pearl Shortt, Jennet Maguire, Nellie Lewis, Gladys Shortt ; Sr II, Arnold Coughlin, Allie Wilson, ' Lottie Welsh ; Jr II, Ray- mond Coughlin, Adeline Hoffmann, Adrain Coughlin, Mabel Lightfoot Pt II, Clara Lewis, Fred Lewis; Ches- ter Morley, Edward Jones, Eliza Hodgins, Erin Scott ; I class, „ Willie Maguire, Violet Shortt, May Faulder, Ella Hodgins, Christena Hoffmann. Average attendance 29. J. H. LANE, Teacher, Hensall I3, J. D. COORE. (Late with Garrow & Proudfoot) Barrister Solicitor. N Notary Public. I%rsa!1. Ont. FA. Sellery, L. D F., D. D. $.,Honor Gradu- , ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth extracted withouttpain or had effects, ()face in Petty's Block, lienal[, At .Zurich every Menday.conmeneine 3xav30th. G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public. Conveyan- cer, Cohnipissioner, Fire Insurance Agent, and l surer of Marriage Licenses= Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates Money to loan on real estate at low ratesof interest. Qiiiee art flee Yost: f ►i lee, lElr ncaiL NVA TD, A lar.ge quantity of Clover and timothy seed, for which the highest market prices selIl kre pall by :^ J. S. ('A'I . WANTED, We0000 bushels ot good nilhnt; oats for oatmeal within the next 10 days. You cannot, aiwass. usually, sometimes just exactly, hardly, tell precisely to nacety.-now the markets fluctuate, but you will fins[ us in the swim. To -day's prices 24 to 25e according hato qualitypd,bs,W, Aepetlargton.e L quantity at mill feed on � b, RQUirAitT. iiensalt Oatmeal3 d.s, Batri•,F:3,—Quite a number from the village attended the S. S. conven- tion for South Huron in Kippers. on Tuesday evening last. -••- James W. Johnston, of Roeerville, has purchased the carriage business of William Col - will, and has taken possession. ilr. Johnston is a. hist -class mechanic and will surely sueceed.-Miss Ethel Col - will was in Exeter the forepart of this week visiting friends. -Dr. Sellery and G. F. Trott attended the Mission Band entertainment in Eippen tax Friday evening last, and rendered a number of selections which were very much enjoyed.- Miss Mattie Johnston, of "Willow Hall" farm, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Shortt, of Parkhill. --- The choir of St. Paul'schurcb has been augmented lately by the addition of several new members, -•-Miss Hattie Sutherland spent the past few days p visiting friends in Exeter. -The young o men of the village intend holding an assembly in one of the new halls about Christmas, -David McGill, precentor of Carmel church has lately taken part in several concerts, and his selections were much enjoyed, ;The municipai pot is beginning to boil. For the Chief Magistrates chair, we learn that James Petty, the founder of our vil- lage, is tieing pressed to enter the contest in opposition to Reeve Arnold. -Cecil Ross, au student of the London Medical College, is spending Christ.nas vacation at his home in Rodgerville. -Mrs. Ellwood visited friends in Exeter on Tuesday. -Mr. Sutherland has very much improved the interior of his stationery store and post office by repaintin and repapering the same. -Miss. Shirra of the township of Hay, who has been quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. J. D. Cooke, we are pleased to leans is re- covering, -r. E. McDonell was in Sea - forth on business on Monday. --Messrs. McEwen and Torrance, representa- tives for this division are attending the meeting of the County Council at Wingham this week --.A. number of villagers attended the anniversary of Main St. Methodist church, Exeter, on Sunday and Monday last, and report at pleasant and profitable re. Rost Twitchell has engaged nth Thos Peart in the laundry business. -Wm. Chesney of near Seaforth, was in town Saturday last, soliciting rhares for the Seaforth woollen mills, which is to be run by a joint stock company. -Wm Buttery, of Attwood, who recently engaged with his cousin, R. Patterson, contractor, had the misfortune last week to fall from the second floor of A. McPherson's,new block, and corning in contact with the joists, sustained severe ibjury.-David McGill sang at the ersarY tea meeting held at Varna on Monday last. - Duncan Macarthur, of Ailsa Craig,., was in town last week visiting his brother. - Miss Tena Swan who has been attend- ing college atLondon,is homeforvaca- tion.-A cantata will be given in con- nection with the forthcoming anniver• sorry of the Methodist church. -J. 0. Klausen was in Seaforth on business on Monday. -Louis Jackson, of Eg- mondville, who was at one time em- ployed here with his uncle, Samuel Jackson, was in the village Monday, renewing acquaintances. -Miss Myrtle Hodgins, who has been engaged as milliner in Toronto has returned home for vacation. -Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Gregor, Tuckersmith, intend shortly moving into the dwelling which they recently purchased of A. Grigg. -The plate glass for 1V. C. Davis' brick block and Molsons bank was placed in position this week. -Donald Burns bas been appointed agent for the Maxwell implements for this section. --James E. Troyer, bis brothers J G. ot Hen- sel], and Edmond and Stephen,' of Hay Township, last week attended the funeral of their sister at Shelbourne, who died after a short, illness; -Mrs. Wm. Bell „who has been seriously ill for sometime is improving slowly. -E. J. McRoberts, Insurance Agent of. London, was in the village on Thurs- day last. -The council are hiving the poles erected and making necessary arrangements for the electric lights. - David McNichol, teamster, while en- gaged drawing a load of straw last week had one of his ankles dislocated. The load upset, and :jumping on the hard ground caused the accident Dr. Sellery and Mr. Trott will take part in the program at a concert to be held in Clandeboye on Friday even- ing. Statistics issued show' a vast increase in the circulation of. the Bible. Mr. Fr•owde. of Oxford University Press, says: -"Never was there &loll a de- mand for Bibles as tit present ; three times as roan Oxford Bible have been sold as in any previous year. The British and Foreign Bible Society, which print the Scriptures in 400 lang lieges, representing the speech of seven -tenths of the world,issned in the twelye months ending with last, March 5,047.000 copies of the Bible sear bulk absolutely without precedent and con- siderable more than half a million in excess of the corresponding period previously. Of that huge mash, over 30 per cent, or ],521,000 copies, are in England, it C3II?4�.WNITE & SONS Erin -wine. are requested to he present and also a --- cordial invitation to the members of ndnw and of Walden, s enscoupe of days here visiting their son, Rev W. Walden. -The sermons preached on Sunday last by the Armenian were very impressive and, touching and Much sympathy is extended to, tliern. (Deputy Organizer S. D. Barnes has been very successful in his work: and secured about 30 applications for the C. O. O. F. -Mr. Macdonald, of Hamil- ton, was in the village last week and closed a deal with the Johns Bros. for at new compound engine ot the Sawyer Massey make Usbarne Council Council met on Dec. 1st. All the rliembers were present. Minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeve. Hankin ---[noir -That the norlclna- tim► of Reeve and councillors to serve in the municipality for the year W00, be held at the Township Hall, Fairit- vilie, oar Monday the ;list day of Dec- ember, 1000. at the hour of one o'clock p. m. That F. Morley preside at said nominations, and in case polls are nec- essary, they be held as follows. ---Div. No. 1, Township Hall, ''lirnville, F. Morley R. U. ; Div. 2; Lot No. 0, N, T. R.. John Harney D. R. 0. ; Div, 3. lot 2. Con, 10, II. Brown D. R. O. ; Div. 4, Public Hall, Farquhar. Alex. Danean D. R. 0, That seal polls be opened at 9 o'clock and closed at o'clock, on ZTonday. Jan. 7th. 1001, and that the votes for County -Councillors be taken at the sante time and places. -Carried, By-law No. 0. 1000, fixing tin►e and place of nominations, smiling, etc.. and appointing Deputy Returning ,Otiicers, was pass d signed and seal- ed. Accounts amountingto 51510.60 issued passed and orders in pay- ment. Council adjourned to meet pursuant to statute on Saturday, Dee. 15th, at one o'clock F. Monnsv, Clerk. C. A TCr`edpiton.. +( G. STANIV1tZY, B..t" EXE.#1 R. ON r, ' (Late with McCarthy, ©,ler Co., Toron- to,) Barrister, Conveyancer, Notary. Money to loan. Offices formerly occupied by Collino Stanbury, over O'Nells Bank. BRIEFS -Mud, Hind, inud l We are having a plenteous supply just now. Hard winter weather would be better for business, -Moses Kestle, of Zurich, spent Sunday in town the guest of his sister Mrs. Trevetbick, -Dr. Clr•irles- worth, of Mount Carmel, called at oar tonsorial parlor on 'Miarurlay last. - Bennie is thinning out our sparrows these days. He is it crack shot. -- Trick has trimmed the maple trees in front of his. residence which will doubtless improve their appearance and shade. -There was a strike on a smallscale among some of the flax mill hands on Saturday. All are work- ing now but one.- Council .met on Monday and transacted roatine busi- ness --A. delegation from Exeter were in the village on Monday trying to ar- range for giving the now celebrated play "Finnigan's Fortune" before a Crediton audience. -- Prof. Casselle amused and delighted a large gather- ing on Monday afternoon by his won- derful balloon ascension. He is at home on the trapeze and performed some daring feats in mid-air. The balloon is a large one and was inflated;' with hot air. -The annual meeting of Crediton Branch of Upper Canada Bible Society was held in Methodist church last Monday ve • There a h e g was not as large an attendance as this worthy cause should have drawn. Rev. +, Litt of the village is the agent of the Society and gave a very interesting account of Society, -The Municipal pot is beginning to boil and an inter- esting III fight is expected. Candidates are already pushing the canvas. -Matt Chambers returned to his home here on Saturday last after spending the last 6 months working as head fore - may in a large brick yard in Michigan. He is reported to have been getting four dollars a day, hence should have a snug sum laid by for the winter. the surrounding lodge(. --Rev, George Long, of ECippen, preached Isere last 4 Sunday. In the morning he dealt with the prodigal son and threw n zl: hr w Dirt'' 'same very interesting and enli�;hter►ing `reinerks while in, the eveninghe in- - strueted the voting ori character build- ing. His sermons were well appreciat- ed and well directed. On Monday evening be gave a thrilling lecture entitled, "A wan of ne wean country" taking his audience for an imaginary trip through Manitoba and the great Northwest. describing the different ' eople, the minerals and the °Mu le of 4 living anti travelling in thtit part of (lair t�.tir Ilenuinion, acrid hhstly. giving us the fact that if the young man will. but lautrcl► to that new country he can sec,7ure a Beautiful horse for his wife and fainilty.-.-The ladies of this ehllrch held a meeting on Monday night and arrangements are beteg made to holo o. Christmas entertainment the sable las before.- Our ([noir had at• taffy pull lest week which line resulted in aa. sad disaster; .4. number of theta have tedken their seat among the con ;t ga- t tion leaving only .i. small number to assist our able leader. George Wind- er. Dublin. Reneee.-''kits, W. Ruck. of Promito, !; was in towu last week to visit, friends. -('leargis Baker, of Chicago, spent 3 day with his parents in town last week . -P. Niven, Loudon, is visiting friends in town. -l•.. Murphy spent as day in Seaforth hist week. -sloe L arx. i mer has returned to his home in b- bert, to remain for some time.- -3Irs, Joseph Leach, of London, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Williams on Sunday the 2. --Tire first child ha - tized in Dublin church was the lithe daughter of Mr. inl Mrs. Joe Weber. �4Airs.Peter Niven, sr„ is in town +a ie,- iting her father, W. Kenney. Make Ready far Oar new stock of Winter riming in tiltetc. and fast. Now is the time to buy you Vehave this veair better value than ever, which is saying a good dead. HESS GOODS, FLANNELETTES ALL KINDS AT ALL PRIDES. Frog Offal ea 'T3E BST. WI LINE OF I W Inds of Farrar Produce for which highest priers will he paid. R�. LIP Cromarty Humes. -G. F. Hamilton. who bas been staying with his parents for the past few days, left Tuesday for Toron- to. -Thos. Stacey has been again con- fined to bed. -The diphtheria patients are all nearly better, no fresh cases be- ing reported, the school will be opened this week. --Neil Gillespie is preparing to have u. windmill erected on his barn and piping to the Sauble to bring the water inside his stables for the cattle. -Dame Rumor says that two of our young men purpose taking to them- selves life partnersin the near future, and two vacant houses on the ]2th con. will be occupied, --On the gird November William Dinnen celebrated Ilia teeth birthday. A number of friends and relatives assembled .at the family residence and spent a pleasant time. We wish Mr. Dinnen continued health and many returns of the festive occasion, -John Steacy, the victim of'. the straw cutter accident, is improv ing nicely, and there is not any danger of blood poisoning. A. very pretty wedding was celebra- ted at Ailsa Craig Wednesday, when Miss Bnela Easton, one of the most popular young ladies of that place, a daughter of Mr, William Easton of Ailsa Craig, was united in marriage to Mr. Reginald Birkett, son c,f Thomas Birkett of the Mohawk. Road; Brant- ford j NoTi'E -The council of the rill ge of Exeter, havin a rebuilt the Pt tic Weigh Scales, I am now prepare to do farmers' and others' weigbin by by-law required. y q Carr. GED. I'` ' alt, Public Weigh Master, Exeter, Onto, Centralia SCROOL REPORT. -The following is a correct report of the Centralia Public School for the month of November. The report is based on weeklyexaniina- tions and. conduct. Names are in or- der of merit. No. on roll of school 65. Average attendance 50.- Sr. Depart- mento ---V, (A,) Polly Windsor, Lillian Elliott, Katie Elliott ; V, (B,) Clinton Hogarth, Alvina lG'ilson, Edith Bunt, Perry Windsor, Fluda Baker, Aggie Hepburn; Sr. Ili, Clara Fairball,Bruce Mitchell Baynham,Pearl Walker ; Jr, .no M Callf IV,. e e s, Richey Hill, Ruby HickSr. III RosyWilson, Hector Mitchell, Alvin Baker, Fred Cottrill, Warre., Mitchell, Cecil Vale, Herman Mitchell, Allie Haggith. Jr. Department. - Jr. III, Chas. Heaman, F. Boyle, Vermon Wilson, Elva Windsor ; Sr. II, Enos Windsor, Wilfrid Hodgins, Jos Heainan, Gladys Essery ; Tr II, Czar: Wilson, Samuel McCoy,- Murray Elliott, Gifford: Ho- garth Pt II, Chas Grafton, Melvin Callfas, Gordon Wilson, Flossie Morti- mer ; Pt 1, Roy Callfies, Earl Callfas. W. B. Beason ,w Teachers. 0. M. WAXER I Bassi s.—Mrs. ;'John Johnston, of Wisconsin accompanied by her three sons is visiting here the guest of her sister, Mrs. Samuel McClo y Miss Jennie Salton has retained home after spending a few week ,visiting friends in London. -Miss Emma Abbott is vis- iting here the gu'st; of her sister, Ida. —Miss Lottie Thompson,of Mooreville, spent Sunday here the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Thomas. Neil. - Miss' kn- derson, of Crediton, spent Sunday here the guest of her cousin Miss Lily Anderson. -The annual meeting atnd election of officers of the Centralia L. O. L. No. 610; !wvill he held on Saturday night' week, the 15th commencing at 8 o'clock. All members of this lodge WARE. stoeko' YYRnR4'yaFA*CC GOODS. 51 Liv"S.STATIO 1 EItY, EO AKS, TOYS, It1TC. Win he sold at TO 25 PER GENT. DISCOUNT. - Now Is your time to 'bely :t CHRISTMAS PRESENT. 11°0 l'Ensouth or P.o.ExeIer Perfectly healthyeoplee have pure. rich blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla puri- fies and enriches the blood and makes people health, Victory is so sure to crown Hon. G. W. Ross that his Government has de- cided not to go to the corutry until the law will antler it stay anywhere else. TESTIMONIAL OF T. Ct'DMOItE TOWNSHIP OF l'SBORNT . TO TIIE VALUE OF ENGLISH STOCK FOOD. Several months ago I began to use English Stock Food for calves and found it so beneficial that I have con- tinued its use ever since. Lately I have fed it to smttlI pigs that were not doing well. They began at once to thrive and are now doing remarkably \well. I freely recommend Engiissl : - Stock Food to stock raisers. 1 eon- eider it an excellent article and welt worth the money. TItoS. Cr»:hIORE. Price 50c per bag. Sold by C. Lutz. ire- Your money refunded if purchae' unsatisfactory. CO Scranton Coal is the best. ORDT R AT ONCE, AXES, -OUT SAWS, COW CHAINS, MITTS, BASKETS GRAIN SCOOPS, STOVE PIPES, STOVE OLIS , T VE VARNISHES, � vA S 9 STOVE BRUSHES, GOODS U NEED. PRICES RIGHT,