HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-29, Page 81' , 1 kxgT'E R IVIES BLSHOP STOCKTHER. Piekard Co. EXE�`"ER CARLING BRO BISHOPAT THE STORE �"1�NeS�,LL OPPOSITE HAWRSiL&WS HOTEL. Bargains in every line. new and seasonable goods at gains and we mean it. We and we are selling it at low Look at this Bargain List. 7e flannelettes for 5c. cle flannelettes for 7e. 12 a flannelettes. yard wide W. tie factory cotton. very special 4ae. • Je factory cotton for tide. 2 e cottonades for 20e. 20e cottonades for 15e, 1Se cottcanades ear 1W.40e.. wool tweed for 29c, 50e wool tweed for 3Oe. vile wool tweed for 50e. $1,110 arhite quilts for lac. 11 pieces table linen at 2.5 oar. Ladies' vests ailed drawers at bar gain prices. Men's and boys' underwear at bar- gain prices, Ladies' astrachan fur capes worth $14.00 for $9.50. Ladies' astrachan fur jackets worth $29.00 for $21.00. )Men's and ladies' for caps $2.00 for $1.21 Men's and ladies' heaveroppossum caps worth $3.00 for $2,00. Boys suit;; made gonad cloth worth S2.09 for $1,11 NQW is yourchance to get Bargain prices, We say bar - bought the stock at a low rate rate. I Look at this Bargain list.. $1B,7oy3s' tweed suits worth $2,50 for . Boys' tweed and worsted snits worth $3.00 for $2.2,5,. Boys' tweed and serge suits worth $4.50 for $3.50. $a, looienf'ors tweed$3,60and serge suits worth , Men's tweed snits worth 55.50 for $3.90. Men's tweet) suits worth. $0.50 for Alen's tweed and serge suits worth $8.00 far $0.00, Men's tweed and worsted suits worth $10,00 for $7.50, Alen's heavy frieze tasters worth $G,00 for $4,65, Men's fne beaver overcoats worth $7.00 for $4.90, Men's heaver and melton overcoats worth $12.00 for $5,00 Bargains in men's pants. $1,00 pants for lac ; $1„50 pants for $L00 ; $2,00 pants for suit); $2.50 pants for $1.75 ; $3.00 pants for $'2.3:7. Boys odd pants tae, 40e and, 50e. Dinner setts at cost, tea setts atI cost. plates at cost, eups and saucers 1 sat cost, Come to this great sale expecting to get Bargains and you. N out be disappointed, r:verything must be clevned out. This is a money saving chance for you. kThe Bishop Stock at The Bishop Store. Opposite a shasv's )Hotel.. Store open every Evening. J.. A. STEWART. Griggs IiooK Store A full stock of School Books for Public Schools. A full stock of Sunday School Library Books at wholesale prices Family and Peachers' Bibles Full Line. Everything in Stationery wholesale and retail. Jolill Griug, exErroR raispwomentalmoragescaegem INSURANOE. ERNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE boar - easy, of Toronto; also for the PHOENIX FIRE UR NSANCE COMPANY, of London, England; '&L LLANCE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Eng and 1For Marriage licenses, Weakling Rings, Watches. CXocks,. Jewelry, Spectacles, Etc CALL ON R. HICKS Watch Repairing a Specialty. Central a- STRATFORD, ONT. F %� school that is doing the best work in business education in Canada. Our magnificent catalogues give full infor mation. Write to -day for one. Sev- eral. Canadian colleges and many large .American schools employ our grad- uates as teachers. '.Chis is one strong point in our favor. Enter now if pos- sible. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisementt accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. G, A. Hyndman is slightly indispos- ad. John Torrance,ofZur ich, was in town on Monday. Thos. Johnson, of Zurich, called on friends here on Tuesday. James Bissett, an old and respected resident of Exeter, died yesterday. R. H. O'Neil, of Lucan, is visiting his son.B.f-S 2.' e.t! •a._esui THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th. 1900 • Strietiy pure and fresh ` Baking Pow _ der containing only the purest ingred- rents. Sold_blt G-l�,iat�, LOCAL HAPPENINGS `'MISS Trevethici is teaching one of 'I _ the rooms in the Orediton Public Big bargains in Rubbers Boots &` school, as a supply for the regular Shoes. g� R. H. SWEET. teacher, who is ill. APPLES. -Por sale,a Messrs. C. B. and Percy Verity, of quantity of .Brantford, formerly of Exeter, are green apples. Apply to W. H. LEVETT directors in anew bicycle company to ° & Co. he launched in St. Catherines shortly. Ladies' fur neck ruffs 85c,$1.00, $1.25, There are now only three n.ore $1.35, $1.50, $2.50, $3.75 and up to weeks of school before Christmas, and $9.00. Stewart's. 'the many pupils as well as teachers W. H. Zinn, Listowel, has purchas- are looking forward to these happy ed the furniture and undertaking holidays with delight. ,,ti4,,,,,,.„,,,,„„„ business cf Harron Bros„ of Port 'Oli}iclIs Elgin. � tur $ caps $2.50 ani' . g $2.75. Ladies'fur mitts 3.90 and We say without the least fear of t,$4.5O. Ladies' 27 and 30 inch antra contradiction that Stewart has the ;;chars fur capes, • $15.00, $19.00, $17.00.1 largest and best assorted stock of furs Band $18.00. StewAtt,s,. ....-�«•> ^^'"° in the County. Wm. Huchinson, of St. Joseph, who ran the high: class hotel there this summer, spent Sunday in town a guest at Mr. Jeckell's. Wm. Carnegie, an employe of the stave mill, had the first finger of the right hand taken off, while operating one of the machines on Friday. Men's fur coats $13.00 11:50' $22.00 and upto 40.002 Men's 0 0 ' $ .Mesur caps Very special, $1.90, $2.25. and $2.50. Men's fur mitts $1,25 and:$3.50. CL LY_ `'7'urkista Scalp' Food 'prevents dand- ruff, cures baldness and restores faded and grey hair. to its natural color and vitality. Sold by C. Lutz, Only 50c a bottle• (swing"to'the scarcit y of elm m tiniber at Exeter the Sutherland -renes Co, will remove their stave machinery from the Exeter mill after working out this wintet's stock 'of.timber. The . company will remove it to the Ottawa + v'alle.Y here ly they have secured a large supply of elm timber. The Byr- anston stave machinery has already been retoved for the same cause. : qfl 5t attd FSr was at Staf1a this week conducting a fire investigation for the Ushorne & Hibbert Co. in re- spect to Oswald N.Valker's barn rete t- , ,n ly destroyed by incendiarism. Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, of Exeter, preached in St, James' church, St. Marys, on Sunday last. Mr. Taylor preached in Exeter on the same day land delivered two able discourses.' The quarterly board of the Windsor Avenue Methodist Church, Windsor, met Thursday night to discuss : the question of a supply for next year. ,Rev.James Livingstone was unani- ;mo'dsly invited to remain for a fourth year. An effort will be made to have the deer season changed. This season dozens of carcases have been' destroy- ed by the waren weather, and. had' to be left in the bush. Inspectors Rogers and Greer are of the opinion that the seasons should be later. They suggest that the open season he from Nov. 10 to 25, instead of from Nov- lst to 15th. This would. ensure colder weather and there would be less fear of vension spoiling from the heat, ;Dozens of: no available supply of timber. The sportsmen who have justreturned are Stitherlandrinnes 'Co,, handle the pro -.l in favor of making the season later, dttct of 180 mills throughout the Un-� and will ask the Legislature to make ited States arid ,Canada. the change. • GREAT 30 DAYS CLE9RING SALE WILL, 6OMMLN6E StITURDtIY DEG. ISt �dtlfl11i111{'11'a1+9I[E«I[#Ililil:fi!`.Eta„lli�liFha!illu,EliEtA,fl6P;11'.IlIiu11 ALL GOODS TO BE SOLD DURING THIS SA, AT GAIN I , €1131'11:.1r 11" 11 `sum J :It;li:l11:i11'.111:e11.:1a :1111'iL NOW IS YOUR OPPOk.TTTNITY TO BUY 000D C000S CHEAP1 114+11`.1111!11.11=11411,11 litMli1EISII'11 113 SEE SAMPLES OF WHAT WE ARE DOING IN THE FOLLOWING PRICES. DRESS GOODS 42 inch Fancy BIk Dress Goods, regular price 85c for New Fancy Colored Dress Goods, regular 50c goods for MEN'S UNDERWEAR Men's e s fine fleece shirts d harts FLANELETTES 700 yds good heavy wide 65 width flannelettes, regular price 7c for , ... , .. . 300 yds plain colored flan- s° nelettes, extra wide width, regular price 1234 for MILLINERY Anything and eveything in the Milinery line goes 5 now regardless of cost, MfiNTLES 100 Mantles to clear. 10.00 coats for ...... 10 7.50 and drawers, very special at 49 ,All our beaatiful stock of fine 7 5o coats for . , .... ..... 5.50 and drawers special at 50 and 75furs will be sold at bargain prices during this sale. Now for bar.. GREY COTTONS Men's fine all wool shirts ,'ll S.00 •coats for . , .. .... .. , . 3,75 LADIES' UNDERWEAR gains, you'll save from 10 to 30%, 1 moo yards good round Ladies' heavy fleece lined vests and drawers, a snap .. 47 Large size flannelette blan- Ladies' all wool vests and kets, regular 1.15 for . drawers,great values at 48 and 73 Lovely all wool blankets, special values at 2.50, 3.0o, 3.50 Of.00ERiE8 50 20 lbs of Redpath's granu- lated sugar. for......... , ..1.00 3 tins best canned peas {corn and tomatoes,... ..•. . 1, 00 Finest selected Valencia B LIk N.K ETS 'thread, grey cotton, regular GLOVES Ladies' kid gloves with fcy embroidered roldered backs, special p aI Ladies' fine quality kid gloves, in black and calors, two dome fasteners, regular price 1.25 for LAMPS Our Leader lamp, a beauty just opened up, worth 1.5o for 1 A beautiful assortment of new lamps at 35, 5o. Loo 2..00 to .... 5 0 GLASSWARE A beautiful new line of crockery and glassware suit- able for the Christmas trade at 5, Io, 15, 25 and .... ... . LACE CURTAINS A beautiful line new Lace curtains, extra wide, full len- gth, worth 1.40 for ........ 1.00 Also special values at 50, 75, 1.5o and 2.00 HOSIERY A heavy all wool black hose, ribbed and plain, reg 35 for........ • . 25 Ladies' blk Cashmere hose loveiy fine quality,good value at 35, for 25 FRENCH FLANNELS 4 Beautiful quality French ftannelis, in good patterns and colorings in the regular way worth 5o,for 2 5 PERFUMES & SOAPS We have just opened up a beautiful line of fine perfum- es, ranging in price from 2 c 5 to 85c. You can save money by buying here. Floor OIi G o� ILII and Ll ' noteums This is a line we can save you a lot of money on. We have them at 2 r and s,37/, so sqyd raisins, per lb .... .... ... . 3 lbs Japan Tea for . , . Best lemon and orange peel 25 for Best green coffee per lb .. 5 doz cloths pins for .... 00 2 lbs baking soda ....... 2 boxes Royal Yeast cakes Best shredded cocoanut per lb .... ........ ...... 50 3 i/V EE,D8 We'll sell you a regular 75 for........ .... ... And while it Lasts a regular 50c line for ..... ...... TABLE LINENS Here's a snap, regular 35c table linen for .... .... .... 2 5 Bargains in table linens at 40, 50, and .... .. , . .... 7 5 Beautiful bleached table linen, worth 1.00 for 75 F✓'F�IN'T 500 yds extra heavy qual- ity, German prints, Indigo blue dyes, good patterns, reg 16 for. .. .... 12% 35 I0 25 15 10 5 5 5 20 50 35 BOOTS & SHOES EXETER STORE ONLY All Boots & Shoes will be sold during this sale at discounts ranging from io to 25%. . FANCY HDKFS Ladies new style fcy lace trimmed hdkfs, very special 2 for Ladies' lace and insertion trimmed linen, special 3 for Beautiful ernbroidered hdkfs special . price 8, special at , . , . x000 yards beautiful fine quality grey cotton, lovely finish, regular 10 for OOR8F T8 Ask to see our special at PARIS LADY Corset OVERCOATS Men's Men's Men's coats coats coats OROOKERY 5 7 ;48. 35 for ..Io oo for.. 7 5o for.. 6.00 Reg ix.00 dinner setts „ 9.00 ,t 4.00 Tea C 8-5o 7.50 2.75 READY-TO-WEAR SUITS Men's heavy tweed suits well made and lined, regular price 5.2 5 for ....... 3-75 Men's regular $8.75 tweed suits, extra well finished 6'50 REflDY-TO-WEIR PANTS Men's heavy tweedr pants regular 1.40 for .... ... r.I o Men's rnole skin pants,very special at .... 1.00 Regular x 85 pants for ..1.50 81L,K8 Zoo yds 27 inch pure Jap- anese silks, all new shades, suitable for fancy work,' special at ... A number of blouse lengths in fancy silks to clear at x oo, I.5o and .2.00 0 FLflNNELETTE WEAR Ladies' night gowns, spec- ial value st.,.<....., 50,75,90. Ladies' drawers, special at 25 Ladies' flannelette skirts, special • 3� .. 5 MEN'S WflTERPROOF GOflTS 25 Men's new double' breast- ed Waterproof coats, regular a .o 50 5.00 line for . •...4.00 Men's rubber lined pea jae-,, 25 kets, something new, special ,4•0.o (hiI1111111111 lIlllllllllhllliII!iIl111111/11111111111111111111111111111f11111tII11111111111111111Ij Big Bar ai• g nts in den s Ordered Clothing. We will pay highestprices for butter, eggs, driedpoultry, and d allkinds offarm produce, Direct ®Ci Importers. 'NE R. PIGI(ARO 00. EXETwE,�R+ p H E iN SA L 1 First Store North of Post Office, .Big Drop IN THE PRICE OP Ready-made-Clothin They were N>i'VER LOWER THAN NOW. We do not know whether "Laurier" is the cause of it or not but the fact remains which makesus and our customers happy. The variety is also large. The reduc- tion comes at an opportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready to start school and Want to bey most for their money. We have a line of boys suits that were $2,75 to $0,25 a suit which we offer at $1.50 to elear,and many other lines proportion ately low. We are also clearing out sum - mei' goods, blouses worth 50e for 40c, 75o for 50, 1,00 for 75c, inuslins and'a number of other lines at your own price. If you want good good at rig prices we are with you, If you want shoddy or the like will have to go elsewhere. Give us a call. Highest prices paid for produce. Of1RLIN.O BR kAdditionals J. Rollins has locals on e. froa�.�toC LEviTims See -Our" Ladies' and Misses shoes{ -.00 to 2.2a for 1.19 H, SWERM. trSe Wit -tares Cough Balsam for Coughs, Golds and Bronchitic troubles .'lc>Id by',:Q. Luta, ..z.:.. �., Use Dix Kidney Pills for lame back sand derangement of the kidneys and bladder. Sold by Q. Lutz, ' Mr, J i , Crealy, of Seaforth, made a shipment this meek of :3,000 live tur- keys. The price paid was 0 1-2 per pound. John Brawn returned to Buffalo on Thursday. Mrs, Brawn with remain with her mother Mrs, Floyd for some time. While assisting in killing hogs last ., r weei. .,d. Ileicleriia bada' Heideman small bone ons in one of his ankles broken by a kick from one of the animals. Miss Mattie Fitton, who spent the past several months visiting her sister, Mrs, Tom, in British Columbia, re- turned hoarse on Monday evening. Leonard McTaggart has erected a sett of weigh scales at the North End, This will be a convenience to the far- mers and others in that neighborhood who have weighing to do. Farmers and others who intend having auction sales should insist on F I See our 10e. goods, you will be sur- prised at the quality of then. We :have a, new selection of band, painted ware, also some choice jardi- iners, tall flower holders, and rose jars, "Bobs" and Powell" cups and saucers, Canadian Aatrictie ware, toilet and 4 piece setts. Pompadour back and side combs, brilliant setting. childs combs, hair retainers, steel combs and dressing combs, hair brushes, [);bony back.1 Ebony, manicure and stational; setts, button hooks and files. A full line of granite, tin and woode ware. Oranges, Lemons, candies, soda and fancy biscuits. Levitt's AGENT FOR PARISIAN LAUNDRY. Laundry sent away every Thilrs( having thele bills printed, oat Thu T asnas office, Free notice, given in the paper with each order for bills. t' ns ep �U iffi The Anniversary of Alain m U Stre e Methodist Ohurcb takes place o Sunday and Monday next. Dr. Daniel of Sarnia will preach on Sunday, while on Monday the. Annual. Tea, which will take the form of a fowl supper, will be served. Rev. Mr. Hobbs, of Wingham will deliver his popular lecture "The Angular Man.' The corning Anniversary promises to far eclipse all previous ones. The Brussels Herald says: -John Ament has disposed of the American to Sam'l Beattie, of Brussels, former- ly of Clinton, and Wellington Clark, London, formerly of Exeter. The new proprietors take possession on Wednesday next. Of the new pro- prietors W. Clark is a stranger, but S. Beattie is well known both locally and to the travelling fraternity, and no doubt the new men will keep up the reputation of the American as a first-class house. We sell the most wonderful I Talking Machin made. ' It Talks, Sings, 1 aughs and Plays in a mist natural way. We expect in a fe TEACHERS' MEETING. A. meeting of the Teachers of Dis- trict No. 1, West Huron, will be held id the Exeter Public School on Satur- day, Dec. 8th at 2 p. m. a PROGRAM. Problems for Pt II and II class. D. MCDOUGALL 6. Our new text books. OPEN PARLIAMENT '8, Row we are governed. MR. BLOOMFIELD P. GARDINER, Sec'y.,; New William's SEWING: MAC Being the last s forty of those machines shipped t,o 'Ll the last few month. PIANOS and ORCANS Our Piano and Organ stoc iS first-class in every Music in sheet and bo ways on hand. We will consider it a pl show you our different lines o- ,,.ods .mall and see ns. Ss Martine NE NEW STORE DRY - GOODS and GROG -EK IES: 44.4 (AV D. E• DO. New goods arriving every week, Were inw.i',. ,c _ ter 'position - osition to supply the witnts of our ; ilei:. '` pSSP Y o ,1. ly p�a,trpl�s t1ian have been since opening, and by giving° value- for valizb'-_ ►�1 hope to win many more customers. GENTLEMEN Old'andoung don't fail. to- see our y b, . Undell. wear before you purchase elsewhere. There is no better to be had. and we guarantee our prices will please you. Four splendid lines at 95c. per suit. Also a fiill range of Ladies'`' „ such Children's Underwear in all prices, 1 r sari , cs fro. Flannels mI2` 7' a to40c. See our. Ulilitar•. Flannel at .. G ,- , ; N �' . -. S tnc, 35c, Extra value in,Flainr,_t. -r _ 5c. ee our r, .' lla perettes,`they are pretty. Special value in i'al,le Linen. See ‘v hitt we have. at 25e, 00 in. wide. Gents; Leather Mills :incl Driving Gloves, Ladies' and Chia r. s �'Everything denGauntlets. in Grey andnd_,Z1,iukJ,_ :oir need fr,a• the cold weather. � Dop't forget our 13rocei-ies they are clean and fresh.:' A call s so icit 1 1 ec. Produce e takenexchan e. • ' '' '. 7•