HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-29, Page 6rhe Mo!sons Bank tClirkRTE11,111.1 BY PARLIAMENT. 1S55.; eld up Cepitel • — S2,500,000 'get Fund — S2,0,50,000 Head (Moe, ZdOa treal. JAMES ELLIOT, Esq. GENBRAI., MANAGna Money advauced to good farmers o tlaeir Wei:tote withooe or more endorser ot 7 per Ont. per annum Exeter Branch poen every lawful doy front 10 a. nu to 3p. io SATURDAYS. leo. m. to 1 p. m. ttrrent rates of interest allowed on, deposits. IICKBON CARLING, N. D. HIMDON, SOMerroiss. alett000n Laeter, Deo. 27th, A. Vonomaniatrom Zatenclar for November, .1900. tUNDAY' 4 11 18 25' EONDAY ...... 5 12 19 20 0 13 20 27 VRDNESDA.Y... . 7 14 21 23 retrelsetex..... 1 8 15 22 20 °BaD-Cr 9 0 10 23 30 7, 4.2371iPSY o 10 17 21 miniKancalni, 4140. DAY, N0VE3IBER-1719-ile 100 tEriA.RDING ANIMALS ESTRAY. The law provides that a person tak- eg up estray stock shall give notice hat Stleh anneals are on their peem- toe by publishiug three times in a gewspaper published within the sec - ion where the estray was found, and 1: the property is not ealled for with - three weeks ;lifter the insertion of notice die ihader shall go to a Vice of the peace and make oath to ding awl advertng. If the pro - 'ay is not claimed within a year il should not exceed eee in value, then belongs to the parte on whose eemises it strayed. If worth over i0 it shall he advertised by the jus- ee and sold, and. the excess a all penses shall be paid over to the elite' treasurer. ..e.ny person taking an estray and neglecting to ealltie `c.4 $.2grte to he advertised and ap- eateed shall be liable to a fine of ',..e POULTIIY FO1 ?ROFIT. I the report of the Select Standing reittee on Agriculture wad Coloni- n. receetly printed by order of %went, Mr. A. G. (inert, man- rf the poultry depertment of the al Experimental Tema. furnishes Testing and instructive retied oultey breediug as it, is conducted he Central and other etations, and preths which may be derived from ntelligent prosecntiou ol the Indus- fr Ctilhert firsv shows that, as prielueers pullets are far superior yearling or older hens. Titus front r,1, 1K,?8, to March 20. 1800, at the rail Farm, ethe pullets, named be - eggs as follows :— .te Leghorns Minorcas •ed Plymouth Rocks 'ea Plymouth Rocks 'ems 321 248 132 1.0 inns ... 230 average of ahont,10 he Barred Plymouth tverage of 53e, which, being equal, shows "Ilyinouth Rock, :is a eeettiteble egg pro - pullets were a out Dee. 1, 1800, ..aese hens produced , orns 120 norcas lymouth Rocks 132 lyinouth Rocks 280 230 ens 200 Leghorns 350 about 2.01, eggs each, but the Plymouth -Rocks at a year old ateed (Italy NI eggs each against each when they were pullets, . the Brown Leghorns produced gs eech against 40 each when vere pullet. We see by this *hat producnrs the Barred Plymouths rown Leglaorns are the best, the .ef producing 70 eggs, and the lat- eay, 84 in the two seasons. The fusion is that the birds named, as 442'1. are at their hest as pullets at for those who wis,h to pro- etegs for home use or the mar - the Barred Plymouth and the ll'egliorns are the birds that be kept. Mr. Gilbert stated he Experimental Farm they to make $1.75 to 82 per an- Seeowl, over and above the rekmnses. This is more than , farmer could expect to tomany of the eggs produced Central farm are sold for hatch - $1 per dozen, while the farmer sell hut a few at that price. It :hided that as egg producers the 1 Plymouth or the Brown Leg - the fowl the farmer wants, for tre hardy, and are persistent -when properly cared for. ...ex rate of Owen Sound has ruck at 24ii mills on the dollar, le total value of rateable epro- $2,610,.933. W. Thompson, manager of the Milling Company, reports that 0 yield of Manitoba and the lest Territories will reach a froi1:,..i.nty to twenty-five .,.. bushels. ratepayers of Woodstock, Ont., tly decide by by-law whether I invest 380,000 of their money ctric light plant, and the ne- ildings for it, which amount 7 also includes the purchase of it of the Electric Light Com- ; $14,000. n illness of only two or three 'n T. Hobson died et his resi- Guelph Saturday. Re was ,e hest known and most high- .tedresidents of Guelph. Mr. ) had been one of the chief pro- of the Provincial Fat Stock pd bas always been interested ilture. Re was 65 years of 'le begin to understand now Dominion Government car- toba and the Northwest ter - everyone expected thein roielessly beaten. From reliable tortes the information that in eelialf a million dollars Was e Liberals it the west, of at 375,000 alonewent to help ueort his contest against Hugh eimaid in Brendorl. T .01 4XETEB 2,1 S NOTES .AND COMMENTS. Tbe recount in West Prince, le, E. I., was concluded Friday afternoon and Edward liackett, Oonsgvative, was declared elected by: a majority of nine. This is the case in which a bal- lot box wes lost, and was subsequent- ly found lying inoken an empty on the railway track, * • The superintendent of the industrial school at 11,..limico said at a board meet- ing that '7 per per cent. of the boys ad mated were addicted to cigarettes and. that their physical developmeut was stunted by the practice. ea'nes Massie formerly warden a the C'eutral Prison said it would soon be necessary for business men to follow the eXalnple of the large irtanufacturers of New York, wbo recently adopted a resolution, pledging tlaeinselyes not to employ boys who used cigarettes. The Gov- ernment will be asked to enforce the anti -cigarette law. • The taxation a household furniture was the startling proposition adyanced. before the royal assessment commis- sion at Toronto by Frank MacKelcan, on behalf of the Municipal Association. Mr. AlacKelcan proposed that all furni- ture be assessed with an exemption from taxation oi$700, as in the case of incomes. This exemption would cover the value of the furniture of the work- ing class, and let the tax fall on the wealthy people, who have often large sums invested in costly furniture and bric-a-brac. As to income taxation, Mr. Macheelcan advoceted the assess - meet of every man's income, from whatever source. at his place of domi- cile, This would enable the assessors to reach many souree.s or income. suth as bank and etoele dividends, of which sight is now lost. Dr. letuderkin, ex -M, P., has been appointed postmaster at Owen Sound. Now that the Brandon election is to be contested the country has a good prospect a ]earniug "how it is dope" and bow meth it costo. The Ontario Government, it le said 's making preparations for a Jantia.ry session a the Legislature. The sale of milk in bottles, in Lon - on has been condenuted by the Lon- don Board. of Health. On Nov. II Miss M. A. Newitt, of Russeldale, and Mr. W. Builder, of Mitchell. were united in the holy bonds of matrintonY by Bev. ne. Ban- ton Of Fullartou. The ceremouy was wituessed by about 40 invitee guests and telatives. The youug couple will tare their home in Mitchell. A very sad accident took place in Loudon the other by. Willie, the young son of Mt. W. G. Oleu, was tbout to take a bite or an apple, when small piece became imbedded in his hroat, Ile began to ehoke in an in - stent and though the doctor arrived within ten winutes, the little fellow was beyond help. His hotly was in- terred in St. Marys, his former home. 1 li.u,,F.eieDOLI.Alt WELL Seeara—lf it is not your bithit to buy an illus- trated book for your tunny's Christ- mas reading, try the experiment." "TonorroSaTlennee7NICHIT'S CHRIST* MAS," sixty pages, full Of Stories and pictures, will interest everyone and widen the vision of all as Canadians. Four pictures suitable for framing oue a which —"Raphael's Mother and Child "—is an exact, reproduction of the costliest and best picture in the world. No where else can you get the same value! Five dollen,' worth of the best art and literatuze for 50 cents. Get, it from your eewsdealer, or from The Sheppard Publishing Company, Limited, Toronto. *ME TAN eeereenage. Question of Loeal Imerovements Dismiss- ed Before the toinnedssion, Toronto, Nov. li'S.—"hateal im- provements" tool the enticing item, "arty other sitioieet that any person tatty deeire the vonimiSsion to con- sider." did Mil ,Ill'te0; ao 101%0 MI at- tendance ot the Assessment Com - „mission yesterday morning* as, was • .cted. Dr. 11,7rwick ane: Mr. A, Campbell, on behelf the Toronto Rat opayers' Assoc iat ion. prot est ed against the Foca' improvement sys- tem at son.- length. and opened a discossion. The secretary read a. numlow t if communications to the commission. The first was a, report of a. special counnii;oe of the Board of Trade of Hamilton on local int- provements. They reconunended that permanent improvements, such as road -making, should be at the. met of the community in general. The Present- local improvement act. as applied to new cement sidewalks seemed to them to be just. All road -making and improvements there- to should radiate from the centre of the city, so as te obviate scattering works. Works, they thought, should be under the City Engineer, who should be free from tiny pressure by Aldermen. • Ward foremen should be under the Vito Engineer. Thompson Charged With .A.rson. Toronto. O;ov. 2.8.—During the month of April last the barns of Mordecai Chapman, in Georgina Township, were destroyed by tire. Arthur Riddell. epon his own confes- sion, was convicted of burning them, and is now serving a four years' term in Kingston 'Penitentiary for setting lire to them. He implicat- ed Oscar Thompson and Donald Chapinott, Mordecai's brother, and these were tried on a charge of con- spiracy to burn. Both. men were ac- quitted at the last sessions. Now the crown has laid a strait charge Of arson against Thompson, and he will be summoneci to -clay by CouritY 'Constable Boyd to appear for trial at the sessions next week. 1751.1. Hold Ism or Pines. New York, Nov. 2$,—The IfeiLed States will retain possession of the Isle of T'ineS, whatever thc final dis- position of Cuba. It will be fortified, and a strong garrison will be kept there. Lying south of' the -western end of Cuba, the Isle of Pines commands the western, or Yucatan, entrance to the Gulf, and forms an iniportant outpost for the defence of the Nicar- agua Canal, KRuGEDT ignirmiirriviTs litnid4wastby odds the best general; , 3111U Y LIYIE1 • • ."-) .ULUW Ur HURKM 'SELLING -KOUT SALE PRICES 00M Patli Heel an interview With the French President SPEAKS TO THE PARIS COUNCIL We'l a ell Out amaa I intnlittQln40-10,AfOrrIgh..th'ellkje;12101116*ehhIlor1111, '''''butwt°huely4 hate Africa." "The num most hated in South Africa by the Boers is Ritehener. There Is not a meet Deputation PresentsMan Kruger With, a Sword of Honor for Geo. Create— Gen- rearsou Set the World Trying to Auswer the 9uory, What se ill Krue ger Doe Paris, Noy. 27.—Mr. Kruger began a busy day this meriting by making an ()facial ea. Before 9 o'clock he departed from the Hotel Seribta driviug be a, leuclau, serrounded ley Republicau Guards and bitmele polfeemeto to visit Premier Waldeek-Rousseau. Be was aceonmanied by Dr. Leytis, or. Vas Hammel autt Debeaate Visetter. The party was met at the entrance to the Prenitet's saiou by M. Ulrich, Director of tUe Cabi- net, who intriolueed the visitore to the Prime Miuister. The Interview took ?lave in M. Waideek-itousseau'e private study und lasted ten minutes. At 9.3) O'relOett the Pretniermeemnpanied 'by turned the ea,14 M. Ulrich, re - The ofticere of the Uouicipal Coined of Paris and of the General COnriell Of the Seine were reeeived at 10 a.m. to -day by Mr, gamer le the Hotel Scribe The In- terview was pavan. and most brief. Inane- dialety otter the tisf,tors had departed. Mt Kruger drove to the Motet De Ville 0:Own Rath. Re received on ovatIon from a large erowd tuaesed in the square in front or the edatice. Mr. Kruger was conducted ta the debating had, where he was given the arm chair reserved for representatives of 410T- temeents. The reumelpal emmeillore the people In the puddle galleries loudly teieered, the distiuguishea visitor. VietaltesIdeut Beeadier delivered an elo- quent address, saying Paris hod g&veJx ?1Z Kruger a welcome werthy hit noble ehar• aeter anti the grandeur of his cause. He also said: "You Imre beard the heart of Paris beat. It le the heat of Praueta Let the peoplee speak and speak loudly, ere/ ariatratiou will impose itself ao- neeessary seta -faction to jastiee and civilization.” Mr. Kruger repave in eitergetie tones, %eking the speaker,: for tin' sentiments ea. tassel. Slue.- he had landed the former president had imen on a tieing \raxe of anelamation. Ile was very thankful for what had been ibme and for what they wished to do ter hira and Me people. who were atilt, struggling and were not yet de :totted. Their resistance eontinues aud will still continue. They will ever struggle for independence, 'liberty aud juotiee. Continuing. Mr. Kruger sabl: "Ale why eat: they net tear your eeela- matiens: 11 -would roMiteitie tbeir cot:rage:* Mr. Ranger oleo saitl los booed they would yet !ewe tilts ItifiTS OM, day In feline, when they Atoned. have rtmovered their lode. emit llee. Ile regreated arbitratiou had eert refoteed and he would never eeaSi. YO &WW1 it. The Doer statesmen was shown. thIll the euperbly deeerated halls of the Hotel De Vine °pee he eppearee at a villain' and. was instantly eheereal. 41'40'0 limit to islo Noel and \Vat; aevoteled Warni greet. 01i the road. The preebleut of the muni' t011lorrOW will prOpeSe, 111 the ciaawil a vote In ftwor athltratiug the Tranovaal disputee. Cronesom Sword Presented. Late this afternoon M. near' Roeltefort, tied'olniuntiod o deputation. Including de. puttee Millerivri and Paulin-Mery. Senator Provost In. Is Naunay, and :dine. Cope and Le Maitre. primeeded to the Serlhe anil preeent el Mr. Kruger with a sword of honer, ilestened Ple Gem Vronje„ now lo prion In the band of R. Helena. M. Roehefort epoim of the herolem ot the Mere ana expreesed the hope that "Tim smile:Re of thrones" will some day be overthrown by "A syndleate of the pee - During the day 1110,1 students formed in preeeesion In the Latin quarter. eaeh setteel preceded by a banner and the whole beaded by a magniticeut bouquet of elaysanthe• rtunte, lied with ribbone of the Freneh and. Transvaal colors, fold inserlited, stit4 dents of Paris to Preoldent Nruger—for the fatherland and rIglit.*"rhe students muck- ed acooss the Seine and were loudly eheercel on their way tn the Rotel Serum. There President Rruger appeared on the bilious,' und saluted them. Conferenee 'With Deleateem 'This evening Mr. ranger mid Dr. Leyds drove to the Foreign Office, where they were receivva by the Minister of Foreige Affaito, Deleasse, with wittini they ha& an interview lasting thrmaquarters ot au hour. On their leaving. M. Dewasse ewe. dueled Mr. Kruger from the stairease. An inviaent similar to the one thet took plawe in Marseilles. tiecurrea on the arrivol of the students' poomen,a, at the Hotel Seriato An upper window of the Grand Hotel opposite was opened, und a heedful of small copper mol Miser <mins were thrown down. The students. hicensed af the Insult, wished to atteek n shipping of, fiee white& Is on the street level. but thci pouts. interfered, planting out that the shippers had uo couneetion with people above them. Ultimately the shippers were persuaded by the poll. e to elot:e the offiCo in order to avert further bitidents. deltmatIon of four stutlents entered the hotel and presented a bouquet to Mao Kruger, who ,accompauled by theme, api peered on the balcony, arousing great en. thusiaem nmong the students, who nov6 numbered 2000. A cousiderable body oi the students stationed themselves below the window 'from which tbe money had been thrown, singine. songsl and shouting, "Down with the English." No disturbance, however, ()mum& When the attention of Dr.Leyds was call. ed this afternobn to the statement attri, hated to Mr. Samuel Pearson, former corn* missiarymeneral of the TrallSVaal army, and cftbled from New York that Mr; lOruger wouid probably soou proceed to the United States, replied: "The rumo Is without foundation. Nothing has yet been decided regarding such 5, movement." Muet Not :nary in Behr,nim Antwerp. Nov. t0.—The Belgian Boer In- dependence Committees nre indigeant at the Government on account of its attitude toward President Kruger. Great demon- stretions in Krugefs honor were being pre- pared at both Antwerp end Brussels, but lit is now announced that Kruger's train In passing thrn Belgium will not be allow- ed to make a long stop at any station whatever. _ .A.11 interpellation on the matter will be addressed to the Goverranent at tbe next meeting of the Chamber. Cold Comfort For 1{ruger. London, Nov. 28.—The Vien.na coerespon- dent et The Deily Chrorelcie says he bears, that President Kruger has petitionee the powers for arbitration under The 'rogue convention, that two powers acceded to his request, but that all. the ,others reject- ed the petition. TATAK. Ole A. BOER ItEFUGEE. Says 'Kruger Will Fine an Asylum in the New York, Nov. 27.—Samuel Pearson fon merly Commissary -General mf the Trailev -et a.rnay, one of the six Boer refugees who have just arrived here on the steamier Sta tendam from Rotterdam, beings tidings that President lartmer will probably soon seek refuge and a permanentlionne In this cony tree "president Kruger will leave pates very soon, I believe," said General ' Pears n, "and come to America, where, with wife, he will make a home until such tine as our ,arrne balm triumphed end Ito n return -to the South Afiecan RepubEe take up again his office as Chief Executivt of the Boers." Penrsora said during an interview that FiePort of the Commander -1n - in our army wile would not shoot him ort , Chief on the Affair. sight. He is the maix who butcherea the negroes in the Soudan, ;ma he would not glve Botha lialf au hour at e010AS0 to take our women and children away from the Gen.Pearson resented the eltarectelleatioa of their operatioes as guerilla warfare, say- ing: "We hove always About 1500 or 2000 Inen, Rind a train of baggage wagons. The end of it all. They can never catch us." Re considered Louis Botha, the greutest Malt in tee Beer Attar. NAPANEE BANK ROBBERY; Two Mien Arrested at Detroit, Who Had S400 Worth of Stoleo six 1398. Detroit, or, 27.—James Simpson of Mout. real, and Louie aiatheis et Reeheeter, 1q.Y.1 were arrested here last night 0,0 00.SPI0IQN and the pollee In searching them found in their poeseesion S500 le Canadian .510 noted that dibi not appear to be radii. To -day le was aseertalued that the notes were parr of a a10,000 issue ot the Dominion Rank a Toroutta which was etolen Irma the bank'a brenett at Napanee, when it was so sexism: tionally robbed about two yeaxs ago. The e notes stolen were shamed, but not counter; signed. and it wos this eirentnetance wbteb made the police suspielous of their validity: The praeouen4 admit that tato' have police records, but assert they cootie ley the money houestly, Dire, Fat Pellows, They are big fellnirs„ fat, sauctothafaeed nnd about 30 years of age, Simpson Is the "wise" one, in the opiniott of the °di - Vero. Wbitle AtetiteIS Is simply Itis tool. At first Simpson told the °Mem that lie had eavea tbe money while, gambling and "perdue at numerous small fairs In On. Melo, and working ns a bartender. Met MeDonnell took Itim in hand. however, awl soon elleitea the information that he re, ceived the bunelt of about 400 bille front one of the men wbo was directly connect- ed with the Napattee robbery. Chief Mc- Donnell refuses to say Of the lung - tars It was. Metitels Is believed to know little yr the matter, Simpson plekeil him no in the eastern part of Ontario some. when'. and effertel to Mee him to the West. Told lIethels to Plow Utuutelf. Yeeterday he gave Metheis 10 of the bills and m1.1 bile to blow himself'. The ran. traveled titre Wintleor Miring sundi nr, titles ana brealtiug their $10 bills as oftea as pOrSsIbie. Th0 Sala(‘ VOWS'S' 1125S VOW. ed Itt Detroit. This morning A. E. Clark, paying, teller of the Peninsnitte Savings pronounced the bills gelatin(); and the pollee ofticers looked their demontliture until Mr. Clark, who le acenowledged to he one of the best•posted men on money In Ilds city, brought out az. old etre:liar. with the numhers Of the bilge stoleu from the Nominee Bauk, The Nunthers Tallied. The hunch found on the nom tallied. anti the pollee were In high feather again. After a talk with Chief Ofelionnela the pair agreed to go to Wintleor without extant!. -don. Peteetiree can:peals ana 3i:theory of the Ontario Previnclat Department wer.) sent fet,„ awl took the mom across the river. The prisoners will receive It preliminary hearing before .Magistrate Runlet. NIS LOCKOUT IS INTENDED. Shoe lianulacturo Want a Rearrange- ments Wait the ',asters. Mentreel, Nev. 21.--(Secelaia—eid. smite ot tee James MeCteadO Shoo CoMPaliS sai's the report pubilsittel to the effeet that the manufacturers intend to tool:mut lite tast- ers it. entirely premature.' The etbafratem4 bet wen 1 he Manntaelnrers' .:thstsela tiOn and tile employes' union line noi, he =amities, pnesea the stem) of preliminary negotia- tions. "The manufaelttrers." seta AOL Smith this morning, "were (foetal into organizing an assoeiation for ourpoeee; of self-protee- then, and In oXier to meet the taeties lit the unionists. who were taking faetorles one after tite other, niul itt times extorting eoneessious which Were not at all justified. Tim association is also formed for the purpose. of exit:Meting every possible moons for coining to an nuticable eettlement with the employes before re- sorting to severe measures, and I; le ottr Inteatien In the prosent instance to them the nuus of responsibility ou the men. We claim that lee are, Diet we neeessorily sheltie. be, 'the more intelligent betty. and We :ire prepared to defer to the 1.1111611 In ;mauler that we could never expect from them." COUNT LAXTREC GOES novae, Jndgo Desnoyors Sent Him to Peniten- tory For Five Long Years. alontreol, Nor. 27.--(Speeittla—Jutige DOs- livers tide moraine- sentenced Count Tou- louse De Lautremto five years in St. Vin- cent de Paul Penitentiary for having (emu- lated forged certificates, knowing them to have- been forged. Extraordinary interest was centred In this ease, and this tuorning the large room of the Court cif Speeini Seselone was crowded to its utmost coped- ty by men and women of all classes, The Could made a strong appeal to be allowed to go free 2.0 50111 his wife and S-weekeeeld cedid. Mid tears and tragic, aeelarations, he strove to make His Honor believe that he was the victint of the roguery of otheee, and that he was all that a good citizen end a loving husband should be. :fudge Desnoyers listened to his long addrees with much patience, and also bore with him in bis constant interruptions during the de- livery of the sentence. But ti speeterlast• mg until doomsday would have done him no good mad little harm, for it was evident thnt His Honor had fully Meese:viva the life, olteracter and memos of the accused. and Ills sentence had been Monly determined upon previous to coining Into mut. • 'PLOT TO IiILL Ilobolten Pollee Have Got the Name of the Would -13e Assassin. New York, Nov. 2T, -A plot to ossaseinate President McKinley has been made koown to the police of Hoboken, N.J., says The Evening World, They have communicated with the Secret Service Bureau at Washington, turniehine, the name of the nom olio' 15 accused. The pollee received their itiformation thrn I letter written by n Frenclunan, whose knowledge of the English language was ex-, ecedingly poor. • The name of the accused Is withheld by the poirae for obvious reasons. They have located the writer, end say that his story is at least worthy of investigation. Sick man nnaged Hiaiiself London, Nov. 2S,—Word was rt peived here to -day that Leatie Grant, son of Joseph. Grant, Postmaster of. Granton, committed' suielde yester- day afternoon by hanging' himself in the hayloft of his 'father's stable. Deceaaed was about 20 years of age. He had been ill for Some time, and his rash act is attributed to the effect of 111610110bOlia. Stantial,d Oil's Latest. London, Nov. 2S.—The Standard Oil Company, says the Bucharest correspondent of The Daily Express, has obtained concessions fax raining, , and erecting pipe lines on all CoV- ernment tracts, as WeU as almost a monopoly in sinking oil wells in Roumania. The paice 'of the conces- sion Was O400,..00Q. DELAREY'S COMMANDO BROKEN Dewot a Refugee—The Fomous Boer Cou-. oral Reported Le Ito Near Catembo in Pertogoese Sontli Africa—COL et'. tees Report on the Choice of the canadianS on COMUlg Home. London, Nov. :re—According toia opeeiat editien ot The EveningStandard, this evening, a plot to assassluate LOra Rob- erts, lu traleh 20 forelpiersore colteerned, has been discovered; It appears that the conspiratoes Loa a xelee, wilich. was designee to be bl0W11 UP, Sunday, while Lord Roberts Was in elsoreit Johannesburg, but the pollee and Lerd Roberts' body guard frustratea the coil- spiracy, Ten men mostly Italians, have been arrested. These detail% 'rite Evening Stanaara says, It has been nimble to verify before gang to press, Load Roberts Confirms Xt, London Nov. 27.—The War Ofdee pub- lishes the foliewing despatch Amin Lord Roberts. eeted Johannesburg. Nov. 20: "As reports of it plot against my life will prebahly reach you. I think you should know the facte. It is my helier that there was a plot in existence, aud live Itallane. four Greeks and a Frenchman were arrested Nor. 10, and are ttow awaiting trial. Their intentions were to exploOe it mine utalee St. Merv, 'a Cbureh during the morning ser vice. held at 11. o'cleee en Nor, 38•''' Probably to Corey Lord Roberts. Cape Tomo NOY, 27.—The British steam - r Comae suttee yeStertian for Durham resumably to embark Lerti, Reberts. Doer Pundits Getting Whippea, Loliti011, Nov. 27.—Lord Roberts, cahliug; *rem Johannesburg, limier date of Nov, 20, reporte nuniber Of egeountere with the Boers at wieely separated points, he whieh the Rtitisit eaptured some tattle and a few prisoeers, end suffered &fight ,cesualties. Tile Most serious offelis was au pp:NI:witted with the ferees of Gee, Deleree, liumberieg almut Baal mem with -three guile, whet 99' posed Gen, Clements' march toweeds foutein, The Boers, the despatelt rays, were completely diepersed. No Toue roe Paltering. London, Nev. 27,—T1te Rt. lion. Robert William lianbury, president of the illoard of Agrieelture, addreseIng bis eenstituents la Pt:retort last evenimg, mut referring to Mr. Krue4ers complaiut of "British bar- barism," 6414: "This is no time for paltering with the tieing embero ot the Ileer tebellien, for re. hellion It new _is. and It tauSt be stamped ijutolgoroualye" Doers ToleIng Presit lienet. LeutIon. Nov. 27.--e. despatch to The Standard from rretoria. dated Nov, Z, gap It IN reported that the Peeve propose *a atelke nein at tin. berileiii of Cape Cel- ouy. where It Is believed numbers of dis- affected Dutch, with eupplieo and hidden weaPolta, ure waiting to 4041 *Item. Tile Beera aeon to be tatting fresh heart. Thor bare become extremely euergetle in almost every part et the Trail:wow anti the Orange Inver Colony. Portuguese After Dowet. Loreuzo Marquez, Nov. 27.-4. detachment of SO mounted Portuguese trctops, with two guns, crossed the liver this morning to leatembo. It Is eeported that General De. wet Is in Portuguese territory and in that distriet. OtIolltat .e.r CAW/ TOWN Autl-Ilrltislt Feeling In Cape Colony As- suming. Dangerous Proportions. London, Nov, 2S.—The Daily Mall pub- lishes this morning the fellowiug alarmist despateh.from Cape. Town; "Tbe anti-British feeling in Cape Colony Is assuming tlaugerous propOrtionS, owlitg to the false stories spread of British bar- barity la Orauge River Colony and the Transvate. Loyalists fear that the Dutee Congress next week w-111 be signed for a rising, and they Oeumutl thnt martial law be proelahned thruout the colony, "The situntion Is deelered to be graver than et any previous perlOti during the war," Faith Healers Arrested, Victoria, B.C., NOV. 27, --Eugene Brooks, leader of the Fnith Healers and WW n, . Maltby. fattier of a child who died from diphtheria, under their nainistratIone, have been turested for murder, as the result of the verdict ot the coroner's Armed,. REPORT FROM COL. OTTER. Men Refused to Itemain in Africa—Soine Got Imperha COMMiSSiODS. Ottawa, Nov. 27.—The Militia Department hag received the usual weekly load of re. ports from South Africa. Col. Otter, corm Mantling the regiment R.C.ILL semis Ms diary and report. from oa. 13 'to Oct. ll), under date Sliverton, Oct. 20. • The parade state shows present at headquarters 244: command and seconded, 7.; on amount" train 15; sick, 27; at Cape Town, 29; ed. ployed, 32. Total, 350. remain in Africa longer, preferring to r - Col. Otter says that the mon refused 10 turn to Canada by the middle of Deeembe . The colonel states that Pte. N. Crook, V Company, has been given a commissi in the 4th Royel Warwicks. Corp. a. M Gee in Royal Field .Artillero, and Pte. I D. Whigham in First Lancashire Fusilier Pte. Hugh Proulx has been granted a pe sion of 1.8d a day for 12 months. The commanding efecer of R.C.D. report that on Oct. 16 the following were grante their discharge and struck off the strengt of the regiment from June 28, 1900: 2O Pte. C. Marsh; 182, rte. W. L. Bytom; &SI Pte. G. Reid; 282, W. It. C., Meade 38' Pte. W. 1. Itela; 07, Pte, IL Dunmore; 22i Pte, JO Miller; 426, Pm, R. McIntyre. A 0001) J3ULLETIN. Czar's Condition 1—m.proved Much nogard ling Temperature and Pulse. Livadia, European Russia, Nov. 27.—Th improvement in the Czar's condition con dimes, judging from the following bulletin Issued to -day: "The Czar passed a good day yesterday At 9 in the evening his tempe.ratnee ,wa 97.9, pulse 66. During the night His een jesty sie.pt wen. This morning the Em. peror's condition and general strength wer perfectly satisfactoey; temperature 96.8, pulse CO." The eondition of the Czarina is reported to be growing serious, as she is suffering ferontapnhseysteric fits elle, a threatened nervou oe Rail Report at 'Washington. Washington, Nov. 27.—Diponnots herd Move bare been informed that the Czar's death is inmentite He is a victim of hasty consumption, and it Is believed, in the evont of his denth, Grand Doke Michael,' who wouid succeed him, would order the an- nexation to Russia of all Chinese tele:itchy new in the hands ot Russia, white Pass and l'ulton Railway. Montreal, Nor, 27.—A Star sPeciel cable from London says : To -lay's papers advertise the prospectus of a ereoesee per cent., Consolidated fir:it mortgage debenture or the White Pass & Yukon Railway issue, created to convert into one security all existing,securnies oi the eompany, and provide cath to pay for the seeond portion of the railway from Bennett to White Horses, on the Lord's River. About £474,000 of this new stock is exchange for old securities. that That Talk Loud, They will well We're when for bargains, early buyers visit clearing tell you repay sorry an early WO are of chances. for you f2c.an early Visit for the folks that quantities are limited, their eagerness when yourself this week out reductions, and extra economical buying' to the store. CenTte too late to share in the but really you can't blame the there are dollars .at stake, Try a start of the good things have a,t big Men's Imported English Black Beaver Overcoats, fashionable length, deep silk velyet collar, lined with beevy black Italian cloth, llnished in the new tit reform style, comfort cone - blued with etyle, regular 312 for 30,75 3 only, $u% Lengths of worsted. finished Tweeds in the new ehades of browns, blues, greys and green, a Oath guaranteed to give splendid wear, finish, ed with a..1, quality trimmines tailored exactly to your order, always sold for 317, sale price 314,75 17 pairs Alen's Felt Shoes. strong pebble leather, heavy' sole, very WArtil and easy to wear, regular price $1,74 e'ta timed to 31,45 2 doz Men's heavy top Shirts, faocy patterns, collar attach. ed, regular 00 65c sale price 10 ()illy Ladies Jackets made of fine Braver and Xersev cloths in colors of black, brown mid greet:, assorted sizes heayy winter weight, some Hued throughout, others half lined with satin. Also a nurober of Black Curl and Boucle cloths Come early and secure a bar- gain, regular 38.50 $9 $10 for 30.50 Ladies Astrachao Caperines with electric Seal Yoke, trim- med with two heads and eight tails down front, very fashion- able, regular 313.50 sale priee 310,90 21 pairs Women's Dougola Kid Boots, buttoued or laced, fine quality, bright smooth finish: perfect fitting, all sizes, save 31e a pair, regellar price 32.00 $1,000 doz prs Ladies Black Crtshroere ()Cloves fleece lined, extra, Warlia and durable, regular 10e ft pair, nOw sec Dinner sets of 07 pieces, beau- Wallyi decorated n real hand - painted flowers, extra. fine wear, save 33.15, reg 315, for $11.8,7, 385 bars of Search Light Soap, this is one of the beste' Laun- dry Soaps on the market to- day,we have mare than we wane so while it lasts you fuollan7 ybfoury the regular 5c bars 2,1e A, J. FORD & CO, "The olid Value Store." Woodham. WiTighest market prices paid for Dresse Poultry. Taken every Tuesday aud Wednesday. SALE REGISTER. Woodham A notice Inhis co lumn is worth : BRIEF:a—Mr. 'W ilfrid of Stratford, t— the price of bills. Inserted free until spent, Sunday with friends in the Nei - day or sale, if bills are printed at age.-5Ire. Addle Presley, of Kintore, TIgage.su°nralaceBb Be,STIL—Stock, irople- zete—Mr. and 2 is visiting her. Albert SNvit- ister. Mrs.Airs, R. Presley, of Kin - h. 1 ments and household furniture, the tore, spent Saturday and Sunday with property of Roffman Bros. Dashwood. friends here.—J. Sykes was in Strat- Sale at one o'clock. E. Bosseaberry, ford last week attending the furierat and, othrigsosiosftettii,eg—Wrist.Ecrokillilherr,nwlhasirlthon d speeenN—le netnEir. ea N07.16,the wife of the mill there. Wm MeNevin, of Saturday for Zurich. to take charge of 111r- Wim_Spearn of a son. Exeter succeeds him here —Mr Lig., ROGARTII—In Stephen. on the 15th Instthe g6G, orgimizer of the C. '0. Res in . i wile ot e. J. IlogaBrtoliRotwe dauebtea . the village.— The Epworth League STUtstaitcaRrtT—ogIend oWyl nagallisaatun,do an InNoenvel. Zist, W. (),. PagUerpoonsor lrliadvaiyngoaces.07citalii, atAtlemoopmarreteonni MORAY—At tho residence of hitt anehrlaw. committee is at work preparing /4. pro- zAtloola. 7.ICaeglicyd.'13`urellitresn.ge.r, on Nov. alste Jas. , . tunme for the eVenIng, which Will IllSellire.-1n Exeter, an the 28111. MA, Iliebere consist of music, vocal and instroreeir- ' ilfesett, aged 80 yeam years 11 onths. tal, speeches etc. Games and alms; SANDERS—In Exeter, on tno 22nd i!ste John Seeders. aged 72 years. amuseinents 'will also be provided, WILSON—In Centralia, on the 27th list., Thos. and refreshineuts served. All are in - Wilson, aged 56 years, ented to come and Spent a pleasant MeCtITCHF.ON—J.A.CICSON—Attlitresidenc� Hart will give you n. hearty welcome MARRIED. . evening at the parsonage, where Rey. of the brides parents, Nov, 21, by tie Met J. —With sa ress we recall the death of' Kenner, James afeCutchoon, Hibbot. to Miss s , , en ¶' lar' C., only daughter of JamesJackson, ail out= -enottipson, Of the Sth con. , Fullerton. of Bla,nshard. Although be had been troubled for several years with heart SPREADS LIKE 1VILDF13,E, failure, he retired on Thursday night to all appearances as well as usual, but come "the best selling." A)rahrer When things are "the best" hey ..b_e- i to be found a corpse in the morning. The deceased was 54 years of age and Hare, a leading druggist of Bdleyille, leaves a -widow and seven children te 0., writes: "Electric Bitters Iwo the mourn his untimely death, The family best selling bitters 1 bave battled in 20 years." You know wilyLine" have the sympathy of the entirera co- ? diseases begin in disorders of stomach, =unity in their sad affliction. liver, kidneys, bowels, blood aed ner- ves. Electric Bitters tones hp the maladies. It builds up the et&re sys- tem.stomach, regulates liver, kidn s and bowels, purifies the blood, stre gthens the nerves, hence cures multi des of tem. Puts new life and vigor let° any ill111916111, ateastewa WESTERN. Dairy School STRATHROY, ONT. weak, sickly, rundown man or yoman. Will re -open Dee. 3rd, 1900, and close• Trice 50 cents. Sold by all cheggists. Marcli 22nd, 1001. Special creamery - course Dec. 3rd to Dec. 22nd. regular FOR OVER FIFTY YEARcourse Jan. 2nd, AN OLD AND Wma.-Tionn Ruatotre—Mrs. 5,000 lbs. of Milk S Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been sed for received daily to be slit Lb 6thbe etsa ree.133SeetlYd Butter made in both separator f over lifty years bymillions of mother or their children while teething, with perfec success manufactured into cheese and butter, It seethes the child, softens the gums. nays al also cream from a skit:timing station. pain, DIcantrrehsceaw.inditcioslipefetina by druggists in every part of the I rld cents a bottle. Its value is incalcul le. Be 25 and cream gathering systems. sure and ask for Mrs Winslow's Syrup and take no other kind. oothing. — FARMERS' SONS AND DATTGH- HOME DAIRY DEPAREMENT FOR TERS. 1" A competent staff of instructour Lilt, li%ei. Cu1 ;.:11 I'l . . '''FAIR Eli i have been engaged and students will I receive a thorough and practical train-- I . . ing in the different branches of dairy - 1,11.:1 Be Aee ,rilea the llevirnine ieg.. Send for circuler and application. Cul _I (k i. ti. i 11 Englan& fern to leaden, Nov, 23. -- The retitruin2 Canadian troops on board the gawps - .,...%1 Oasi.le, due here next wee' will b.: lay:silty entertained by a ?ivaie ee.r..raitt;ee,, of IA -Web Lord qrey is k eltailLuan. Three hundred scat have/ at the variou, i ndon theatres for each night the 084 1118.118. are here. They will be quart, ed at feens:agi on learraeks, wthence there will be excursions to Brighton Vool- wieh and otaor polvte of intexat, in - c lading a prolbable visit td the TIlleitlifle TO T,ELEXIi, WORK. Queen. Lord ,Grey said to a epre. sentative 01.'.Llhe 'Associated Pre :— "They will not exactly be L tht guests GE the nation, as that tis re. served for the five tbous.nd,ei'Won. Net we are trytiag to ineke the bort s enial troops who are coming ater stay here of these Caneetiane as en- joyable as possible as a !.light 'token of our appseeflatio,n of the magnifi• cent 'wortir they have done. It will be °tern -Jed cue -tv.ith as little formal- ity as pos.sible." , CL teARS AWAY WORMS. Mrs, Wm. Graham, Shoppardton, writes,. "I ave given Dr Low's Worm Syrup to my boy e end again and find it a good worm meeli- ine. It is nieo In take and never makes the hitd sick liko povidera, Price 28e. Children Cry for ASTOR IA ARCHIBALD Siiirm. Supt. Western Dairy school, Strethroy, Ont. A Terrible Cough, people would only treat coughs and' col4a n time with Dr. Wood's Norway Pin Syrup, there would be fewer homes - des late. / Tjxe severest coughs and colds, bronchitis, , end rou paid the first stages of consump- , tion yield readily to this powerful, lung.." heal ng remedy. ad what Mrs, Thos. Carter, Northport,. Ont. says: "1 caught a severe cold, whiche settl on rey throat and lungs, so that -I coni scarcely speak above a whisper,/ I also ad a terrible cough which my fri9lids, thou 1 would send me to my geavb I tried tlifferent remedies but all failed/to do me a y good nntil I took Dr. WoodX Noe - way one*bottktme Syrup, and the contents of one* cured me." / ope ra. ye; lit (Ili ' fiscal d ha drivt aal al Dew olon ober I d be+ nd be toe -gee r 21.— et tat t ken g ," Tit ttaeli 'days (",t4,3 11, 11'; vette .1; "PA '1