HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-29, Page 4?ft A persis- tent cough is •s',..4,11/4,k,.. at first a , friend, for it gives warn- ing of the ap- proach of a deadly ene- my. Heed the warning before it is too late, be- fore your lungs be- come in- . flamed, be- fore the doctor says, "Consump- tion." When the danger signal first appears, help nature with e Don't delay until your ungs are sore and your old settled down deep in your chest.Kill the •ftnemv before the deadly • ow -kills you. Cure cough today. dose brings relief'. A few doses mate the cure complete. Tern aim: no. ler ordeetiT tole: Me in! ter. harecr meet Shea lee mot commenter tettrome consider Tour Cherry reeeoral tbe beet remedy for colds aud coughs zed ail throat .4feet-ems. I have used it for ae yeasts ama it eartanay beats there D.O. teem= Pee.2Qlee*. Enloe, et, T. Weft* the Doctor. yzia baveney emair;aint toot:roe arL ti,,..tre the hot medical edviee yet; cAn rssibly receive, warm the doz.ter fame. ens tea zezelye a erotente- rey,ntabeencest. mem. Duet. to, Angie vowel!. Mete MAIN RIMERS CAPTURED rOliraleil In a Cabin They Refuse to Surrender adttle Hoek. Ark., Nov. 22. -rive Oen, who held up an Iron Mountain 'Inseuger train last night near Gif- rd, have been surrounded by , ^, riff's" posse three miles fre-fu rd. The zlobbers havo- fortified a b tender. Rein- liliveYftulefen sent to the sai st the , a.tt„ pan' tits G. t114 set tiro). A.11 eggs Eton and fare care 4100 erhit sidel this , yards' of fin gene: 'Yale the e In I, afford; to fe time But , enteral, built e, their dieeee 3ay' Ble fectim tree frt and the are the • Begint the t krio should be burned at brancheS of infection der the tee,:. left in the t PAtD 00 PER CENT. DIVIDEND. the annual meeting or the far- mers' Binder Twine Company a dend of 90 per cent. was declared. Last year the concern paid 100 per •cent. ; the year before 60 per cent.:and for five years before that 10 per cent. Joseph Stratford. the general manager was voted a handsome bonus. """r""r*s•-• Oettin Thirn is all right, if you are too fat; and all wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough for your habit, is healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm. Too fat, consult a doctor; too thin, persistently thin, no matter what cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011. There are many causes of get- ting too thin; they all come under these two heads: over- work and under -digestion. Stop over -work, if you can; but, whether you can or not, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can't live on it—true—but, by it, you can. There's a limit, however; yo-u'll pay for it. • Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for "'can't eat," unless it comes of your doing no wor--ydu can't long be Well and strong, -without sOrne sort of activity. Thezentiine ha.s this Protu re on it, take no other. Ifyou have not trie it, •send for free sample, its a- greeable taste will surprise you. SCOTT & BOWNE Chemists, . Toronto. ShollId any , 60c. and $1.00; all druggists. aye fallen thi treed, and b o ot • spores Or st THE DAY'S HERO I AGED WOMAN BRUTALLY NEATEN All France is Worshipping Fall' Kruger EX PRESIDENT'S SPEECH At Marseilles Causes Only Regret hi grig- land-Parisians Excited - Marseilles, NOY. - Hearty thusiasin attended Mr. Kruger's de, pasture from Marseilles to -day, and he ,hatt no reason to .eowlain. of an4. dmainntion of: warmth on the parb of the peeple of Marseilles. Mr; Kruger was; np at an early hour and was ready and waiting • When his loodau reached the hotel 'to convey him to he raiiroad depot'. Amidst the cheer,, iag of a large assembly, the :former pre.sident of the Transvaal entered Ins carnage at 9 o'clock and was driven to tits station. He was accompanied by Dr. Leyds awl Messrs. Pearson, Wessels, Bloff. Pller, -Van- Hammel,. Rural:mud, and Reyrneus. Just before the departure of the train Mx. Kruger .appeared on the steps of the railroad carnage in respoose to the - outs of the crowd and said: WANTS AcTIONS AS NrElat AS u -Citizens of Marseilles: 1 thank the vopnistton -,Ad'arserles for its, warm welcome. 1 t nzst I shall find the name enthusiastic sympathy in all the tees which I are going to trawl tIuosgb. and I hope it will he !owed h actions which will continue assiseIVI and resat, to abetting our cauFW' the train left at 9.20 a. in.. a gretit• cheer arose, Ur,. Kruger wit', nd tit„ night at Dijon where los .will arriv„,.• as 5.20 p. m. Extensive police prc,cautitias were taken this morning -11.9,e was no dgrecable met-, dent. ENoLlyal cOMPLAVENOT. Ienation„ Nov. ileleo,„ The morning lete Fere devote an unusual amount of spa,e. to Mr. Kruger's arrival At eittreeiree ead hie doings, hut are in - 141 to tivat matter editorially with comparative indifference, in tbe onvietton That nothing eau alter the eouree of evente in eleuth. Africa. No • e- •-otriterst le displayed at what xs vegeta-4.e as eleet, earlobe:is critique- Frocelint." AS PR ESIIIENT. Pkr1S, NOV. 7.2.•1.?,'''..Iti+irtutt des De- tealiiteliee no inseereet commute - acme aantamei5e. lira tie; govern - t consi,etreil. tee 4.1bAt'ht IOTIS • WIliZett l'eriteger wee reee:ve.1 .711- It ha- liven tile! eaeseenett as Great Xhi- tn taf eiate.- ees-yrs of leer ti..el•nettitia enter...nig ti. , 'r.0 - ▪ u. i I 1,-; „:„.• eyed as f roe-wee:a trio; - mete:- ; .• •se"tiet. Lento •i %vie ive. toe bun • 'e *„ tio Palace ,ef the Else.' ti ineer te vtde him, end ;„•-11', :tV'etnstiall,7e. '4.1110 N • Tort:. N v. CZ- TI,-. .11,urtri1's „:. ettleee the "i 3;1-1, • .11 lenrotte cemple 10 •tppeal for ;o: said, ex - 1' ruo7- r. -i.• imgrate to. 11..i ma ra :and, 0.1: mitt West Af t , cimqu .he t heir own "It ei ren* '1 11:4 Beers are ett offowls. and te.t. eaubring- - .1 h.. avail,,el. elle!: wit h you. I. . ''"Iltat is untrir.," 'replied Preto - Krug tr. ee'het ele eou do if intervention. fl" A. -"I shall remava in • Eu - .11 ..•." " W lore will you go f Dom itert•?" e..-• To Paris, Brussels, The Hague, O••••• I -.e.lern and St. POlersburg." 2O •r',resident wore a Long • coAl, and 1:'..1.11 his well- known. eat, w•th n leetvy crepe band, in llie hind. H.. y,•ore gob) speetacles and his eyes appeared Weak. Ile was vis- ibly affected by the mit husutem of ins reception. On euying good-bye he ex- tended a big !Let with a tremendous Ex-• Presidont Kruger was bombard- ed with flowers. He is much neater m dprearanoe than had been expected from Ins portraits- His hair and beard have been trimmed. Ile walks white firm step and shows no sign. of illness or age. The w<nnen greeted lum !constantly with criee of "II est presque bean." (He 1.5 almost. hand- some.) MORE BOUQUETS. Avignon, Departmeht of eranenzee, ,Nov. 23„- Avignon, the first stop al Mr. Kruger's train, was reached at 11 e. m. He was greeted by throngs ol people with shouts of welcome, and a bend of music. He received a baske•t of flowers, to which were attached the French and. Boer colors. The as- sistant mayor made a speeth and Mr Ieru,ger responded briefly, showing signs of fatigue. He saluted with hie bends while the orowd shouted frau - Healey the saane ories as uttered al Marseilles. Mr. Krugee's train stop. ped here ten minuties. AID VALENCE. Valence, Department of Drome Nov. 23- The traio having Mr. Krug. er on board passed here at 1.45 p m., and. the Tranevatiler was !eceleina, ee, by a crowd of about 5,000 . per- sons. A TERY SILLY RUMOR Report Emanating trom Paris that the Czar Had Died ' Brussels, Nov. 22-A private tele- gram, frtira Paris made the assertion that the Czar is dead. There is ne cen•irmation from any other source London, Nov; 23 -The, runitor of the Czar's death appears to be unfound- ed. Nothing to confirm it has been . received at the Ruse -ran embassies in Berlin and Paris, and the embassy here hate reeetved nothing since the •sillfflin yesterday, Tim:red y. London, Nov. 22 -The Czar' s condi- ,' n '5 causing increasing, uneasiness, Q an Victoria bee sent a noted phy- „ n o Ltvda to atir 1, ndoe, Nov. 23- Better news has b n eeeived as to tbe Emperor's coneti leen et Cop etheigen A courier has,. arrived veith nt Ws th-at the doc- tors believe the crisis has passed. Sang orliechester Toughs Assaulted Ilter ant She May Die EMI:tenter. N.Y., Nov. 22.- Closelr followiug apart the discovery o the netetleit and' murder of Miss Keatint ONE DEAD, THREE I Yeeterday, comes tbe information that NJURED Nee. Ameile Janice, about 62 year% - ot age, was assaulted by a gang 01 • INSANE MAN'S AWFUL DEED JVSESTSMENT uthil,,,ISmON His Ir"5 Tried to Murdr eills Sister and, Killed pipE °REAR Blew Down Portion or a Montreal • nine self Asked to Relieve Fraternal Societies Frozn.Taxa.tion en, Dewet Tads His Burghers G - Theatre Easton, Pa., Nov. 22 -)gen Skin- -wools on Rndson avenue fruesday at Two Men Were Ottawa to Death In ternoon and so badly injured that she wifl probably die, She was taken tt, her home, where she lay teraettealle =attended until late last night, wirer she was reMoved, to the hospital. - LURED AWAY,- 'SHOT AND ROBBED Troy, N. Y., Nov. 22,- Chas. White, an employes of the locomotive works, • Sclemectudy, IVO5 lured to the -out- skirts of this eity last ntglit by an unknown man, shot three tinte.s and robbed of S40. White is at the Troy hospital in t critical condition, THE WAR IN MANCHURIA Pally Conflicts Between Russian and Chinese Forces St. Petereburg, Nov. etc-, Despatobe en receritedteedae at the headquarters of the Itnesien general. staff describe wide SpaCes in 'Manchuria as in a disturbed condition,. Severat small nines of Chteeee regulare leave been et/sow:tiered be the Thesstan trcops duriog the leet theee weeks and .elsee where robber bands ore raidueg and plundering the country, firing on. Russian foragers, Maj.. 1.orignioff with a named tome Oen 31, engaged the Chinese about 10 versts north of lewaog Teeiten Tse, capturing 000. A .compan) of .guards, with two guns, .while on the way to Tie Lin, to re- ioforee the Russian garrtson teere, came into collision with a body of Chinese ca.valry. NEW YORK VISITED Terrilic ealos Throughout Northern Part ot State Wetertonee N. Ye Nov. 2e-ee men attune burricage was in pregrees th northern New York .all night, At 0 Ports oa Lake Ontario and the St. 1..nwlence river beard fawn ;1 le %at* -4 teat the nine blew e gale. ell rts. teli• ere chliged to put into port for fete's 'the rassenger et 0:4 tater fone Ineretou. Ont., to Cape Velma, put , „te Carlton Island. . 'rilt, Cent! rail ilentet in ties elly •tee:O• Ittisileb• 4eli,•Nertelrbielid, ;!.114e-il ik, Nsvti. eT, iliturdi The railroad compute Tilton.* -.tea • i many treigtet re „. .,,, . • tIZZI.Aofel b„t tho storm. A coLon A DO- illeRRICANE. 1 Colorado SprintA, Co.o., Nov. 22 -• X Daylight reve;414.4 a :eneied maes of wreokage in P.1V. :S,. re .s ...,- th•s elle.' The gale, which Spr;u1,77 un yesterday i afternoon, readied a eeetei,e al Se miles on hour. At mainight It line / su4j.ded to tio alles tarin the bus - bless, seetion ihnteas oi! roofs lay int the etrectsthuneredssIr tel..granli ant .. telephone notes prietuded from the: debris, while thousands or wires were hopelessly tangled - Not a angle fatality has been re ported, bu, Edear 1. Eneign, teernet state forestry eommies7on tr. wat eettglo under a failing pile, and bac a leg free:imped arid sustained inter- ne! injuries whieb probably will re - soil in hie death. I, is estimated the one huedree frame dwellings were demolished ix 'ho etutlying portions of the •eity. Nt „ ee • i ma t es have •vet been made of the , financial losses. MAUL- FR TilIBITION .n.tre.ta Governmant Formulates a Set o QthIstions -- Winnipeg, Man., Nov. 21. -The Irr!,rial government tc-day fornuene- ed Z.1 WI, of questions, eleven in 4111111- ber, as a cae to be submitted to the full Court of Queenee Benoh, which eine ia term on Nev. 26. The ques- Hems eonstituting this case are ne- e:tee:wily very long, and cover the powers of the -Provincial Executive and the jurisdiction of the Legisla- ture m the matter of the prohibition of the importation of liq er Into the province or the manufacture and consumption of liquor bee?. The prin- cipal points involved are, whether the Legislative Assembly had tower to enact the Liquor Act, or was it ul- tra view? Another question especially referred to is whether the prevince had a right to make regulations restricting the sale, eto., of liquors by breweries, distilleries eto., litensed by the Do- minion government, as well as the im- portation of liquor into the province or expoil fionx the province. The question. of the Hudson Bay Company e. r1ght to deal in liquor will also be argued. The Dominion and Provuicial governments, Dominion W- hence, Liteens.ed Viotuallers and Hub - son Bay Cempany, will •each be rep- resented by counsel.. The case will be taken up after the regular hat oe EllitS set down tor bearuag and. con- .sequeritly may not be re.a.ohed un- til the middle of December. • VERY SATISFACTORY Czar's Physicians So Report Els Majesty's Condition Ideraditt, European Russia, Nov, 23. - The following bulletn was is- sued this morning by the Czar's play- eicians:--• "The Emperor passed a quiet day Y°Sthr daY. lie slept about an hour. At nine in the evening hie temperature was 102.7; pulse, 82. Hi: Mejesty passed a .ery good night His ea:edition and strength are veto sa,tisfactoey. This raornin,g at flint oniock his tempera.ture was 101.3• Poise, 75." -Montreal, Nov, 21. --. A, vertigo of the new Theatre Francais. now be course or erection on St. Catharine street, collapsed. this efternome and Dumber of people were buried ha "Snow -ball" Smith, the negro burg- lar who, early on Sunday morning was found in the bed -room. of a young girl in. Toronto. and who, when Wine. Fox, her father, hearing her tscrearas, ran to the reeeue, struck hins down evith a piece of iron pipe, was sent - cured by the police magistrate to 10 years in the Kingston Penitentiary. the rums. One man was lolled end severe people seriously iujared, The het of casualties is as followsoe Anzello Costello, aged Re. INJIJR,ED. Louis Costeilo, 10 years, hands and face badly rut. • Frauls: Tambeurini, 6 years. head badly cue, eirs. Tameourini, 40 eeare, lege in. jured. The accident took place about halt - past three o'clock. A number of work- men were engaged en the building rushing tee wore or construction. A VerN high wind was blowing at thPROMINENT MA.N DYING.e 1 'time and suddenty a partion ot the Guelph. Ont.. Nov-. :32.-Joiln fr. l'Iob- brick wall in the rear of the building son, well known throoghout Ontario, collapsed and =Tatted Iwo a s;inall land a brother ef Joseph Hobson, chief ner early this morning made an at- tomPt to 33:kgrder leis sister Mrs. -remote Wilford, after whiele he OQ1711- 41111tted StatSide, by the same raeane hG had 'eeeployed in tryiag to kill her, Detereen a entli 4 o'clock Mrs. Wilford was awakexted by her brother trying to obionetetene her. She fought lib off, but after a desperate struggie Sitittner succeeded in forcing a quan- tity of carbolic acid down her throat. lie thee wallowed the remainder •of the acid. and ran frond the booze. He was f Mend dead in the Lehigh Valley yards." 3l1rs, Wilford made her way - 10 a doctor's office. She is fright - telly burned and May die. Skineer is believed to eze.ve been insane, KAISER WILHELM SA.V.E, Ne•NV York, Nov. 22.- The North German Lloyd steamer Keiser Wil- helm Der Greoes. e from Bremen South- ampton and •Pberbourg, witteh eves due day before yesterday, passed Fire ot one o 0 -colt to -day, conneg ien She eignalled: "Carried away one blade of *crew," and "Report nee ail well." tettottent situated in the ret r of the f.engine.er of the o.T.B., is lying at theatre betiding. Two Italian fannies, his benne here very dangerously ill, the Tarerbourinis and Dandonis, re- and is got expecte,/ to recovere Sided in the tenement. Costello, who livel won tee Tambearini family in Ike top story of the tenement, wee eick, 15 be% went the twat:melee of briek and mortar ranee crashing into the house: bureine ithe 15 he debris, To e441 to tee horror of tine seen" a small stove la t2t kitchen was over- turned ansI 1116 pleee set on fire. The remen awl ponee were seon on the leene, awt a bie crowd wee attract - tel by the areident. Costello was ree :revive from tee ruin.; in a dying and exelred yetile on his ay to ste noepital. The tither in- mates of tir, house esenpeel =Leered with tee oxeeptien of Mrs. Tentemere • ni. her woe and emote, Coeiello. wbo, ehile severely euet by the felling well, did not stritain 0.01 'iletteen The .demnge retuerel hy the falling wail was not great. HALE lef"BliOteel,Y flAGINTt ;genteel., nose en -o 4..s••: tee wand. Morrit u in Mcseiree" lir. average ve"0-..itc of the wind as - sanding, 10 Or.' Metrirl Obto'rator.V. tieing seventy- two wal!el 3r1 lrear. 'The worm has done convieterale* &mum. The teleerept wleee, or • reperted down tn melte pt,rik n.? thA. eton.v.al dee. teen les cite te"eerneh wirelrevs, eirel 'ere - eetreed away in vent: perre or ee e'ne, and small S'91,;11* -C, were drorel 'led. The vele wily tat vo.; ' here -mei t• -01t to -'ii TON ird ,1 • en • .„," lee!, -0 eevente- Iwo mile.; an hour at mid - erred. tenet a teree• letterienne is raging. IntS1?1t %T o -r kWA. w-itrl and rain • •I•ient Ise,"; • •v- 4th()%11 II' ,014 .0e: :11 ond ray - Poi gri'a n. n • e'ci•iierabit i'l;Arrin• in 1 .40r -or., "nrr te!ertrape ••••mioneleeteei wi•It e'..treetee exettpi e ed serve-, lo vete oe 'Venereal Ow, very !!reiiIN:1 wesnIteil .frow • ,storm. Twi 'nen -.lord DWI( WM Prildh:•,fline Wel"( •v,itti:17 7n a t; regeiet ter letteksmitt eetenerete ageie tean ejel stone wal n he burnt deetriet al Me Cletudiert eleni the high wind leew :town tin e. 01, whit+ 1)1ml:emit/ eh en 1 1 he i wo men were ereshet 15 elentle 1.1„Gel•TNING eT IIESPELER. . . Ilespeler, Oro., Ne v. e1-Dnring tht xoterese of 41 thealerstorne white: 'eine over tide eee174en this mornme • ele 11 (0,,-.10eh, Ili" barn on Wharlei 1?,••1,4,s farm, near Ilesneler, NM° s tint burned to i he ground ne wit h thee season's orops, twt ▪ -xt nue some it:mitre. The farm. *owletriente we -A Fayed. Thf1. IMO • 111.1 S '10 11)(Mt $1,00, on wide/ re is on Insurture of about el, - :ZOO in the Waterloo Mutual. HIS HONORS WERE MANN --- SirArelear Sullivan's Was a Career oi Musleal Triumphs London, Nor. 22 -Arthur Seymom Sullivan, the famous composer, wilt died to -day, was born in Londor Odet,y 13, 1842. He received musical in- struction at the Chapel Social, St James, and at the Conservatorum Lipsig. His operas, cantatas, etc., AV t0101 well known to need more that reference. He was a member of large nu•mber of foreign learned ant musical societies. Tbe honorary do gree of Doctor of Music he received from bath Cambridge, and Oxford. 11: was a ehe,valier of the Legion of Hon- or, a knight of the Order of the Pious: of Coburg, end had received from th: Sultan of Turkey the Order of th: afedjidieh. Ho was knighted by th: Queen at Windeor in 1883. Sir Arthur Sullivan had been all. tag since he returned from Switzer - bald, 1/1 the middle of September. He caught a chill there and his chest and lungs became affected. He tool; to his bed a fortnight ago, but was convole,scing and sitting upin his bee just before be expired. The afternoon newspapers print long eulooms.. HE N Joint Bun's heart is Oradnany hardening USELESS DOER STRUGGLE gas Quenched eley eympethe That Existed - Gen, Beibe, Oeouted London, November 22, I a. The explanation's. offered • be elle Wessels and the other Boer leaders at ,..Tarseilles that Pre - Went Kruger is landing in France as a peacemaker, 1,ut upon averting fur it -r bloodshed In South Africa, 15 inir.rectly confirmed bi Lord Roberts, Ilis official aecouw of a dozen petty skirmishes and tuti,T.a.s. affairs shows that ibe RAittz •,.re sat:thing Notemut:e owl preconeeried erne:eine to der:tort- e, erste that lets:lila tee ie. mime kind a re s;ili itt• progoess. For the first. time 4.1 severed weene eatisk 4'11 thew rtish woe eueeeneee. en outpost 01 let Date. under Lytelettin'a cone - ,10, was surpriied, and 1b:Ft3, men wens taken •eite;•tetteti.., atier nearly a due •lt 11041 ,IP1M kil i snd wounded. Ail he other akirro reeulted Un- etvorthily for the later. This single sureess offers it tul:ant for tiee be- lief 'hut Knigno.s, for .ntee- vention will Iiisez-zed vi in Alai or any other repeal, (WM ;It tlttneral Dewat.*A revtrwit, het; cerried peer - i I la warfare to the Itt rim roan , ex- tent of threatenine w'th deeth all burghers who •refuse to teke up arms THE IRON RAND. If Qin Doer taeties ere beeraninp more desperate, Joint 'exile; hear, tt Wee bard:mime. 1 ry t ri- tunpliani le *''turned be the natal* could ms stantl a sin•s1:. day if any coneessions were •me.le to Kruger Lord Kitehener, o 2)1811 isr iron, with- oui nervee or sentiment, will be tensed to do what he likes, and nt ourstions will be aelted. Only one • melt in Seeili Africa can impone an reel raint on his a et itine. This h Sir Alfred Milner and his health and rowers of resistanece are impaired When he 144.1 Engla.ad he was in the r.- invi of neinheml, and without a s:ngle grey beer, or a line on liis Mee, Hie friends returning f rom Seuth Afriest evert that he has agee terribly, ,and looks bent and worn under the weight of responsibility. GEN. nom& DOOMED. Cop.. Town, Nov, 20- The Argus saysit has reasons to believe" that. Commandant -General Bothals com- mand can be kept well in hand in Mc north- eastern portion of the Trans. vaai, until it is obliged to yield lot lack of supplies. Gen. Pole- Coretv will sail for Brig. kind to -morrow. The special court for the trial of the treason cases will begin its session at Coleeberg on December 5th. Mr. A C. Sampson, a member of the Cape Parliament, will aot preseCuting attorney. I....TT,. T. Steallge Tei/tee Toronto, Nov. 22.- When the Royal Commission on assessment met this n 7 C H F ENI)LAN COMM, RI morning to consider exemptions from taxation, Mr. Lyman Lee of Hamil- ton, representing the Canadian Pre- teroal. Association. with soots 30,0:10 queen V. to ..a Exiie and Lord Robert5-,. Dead Melnbers, asked that tee income of Ogee benevolent societies be ex- empted trent taxation. He made a strong argument, first on the ground that the tendeney in Great Dritain yes- is- to relieve this class of Income -from Ilamilt°11%. °°Iumn a"ived here atthareeeastrioorietttueseces oapen:odttethebateitioortsheuortreetmuyseennlubveisissf, at Our: any eaufbt:ortt 4siscottriinegts, themeLittlep,sy aLeatincdpoutr:geoei;id, tftoai 1741 teiletosul‘rflpargura tbrAirvigfeiotim. ponunbr;, brought in a nuMher of prisoners The latter relate the rernaTriti:bblaerteas. surances they received ac 1 he Ittlyogrskoinfgauxu: rbeferoxmonipactionragetthuexiratsiaotne, front tGbeen.y say, autrgaedforttbneigbhutrgabgeor.sDte; Dor, Father Teefee for tile Roman colon° church asked for a lima hold oat till Deeember 10, when "al. Aek44.ceoce ilaotioop7tarron7xese'DaTlir. ehltunKriefaPiaaj. terdednilhtlis4til tlhveerlIrftifst8shair II; Pell(' - ... mission of Russia to fight fax a yea; mg in t e ; of taxation, in xnunicipallties where a.0"Ty.a; ,Q1uvrillerlIchtt.orbiaad fulaects to5teste'aappti be asked to submit to a faar she.re the Cleinese, who had captured hall it has Property, of England; Gen. Botha. had drives the 13ritish out of the Transvaal and THE BilT_T_ER ENDhimself was fighting in Cape Colony had taken Pieternearitiburg; Dewei burning fame and Lord Roberts atle.akunentlet4o by yeitibhreone btoulitleti3e, haladd beer „been buried there beneath tbe tows hail, Kroonspruit, Orange River Cob any, Thursday, Nov. 22. -Gen. Bruce. Krum Says the Boers Will Die For Liberty EX - PRESPE.NT"4 BOASTS itecetticti With Frantic Cheers BY the Erne ;Wool French Mereeille% Nev. 22,4 -Mr. Kruger cannot et he elated, at the warmth at WA re- Pttee by the people el Marseilles toalay, ram the =meat the white., twelve oared barge lett the tilde et the Gelderlend vete •Preeideat Krueer letting lit her etern arreeteleri by tee Deer reeresentetive% the storm ot cheerine n ver eteeel until note he entered hie hotel, le. Then e. vaet eoneetwee tie people re A in trout 01 the Minding until Ur, , tner appeared en the baletexy. wbe.re ..,; ad to remain tor seiner Utile tincoverO, aelmowleagino the acelaMations ott his th",aittiP PI ad- mirer.% who cent:kiwi to *taw until Mey AVM: hoarse Tile Patti:en deeleratien which Mr. Krugtr meet 4, the landing aaas aispenea at QX1c4 exte icepeezaion thee he ;night irecne to acce0t a tem- proneee. trout the Dritiei Gertz-env:A. Hie emasemeentent was gee, to with a tear ol cheers and cries of "Vi' Kroger.” "Vivo Lee Deere." "Vive Le relieve." Ho epeeist! the eel-Aimeet tnen the Luta elettey, weere, reelyete to the etorra of acellarnatione trona th' F.Cllid block of thou - easels Mr. Kruger tali the receptiote given hira to -day woula en annex to Motifs the woundS lit hie heart. The Bzere, ern* he, woulel never eaeritlee terir frecetien. Thee would econer be exterminate* to the bust man. THE ADDRESS Or WEIXONIE. Five 01 the munichul cow-will:ire rxe- setited the tolloweagt aerirrott to ex.reeel- dicta Kr:one. viten he tended: "Me. Preatlent-The Sive cot:nee:lora rre. nt beg you on their own rieround. and In Ilia electors' name, to :weer. their greetitzto which Is both reseeettui and free ternel 'trout ardent lieptiblicans. They honor In you the Ole and rcaeozteit re. preeentetive ot a freiState. end render vas; the moat Refotra and hearty born. ago for your pereetial courage. and that o your ;talon. 'wleeleyin aetentshea the whole world Wrote: ‘ . coot all (dell - 1 reed nations eau tett an embody the defence ot liberty, retied. el toad home. and for this taered trea ee lean:der it an honor and duty to ireont an er.pret. elon ot our bountlleas a ineration for the unehaltable contitience you tea; main- tained In the Idea. of b'ee etetlee which has dictated your atimeabl-• cattail,. rid that ot our Itepubileari brettere. of the Traneeara. This, 1- rheao unique exam- ple must be a. lesscit to thzi t Mire werld. Int can make onIv one wish. Mr. Pres!. denl. namely. that lids emitiiicnen may remain In the heurt ot veer nation, tor luetice must ever V,' Itr•ineible" THE BUBONIC PLAGUE tt Has Been Discovered No tr Xini William town, South Africa „ Cape Town, Nor. 22- Tto health officer certifies that the disease pre- vailing at Izeli, near King Williams- town is the bubonic petgue. Another case was reported to -day. THE QUEEN'S HERM Hex, Majesty' IS Wonderfully Robust , for Her Age swiTr.r. 4,kozn °Ross nolvs... Lorenzo 'Marquez, November V.-4 wouaded Boer prisoner taken at Lee bombe elated before deiog that Mil litterS now rite the field. ttfiVe taken at: "Iudependenee or death." Ther' wear a. badge, "to which is atteehtet e ',Akan anti cross -bones. HOER GENERAL DEAD. Nov. The 13.2er ger:oral, Gravett, died et fitooenekel in t he 'Teensy:la 1. from i la tame I ;Or rvening upon a W31554 by a shell_ 11,e was 42 yeara of age Gen. Sprayt _has Wen appointed hit euecessor. HOER TREACHERY% Johennesbarg. Nav. of 41.000 has br,,n efferee for :tee •ap preherrelon of van wintied Bell. v•-•Ite le believed to beet- been direetly plieated in the ellootiog of two iron of Compton's Horse at Klithfotr:,Fr: end to be aseorieted With settell raw - Hee et titte enemy to the uortloyest o . here. A VALVAIILE ("ATM. Kr:must:1th Nov. en.- The !sr:ear-tee recently taken at Ilothevanle b heeen sent off to tee route. 'The eeee 11'4 valum141e. one es they ineiwie arW.64e aril rolOn. hrt,ort tium.h.r of reftleeei are F,nullt, and tho inwst it.vo r.ortn- noprRTA' %ISE - Loudon. Nov. 2:1, --The Deily `4:••• pultlieltes this mormie7 totervi,, with Mr. Buruittal. (111` Arra ..xeceo smut who wee oa eta& of L., Roberts, r'xtrdiias ii4k1M;11;,i, itI seoming melee tee modern of warfare, whieti, pte • Iry 111(1101%MM - rtli;ilOnt Ly reeeived leiter tape Loot leer ern. testi4itte ilea in hie oeiset, • r, other roan coal `I coryieee reniteree he etr. iXtu it, e.„ "services requirine . adeie eleioeteeee„ rel.:W.1ff,, shill, view:nee ;eel '1. 51 ante."' TILE "nt ^rye:. Am...A.1R. eoneon, Noe. tO.-A eeeeed. deneit t from .51idillebuig, Trano.nal (7c1;Iy ..4135 Of t1,10 FO.41.5 of Or' "Duas', (bird Infantry eoutinvecti of lealmoral, Nov. 10, tie Doer:. lost 60 men kiiled aed wounded The burghers, the despatelx adds, 13311V ultemeousie attacked a garrison o Fusiliers on Wilee River, but wert •• beaten off with the loss of 120 Inez ; killed and wounded. THE EPHESTIO KUHN LLA An Insect Pest That is Extremely Fond of Flour Toronto, Nov. 22. -The Mediterran- ean flour moth has agalm matte its ap- pearance in Toronto. The entornolog- zeal name for this insect is ephestio kultnelIa.. It was first discovered in this city ten years a.go. At that time millers complained, of the ravages which some strange insect was mak- ing upon their stores of flour, ineat, as Deplorable Condition of Chinese "Slaves• STARTLING REVELATIONS signs of failing abilities, and het looks fresh and vigorous, shows lie and yet resonant. She takes her d , LIM r appearance, as a flour and feed. neer- examined by en•tomologists. The speeimen was then pronounced to be etc., and a specimen of the haseet was inseet originally appeared, there. As soon as the nature of the pest was out. After an interval of ten years the Mediterranean flour moth., as the anderstood it was pro:raptly cleaned Pro - in Salmon Fishing Vessels daily In an open carriages throlo'e e f„ e adenneiat Agricultural Department yes- ,Liehant brouget a colony into the pro. n3.0,- terday. 'fans merchant has had a imos••••••• Washington, NOT. 23- Horrible con ditions existing among the Chinese a board vessels in the Alaskan salmot canning induretry, are portrayed 11 a report of Assistant Surgeon L. L Imansden, at Angels Island, Cal., jus made to the raa,rine hcenital service _ Hs says a number of vessels have re turned to San rransoiseo reeently fron thl Alaskan country, with a histon of, several deaths of these Chinre workers. These Chinese are reerue ca from the poorest and roughes _element of Chinatown, and aro hen ractical slavery by the Chines e ses, who provide this labor. The, en, are worked eighteen hours i e.y and live in barracks in ut te. eieregard of cleanliness and eanita :ion. • The fish they eat frequent le 1.$ well advanced it putrefactmn,. I lei difficult to conceive fully of tie fie leness aboard. The Chinese gear :ere are dark and damp, and th, .1ary conditione are unfit tt print. The tehite men on these ves s-ls disclaim responsibility for tni (.' nlition under which the Chines, live. end transaet all bu.sireess witl :teen through a Chinese foreman, th vo- called "No. 1 man." Five thousim, 0 i hese Cluneed recently have cone inn: Chinatown, San Francisco, an with their lowered vitality woul: cell reedy prey to plague, cholera o, en7 infertious disease, and thus men pubic health. It is urged tlet I hr658 coasting teazles lee made ette • : 10 the same awe as VOW - 1 SMALLPDX AT PATTS3URGo, Two Members of a Theatrical Troill:,2' Stricken Pittsburg, Nov. 23 - Harry Wire feed and George eV. Pickett, Meru, bars of the."VR1liants and Walledi theatrical company, at present play. ing in 4.:Lla, city, were taken' to thi Mein.icipal hospital lase night suffer. Mg from smallpox. Ween the healti official:. discovered the contagion it the company they at once went t4 the theatre* and vaccinated the en. tire troupe otf forty actors. The compariy came. here from Rochester • Y 't S ' • • tt 001 known whe,re the disease was eon tracted. On account of the Promle procauftorr, taken apprehension Oi the spreading of toile infeetion is 1811 by the authorities- ' 1 'els es enged a deep sea voyages, :Loudon, Nov. 23, 6 a. m.-- Rumors are renewed that tte Queen's health m not so good an it might: he. They are, however, not well- founded. Her Ma-jesty is wonderfully robust, she the flour raoeh has again made its voice, Considering her age, is gweet great forest of 11:Vio,dsor. • considerable quantity of horse chest- nut flour in store for a year past, and on exameneng some of it recently he found. it contained a white, yellowish larva about half an iteele in length. The larva has the appearance of e aaterpillar. The flonr moth is very deseruotive, and the Agricultural De- parte:cent advises millers and flour merchants that if the insect' is dis- oeveredl the meal or flour it is cone tainted in should be well roasted, and, Lf not thrown away, fed. to cattle. i• IN THE TORNADO'S PATH DANGEROUS DERELlt Two Barges Loaded with Pulpw Lake Erie 5 od „petit it g3.uffalo, Nov. 23- The *tepee ge re- ported as having been washed ashore near Dunnville and: Port O1borne, Ont., is probably froin the ca ferry barges, 'Nos. 3 and 4, of the Lake lelichgan Car Ferry Asoa,whso1i the tug S. M. Fischer, cleriere ed all Long Point in the gale le embea 13th. The bargee wire \IonJid with pulpwood, from Bay 1WIne ich., for Niagara Falls. They eele-d;* ,water- logged in the storm, 1,f,achui was unable to handle, " '4.he tug too]t the crews off t went out the u d. s t cl cut the lines. The'tug an for the barges, but :was find thorn. The eeareb eye ed. The attorney ofi, the Association served fdrmal notice oi the abandonment of i,.the tearges ot iNov. 15,15 Chicago. The rges evert leaded with pulpw000t 1 it was feared by many that /the ,vould ro main afloat with decks ash, form- ing dangerous dereliets ght in the t,raelt of steamers fro. Detrott tc Buffalo. The (leek load would pro- bably wash away, :nee ally :n ila fierce gale of wedna. away 'the deckhouses, tieh amount for Cho cabin found n Gull Lulu Tut New York State Church Demolished by the Gale en gest -d Kingston, N. Y., Nov. 22 --The Re - an dateboi ep1 coort.310termion. The roof was blown ex.. 1 f°s Church at Marbletown was 'derinmsdolished be a toalaedo ye.sterday af- abanden eral hundred feet into the woods an ' ar Perr,i the steeple and the bell were carried e.cross. the rime.' i '-e.‘to SW t us visit THAT TEIR9BBINd HEAD A.CFJP, 3OTiaelv/ , .. Would quickly leave you, if ed Dr. King's New Life Pil1s.4 ;Inds of Buffet ers have ere/00 matchless merit for Sick an, eee Headaches. They make por, strong nerves told build up.'7 Easy to take "Try the •64.e: cents. Money back if n by all Druggists. In in.Yr1/1101/lory." Fie i ni: was .16 it ,s1clos ( c Spree. Hi , e , Ti.10 ripen' t ; ... iden sl/usl) o Nw 1-hst: 1 Ily 0," 'lie said, ' Had' Loraine re ,fier 'lluband so 's .i.,c'sf uJoud, i;lici,t of 1 fieir Ived,ded li '10e,ethrir they 3 ma ryceitir val1e,y 010 1)01\71(1.01.s af LSI ,