HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-29, Page 3ificent carte Ise flames. °settees eoni- AIEN Dane - surer. The establish - tides which se operatives had always e prensiems the automat, d on suspi- ideuce was ;a C." .1•1101,1TM 1 FOR S.4.1,H r. eath3rt-, *for." for is Immense xr Palls and eleetal nt our 5'lerfei. hett. seekle111' isace wilee !ass. .1',0821t11. Letl*,, St and he inee, t4 rep her 11 • [t rn awriet Amtcuse sole helv- e erchan t, ,rtn ct who it; daugh- i written le writer .1e in per - in. The , and re - 3U3 * lady's rries t tut th be go into p 'which i ,nt, part- ded pro- cks a v• 4 wareu te ident, d merle". . of that of abOr renovat sqtare, tr to see ice inso- for dear set quite brought le castle instated mwete to , ma.gni- cs which one. ,ublished Ster her ified the tder and ter critic i.a book tiA a- 5, those 3 natur- with its vigor, touches le critics Before th there o affirm itorious, to pro - n proof iced by ond ly, it >fs had Thirdly, less all- wri tten section wotnen lat this love y by a s LOVc* - feet - Sore the "right gl Lorain lxnont e held f vesford's "hie as aft oM chur oh, cruel &di man •t, and g theim As the y the pa e 'e e b gam, \s„.„ nd hi lAlt a ge tb fidtre C , weeks that bripa,ht, Ulniont lfi st odd befor cli urn h. T aly, ,In.d sun en rue to SW[t • "Let us visit ,t husband.," ,Lora in e t tic, sce n es 1 ; ove in my memory." 40i 4 Ulm n , wa,4 loth .sicies t f Spain. who the m rile ripen Ju: LI i' 14, Iii'ietllasi ,alliidn,15•Ihn,,IvIn:. co . , EKON mmilitSR PERTH - fill t16 Nows of intere$t to Times fladers Happening 111 tiles6 Gotintios FOR Ttie •PAST WEEK 1-1 uro S. J. Sutton of Stephen bas been toe:omitted to th Goderich jail on a, charge of lunacy. Francis Morley, Clerk of Usborne Township has been appointed eomina- ing o4icer for this district, Nesse- Richardeou & MeInuis have pare.liaeed the shoe business and stock •of 1 -mud Smith, of Seafortle. NS atter Pennington has sold his 50 aees earns, being east half of lot 14, eencession 14, Grey, to Thomas Lear - snout. wee Creech, a. mason, frora Kin- arellue, died Friday el:foreleg in the itiotel Dieu, Windsor, Ont., of tvphoid Pever. 1140u Friday night, rehouse on Leopold. etreet, Wiep;bara, owned hY Wm Snell • mud oceupied by Absolom Taylor, was C. Aestroyed by Ore. Miss Delia Delia Sperling, Winghaue has , .cured a position as Instructress in a ' 'esical Academy in Spokane, wase„ gton,at a remunerative salary, The Bayfield Presbyterian coegrega. see ee extended a call to Rev. Mr. Carap. as he has accepted a previous •v this church remains as get with- ^ e pastor. Aisoiltes Lougwortie of MeHillop, is „ , to reside in Dublin, and will ''ur.,5:u. store there. Mr. Longwortb is ee'wer ' tellow, and we will he pleased eine him as a citizen, asone. in twenty are free from liale ailment caused by inaction ss ger. Use Carter's Little Liver 11- She result will be a pleasant -. They give positive relief. are eighty -live inmates in • seesse-esasses___ ouse of Refuge, It is well far iat there is a place provided tged and infirm, who are un - for themselves. • ""urivilatiaTVOWZI$ of the 2.nd concession nuss the ayst;r inet, with a bad accident eesee__, _ dieing kicked on the leg ruZpureeT:titee Both bones were fractur. um or mieteur1 between the knee and the trarsdoo'Wasid, ins one article in the line of at gives so large a return valweaeln money as a good porous to ,IsrSeeseengts gag plaster, such as Carter's itrwomr4letsetrz,•:!deincl Belladonna Backache Areet McFacizen, a well-known Exeter, were -toelo resident of the 17th on &mbar ley, purcluieed lot 3, eon, 10, poorly and hope to see tee ee000, Mr. MeFeeleen is 4.731rne township. containing 100 Reuniter lost se own.; r of 400 acres% 300 in see„davsieng bend 100 in California. 771"' ,°'•,''reiaritl Mrs. J. 11, MeHarfly, of 44e4(18Ifl tv' I left, on Tuesday for Nel, eon 33 oboasthe:Son mnietteure they have a sol) residing, hatelsionie eel eaelleiegYPi es inore muse lets than because of any Pages. Lo go west, and we sineerelY it e change may do him good. tait,ofBroseele,her athorough- • se sese,fe 4177ey cow 46 years old, that has ts' Lmtcru. DErsecora both for breeding tend it'Wel-tes41" d011iling, On November Mb, 1800, asne gond Mel a, calf and on October 12tli, eseablish 3, she presented her owner with tie 91"another. 22$ poutes of butter was -dht! produced In 11 months, A very popular event in Goderich was tbe evedaing Wednesday of Frank Ziartin, son of Henry Martin, and Miss Ette Reid, yonngest daughter of Jamieson Reid, which took place at 12 • o'clock at the residencs of the bride's parents. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. Jasper Wilson in the pres- ence of about forty guests. Dr. J. A. Baird. formerly of Bruce- ' lield, graduate of McGill, and late House Surgeon to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal. who was taking Dr. Wood's practice, at Bayfield, has accepted a, position with the Canadian Pacific Railway, as surgeon in the ; vicinity of Sudbury, and. left for there on Monday. On Wednesday last as Christopher ec.' Jobb, of Turnberry was taking a loa.d T," of hay to Wingham, be met with an er accident. While on the embankment, c. :4 near Jobb's bridge, the hind end of the 4 waggon slid alt the embankment. Mr. P" Jobb was thrown off and fell on a - boulder, with the result that one of ` his thighs was broken. t' .11 Geo Harris and sons, of Dungannon, the well-known bone3r men, have re- . reived notice from Paris that the In- ternational Jury at the Paris Univer- sal Exhibition, has awarded a gold medal diploma to the Dominion of -Canada tor a collective exhibit of honey, ' of vqhich the Messrs Harris' formed an important part. Dr. Frank D. Turnbull, who has been associated -with his brother, Dr, J. L. Turnbull, in Goderich, has bought out the practice of Dr. H. IL Ross. Auburn in Huron Comity. Dr. Turnbull grad- uated with first, class honors from Toronto Medical college in the spring of '00 and was then given the position of house surgeon to the Toronto Gen- eral hospital and Burnside Lying-in hospital. Dr. Turnbull's home is near Milverton. ,C1F A Jasper Winters, a young man who went from Seeforth to Chathem a out tsvo years ago. made a detor- ea ed 'attempt to end his life. Thurs. y da morning lie ant his throat from \ ear to ear, the wound exposing the jugt lar yein and -the- windpipe, but the penklaife used heing blunt missed iercmg either. He bad been in poor ealth and was d espoden le The phy- sicians think he has a good chance to recover. • Itasl Lcrnine rema.ine 'her 'Itmbiind so strange :first cloud that • crosect ' of. their tv,eclited life rnigh r,rogellier they went to t'un i'velous val1e,y which 11 " ;the .ho tvlciers Blanc. • SCROFULA. THE CAUSE. `Eczema, catarrh; hip disease, white elling, and even consumption have ir origin in scrofulous conditions. ' the slightest taint of scrofula in lood, there is DO safety. The y for this disease in all its forms 's Sarsaparilla, which goes to of the trouble and expels all s and disease germs from the am,ily cathartic is Hood's Local Items. The llow- ing ofeeere were el ctedfor .the' emu. ' Bewsreoet or OP2.0DRO,fo ensu- ing year in Main : . Meth. Leaginee- Free., Mrs., A. Fori. ; 1st vice,. Mts. Milyard ; 2nelviceteMie.iiii. IkleClalluna ; $r31 Piee, 3/liss M.N. Weite ; seth vice, Miss Charlotte Sereet ;;See'ye Wesley Howes,- ; -Tgeas„p. Joeques ; Organist, Mies Lena Howeed„ , launeeneep A F.Aleeese,R. McCord, who recently ei)14 hif farm on Thareee Road, has purehaseclegt acres in Lon- don township - from gr, Cunniugbao,. situated thee mils* from Merton, ,atel eight mike frcn London. The ef price paid was $,,, Mr. eCorci0 takes possession let Mara.. We re- gret loeieg Mr, met Ire. McCord, as. they havelseen value citizene of this section. jAmgs Sr, ANNIT:, . sA.R.T.—The an- hurch Will bhecl e ld . : Dec, 0 and, 10. eivereary _of the. ,Jats St Methedist c The Supday services 011 be ecieductea by Rev.. T. el Scott. I Aylmer,. On Monday evening tei. will be served from ti till 8, after wlSi 11 Mr. Scott and others will deliver eddresses. Miss Hooper, Of London., krIts c011Sellted to be present -to assist t1.0 choir at all_ ser- vices. This promieeeto be a very see- cessful anniversary rett no pains . have been spared to makeit suelt, Millie. sion 16 and 2e. R. T. OP T.,—.e _ tleTegielar meeting of the Royal Te 'eel of Temperance, Acivae _ Coe tiee 207, a, Rally Night, a lar * ,Ser. e of men -deers and o, most ' .it essogrannee was rendered,. New metibers are joining the order. The eleefen of officers for thweoreing year, KC.. Bros. M. Vin - tent ; Vice O.', Sas. E-.Ciiiies io,• F. Se is. Ma , Gill: "'. " Bro, P, Vrayne ; R. S., Sis. Ar ..4 .it ; -Chap., Bro. R. Gould ;, fkit; e ro. T, H. 111e0a1-. linn ; HO ear. J4 R. Seuthcott i Guard. Bro, G. 81 e ; Sentinel, Bro. T. Colliegwood ; Organist, 81s. Pearl Ic‘IT:' T•,.10LIes* Peia.ses-The entertain., went in progress in the Opera House th'is weekgivezi by the Jolly Pulls 11yRnotieVeuderille Co.. is, each SAO* tessese nigh. ittraeting large mit. enees and ere, e much interest in town, The ente .7nment s first-cla.ss. The company coiieste of Prot Pull, the great hypnotet and mind-reader; J. N. Pull. the famous baton and fire. -torch nianiptilatoS ; MessrsealcXenuey and RaPetend, essaliste. Prof. Pull Is certainly a weederfol mintlemidete and the various flit:limit tricks_ he per- forms are marvellous to say the least; as a itypuotist be is a thorough suc- cess. end the eisrt of the program . sup- plied by hini is a big entertainment in Itself. j, N. NU electrified the and, ience in the swinging of the baton and fire torches, His manipulatioes though difficult, are clever. The illus- trated songs by ille, Raymond and Mr. AleXenney were loudly encored. To Mies it is to zees a very rare treat, Tuts IUD R. HUNS 1001 ALMANAC.— Whatever may besaidof thescientific causes upon whiet the Rev, Irl R, Hicks bases his really forecasts of stoins and weather, it is a reratiekable fact that specific warnings of every great amen, flooil, . cold wave and droutlehave been Vainly printed in his new raDIOutl rkimasew for many years. The latest ,startling proof of this fact wee- the destruction, of Galveston, 1 exasem Ili ay eamed by Prof. f Hicks lu his , numac, .as one of disaeter by t, eei Wong the gulf coasts. The 1001 Alm m . by far the finest, most complet i beautiful yet pub- lished, is now ely, This remarkable book of near t•W hundred pages,splene . did& illustratediesith charts aucl half- tone engravingsegoes as a premium to every sebscribeewho pays one dollar a year for Prof. Hicks' Journal, Wont) AND Wortee ,,, The Almanac alone is sent prepaid for only 25e, Order from WORD well Womes Publishing Com- pany, 2201Locust Street, St. Louis, , Mo. 1 TUE Nr nee ENOINE.—T, D. Ron ald, of Brasels, manufacturer of the Ronald 1 + se Engine, waived in town Moteley 1 1 ith one of bis engines, which the Coun il bad ordered at a recent rneethig, iubject to the approval of the membersof the Board and the Chief of Fire department. The engine is a fine lookitg machine, and NVPS put to the test cia Tuesday. From the time the torch Was applied 06 minutes only elapsed before there had been 35 lbs of steam raised from cold water. With 100 'mulles of steam two streams, each from a one -inch nozzle, were thrown aboub 160 feet straight into the air, apparently 50 feet higher than the spire of James -se church. One noti- ceable feature in contrast with the former engine was the ease with which the Ronald eugme did its work and the unwavering of the streams, there being from 150 tg 200 pounds of pres• sure on the base. The engine was run and handlep, by I. Smith, town engineer, in a manner leading one to suppose that it is,simple in its working 3,Tra,gp,,i,t,40 easy ofinanagement. There et the age crowd present .at the test, nee., draired the machine, its sim plieees nd the 'rapidity with which stea _, ' nerated. The Council will mee , is s Thursday) evening, when the eetn ent of purchase will berate; fled.1r. Ronald gets the disabled engi in t le deal. Exeter has been •rathS nfortunate in its adopticn of inapt' ga. fire protection. It was but three ,'ears ago thab the Council paid a,bou 3,000 for a new Waterous En- hich is already useless, unless vely repaired. Now we pur- nodern engine from tbe co •.,o. cost o f $1-1,500, guaran- 10 ars,. Mr. Ronald accepting rded engine as $1,300. It is hoped tvoihe next 30 or 40 years it willeArat :cessary to buy a new engle'ge a,' t l,tet, in due course our classificat n inlie Insurance schedule will be ra ed 1 041 "E." to "D," the new engi , iv believe, filling Oa° re- quiremen to sceemplish this desired object. • • Mr. (Di Le z has been seriously ill. the pat we k. Mr. and Mr. 0. Knight of St. Thomas, esite at 0. Ienight'ithis gine, exten chase Ronal teed fo the dis week. t Scotch e ertainment in Presby- terian cleui on Friday evening next at eight o'citele, consisting of program and refieshhents. A dmissione 0c, James Be rley • has taken a part- ner in the fLniture • business, lu the person et/ We.. Huston, late of Cen- tralia, who Oa \svieele joined ae'dasoy in the business, GRIM 0E111[1'8 1111111ET Mau Old Inhabitants oi tloe Huron Tract PM to THE X.E1TER TIMES OUR POULTRY AND BRITISH MARKET The following, writteu by 4 G, manager Of tlia Poultry Depart- ment of the Experimental Feral at Ot- tawa, is the first of a series of articles on the poultrY industry 'if. this country, which The Tmeg will Realms Unseen. publish during the next few weeks. The articles sbould prove of interest and profit to all interested in pout- TKE WEEK'S RECORD try, and there are many such in this The death of Donald Sinclair, ex -M, P. P. for North Bruce, and more re - gently Registrar for the County of Bruce, took place in Toronto the other day, Mr. Sinclair has been for a num- ber of months past afflicted with par- alysis, and had gone to seek treat- ment. Mr. Sinclair was one of tne pioneers in the settlement of Bruce, Isaac Roberts, for oyer half a con - tory a resident of Fullerton tosvuship. died Wednesday evening at the home of his son, Albert Roberts, Scott-ste $t. Thomas, Jr. Roberts woe eighty - Ove years old. He was horn in York shire, England, and came to this -coun- try nearly sixty years ago, and settled on a faros in South Perth. Deceased bad been a consistent member of the Methodist churele for half a century. He leaves a widow and ten children to sursuye hum The death occurred Friday at her house in Stratford, of Ann Sykes, widow of the late Mr. D. MeOlatchey who died in the same house some 22 years ago, Deceased, who was 62 years of age, had been three weeks side S1,e was born in Leeds. York- shire and crime to Canada when about 16 years of age, settling in Ellice. After living at Gadshill she went to Stratford where she bas lived for 26 years. She leaves a, family of five. john Sykes, IN °Dalian), is a brother, The late George Floyd of Exeter, was horn on the Packinghain estate, • Cooksey, England, in the year 1814, coesequently he was in the 78th gear of his age. Ile was a millwright by trade, and followed that occupation for many years in the old couetry. Isa the year 181-0 be enuried, taking as eis partner, Miss Elizabeth Marwick, to whom a family of three children were born, John, Mary Jane, and Sarah two of whom survive, John and Mary Jane, together with the bereaved In the year 141 he went luta the public house business at which be aranssed considerable wealth. In the year 1860 he paid Canada a visit and beiug well pleased with the country (leveled to settle here. He went, back to England, disposed of a large estate and returned to Canada, taking up his abode on the old Diamond proper. ty, where he resided up to the thee of hie death. The death of Mr. Edward Adams, on the 10th inst., took place at his resi- dence at Ashtead, in England, Mr. Adams left London, Canada, about 30 years since. He was extensively known in Ontario. and was success- ful in business. Before London became a. city Mr. Adams was mayor of the town for two successive years -1832 and 1853—and bore the highest char- acter for manly independence rind isa- tegriy. His wife died 17 years since. He leatves one (laughter, married to eir, Peake, living iu England. AU the old residents will remember Edward Adams. He was the founder of the wholesale home of Edward Adnans & Co. in Loudon. Previous to this he operated a retail grocey store ou Dundas street, which grew into the widely -known wholesale house. Ile took ;nto the sliminess with hisn Messrs. D. Long, Andrew Clegliorn and. W. J. Bryane. In addition to be- ing mayor of London almost half a e.entury ago, the deceased served as a town councillor in 1851 and 1351 — the latter being Just before London be- came a city. Deceased was 80 years of age. James Bissett, a much respected re- sident of Exeter for the past decade, passed away on Wednesday, at his borne on Huron St„ after a iprolonged illness, the result of the infirmities of old age. Deceased was born in Devonshire, near Merton, England, in the year 1810. He came to this Coun- try in 1832 with his brother John and settled on lot 17 in con., 3, Usborne, where they at once began transform- ing the wilderness into the fertile forms which now surround, Exeter. Deceased married Fanny Westcott th the year 1812, together they lived on the farm, battling with the hardships incident to pioneer life, until they had made things comfortable and reared a family of eight—four boys and four girls, viz: Richard, John and James, of London; Thomas on the old home- stead in Usborne, Mrs. .Tames Creech, Mrs. John Welsh, Mrs, Win. Creech, of Exeter, and Fanny, at home. In 1880 Mr. and Mrs. Bissett moved to Exeter, and have since lived on Huron St. Deceased was a highly respected citizen, an ardent church worker. and a model husband and father, and his memory will long he cherished by a wide circle of friends. CAST MA For Infants and dhildren. :Cho foe - !Anil° afgaatore of ic en sew einem riONE7.- TO LOAN. have a largo ttmoun b o private funds to loan on farm and village properties at low rates of interest. F. W. GLAD1V/AN, Barrister Alain St., Exeter. co n "Our syetem of cold storage, both as regards the cold storage firms themselves, and. the cold storage Cars for transportation, is making rapid strales towards perfection, and it will not be long before we have io. C..nada a cold storage system equal te any- thing in the world. At present t 'ere is nothing so much talked of or v: about isa the Canadian Press - the ne- cessity for perfection of .eans of plazing our perishable goods on the foreign or English Market. Canada IS becoming a great country, this is recognized by all. That the greatest revenue of this country must come through its agricultural resources is an point uzullsputed. The live questio- before the farmers then is which de partrnents of their farms will yield them quick and paying return? Un- doubtedly, of all the comparatively undeveloped sources of agricultural wealth none will more surely fill the bit/ t. ea poultry. The demand for eau.- superior quality on the Enelish -Market is milimited. The home mar- ket is rapidly increasing. A help to this development is the cold storage systeni of the Department of Agri- eultore and the furnishing of reliable Instructions as to the poultry culture from the Experimental Farm system and the Commissioner of Agriculture. But the most direct aid is in the shape of such large Onus as the Canadian Produce Co,, Toronto, who buy the ehickens from the farmers end do the Ifrirtate9n. lug, peeking arid shipping of the • "By means of private enterprise the expenee of initiation and the risk of loss which inevitably attends the open- ing up of uew enterprises will not came ant of the pockets of the fawn. ere. It may be that when the super- ior quality of our product is known and appreciated on the British mar- ket, and the prices - establisbed so that we will know what it is possible to get, that the time will be oppor- tune for the individual farmer or association of farmers to fatten and ship for themselves, By that time our farmers should be well acquaint- eti with methods of shipment to an al- ready established market with guar- anteed prices. "This year the poultry trade with • Great Britain has developed as it nev. er has before. As early as the mid- dle of last, month one Man had sent to England a shipment of Canadian chickens, which is :five times larger than all shipments sea before froni • this country in any previous entire year. Next year there will be a. de - mead for chickens unheard of before. • The farmer, for the present year, and probably for the next, should riot try any direct shipment, but find out and send his chirkens to the most reliable firms in this country. It may uot pay Me feigners to do the fat- tening, lett it will certainly pity them to raise chickens to sell to the larger firms who will do the fatten- ing and shipping. "My services are at, all times at the use of the farmers. It is my duty and pleasure to give full linfor- million as to the best breeds for the farmers to handle, how to rear and fatten the chickens, where and who hest to sell them to, together with all such practicel information as years of experimental work is calculated to make of value to farmers. "It is hoped by a series of letters, of which this is the first, to interest the farmers in a poultry department of their farm, which will give them, surely and quickly in the near future, a, revenue equal to any other branch of farming industry. All informa- tion as to breeds, care,' feeding and fattening, etc., will be furnished free on application to my Department, Experimental Faun, Ottawa." ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY. Frain Ccopersville, Mich., comes word of a wonderful discovery of a pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by anyone troubled with a bad cough alxvayS ensures a goods night's rest. "It will soon cure the cough too" -writes Mrs, S. Himel- burger, 'for three generations of otxr family have used Dr. King's New Dis- covery for Consumption and never fonnd it's equal foe Coughs and Colds.' It's an unrivaled life -sayer when used for desperate lung diseases. ' Guaran- teed bottles 50c and 81.00 at all drug- gists. Trial bottles free. Children Cry for CASTO IA. A DAUGHTER'S DANGER. A Chatham Mother Tells how Her Daughter, who was Troubled with Weak Heart,Aotion and run Down System was Restored to Health. Eveeynaother who has a daughter droop- ing and fading—pale, weak and listless— whose health is not what it ought to he, should read the following statement made by Mrs, 3. S. Heath, 39 Richmond Street, Chatham, Ont: TEACHER WANTED. "Some time ago I got a box of Milburn's • Heart and Nervepills ilitte Central Drug Teacher wanted. for S. S. No, 7, Usborue. •ond class certideate Perwnal application sec, . . ., desired. Duties M commence 1st. January. Applications to be mado not later than Dec. 15Dh• PIIILIP"RN,ET, SEdv, Whalen P. 0 Store foe my daughtele wlio is now 13 years of age, and had been afflicted with weak action of the heartfor a consiclerable length of time. " These pills have done her a world of good, restoring strong, healthy action of her heart, improving ber general health and giving her physical strength beyond our expectations. " They are a splendid remedy, and to any one suffermgfrom weakness, or heart and nerve trouble I cordiellY recommend them." Milburn's Heartemol Nerve Pills see 50e. I ',box or 3 for $1.25, at all dreig,ists, FARM FOR 'SALE. _ Valaabh3 farm for sale 11 miles from Exeter, 10u ac., L.ot 3, Pal 3, IlaY ,township, good brick heuse, good bns arand stahies. driving shed, two wells, cistern, never failing stream,suitbie for grain -dr stock, 90 aores tinder cultivation. balmco wood., Convenient tO schools and ourchos. APTilirLA'3T H. mip,p,c1Lay O. Ont. "Want of Watchfulness Wakes a Thief. Many cases of poor health come from want of watch- fulness. 93ut if you keep your blood.' pure no thief can steal your hearth. The one effective natural blood purls fler i Hood' e Sarsaparillas It neve, disappoints. impure 8looci--"14 wife suffered with pain and distress nem ea affection of the throat CaUse(1, by impure blootl. She was almost in despair when she tailed to areelleseco.y rsappaireitielift. $gou bottleser... t totixs ••=4.13, Galt, Ont. curedEicr Scrofula olat 57=100115111 was killagna /Ade(' bilitated but it made me stroug and well. .Alter a severe eold had catarrhal fever, -A.erila resorted to tins medIcineand it cured, me." 8.4,13.411 E. Awn*, Aneapolle, N. S. I 4 I Metier Disapponts 3.. r•4• 'Deoct's Vine cure liver An*: the sten4rritanng arid cuali cathartic to talc° vith Rood's Sarsaparilla: MARKETS. --• Exeter. NOVEMDER 2hb.1.900 Wheat per bushel .61 to 65 Oats 1,1.. AV, tit to 2:,., Parley....... 112,1 34 to 3 Peas.-- ...- * ...-5U to Better.... ••... 17 to 10 ..,...., IS to le Terkeya ... ••• • • • ..•• • • 3 to 8 Geese-. ••••.•. 5 to Chickens per Ili .. 5 tO D1301414,.•,•• • 1,• • • •• ft I, 0 to 00 • •, • A • 1. II 16 to 10 Dried'Apples.. .. ' .. Pork dressed-- • • • ••-• ....KO to .1.PC° ---........ LONDON MAttEETS. London. NOVEMBER 26tb, look wheat Ree bushel,- -- -..0a Peas .-. Bp.vioar .A1. • wa A • ,4* 11•55 Buckwheat • Dye Cern - - Butter - . • —. .... -18 to 19 Eggs --- ........16 to 18 Duelts — TarttevseW79 iWit.... ..:....I o 10 operl..... ....,.--Ja70 chis Potatoes per bag 4.#1141, liarper ton, • 14.• A*4•14, **MA 1,1-V."0.*: Fri: L:706-69 PeAt "Per Mt:1 • 1,e• /so "1:$4:0 • (411%."'' tt:411:01! THE MARKETS. Wheat Futures Deellned.--Cables and PrIces lioIts!Down a rrp—T1141 Latest fluOtatIcans. Livet13001, Nov. 28.—W1aett.t, futures yesterday elosed'4,ed to eld per rent- al lower than on AlondaY. Chicago, Nov. 28. --Wheat futures declinecl eee to Sec per bushel yes- terday. ;Asst.:it:so wurter As %.11:h.-!' Following were the closing prices. at, important wheat centree sassier-, clay: ease. Nov. Rep. !day. ettivage • 3.-.7304, Nov York .0., 0 "'Wit o 70,. 370.7.,4 Alliwaukee 0" 75 .......• (0) 77.311n 00 76041ria4 0it 76111.,14 00 I 711 n75 32 k lei.: tie(0(.11. :1: 00 7755 0. Northern ... 0 72Ts 0 7214, 7154 0 7514 0 741n • .• • • • • • - •• • Minneapolis 'No. 1 Northern.. 'Mit' 0 72 LiVerimol, Nov. 2s1.—Yesti•rdas close—spot wheat. quiet; No. 1 standard Cal., Gs 20 lo Gs iltit Wal- la, ds seeed to Os; No. 2 rod winter, 5s 11U to tis: No. 1 Northern spring, Gs 3d to Gs 81.1id; futures, steady; Dec., Ss 1070; :March, +is. T0.11014To Int.w.11.E4OI: 11 A r. °r1111.ner7t, hush......$0 05 to e.... " red, bush. 0 GS ..- " Ole, bush, 0 08 0 GO " goose, bush. .... 0 021,:, 0 (13 OBitati;7e; 0 41 0 47 new, bnsh 0 29 0 3% 0 51% Beans, per bush 1 15 1 25 rens, bush 0 60 .... Buckwheat, bush 0 47 .... TORONTO LIVE SToOLC. Toronto, Nov. 28. --The run of live stock was light yesterday, 35 car- loads, composed of 258 cattle, 1,114 hogs, 432 sheep and lambs. 10 calves and 1,600 turkeys. The quality of fat cattle, which were all of the butchers' class, was only niedikma Choice. butchers' cattle are i,erz,• scarce, and. wanted. Owing to ..1,he light run Of all kinds of stock, trtiVe was fairly good in* nearly all the tilt, ferent classes. Export cattle, choice .$4 40 to $4 GO " cattle, light 4 00 4 25 " bulls, ehoice 4 00 4 25 "bulla Light 3 32Y. 3 35 Loads good butchers' and exporters, mixed . . '. OD 4 10 Butchers' cattle, picied lots 4 30 4 50 " good ...... .. . . . 75 4 00 " medium, mixed3 25 3 50 n common75 3 00 " inferior .... 2 40 2 75 Feeders, heavy .... 3 40 3 00 Feeders, light . . 22 00 5 25 Feeding bulls 22 Stock bulls ........ r1g :22(1155) Stc alters Allich cows SO 00 50 00 Calves 9 00 10 00 Sheep. ewes. per 3 25 3 50 bptemilltsc,wpt r w t 2 50 2 701 Lambs, caeh ' 9 50 70 3 05 4 121/2 Sheep, butcher9 s' •:1,0 su dtagnsp to 200 lbs. . 3i 7550 3 00 Hogs, eholee, not less than ..1 " light, under 100 lbs5 25 " fats ....... ...... 5" 25 " sows ...... .... 3 50 v 00 stores 4 GO • • 37A'3 111.173'A:LO CATTLE East Buffalo, Nov. 28. ---Ca (Ale— Traci e dull andlower on th e ooni- n,on kind yesterday Cahros in mod- erato supply, ligh I; demand at the quoted, rates; choice to extra, $7.50 to 87.75; good to ehoiee, 57 to $7.- 50, Sheep and lambs—The basis on the , good kind was 85.55 on 1.1 e opening, but • declined to 225.25 the close; c:h o cc to ex re, 225.'5 1 ,$) 56,85: go bd to choice, $5 10 Shoop,85t Nov3e1:137775, 54 to 5325; ini yl 8; Canada lamln, 1d $525 to 55.85, the closing hein.r;nI inside. figures. with a total of :21 loads on salo. McGeoch, of Tuckersmith, re- moves this week to London with his family, tNepigon" Ilubbers, Made by the CANADIAN RUDDER CO, Canada's oldest and best Rubber Man- ufacturers. An extra thick corrugated protection band of pure rubber coming high on the upper (see tbe cut). Thick soles of pure rubber and taps and bels af extra strength and thickness. These are soles that wear ae long, as the uppers. They Are the strongest ,And best heavy retrbers—rn Canada. Look for this ra,de mark ori the soles. lade by THE CANADIAN RUBBER 0.1 ORONTO, MONTREAL., WI WPM PAT. I SEPT., '88. mONEY TO LOAN. Vo llag1:1AltearriyatetUtrilVrtl mntup1orvillagewoaratloesi atee of eaterese DICKSON 5c CARLING Exeter. F. w GLADIV,A.N (Successor to Elliott la Gladmani ilarriAer ,Solieitor, liotary Pali% Coriveye.noer, Eta, AralleY to, loan .on Farm awl village properties at Lowest rates of interest, • ()FMB l'slAIN STREET EXETER • SPAtherland Inns 00. LT0* RE PREPARED TO PURCHASF ELM AND OTHER TIMBER BITHER STANDING OR IN TIIV LOGS, Apply to E. Ci Kessel, FOREMAN, EXETER, ONT. tree*. Exeter' • sboanVibteiorekeil.'eleit.se.stDdlee, in Faro Teeth extracted 'without pain or T...T KINSMAN, L. D. S. AND Dlt. KINSAIAN. L. TY. R. Le D. S.ellonor Dradunto ot Toronto University. Dentist. $1(114 of Mala 1 RoLLER MILLS DR. ANDERSON. (0-0. 8. L- 0. Honor Graduate of the Toronto Valversi sod College ot Dental Surgeons tat Ontario, .M1 bridge work. Crowns, at d Plate work done in the neatest 7,lossible manner. A. harmless ant:esthetic for alnless ext,raetiOn. The strictest attention given to the preservat- on of the natural teeth. Oilice opposite een tral Hotel, Exeter. Ontario, ESIBAY. creme into tbe premiQe-s e. the undersigned on or anont tho ltith of Augusta), t 'ter coming two- yearold, the owner ia‘ requested to come and. Prove property, pay charges and kihe it away. JAMES Lot uesencessior 7. Hey.: Nov, 16, 1960. a ESTRAY. came on the prerniaes of the uudersign ea • Nov tra h. lot 13.enth Boundary of Hay, a two• yearold heifer. Owner is requested to prove property, pay eltartres and remove the animal. , SETH. lilt OWN, Earepta P. O. ; ESTRAY. WITHOUT alit Cue leto the premi-es of tbe undersigned. lot •20, con 0, isborne. on or about :Sept. Thebeit equipped Business and Stiobaosi 25t12, a two-year-old heifer. The owner is re- tsp811190110 e344110fhe Iforest City.nusintss iueted toprove iroerty, ay expenses nd ,:rt,t,‘oliegeeuof_g&. itgrair Ol" remoeuea0h31m.netaa8trongfagit7.rxeasidents littl.;georoed%P.ositions. Years of -excellent 1,oisk at A. lit-Niegr.iioharp, EXETER WM Feed We have a large stock of mill feed on hand which will be sold at reason- able prices. CHOICE "%VENTER AND GOOSE WHEAT Wanted for which highest market priees willshe paid, J. COBBLEDICK & SON, ESTRAY. Catalogue of either il about 1st of October, a 1 wo•year•old heifer. i deuce invited. Came on the premises of the undersigned The owner is requested to prove property, PAN' i elmrges anti take her away. ' Lot 6, North Boundary, Stepen h. FRED GREEN, Nov. 2nd, 1000. Olt _ MEETING OF THE HURON ; COUNfi, "COrNCIL. • R. N. ROWE Notice is hereby given that the council of the County of Huron will meet in the council chant- ith flay of December next at 3 o'cleek m the t ; Dattaieerd;10. oderieh, this SOth day of December. i W. L4NE, Clerk. " o free, ,4•• 1VESTi:RVEDT, PrracinaL ber in the town of \Thigh= on Tuesday the ; THE UNDERTAKER. Turkish Scalp Food prevents the hair from falling out, restores faded and gray hair to its original color. Being delicately perfumed it leaves no unpleasant oder. It is not a dye. Should be in every house where a hair renewer is needed. For sale by Lutz, Only 30 cents a bottle. e 1 • • * Always keeps on hand a coin- , plete stock of caskets and trimmings of different kinds. t, Also the largest stock of furn- iture ever shown in Exeter or any I•own in the county. Prices as low as can beznade. Do not fail to see our imrnepso... stock in our two storey building. Our desire is to please every- body. NEW Meat Market Rowe's The undersigned has opened up a new meat market one door • SOlitli of Garlino's 816r Cl where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED I JOHN T. TIANNING Buy the Best and ignore the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. GET SOMETHING NICE___.A. We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what you are looking for S CIDLEY SON • FURNITURE AM) UNDERTAKERS. • Opera House Block. UE /111-11B tin iri it" ION IConstantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Black Worsted in twills, veue- tians and clays (bought before 1 the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices. Nice atits for $14 in fancy worsted suiting. We show ct, big range at moderate prices in Scotch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and wen as- Isorted stock. Prices to suit all. • A large stock of the lat- est goods voa oerefor singt from $10 up. G-IVE US A CALL and see what we can do for you. • J. H. Crieve. MERCHANT TAILOR,