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Exeter Times, 1900-11-29, Page 1
win HURON' & INUDDLESEX GAZETTE TWENTY-EIGETII YEAR ----NO. I e. EXETER, ONT., CANADA, THU. SDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 29, 100,0. leteeeeMal COW Cha AINS;at LOW PRIDES, See the new X -CUT SAWS Also a large assortment of lie the best know makes at Lower Prices than last year. AXES *OF ALT, KINDS ATALL PRICES. 3AKFraat QF FLOUR h .n wee xra ffisE Par LF 4 uai. aiLFPER tweeze HAVE A RIG DEf1;AND FOR Second Ilan* Stoves. AND WE CAN PAY A GOOD PRICE WE HAVE A SI0 STOCK OF New and Up=to=Date Stoves. From the best firlris in Ontario. BE SURE AND SEE OUR DISPLAY 1V. cClare 's Famous Stoves, ( Awarded Gold Medal at Paris Exposition 1900) Gurney's Souvenir Stoves, (With the Aeriated Oven) Moore's Famous Stoves (Biggest Oven ata* Fire Pot,) H. Bishop A huge stock of second rand stoves on hand, El irnvUl e. Iiliines.---M' ud, anud, you can't miss it, liut what else you inay miSs, don't Bliss the oyster supper and concert on 'Wednesday eve Dec, 5th, under the sinpicesof the C. O. C.• F.-Mrs.Col- lins of Exeter, is visiting and waiting' ori Mrs. Waddell who went tinder an operatiouhIaist rvt ek.:..•.Revs, Salton and Brown preached two excellent sermons to large congregations on. Sunday last.. -Wm. Miners was in Sarnia and Pt. Edward last week on business. - Lyman McCord and Bert Hodgson, of Exeter, were the guests of Eli Coultis on Sunday last, -Jas Halls is aftlito poorly and confined to the house but Hope to see hien out again. --Richard Hunter lost a valuable mare last week, she having become paralyzed. --S 13valk- will, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with friends in the vials e.-Williem Miners. bas commenced to deliver the books on the South African war. They are handsome books and contain over 800 pages, Dublin. reltelr letaya C.\m:,,o e. - - Thirteen thousand dollars spent, thirteen Woos - and dollars )ald. Such is the, record establishedthe new Roman Catho- lic Church at Dublin, of which Rev. Father Fogarthy has charge and which Was Sunday dedicated in the preseuce of one of the lar,est audiences which has ever assembled in the village, Tile eherch is a very handsome wl rte brick structure with a square tower, through which entrance is made, Though the interior is not yet com- pleted, it promises to be one of the cosiest buildings in the country, and is certainly a credit to the parish. There is a gallery at the rear, and in this the organ is placed. The seating .capacity of the building is 800 and it was crowded to the doors at all ser- vices, so that over 1200 were probabl y in attendance. The altar of the church is magnificent, and attracted more favorable comment than any other part of the building. The church eves dedicated by Archbishop O'Oonnor,"of Toronto, an honor to he highly esteem- ed. The celebrant of Mass was Bish- op Dowling, of Hamilton, whose re- cent illness has caused so much anx- iety in church circles. The Deacons of Honor were Rev. Fathers Brennan, of St. Marys, and Canning, of 'Toronto ; the Deacon of Mass. Fr. Mahoney of Hamilton ; the Sub -Deacon, Rev. Fr. McCabe, of Seaforth ; the Masters of Oeremonies, Rev. Fr. Downey, of Logan, and Fr. Kennedy, of Sarnia. Bishop 14McEvay assisted in the Sanctu- ary, attended by Rev. Frs. 0ushing,+'of Sandwich . Spetz, of Berlin, and West, of:Goderich. So large was the audience that the morning collection alone amounted to $1,100. The even- ing collection swelled the amount to +fiver $1,300. The music was furnished by the Seaforth choir. The !ceremony THE NEW STO of dedication was solemnly performed, the interior and exterior of the church being sprinkled with holy water, and. especially the centre of the altar, where the Blessed Sacrament is kept. Exeter Public School Board. Meeting of the Board beld in the Town Hall, Monday Nov. lOth,1900- absent HHuston, The following is the order of btasi- nessaulF submitted and ti pprove d. Per chairman minutes of previous meeting. Reports of Ooms..-Wood, that 23 cords of wood had been contracted for at the rate of $5.25 per cord, Repairs That the increased heating in No, 2 Departmenthad been secured. Supplies --That the desks required for Nos. 1 and 2 rooms had been duly ordered, Sec'y--Stephen assessment received, $35.d"a. Per 3. Senior and W. Trevethick. that the sum of five dollars be tender- ed E, Follick in settlement of acct sub. int tted Pee .T,: SetIlar ante. W. e. tlarIing,that the sectele y make the enecessary en- quiries relative to the rebinding of the dictionary and be empowered to secure the same, Per J. Senior and W. 3. Carling,that the blackboard ledge, face plate and division of registers be secured by the rt pairs O Per R. N. Rowe and W. Trevethick, that the Supplies Committee be em- powered on the advice of the Principal to secure the air pump needed in the Chemical Dept. Per R. N. Rowe and W. J. Carling. that the followingaccounts be paid. Jas. Willis, lumbr, $22.80 ; Ja. Dig- nan, repairs to furnace. 75c. Per W.:J. Carling adjournment. J. GRaacG, Sec'y. Mitchell BRIEFS. -Mr. Peter Brown died. at his residence in Hibbert on Thursday morning having attained nearly 80 years of age. He was one of the old residents of the township, having settled there nearly 40 years ago. He was a local preacher of the Methodist Church and well read. He leaves a widow, and grown up family to mourn his death. -On Wednesday afternoon Rev. John Renner performed one of those pleasing ceremonies: vahereby two young people became united for life. The wedding took place at the home of the bride, when Miss Mary C., daughter of Mr. James Jackson, was married to Mr. McCutcheon, of Hibbert After a short visit with friends the young couple will com- mence house -keeping in Brantford where it is hoped they will have many happy years together. - miss Lena Frances, of Fullerton, has been engaged to teach Munro public school for the next. year. -Messrs, Thorn Bros. will unite their two shoe stores .on January 1, and Mr. Cole will move into the vacant store. -The Chief had some of the boys up before the court for cutting up in church. About an hour and a half in the lock - u would c he uieLer. 2 al n w uretrete m I fine p q is imposed the parents have to pay it. -AT- -We had a Humane' Society organ - ized in. Mitchell about two years ago but it died, not having any; mission to HENSA, L fulfil. Cruelty to animals might en- gage their attention, some times.' - 111111 Dtiss h Ze Squires leaves shortly e t o spend the winter in Ottawa and Mont - ;SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE FOR real: -The pond and river are full _ of THE NEXT 30 DAYS, 70 %/ off new FALL and WINTER MANTLES and reductions in all de- p artments' Call and See THESE Special Bargains. Cash or Produce. flad mi 'liu:'bi irs.cloud i f. 1,..U,ir t eddoc s r r,1 n. r I r) et he they Werly, itry Iat_a,' t, ail t' c, t v 1 tea tin, ba,vide.rA of .,A4.oast'.131a ITH BROW & ■CO. GODERICH water once more.- Williard Ingrain will engage in the implement business for the Maxx*ell company during the coming year. -Rev. Professor Wallace of Victoria University, will preach the , anniversary sermons for theMethodist church in December. --Rev. A. L. Rus- sell, of Seaforth,will preach in Mitchell on Sunday next. -Miss Irwin returned home to Harriston on Monday, after visiting Mitchell for a mouth. Lune ley EXETER. LUM13I;,I3 YARD.S Large stock of I,siaiber-pine and hetalatk. MOW read hemlock *wooer for barns. etc., naso shhrghes. lath; and alar po1ts. rices reasonable. --JAS WILLIS, Yard :Est .t side or Main st, Hie Aar C'HOPP'ED ovi'.--On Friday John Stacey, of Lumley, while feeding a straw cutter.' run by power, his mitt caught in the rollers.and his hand was drawn into the knives. He could not reachrow-off lever with the tax vih the other hand, and before assistance ate - rived and the machine could be stopper bis left hand and arm were cut off, inch by inch, up to the elbow. -•------. Staffs Finn INvrsTIon,TIoN.--A gteat deal of interest has been taken in this', neighborhood in a fire which took place on lot 12, con. 10. Hibbert on the'. morning orNoe. 3rd, by which the barn of Oswald Walker sr. was burn- ed along with most of the cm,nteints,the preperteeof Trios..I1bu1iell; the tenant. The origin of the fire is a mystery, but the investigation held on Tuesday in the Township Hall here, decided the fact that the barn had been set on fire by someone. The inquest was held by Police Magistrate O'Loaane at the re- quest of Usborne & Hibbert Fire In- surance Company rand the examination of the numerous witnesses called was conducted by the Company's Solicitor, J. G-. Stanbury, of Exeter, while E, A. Dunbar, of Mitchell, appe fired for Thos. Mitchell. There was no insur- ance on the building but the contents were fully covered by policy for $800. The investigation was adjourned for a week. Crediton. G.'STANBURY, B. A,, EXETER, ONT, 4-11•f (Leto with 3 cCarthy,Osler & Co., Toron- to,) Barrister, Conveyancer, Notary. droner to loan. Offices formerly occupied by Collins &t Stanbury, over O'Neils Bank. Bnma's.-November is nearly gone. Only four weeks to Christmas.- Wm, Lewis sr. is on the sick list this week. We miss him from the streets and hope to soon see him about as usual.= C.Beaver bas about completed his new furniture store and expects to move his furniture to it at an early date. - Messrs. Bobier and Stanbury,of :Ex- eter, - x eter, spent Friday evening in the vil- lage and were pleasantly entertained by the Young Liberal Club of the via lage.-Evangelistic services are still in progress in German church. Rev. Hussar preached on Friday and Mon- day evenings. Rev. Morlock, of Dash- wood, is announced to preach during this ,week. -The Misses Teeman, of Dashwood. visited with friends in the village on Friday last. -Thos. Treve- thick got;in a load. of high grade cut- ters last week. -Geo. Holtzman secur- ed the contract of re -flooring the bridge over the Aur.: Salable here in the village,. and. did the work on .Tues- day last. -Miss Trevethick, of Exeter, is teachinginroom the oo n vacated by Miss Tichbourne, of Godericb,who bad to leave on account of illness. - Rev. Crompton occupied the pulpit in M. E. church last Sunday morning. Alonzo Hodgins has secureed the services of a clever young blacksmith from Rodney to assist him in his shop as work is 1 plentiful. -Alf Clark has .recently dis • posed of his driver.-Robt. Sweet had a sawing bee on Monday last and has fa fine lot of wood cut. St. Marys. Sunday 'evening between eighty and ninety citizens attended a very successful banquet given at the Office Hotel, t, i n honor of Mr. J. W. Wood, who will shortly depart with his wife and family for Brantford, where he will engage in the undertaking busi- ness. AN ALL-ROTIND REMEDY. Mrs, Ha,nnesson, Binscarth, Man,; writes "1 have used Hagyard's Yellow Oilfor Sore Throat Cuts+ Scalds and Frostbites fora longtime and cojsider it, the best atl•rou d household remedy made,' Price 25c., all dealers. Granton,' SUICIDE. Leslie, Grant, aged 20 years, the son of Mr. Joseph Grant, furniture dealer and undertaker of Granton, was discovered on Monday hanging from a bearn. in the loft of the turn.- He had _evidently tied the rope about his throat with his own hands, and allowed himself to slowly strangle to death. When the body was dis- covered, about five o'clock p. m„ life. was extratx c The young man was i about 20 years of age, and what prompted <.a him to take his, life : will always probably remain a mystery. He had ie n ill and melancholic for months, but his relations with his faro- ily are said to have been happy. The father of (the unfortunate ,ypeing man is a nephew of the postmast,"q,r of Gran- ton, ands, one of the best, kklow,p and most highly respected men in that section of country. ' In his sudden and awful bereavement he has the entire e sympaf.hy of the community. Hartsell 4.1). COOKE. (Taro -with GarrowPro adfeat surrey Solicitor. Notary Publio. Benson. Ont. A. Seliery, L. D S., D. D-S.;itonor 41r.du- •ate of Toronto University, Dentist& Teeth extracted without pain or bad effects. iltflce in Petty's Block, Rowell. At Zuri( every Monday,commencine Mav2Oth. G. J. Sutherland, Notary Public,Oonveyat cer. commissioner. Fire Insurance tat. IssurerofMarriage Licenses. Legal o uments carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Money todiloec an at to►2he real estatecen.t11euw r1loatoa 1 , of interest. 7doet Dfd WANTED. A large quantity of ('cover and timothy seed. for which the highest market prices will be paid bY E. TA TED. 2h„OO20,0000bushels of goalL J. S. naiiiCASm oats for oatmeal within he next 14 days. You cannot. always,usualty, sometime% just exactly. hardly, tell precisely to aniece , now the markets fluctuate. but -au willMutIu the swim. To'day's pews ::0 u 2io wording to tituallay. A largo ,luau;lie of aril; feed on hand. SO.W perfF 1;RQL'IY'111T. IIenaall0atmeal 3.tills. BRIEFS. --A. T. McLean and sister Sadie, of the Mill Road, were the guests of Alias Jose; hive Ford, on Sabbath of last weak. -IL Jacohi s new budding is now enclosed and ere - septa a very fine appeatrance.--Thos, Pears has 'purchased the the laundry business of C. Ballantyne. -The Hen - sell streets are to be lighted by electric lamps. The council have made acon- tract with Cook Brae, who will instal 12 lights of 50 candle -rower each, to be placed at convenient places on the principal streets. If they give good satisfaction more wilt be used. The collum deserve credit for thele euter- prise, as the village Pecan*red lights. - W. 3. Miller, whose new block as in course of erection, has decided to at up an Opera House in the upper storey. This wilt #ill along felt want. The appointments will he mato-date. It will be ready by Xmas. --F. Swath acombe, last week vitae using a draw- ing knife, lead the rnisfertune to in- flict asevere gash jus below tlie knee. in one of his legs The knife slipped. W. Holmes has returned to her home in Ingersoll, after a pleasant visit among Nene-3 here, --Airs. A. Murdock was in Mitchell Tuesday at- tending the funeral of her uncle the late John. Norris, formerly of Stella. Mr. Norris died of dt'opsy.m-Mr, and Mrs. A, Grigg an(l family, who leave been esteemed residents of the village for some time left this week for Drus seas, where they have relatives. Their many friends here wish (arm pros werit in their new home. -John Zero hile walkin along the sidewalk at the Commercial h tel coruer.:a few days .ago, slipped on the 4.4m and fell,: inflicting a sena e injury. ea) take of hit !knees. .Suet raerevery places e s sho uld receive a s r•nn ng of cense salt.- Ovinto thet. ^,aseI interest that t was shown at the close of last week in the special services in the Methodist church, the meetings are being con- tinued this week. Rev. G. H. Long preached an excellent sermon in the Methodist church here Sunday morn- ing in the interests of the Educational fund. --A meeting of the South Huron Farmers' Institute was held here an Thursday, when meetings were ar- ranged for the coming winter season. -Mrs. Wm. Bell is seriously ill. and her daughter, Mrs. A. Taylor, of Exeter, and Mrs. Anderson, of Sea - forth, have been in attendance upon her the past week. -The new block of stores has been roofed, and now the cold wet weather will not deter the. finishing operations.- Messrs Willis & Sheppherd made large shipments of hogs this week. -H. Silber. manager for the Hay Fire Insurance Co. was in town Tuesday, collecting assessments, and as a consequence a large number of farmers were in the village. -Messrs. Geo. Joynt and Fred Manns paid a visit to Lucan friends last week.- Miss eek.Miss Medd, of Clinton, has been visit- ing Miss McIntyre during the past week. -The Misses Higgins, of Bruce - field, visited Mrs. W. 0. Davis the past week.-Andrewrev Dougall and William Craig who•are teaming in Grey town- ship in connection with a big drain there, spent Sunday at their homes 4 here. -Municipal matters are begin- ning to engage the attention of the ratepayers. - The friends of 3. C. Kleusen, will be pleased to learn that his wife and family are recovering nicely from their recent illness, -Rev. Mr. Higgins, who has been ill at his sister's, Mr. W O. Davis, as the re- sult of a stroke of paralysis, was last week removed to the home of his father at Brucefield.-Mr. Buttrey, of near Attwood, bus engaged with his cousin, R. Patterson, Jr., contractor, -Miss Susie. Melville has been visiting friends during the past week at her former home near Cromarty. The council have placed a new crossing at Dr. Maccliarmid's drug Store, -Mr. Mc- Kinney, who is will the Jolly Pulls Co. now playing at Beaeter. visited his uncle, H. Cantelon,of the Commercial, on Tuesday. Cutuaxo OLUs.-A meeting ot those interested in a Curling Chub was held on Thursday evening, when the fol; lowing officers were elected:- Patron, Geo. McEwen, M .P. ; Hon.Pres-Dun- can Robinson, Samuel Smillie t Pres., Chas. McDonnell ; lst vice, R., Bon thron ; 2ad vice, G. F. Arnold, "Sec'y- treas., W. 3, McKay Coni., John Steacy ; Geo. Joynt, A. Taylor, P. Sn'allacombe, W. J. McKay, Jno. Mc- Arthur; M. Ellwood ; Chap„ Rev. J. S. Henderson ; Sen. Skips, C, McDowell, R. Bonthron ; JohnSteacy. Jos. Ellis, R. McArthur, R. Patterson Junior Skips, W. J. McKay, A. Taylor, M. Ellwood, Fred Smallacom,be. GREAT "LUCK OP AN E DI'l'OR. "For two years , all efforts to cure Eci '. zema in the palms ot my hands fail-. ed," writes Editor. H. N.' Lester,oi' Syr acuse, •1 an,, "then .I was wholly cured i by Buckien's Arnica Salve,'' It's the world's best for emotions, sores and ' all skin diseases.: Only 25e at all drug- gists. Phe e s nothing .oeiit of for children'C tt II r 1 and Oolds than D W Wood,s s Norway Pine Syrup. It is very pleasaitr to take oncl always cures tato little ones coughs promptly. Allderzon B1ateas,--'Charles Atkinson, while cutting dowD al: tree, had the misfor- tune to cut hisfoot,which will lay him up for a week yr so. -Mrs, Morray has returned home from visiting friends in Petrolia. She reports having bad .a good time. Centralia I3iii .-Wm. Elliott who left here a few weeks ago for England with a. load of horses has been favored with a leasant voyage and a safe returns to As welcome beano aural family---SMil- her Lane and James Willlatns leave lately returned lroine from Manitoba where they have been. spending the past .., unlneer. - Remember the lecture to be given in the church bare meat a ouday night., Tlie Eden elaoir are to furnish music. The Rev. George Long of Kippen, is the speaker of the evening, (and his topic is "A ,citizen of no mean country." The Bev. gentle - mon preaches here morning and even- ing next Sunday. -Miss Riehardson.of Newbury, is visiting here the guest of Miss Maud Tones. OriITITAI •x. --On Tuesday mourning there passed away a well known and highly respected friend and neighbor, in the person of Thos. Wilson, an old settler in the fourth of Stephen. He has of late been suffering considerably with a severe sickness, and on Tues- day hitt farewell to all these earthly trials, and arose to reach the better world and receive the reward of aa, quiet peaceful nue. nliristian man, He was unmarried and :gaives a large ember of brothers area sisters "nd. friends to mourn his deauit.•, The funeral bikes place to -day, More to the Fairfield cemetery for went. sal Dashwood it teacher in ti a issu. ,folia I3, Melicl . oef t?ict„r,l con. IIacS, advertises his i'arm for vale le Phis Is- . William w •.-1 s.wn Ha >,� r, has sold u I I hotel in St, Marys, and will return tel Seaforth, Mrs. Ciould's sale yesterday was at success. She will move to Pontiac. in a few days. Exeter 1,, C1. L..tio. Sl2.1, lies become incorporated antler Dominion Act of Parliament, is. corporaate&1 body. Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Gladman on Monday evening pleasantly enterta re ed tho teacher, and officers of the, Presbyterian church Sunday School, ;j James Moir, of lesborne, lost a yea able dog few weeks ago.. off, not_- ir ine TI sus recovered the dog ' qt. li can rtvae ed into a faarnier's s lees near Dashwood. Wnl. Miners, agent for the T ship of Usborne for the Storni <i South Africa, will snake a deliverae the books during the first week December. At the annual meeting of thfit Huron Lay Workers' Association heat;, at Chatham last week, G. C. Petty,. of Hensel] was elevated committee -man I for Duron County. A. W. Robinson wbo is visiting his parents Snntll of Exeter, intends leav- ing for the Klondyke this week. He will be accompanied by his sister. who also returned from Alaska. Richard Sykes, of Ellice, who has been laid ap for the last month with a severe nerve trouhle,bas been removed to the Stratford hospital to be further treated for it under the care of Dr. D. B. Fraser, On Saturday the Canadian Produce Co., Toronto, received an order from Great Britain for ten ton of Canadian 'IIITE St SONS Perth Pickings. Fred Wilson, son of H. E. Wilson, 1 , le V' of St. Marys, is on the staff of the Yukon Sun published at Dawson City. Mrs, ]Butcher, of St. Marys, bad the misfortune to slip down a flight of stairs. She will be confined to the house for some time. Mrs. Heald and family, of Toronto, will become residents of St. Marys, about January L Mrs. Heald isa sis- ter of Mrs. John Leslie. Wm. Webster, of St. Marys, has purchased the 0xitario /Ruse on Wel- lington street in that, town but does not come into possession of the pro- perty LW Feb. 1. To be free from sick headache, hili- oasuess, constipation, etc., use Carter's Little Pills. Strictly vrgetaable. They gently stlmnlaate the liver and fres the stoinaeh. from Mite. Mr. Pelestei; of the 12th con. Legate visited elle doctor iii Monktou about something that was lodged he bis throat for a whole week .and was caus- ing him considerable peke Ineegiee hie surprise *ben the doctor removed a, needle, Loca items. N(ar;c ee-The council of the village of Exeter. Navin; rebuilt the Public Weigh Scales, I aur now prepared to do farmers' aril others' weighing by by-law required. C3pjT, GEO. KEMP, Public Weigh Master, Exeter, Oras. C`ai.i,ixca vs, 131strr7rl;-•-1n the ea of Carling vs, Bissett tried at the la Division Court beld in the cilia;* Exeter, amd in which case judgmeu was reserved,judgettent has been give] for the pl�eintitr with costs. Di ` see Carling for plaintiff. 3. 0. tai fee deft, Make Ready far Winter, Our new stock cf Winter Goods is coining in thick and fast. Now is the time to buy your U DERW .EAR We bavelibis rear better value theta ever, which is saying a good deal. PRESS GOODS, FLANNELETTES ALL RINDS aT ALL PRICES. Frog Oro6sri Tl -IE BEST, AWAY UL LI11E OF +14 DW R , AU kinds of Farm Produce for which highest prices will be paid. order mei obtained up - f a few hundred 1.ba sent This it the largest, oir- i1 cbickens ever reeeiiv- r t. for a new f'ai1a . h,jsl' death mvis corded iia last week's TIZIES was born lit T.levonsiri.re. Englaarici, in the year 12S. In 1812 he emigrated to Canada. :and took up lot 22, an the so Con. of S*eplleu. In 1 'abe married Halarlaale Maria, Pomeroy. They toiled aeaitl- uously. together, as was necessary evith pioneers and i-. ereeded in in lliralC- li a comfortable farmh nIn the ore , n VC:ar 1We they retired from farrows' ecce t;;owed. to Exeter. 1Deceiu ed was of as quiet, unassuming disposition and was !o respected. Ile leaves: a f,'h,j ar ee.chilarsu to ])1011171. �vid(av; aantl i..� their Iii i. Tali•. children ;are ales. l•. Triebiler. Mrs. Pealebales and Nora at home. Big clearing sate of _for {]0 days. k ver r blit P1 ed out in the 00 clays, tee b Dec, 1st. Ionil bools,Ie-cIt afaansons, IVIanson's. Clearing Sad ibi'rs :and Socks RubberU,tI tent:-.. , shoe', pelt bootie. Me'n'u Liao ellen: • t';irot � .r ilctu; hundred 'unit at h reel :airs Mena Plough i 1 -p , ns lougl Sal: 80e a peer, Ladies' Fine Shoes floes, Women's Shoes. 'fern Corry -per-. Zion poo! is advertising for as n gta o Bn.iial7 .-li'. and Mrs. E. f the 1 4th con., Hay, were surpri Thursday evening 'last by a pa ot o people f uu o ©rem Dashwood. lley y gp i report having .i good time. --The 'en tion sales Held here on Saturday were largely attended and everything real- ized good prices. ---Ab. Otto and J Etat returned from New Hamburg on Saturday, -Robert Davis, who is ill with typhoid fever is imnrovili .-Hy. Willett shil ed two car loads or iambs to Btrffaln 01 r Monday. --W. S Stinson of Iiaayfield, passed through our village on Monday last with a. fine drove of cattle that he purchased in the vicinity of Allen. Craig. -It is rumored thaat'out tin and. stove emporium owned at pro - (tent by comas R:.r' aeib is about to change- h ande. -*alar merchants atiri' takingin large rat s drawl g g t n Isle o fowl these days.-- Adatn. Schroeder and faintly also Mrs. Wilds left for their new home in Pennsylva nnia on Wednes- day. We wish them every success. - Hoffman Bros. leave bills out advertis- ing an auction sale of stock, imple- ments and furniture, on Wednesday. Dec. 8th. Cilinton Dr'voiu's-- Judge Rohnert. of De- troit, bas granted adivorce decree on the ground of desertion to Ellen Mil- ler from Thos B Miller. The Millers were married in 1870, in Clinton. In July, 1895, they separated. There are six children, ranging in age from 19 to 0. Mrs Miller and her eldest daugh- ter told the story which led to the divorce. A few months after Miller left his wife and children to shift for themselves, he went back to his home in Canada. A. rawer reached his family that he had. re -married. They at first could not believe such an in- credible story. They thought that the husband and father, who was an educated man and a teacher, would not forget his obligations in that man- ner. Accordingly Mrs. Miller sent her eldest daughter to Canada to investi- gate. According to the daughter's testimony, she found her father living with another woman, whom he intro- duced as his wife. The daughter was too astounded at first to know what to: do. A little later her father drew her aside and asked her to please call hirn "uncle," as he was married again, and did not want his wife to know that he had a wife and children. She acceded to his request. Wm, E. Hoggarth, who taught suc- cessfnlly for some years in Cromarty school, has bought the Win. Elder homestead at Rodgeryill e. Prosperity may behere,but last year there were 8550 unfortunates in Canada who in one day alone were looked up under a mortgage key. Bradstreet says so. Ira Etcher has bought the Graham farm, on the rat line of Morris, from Mr, Wyatt, The fares contains 100 acres acres and the Trice paid was $3,250. John Wallace, a familiar figure in 14Mitchell for many years, has at last .be- come -so broken down that he had to be sent to the hospital in Stratford last week, and will go from there to the House of Refuge. Mr. Benjamin Wood, one of the oldest, if not indeed the very oldest. residents of London township, died at bis home on lot 7, son. 12, in the town- ship Friday. ; Deceased was born only three concessions from where he died --on the 9th con., and he lived to the ripe old age or seventy-seven years. Milburn's Sterling rleadache Powders contain neither morphine nor opium. They promptly cure Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Headache, Headache Grippe, e c ipp , H educate of delicate ladies and Headache front any cause :whatever. Price 10e and Mc. Mary A. O'Connell, Middle Stewiecke, N: S., sas : "T haveused Laxa,7ri er Pills ors serious Liver Complaints end they have done me aa world of good making tete smart and`healtl A box of Milburn's Rheumatic Pills will be sent tree to any one whosulfers from Rheuma- tism, tismiSciatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia if they have never tried these pills bofora. Send 2e. stamp for pestago'the T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto Ont. TrlSTiMONIAL OFA T.CUDIs TOWNSHIP O1' USBOR:i.,„ . Pranei'lal. TO THE VALt'E 0]? ENGLISH STOCK FOOD. 'u Pe Several months ago I began to to loo English Stock Food for valves ann s la found it, so beneficial that I have earn- ,CSS tinued its use ever since. Lately 1 have fed it to small pigs that were not doing well. They began at once to hrive and are now doing remarkably well. 1 freely recommend English Stock Food to stock raisers. 1 con- So sider it an excellent article and well worth the money. THOS, Cul)s1ORE. Price 50c per bag. Sold by 0. Lutz. ISL' enc ar ss' Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory: AL! Scranton Gaal is the best, ORDER AT ONCE, �y jAXES, X- C C>� ,fl. SAWS, COW CHAINS, MITTS, BASKETS, GRAINP SCO`V S) STOVE PIPES, STOVE POLISH, t S OVE VARNISHES, STOVE BRUSHES, GOODS U NEED. PRICEto 8RIGHT, 8, A �m