HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-22, Page 8BISHOP S' AT THE BISHOP STORE OPPOSITE HA WK8> A 'S Horn. L. Bargains in every line. Now is your chance to het new and seasonable goods at Bargain prices. We say bar- gains and we mean it We bought the stock at a low rate and we are selling it at low rate. Look at this Bargain List* 7c flannelettes for fie. Oc flannelettes for 'Hc. 12ic uuunelettes, yard wide sic. Re factory cotton, very special 4 Re factory cotton for (lac, 25e eottonadea fore. cottooades for 15e. 1Re cotttouadea for 12 40e wool tweed for 20e. wool tweed for Rae, iiia word tweed for 50n, $1,00 white quilta for St;. • 11 pieces table linen at 25• ° off, I,adie' vests and drawers ;it bar- iiri prices, Metre and boys" underwear at boo - gain prices. Loin, astrachan for capes worth $14,00 for $0,50, Ladies' astrachan far jackets worth M,QOfor $21.0E, Look at this Bargain list, Toys' tweed suits worth $2,50 for $1,75. Hoye' tweed and worsted slats h worth $3.00 for 25, isoye tweed and serge suits worth $4,50 for S3.50. Meir'e tweed and serge suits worth $5.00 for ;33.611. Aletee tweed salts worth Su,40 for SAM Metre tweed suits worth $0,50 for Men's tweed and serge suits worth Ss 00 for $fi.00, Meu.'s and ladiee' fur caps $14011 for, $1 2:z, Meree mid ladies' beaver eppstsStttn caps worth $3,00 for $"4110, Toys' suits Stade good cloth. worth 42.00 foe :$1.4.5. Alen's tweed mid worsted. suits worth p10.00 for $7.50. Aimee heavy frieze ttlsters worth 80.00 for $1,0u, Alen's fine beaver overcoats worth $7,00 for $4,00. Men's beaver and nreltou overcoats worth $12.00 for $8,00 Bargains in meal's pants. $1.00 pacts for 7Cte ; $1.50 pants for 81.00 ; $2,00 watts for 81.50 ; $2,50 pants for $1.7 ► ; e3,00 pants for $2.3:a. Boys odd pants 2.5e. 40e and O0e.. Dinner setts at cost, teasetts at cost, plated at cost. cups and saucers at cost. Come to this great sale expecting to get Bargains and you won't be disappointed. verytbing must be Cl tiied out. This is a money saving chance for you. The Bishop Stock at The Bishop Store. Opposite Hawlishaw's Hotel. Store open ever nin J. .T},it� ■la .F F if M Grigg's Book Storc A full stock of School Books for Public Schools. A full stock of Sunday School Library Books at wholesale prices Family and Peachere Bibles Full Line. For Marriage Licenses, Wedding Rings, Watches, Chocks, Jewelry,. Spectacles, Etc ' ALT, ©V R. HICKS Repairing a Specialty. Wal STR,TFORD, ONT. A school that is doing the best work in business education in Canada. Our magnificent catalogues give fail in tor notion, Write to -day far one, Sev- eral Canadian colleges and many large American schools employ our grad- uates its teachers. This is one strong Ipoint in our favor. Enter now if pos- W..J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Everything in Stationery, sable_ wholesale and retail. JOlill 6rir TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisewenta accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. EXETER INSURANCE. _ _ uE RNEST ELLIOT, Mrs, W. H. Gill is visiting at Grand• Bend. Agen for the WESTERN ASSURANCE CE CoM-. "Arm, of Toronto; also for the Plies= Ems W. J. Hearnan has his coal shed at MT:MANCE COMPANY, of London, England; the station completed. ex, LraNCit INSURANCE COMPANY, of Eng and Miss Manning of Parkhill, visited friends in Exeter the past week. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER22nd, 1900 Mrs. H. Samwelland daughter,IIat- tie, visited in London on Tuesday. Hugh Kay, brother of T. M. Kay Exeter, died in London on Tuesday. Moses Gardiner intends removing to Iowa in the course of a few months. LOCAL HAPPENINGS Ladies' -rubbers 85e, men's rubbers 50e at R. H, SWEET'S. W. Miners, of Kincardine, and Chas. tTbe new steam fire engine fs ex- Miners, of London,visited G.W.Miners pected here this week. on Tuesday. David Rozel is disposing of his house- hold goods and intends moving from G. J. Sutherland and Miss Hattie town. Sutherland of Hensall,called on friends Allen McDonell has returned home t here Tuesday. from Ohio, whither he went with a <G- Bargains in men's and boys' longy, shipment of stallions. ; rubber boots. also rubbers and over - Several members of Mr. Wm Bag - shoes. STEWAR.TS shaw's family in the 3rd concession of 1,¢Miss Mabel Brooks, of Exeter North, Stephen, are ill with typhoid fever.on Friday evening last entertained a Herb Zrevethiek returned on Friday, ! number' of young friends. last from Portage la Prairie, Man., , The local taxes this year are about where he spent the -past fess months. Y one quarter higher than l a. s t year, a n dJohn Balkwill sr., of Chicago, form - ratepayers are protesting vigorously. of Exeter, fsvisftia his relatives here. He observes many changes for victor French, son of D. French, of the better in Exeter. the County House of Industry, has iVes, f Bissett disgosed of his house- gone to Alberta for the benefit of his hold effects on Tuesday. Mr: and Mrs'. health. Bissett will lige with Mrs. Bissell's Revs. Waddell and Walden, of parents, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh. Eliniville inJames The rumor is current preachor Method- t ren in East Lamb= ist Church on Sunday. morning and ton that Mr. Oliyer Simmons, the evening respectively. newly -elected Conservative candidate, Mrs. T. E. Handford entertained is to resign to provide Hon. Geo.. E. erWea i a Foster, ith- a -sat number of young friends on W'ednes- day evening in honor of her brother Advance Council No 207 R T of r andsister from the Klondike. intend holdingy evening, Nov. Night on Mon- day on- da y Nov. 26th also election Albert Hooper, of Clinton, was in of officers. All members are requested g' town yesterday. Mr Hooper says he to attend. wishes Clinton officials kept their streets in as good repair and as clean Last week agang of trans ` buglers p p' the streets in Exeter. were run down in Detroit. One of the as number it is said made a confession, in W. H. Dearing has disposed of . his 'which he stated that he had set fire milk route to Alex. Dovv, and intends to McCallum's tannery and Rosa' store giving his undivided attention to fel-m- in Exeter, some years ago. ing pursuits. He has been 12 years at D. V. the Rev. .1, W. Ten Eyck will the business, and during that time has a exchange pulpits its on Sundaynext with served his :customers regularly and the' Rev. W. J.' Taylor, recor o S . well, haying missed but"one trip, p y , f t g p, . on James church, St. Marys, Mr. Taylor who is an eloquent speaker will preach at both services in the Trivitt` Me/nor- m church. account of the weather. The inspec- tor was around last week and accord- ing to "bis test Mr. D's milk went 3.89 while 3:3 is standard milk. EXETER TIMES S A CAv.a.r.m t orFnAzwE,—The Ship- �y Wren Lyceum Oauzpany presented "A T �' • 1 ■ Cavalier of An at -- -- the Opera House, Saturday night, to a fair sized yet appreciative audience. The weath- er was very inclement, The story surrounds the Court of Ding Henry 111, of France, and the ntrtional char- cteteristics are well brought out. There is a strong and natural intermingling or royalty, and love, and treachery. in. WO laces, whi li is quite in keeping with the Englishuran's idea of the French court in those days. The play was well handled by the company. MUNICIPAL MA E .s.:The time for municipal elections as drawing close. Tills year there promises to be many changes in the personnel of the Coon. ty Council Board. For this Division the two present incumbents, Dr. Rollins and D. McInnis, are going to retire. The names more freely men- tioned as probable successors are those of W. G. Bissett, R. Spacktuan and A.. Q, Dobler, Exeter ; Jno Detbridge, b'"sborne ; Richard flicks and Wm. Lewis, Stephen. For the Division in which Hay and Hensen are included anew Waal will have to be selected to succeed George McEwen, recently elected M. P, With John Torrance,one of tire,:present members, in the field, the names of Robt, McMordle, Kippen, W. Lamont, Stanley, and 11. Urqu hart, .Mensal), are mentioned. .19 EMING' of }toOott PttEsnr'gay,— Tite Presbytery of Iluron met in Olin - ton last week. The following mince- ters were present; — Revs Stewil<rb, McLean, Corriere, Martin, Fletcber, Shaw, Musgrave, Larkin, Davidson, Jameson.. Hamilton, JaInea 'H ttnilton, I-iettder'son, ndersoa, Salva*rs and . clteson ; elders :-.- Messrs, 1?ttncait, Mcir, McQueen, 'ii alkiugbatn, Bell and Wilson, Messrs. Donaldson and. Cam hell front Hayfield congregation and MePhail and Torrance from Beth- aLny were also present. In the absence of the tnodera.tor, Rev. J. S, Bender. son of Homan, Rev. S. A., Corriere of Grand Bend was invited to take the chair. ;Messrs, Martin and Duncan, were appoiuted to examine and report in regard to the treasurer's account. The report was quite satisfactory. all the congregations having paid Presby- tery fund in full, Sixteen cents per 1" tntlly will be necessary to meet Pres- byterial expenses this year,° Rev. Mr. Anderson presented a draft copy of standing orders This draft was only considered and adopted. The Presby- tery will henceforth meet quarterly instead of bi-monthly. At last meet - ng of Presbytery arrangements were made for an excbange of palpits and .•u visitation of the Sabbath Schools of the entire Presbytery, Reports were given in regard to the work done in the Schools and the efficiency attained which were of a very encotir- aging nature. Rev, A. Stewart was appointed d to preside and Rev, I`, H. Larkin to address the W. F. M. nteet- fig at next meeting of Presbytery to be held at Seaforth on. the third Tues- day of January. Rev. Junes Hamil- ton reported having moderated in a call for the congregations of Hayfield and Bethany but inasmuch as the minister called, Rev, A. D. Campbell, Tuts been settled in the meantime in another congregation at Steamer, the 11 matter was allowed to drop and dr, Hamilton was thanked for his cli i 1 genre Rev. R, Henderson tabled his resignation of Auburn and Smith's Hill congregations 'because of failing health. It was . agreed to cite the,', congregations to appear for tbeira' interests at next meeting of the Pres- bytery when the matter will be dealt. with. As Mr. Henderson's re- moval may render possible a re -ar- rangement of mi'tain portions of the field it was decided ht the meantime to send a temporary supply to Bayfield and Bethany, Revs. Larkin, Shaw and Musgrave, with their elders, were ap- pointed to examine and report in re- gard to a little manual called "Aids to \Vorship,"intended as a help for Chris- tian service tias er ice in the absence of a clergy- man. Session records are to be pres- ented and examined at next meeting.. The Presbytery recommended the ob- servance of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper by all congregations un- der its jurisdiction an the first Sunday of the New Year. A. W. Robinson, who has been in the Klondike for the past few years is visiting his father, R. Robinson, south of Exeter. The church, shed and other church property at Sharon was sold by auction last week, James Clarke, of Crediton,`i purchased the buildings. it Mr. and Mrs. Cann, of Usborne, cele-\ brated their golden wedding last week. We wish the old couple many more years of happy wedded life. John Sanders, who recently moved/ to town from the township of Steph'' en, died Ia,st evening. He had bee sick for some time with typhoi ' fever. Mr. and Mrs. John Brawn, of Butte - lo, are visiting friends in town. They were called here to attend the funeral of the late George Floyd, Mrs. Brawn's father. Among those who passed the recent civil service examinations in London, we notice the name -of Miss Della. Crocker, of St. Marys, formerly of Exeter. Huron County Council will meet in n Wingham oa Tuesday, Dec. 4th. Nominations for candidates for Coun- ty Council ountyCouncil will take place on. Decem- ber 24th. The sleighing of, last week has been transformed into muddy roads, the heavy rains of the past fewdays add- ing to the quantity. The wells which were about dry have become' amply replenished, Robt.. Knight has moved into his new tailor shop, just south of THE TIrMEs,recently completed for the pur- pose. It is a well appointed building and adds much to that portion of the street on which it is erected. Mrs. John Gould having disposed of her cooperage to James Gould, will sell her effects by auction on Wednes- day next when she will move Pontiac, Mich., to reside with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coates. George Floyd, one of the pioneers of this section. died last week. . Mr. Floyd was one of the first ;farmers of Stephen and many years ago retired and has since ..lived in Exeter. He Ieaves a widow, son and daughter to survive. • .X.et, t4 Flensall ` '% FURS•FURS. We are showing a magnificent range of Fur Goods, con- sisting of Men'S Goats on Coon, Calf, Dog, Etc. Ladies' Electric Seal and Astrachan Coats Ladies' Collarettes and Ca .eiznes in all the leading furs, and in rich combinations, from the thea .pest up to the richest lines ; also a greaillne Ladies' C `l1....apes in Astrachan, from 12 50 uP . i We will be pleasdte o show you our stock. Groceries 20 lbs Redpatb,'s extra standard granulated sugar for SI. Get our special prices on finest selected Raisins by the box. . Men's and Boys' Overcoats. We have a tremendous stock of Men's and Boy's Top Goats which we are bound to clear out during the next few weeks. If you want a coat for yourself or boy, see us. We will save you honey. Ladies Mantles. We have some very natty Ladies' and Misses' Coats' i we intend clearing at bargain; rices, You can sae{ which g g � p money by buying here. We want a large quantity of butter, eggs, poultr , �I1i 11 t andlI payi e e � u h r produce, ot other apples,and p cl. zleel � g market prices for same, Ilo ft. M6Kar Go., Direct importers CAgLmro BROS Five weeks from 'Tuesday last wilt�{,:; Big bargains in Rabbers, Boots be Christmas. 6 Shoes. R. li, SWEET:, Live izs, areworth $5.00 1 cwt. ori APPLES, Fof sale, a quantity Of '. the local weather. , 4 green apples. Apply to W. H LEv STT Men's shoes worth $2.00 to $2.50 for ce Co. �,,,„,>- -, _ .SI.80 at R. IL SWEET'S. . Thee are many bushels of apples Miss G1iddan, C3oderwidsli township; • rotting on the ground in orchards here - }s visiting friends in town. , about. Thebest value in wool horse b1an,' Ladies' fur neck ruffs, caperines, kets. R. H. SWEET' offs, claps, capes and coats, the larg . � New Xmas fruits all ii, atSmEw.istee. eststock:ftithecounty, values in your Values that you'll not find elsewhere, favor, STEivnwr S. try. ' Rev. Mr. Ten. Eyck,of Exeter,preach- Mr. And Mrs, G. A. K. McLeod,.. ed in Holy Trinity, on Sunday. Both have returned from visiting friends ' sermons showed what an earnest and in Seaforth. • rclever speaker he is,—Lucan Sun. Some very nifty thingsin new home Look out for anniversary of Main spun and nobby tweed dress goods at • St. Methodist church. Dec. 2 and 3. STr;WeEx.T s. i Sabbath, Dec. 2, Rev. Dr, Daniels, of Thos. Smith, of Mooresville, Is mos,- Sarnia, will preach morning and even- ing away to the township of Usborne, i ing. Monday evening, 3rd. grand sup - near Winchelsea. Iper served by the ladies, after which. • Michael Beyhan, of Carroll. Man„ Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingharn, will de - returned from that place Saturday , ifli�r mahats famous lecture on the A ngu- night to spend the winter with friends in Mooresville. G. A. t3uswell, who has carried on 1 business for the past 3 years in Frank- i port, Kansas, is visiting home and other friends. T. P. Smith, optician, will be at the Commercial hotel on -Friday and Sat-; nrdav, November 23rd ] and 24th. If your sight is defective `itwill be to your interests to consult Mr. Smith,,y free of charge. Remember the date. • x Turkish Scalp Food prevents the hair from failing out, restores faded and gray hair to its original color. Being delicately perfumed it leaves no unpleasant oder. It is not a dye, , Should be in every house where a hair he Famous JeliyP Ilso For at by C A. Big Drop IN THE PRICE O Ready-made-Oi�thing They were NEVER LOWER THAN NOW. We do not know whether "Laurier" is the cause of it or not but the fact remains which makes us and our customers happy. The variety is also Targe. The reduc- tion comes at an opportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready to start school and want to boy most for their money. We have a line of boys suits that were $2.75 to $3.25 a suit which we offer at $1,50. to elear,and many other lines proportion ately low. We are also clearing out sum- mer goods, blouses worth 50o for 40e, `75e for 50, 1,00 for '75e, muslins and a number of other lines at your own price, If you want good good at right prices we are with you. If you want shoddy or the like you will have to go elsewhere, Give us a gall. Highest prices paid for produce. O!M L[M+C�s BROW AVPRENTICE WANTED to learn printing, Apply at TIMES 001,0E. WANTED. ---4 •,: ITT good steady boythis. � E � S teen years old or older to drive milk J ' waggon, Apply to J, 3licIsoxze. 11acrt WANTED.--- 500 dressed and live hogs wanted. Highest cash price will be paid for the same at the Exeter Packing House. Ribs and euttings on hand. Los'r.--A year-old. collie bitch, on" Nov, 3rd, on I3th non., Stephen, 2t utiles south of Dashwood, coon color, with email white spots an breast, and leather strap on neck. Inforination that will lead to her recovery will be rewarded by writing to J.+ur:s Mout, Hay P. O. or any person detaining her after this notice will be prosecut- ed. Absolutely pure Baking Powder sold,, ljy C. Lutz. See our Ladies' and Misses' shoe. .2,00 to 2,25 for I,19, R. II. SWBEr, 1 Use Winan's Cough Balsam for s. `,Onlyl2ec a bottled at C. ti sotDri g store. People whose eye -sight is defective should see T. P, Smith, optician at the Commercial hotel, on Friday and Sat- :ttrday. Nov. 23 and 24, t d r renewer is needed. o sale y Lutz.. Only 50 cents a bottle. 1,4 HYPNOTIC, VAUDEVILLE CO'Y. On Tuesday evening Rev. R. Mil -i '; yard and wife gave an "At Home" to ; The s�dera!atk in front of. Dowsiey & number of young people of the church Hatton's drug store has been crowded hundeds at the parsonage. Therewas a large 1 curiousurintc citizens who hhe afternoon ave b ennattz c n umber present end an enjoyable ' ted by the presence of a young man, evening was spent by all. Such a' Sohn Tye, who was hypnotised by gathering should result in much good prof. Pull at 2 o'clock this afternoon in creating amore sociable feeling and slepted in the window throughout among the young people. the afternoon unconscious of the gaze The Middlesex fall assizes were ad- of the crowds. de. , w At 8 o'clock lie was journed until Monday last but a High carried on a stretcher to the town Court judge did not put in an appear -hall, where the professor in the twee. The only. matter' undisposed of 9 p I at the sittingin September. was the. Spres- ence soundly a large audience under him. t So did he sleep . the in- sentencing of 'Waiter Herbert, the fluence of the hypnotic power that he self-confessed murderer of Joseph H. pain as made no si u oft Sifton. Herbert, however, may not he professor cried wrist rist withneedles. The know his fate until after the'trial of }tri Gerald Sifton. l entertainments given by Prof. Pull have been largely attended during the week, and have been one continuous round of laughter. The practical de - Exeter Municipal Council. �monstrationshavebeenrefaced each — 'evening by an interesting and instruc Co unn c• 7l met, pursuant to adjounrraent rive lecture on hypnotism mindnotism and mind at Town Hall,, Nov. 16th present resent reading. The subjects have been num- except I. Armstrong. ' erous since the first nig ht,and it would Minutes of previous meetinag read be impossible to describe the many and approved. Evans—Levett--lha.t the following accounts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same: -J. Gillespie, P , drawingasoline engine from station, S 1.50 . J. W. Creech $ , , labor. $1.87; W. J. Bissett, bal on drain, $12.50. Evans—Muir That the Reeve be instructed to wire Mr. Ronald as to delay i:: shipping steamer.—Carried. Levett • - Evans - That 'Council ad- journ to d-journto meet at call of Reeve. Car- ried. GEo.H. BisskrT, Clerk. ludicrous positions the professor has placed them in. It is sufficient to say that the audience was kept convulsed with laughter. The club and baton swinging by a younger brother of the professor, have been cleverly perform- ed. The entertainments Wali be con- tinued during the rest the week and on Saturate, ft O S d y a ernoon.— wn eoun Times. The above companywill appear i the Opera Hous,`Ee aa, one week only, commencing Nov. 25th. Plan ofhall atDr. Lutz'. 10, 20 and 30 cts. First Store North of Post Office. urniture Jamas BeverI6ll ,The steady increase in our trade is a good proof of the fact that our goods are right in price, . lower than those of other dealers. New Williams FAIR 4 see our 10c, goods, you will be sue- ' ed. at the quality of them, We have a new selection of baud, painted ware, also some choice jardi- iners, tall flower holder's. and rose "Bobs" and Powell" cups and aueers, Canadian patrit:tic ware, 1oG and 4 piece setts. Pompadour back and side combs, brilliant setting. chflds combs, hair retainers, steel combs and dressing; combs, hair brushes, (Ebony back.] Ebony, ,manicure and stationary setts, button books and. files. ,A fail line of granite, tin and wooden.. ware, Oranges, Lemons, candies, soda. and fancy biscuits. -. «.,. Levitt's Fair A$ENT EOR PARISIAN STEt111S e� LAUNDRY. Laundry sent away every Thursday. • THE �PfII�Cf I�INI�g M�ChiiiC We sell the most wonderful Talking Machine made. It Talks, Sings, Laughs and Plays in a most natural way. We expect in a few days 1 doz. We are getting in new designs of We furniture every week. would quote prices but space will not permit. Please call and see the snaps we have Being the last shipment of to offer. -- forty of those celebrated machines shipped to us in the last few months. PIANOS and ORGANS Our Piano and Organ stock is first-class in every respect. Music in sheet and books al- ways on hand. We will consider it a pleasure to show you our different lines of goods. Call and see ns. SEWING MACHINES Undertaking In this department our stock is com- plete and we have undoubtedly the best funeral ontfit in the county and our prices are as low as the lowest. We have some PIANOS and ORGANS than we will sell very cheap and don't forget it. Don't forget the place. Opposite J. Grigg's. S. Martin. FIE NE STORE i '311, ,Ore. DRY - GOODS and OROGIR iIS. YE frr New every goods arriving week, We are�'ii"ow in a bet- ter to supply the wants of our man patrons than we positionpp Y y l have been since by giving opening, and givin. value for valve we hope to win, many more customers. GENTLEMEN -Old •and young, "don't fail to see our Under wearbefore you purchase elsewhere; There is no better to be had, and we guarantee our prices will please you. Fours splendid lines at 95c. per suit. Also a full range of Ladies' p b and2 Uhilditrroc 4i : s TJndeieour wear in ail prYices. 5 lannel Flannels from I 5 to SeMilitar at 2 c. and 3 5c, •.Extra value in Flannelettes from 5c to 15c . Sec our Wrap- perettes, they are rpretty. S ecial value ... nen. See w'htt we have at 25c., 60 in . wide. Certs' Leather Mitts DrivingGloves.Ladies'and Children : Gauntlets. iGrey and Black. Everything you need I'nr the eold weather. Don't forget our a ir'Groceries . they are clean and fresh. A cal) solicited. Produce taken, in exchange. W D. Y10'