HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-22, Page 5Pattiont pailli RUSSIA ig ERR IIIt P011 Her Ice -Cutting ship, the Ermak, all tile News 0 Interest to 1 Will Try the Big Job. 'Milos Rea( tors hallooing in tlioso GOUTItleS FOR THE 1(11 Fe Huron The peoceeas of auniveroxy of Ohi emurst presbyterlau chord) =Quilted, to over $127. Upon a. small .eherry ;rep growing in a pot in 3T. Toyier'e otore 0finton,there hangs a ripe eherree Tho Cheek reataUrant, Seaforth, has been purchased bY.' ROA. Mullough from cuneiog.haue Broe. Mr. Welsh a Seaforth Model SchoOl has been eogaged as teacher in S. S, No. Stanley, for 1001. .0ecar Neil, of Seeforth, has purchase e4 the restaurant hueinese of the late Stewart in that place. The proceeds a the ;Anniversavy of the Eippen Methodist church,held, east weeJ. amounted to over $125. Mrs, H. O. Beavon is laa eritical leenclition at the Clinton hospital. evilere; ehe underwent au -operation. Jame a Laithwalte and ferelly have taken up their abode in Goderieh after a life loug evsidence in Goderich town, - ship, A peddler named Murray was arms - td n Clinton Tileeday .on a charge of !neglecting to soppore his wife, who Uvea m London, Tag Tlefree m :sorry to learn that OM a W.11. Kerr -jot the Brussels Fost hes been ill with typhoid fever for some tleree Weeks. - The PieblieSettool on the Baylield ROati near Brucefield bas been closed owing to there beings case a cliplitle- ceia in the section. Salvanus Witmore or Hay thinleing lt not well to he alone, has taken unto himself a partner in the person a Miss Mary A. Miller. of Daslievood. The Hibbert leible 8oelety motile the CrOniarly esbyterlau church, lea week when Rev. W. J. Doherty, of Ifeueall wets elected preeitlent, Tile congregation of Rattenbury St. Methodist church, Clinton, have de- cided to erect a new church, and the canvas for funds bas commenced. Through the kindness ales. Boom- •er of the Huron Diocesau Women's Anxillarya beautiful silver communion set has been obtained for Grace church Matra. Horace Foster, lately of Clinton but more recently connected with the Williams bleee Co., of Brampton has retired therefrom ruul opened out a re- tail store in Brampton. If there ever was a specific for any- one complaint, tb.en Carter'S Little Liver Pills area, specific for sick head- ache, and every woman ebould know this. Only one pill a dose. Try them. Mr. Morrison, a livery stable keeper, •of leinearcline, receiyed eV end costs from the township of Kinloss for injwies received by the breakiug through of a bridge in that town- ship. etre Ceendrou, senior member of tire bicycle firm of that name in Toronto ewes' in Hensel) on Tuesday and stated - that the ilrm intended starting a big furniture factory. at St. Joseph next sum mete The Clintou News -Record last week contained an item setting forth the healthfulness of Clinton, while in an item followit it mentions the fact of four persons being ill at one time in the same house, of all manner of dis- eases, W. F. Dulrnage, late of the Bruns- wick house, has purchased the Albion hotel at Gorrie fromGeorge Brown. Mr.Dulroage will getpossession on the 10th of December. The Dulanage fam- ily have been residents of Wingham for many. years. Chief Vannorrnan, of Winghana, left on Wednesday morning for Kingston with the man, Patterson, who was re- cently sentenced to the penitentiary for stealing goods from M. H. Indoo's store in that town and from stores in Clinton, Bayfleld and other places. A severe loss is sustained by the community in the closing of the Baby- lon Sunday school, Hay., Which took place on Sunday, after having been in existence for 21 years, 15 of which it has been held at the borne of Samuel Rennie. The cause of the closing is the removal of Mr. Rennie and family to Zurich. , On Tuesday' morning Miss Olive -Thompson, daughter of Division Court Clerk Thompson, of Bayfield, narrow- - iy tnissed hong shot. to death, Her -brother was examining the gan pre- paratory to going out shooting when it accidentally went off and several shot lodged in Miss Thompson's face. Most of the shot was removed - With leer New Bow, and. 0ther Improve - mettle -Made by the Armstroegs, ee Seln ShoXis Now Capeble o vo.tun Iter Way Through to the role awl Beek te Ono Season-entiat S1e leas Peale. LOrtt101/* Nov, 1 .—Art entirely new departeixe in Arctic exploration evM be mede next skimmer. Russia. will Pend north her wonderful ice snip, theDm/PA.' 'With leetreetions to try to break her way through to the pole. The performance of this Tessa eutting awl tearing leer way at three or tow miles an emir through the immense ice fields of the Baltic sea and other Russian waters has ex- cited amazement antoug all who TIMES GRIM 111111 11111115T Mang .010 -InilaMtan% oi .hurou •Traot Ma' to. • Rolm LIMP.= TtiPWEWS .e0ORD : The youngest son a William Pion- Publio School flied last week. The father of the deceased is now a reaie dent of the etat e of Ohio, but formerly liyed e3aylield. Jean Lindsay, reliet of the late Ar- thur McGuire, died, at the home of her son, James McGuire, alt. Forest, on Monday. Mrs. McGuire, with her bus - bend, lived for many years on the erst line of Morris. Deceased was in her 70th year. There died at her home in Howick township on Wednesday of last week, uulitary expeditioos by the allies Mrs. Charles elcIlwari in her 36th year, would be diseontinued. 'The deceased had been ailing for some time and was not expected to recover. TH9vRT,E NOT ItHALIN BEGUN, $110 11(4.114* behind a husband and little • . ...• „ • • • • WITHORNgt 18 lEttifilit1). A Word to the Wise is Sufficient. ,But some stubborn people uit ontil " crown sick" be- fore trying to ward Wiliness Count Waidersees Dioturgts Li Hung Chang and Qedng. Chtriese Troomt West ate nee:loved. Arnim vied by the rowers nre military 3ex- mize in the word' "ROocl's" veations by the .Wes Woold fliscon. assur4nce of health. tinno-Trouble Not Realty Re4-un- For ell blood troubles, scrofula, pine- tbc oec, or cure it. The wise leett, a, former teacher of the Varna Oetnisee of rureneaos litaa. pies as well )18 diseases of the leidDeys liver and bowels, Hoodel Sareaparilla the effective and faultless cure. Pekin, Thursday, Nov, 15. — The commander of the international for- ces, Field Marshal Von Weldersee, re- ceived Prince Citing end Li Bung Chang. the Chinese Peace Commission- ers, to -day at the Imperial Palace. `lam Field Marshal demanded that the Chinese troops be withdrawn from the vicinity of the territory' occupied by the allied forces, adding that if this should be done, the despatch of alood Purlfler---" 1 have taken good's sersaleaellie, anti nod it beneeeial for my - *elf and, a:toy. It purifies the bleed sae Strerigtheite the eyeteuee aess. Beery Weare Clinton, Ont. Strength Sulider-ngYself, wife and ebileren tiave teken Hood's Sarseperilla ane fl etrengthened ue. It relievea me of a lawn back," DeVin Mcameox, ceretaker. Colt Tuotitute, Oalt, Ont. daoghtee, The death ot MI'S- Sohn iloener, Sr-, opine:0i at gureneaue WM Italia 14ive at Drysdale, took place on Wednesday Any Thu Jo o china, afternoon of last -week, The deeeased 6ba°ghtele 'Ifeuve 11-7 l'tr°111 Pc "ikatizt had been ailing for some months pat to .4.31''414a it's net to 411,11„, SO thee her departure, was not alto, to meet 4 leuropean or American wee gethar unexpected. She leaves a bus- IlaS resided nn S length of time in band and two sons to mourn their loss, China, hut WIrO believee that the reai Charles Snelling. a young mau who trouble has not really confluence& ha % been employed at the Maxwell They bitterle reproach the powers for works, St. Marys, for tviro years, died at Stratford Hospital last Friday, Be was sufterieg from appendicitis and -only lived three or four days after be .ing taken to 'Stratford. His former hoille WAS in Listowel, On Sunday last XI'S. lelargareb no McGee, an old and respected residea of WaWallgsk passed peacefully away at the age of seveuty-one years, seven months and eleven days. Deceased. with her husband, .came from Ireland THE ERAIAle. have winieseed L. Sha IN, now beiag e.(lai[11124 andimproved for the great - Q2 all tasks. The Artustroups at Liswiels, bavo just completed a new bow wbieh is especially desir„oed to encounter the field of we ht the Arctic ',leo., which ie heavier .and thiceer than any 'MIMI the Venial; has yet attacked. The original bow was easily capable ol neellug a ith any of the enormous ice tielda 'hkh ilussht produces. She went to a bigh latitude on an ex- perimentel trip last summer arid ac- complished all that could be expected of her in her assault mion the ex- ternal ice width be then encountere ed. The alterations now being made were mtge.-este:el by tlds experience. Admiral elakarint, who is superin- tending the changes. has tlie great- est confidence that his ship will eat her way 'without delay straight to the pole and w311 return safely in the same season. Rvery precaution has been tanen to itt her out. Kw a long stay in case of accident or blockade. Admiral efaharoff has refused to give ollt details of the plane or even to admit that the expedition will be undertaken, but there is no doubt on this point. No information is yet available as to the route to be taken r how tbe coal problem will he edved. There Wili he supplies -ot ne or two points in asctie Ituesin and probably a. collier will carry an affilitienal supply as 'far as the ice will permit. Middlesex Mr. G. B. Reeve, the new general manager of the Grand Trunk Railway was once station master of the road at Parkhill, Mr, Dugald Leitch, a well-known re- sident of Chiradoc, and exwarden of Middlesex, died at Mount Came on -sae-Saturday morning, aged '73 years. ririaction of Carter's Little Liver Filis is4leasant, mild and natural, They getttly stimulate the liver, and and regulate the bowels, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try Fred Dell a young man residing on the 14th line of East Zorra, attempted to take his own life on Saturday even- ing.. Be slashed his throat and other- wise terribly mutilated himself with some sharp instr ancient. He lived with his widowed mother and was un- married. No reason can be assigned for the awful act. Dell is at present resting easily in the Woodstock gen- eral hospital and it is thought he will recover. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Vac fate' strait° sigaatreo of le ea 1,44fi 4gol. Mr.. G. B. REEVE. not being more severe in their incase ores,. particularly for not absolutely destroying the forbidden city at Pe- kin. Old residents at Tien Tsin. elle Foci and f-ihauelini Say it WaS. 4 alWle blunder that will in the near flittire muse the loss- of thoneenda of Iwo and the tieStruCtioll Of MUelt property. It la a 'welt authenticated fact that hardly a. Chinaman outside the Province ef Chili believes that ibe allics: have had any success at all. one* in the township of Vaughan, re- The rn.te411)1:14fler:inath;;;;; ae 5;s -Do to this country end settled near Tore sided there a few years, then removed ager and the court reeently from to East 3:C"AWOOOSIX, Sitautti to Shen ,i is loolted upon by T. A, Gale died suddenly 41 Torooto oreign uteri:haute. missionaries, and last week. The deceased Was ktIONVO even 1,,,y most, ef .la' eonverts. as to many in Clinton. He was partner ' eameer and it 14501A;tce.. it merchant in the banking arm of Johnston, Tts. I who has been ;hi ;tears in Chime told dell &Gale 'which was established there a. correspondent of th e Associated In iSSO. Four years later thipartner I Press that it wan a Place almost im- usilloivPedwro Bill:rualvedwh" owrollebne 'acriedefao'ar poeelble for foreo- ign Irma to Tmch if some time as -manager for Ferran , , they so desired. and the only feasible ee i way Ws to no about 1 .500 milo up Archibald, bankers. On leaving there the leauste ether anti titan nno wiles he took up his residence in eke:onto 1 and for years has been Inspector by land. /1 this were attempted. bow. of *, ever. they would have to tight the the elercantile Insurance 0 =pane?. i Aftee an illness of considerable„gre;.eter part of the way. length, John Curtis, farmer of thee Tao Empress has essued an edict, Wallace boundary, west of lestowel, passed away on Nov. Stb, In bis sev- enty-firse year. Deceased was a na- tive of County Tyrpne, Ireland, and or eenelatilatiOn. announcing her de- parture from Pekin. not as a Ilight, but merely to be in a Imre central position. and informing all officials came to Canada with his parents n that tlie couotre is Zfl(50.WC(I ba o infancy. The family settled in North eigners. but that not enough or them Easthope a good many years ago, exist in the world to 'disturb the where the deceased was married to serenitt of the Chinese Court. Eng - Miss Mary Whaley, WhO survives eine, hell missionaries sa; the Enntress- The death of Mrs, Patrick Mc- Dowager has a better knowledge of Phallus, wife of the well-known barris- tile Chinese Minh' 'Wan allY huluarl ter, ofeLondon, took place at the fam- being alive. ily residence, No. 835 King stteet, thee kelan in a Dangerous State. city, on Saturday. and occurred after p le ee ut • 0 liver Mt; thevezierritoting and ;eke "'eke' nowt's' *soar-IL:Ale 'There died Monday In noislID, Wm. Rothrtermal. ShO bad been ail- ing for Amite time. rmerly Valle erennger of the G. T. se, Ilia Will 5oiktw Mr• Heys as Gen- era 'Malinger, Montreal, Nov. 19. --It was offielel- IY enutrenced 'Saturday morning that George 13e11 Reeve, formerly general trona.” manager of the Grand Trunk RailWay, Who retired from the ser- vice Inel April to devote the remain, - der of his life to fruit, farming le California. has been appointed gener- al nutimeer of tbe company, hi sue- eaSSion to Cherie:4 M. lht s. who has accepted the presidency of the South- ern Pacific. air. Reeve was traffic manager of the Chicago & Grand Trunk before corning to this city ae general traffic manager, under the new management in 1806. Ile tilled minor official posi- tions en the Grand Trunk at variOus points in Canada before going to the Chicago & Grand Trunk. Ile is an Englishman by birth. air. Reeve Coming, East. Mr. George 33. Reeve, the new gen- eral manager of the Grand Trunk, will arrive here this evening front California to confer with Sir Rivers - Wilson and Mr. Joseph Price. The lat- ter stated yesterday that Mr. Reeve's policy would be wise and progressive and, in fact, a continuity of the sec- cessfel system inaugurated and car- ried out by Mr. Nays. 31;tys Goes West. Mr. Hays left for the west last evening to complete arrangements for the double -tracking and equipment of the Chicago & Grand Trunk. for which S4,500,000 has been allotted Lor this work. Mr. Price says this will be done next year. "M. NU Shanghai, Nov. SIIMIADs Lam wu, Fvfm When things are "the best" they be - °me "the best selling." .Abrabam Hare, a leading druggist of eeelleyille, O., writes; "Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled iu yeara." Yoit know why? Most diseases begin in disorders o stomach, liver, kidneys, bowele, blood. and ner- ves. Electrm Bitters tones up the stomach, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, puriees the blood, strengthens he nerves, heriee cures roultiteedes of maladies, R builds up the entire eye - tem. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, rendown man or WO11161A. Prue 1if) cents, Sold by all druggists, a 'eery brief illness. Deceased was a ys —Sanitary condit iOUS mai boom - daughter of Christopher Robinson, of Richmond, Virginia, an ex -judge of the Supreme Court, of that State, and was bat Zel years of age. In January of this year she was married to Mr. McPhillips, who was a former residem. of Exeter. William Dusty, of Tilbury. died On Monday of last week after a short ill - nose. The deceased was born in St. Marys some twenty-four years ago and was a soneif Edward Dusty who eXiOrfltOUS formerly conducted a, boot alai shoe tiler° is "W an Itecumula- business there, but who now lives at tient in their dwellings and yards, Tilbory. Mr, Dusty epidemic, few months ago and was esteemed em - was married na which threatens a serious Is ratite° the rower? ployee at the store of W. 0. OraWfOrd. I Henn eCeres, Nee% l'e7.—ehiee5e ern - His death comes as a severe shock to teals aver that a certain power 'has his many friends in St. Marys. • demanded leave to place troops upon His many friends in St. Marys will a, hill overlooking Canton. No for - lug serious. Since the foveiga occu- pation many Chinese ho-ve died. of smallpox and other f ofectious dis- eases. Fearing that their funerals would be hiterferred with they have kot most or the coffins containing their dead in their houses and. toort- yards. The queselon of removing garleige has become one of grave im- portance. As the natives are forbid- den to deposit, refuse in the streets, ORIN TRUE:USER-At the lith eon. of Ran en the 10th intte the wife of War Truenmer of daughter. 33AD0UR-At the Seuble Line. IleY, on the leili lase, the wife ef Shnon natleur. Jr.. of a deugliter. NICIIOLSON-At the Bronean Line. Hay. on the inst., the wife of Sodfrey Nicholson, ot %slaughter. 1.2aebec and Vermont. Washington, Nov. 19 .—The State Department has been informed by Commercial Agent Johnson, at Stan- bridge, that stops are being taken to re-establish railroad conneetions between Qtmbec and Vermont. The old road, owing to its inability to meet liabilities, was closed to traffic 14 or 15 years ago. An American company has lea sed the road fo,r a. term of 99 years, and already has commenced the work of reconstruc- tient, The road extends from" St. Leenbert, opposite Montreal, via. Charnbly, to Prelighsburg and the Vermont line, a distance of 53 miles. Froln this point it extends to Shel- don ,Turettion, where it cozmeets with the Ceetral Vermont Railroad, and also with the Boston & Maine line,, running south to Burlington, Ver- mont. Friday night the 'wife of James Sheridan of :Brookville undertook to revive a fire in a coal stove by the use of coal oil. The result was an explosion, and Mrs. Sheridan 310W lies at St. Vitioent de Paul Hospitel, suffering from serious' barna. , She witi proba,bly reebver. learn with deep regret of the -death of O. S. Harstone, V. S., which occurred at his home in Westminster, Mary- land, IL 'S., Thursday evening. Nov. Oth. He was a brother of L. Raystone. torn clerk. "Cam.," as he wits famil- iarly known, was a genial whole -soul - ed fellow, and -will be remembered by many -while Clerking at the hardware store of S. O. Gilpin. It is About 14 years ago since Mr. Harstone left the Stone Town. He leaves a wife and three children. Thomas. F. Butcher, jeweler, of Brandon, Man., soddenly died of paralysis on Tuesday of last week. His remains were brought to :St. lilarys for interment. "Tom" Butcher as be WdS familiarly known is kindly remembered by a host of friends in St. Marys. Vor seventeen years he was an employee at the jewelry store of Wm. Andrews but left for the West sorar nine years ago wherehe was con- ducting with much success a jewelry business at Brandon. Ai a Bu tcher was forty-one years of age and left a wid- ow, who is a dauglater of John Bart- lett, of St. Marys, and a family of six cbildren to mourn bis untimely end. The late Christian Hess, of Zurich, was born at Roethenberg Wurtenburg, Germany, on Oct. 14th, 1834, and emigrated to Canada in 1858, settling in Hay Township ; first at Blake and then in Zurich in the year 1867 where he has since carried on his trade as a potter and at which he was still active- ly engaged, up to a few days ago when he received a stroke of paralysis, re- sulting in his death on Tuesday of last week. He was married Jan. 7th, 1862, to .Anna Elizabeth Kalbfleisch, sister of S. C. and H. Kalbileisch„ and who survives him. The deceased had one .son, John, who die.d some years ago at about 30 years of age. Frederick, Sr., of Zurich, and Matthias of South Bend are brothers of deceased, as were also George and Andrew both of whom dted a number of years ago. Two sisters London, Nov. 1S.—There is oansid- reside at South Bend, two at Detroit etable commotion here, says the and three are still in Gemnany. Hong Kong corresponent of The i Daly Madi , "n consequence of a re- port that Great Britain intends to send out a flying squadron!' eign authority confirnis the asser- tion, but the Cantonese continue to fear French designs upon the city. Shipments of Rice Stopped. ShaUghtti, NOV. 17.—The 'Viceroys of the Yangtse region have stopped the shipments of the tribute of rice to Siantu, being afraid that the allies would intercept them. The enure, it is evident, -will proceed to Chen Tu. Britain This Protested. Lon.don, Nov. 19.—Under date of Nov. 16, .a despatch to a News Agency says: Great Britain has pro- tested against the transfer of Yu change to the governorship of Wu Chan. Li liung Chang and Prince Ching, according to this despatch, bave inemoralized the throne, and Yu Chang will probably be allowed to take up the new post. Six New Points Faris, Nov- 19.—At a council of the Ministers on Saturday, M. Del- casse, Minister of Foreign Affairs, anneunced that the Ministers at Pe- kin had tranSmitted to their respec- tive Governments a number of arti- cles of a :mint note, and that they contemplated adding six points to those already reached as a basis for peace negotiations. settling roreign Claims at Canton. Canton, Nov. 17.—Tb e American Constia here has been notified that the Board of Reconstruction has bee,n ordered to pay $1.0,000 as the drat instalment in settlement of American claims. All the consuls are pressing for indemnity for the destroyed mis- eons. A special deputy has been ape pointed f or each district to estimate the damage done, the Chinese appar- ently realizing that settlement of the claims is the only method of rid- ding Canton of foreign gunboats. Hong Rong Ts Exelted. MARRIED. T YLOIt-sacnsTT-at James St. ago ou the lttli inst., ny_ssw.C. W. lIrowe, D„ Henry Taylor, at Exeter. to :Mae ISaria Eecrett, drotabter et Christopher Eacrett of the lawnsiiip of Hay. MARKETS. ..9.1.••••••• ka;eter. NOVEmBER 21st.. 19[0, beet per bushel . .61 to G SO 15 "ARMOUR PROOF" ROBE "0 1 R1 , ks With the "Armour Proof" Brend are the strangest heavy Douhie Duck" rubbers, They wear best because merle of purestmbber.audmnreofit than in any other heavy rubber. Extra heavy, real tap soles. - pure rubber. They Stand the Wear. See that the rubbers you buy have the "Armour Proof" brand on the aide, like the eta. Sold at all dealers'. lade by the oldest and best Rubber Company in Canada: The Canadian Rubber Cu* TORONTO, SONTREN., WINNIPE00 ISdher1and limes Co. LTD. ARE PR,EPARED TO PUROHASF narley -- •... -et to Poo..... see -- nutter.— •geb.• , • Turkeys Geese.— Chia:a/leper le WoolDucks•••••• „.. nrted Perk, dreesedee. te 3 W •••• **II,. 6 to • ••• I...4 • r • If - 9.1*** 9 * ZINO LONDON MettIZETS. London. NOVEMBER east, 19(a Wheat per bushel,- imekwee,at Bye....- Corn ..,... Bents Butter Eggs • • •• •• ••• • •• Duces ELM 'OTHER TIMBER EITHER STANDING- OR IN vim LOGS, ....a. ii ...,St to 0 ....id to 4. P... W 151 * 90 rt W 14 to 70 ROLLER .....-X0 49 • .. .. • • .615 Turkeys net'. ........ CWckeus.Geese perth, • ••• • •• •••••• Cheese•••. • No. ..... POWtoes per ba.g...... Boy per ton ..e 0.05 to Pork perewt... $1.5e to APP1Y E. 0. Kessel FOREMAI`,4 EN.,,Eawa, ONTS EX DIED HESS -At Ills residence, ;Zurich, on the 12th Inst„ ohrisunn Bess, at the aged GO years. FRIED -At Dashwood. on the 7th Inst,, Han- nah Fried, at the ogo•of/80 years 31eILWAIN-In Ilowlek. on Nov. lith, Mrs. Charles siellwain, aged. Sa years, 10 months and 20 days, HOLIIES-In Bluevale, on Noe. lath, Cath- erine Mellwain, wife of Andrew Ilohnes,aget1 Fee years. Moat:DIE-In Mt. Forest, on Nov, 1215. jean Lindsay, relict of tho late Arthur AlcUnire, of Morris, aged al years, and 3 months. FLOYD-In Stephen, on Nor. 18th, George Floyd. aged 17 years. 5 Crfonth$, SE:INNER-In Nos-. 13, Geo. Skinner. aged 21 years. SNELLING-At the Hospital, Stratford, Nov, 11. Calories Snelling, son of Samuel Snelling, Listowel, aged, 23 years, RANE-In Fullarton, Nor. 3, Thos.Rane, aged, to years, 1 month and 21 days. EVERY MOVEMENT HURTS When you have rheumatism. Mus- cles feel stiff and sore and joints are peinfale It does not ply to suffer long from this disease when it may he cured so promptly perfecely by Hoo area - patella. This medicine goes right to the spot, neutralizes the acidity of the 1 blood, -which causes rheumatism, and puts an end to the pain and stiffness. sOLD OUT. Having sold my milk business to Mr. Dow, all accounts 'must be paid me on or before the last day of Noir. IMO, es I give up at that date. Thanking my many customers and friends for past favors, .and success to Mr. Dow. I wish all a merry Christmas and a Ilappy„New tear. W. H, DEATtLNG, Governor Allen of Vert* laic*. St. Thomas, Nov. 19. ---Civil Gov- ernor Allen of Porto Rico arrived liere on Saturday on board of United States, despatch boat 1,,,la.,-- tlpwer, B. proceeded to St. Croix filtttiikla$„ to 70 t° C41 WWI Feed to 10 We hese a large stock ofi s no on hand which will be sold at ren able prices. 'MICE WINTER AND GOOS f ASTOUNDING DISCOVERY. word of a wonderful discovery of a! WHEAT From Ccopersvifie, Mich., comes pleasant tasting liquid that when used' before retiring by anyone troubled I Wanted for which highest mavket with a bad cough, always ensures a - 13 ices will be paid. goods night's rest. "It will soon cure -11 the cough too" writes Mrs, 8. Himel- J. COBBLEDIONeee:O___ burger, "for three generations of our family have used Dr. leinees New Dis- covery for Consumption and never! found it's equal for Coughs and i It's an unrivaled life-saver when used I for desperate lung diseases. Giutran- teed bottles 50c and. SIM) at all drug- gists. Trial bottles free. Coal is worth 80.1S0 4 ton in St ASTRAY. Caine into the premises of the undersigned on or about the 15th of augusea steer corning two- year-old. the owner is requested to come and prove property, pay themes mei take it away. JAMES GREEN. Lot 19, concession 7, iiay. Nov,16,1960. MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Notice is hereby given that the council of the County of Huron win meet in the council chem. her in the town of Wiugham on Tuesday. the 415 day of December next at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Goderich, this 301h day of December. am. ASTRAY. Came into the premises of the undersigeed. lot 23, eau 0, Usborne, on or abont Sept, 2515, a two-year-old heifer. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and remove the animal. HU.NRIN, Farquhar P, 0. Marys. They are 0. . Within the past few days three old; 'St. Marys boyHarstone, Westminster, have died suddenly. 1M/101ff QUESTION Maryland - T. F. Butcher, jeweller, 1 Brandon, Man.; and Willian Dusty, Thebest equipped Business aud ehorthat Tilbury, Ont. el i School in Canada is the Forest City Business In accordauce with the new arrange- & 1 Shealuind College. London, Ont. Large enrol - meat and strong facuaty. Liendrecis of students merit made by the trustees, miss. i la good positions, 'Years of excellent -work at Austin now presides at the organ in I lit' eredlt* the Methodist Church, St. Marys, whilst Mr. Follick atts as rhoir nees.i Catalogue of either course free. Common - dance invited. ESTRAY. Came on the premises of the undersigned about ist of October, a two-year-old heifer. The owner is eel:Nested to prove property, pay charges and take her away, FRED GREEN, Lab s, North Boundary, Stephen. Nov. 2nd, 1900. ter. ---- ----- - . To Tees Du,t30.-A rich lady cured of ' her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums --- has sent 01,000 to his Institute, so that deaf people linable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Ap- N WE „to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, '?SO2 I J.-W.-WESTERVELT, • Panoipal. ESTRAY. Came into the premises of the undersigned on or about the first of October, a two-year-old heifer. The owner is requested to prove prop- erty, pay charges and take the animal away, GEORGE MONTEITH, Lot 9, Thames Road, 'Osborne, Oat. 2515,1900. NOTICE TO CREDIT ORS In the matter of the Estate othe late William Cha ries Front, of te Town ship of Usborne, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 R. S. O. 1897, that all persons having claims aeabist the estate of the said William Charles Prout, who died on or about the 11th day of .August. 1900, are required to send on et before the 20th day of November, 1900; by post prepaid or deliver to Jones & Roy, Winchelsea P. 0., their names, addresses and oceupations, with particulars of their claims and the native of the securities (if any) held by them, Ana notice is 'hereby given that- after the last mentioned date tho said Executor will proceed. to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claima of which notice shall nave been given us above required, and the said Executor shall not be lianie for the said assets er may part thereof to any person tir persons of -whose claims notice shall nott have Scan received at the date of such distribution. Dated Oct. 3015, 1900, .101115 PROCT„ SR, Ade utinistrator. Elirowilla P. 0. ghth Avenue. New York:Cf. S. A. THE Farmers and others who intend having auction sales should insist On having their bills printed at THE TIMES ofece. Free notice given in tbe paper -with each order for bills. Five Packs of Cards Freer One pack, 'May I. C. U. Home,' Ono tack Escort, Onepack Flirtation,' One pack `Hold - ?o -light.' One pack `Otr Sofa Just Holds Two.' Samples of 20 other styles with book fttll 05 n dons. Sena 5c. silver for postage. A. W. M.NNE e", E. Salem -Yarmouth. N. S MEDIA/ Meat Market uNDERTAKER. • • • Always keeps on hand a com- plete stock of caskets and ' ' trunnungs ox differenkit nd s. Also the largest stock of furn- iture ever shown in Exeter or any town in the county. Prices as low as can be made. Do not fail to see our immense stock in our two storey building. Our desire is to please every- body. Rowe's The -undersigned bas opeoed up a THE new meat market one door SOUtil 01 Garling's Star ClOttlillig where he will keep the choicest of meats constantly on band. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T. 11ANNIN6 Buy the Best Constantly pursues a man it is easy enough of solution, though when you are able to and avail yourself of our offer. We are showing a fine range of Ignore the Rest) Mack Worsted intwills, vene- In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. tians and clays (bought before the heavy advance in price and selling at the old prices. Nice suits for $14 in fauey worsted suiting. We show big range at moderate prices in Scotch and Canadian tweeds we cary a large and well as - GET SOMETHING sorted stock. prices to suit We have it, you want it. all. A large stock of the lat- Take a look at our full line of est goods voa oerefor singt FURNITURE and you will, from $10 up. find. what you arerlookmg for G-IVE us A CALL and see I I S C I DLEY SON what we can do for yo4. FURNITURE .t.141, UNDERTAICERS. J. H. Crieve. Opera. noose Block. MERCHANT TAILOR