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Exeter Times, 1900-11-22, Page 2
r aC 3131 4 _O T „Gld •rt L. :x ,^d, _a., :aon 0 0044, e'•,_,. r:1 .-. _1010.• 3 3 1.' 12.„ lx'd. ''r4i '447474':74,1t-3, 2- Z r.art4e4-1 _: U d : C ..,�<: 4111 ' ,OSC" r ;1117 I Co- 1,48. of .10,,:11 ft ist c ;e`5 x al to 2 ol:i .cF'.rn itaki to)o1 you i •-„ii.0 CY ''i''i d rC br<i ?1x0.1 2234. s1 a t1 5 t is LC 2 c:' your bu iy "1 acf1,4. your ,(in_ droll tl are 113 4 1103 to be G.C4.401 Qr he. -2.3d in ti ..: .4 orid. sovo those cvillch1_54. on trio. rie 3 or tour. --human or 1 s a wl nicrnber that "Sp rituali: t tit b n5e1e s thing; for -:13. it {,all 1' t e 131;7=e reveals, It is a lie, 113 2f;t.... n" L,`cin to got other pcopie to !:„1]; :yo 41x.•' for -1.411e, "tel,l your own-fortl3iiG+i; ,aiy piitti ;',, your 'troSti'. in God :3oc1 Iktti,t,. dng' tli.e: best 7©12 con, i -,2 11 your fc2 ttno. 11 t11In b.. o �' g4o,5 to there o E1}s 411, not your fix+ tg them to coo Q .544481 au extensic,rt tabor a'i ber th,�there is on` dictation You X11; '4,;,;',414,t3, thatIs t.1i' apot!s t 1` Pik7, 4t1011i';nom, r floor; ttut=ranpii t�ttr"heart,` a7ld ev On CO Christ and43,4,4„,s it to aoine Oh, grie' net : TnOr1 i i i11t. ,:4 -r 4.1 ,444 • LI 4,44 1.131 144 r:' ,,, •q. v Ll .•1,.,,'^714 s C i.if.71. 3'O '2 17 4.41411 i ) .a 'ball: •1 0 .v l) e<. 4L. i"0 �,: 1l4C3 1 '.e;t• :1 • Cir c_•tl „0p 3 ^.t 1.v.44... 4:1,7 t.it=„r 111.4.44:•44 4'.i4.41.4•fetet.e1444 T .. -.a1..•u.'. 1. 111'1 ._0,42723" i , 44, 31 8-t 1•a4c b# a4 tl t ... P- ti o ..a e G. 1, b 1.3 1.1 E4 ]'130.3' ie t, :n 12.pt74 7:414.:4C., a1 e1, r -? .• 4.41. • ''...:1 0.4 > front u Iter 'to 11r'4411'1"53 Dot Ot i 114'4 I ott4.4:1 . 344.2i^ ti. tiidc'oS " a. ;1 1.414'v s 714: :t 13la.titar3Li with 7;',1...x,..3 _.2 ET clip, ail bust. ,ss s?Z '.1 ',.?. X4,1 Sri 4 tcgeth_ t`3 with t.:i . 4 21 .._ 54. .,� 4 t .i ea 1011,. t;"�2TV +�ointo a tT l r � :'d 41711:`r'; 1111 113 2030 13.3 Wo,t 5'410.:oor tis Gi:.d. (1e:12813. 4 4, _ .. .. .-a 0000...--0040. 7'. •1... 1n, nr c • t Ott I-ork Eut4trente Cottrt, to.ld .tttory ,th.e .given and later the pall. would meet., (4.--,'n'4017-• 0'24 sontetitnet3 adopt eon-` the har-tiest no erobiL'.e 'month of the murder al! 'his wife, anc, the case in,g, and he aitvays pai_a quaeter -was fipaity carried to the Court of AD- 0 S't.fore. than. any of thO pat.vneltops. 14.0 3110 iower-court, spnelal hearing was .01ft then): '1E1 the same 'rIt'Y Ittas caricd nP0.1"1 to, „Preside. In' tin!' in 1.44ett7 Ifor,4 'anti -San. 4:21:112:. •the ;jurors, one man said .that r. 4 :144 45. 4 45 a4 } 'T'J" T4s 8-,l 03 .1 444.1444 '.5'.",) 42 441. 4,5;;;14,4--444; 31 . 451 R4, ata A 44A 111231' 4 s' i� E 444' C. 111414 ,t fi43,?4x tis u, +, kt 'r4 /At 181 111 8' 4 5 . , 8-1. N 444 4 4,e, 44 i.. 1,4'4 .44 ; titolI.1 C+k)tii r 4 trE^{" Fkt'v rk' 4t4,4i g:xthhcot'• ',11„,,544.4.44,5113 1 her55444.554(4-44 i 11+15 4(153 tll030 1.4-w 1^118 t S 4r4i 4) 154 H 41 3 tt 43 414 31' !'v4i t1s° ' 11 Wto. itttssEa-.e.t,s>..tr 314tH :.ee'otigttt t tK- tri>Ft1' iat,-11111:8 {' a 11<*. �+iy ” . ,•,.,.4,t. + 11 34'4,2 1144' litEt,' is 4 5412 -1T;4,1 �4 lHY"4x tll� jt a 414 442€' 444'44 111`445 ! '4154 ^x ? 4-54'7.1 l 1,,4 3 ill, 1 1zt t.o+ 5i Ll' 4 n TA'Litt') 4t 141 �. :8- 14 11 e `. s $s„'3414413 a4 .8`41' 1,1.04 a x1,. 18`,.31, 1 4e e lot e' k15:•5.5,4;v4-44144 1 het Sell, .4t 11 1 t 154113 2 1> .i I t 1' 3a 7 5 1'tsi1” 1111.\V,l't.,1 klta t.(). i'n 2." b .4 1 '4151%i4( o4 )4 49.. 148 1°-t."trt 2 .441 4114.1' 1) 1143s 144'=4 1114 it -t" 411 " d4* -t1rt ±44 "< Y;':'ttltti 4P: -t41di t 0.:d,. 24 71,8.'','3,. 33133 42-1 �. RL']•d; i 3 6t`('1t141 �x1131,i4 14'0.14 t14.' 4'. (-44;3,- 1 4; 3314 1 1,;11 ,5 aoi' i4 r', , iv 2 4 4')0 AII14,404014o .t.. 8-.14,. t..4 18. .3Sa>Ci1aL' 521 trati 4'9 } 1, 1r> 411 1' 41 •4x.'44 '1' 3.,4 ye t4.-"-; tl-i'44 At ,4 1.x3 t1 545 5 , .,1a.: 44 x 3, 10,0,.'8.. • 1' ,2 14-5:123 t'♦.' 010'1 ♦i y♦ ACiA..1 318-, 5•il 424 12114,404• r - , 14 1a x6,8. 344441 1-44.11`.. L,5'4L" .2 5' 3. 1,.4,'ra,it'411211. ttx ,4400' i4)1114." '01 a4, it 5141 t4 4'4`10'4"1 i 141 k4 31 h 1 444 t:t $ t l k t• .rt 4tie 1,,, 1:a• ,4f 1-34 144, Pi ad 1414 484 5 r3 ( • 411 • 14a'14 - t 2'.b" 1151 [id .. 40.1.4 1(4 a4; 4484. 14414:14 :4) 4 (.1 14,44 5444, 1.;1,4 11r6x .k . x0 ,1 :e 38 1.91 ° 0 _n4, 4 :-4 4 S 4'r 245, a-4144, •1441et4t,t, • 1' 1,t>1,) 144, 4 ,$s irt24't'� I., -itis 1 14,• t 11e. 1s 1, 4' i t ,, 844 Ei�:� .t..,t�s'... y xt 3 4 ".1 •.al 144./841 1'?F1. 4.3 54,1'4^ 71,1 ,41 1-.1 X1,)4 '532',5:" "44 "A"ti ilii ii„ •^'.4,44 4 4t`"T 1 2:1, 15.1'1' 44°"Fk4 "=,4','.3 1418(3 4I4"8141'.i ;:.1 y.t.ti 44 TS7 1@S= 2151• .v 44411 1-1 = t9'.'. r1 3"2,?'1'ii�('4k 44 11.442 44144x4 1 i' "441.1 6. )14^4 ii fi' E 1(R"414 N ,i'14G1.Atlii 415 5,4443 1 2 "^Fez 411' iL 10)'48.4 E 44)143: 3144' ,4'8 514 11 3 to 4• P €iu3 11I44 .' .y2' r 4A 0)+2KL1;1\1'1,1,1;4 1° 443y11441(2411 5 1 4 134 1'414 t1 n, 4)31441) xi 1, 1414 444," •s ?e' :;14 c 345'4;("- ; t1C71i, 41 1;11 4145>. 21,4 3 2 - 1t in"L „. .t)3 } il, 2.14''4 LL :42'.44=1Y�.x 1 4.'1,t.' i'4.�s; s t 4434: 2• 4.. x.348' i ;1 1-4 ) ('4'' t 44 ' S) 11 G 3 Rai i414d+1 118195 ,,4, r Y a 1118-t. .xrc,,4P3134' ;51.1;4 $I 4'41°.1',4 3?1;'�'' as 444 8 X3.4 444 14 4 ttliti' it. e4 •'] . 1'. 1 4i 1) 31::t.' 4140th 111434 ,.13 t .' 1 43) :. 441.ii<', ;r3t:,14443' l:i t it- -44 t 7248; 8- i (43,5 1'41 3 y'.1° 8-4 114.4° :3 055.^4 t.,, .14;.., 1.441. , R' 14 .15' .4 8 11'44 '5:'4 40,1'4'1 '4 1.', 4, 444414 53114„ 4 4 3 1 .Nobody knows all about it; and nothiug now known, will lways cure it. Doctors tier Scott's mul lou of Cod 'e,' 0:1, when l,s,P�l�;, it '�S a* y { A erfect ltl� c^¢ to '{1Toal Call CLQ N 114,1 f 5,4 44 4.544 ➢� 1',0.44 n 104.4 4',, 144.13.4 1A 4.8 a '4344 14', s4 r a, ak l4 14v 4 ..4 •14 4, 13') 3'4!'4° . 4e 145 e1, 44 '4414',4, 3 4 1,' :4lr,3 1495 1 -'''ii, 4434 a'y144a'1 S 1 4,1 sr14i`4 '4 4 41814925 444. _14 8414' 664 ,, 11.8'14; 444 a . 4. 1'11.114 8; '11, i",1 '14 44'b ti)$ 11v1i8' 1114' t1 ,a1, 3.ailol i5t,a411➢o 441' ‚11431 i n3' 4314 ,E 4` t 4i ;4 4491x4, x 16.11.1411 146'? 4', 144 ,1.s^k ,.^ 1b',9' 3 4'435' 114/4.'. 1 i 43 1,4(4 ''..3' 1'4 4 w 14'4^ 4'a �"' o. )r 1100 rat' stti r 4 415 ^h`4Si 1r,.. (141 4041' l' ,,l3(4'C' 14 3444? ' 48448 1,4+4)'.3- '.'3'3 tY 141 a 44444 3.+5344,11 11,4 p44, ' 344+1 1 1i 1 ,3.3 44 c 114 ,14 ' 1441 i it. 134.1' 1tititi..t 441' �4I441 Our :1x,133 1),12,40, n 1oti14 4', 1'11, ,•,, 344"1 44x4104.144. .> si, 44144)*:45'41 Leh 6. ii 482' 4,44'4+4' 1:,". 4,1 k1aa,, 41y y1 .411.41 ,@1518 4 t 4i444 444 31 4i441 1,431 aa1 81 351.12°114 3>; 4 (4 4.141,1 . 1 R 414:41 '9'a 114; 9S';dti 6tb,'.M t'1(�1.1a^a i 444,154 1e>s 1 114,14 4,111148 (1. :4Jal.,'4' 4' 1'3'L'14 ; .011 (83 t 1 1 Ait. ii 11.405544434,1314 3,-i (aft ,` 217.1:" F,,Y' 1, e 4Y I44111 �0 #Y�. A1�`. t1c tir er ."i,1' Y 34 lil- t 1l 55"-N' ;2 PPY 2. 2 A 1 v-ot 1 „ 44'237 a ;".441-1';',47. 711171, • ..:0 i t 4"444 r 'titer? ..n, t,.' C4,1v 1rco r'llo '3 i,a''1110� 1^ ..Cyt 4"°tr 41.4-.,:n44„, \'J1]3 '4.1' .7:4t, '"i nF ',. nt04144414 S7.' .ie 1,41 3n. 114'4.( 1 1 13 n:l 35 itkl 3, 4t €11`01 :1413,, '31.'± 4 '54''1.11 .4"'5,12.4.' 43,4 Z11€i' 4 '44,01 711144 3 314' 14,44'lt)l', ts14,43 74114145 4,.1 .. 42, 3'4;1' 1''1121,143,'41 '114 31144'. T344.14'40,44'441164,92 1441142436' 3, it$`41118(. 11.1 11 C.t42 41. dx4.1, 441 It S'At4.1,..1..444;t41 11.1,41 244 ;44441 141442 14t t n-414,1 1114,11ittit. /441; 14141t4t4, 8-44' 7."11)7 171" It • 1 1 e. ot. be caused of stoniz-2.-1 50 115(4 • 128.4 .4t alt 14444,11 4 '1 4.4)•;..8 (171,,.".11,1 '.4.P0'7° 5 4441 :11 . ..4.I. iti4,4441,14 I44',...„.114,6Z6414, 141,..,(, 4„0 10.1v4.,.. y(7:1 :. ,,,,pt,,,s. .2, :1,0 , k2:442...,1441,4:;;;,7442....y,'(;414.,4'.4441,t. 11444,,441414;:t1‘i4.4,14,12,,Ii.1*,, 4,12,121,241;1.2.2 4,14.4' . , , 4 .4. ,, ,.,4, 4., ,, 44 ,d .44, yon 4t..:i 111y 1 /4114441414-.4. A1111 3 4430 3#1 4 -14.4“41 1447-1.031.11111 19 3103. 444 144311 I 1.14 1.144 315(1 'II 235(44 tal4 48144' "41117:4, f.4434.4 415 L 411,y- 1 (-4,44.11e. in. :Wits. 4'..11;11)Etttztt 1," T 1,44.tt 14144,4 Oat vitt v:i.„3:14,11:: `44.,:t.:.:-14"::4:111:4::: :44 utheit , unknown 'to 0F.,44:141 other, t,he secret 1E4_14e:4.-4.4.4a par4,1es; or by 'hearsay, le- tjaelad TrAi • .44•11f (4:1 reeerti of eltr. 3IVC:1 to be c'—litt,--iiour Sir ifeclao 4• 4.!te t'/.1'53 17,34-011 4,-.42,03414 ii11•PTPS41,141444 21122,144 Ill IS 1t1 that it is -pcf.tzil'til,e,toi• vroinart to pre. PITRil'hetYl\-:;13;c1,tcll'"Til 0111111.1 '3f hair gre39( again and hoi ;44 -41 4;1141 tittitiketl , 34014-844,...44144,4414 (11'44 IS 1'1 94. (1114111111:114'S ;HA M41111(415 411441 S011 1; lb 041 1'141. 1,444441illat,(414-ttor, oti the tnitt .4-1(-1 (44.1441 41 1.444t(1 it,t-Toolve4.1 43c pttb,444- 1.41t shook all rot rid,. even -tylt,11, Iiss 4ar Co men, politicians oi. el ''''''''neti',4itIten111101.11t..1g:t.he6eiiii4f •Fertlezvous tor the :a4tti''' d4 4P4 401 ecre yon to my 311.art 0041 itt: my. ;4111)41‘:;(1'}.117.1,:.:;:p1.1:.1)1),1,21,11(.49:444711.31:ij1,4).1;5:1;;?:,.114%1'44:41,11-1.7.44,1itae°,.1t8,(1e: 144 s 0.4,8, 0 0 L.,,14.t ti sistan,cer,i;pt Silo, 24,