Exeter Times, 1900-11-22, Page 1HURON & MiD L L.1 S '3X AMTE. TWENTY-EIGHTI•i YEAR—NO. I EXE l`ER, ONT., CAN ADA, TH RS EXC HANG_ YOUr R l Oki 10VC AT A GOODJPRIOE FOR fi NEW ONE. We will give you a big price for your old stove, as N , big demand for second hand stoves and can erwmti\ a have a btu dt~ixla pay a good price. We are also giving special prices on our new ones. We have McClarey's Famous Stoves, (.,warded Gold Medal at Paris Exposition 1000) Gurney's Souvenir Stoves, (With the Aerfated Oven) Moore's Famous Stovi (Biggest Oven and Fire Pot.) A large stock of second 1*and stoves an baud `,QW CHAINS—all kinds and prices. X -GATT SAWS -fay AWS-fuy wilr n od. EA new kinds at old prices. a s 1-1. Bishop 4iSk Soli Mitchell B1ti 's,-\Villiam Pridham was in town on Monday and did not seem aboutthe re-- f as ha ni t1tch count as souse of his friends in town,- Victor French. who lived here and lately of the Clinton New Era, has gone to Alberta for the benefit of his health. -The hunters from this section to the Muskoka country did very well. There were seven and they brought fourteen deer home. So it was cheap enough after all, -Robert Stewart is 'teaching Mr, MahalEy's school in Hib- bert for a few weeks, owing to the fe- ver in Mr, Mahaffy's tamily. - Death has taken away one of our yours men loch, is off work and on the sick list.- h rt service of son receded the 24 g short song years of age. wlio had only witchedg I3ugh McLachlan is engaged. with F.L. i service and then our pastae :gave as 'George Welsey, son of John Skinner, Hamilton, blacksmith. temperance reading and also the r linger- pe g t evening offs a on Tuesday a ev n a ,died d y g g pees- Kirkton with the topic, after w tick our pastor Elimville. friends in Toronto. -Who will be the 1401 council is now head on the street hot It is likely that there will be a Several of the old town. eve 1 contest in be field. will a in the members wil likely Cromarty Brusys,-Diphtheria of a lad type is revalent in this vicinity. The school las been closed for the past week.-- .her tnlit- i fain, -The unfavorable went -S - unit - Mr. Stacey is slowly recovertn { a bated somewhat against the attend- t was observed in the Presby- eriae cb ch here Sunday. Rev. Ali. anee at the here Epworth ];,,Lague lit. bn- seri n c y anee rally here Tuesday night. but Fletcher, Thames Road, preached the still there was a large number of loa- preparatory sermon on Friday.-Robt. uers present, Harvey Lane, p res - Norris, blacksmith with Jno. McCul- dent of the League presided very ably. 8 Centralia G. STANneuX:. B..1., k XF iiia, QNr. tira,to with atcCaril►P. Oilcr. &: Co„ Toren- ) Money No ar OR Barrister, Conveyancer. o t ajar or,y k t+iio.ln, OQicca formerly occupied by 4n11lity A. st inbiry, over O'Nells 13ank. Bazars a. -Our beautiful little wiuter hes. dissappeared and it's mud every, where. -Water was a precious thing witli many in this district before the -ing»illness from consumption, ident read a short story in close touch --• gave a selection, We are pleased to G, W. Barnwell has resigned his ',say that our league is progressing. BIuEFs; Fev: Salton, of Centralia, aositien as teacher of S. S; No. 10, The members .1 .re friendly and sociable oderieh township to take effect at and we invite all young people to at - will preach missionary services on the the beginning of 1401. Mr. Harnweil tend the meetings. - Frank Hill left 'Elimvtlle circuit, On Sunday next he will preach at Elhmvhlle in the morn- has boon a successful teacher and re- Monday for the lumber woods. Be gret will be felt in the section over his was accompanied by his brother Earn- ing ve and Rev. Brown, of Exeter, in the departure. He , goes to Kirkton to est, who has been in Port Huron of . evening. Specialf the collections to be ta- ken in aid of the Missionary iscnt1.- assume the principalship of the school late. -Aubert' Buswell left this week Wilson, who has been variously ill now presided over by his brother, Mr, for Listowel after visiting friends and S. y J. E. R. Barnwell, who will locate in relatives around here for some. time, for some time, is again on the mend.- Varna, having purchased the store He will be engaged there as a tailor, - and. Waddell and wife, Rev. Waldend- from Mr. Cairns of which he will take J. 0. Sheardown returned home last and Richard anniversary Coatis attended the gold- possession in the near 'future. week from his lxunt in Muskoka and • en wedding anniversary of M. and Mrs. Cann, o C f Beth e,n y.- The 0.0.0.F. has for his treasure two very fine deer, of our village is booming and several Granton. company for the pets in the shop,- new members are being added. They a Rev. Mr. Walden, of Elimv.illoernwnill intend havin an oyster supper and BRIEFS. --We are very sorry to have preach here next Sabbathmorning. concert on Dec. 5th, when a good time to announce the very serious illness of -Our pastor proposed taking up the is expected. -Miss Zetta Andrew re- turned on Saturday last after spending a month with relatives and friends at Kinburn and Blyth. .-.i. St. Marys BRIEFS. -A considerable amount of cordwood is being brought to town -these days. The price paid for same ranges from $5 to $5.50 per cord. -We are now enjoying muddy streets and Jame s'Lellictt and wife wet vv Bather. are in Petrolia attending the funeral of Mr. Lelliott's sister, who died on Saturday last. -It is the intention of Natural Gas and Developing Co. of St. Marys to begin drilling stere in about a weeks' dine. Nearly all the stock has been sold, so that the company can begin operations almost immedi- ately. -The funeral of the late Thomas Butcher, who died. in Brandon last week, took place Tuesday from the residence of Frank Butcher, brother .of the deceased. -Mrs. Thos. Dormer ,spent a few days = last week visiting THE NEW STARE -AT- HENSALL SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS, 10 % off new FALL and WINTER MANTLES and reductions: in all de- . partments. Call and See THESE our esteemed tnwnsman, D. G. White. -Mr. Philip Mowbray has purchased. Mr. David Bayne's residence on Main street for the sum of nine hundred dollars. -The farmers in the surround- ing district will be gratified to hear that our grain market is again opened. Mr. Wm. Bayne has charge of it for Mr. Pringle, of Stratford, and is paying the, very highest prices. Mr. Pringle is a large wholesale buyer, eigth commandment, "Thou shalt not steal," butowing to the damp weather there was none of the chicken thieves present. We wish such a slight hin- drance would prevent their nightram- bling. We welcome them out next Sunday. -The Rev. Mr. Long, of Kip - pen, will preach here a week from next Sunday and on the following Monday will deliver one of his popular and new lectures, entitled "A. citizen and therefore we can rely on having a of no mean country." It will be chief - first -class inarket.-In Granton sub- ly dealing with the Manitoban's and division on election day out of a total , their mode 3E living. -We learn with vote polled of 167 votes, one voter was i regret of the affliction that befel Wm. over 955 years of age, one over 90, one Baghaw's father's family, when his over 85, four over S0, four over 75, and mother, sister and brother are severe - three over 70. Of the above, five ly suffering from typhoid fever. We were supposed to have voted Liberal hope for their speedy recovery. and nine Conservative. We would heartily wish them all the privilege of Crediton. again recording their votes at the next--- • " ext• BRIEFS. - Our winter has suddenly I le I disappeared and now we have plenty of ram and mud. -Thomas and Mrs. "" A Di±a tLNQ'ED B.OY. Trevethick and Ed., and Mrs Kestle 1'it;_eurg, Pa., Nov. 15. Earp spent Sunday last, with Mrs. Jane Dominion election. K :. a ,aos, 17 years old made a Ti;s- I Kestle, of Hay. -Special revival rneet- Church and many are bein :1. 'Wood, his uncle, at the latter,s g elical g residet.ce and then inflicted a fatal padded unto the Church. Rev. Hussar rte attempt last night to kill \\?` lugs are still in progress in the Evan - wound upon himself. The cause of the tragedy lea xuys- preached on Tuesday evening and as- sisted ];ley. Litt in the meeting: -Miss te,•y, is Mr. Wood refuses to discuss Tichbourne, one of our assistant teach - the affair. ,Lie told the police lit heauthori' ers, left for her home in Goderich on 'seriouslyl. No .•'; thasupposed his nephew was friday last as she is i dei: Bated. '.sue boy fired five shots at l substitute has yet `been secured. -H.. its, relative. Eilber, M. P. P., and August Hill re- turned on Friday last from their hunt - AY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1900. kl ansal I J. D. COOKE: (Latewith ah Carrow Prondfoot iatr st r Soiicltor.Notery Public, Hensel]. Ont. Fj • A. Sell ry, L. D.c., D. D. S„Hon or teeth ate of Toronto University, Dentists. extracted without pain or bad effects. Office in Petty's Block, leensall. At Zurich every 3foilday.commencing iaysoth. G. J. Suthertaud, _Notary Fu41la Conveyan- cer. Commissioner, Fire Insurance Agent. and Issurerof Marriage Licenses. Legal documents carefully drawn at reasonable rates. Mauer to loan on real estate atlow rates of interest. Office at the Ven 0 as ee,.tfeaasall. ► WANTED. 20,000e busCels of good milling oats for eetmeat within the neat 19 days, You cannot. always,usei iy. sometimes ,fust exactly, hardly. tell precisely tea nicety, hour the markets fluctuate. hetes on. will Gad Eos In tho swim, Tu-dar A price e to eze according to quality, Alamo .iivantlty of milt feed oda haiid, Q,uo rerinn, 1'.1y'1tQl IIART. Mensal' Oatmeal Mills. Ilton . -- Miss ?.lartitai Eacrett, daughter of Christopher fracrette of the township of Ilay, was married on Wednesday last to henry Taylor, of Exeter: They will reside in Exeter, - G. J, Sutherland was in Seaforth on Saturday on bininess' connected with the closing of an estate,• -Miss Minnie Sheffer sang a solo in the Methodist eliurch on Sunday last, wlaicii was fraud enjoyed by the congregation. Mrs, le . lioggarth is visiting at her mother's, neer\Valtou.-.-Jatues Logan has rented his residolee and land, to John Mero, far aterra of years. -Miss Cluff. of Tuckersmitb, is visraiag her aunt, Miss Wititesides.---Rev, G. `IL Long has commenceda series of spec- ial meetings at the t'hiselhurst, ap- pointnent.-•-U. Jacobi was confined to the house last week owing to illness but is again able to resume his duties. Mrs. J. C. Clausen and family have been ;quite ill the past week with diphtheria. --• Miss Craig who has been in Manitoba, for some time has returned home. --Rev. Hector, the "Black Knight, gave a very interest- ing lecture to the Methodist church on Wednesday evening last, to a good sized audience considering the very unfavorable wee thee. His subject was the "Three don'ts." The lecture con- tained many valuable hints, and was coupled with much witand humor. - Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Murdock on Thurs- dey evening etterteini'd a number of friends. -Rev. Mr. Higgins, of Mono- tiu, Dundas Co., who sustained a par- alytie stroke as announced last week, still remains quite ill,but is improving somewhat. -The special services which have been carried on in the Methodist church, the .past fete weeks, were brought to tt. close lest week. Satisfac- tory results are reported. Rev. G. H. Long willpreach an Educational ser- nton in the .Methodist church here on Sunday morning next.- An infant child of Rev. stir. Jewitt, passed .away on Saturday last. -Dr, -Gunn, of Clin- ton was in the eillagv. on Friday in consultation, -Mrs, Holmes, of Inger- soll, formerly of Hensel], has been visitingfriends is the neighborhood the pastweek.-Mrs. Sharp, of Varna, (nee Miss Maggie Hartley, formerly of this village) spent Friday and Saturday the guest of Mrs. Sutherland. -Miss White of Exeter, was in the village Monday evening renewing acquaintances. -Mr. Delaney. section foreman at this sta- tion for a few years, has been removed to Winghane, and with his family left for that place this week. They have been good citizens, and the good wishes of a host of friends follow them to their new home. Sarepta 1' , 1NDONi]iD •BY HER CREW. Philadelphia, Nov. 15 - Captain 1 el • saes British Tank Steamer, • .i ]''rinse; from Hall, England, . • it port, reported this morning h 'Maritime Exchange station at P•, is away on Insurance business this • Islpind, 40 miles below thiscity week. -E. Feist' our village baker has h + had on board the crew of 19 purchased a nsw driver, having re- li' Norwegian bark Highflyer, cently disposed of his horse for a good ;ti h hat.d been abandoned at seain figure. -0. Zwickrrr has purchased a h ::i n4. ng condition on Nov. 5. The McClary furnace from J. G. Young' & ' t ;•h,lyei•, a vessel of PM tons, was Son and is having it placed in his resi , oiniii-ine od lyy.Oaptain Andersen, and dente. -Small congregations t.ttended I a Dimpbelltonn, Prince 'Edward Is our church services list Sunday owing land Ont. til, for Nawsort' Wales. to the rainy weather, -This is pig killing season and many are this' en- ing expedition in Muskoka's wilds.- brou They report a good time a nd brought home a good supply of deer. -Several from here attended the sale at Sharon on Friday last. John Gill of Exeter wielded the hammer. -H. Eilher M. P. t •,., ` added. --There is a ver bad crossing A very 'pretty wedding was sol- a y laced A c l e a load l soh . l oce. There should h e P _ p p l nd coves_ f S. Rothwel DS o S s ion Elms. on s pew' a al , , a, , the h p on the road near Thos. Ap- emnized at 'Maple ("rove a ome g]rJ Both- well 30 l M Mar • Cash or Produce. V SMI . TN BROS & CO. lENSALL Wednesday, Nov. 14, at of gravel on each Side of that crossing •to make it even safe `driving.-Wrn.. a,m„•when Miss Y Sweet has left tis again and gone to well was married to Mr. Geo. E. Detroit to seek employment, we wish Coghlin, of Wallace. him every. success. -flip Times gives Naar A. o'Conuell:Niddle Stewiacke,.N. S., the news and everybody shoiildread it, the Manning House; and sent Hies y If you <ure not a subscriber send in h Ile BRIEFS. -A. week agd Tuesday last will soon be forgotten, when Seth Brown had a very successful bee when about one hundred and ten yards of ditch was cleaned out to entire satis- faction. In the evening about fifty young folks gathered at his resi- dence where they tripped the light fantastic until the wee small hours, wheu all returned home well satisfied with the evening's enjoyment. --During the recent snow storm Vie Goshen line was badly drifted, in consequence of Mr. Reynold'$ -fence being on the road. Uncle Tom says it must be removed in always intent in the spiritual and a week. -The Snider brothers have I been out duck shooting and met with temperas welfare .of her family. She good success. -11r. Kroft met with was a good neighbor, beloved by all quite a misfortune; scarcity of water who knew her. In early days when obliged him to deepen his well, which Doctors were few she was always he did, water rising fifteen feet in the ready and willing to help and assist evening, but imagine his surprize in the sick whenever needed, like a kind tbe morning to find the bottom of the and sympathetic mother only could. well caved in. -Isaac Bettchen is home We are sorry to have to mourn her again looking hale and hearty after departure, yet die is her gain. having been engaged with Mr.McMann She is now surely at rest in the for the last seven months. -R. Rey- Arms of Jesus in whom she trusted. nolds was back west of Dashwood or. She always enjoyed the visits of Saturday evening on a coon hunt and ministers especially during her illness met with good success. Try again. and words of consolation given were Zurich B1 Fay A bad accident happened eSaturday the"1 onat d r m 1 here toRoar h u ty morning, when John Mittelholtz, one misfortune of Lh 1 te e head millers ad h ale li to get two fingers on his left hand caught in some cog wheels and hoot taken off. John is laid off for some tixneto come. --Phil Fassold has secur- ed a job in Dashwood.- Alf. Hessen - berry has secured a. job for the winter in J. C. Kalbfleiscie's saw mid on the 14t1i concession. -Some of the young people attended a husking party lest week at Jake Surerus. They report a first-class tine. --A quiet dancing par- ty was held at John Galsters Ane night last week. All enjoyed themselves, - Our hunters had great luck last Satur- day twelve rabbits were bagged. Well done boys. -Tlle ftttaera1 of the tate Christian Hess took place last £hnrs- day. The deceased was well known and will be missed by te, large circle of relatives a and friends,. Matthais Bess and B. Neitzel both of South Bend, Ind. attended the funeral of Christian Hess last week. JOHN Vt/HITE & Soli Perth Pickings.P ROSS W. G. Kidd, of Listowel, has sold .} d. ,I9. to er uson t ,is. Stanley, Lord Ferguson, for $2,000. m ey, Andrew Abbot, of Oliver, threshed 450' bushels of wheat off 12 acres for John Neil •on Saturday. Daniel Aiken, of Oliver, is among the lucky men, he has waited: and sold his apples for 81 a barrel. R. J. 1Joggarth has bought the Dun- lop farm, P1 miles west of Croinarty, t i neighborhood, n therefor n the of $6,400. Dyspepsia is difficult, digestion, due the absence of natural digestive Surds. food's Sarsaparilla restores the diges- tives powers. Gee,Yeutly,of the4th lin .l3lanshard, who fiats been laid up with a broken angle is recovering as well as his many friends could expect, Mr. John A. \Vestman, teacher its S. S, Iko. 12 Mornin ;ton. has been re- eugaged for 1901, itis sglairy.being in- creased.. fifty dollars each year. George Bennet, of the south limits of St. Marva, who has been in Mani- toba ". toba, and the Northwest since last spring returned borne Thursday night. ,A.lway avoid harsh purgative pills. They first snake you sick anal then leave you constipated. Carter's. Little Liver .Pills regulate the bowels and snake you well, biose, one pill, Mr, firm, Magladery,. for the last nix months the Stratford agent for the Massey -Harris Co., has purcltased the ,hardware business of Mr. M. $httlloe, ot'n arkliill. and will tuove to that 1.tiaie charge, town tt+ t,nre, hostler.tt the •ti'steri- Jtthn el • btr •itford, died Monday, Iain hotel bt He waste years, of age arta bad been ill for a1onawtime, ” ` agape in the Woodstock dstock ittd... elattive, tl h known that he bad any . kiiddt p Several ladies of Iht' over branch of the W. _t. M. A. carafe. neat to Kirkton, o 5 andh t on Thursday , n the afternooni. 1 r and a-- n the rectory, d i y p Seated Mrs. Stout, with a. handsome fruit sett. These ladies are very eller• getic w orkers and accomplish a. great deal every year. Annually they send. away a large bail to the Northwest rnissiotis, besides donating to many otht'rcharitable pupnses. :1.t the residence of .11r. Geo. Bent- ley, Blansliavd,: on. Wednesday after- noon, Nov. 11, his eldest daughter, Miss Mary, \vas united in marriage to Mr. William Paynter. The Rev. John Ball of Kirkton, officiated, the cere- mony n being a a large nom- her t k o y eing"n witnessed by - l;e utn- 1er of the r lativies and friends of the ci . .' youngcouple. le. Guests were invited ed n t front Bl th Welton, Fermium Iii - ton,Kirk - ten, \Voodhant, St. surfs, Thames - ford, Iliuniota, Boiesevaine, (Glendale,. Maryville, Mich., and other places. They will reside near Rannoch its Bls.nshard. The dedication of Dublin's new church takes plate on Sunday, Nov- ember 2,i. The ceremony commences at 10.30 L. in„ ,and the church will be blessed by His Grace Most Reverend °s Dennis O'Connor, Archbishop of Tor. onto. 'Immediately afterwards, Pon- Dashweeed E,:Cla`I'EIt1.1DA1HFl: YARD. MIL erge stork of Lumber-•ppine and hemlock. t?t1,t51U feet of hemlock cumber far barna, ete•. renunabIc.- J lathsWILL/S. aYaai-d1: Beet sits. Prices 'slain st. BillEFS.'.' The snow made a sudden disa, p. ranee nn . iatnrd.0y- night.--- Rnite.t. nurnne of faiittter d .els delis i taking up the balance of their t,xrnil,a since the thaw. -- .Felix Wilds, our iia sato Mr baker, t'ter ancon nt enut,ds inoov- ing to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Mr. Adana Schroeder and faintly will. also accompany him,- On going to the bairn on Monday morning Wnt. Snell was surprised to find one of hie horses dead and another one very sick. ---Jolie Volker, our popular implement agent cproperty of li e has purchased the thelate Mrs. Fried, No doubt, John will get has a e ill birdnow ,ince he las the c, eb J.. A. Wambold was in London on Monday purchasing his Chzistmas stock.a-Henry \Villert shipped a car load of lambs to Buffalo on Tuesday. - E. Bossunberry will conduct two auc- tion sales of household effects on Saturday, tbe 24th, being the proper- ties and the late ties of .Adam Schroeder Mrs. Fried. -The pugilistic encounter which took place a few days ago be- tween one of our citizens and the colonel ended in a draw. -- J. Snell has erected a street lamp in front of the post office which a adds greatly to c of the pablic. - I. the convenience h p Zimmer have ass t d W. Lim Welton anJ completed a very handsome stage waggon for Mr. Rilvelle, of Grand Bend, to be used between that will - age and Parkhill. Henry \Villert is spoken of as the coining Reeve of Stephen, to take the place of John Sherritt, elected mem- ber of Parliament. OBITUARY. - lrs. Hannah Freid, (nee Chapman) diets at her borne, Dashwood Nov. 7, 1000, at the age of 69 years and 23 days. Her diseass was progressive paralysis, by which she was ailing for the last 2 years but the last 0 months she sometimes suffered very intensely, yet she bore all with Christian patience. She was born at Norfolk, England, and emigrated to this country at the age of 10 years. She resided at Water- loo for •i, time, where she married Absolonh Freid. (who preceded her to the better beyond on January 0th, 1874, having lived in happy onion for 21 years). They 'then moved to Hay township, then later in this locality. As one of thefirst settlers they became the founders of this village, receiv- ing the name Friedsburg but now called Dashwood. Mrs. Fried belonged to the old Men- nonite Church in which she learned to love and worship God, but in later E an elical years she attended the v g hurch here, in which she greatly delighted in the service of the Lord, She was a kind, good-hearted mother, heartily received. She was ready to die, yea, she longed. to be relieved and John J. R. Stratton, Provincial Sec- be at home in heaven. She said "1 am rettery, has determined upon a shake- going hone, come Jesus, come quick - up in the Provincial License Depart- t ,+ "She leaves to mourn her loss 8 meat, and the officers in at least children, 3 sons and 5 daughters (4 twenty branches will be, or have al- have gone before), 32 grandchildren, ready been, notified that their ser- 5 great grandchildren,2 brothers` and vices will not be required after Dec. 7 isters, besides many relatives and 31.. Among these area number of ac- friendtive men s. the service who itliebe again eatkof intoen s'"May God grant them a happy re - change is to retire those whose age union' in heaven. has unfitted them for arduous work. Have resulted Mr, George L. Reeve,, formerly gen The recent elections eral traffic manager of the Grand in sustaining the Laurier Government' Trunk Railway bas been appointed by a slightly reduced majority. The general, -manager of the G. T. R. sys• Liberals elect 56 in Quebec, 34 in tem to succeed Mr. .Plays, recently. Ontario, 15 in Nova Scotia, 9 in New appointed. President of the Southern Brunswick,. 3 iu Prince Edward Isl Pacific Railway. Mn. Reeve retired and 4, in North-West Territories, 2 in from the position of trafic manager, Manitoba and 1 in British Columbia. last April, and. went to California to.The Conservative elect 55 in Ontario; devote the remainder' of his life to Bin Quebec, 5 in Nova . Scowa, 5 in fruit farming „there. De has accept- New Brunswick, 3 in Manitoba, 2 each ed the general managership, and has in Prince Edward Island and British arrived m Montreal. Coltitnbia. Two Independents are Mrs. Hattie E. Norton, of Detroit, elected in Manitoba, 1 in British 0o - was married to Charles R. Holmes, lumbia and 3 it. Ontario. of San Francisco, in : Windsor. Ont., Saturday evening: Late Sunday after- GREAT LUCK OF AN EDITOR. noon Mrs, Holmes raised' an aurin in sen `''For two years all efforts to care Eczema in the palms of my •hands fail- ed," ailed " writes Editor. H. N. Lester,of Syr- acuse, whollycured dense, .Kan., titer I by-Bucklen's Arnica Sal ve.'' It's the wor'ld's best for exuptions; sores and all skin diseases. Only 25c at all drug- gists' says . I have used Laaa Liver Pills for serious , meets ,looking for her 'husband. Liver Complaints and they have done me a your dollar at once, for the hest week• i could not be found. Then she ex - A good making m art and heals ." d ofo smart y c ly h these arts,skirt, paper u t •e p amined the lining he..lair, vhero 9. boa of Milburn's Rheumatic L -U15 witi be she had secreted 700. The moan tisin, lee to any one who suffers from a if they " $ y tiem, Sciatica, Lumbago or Neuralgia if they Thei!e is nothing better for children's. Coughs' says n hssing. Mrs. Holmes became have never tried thane pills before. Send 2c..,;and Colds thanbi•. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup., CCS D E R I CN stave for postagegthe P. Milburn Co., Limited, It 18 very pleasant to take and always :cures the acquainted with Bain through a mat- little Toronto Ont.little ones coughs promptly.: rimonial paper two weeks ago. srr .;Ipik lwl lis n j. e g la t . add CjMlit l f Make l Our new stock of Winter Goods A, coining in thick and fast, • - Now is the time to buy your LIN DeRW A` Webavethis Year better value than ever, which ie saying a good deal. KESS GOODS, FLANNELETTES ALL KINDS AT ALL .PRICES. mit Orooar1a ALWAYS ON HAND. THE BEST, FUJI DINE OFDW&(Ede. All kinds of Farm Produce for which highest prices will he paid. .1 jossi i have been most active and gelaea<•ot * • co-workers with their zealous pastor, Reverend Father Fogarty, in the rais. lug of this edifice. We understand a considerable debt still remains on the building Sixty-eight of the leading basilicss fuses in Detroit have mutually pledged themselves not to employ any person under 21 yearn cif age who, under any circumstances. indulges in they habit, of cigarette- smoking. i. 1Vntlting, is more disgusting." a 9n lbnrn'ri Sterling licadache I'nssdcr. entrain inerrihlne mor °plum. Tiley Promptly nctthtf ,bk Iieadanc , Iee1r31( i1, Il ul.tclee, eu, r Ss., tx'ri*pc,1l a1 t tto _,r etcliv oto Salads fir:ulaehte he troth any duff whatever. and lie:rdad Price 1" and UN «i)t•11)1:EENTFI)y. AN ALL. ° r; ^i -i trth, i1 u,., writes : "X Mrs, ltannes.on, fie '' `ell© snit for pre 'hrttia*. have11ai all 1, yard n , or a lona: ranee dull t its Ss:iicls and Frost L. ee a leseliold remedy ren%filerit this he -e ait•round ti. „ made,' frit t' lice all deafer.. molt ovF,It FIFTY YEARS ;'.'. As Oen AND TVELL-Tt ti:n ]1uat;aas.-at.', Winslow's t oothiu Syrup has been used foe Syrup of mothers for their a millionst overftity 9e rsily s Ick it tucc eo htn with c tee • 1 t r 'Idrrn while teething, 1 ht It soothes the child, rottealstht' Sutras. uliaya al Lfin, circa wind collo, anti is the best rentedy or Dlarrhoea• It Le pleasant to the taste. Sold lay drug;;ists in every part of rho world. :'S centfl a bottle. Ito value is incalcniable, Iso :tire and r,•,lx for Mrs 1v inslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other land. Orrr11.11.1r.rrils *ors TESTIMONIAL OF JOHN HUNTT1+712, TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE. TO Tim VALVE OOP tifical High Mass will be sung by the ENGLISH H :STOO FOOD. Right Reverend. T. Dowling, Bishop of Hamilton, who will also preach the morning sermon, In the evening Ves- pers will commence at 7 A. III. and the sermon will be preached by the Right Reverend F. P. McEvoy, Bishop of London. From what we have learned of these distinguished orators a rare treat may be expected. This new church is a spacious and imposing structure and reflects much credit on the people of Dublin and vicinity, who anrworraorria '+I ata using English Stock Food. for Calves and young stack and am highly pleased with its effects. It keeps the digestive organs in a healthy condition and the growth and improvement of the stock is well marked. I consider it a most excellent food and feel con- fident that it pays well to use it. I would highly *recommend its use to all stock raisers. Join acie TEs... Price ale per bag. Sold by C. Lutz. ear Your money refunded if purchase unsatisfactory. rss Scranton Coal is the best, ORDER AT ONOE, AXES, SAWS, COWMITTS,CHAIN r AES, GR r,IN SCOOPS, STOVE OVE PIPES, A7 SI H STOVE TO VVE PO g STOVE VA.lL NI S HES, O ES GOO i NEED PRICES J. MAN'