HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-15, Page 86R0%NDLD, F&.KL.� JflMMED
Is creating a regular old time hum and no wonder, *ben you stop
and think, for the stank which amounts to almost $Soo, oo is all
new and up-to•date, Not a dollars worth of old or shelf worn goods
in the place. Just think of it, $S000•00 worth of good new goods
for the people of Exeter and vicinity' at and below actual wholesale
prices. Just one word of advice to intending purchasers. Come
as early in the day as possible and avoid the tremendous crush in
the afternoons, but if you can't come early, come when you can and
wee will do the very best we can for you.
About WO worth of Boots & Shoes, Rnbb'rs and Overshoes, all good
staple stock. Ladles' nee button :ands lave beats cared, lazes' Oxfords. neerty
;all made by King, the lagan who don't Inv how to ineke poor beats, Men's
boys and girls fine and heavy boots. most of thein from King's factory-, men's
long boots, grain, kip au i split, all King's make, ail at and below cost.
Reaidlysinetie waits and overcoats foe men and b ys. piles of them, not
an old tette in the lot, 54 per cent, is aa,neat, what v;,r* cell save lea. clothing at
the silo of the Bishop arae[ .
Fur ('O;3t% f le men and women, fore C a,.r's, nkat a, .lib's and eApt't'ines,
far the L deve--fair 'Caps for in.en and women. tit :at a le:aring s;tle prices. They
zr net be sold. Surae one has lost money, for we liu,aght the Bishop stoelt a.t. as
'eery low at on the S. Sonne one's loss is z ort' g chs.
Dress Goods. Tweeds, Flannels, Fta tinettes, Velvets. Worsteds, Cotton
Skirtings, C'ottoriadee. Table Linens. Linen Table N:tpl:ins,tioesets,Kid Groves,
Hosiery, ;lien's and Women's L nderrveaar, in het at complete .and full assort,
relent, of Dcy Games, all at and below cost. Came an.1 sleeve the b.ar ;.gins,
Groeer:ee. A fall stock, an immense lot of Janine. I€ys n and
eat money swing prices for �ol, tr,^ v, splendid ndad lot. Tea Setts,
Dinner Setts, T.rilrt Seita, Cope and Sr:tucr•a, !last -s, Jogs, Mogi. a€teetlaing
and everything in ('r►,'t cry. sat ltnw prioes.. Bear in mind please tlaeat goods
eneesaid nut cannot. be replaced.
toe, se a.'n aever
13001( gOr0
A full stock of School Bo
for Public Schools.
Marriage ti ns
4w?eeldlirsg Rings,
Wri<tc1ies, ClocKsis
spectacles, eto
Patch Repairing a Specialty.
A helmet that is doing tln•hest work
LftlI stock of SundayS
business education in Canada. Our
Library Books at v.'holesale prices magnificent catalogues give MI Intor
minion. Write to -day for one. Sev-
eral Canadian colleges and many large
Family and i eachers Bibles ! -lxnerican schools employ our grad -
Full Line. , nates as teachers. This Is one strong
point ra our faayor. Enter now if pos-
Everything in Stationery,'
wholesale and retail.
W. J. Toza.torr%
�t 1 The cope for changes inuet he left,
1 not later than Tuesday tenon. Casual
advestisetnents :accepted up to noon
Wednesday of each week,
SNow,--The first good fall of snow
1 name on Tuesday, Nov. 1341x, tq the
depth of eight inches. On \Vecines-
day, sleighs and cutters were brought
1 into use.
shaw, N. Dyer linrdon, Dr. Sweet
Postmaster Christie, Thos Sweet and
others are at Port Frank this week
on a shooting expedition.
SLIPPED AND FELL. -01a Saturday,
Joseph Cobbledick. while decending;
from a load of grain, slipped off the
tire of the wagon and fell heavily to
the ;round, sustaining slight injury,
DaAT e or MISS IltDWARD.The dearii
occurred suddenly ou November 12th
of Miss Charlotte Louisa Howard,
eldest darrghter of J. K. Howard,
Andrew see in her 8th year, De-
ceased had been ill for some time
and her death was not unexpected.
She was of a, quiet nature and much
esteemed by a large circle of friends.
Ton wco INSTEAD Or Lia;iron.-Lord
Robert's recommendation that the re-
turning soldiers, be welcoaaned with
gifts of tobacco instead of liquor, calls
out a singular endorsemens from the
Lancet, which declares that tobacco,
used with due moderation, is second
only in value to food itself in the case
of men enduring long labours on short:.
Mrs. Brewer is visiting friends in
�`+RNEST ELLIOT,x�- the country,
i Wiil Ford has ;gone to the Rainy
Agera ferthe WESTERN ASSURANCE Cox -River District fora trip, for the bene-
?aNY, of Toronto; also for the PEEN1X FIRE : fit of his health.
esra te:me ComPANv, of London, England; A. J. McTavish, of London teas here
LCE INsrntaxen CaarttPANV. of nag
and yesterday attending the funeral of the
late %1iss Howard.
THURSDAY. NOVEMBER lith, 19001 fMoses rom IowaGardiner has whither he returned
wente with home
----- :shipment of cattle,
I R, E, Pickard has recovered from
Ibis recel<t electric shock, but stilt
carries his arm in a sling.
Miss Jennie Nuance is visiting 1 The official declaration of the elect -
friends in Ailsa Craig. lions in South Perth and Nortb Middle -
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Knight enter -1 sex can be found on p 4th.
rained several friends on Tuesday A. Medonell, left last Thursday
evening. with six stallions for Iowa, where he
We have commenced anew story had disposed of them to a syndicate.
"Love won and lost," which is said a Ed. J. Pickard, who has been study -
to be highly interesting. t ing denistry in Brantford for some
Do you want a fur coat, cap, caper time, is now attending college in
ine or ruff ? Largest stock and bestl.,Toronto.
value in the County. STEwA:RT s,Thos, Russell of the Thames Road
£he Presbyterian congregation di will held an auction sale on Thursday
Lucan and Fraser church have extend- 22nd inst„ of stock which he cannot
ed a call to the Rev J, C. Smith. of winter owing to the recent destruc-
Toronto. of his barns by lightning.
Ladies' new homespun suitings, new a., T. P. Smith, optician, will be at the
frieze suitings, new tweed suitings,ommerciai hotel on Friday and Sat -
largest range in the county, special„ rdav, November 23rd and 24th. If
value. ST.h wART's. your sight is defective it will be to
Albert Oakley, south of Brussels,has Your interests to consult Mr. Smith„
leased his 100 acre farm, it is said, to free of charge. Remember the date. f4.
Blake Bros., of the 14th con.,Grey,and Turkish Scalp Food prevents the
will take wrest for a time. air from falling out, restores fade.
An instalment of the story "Unree and gray hair to its original color.
qq uitted Love” can be found on peg . Being delicately perfumed it leaves no
live of this issue. It is continue unpleasant oder. It is nota dye.
;Should be in everyhousewhere hair
from the issue of Nov lst. F. a
"n ••enerver is needed. For sale by C
utz. Only 50 cents a bottle.
J. W. Taylor, had three'ribs brok-
e= last week by the collapse of a
scaffold at Dickson & Carling's new
building. The fall was short but Mr.
Taylor fell in such a manner as to
break three ribs. He is able to be
around again.
Miss Maggie Bell, the efficient teach-
er in the seconddepartment of the
Milverton public school, has resigned
her position to take charge of a. school
near Blyth where the salary is consid-
erably in excess of that paid in Milver-
J. L. Loyd, contractor for the grano-
lithic sidewalk in Brussels this year,
3. A. Cooper, of Clinton, gave an has settled up with the Council. He
address at the Epworth League of did $5,416.85 worth of work and has
Main St. church on Tuesday eyening. received 90 per cent. on his contract,
The atteedance was not very large the 10 per cent. being retained for a
owing to the stormy weather prevail- year as a guarantee of the solidity of
ing. the work.
George ArrYrstron broth r of Irvine e
The returns of the births, deaths
Arrnstroi� of this lace, wlio for and marriages of the province, for the
the Past 26 p first six months of the year have been
h p t years. has been.mathrna- tical teacher in the Paris High Prepared by the Registrar•General, s
School to has resinee, take effect department, The total, increase in
g ,r six onths was 496 while
January 1st.. The trustees have grant- births for m
ed him.six month's salary from Jan. marriages increased ; by 669, Deaths
1st,' as a mark of appreciation' of his decreased 856, showing that the health
services. of the province was particularly good.
"King quality"
shoes,men's King quality, Y
rubber b
er sole
and eel boots. For comfort
value they beat the world. STEtvaRT se,
Frank Howard was home this week
attending the , funeral of his sister,.
the late Charlotte Louisa Howard.
It is a nsinceas:
umber of years he was,
in Exeter. `
The best value in wool horse blan-
kets. R. H. SWEET.
W. 11. Parsons left last week for
the West. Mrs. Parsous.lwho is still
ill, will remain in Exeter for a time.
She is with Mrs, James Miller, An-
drew St.
A FIN' OCTot;sR.-14st month was
the warmest Oetober on record in Ont-
ariw. The average temperature was
6 2, being fi 7 higher than the average
and 5 :3 higher than the next wannest
October, that of 1899. The highest
ucc rred n
n the
d the rawest, 25,8. on the 17th. The
'warmest flay was 6th, mean temperat-
ure 711,0, and the coldest the kith mean
temperature 37.0. The sunshine for
the month was 8 hours above the aaver-
age, and the raainfelt a quarter of an
inch below,
NoTaei;.---Tile High School departs
rnent of the Exeter School, hed a,
meeting Fr]d ay for tire, purpose of or-
ganizing a Literary Society. The
chairman, E. Hooper, conducted gnat-
Wee in a businesslike manner. After
some diseuesion as to the advantages
of such a astetiety. the following officers
were elected:- President. Wily
vatx'1; yire•prcs., Lillie Robinson : Secs
Latino.. Evelyn Gill ; Editor, Herbert
(3t'egory ; Organist, :Millie ,ai;u'tin ;
t'sher, `Ferry Hardy; Question -Draw-
or, Percy Browning; Committee. Wu
Dempsey, Frank Ross. Mabel Jenni-
I Poo MANY DEN I The formal
opening of the Royal C'oliege .of Dental
Surgeons took place Wednesday after.
noon. The authorities of the college
quite a time ago became aware of the
feet that more dentists were
ing than there was room for. They
went to work and by raising the
standard of matriculation have now
good results. This year only 152
students have registered. while [cast
year there were 170, and the year
before 202, Dean Wilmott says that
70 dentists graduating every year is
altogether too many. There is not
more than :room for forty at the out-
ACAv. angor• FnANc'n.--On Sat ur
day evening next, Nov. 17th, the
citizens nt Reeler and surroitirdiug
t�vas to be favrnel by a, visit
from 31e wtv, 8lnaprn:i.it's greatest pro-
duction ' t, {'anality of France," a play
being seen in all the large cities to
crowded boutes. The company are
aappeering here under heavy guarantee
and in order that the amount be raised
the "prices have been reduced from 75e
and $1.00 to 25, 35 and 50c. This will
enable all to see the big city attraction
and one which promises to be the
biggest ever seen in Exeter. The
company is under the same manage-
ment as "A Prisoner of Zemin," A
car load of beautiful scenery is carried.;
and the costumes worn are the best,'
that money can buy. flan now open;
at Dr. Lutz' Drug Store.
The trustees of school eection No. 5,
Morris, received 1S applications for a
position as teacher, in which were 11
ladies at salaries varying for $225 to
$400, and seven gentlemen at salaries
from $300 to $400, the applicants being
from Wingham, Goderich, Clinton,
Mitchell, Stratford and Toronto. Mr.
Peter S. Stewart, of Miechell, got the
The twentieth century will have 24
leap years, the greatest number poss-
ible. February will have five Sundays
three tunes -1920, 1948 and 1976. The
earliest possible date on which Easter
can occur is March 12. The last time
it occurred on that date was 1818.
The latest date that Easter can occur
,is April 25th. It will occur but once
,in the corning century on that date,
'1943. The griddle day of the century
will he .Tan. 1st, 1951. There will
be 380 eclipses during the coming cen-
Here is and entirely new mode of
setting fire to barns. Machine men
and farmers will do well to guard
against its recurrence as the flames
are spread ianmediately to the most
imfiammahle part of the barn, The
other day John T. Leary's barns at
Britta iia, Toronto township, and two
seasons crops were totally destroyed.
entailing a loss of four thousand 'dol-
lars. Fire was caused by friction. The
knives of the cutting machine, which
was being operated. fated ton closely,
with the result that sparks were pro-
duced.. the cutterer ad on a blower
attachment, and the sparks from the
knives igniting the cut straw a stream
of flame issued from the mouth of
the blower, The roan in the mow had
a narrow escape from being burned to
Mrs. John. Reynolds, of Ha ll tt
Y a e , has
been very i11 thisweek, so much so
that the friends have feared a fatal
termination, says the Clinton. News -
Record. This venerable woman may
claim the distinction of being the old-
est person in the county of Huron if
not in many adjoining counties. She is
now in her hundredth year, she says,
though Dominick Reynold, who is
himself eighty-eight, thinks she has
still more years to her credit. Be that
as it may, Mrs. Reynolds has con brined
surprisingly bright and active. She has
been a resident of Hullettfor about
sixty years' but was born in County
Sligo, Ireland. Mr Reynolds hied„,
seventeen years ago.
ING B1205.
Herisall wig x rep
- rare Owing a magnificent_ of Fur con-
4 i'� showing � rangeGoods,
of Men's Coag[ on Coon, Calf, Dog, Etc. Ladies'
Electric Seal and Astrachan Coats, Ladies' Collarettes and
Capel'ines in all the leading furs, and in rich combinations,
from the cheapest 1 p to the richest lines ; also a great line
in Ladies' Capes in Astrachan, from $1.2.50 up..
We will be pleased to show you our stows.
20lies Red gait's extra stand 'd granulated sugar for
Get our special prices on finest selected Raisins
by the box.
We. have a tremendous stock of Men's and Boy's Top
Coats whi';h we are bound to clear out during the next few
weeks: If you want a coat for yourself or boy, see us. We
will save you money,
Ladies Mantle.
\Ve have some very natty Ladies' tlllt"
which we intend clearing at bargain prices.
money by [guying here,
Misses"( a at s,
You can save
We want a large quantity of butter, eggs, poultry,
dried apples, and other farm produce, and will pay highest
market perces for same.
i6kdr 6009
Direct !importers
Readymad- I f: thing
They were N EVER LOWER THAT 3 ? O W. We do not
know whether "Laurier" is the cause of it of not but the
fact remains which makes us and our customers
happy The variety is also large. The reduc-
tion comes at an opportune time, when
mothers are getting their boys ready
to start school and want to hey
most for their money, We
have a line of boys suits
that were $2.75 to $3.25 a
suit which we offer at $1.50 to
elea r,and many other lines proportion
ately low. We are also clearing out sum-
mer goods, blouses worth 50e for t0c, 75e, t for
50,1.00 for 75c, muslius and al. number of other lines
at your own price. If you want good good at right
prices we are with you, If you want shoddy or the like you:
will have to go elsewhere.
Give 115 a�l ill. Highest l
� H est prices paid for produce.
printing. Apply at Tiaras .0fACE.
'WANTED. ---A good steady boy thir-
teen years old oe older to drive milk
waggon, :apply to
J. itcINNt~s.
Boras WANTED,- 500 dressed and
live hogs wanted. .Highest cash price
will he paid for the same at the Exeter
Packing House. Ribs and cuttings on
osr.- A yenr•okt collie bitch, On
i Nov.N.3rd, on lath. con„ Stephen, 2.$
miles south of Dashwood. eoa.n color,
with small white spots on breast, and
1 leather strap ou neck. Information
that will lead to her recovery will he
rewarded by writing to JAMES IIOIR,
Tray P. 0., or any person detaining
her after this notice Will be prosecut-
Absolutely pure 13 ,k i.tg Powder sold
' by C. Lutz..
o See -our I:alres;�'r'tal Ill'isses' cline
w'.. i
OO to., :. �
1. .IISwelter.
•' The d. man's Cough Balsam. for
c' ,n.;lt•., teolds and Bronchitic troubles.
tally ' 2.5c a bottle at L', Lutz's Drug
People whose eye -sight is defective
should see T. P. Smuith, opticiaan,at the
Commercial hotel, on Friday and Sate.
urday. Nov. 23 and 2t.
I Levettwasin Buffalo leis
,W, I . 13 fYa to t
1)ry.wells ar c t i frequent e in the
late ts, lu nt
country just now week.
Extra value in t aeeand tapestry cur- A. J. Rollins, ie visiting his son in
,?[:aims this and next week at STEW utT s. a ,Rochester, Mich.
'We learn that J.D. Ronald will brave s, Ladies' rubbers 35c, men's rubbers
.the steam tire engine here in a few+; 5 le at R. 1i. SWEET'S.
V Men's n'shoes worth l , .. 00 to.. 0 for
da rr ben•t rIe s wo t a ,a
l e a test., of its capabilities leg
will be entitle, 1 /5I.39 at R. 1.1. SWEET'S.
The Main St. choir has been dug ': Mrs. W. Lovett continues ill, with
niented recently by the addition of slight signs of improvement.
several new members. The choir now a A sewing circle has been organized
numbers 20 voices. among the young ladies of town.
The Presbyterians of Canada are : Mr. Lacy, of .Peterborough, spent
preaching the gospel in the Dominion Sunday the guest of F. W, elladman •
in 16 different languages, so says Dr. " Mrs, Campbell and family of Wil -
Warden of Toronto. oliana street, are visiting friends in
We hear it stated that W. J. West- London.
cott has purchased G. F. Neeliu's in- j Chas. Tgin is confined to his room
terest in the Seaaforth Sun, and will ; through illness. We hope soon to re -
soon become sole owner. port his recovery.
Can't do better than buy your fall . The evaporators have concluded the
goods for cash .ir produce. We would eason's operations, having dried a
advise trying STEr1'.urr'S. One price l trge quantity of fruit.
cash store, they'll use you well.V, The vital statistics of the town of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sweet celebrated St. Marys for the month of October
their wooden wedding on Monday are as follows : Births 5 marriages 1,
evening. by entertaining a number of deaths 1.
friends. 1Jay they live to celebrate Mary Grigg, wife of Robb. Webb,
their golden wedding, died in Stella, on Sunday. Oct. 28th,
Rev. G. H. Long, of Hensel], will at the age of 76 years. She was the
lecture in James St. church on. Friday mother of Richard Webb, formerly of
Mr. and Mrs, N. Doupe, who have
been citizens of Lucan for some. time,
have returned to Kirktontheir former
evening, under the auspices of the W.
F. M. S., subject, "Mission soork in
the Northwest." Public cordially in-
The parlor social at the residence of home.
William Hamden, on Friday evening
under the auspices of the Mission Band
of the Presbyterian church, was fairly
well attended, and a pleasent evening
was spent.
Mrs. John Gould has disposed of her
cooperage and ashery business to Jas.
Gould, and with daughter, Miss Jennie
will leave in a few days for Pontiac,
Mich., where several of her married iao NI*
daughters reside.pia.to
Owing to the delay by contractors et
in completing the work on the new
English church at Kirkton, in time,
the opening ceremony will not take
place on the 25th inst. NV hen the
work is finished the date for the open-
ing services will be duly announced.
Thirty-six municipalities in Ontario
already decideded
favor of
ishing statute
b l-
ishingstatute labor, and a number
other townships will vote upon the
question at the coming municipal elec•
tion in January.
Dickson & Carlin 's new building
is being pushed rapidly towards com-
pletion. I will 1 eah�n
1 handsome st u -
tore and is1
to )c, occupied Hast-
ings, barber, in the ,hasement�; Dick-
son & Carling, law offices and Dr. An
derson„ dentist, in the 2nd and 3rd
storeys. •
For Infants and Children.
Albert Penwarden leaves. to -day.
(Thursday) for Michigan,, where he
will residefor a time, having rented
his Earn on the 4th con., TJsborne, to
David Rowcliffe, for a term of years.
We are pleased to learn that Mr. Pen
warden's little girl, who has Been fel
with the fever is improving nicely.
Look out for anniversaryof Mai
St. Methodist church. Dec.2 and 3
Sabbath, Dec. 2, Rev. Dr. Daniels, of
Sarnia, will preach morning and even-
ing. Monday evening, 3rd, grand sup
perserved by the ladies, after which
Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingham, will de -1
liver his fa. rxoue lecture on the"Angu-
u -
lar man."
n Rubbers Boots
, &I
Shoes. R. H. SWEET.
® is on
®para t1ou5e, Exeter
Present their massive scenic success.
A beautiful romantic drama from
the pen of Espy Williams.
Handsome Costumes,
Beautiful Scenery
And Electrical Effects.
Prices 25, 35 and 50. Reserved seats 50.
The scenes of the play
areaid at the Courts
of Henry III, of France
showing the Palaces
archways and interiors
y t ozs
of the homes of Royal
Plan at Dr Lutz's Drug Store
Win. Baker, Zurich, took the con-
tract for cleaning out and repairing
Zurich drain, receiving therefore $398.
The total length of the drain is 568
See Dear i00. goods, you will b, sur-
prised at the quality of thean,
have ai, new selection of hand -
painted ware, also some choice jardi-
aners, tall Rower holders, and cosec
Siam, "Bobs" and Powell" cups and
saucers, Canadian patrictic wars
toilet and 4 piece setts.
1'unp:adour back and side combs,
bri11iaint ,setting, Childs cou•rbs, hair
retniners, steel combs and dressing
cd'nibs, hairbrushes, [Ebony back.]
' Ebony, manicure and Stationary
setts, button hooks and tiles.
Afull line of granite, tin and wooden^
ea Oranges, Lennons, candies, soda, and
fancy biscuits.
Eleven's Fair
Laundry sent away every Thursday.,
r i 86
The steady increase in our trade is a
good proof of the fact that our goods
are right in price, lower than those
of other dealers.
If you are looking for a first-
class sewing machine. Call and
let us show you some of the
world's best makes, They run
well, sew well, last well and look .
`well and are very
We are getting in new designs of Moderate in Price.
furniture every week. We would
a-., .,ern.,quote prices but space will not, permit. i We will be pleased to place
Please call and see the snaps rye have { them in your home and you can
4try them and be convinced that
1 they are all we claim for them
In this department our stock is com-
plete and we have undoubtedly the
best funeral outfit in the county and
our prices are ' s low as the lowest.
We have some PIANOS and
ORGANS that we will sell very cheap
and don't forget it. Don't forget the
Opposite J. Geigg's.
First -Glass in Every Rasped.
We would also remind you
that we constantly show a num-
ber of first•class
which we sell at prices that will
interest you ask to see ` them.
No Trouble to Show Goods,
S Martin.
I!O 71,71
New goods arriving every week, We are now in a bet-
ter position
to c than tion supply. �] the Santa of our i marl � patrons Al I Y y p s than we
have been since opening, and by value fol'. value we
. p � giving
Owl 1 marl[ mope r 12.110 1�
v ct 5tomc,l .
GENTLEMEN :-Cld and young, don't fail to see our Under-
wear before you purchase elsewhere. t s Sc here:- There is no better to be had,
and we guarantee our prices will Tease you.
� I l Y
Fours splendid lines at 95c• ger suit. is • g'Leal e'
!• 1• Also a fullran ,c, of u,.,
maul Children's Underwear in ail • )rices
Flannels from to
to oc, Sec our Military ,[gine[ at 25c. and
Extra al 7 le
c l✓�tra �a.uc, i�� I lat,,ae•a.ttc
3 s from5c to z c• Sec r• Y`
5 5 our Wrap
perettes, they are pretty .
Special ralne'in'l`a,:lile Lirie.n. See w,h:at we. have at 25c.,' 66 in.
wide. (:gent:,' I,,eatle- .\ii s and Driving Gloves. Ladies' and
Children e Cir:ua,,;,i,.., iaa Grey and Block.. Everything
you need
Par the cold - weather:
Dont forget a. our Groceries �'the are clean and •�
� � ; fresh,
A call solicited . Produce
taken in exchange.
W. D. YE0
First Store North of Post Office.