Exeter Times, 1900-11-15, Page 4You OD QOUg yourself into r. brouchitis,pnen. mita,and con- sumption. Bandaging and bundling your throat will do n good. You must give your throat, and lungs rest and allow the cough wounds to heal. There is noth- ing so bad for a cough as cough- ing. Stop it by using Even the cough of early consumption is cured. And, later on, when the disease is firmly fixed, you can bring rest and comfort in every case. A 25 cent bottle will ure new coughs and colds; the 50 cent size is better for settled coughs of bronchitis and wea% lungs; the one dollar size Is more economical for chronic eases and con. umption. Ifs the size you should keep on hand. "All Zen:Mies ouglit to be pa the atete fersuildert :Attacks of eroup or acute lung troublee. Every coure try home lu the land should keep Cuerry Pectoral constantly on baud to preeideagainet au elm:re-ewe." deseme G. Watts, Dee. le, if3d. Hid:and, hitch, ouMIi .stake If you have Pales Greenish, or Sallow Complexion, COW Hands and Feet, Loss of Ap- petites Dyspepsia, Lack of Eiiergy or Stomach Trouble$3 ake 'stake en you do not use Dr. Ward's and Nerve Pills to counter - these conditions. Why? Be- e they contain all the natural ents necessary to build up the man system. The way to a cure s along the road from the stomach the blood and nerves. All food acted on by the stomach aud ?re- d for absorption into the system. Dr. Ward's Pills give just the pro- pertielp to a tired system, ana dif- - hese a glove of health through the whole human frame. u feel yourself getting well hen you take Dr. Ward's Blood d Nemo Pills. s. per box, aro boxes for $2.00. drug. iata, er Sam Williams ac Co., Toronto, Oat - CONSUMPTION! t•tling Statement by Sat James Grant, of Ottawa. 0 Die Annually areio MOTIC Through the Rave at the Great White Plague. e th Canadiae Medical Association held at days since, sir James Grant, the n," made the starting statement that die annually in ontario trona tuber - r, consumption is the west terrible World. it is the result of germs, the weak snot. Of a century Dr. T. A. Slocum, one tint raientists of the day, has made sumption a life study and hes minding a system of teeatment estmys the germ that ;Teat:atm e statue thine balding nit the ilesh and blood. There is ne netiro, lie ;mows exactlewhae do and affirms emphatically et e per cent of eases. The fieence le the slocura systera t iposztesbexest erten to an, erci tiateffer k lai6-eititteiareerflcprs ineee verso toran T. A, Meet= 'meted, ll ming St. :West. Toros. e end express cape adenine, end e (The mama Cum) vrtil tee foe them awes mention teet• et treeing sieeteiteifiiiii "effort& 6 win please sonot Mt milks to ratories. CgLONIAL TROOPS Old London b Already Preparing fa '1.heir Reception WITHOUT FIRING A SHOT' Three Baktallons ef chineee Sum/wider u Italian netaehateat Patale alarm Taut Tata, dated New, 7; al London, Nev. cf. - A epeolea de. - a' detaelemeat of Italidn treopt TOturable .t0 Pekin, intereepted three Ibattalicats of Chinese near Kun Az , Wen. The Latter aurreatiderea with. DEMONSTRATION FOR BULLER WiU Be a Big Ono -Botha Lifts '019,5 cattle -- Item -Efforts to Oet French's convoy Failed Pretoria, Nay, 6.- One a Gedera Lerma:ea nettles, who Was captured near lereidelbera, and wao WaS at iirs 1 nrenehmanKtlical Ita1Iai aria Letter's; Con • fevers Were Very Med • • Oat firing a. 4.'ete NEARLY WAS TROUBLE • treated badly by the Iteero, threateteed tQ stoot tam, was ,atter ward ,s reatased auel takee with dis patelt to Gen.. Fireeohes headaaa.reers Itie,.atates that• Goa. Inaes Bathe is in .eceennane -of the Boers, ;Ad, bas witb lam the. aetbel, Carolina. Erraeloand taliddelbterg eoramaidoes. The cout •say e recargeaze,f a illineber. a Brit - isle prisoners tn the 'eager. They were captured during 'Gen. 'Ft enelea first advatice. They will be releas- ed. and faraielled with passes as aeon as the otricial who issues passes ar- riv.ea. fron4 Middleburg. 'rhe meat also states that the Peers are ,short of supplies, and: are living IL termaliea and meal, and using burnt Panties to make coffee. The supply • of 'Meal, boweter, is abundant -The Boers were very await disap- pointed bemuse they were unable tc capture any of Gen. French's con- voy, wInch was the object of their contiaued attaciea. Tale coarby con- eisted ot •seven bundred wagons. Tbe Boera admitted that they bad lost heavily, especially the morning aft= Gen. Frencli left Bethel. On that occa- sion the Boers, we° thought all the British had gone, approached close tc a farm near which the carbineem were aaseera, and 1!,ost fifty le killed end .wounded •oue at a force of two bundred. Tbe noso expressed be bitterest 'eelings about the burning.of ferrite y tbe British. It le exolamed that the Only turner> burned were those wheat owners tad done sometbina de. a'ring punishia,eut. BOTHA. GETS SOME •CA.TTI.E, ic I'retoria, Nov. 7. -Tb' lere.i corn - =Mai IV Ge elb Bothhave eucceed, eel in capturing.n nuleber of cattle that were berdea elo-e. 141 110;(101berg DIYILEara WELtatalE. London, Cane,. 9. --nen. tattler wit irobribly arrive tioniaht in time tc • t t end I he eorporat ion nquet a' Southampton, and in ;;TL:: will heve the leoncrea W.' a anaite.re re cetaion by the trolitee 41Z. aerlitoi •will b proeen wi a ha free. cioni of the eity. ilAw remarkable recap; eie Meer eeria., and stateequentle Devonsiiire Tao toying or hie peearial eat the pride- of the nate' ara ea! wilele. tree beon aeopitenee- , neaten; will aeffiee laine ateu there results. aiiiitera eary will IA written by experte eee taailteritair axle bis rightful there; t'Oe t 7i • reepiee Sibilitiee of tree feiatee ,ie cern pert of the eautpetten lr• ju 113 elite: tee •when all .7 he .Ver pa,t4,1gri are !mown. Petr tati.ONIelea London, Nor. it -Waal -el by the dit gracefal ecenee Which 'a tab' tie return of •the 'City leak •••t'it I Volua teera, the militera authoritioe ere en deavoring to gu-tra apetilet aeirniat demenoration or* the a,i0.1 of 111 arrival of other Brit" voldiers London Irate South A flee% The W.• Office bas en rel, a ve 7; we rt,en: building, known ae the alyeapia, aa 1 - camping, ground for the colonie troopse aria instal,' merehitt, thtough the actin at re.'1 i of the me tropolis they will le, :ha:lined a Kensiagton, awl moved without deli; to them propneel liateguartersaloug :ado the station, e e Boma Nov, 9, - The Tribuneea Poe oarrespowtent cahles uader date era Noire 4, erTba French come:amide-re ba vo protested againthe Italian* wed 'Germane attacking the Chinese near Pao Ting Fur clettaing Chinese tleenet are water French protection. A Preach. zouteve having allied an itaa Ian &lacer Dymatatalee, the Italiar troops were greatly excited, but ties officer.% succeeeted an calming' teem.'" DASH FOR FREEDOM Whafsie News? The Merman govtnnuiPut haft bought Coun; Zpniut., airship for milleare parpeeea ne. a nigh price. Lx- Preeteir (.eve and exprea e- oixu .It as Lt aitleet 10 the propo-al :aurgazuze tile Democratic .pany Sir Wm. nee: Horne, representraz Vnited States and Crumdian capii Lets, has gone to Cuba, where 'Ir will try to secure options oil all troleey lines and sugar plantitorile in the 'island. rollawing the, heavy rain storm o Th.uraday, snow began falling in Ma lone, al. Y., and continues unabated A telephone message from the Adir- oadaeks report four inches of snow anI good p.oepeots for deer hunting in the closing days of the open season P. M. C. As.sor, F. R. Coninek, Ltd Jonlehleer, A. F. Desavorin, Lola man Jonkheeer, Pad G. L. M. Et -Lep De Beepenbrouck have been appoint. ed the Dutch members of the perma. nen c arbitration court at The Efague- SERVIA'S KING WAN IS FREEDOM Vienna, atov. 7. - The Volkeablatt states that King Alexander of Ser - via is about to seek divorce from .Queen Drage., .his bride of three months. According to the paper the King expressed to a courtier his eesire to again enjoy bachelor free- dom, having tired of leis wife, who is fifteen years older than himself. Queen [Drage is said to be so upset over the king's action that she is sick in bed. , RUSSIA'S GRAIN CROP Report of' a Shortage seems to Have 'Been • aoundationless London, Nov. 8.- The preliminary official report of the Russian crops received here materially canflicts with the rumors of the alleged fail- ure of the Ruestan cereals which have been circulating for some weeks. Ac- cording to the report reterred to, toe wheat crop is 45,150,000 quarters, rye. 97,250,000 quarters, oat, 82;000e. 000 quarters, and barley' 25,750,000 solaeters. This is. the best wheat er-bp same 18P6. The trial of Cornelius IL 'Alaord, the $090,000 defaulter, his been be- gun in New Yartra Axe `Realise' syndicate has bought the ',Portland allaer Mine at Colorado _pringie; $15,000OOE is ahe price anen- • tioned. " ' '• ' Central Prisoner Made It and Lost 4 Leg Toroato, Nev. 9. - Harry Price, a Presenter at the Central, evaose borae ia Whitby, ea 'aped this raorniae ilia a freight train was Passing the onson yarcL Tie tried to Jump or the train, but entased his bold, eatO fallartg under the wheels, ilia letet lee waa so Welly crusbeed, that it wiL bale?' to be axemetatted, Price wae aeriang eta montba" seatenee foe vagraacy, • aud had craly axe. week! more ,to ;put tn. DE BARRY BUSY AWN Turns Back raupee Jews aelng aeon Celettla to- 11, be -_--e Ntea. 8. - Pauper Rottman. Ma Jewa have been evaling to Butfalc be elicit large members tbat the sea area ,Jewlea accieties here leave ap- pealed to %n tor De Barre' of tht immigration department to Invest; gate the condition% and if aatalitla stop further eatrance of that. eass 01 Jews, They ask him also to matte- thoee now bare dependent on adore Lor support to be deported. rho first of theae people to arrive at the Inter - a nal Bridge eras Isi•ael Peritz, frau Dote:amnia. watt arrived lase night. Uc daiti eame through the aid of tile leavea Uirseb Sunda. was at once sported to Quebec. by Jove -ram' Da 'arry. BUSH TO SEE VOCES ••••• AIWA 0.0 Paris, Nov, 9. - Tha ono-mob:1i te at the es, .• anta aestereley at.' aged vast erowtia, thougb else tice ge were char -gel for al Lai ;area I: a-, anuitunral tt., til'. -a wht paid t bet peter het awn Ili. 0. atra cre 1 onlecle and $ ceelork wind." reeelvt tembela tiakete acee prizaa w hich elueed autounabile The alabola kets were exhibited atatatal whereupon the arowd beratne Indtg. mint, and there was much horse play , It le rather eurioue that the stock 011 en t ranee tleketa should become ex• hau.ettel just at this partieular time f when it is known that 10,000,000 in 1 theme remain emsolel. Tim lucky street sellers saw their opportunity, an quickly dexacaded eighteen sous fcn tickets which they bad previousa been selling for throe, AUSTRALIA WANTS TO SEE US --- TriVitation Sent for Canadian Troop:. to Visit Thera Ottawa, Nov. 9. - The Dominion government has been asked to send a representative and alai, a contingent of troops to attend the inauguration tereraonies of t I.ow Commonwealet in ukustral4a r x pring, -- BULWARKS CARRIED Chloral° Steamer Meets Rough Treatment et Lake Michigan Chicago, Nov. 8.- Tbe northwester put im embargo on commerce' out of Chicago to -day. Heavily- loaded steamers were unable to make any headway hgainst the seas and ran beak for shelter. The steamer Thos, W. Feltner, ;gram laden for Buffalo, ran back with the bulwarks on the starboard bow carried away and the Texas stove in. The steamer had proceeded down. the lake and beyond Grosse Pointe encountered the full i sweep of the sea. An especially big 2 wave 'broke on, the forward deck NEW AGREEMENT UNCLE SAM GROWS MIXIOCS Effeetael By Four Powers to Offsee Anglo -German DeaL 1.1 HUNG GliAitO DESPAIRS Of rovers' Peace Terms Beilea Agreed TO arltisa column RIteeates Bost!, celeis London, Nov. 9 - Li Hung •Cell'ang taegraphe, says the Shenehai oorree spondent of the Deity Exprees, that ke despaers of a seetlem.eht, and. that LL i useless to txpeet the 'Chinese eoui to coneeat to tae exeeatioa cif Yu Lisimi or Tung Jai. Hsiang, He 41,0‘1117;t*estotill„anteltuietet istatte"p04111reeva4tilito tato eacit: er.aee tbeir demands, toed that, there foreAlie inert is. :preparing for o. fur • thee flight to the provale r of Sze Ottutin, -With an aaperie ....lay of 14,1t..leatelin pepere continue to prier• let tees frona ateraten soldiers • 'in Lanza showing the terrible, atrocitiee woe:coated by General troop*. A let ter printed to -day &scrams the char. eater at a certain. ".Bayouete evete eleeed and our lieutenant evai eominended to shoot dean or bayonet a,%"tthe nigbt 1.i..);iteeltiuY tens: itgebe-e. al)14111117 • NSvggvn and - eleild," NJW DEAL ON, Loindous Noveneleee 8 - New% Yeetnya says tile, St. Itetersbure ettreapandent of the Dana Ex. less, wiatag before Lite re- eleotiot MoKeiney M.rtt4 known. at rate Ituserazi caveat:, anaaences watt (rife • eauetion that an miderstandins tate aeon reeeeied between Russia Fronve, Japee and 'be Vatted Statee 41 wear' hatealaaleti1eele to the Anglo ixevinen agreenteut, adding that tht results will become epectalle :mono it lereeitlent McKinley I alerted, ,1151PEROR TO REIlteRN TO PEKIN The Peleira carrespendent oet• thr Rome 'reileteua, wiring Nev. 8, saga. - ..Newel from a private ar.erce •continte direct. from tate Prelate of Saen %there the caw; teak retu.atiana that Lauver:or Kivaatg eta is alitiat to re. • turn to Peain. You.e correspoudent 1 'rens tron; Chinese sources that Li Haag Cheap asked . the Wasbeagtou tioverniteent to melee len, Wason, of the Itatitee Stares, a peace ecnemiasioner beCaliSE bis wide anawledge of dinese at• lies. A onuor of the eleath of the Dow - ' ante' EMPress •Oused muele excareent 11,1 loge, but it hae_ uot -beem confireuee end. is not believed. rim Cleinese vials declare tba.e thee have not bearc • anytbizer official on the subject. 1.1.0XtER OFIRPS S1101%, Taku, Nov, a -A Dritieh ,coturan un der Gen. Richardson left Paot Ting Ft Oct. 28, maTebina in the direction co; Pokin. 'Dow afy ,Ling the tecopi tried 'three Boxer chiefselestroyers a chapel and killees ot native Chris ens. The British shot the -cbiefs, 'Phe following deepatch from alujet Lord Campbell has been received be the Secretary of atate for Inclia:-Al Whig Ling the Chinese attempted ti steal pawder and caused an explesiot alwo soldiers and three camp follow ors were killed and four tamp follow era were. injured, A large slumber Chinese were killed or wounded,. ow bag to •theix wadded. coats cateldne Axe.. Things Present Good Time to Renew Reciprocity Negotiations iNew /aarrk. Nov, 9."-eA speeial to the Herald Irota Wastaegton says: -As a result of tate continuanee he Power of President MoKieley and Sir Wil - aria. Leutler it is expected that an- ther attempt will ahortly be made to being about the cuinplete eettle- ment at the queetions in disputewita Canada. 'Officials of the adtainietretien say that the Pz•estdent awl aecretary Ray eretild be glad to have, the queetione disposed of, but it is felt here that Canada should make the preliminary move looking to their recousideree ion. Tbe boundary itue lee, only been. temporarily determined, eat the President. woual prefer that le be - finally and rorever fatal, Special Itreciproeity Commissamer Katseea , exeremely anxious; to uegotiate a re. chat:colts treaty with Great 13ritain t relating to Canada, -Decease each a treaty will e,ectle mealy palette affect, rog the products of the twa eoun- e tries, lead wall be mutually beneficial. The fisheries question is also like- ly to ba a source of trouble, and it is deemed important that it should be terminated in a matter satisfactory to both nations, Officiala of the nave are especially desirous that the two countries shall determine the ewe of the neval force each will maintain on the great lazes. Several eea,ra ago Canigeess auaborie- e4 the construotion of a gunboat for the lakes, wed the board of construc- tion prepared et dolga for elle ves- sel. Pending the eiodifieraion of the Thosba 13a.got agre..nent et 1a18, the presitleat ellreceed taat0.ecieetraet tar elm veaset be not let. • IT HOLDS BOER PRISONERS -- Bird Cage at Pretoria Ras New Class of Tenants Pretoria, Nov. 8.- During the last few days only a few slight skirmish- es have beete reported. The small Boar litagers west of here are being driven about the country, owna,g to tbe movements of Gene. Broth and Clements. The road to Rustenburg is almost clear of Boers. The prisoners, officers, and men who are now captured in this vicin- ity are being lodged ut the bird cage, which the Boers lormerly used as a place ol detention for captured Brit- ish officers. Because of slight dis- oomfore caused by the recent rains, the Boer captives complain, that the place is fit only for cattle. Col. Edwarus, late ox the Imperial Light Horse, and now second in cora- mend or the Transvaal warm, has beet, given charge or the western district, which includes Johaunesburg, Pre- toria, Ierugersdorp and Rustenburg. HEAVY FIGHTING. Bothaville, Nov. 9.- There has been heavy fighting Mace. 'Nov. 6, resulting ri tbe defeat or the Boers who lost 3 killed, 30 wounded and 100 taken et:toners. ,Seven ot their guns also were eaptlired. The British lo,st three officers and tour men killed. . A BRAVE MIDSHIPMAN London, Nov. IL -The Vic:eerie Cross ha..e been conierred on alicisaiptuan Deeil J. D. Guy, or the battleship Barfletue the flagship of the second. im command ot the British- China sta- tion, for his heroism inattempting to save Seaman. McCarthy during the ightmg in Tien T,on on July 13th. Midshipman Guy entered the navy cm July 15, 18,98. washing out bulwarks and breaking be the front of the captain's rooms. It is regarded as remarkable that her pilot house was not shifted. The Callon liner Er. S. Jewett, put out at 2 o'clock aesterday mornang and came back agaan earte in the forenoon. Her cabins and decks wese'withcovered 'with ice where the 'spray froze. The steamer jay Gould, of the Lake Superior line, ran batik atter Viva how's experience in the sea, MAY FIRE THE ENGINEER Winnipeg, Bran., Nov- 9. - There was a warm session of the city coun- cil last; night, which reached its nottest when the ;waterworks ques- tion was put before it for discussion. The city engineer was virtually placed on trial and the different aldermen aCted as counsel, either for or agamst tehn, according to their respective ("ghee. Che two different occasi ns mo- tions -were made to have the engineer called upon, to resign, are were vot- ed down, by a roneority or one vote. Finally, a motion was passe.' that the m.atter be decided in courts. Itatiam, newspapers regard the re. election of •I'resulent'llicKin 'y as a vectorry for imperialistic tetiaencies, but as More advantageous to Europe than, threatening Dr. CarleRoepfner has -re „lined to,' Harailtmantrom Germany. Ile ,•tays intendsegairtg on with the several az- tioceibeguri 3y hiet against the Haepf- ter °Refining Company.. TELBJCISH INTOLERANCE. ' London, Nov. 9. -A despatch to the Standard /ram Constantinople says that Turkieh intolerance went to the length on Wednesday of for- bidding Pere Hyacinthe Leyaon from holding a conferenee in the Ameri- can Girls' college at Scutari. The prohibition arrived only after a throng had assembled eo attend the conference. A JOB FOR JOHN BULL Uncle Sam Wants Him to Squelch Plno Jui at Hong Kong lete•w; York, Nov. 28a. Great Britain will be requested by the government to suppress the Filipino junta at Hong Kong, says a Washington special te the World. The administration latte bad thee in cornitemplation for some teme, and nave that no political ob- stacle presentitself, the action It tobe taken Without delay. SUSPECTED MURDERERS ARRESTED Winnipeg, Nov. 9,-A, Carna azu Hougb have acien arrested ot suspieion of mardeeleg dames T. Hug gard, near Calgary, an he was return, ina to his ,heilie after tile eleetioes at ;Wednesday niglo.t, GOLD WATCH FOR WARRIOR Thernbury Citizens Mote Handsome Gift tt Soldier Boy Who atmehti Boers Thornbury, Out., Nov. 0. ...Corpora Hilliard Parke, of the firat cantles. gent, arrived home yesterday after. aeon Mayor Bedweil leaving pro- claimea n half holiday for the two sion business was ouspendati and tie town generally lot loose to greet the returnmg aoldier. Corp, Rorke.wht te a son of alaJ. Rorke, of the 31g Bata, was esc3rte4 lo the town hell where, in the preeence of cheerier crowds, a gold watch, a gift from tit. citizeu.e at Tharnbuore and Clarlaei burg, was presented to him. Dr Sproule, Conetervat illtnUla.r.olro for East Grey, and hie opponent it the election. 0, W. Harr co l41, wet; both present on the platform am gave patriotic addresses with mate others. THREE BAKES ADRIFT .W4. IN. ••••\ Cale en Lake Supetear Nan Vessels Li lava ----- Cbleago, Nave 8- The llht !hives gale winch broke on the upper lake Wadneadoey night proved to be lb bulgiest storm of the e ear. On Lak, Superior four consorts were tor -from tberir steaxaers and one, th ayssiuia, with a cargo of whet from Daluthe had a narrow eseap tram going ashore on the rocks o COWeell4rW penin.sula. 'The Keatina it. A. Barr anti Commodore are stil adritt on the lake and in danger o golia,g on the beach. The sehoone Staatford was wrecked at Good Dar lane allele and may be a total lose The solemner Maumee Valley we driven ohore near Port Colborneam was later released. Several larg steamers were driven back to Chimer after being exposed to the gale _tor ; few hours and large *boats were gen welly seeking shelter on Lakes Sup erior, Michigan and Huron. WEOOIth FOLL0W6 SMITING Cupid's Aim in This Case Better Than Other Chap's New York, Nov. 8. - Arra Salineaceo Kerr, who Wa.t reeently so badly in- jured in the Adirondacks by acciden- tal shooting ithat her leg was ampu- tated, was married at noon to -day to Charles Je. IL;ailety, of ahiladelphia. Mr Bailey Was wall Mrs. Kerr at the time of the aceident, and was struck in the back by the same bullet. The shot was fired by Dr. Chas. T. Dade, who was deee hunting, and who mis- took Mr. Bailey tar a aeer. The engagement as said to have ex- ited before tin, 61130 -Ling, but it was not announced ,until about a fortnight ago. As Mrs, Bailey Ls only just recov- ering .froan tb.e wound and operation the service %vas read in her room; in the home of her mother, only mem- bers, of boele families being present. MONTANA SliaLL telaMOORATIC (Helena, Monte Nov. 8. - Complete returns show that the next legisla- tuxe will be composed of 53 Clark Democrats, 95 Beepublicans, 8 Daly Democrats arid 1 Popnlest. laryan's plurality will be about 8,000, while Toole for governor and the rest of the Clark Demoerat state ticket, in- cluding congreteeman and associate justice oe the supreme court are eleab. ed, by 7,400. t Bryan earrted tha state four yeaas ago by aver 133,000. JUSTICE FOR FOUR histcse Dignitaries Who Allowed Pr.o Tintel Fu Bity.isacres ExtTuted Pekin, Nov. 6, via Shanigebai, Nov. 0. --Four of the leading officials of P,ao Ting Fn., including Ting Yang, the acting viceroy. of Pe Chi Li and Gen, Kusi Sing, were executed Nev. 5 under the eentence imposed by the tribunal of the allies. Renewed reports Of the death of the Empreas Dowager are in circulation, but they lack verification, and are distredited. eateline DEWET WOUNDED RUSSIA AND NANCE Get Ballet in the Leg Near Itertsbnrg Ileeently CANALIIANS COMING Another Patch a Inwalided. Soldiers Steyn .Qrges the 8ur4he3's to Keep On Fighvne • Pretoria (undated), ba rail to Charlestown, „Natal, Wrecleateday,, NOT ae Dewet hbeen woanded in the Jeer in a fight wi0. the teoops 01 Gen. ;Knox at. atenalearg .Drift. Ac. earellag to native reports • the- : Beee come-e0:m(1er ,narrowle- el o ate], pap we ataielerin tN leIGHTING MOOD letstorio, Nov, 8. - aurreadeeee beagtera easert that Mr. -Steya, after a council. of war with. Gen. Bathe and Oen, Detarey, addre.esed the burghere with great passion, argine them eatatmee war. lie tole Thech he was going. areatb, ane hoped to retteeet wtUian.100 Melee assuring them that be igiiew that Germane had detivered an ultimatum to areal Britain, aeraanai eg the ret ro of the repubNe i a.leettle DAINADIANte COMING. Qut., Nov. 8.-Thn militia departmene was advieed by eable to- day that the following men ealled fel Halifax lay ttat steamer Careliagenian Alfred Al. 1eoliten7,9117 Mellia0.n,7,400,,Yeang; 45, J. A,.Biunee- .tS.-aa. l. ata 7p8, Bennett; 7,612 Byers; 415, Beale; 7,979, Itaymond 7,967, .:li,laciOeth; /3;0, teaweett: 287; G A. Bosi'1 al. la: 7,044. Edwarcia 7,201, eatarnan: 13,183, Smith; 270; It, 11. Rubbra, N,W, Ai. p.; 421, 3, Ai. Lob - ban, altottreale 97, J. H. Eddy, :aloe. Lead; 3e2, Ryan; 273, It Baneetay, R. C. D.; 210,afeMichaeI; 217, Fraser, 17e, Vanorman: 278. .Nlal)ougall, X "P.; - 91, 3. 1). adatoaey, Edmonton LN 1i0aPi1ateL. Toronto, Nov. 13. -. Mr. Charles D. Cory of this tate! heti received a cable taiga, the war office, advislag thai his ecras.aepe, George -Cory, .ot the Reyal pusot(,:s, le in imepital a,t Pinetrawn Bridge, Natal, -elanger. ouster ill with typhoid fever. al/Waal ILEA:Vale IN DatafAND. •Orillia., Ont., or. -8. -.alias lessie atelier, teectier of Ille Central eratoril beet reeeived a totter from ber reasin Col, ateele, n catelatarel of tbe Stra cone, aloraes iin whieh le given :an ate coaat au detafl (re a vosisiciereaa mown or figating done lie hie vett; -meat, Vol, Steele aleo sem a Milreaueet to Miss ler to send ;4,09 1 Leaves -to tile Cenadiall ero at London, for the tetrathann iforee to wear On elte :occaellina of their rerep. tion and review there when thee take part in the lila reli plat the Queen. seliolars gath- ered the two eboueand apeetaiens of large maple .leavat. and these bave beennerward.ed us aillWtOti. which te due on Saturday: - 17 op=1. NEW ELECTRIC ROAD ...1•••••••••••••mm WOOdatoele Thames Valley and Ingersoll Railway Formally Ineugurated •••••••11.0•1, 'Woodstock. Ont., Nov. 8.- The :Woodstock -names Valley and Inger. Boll Eleotria Railway WaS officially opened here to -day. Though the en- tire route is not complete, the road Cron ihere to 13eneliville is in running shape, and a ear ;made its first tripe over (that portion this maning. On the car were a porta of the town council, several prominent cite- tT, G. Wallace the solicitor tor lite company and several others, in - eluding the press representatives. They were the ga•atsot Messrs. eartn- strong and Ickes, the promoters Of the read. At the power house Mayor Scarff ;made a 'complimentary epeeeb to the promotora, congratulating them an their enterprise, to which they replied briefly. The tripover the route w,-isi uneventful. It s the intention to extend the road through Lo Ingersoll, and. frora north to Embro. ,Material is already en the ground for the Ing ex- tension, but the Embro br: nett will probably not be built for another year. TWO SAMPLE MESSAGES MeKitiley Gets Congratulations From France and the Philippines Washington, Nov. 8.- Among the telegraerte of congratulation receiv- eldby the (President are:- Paris, Nov. 7.-Eis Excellency Mon- sieur 'McKinley, President United States Of Aenerica:-i. 1 beg you to accept ray moat sincere congratuln- Lions on your re-election to the su- preme office that you have filled with swell lustre, and during which the bonds of friendship between our two aountries, have, to my great delight, been drawn still closer. EMIT/ LOUBET. A PRESAGE OR PEACE. 12,Ianila, Nov. 7. -The. President: - Sincere congratulations. The most important step in bringing peace and prosperity • to these islands has been taken. -(Signed) Commission. VANQUISHED TO THE VICTOR Cryan Sends a Congratulatory Message to B Lincoln, lacz.,....i\ikR,7. v. a 81. William 3. Bryan forwarded the following tele- gram at noon to -day to President Mc- Kinleye- "Hon. William McKinley, president of the MILO: tatee:- At the close of another pre 1 sitial catinpaig,n ,it is my lot to congratulate you upon a second victory. (Signed) W. J. BRYAN." CARBOLIC eACID Le Effell'ECTIVE Chicago, Nov. 8. - The body oe a young woman who was found dead in the Palmer .Elouee last ht with g 1in a half empty b•orttle of carbolic acid be- side her, was to -day identified as thaa or Miss Beanies F. Clark, of Roekeord, da., where her father was fierenerly a prominent phyeteian. Miss Glade served as a nurso during the epr -Leh- American war, and recently has been attending the TJnivereity of Chicago. Children Cry for CASTOR IA. Both Said to ae Ready to Grant Kruger. Aid The London, Daily Mail baa the tole gaeseilles, Vet. 17. -Dr. Leyds ta.s arranged that Mr. Kruger is to. die - embark rroat are SS. Gelderland at • this port. Baron de , the captain of the warship, h. .,eoeived instructions from the -Lateen Admiralty te maid gr. Kruger awe. The ex -president oi the Te•ansvaal will afterwards visit Touton and PariA, where, as here, eampatbetec public denwestrations, engineered, !by tbe Boer ageney at Bressels, will be organized. Mr. Kreger's visit to Paris will be designedly arroeaged to take plaee itt a date followtaa the close of the ex. 41Iblitei°a13' ret"roma gentleman (a French- man) intimately conueeted with the Transvaal Brain:sae at Brussels that Dr. Leyds end the delegates at The Hogue, are sanguine et nitiraate: in- tervention oe the eOlatinentill pow - era towards reseeurmg to the Trans- vaal a large measure of autonomy under rigid British suzerainty and coutrol. informant conf,ends- a sug- geeeed in Tile Daily -ttail laeit mama -that France and Russia nave agreed upon intervention, m the material as eat.; ran intheasthoebcttaiptotap nati:cspernoie ev%prorvpicree! aive acqueeseenee or the German Elea Peron, in Connection with which Dr. Leada reeeut vitae. to Mr. Edward Lippert, the 'Xransvaal dynamite coia- mesionnaire, and Mr. Woermann 01 the German Imperial Egat AfriCuu Seenuthip lino in Germany was el great significance. The r representations to the Brit- ish Foreign. Offiere front the Quat d- Orsay. whence M. Deleasse wi 1 tako 111e initiative, wilt be batat on the pretence that French nailing inter- eete on the Witwaterecand ani el.sta wbere are auirering grieviously ondot a prolongation Of the war anti it cou- eequent ceseation of alining opera- tions. Friona has been assured or ow sup.. port and active co-operation ot Rua - tem. Baal powers aro now awaiting the re ",ult of elearwe' zeta to Berlin bee :French agents fu the pay of Dr Igyds, The German. Emperor ts wavenng, and beta as yet signified neither de. fluke approval' 'nor disapproval. It le bowever, canlideuely believer] by tin - Baer agents that lets alajeste wir soon throw in hts voiee with the Franeta Russian prepoeals. said to the Transenal ag- ent. "all classes of pplitleians Buzr,land will indignantly reject an rateut so preposterous it propose - tam. and England would fight Oa world rathter than veld an Inch O the ground it has ect dearly bought.' "I know that is the popular (Mine ia England and Ma. Chamberlain:, ixed determinaelon. Bat 1, can as reata3.oolriutlDo gvenrioPntr dreluitl*ertts ib-. mlssed as a fatuity of elle Boer braia is daily galning tangible shape ant vigor. 7,116 Galenist Cabinet,' la added, "Will mat the nnpossibility o arraying class against class in Soule Africa, in blind antagonism for or pti:rimeee,re,, with no hope of permanen "There 'may," be eonthwed in a sue ister tone, "be much more tn Bis. mercies prophecy than tbe mant headed euspeet. Bismarck foretole that the tiouth African. Republic would sooner or later prove 1 he clown fall of England, or at least bring ale out the ultimate deetructton of tht Britisb Empire as a world wide pow er. We on the continent have bid% our time, and from a continenta nomt of view your huge and unwieldi institution bas grown muth too mew camtng."4. ^ Tater she movitia in this nuttier, what wit be donee' "A echo nate will be sent, as WM done tvhen lereat Britain coquettee with Turkey. This, if the German Bar peror can. be persuaded to cast is Itis Imperial lot, will be followed br a threat or armed intervention. We'l teach your Colonial Minister mare leers!" 'But what are the iratterial ob. jecin to be gained by France and title er powers in. the Transvaal- whae material advantage is to be derite ed from a resuscitation. of Kruger' corrupt regime?' "Oh,' my iin'ormant replied, the mining interests' plea is only a blind just as Mr. Kruger is merely a pup- pet al Paris and elsewhere where hi may be put on view. As a matter of -. fact, we have been able to work the continent very easily, because the con- tinent 'axi rend' fears Englanda .big- ness and England's aggression. Mr iChamb,erlain, would have naade wax • with the Transvaal in 1696, if Ger- many had not intimated that a war at * that time did not lie in her general scheme of policy. "The idea from the commencement was to let England worry with Solite Africa, to exnaust and impoverish her until the opportune moment came to , cry, Stop.' That time has almost ar- rived. If the burghers Gan hold tin field and continue showing some sorl * of resistance for a few weeks or n month or two longer you will see tiled] 'dream of intervention- take the tan.- I gible shape ,of a living, reality.' 1 It has been arranged that Dr. Leads a. and the IRepublican de1egates-1VIessrs Fischer, Weilmarane and Wessels - - proceed to iVlarseilles early m, No. • vember to meet Mr. Kruger. A "Press Bureau,'controlled by Dr •• Leyds, has eeen, esta.blisbed at Dor. • recht, in Holland. This agency fur- • fleshes the principal German, French Russian an Amerlean papers witk pro -Boer intelligence; and is, Indeed the jouxnallatie centre and lountair of the anti-British niovement on the - continent., THAT THROBBING HEAD 41.01TE Would quickly leave you, if you us- ed Dr. Ring's New Life Pills, Thou - ands of et7ffeeers have proved their matchlese merit for Sick and Nervous. IIeadachee. They make pure blood and strong moves and build up yourhealth. Easy to Like Try them. Only 25 - cent a M r'3,7 back if mot cured..- Sold. ri by all Druggists. '