HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-15, Page 3"""Oem ,ellseelleewee.e.-e---eeeteeeeeveveleae-eleeere, • T., ••T •••• ""'";r""--re:It1V711717, NO BACKV...RD POLICY Hon. Siftores Far -Seeing Words Spoken at Winnipeg. END OF THE MINISTER'S SPEEOH Long a* lea Remoised o Minister of Csnsils. SO i!orig WoUld lie bfandPor a Pedley of Progress sod, o Policy Of Pevolopmeetiren, don' An. swer. WinOilleg. Nov. 14. - Hon. Mr. Siltoi. left, for the west YesterdeY to take part in the British Columbia 1 eamPaign. CoAcluding nes speech At the magi:W.1cent reception tendered WM NOndey night by Winnipeg Lib- erels, Mr. Sifton. after detailing *hat had been done by the Govero- meat by its immigration and treas.- portAtioa policies. spoke as follows: e 731makwor4 Folio.. "I now desire to say these things are not attained with the utmost and empletest harmoner on all wear Stens. Some people. both Liberals and Conservatives, think that Caneda has arrived at that stage in her hteterY When stio ought to sit down and Save mopey. They advocate cuttieer, town the exeenditure to an fine a 'Obit as poseible. When we bring tiOwn a, hill to bonus a. rallwayttlieee spen denounce US as being wedded to tlfteat sehemee. 'We want no more bonuses to railwaya.' they say. So far SS 1 eJlt concerned, awl so long, as X leave a voice in the advising ot 00 government in regard to these mat- ters, 1 shall never advise them in Aecordence with any such policy. '<Loud rhers. ) We have many rich tied varle4 reeources; wherever you find it the question of development is t• question of transportation, the Auestion of making these resources etvaelable to the toiler and brought to the market In such a, way as to be profdable to the produeer. These fiziPgs catinot be done without the etxpenditure of largo sums of money, and the question is not the amount Of espenditure. hut whether the ex- peuiliture ist proOucing the des. ired re- fitilt. 1 point you to Ihe construetion of the Crow's Nest Pts 3 Railway. Is there a. fano in itie senses who would ear Put diet money back into tbe trieaelary and wipe out the rellway: Wipe out the towns along the line; 'Wipe out the mines and wipe out the tra.de of that country?' There is not a man in Cituada, outside of a, lune- tte asylum twit° would Make such a eliggestion My laid word to you toe Bight is that so Iong as I am a. member o' the Government I shall he foe a peiicy oi progress and a policy of development leheera.) 1 Mink you for your kind words in tegesd to the election in Brandon. ; do not intend to boast about what, loss team place. After the extremely tpalignant attacas made on me my ova fellow townsmen have been fore - =est in gl .ng an answer to these attachs. Aty most earnest hope is that the Government during the next ive years shall prove itself worthy the confidence ribpoeed In it." .oud and continued ehnering.) The Algoma. Bleetions, Sault Ste. Marie. Nov. 14. -Forty- three polling plum' in Algoma, give Arr. nyment. Lib., 537: Mr. Boyce, •eon., 282. Mnjority for Mr. Dynient, 88. POLITXCAL The nominations in Nipissing take place Nov. 28, and the polling on Dee. 5. This will finish Ontario 4ileetions. W. P. tfaclean's majority is 1342. In South Essex Mr. M. K. Cowan 'teas declared elected by a majority on 33. In South Wentworth Mr. E. 1). Snail, Conservative, was elected by 1.56 majoritY• In Lincoln,. A. Lancaster, Conserva- tive. has been declared elected by a majority of 180 votes. STRIKES AT UNION CONTROL. A xevo Made by Onehee Shoe Mannfoe- tures to Get Their Factories! Etta-, ning Agaio-Arhitration Preposed. Quebec, Nov., 14. --The shoe maeue facturers made a move yesterday te- warde reopeeting their fActories. Mr. gharlee Grenier, 'notary, hes been pieced in Possession of e decleration w hich, those who desire employment are asked to Sign,. This deeleration, ie effect, certifies tbat those who sign it will Aot interfere with the maa- agement et the factories and evil). not belong to any erganizatiou that at tempts to interfere. It Also providee for a board of arbitratimi for the e ettlemeut of all disputee between the employers and their men. The board will he composed of committee of numufacturere, but n9 member shall sit upon it to consider a dispute between himself mid any of bis employes. Wbee a difficulty arse c the workman is to appear be- fore the committee with two asso- ciatee, and is to submit the question at issue before the board. The em- ployer will heve the right to present hie side of the case. An shall then re- tire and the board 41411 decide the question impartially. The member* are sworn. to give a fair and unbiased decision, without favoring the manu- facturer or the erneloye. Quite a nunaber of names were eigued yesterday to the declaration in the office of Nature' Grenier. SO eeon al there are Saltiest nernee to war- rant asthma the factories will be re- opened just as fest as they cell be ef- ently manned. The trouble bas w lasted three weeks. which omens; a. loss of $75,000 already in wagee to the inen who Are thus thrown out et 'work. The deadlock is considered by them. to be practicelly over. Over thirty men of one of the fac- e aratiOn, and many others are fol- N‘tori..e.insaa. eve Already signed the de- and BOWIE'S LACE -MAXIMS BARRED. Vhicago "Devine Healer's" 25 Notting- ham People Must Go Back. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 14.-Twone ty-five immigrants from Nottingham, Eng., who arrived Monday on the American Line steamer l'ettesland, were yesterday denied admission to this country by a Board of Inquiry of tbe United Stats Immigration teonmessioners, on the ground that they had violated the contract labor law. It was proved that a first-class Passage had been paid for them by John Alexander Dowie, the "Divine Healer," of Chicago, who is about. to found a city called Zion, near 12eaukegon. Ill., where he intends to .establish a lace -producing plant. The identity of the lace -makers was mado known by the agents of the Amalgamated Lace and Lace Cur- tain Operat yes in America, who followed them here from England. The board decided that as lace - making was not a new industry in this country, the immigrants should ibe deported. . 1 Brien, Downfall and Death. Fort William, Ont., Nov. 14. - Jarnes G. Reid, a well-known charac- ter of this toan, was found dead alon side the C.P.R. track yesterday. , Morning, He ayes generally known ae "Scotty.' Reid, and had at one time been ledger -keeper in . the Na- tionae Bank of • Scotland. Of late years he had earned a hand-to-mouth existence as arco,Mtant and book- keeper wherever he coul4 get work to elo, but drink was his doWnfall, and finally his death. can. For worsau. Convention. Chicago, 111., Nov. L. M. N. Stevens, president,' and Mrs. S M. 0, Fry, corresponding secretary, lia-ve 'issued a call f or the Women'A Chr istian Tempel -al -16:e 'Union to , =eel in 27th annual conference at, Washington, D. C, ov, 80 to Dec. PROBABLE FATE OF FIVE MEN. zort Xarot a inroolc Ago Ssturdoy For reek Xreecie. AP Have Not Tunnel Vie Rat Portnce Onte Nov. 14. Piro damaged Caumbeire warebouee here yesterday to the extent of $3.000. The News says; ekt 12.80 on Sat- arday. Nov. 3. five meu left Bock Inlet, 12 Miles above Fort Francis, in a, canoe bound for Fort Francis, There Was ft, high wind and the Jake was rough. An elderly mart named Cook refuee4 to trust himself in the frail craft, choosing rather to wa.it a, few days and come down with the mail man. When he reached Fort Francis, the fs: 'lying Monday ho could find no ti a the five men. rind lie gave the 4. eau. Search Par- ties went out and ecoured the lake, but when the steemer Keenora lett Fort Francis on her last trip no traces had been found of the five men. The aSsUmption is that they are all drowned. Three of the men were an their way to New Ataxic°. C all my greed of grain are Ming to the I UNREQUITED L.0VE an you ow me the position of w. his rooms." 11105. 10Ve You Stella and live 6i ••••••gamor.••••• air., The week was rebuilt only to love you, Say sweet. at least, Lady garminow left the eaetle at I jausndt intilyelisaumsbe4Aftemr otvheadfidreo.wa?3tuot the amIshef°11radtgivteuurn?"ed gi4dY with the sua. ground Limn% We'd had enough living up in the clouds." "Yu saved your children -easily?" asked Lashmar. ^0 No, sir. It weren't easy, My hus- band. Carried. 'ere down stairs through the smoke, and dame, and I was too 'wased like to think of other people's children till we got out into the street, and looked up at the great burning house and felt our lives were And then I says," Where'sor little girl .?" and my husband says, She's alright, you may depend. Bold - wood's not tale kind of a man -to lose his head in a Are.' We never gaVa a Tthe°wIllighlit aallb.oauntd ?bee %le:el:gain/011de- wood's being away. I hope you don't tphoiwuker, stiro. tshaavtersiedl7e a motherlees child to be 'burnt to death if -I had the Laehinar assured the matron that he had such thou ht • and then .eleven o'clock with the epieeh .of car- riages, .e.ervents and imperials, 44 it 511e . had been startingor Italy. Lashmar, relieved at her departure, ,beearne intensely elvil, and darieed at- teuderice, !moo her to the last mo - men. "I am pare you ere glad I AM go- ing," dm said. 00 Indeed I am net. .1 tsar my peer . tatith.er Win POSS. you, She is P,Ot wool. • to entertaining people, and you have been an 4,41mirab,J0 (19PlitY." ." Tboxilfs foe the cemplimenta Yes, • : 1 filit sure it hems her tadyehipto - IWO Peeplein the house; but for Yoor sake She "would make any eaerifice- yes, any sacrifiee." repeated Clarice, looking At • him earo.eatly. "Yes she is very good to me," an- swered Lashmar. grOVOIY, "1 SIB.,00- y 014, her desires and mtgeshould rttn counter. 134 life is Made up of such contradictions." " DP you shoot toslay?" asked. Lady • .Oarininiaw, while he arranged the see hie rug over her knees. "No, the pheasants will have 4 /AM, day ,eo far 43 My gun is concerned. ape Just off to Briiiinn.". , "Again ? -One WORK stippeae. Yea :W. a share in some great lauatnesaa there." "I Wish I had-Danehrook Iron Works." for instance. " to#, tiO0d. 1,3Qtwiob fair that, &Wiese of this surprise, fainting un- der the shock of an unspeakable hap., piness. Her eyelids drooped, and there were flashes of light across her eyeballs, and a ruching sound in her head. Her cheek lay ghastly white against her lover's shoulder, as he caught her to his breast mad just sav- ed her from falling. "My be1oved,sa3r I an forgiven. Say that I may hopes, Re r pale lips tried to answer, but were too treumloos for Speech. There was a pause, and then the heavy eye- lids were slowly lifted, as with a pain- ful effort, a soul coming back to life and conscioesnese, and the large dark eyes looked up at him. "I have bated myself so bitterly for loving you," she faltered; have scorned myself fel, 10oillg tbe man who despised me." "Ah then, we are both content," he ettid, kissing her, "We have both they Went back into the street, and, Struggled, and we have both been she pokraed out two windows On the beaten by Fate, which is stronger fourth story, than either of up. My beloved, I am "The little girl used to it out on ineirdblY baPPY, there is not in this the balcony all day in summer lame:* world a man moredeeply blest, And said the woman, "Beidereed had plIt now come back to the castle, and eom Up an extra rail. to make it eater fee for my mother wile has been pining her, aunt had divided ege ute ote, ae for you, and be to her 43.% a daughter , - balcony from the rest with wire net- She, too, has tried to shut her heart lingso that she bat there all alone against Ynii' hut susPent that she, like a bird in a cage. She had her lit- tle toys, and she seemed to amuse her - It wield oi..iy tirtog yontrooble, 1 self coatentedly boor atter boor hut had a Meet worrying letter !rem the .1 AiWaya ftdt. sorry for here . in those • manager Wit morning, harping upeon.. long, lonely. days, when her father • the ill-feellog of the men, and urgneg , was away:, me to Alter the whole of that. soleothd Certainly a sad and solitary infancy .felloaved by a, desolate childhood. "She used to watch the funerals going by W the vemetery," said the dame. "There weren't near so many houses about here in those days. It was almoet open -country. and she organization, wineh my father took euth trouble to bring to Perfection," "Nothing in life is etegonary, Lady Carininove and we live3list now in A period of abrupt trensitions ixour • manager is a sensible Man, it might be wise to take hie Advice. could gee. everything that went 4-T.liat 1 shall never do 1 will nev- Along the road to the cemetery and er truckle to demecrecy. The Dene- used. to sit and watch and watch and brook Works most stand or fell as Eob wonder and wonder,She little an Debreole planned therm," thought how soon laer daddy, that Lady Carthinow little suspected how she Sli'fi$ so fond of, would be lying • near they were to the latter alterna- in that cemetery." tive,"fa It near here?" asked Laehmar. The barouche drove of with its. fair "Vot half a mile," ocetmante "I'll go and look at Boldwood'a grave. Lashroar drove to Therleigli Cop- Good Morning. madam. If you Will mon and called upon Mrs. A.linehmlie .pt a triflehy way oft--:' laiehniar left his card with a penciled lie did not further explain himself request to Mrs. Minebin, fee anoth- er interview with the- medluco, and -then he drove away cursing. that die - real house as he had cursed it the day before, deeming the whole spirit eye tem diabolical aml yet wanting to know more about it. He left his .Pineteall at the "Lion and Lamb" and went wandering about the great busy' town. Be was too die- bad never beard of Mr. Boldsvoocl ; BRITISH oretaals SENT IN. Operations of Amerlearatt In Philippine interfered 'With Vorions Interests, Washington, Nov. t4. -The Presi- dent will submit te Congress at the approttehing session the claims for indemnification ad for substantial recompense for the Britisib, cable cor- poration, which suffered as a result of the American occupation of the Philippines. Tim torporation claims damages for the interruptioa of their cable business by the American forces. This claim was reduced to a very low figure, but was disallowed. The Eastern Extension Company claims that It has a franchise front the Span- ish Government, obtanted before the war, granting it a monopoly of cable business throughout the Philippines, ad thin monopoly has been invaded by the action of the United States Government. At the same time the Manila. and Dagapan Railroad Company, the only railway in the Philippines. set up a claim, first for compensation for the use of its property by the United States, and, second, for the Continu- ance of an annual subsidy of a4,400,- 000 guaranteed by the Spanish Gov. ernment against Philippino revenues. The contention that the subsidy in the last case, and the monopoly of the Eastern Extension Company, hav- ing been legally obtained, must. be continued, was recognized as a very important one ancl was referred to the Attorney-Goneral. His decision was to the effect that these claims were not based upon a contract right, But he also held that both the cable and railroad companies had good equitable claims. There has been a good deal of correspondence on this subjeet, and the British authorities are earnestly eupporting the claims of their citi2enst. Knights of Labor conclave. Birmingham, Ala., Nov. 14. -The annual convention of the 1<nights of Labor of the United States and Can- ada met in this city yesterday. There was no indication during the morning that the Parsons Wing of the order will make an effort to control the convention.' The other faction, headed by Secretary -Treas- urer Hayes was well represented, and was in possession of the books and papers. Infernal Machine For Church Rector. tefaloves you. She knows everythnig, dearest, knows that yeu are to he my wife, if I can Win Yen," "Will she not he angry *with, you for each a choicer' Asked Stella, "No, she bore it like a lamb. Don't you. know that her strong point is common sense, and sensible people al- ways submit quietly to the inevitable, Come, dearest, we can get a fly eome- where outside the cemetery. and drive to the hotel where I left ray phaeton. We shell be at the castle lo time for afternoon tea. I believe her ladyship will be delighted. She began tofind out your Table directly you were gone. Stella explained to him that she could not possibly leave Brumne thus abruptly. She bad found kind friends and. a. home there and her friends roustnot not be left with dieVeurte5Y. Her fem- inine instinct told her to be driveri beck to the castle in. Lord. Lashroar's phae, ton would be to create a seenclal, If she was to return there at ell, she but drapped same loose silver into the could 11-0 too quietly. lea:oatroue williog hand and left her (To be continued.) 01* in on the Fo %serpent _ Laebniar found his way to the ceme- tery, which had been placed remote from the town hi the first instance and. was Still in the Outskirts. Beedwoodis grave? The man at the lodge was not A political enthusiast New York, Nov. 14. -Rev, Dr, Iohrt Peters, rector of St. Michael's P. E. Ch orch, received yesterday parcel by a:press, which proved to be a machine coital ining an explosive. On his statement, the police arrested Henry Mall ory,, ri0 years old, • who was formerly jan tor the church, and bed been discharged. Mallory die- . claimed any knowledge, of the Ma- chine, but was remanded until to - A $125,000 131tee. gusted with the police to go to there again yet awhile. He Went, about on his own account. Presently it struck him that be would like to see the buildings from which his brother had rescued the child, and which had been re -erected after the fire. It lay in the opposite direction to the road by which he en- tered the city and in a region which had no attraction_ for any exp Orer, Be had no difficulty In finding Gold - wines, The building WAS not fifteen years old, yet looked grimy and shab- by enough to have been standing there for a 'century. Lashrnar stood on the opposite side of the narrow street gazing up ab that barrack and picturing his brother's distorted figure. those long, lithe arms of his drawing hira upward, from story to stoev, the slender fingers clinging to yonder railings. "It was a noble thing to do," thought Lashmar, "I ought to have valued her for the sake of that great deed. Deceot feeling, the respect ane to my dead brother, should have ina,de me kinder to her. He had no hope of finding Stella amidst that aggregate of strag- gling humanity. The police had been here at the beginning of their quest, and bad assured themselves that no such person as the fugitive from Lash - roar Castle had applied for a lodging at Gohlwin's. He expected to get no information here and yet he hung about the place in his despondency not knowing where to go or what to do next, feeling impelled to do some thing, were it only to wander from street to street, in the vague hope of meeting the fugitive face to face at some onexpected corner. Presently he saw a respectable, eld- erly woman, with a market basket on her arm, going in under the archway, which opened into a stony quadrangle. He followed and accosted her. "May I ask, madam, if you have been long a resident here?' " Yes, sir, I have lived here over twenty years, almost ever since the houses were built." "Then you remember the lire here?" "Yes, indeed sir: and I have good cause to remember it, for my poor little bits of furniture were all burnt things as I'd had from my poor mother and as had belonged to her father before her when he was a, farmer in a small way in Herefordshire for we never belonged to these parts, none of us didn't, you see, sir," explained the lady, as if it were a merit not to be a native, "and not one single stick insured, though I'd been thinking and talking of taking out a policy not a week before it., 'Very sad," he murmured. 'Did you happen to know a Mall called Bold - wood ?" Boldwood, that lost his life in the fire? Lor' bless you, sir, everybody knew Mr. Boldwood. He was a great man. And quite a gentleman, too, though rather rough -looking and care- less about his clothes; and such a lov- ing father to bis little girl. She was adopted by the late Lord Lashmar and has been brought up like a lady." Had Boldwood any friends in Brinnin -any people in comfortable circumstances, for instance, who were interested in him and his girl ?" "Not as have ever hea,ra of, sir. He was a treserved kind of a gentle- man -never mixed with the other lodgers in the club -room. He always kept close in his own room, never spoke much to anybody, and I don't think he could have had any visitors without my knowing it, for our rooms could give no information as to the last resting place. So Lashmar wandered up and down till lie found the handsome headstone which his brother had erected to mark the demagogues grave. "In memory of Jonathan Bold - wood, it man of advanced opinions and strong sympathies with the poor and oppressed, who perished in his endeav- or to save his adopt daughter's Iife, and who was much beloved and re- gretted by the working classes of this city." "By their works ye eluill know them." This was the epitaph which Ru- bert, Lord Lubin/sr, bad caused to be engraved on the republican's head- stone. CHAPTER XXIII. Victorian had. stood looking at the words on the headstone in a dreamy forgetfulness, listless, tired, physical- ly and mentally. Would he ever find her whom he sought -would he ever? "Look for her among the dead IP That is what the oracle had said. And be was here among the dead, had been impelled here, as it, were, by some blltza instinct, not knowing why he came. He started with a thrill of horror and looked about hire for a new made grave, forgetting how brief the time since she had left the castle scarcely time enough for death and burial. Yes, there was a new grave near Boldwood's headstone; a narrow mound of raw yellow clay, roughly fashioned bp the gravedigger's spade. He stood looking at it with fixed eyes, like a man struck with catalepsy, for a moment or so, till an approaching footstep startled him from that trance of fear. He turned and saw a tall, slim fig- ure drawing near, that black -robed girlish form which he had seen so of- ten in the corridors at Lashmar, and shunned, apprehending an indefinable danger, the peril of his peace of mind, which was ever disturbed by that presence. He had looked for her among the dead and had found her living, lovely as when she had last looked upon him in her pride and anger. She bowed gravely, startled for an instant, but composed herself in- stantly with wondrous self -command and would have passed him, but he stopped her. "Stella," he said, bolding out his hand. "Lord Lashmar?" interrogatively, and without accepting the offered hand. "Stella, will on not forgive me ? I have been seeking for you ever since tbat night. I have desired nothingon this earth so much as your forgive- ness. Will you not forgive me? Will you not shake hands with me ? By your father's grave?" That plea wa.s irresistible, She gave him her hand without a word. It was the first time tbeir hands had ever met. His grasp tightened upon the little hand and he drew her nearer to him, she shrinking all the while, looking at him with frightened eyes, half angry, half wondering. The were alone in the place of the graves -alone midst the populace of the dead no one within sight or ear shot, "Stella, I have but one plea for par- don, but one excase for my 'brutality the other night, for uay coldness, my neglect, my absolute unkindness, in all the years that have gone over us since Inv brother's death. My excuse for my conduct that night is that was.mad with jealously. my excuse Wichita Falls, Texas, . 14. -- were in the same corridor as his, and for years of unkindness is that I have Nov , The Wichita Mill and Elevator Com_ I had my children running about in been the slave of caste, I have tried and out on the balcony. and I was not to loVe you and 1 lave you more burnedlast Loss is $125,000; :tlwenaYasnymiotellegominogyle;atsk0wards and ear. Pane's elevator and warehouse were I must have passionately love any living woman, were she peer - than ever I thought to fu y insured. e .11 ,g %V0S 3\U " wards to his rooms. ess or princess, All my pride of birth , WHAT WOULD Y011 QI'v E To be cured of catarrh? If you or your friends have this disease, you know how disagreeable it is, Its synie ptoces are inflamed eyes, throbbing WMPlee., ringing noises in th ears, headaches, capricious appetite, and constant discharge of mucus. Fortun- ately Its cure is not a question of what you will give, but what you will take. If you will take Rood's Sarsaparilla, the great constitutional rernedy,whicti thoroughly purifies, enriches and vit- alizes the blood, you may expect to he completely and permanently cured, The good blood which Hood's Sarsap- arilla makes, reaching the delicate passages of the mucus membrane, soothes and rebuilds the tissues and ultimately cures all symptoms of ca- ••••••••••••• •••.••••••• RUBBERS. nave stood the of tinie, years of success Rubber in a kin g, - T e largest Bubbler Factory in Canada, The rgest output of Itubbe rs and Overshoes in Canada Because Wear, Fit and Style are all in our goods. Ask for" C. R. Co? Rubber, Made by THE CANADIAN RUBBER 00. Sgtherland hoes Co. cris. lioNmantautb. 1900. ARE. FREPAREITO PUR04,4801, The trustees of Kirkton Scheel have secured the services of Mr, W. Barn- well of Goderich township for the year of 1901, at a salary of 538o: If your stomach is weak it should have help. Rood's Sarsaparilla gives strength to the stomach and cures dyspepsia, and indigestion. G. Bentley, Kirkton, bad tbe mis. fortmae to break his leg while assisting to raise the straw carriers at a thresh- ing. All cases of weak or lame back, back- ache, rheumatism, will find relief by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed 11,nd Belladonna Backache Plas- ters. Price 25 cents. Try them. MAR 'MTS. Weee,3heftet. Pe.r.bushel - •63 /3saurtiterei.2.,. a.. -se to 44 Egg9Terke'Ve- Peas -a, -50 to 57 15 15 to •411.11•• 717 to 13 ,Ctilette.tiiperta a. EITHER TINE ..13OP.F4,4•114.1 te• •Tyn tO 7 *le**. 3 to $ SNEEZE AND BLOW. That is what you must do when you have catarrh in the head. The way to cure this disease is to purify the blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medi- cine soothes and -heals the iinflamed surfaces, rebuilds the delicate tissues and permanently cures catarrh by ex- pelling from the. blood the scrofulous taints upon which it depends. Be sure to get Rood's. The non -irritating cathartic -Hood's Pills. ASTRAY. Came into the premises of the undersigned. lot 23, con 9, Usborno, on or 'about Sept, 25th, a two-year-old heifer. The owner is re- quested to prove property, pay expenses and remove the animal, A. HUNILIN, Farquhar P, O. ESTRAY. Canso on the premises '1•P touPersiyrol about 1st of October, a i f rot. The owner 1."p -tested 1,1 ye- ,y charges and take 1,,n• FRED (x Lot 6, North Bounders, e...spnon. Nov. 2..nd, 1900. Ddeexiviez• Wool, Park dressed-.. -......"*.asse to 6.70 ••••••••••••.! 14ONDON ataitEBTa. 149.110,01a. NOVEMBER 14th, 1900. Wheat per .... to 03 . • • *9 ...It to es Pps e•re *eat** o**• v..48 to 57 Barley..,,.. •••,55 to 40 Buckwheat , ....45 to 47 Rye 016•••• •••• .4**,1 44145 to fvci corn to 43 to 77 Better *It To*. •••• •••••15 to 10 Eggs ..I0 to IS • 50 to 10 TDIV); it;;;* a • • •••••• ••••• 9 tO 10 Geese per -60 to 70 CMCIU/14.4.•••• .tn • ••••••140 to fte Chenie, •••••.111. to le ....tte to 75 Oar. per too 0.4,1 v.$0 to $ 7.50 FOTXPeXCW4.. 34.50 to 115.99 ESTRAY., Camb into the promises of the undersigned on or about the first of October, a two-year-old heifer. The owner is requested to prove prop- erty, pay charge's and take the animal away, GEOUGE MONTEITH, Lot 9, Thames Road, Usboine, Oet 25th, 1900. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate ofhe late William Charles Prout, of te Town ship of fisborue, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Chapter 129 R. S. O. 1897, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said William Charles Prout, who died on or about the 11th day of August. 1900, are required to send on or before the 201h day of November, 1900, by post prepaid or;deliver to Jones Se Roy, Winchelsea P. 0., their names, addresses and occupations, with particulars of their claims and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, Ant notice is hereby given that after the last ,t oiled date the scud Executor will proceed L 1 &Jute the assets of the said deceased the parties entitled thereto; having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said Executer shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have - been received at the date of such distribution. Dated Oct. 201h, 1900, JOHN I ROUT, SE., Ad- nrinistratonEllowille P. 0. et: STOUNDING DISCOVERY. From Ceopersville, Mich., comes word. of a wonderful discovery of a, pleasant tasting liquid that when used before retiring by anyone troubled with a bad cough always ensures a goods night's rest, "It will soon cure the cough too" writes Mrs, 8, Rimel- burger, "for three generations of our family bave used Dr. Xing's New Dis- covery for COPSUPaption and never found it's equal for Coughs and Colds.' It's an unrivaled life -sayer when used for desperate lung diseases. Guaran- teed, bottles 50c and 51.00 at all drug- gists. Trial bottles free. Tan McCall, of Holyrood, has pur- chased Wm, Marshall's 100 acre farm, lot 15, con. 9, Morris. Ile gets p08 - session next April. The price paid was 55,000. My friend, look beret you know how weak and nervous your wife is, and you know that Garter's Iron pills will relieve her, now why not be fair about it and buy her a. box ? Durnion, of Lanes, has sold out his business at that place to Sid- ney Gibson, of West Wawanosh, the latter has also been appointed Post- master. To THE DEaP.-A rich lady cured. of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nicholsons Artificial Ear Drums bas sent L1,000 to his Imstitute, so that deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Ap- ply to Dept. A. S. V. the Institute, 780 Eighth Avenue, New York,U. S. A. - - Farmers and. others who intend having auction sales should. insist on having their bills printed at THE TIMES office. Free notice given in the paper with each order for bilis. ' . . . , EITHER STANDING OR IN TM(' LOGS, Five Packs of Cards Free, One pack, 'May I. C. U. Home; One pack Escort, One pack Flirtation,' One pack 'Bola- mete:he' One pack 'Otr Sofa Just Holds Two.' Samples of 20 other styles with book 1011 01 no- Jions. Sena 5c. silver forpostage. A. W. KINNEY. E. Te Salem -Yarmouth, N. S NEM Meat Market The undersigned has opened up it new meat market one door Sun of Carling's tor where be will keep the choicest of welts constantly on hand. A CALL SOLICITED JOHN T. riANNING Buy the Best Ignore the Rest In the end you will find it cheapest. Furnish that va- cant room with one of our Bed Room Setts, Tables, Chairs, Etc. GET SOMETHING NICE_...0 We have it, you want it. Take a look at our full line of FURNITURE and you will find what yOu are looking for S CIDLEY SON FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKERS. Opera House Block, • ' , APPIY to E. Ci Kessel, FonEMAS, ExaeTP.3, ONT. EXETER ROLLER MILLS MO Feed We have a large stock of mill .A1 on hand Which will be sold at reas , able prices. 0E1010E WINTER AND 000SB WHEAT - Wanted for which highest market ices will be paid. 3. COBBLEDICIC & SON. Without Question ta:•", Thebest equipped Business and Shoran Schoolin Canada is the Forcat CitY 3:3001r-, Shorthand College, London, Ont. Lae re ment andstrongfaerdty. Hundreds o in good poSitions. Years of excelleMi s- its credit. Catalogue of either course free. CorreSnott dence invited. • J.' W. WESTERVELT, Prioe R. N. 1101VE THE UNDERTAKER. • • Always keeps on band a sem plete stock of caskets an trimmings ot different kinds . Also the largest stock of furt iture ever shown in Exeter or an town in the county. Prices as low as can be mad( Do not fail to see orir inetnee stock in our two storey "betildiay Our desire is to please ever: body. Rowe'. 1PHR 7"-Ve ciothirtg,, QUEST!al Constantly pursuek•i it is easy enough of solutio though when you are able avail yourself of our offer. N are showing a fine ra Black Worsted intwills, tians and clays (bought be the heavy advance ir.ler and selling at the 01(.1' Nice suits for $14 worsted suiting. "WIZ big range at moder . in Scocch anCi.,a _ n(.. oronto r ' a4painte we cary ticlarge sorted stock., Prices y all. A large stock of t''r est goods voa oerefoe frein $10 4. 6-I17E US -A, CALL z,'s what we can do for' J. K. Cr': MERCHANT ta