Exeter Times, 1900-11-15, Page 1er
iL.r GB
la 'MO
T -,t ' c i::' We will give you a big price for your old stove, as
c ' `lour s we have .big demand for second band stove; and can
pay a good (trice, We are also giving special prices on
our new ones. We have
MeClarey's Famous Stoves,
(Awarded Gold Medal at Paris Exposition 2000)
Gurney's Souvenir Stoves,
}With the Aeriatetl Oven)
Moore's Fa,mous Stovest
(Biggest Oven and Fire Poll
A. large stock of second rand stoves on land
COWCI INS -all kinds and .rices. X -C -UT SAWS—fully warranted. AXES -all
new kinds at old prices.
Perth Pickings.
The marriage of Miss A. Newish of
Rnsseldale. to :Hr 1'ounder,of :niitcitcli,
took, place Wednesday.
There died £n the Stratford Hospital
Monday morning, Chas, Snelling, of
St. Marys, at the age of 22 years, 1
Henry' Ka}bileiscb, of Shakespeare,
has Bemired as good situation at Dash-
wood and removed his family there
last week,
John Gibson, of Cherry Grove, niet
with a serious accident one day last
week under rather unusal circumstan-
ces. One of his horses was sick and
M. Gibson had the animal shut in a
box stain. He was st,•tn(Iing near the
horse'wlxen it suddenly dropped dead,
M ' ibson
Mr. G
falling against its owner,
a g g
was thrown with force to the ground
and had one of his legs broken.
Readers are familiar with the new
style of cattle guards on the G. T. R.
1 close
• .n o lawyer xad a
fines. Taro t
A y
shave one morning lately at Dublin
station. He was entering the yards
by -varying over the guards, but when
• doing so his foot slipped between two
of the oblique slats, The shoe caught
;and pull how he may he was securely
caught. The train was in sight,
corning towards him. Rapidly un-
lacing lis shoe, he succeeded in get-
ting his foot out, Then the shoe
had no objeet£on to being removed..
The escape was made just in the nick
of time.
What might have been one of the
most serious tragedies in the history
of Stratford occurred on Saturday
night, when the Rev. M. L. Leitch,
pastor of Knox church there, and the
occupants of the manse on Daly -ave.,
were nearly asphyxiated by gas escap-
ing from the furnace. Just how the
.accident happened will probably never
be known. In some way a door• of the
furnace was sprung open, wbether by
gas or by heat is uncertain. At any
Tate the house was soon filled with the
noxious fumes, while the inmates slept
peacefully, unconscious of their dan-
Blux s. --\Ir, Wm. McCarthy as
returned to Sodom and la again in the
mill. there must he some attraction
here as Billy never stays away long.
-The old Fenbaln Farm Inas once more
changed hands, the last purchaser rte-
ing W. E. Sanders, --311r. Chas, Box
has rented the fifty acres adjoining his
oown fauna from rdr. W. l.. Sanders. (t
urte to riuxnber ttf the yeung prop
from here attencle d the Fuels Tom son. Warren, who has been m editor -
Cabin Show in Meter on Monday Hitt nxore than a year. -Warren Thom -
evening Inst. son, of Loudon, has been adraittecl as
-- - -,+• - - a partner in the London business. The
It is stated that Greenwa 's retiree frig in future will be Walter Thomson
ment from politics may be looked for Son. -- Messrs, Edward Titley and
in tz few days. Fred Neil, who have been working at
All England regrets Sir Charles Tup- Little Onrrent all summer have return
per's retirement. The force and abil- ed hone.
of the
the and .!!anti
• ity, g y;
Canadian statesman are recognized by
our fellow -subjects across the sea,
among -whom he lived for so many
B1ttm:ie. The hatly of Mrs. Robin-
son was brought from 'Toronto and
buried in Trimty church cemetery.
Miss Hiekey. of `Logan died on Wed-
nesday last from cancer,-•-:1lrs. Dr.
Cornell, from Saginaw City, and for-
merly of Mitchell, has been in town
this week seeing her many friends. --
Frank Campbell was in Stratford an
Tuesday morning meeting his little
Large stock of Lumber -pine and hemlock,
170,001. feet of hemiork lumber for baric sts ,
also shingles. laths and cedar posts. roves
reasonable,--J.A.4 WII•,L.I:, Yard :.fast side of
Main st.
O' sTan Sr;I'PEa,--Tbe Oyster Sup,
per on Friday evening under the
auspices of the Farquhar foot bail club
was a huge success. There was an
entertainment in connection, illi,
Vincent, of Exeter, taking a part, he
i -
in him-
Rein a whole entertainment,
self. iris conic singing was highly
appreciated, while Itis r'ecttations
browelit forth much praise. Oysters
doubt yet have many fine clays before Middlesex County Notes.
1 lenj lig
winter Setin in earnest large - PiaROSS
number fro
m Hensall and vicinity Adam. Murray. late -easurer of the'
attended the anniversary services at county of Middlesex 1,nd one of the
Kippers Methodist church an Sabbath oldest residents of 14' don, died at the
last, also the fowl supper Monday ev'g. home of his son, in hicago, ou Sun-er S. T. Jackson and children of day, aged 02 years. m
--Mr,make needy fWinter.
>E#r nter.
Ripley,formerl.. at Hensel!. return- On 27th Oct., Mrs. Mary Ann O'Neil '
ed. home recently from visiting Mr. widow of the late . David O'Neil died Our new stock of Winter Goods is
and Mrs. J. Crawford, of the Lon- after ashort illness at her residence corning in the anti fast,
don Road, itir's, Jackson's parents,- on the townline of McGillivray, at the
Mr A. Grigg who bas beau in Man- age of sixty-nine years, ne;trly fifty Now is the time to buy your
itoba for the past year returned home of them bad heeu spent upon the farm
last week, Mr. Grigg was imite ' where her whole married life and l 1
pleased to notice the improvements widowhood had transpired. The cie- •
in Mensall since be left, --• Henry :ea -ed leave, five- sons, Themes. of '4' -re have tide year better value than
Welsh has got nicely settled in his Ailsa Craig, John, of Manitoba, James ever, which is saying a good deal.
and Joseph, of 'aceeillit•ray, and Rnbt.
of Michigan, and four daug;bters, Ma=
[Win, Briggs, of Lobo, and the ;Losses
Emma, Hannah and Margaret. of
McGillivray, to mourn bar io-s.
At about two o'clock a. nt„ on Fri-
det, kiss the residence mf ec►rye Char- m�F
l Orouri6&
ter, one half mile south of i`lanele£t.tye,
tete eiistroyed by tire, togetiv-r with AL',{'AVh
were served in abundance. The spar- bile new dwelling on Nelson St. --
rowmatch which had been Alex, McMorran, of Paisley, who has
Ln progresd been here for some time visiting his
the previous week, resui•-ted in *over sister. Mrs, James ;White, is at present
7,6011eparrows being killed. Proceeds
visiting relatives and friends in Luck -
;?ail' now and vicinity. -Miss 3e striee 1'r
Bttlnta. -\lea, Hewitt left last week gublet returned this week front Lon -
to spend the winter with friends is
don where she has been visiting her.
Mitchell. --- .!zones Beverley, furniture
y1j dealer, of Exeter, and recently of , the greater part t f the e,,;utrixt S. z r•k-
__ f Mensal!, was in the village on busi- !don) perhaps in the history i'f contra-
G. STANii' I.1, Il. d„ T•.NF,Tk P., O::I, 2114'89 last week.-- George Whiteman, I :rations bee there been more heroic
•of Beautiful plains, Manitoba, and 1effort.e on the part of the family to
' 11.:ttowithutcCarthy,Oder*�^fia,Toron formerly of Dixie, arrived here this seve property titin in tide inetanrt`,
tot Ira, formerly'anroloriu eoitbrSt'oJi#linea: Greek ott a visit after many years ab- the heir and clothing of e:cit member'
When you have rheumatism. Mus-
cles feel stiff and sore and joints are
painful. It does not pay to suffer long
-from this disease wheu it may be cured
so promptly perfectly by Hood's Sarsa-
parilla; This medicine goes right to
the spot, neutralizes the acidity of the
'blood, which causes rheumatism, and
pute an end to the pain and stiffness.
clew Pall Dress Goods,
few Opera Plant>tels,
I'RI 3tMINGS, &c„
eti Fall Jackets and Capes
inthe last
of aisles
The standing.
Parliament was Liberins 130. Conser-
vatives 77 -majority 59. The present
standing is Liberals 110. Conserva-
tives 83, Independents 0. to tonne off
5. Giving all the Independents and
the elections to be held to the Gov-
ernment would not give them within
12 of the majority they had at dis-
solution. Still it is dubbed a victory.
sr Jk xa
A rumor is current that Sir Rich
and Cartwright will go to England as
High Commissioner, and will be suc-
ceeded at the Department of Trade
and Commerce by Hon. James Suther-
Iand, Sir Richard had a long confer-
ence with the Premier this morning,
and the council will meet this after-
noon. Lord Strathcona, it is said, has
definitely resigned his position in
The defeat einem George E. Fos-
ter and Hon. Hugh John Macdonald
is not surprising: Each dared a
strong Minister in his stronghold -St.
John City, where Hon. A. G. Blairhad
a Liberal majority of 722 to fall back
on, and Brandon where Mr. Clifford
Sifton had 835 of a margin. It was
doubtful tactics, for it was hardly to
be hoped the machine would have al-
lowed these Ministers to be beaten.
Gents' Furnishings
and Clothing
i oau te, Nei t t+ t a i senee. So great were the. clraanges in
ntaubatrF. over O \ort, junk,
shorn roil. I I;LL .--,e, pretty name i our Yahoo that he scarcely could re -
wedding occurred on Tuesday evening 1 etigniZe it as the small village he bad
at the home
Mrs. Rohs liydd. leeely- , formerly known. ---Mies Yourigbint i•c+•
Ion Line,when her daughter. Jaime,4 turned home last week from Auburn.
third youngest wag united iu marriage her former house, where she had been
to J. E. Jackson. of London. The ct•re-. spending a couple of week visiting
ro y was crfornte(t lir the Rev. J. S.
relatives and friends.--- Kenneth Mac -
nn p=them of Ansa, Craig. was in the
Ilen(letson, of Hensall Presbyttriin village this week visiting hi; brother.
---Rei•, J. IIiggins, of Mountain.Ilnn-
das county, brother of•;Mrs 'W. C.
church, there being no attendants.
The bride was hauelsoureiy attired in a
t with Pearl and lace
St. Marys
BILIEIra.---Now that the election is
aver the people are again settling down
The first snow of the
to bush T
oan fell Fridaynight--Huh Moncrief
f the Bank oMatreal,le t for Strat-
ford, where he IMS been tranferred.-
Charles Williams, marble cutter, who
has been working in town for the past
month, left Friday for bis home in
Mitchell. -Richard T. Nolan will open
up in the course of a few days an up -
to date barber parlor, in the store
lately occupied by J. 13. Laving, jewe]-
er.-A letter was received a day or so
ago from. R. H, Moir, of the Strath -
conn Horse, South Africa. The letter
was written from Spitz .Iiop. Mr,
Mair was in the best of health. He
thought the troops would be home to-
ward Christmas. Heavy fighting was
experienced the clay the letter was
Sexs m ith
TEn.-MEExfNO-.- The annual tea -
meeting which was held on Thursday
evening of last week was a grand suc-
cess. The church was well filled with
people from all parts who came to en-
joy tbe good things for which Sex -
smith is noted. The speaking was
good and the music furnished by the
Main St. Methodist church choir, of
Exeter was excellent, as was also a
solo given by Miss M. V. White, of
Exeter. On the following evening a
social was held when a good pro-
gramme of speaking and music by
local talent was given, including an
account of the great Galveston disaster
given by Mr. C. Eacrett and
written by his daughter,Mrs. Webber,
whowas in that city daring that
terrible storm. The proceeds for both
nights amounted to over forty dollars
which exceeds all previous years since
the opening of the church.
The Government's chief strength is
drawn from Quebec, where there are
only 7 or 8 Conservatives elected out
of a total representation of 65 ; in
Outario, on the other band, a Liber-
al majority of 12 has been changed to
a Conservative majority of 20 ; in the
three maritime provinces the Liber-
als helve made a net gain of 6 ; west
of Lake Superior gave a Government
loss of 0. The Government will likely
have a majority of 40 a reduction from
its former majority.
The plurality vote' a the Dominion
shows that Sir Wilfred Laurier has
been defeated by some thousands of
voters. When the Plebiscite vote was
taken Sir Wilfred said the small ma-
jority in its favor would. not warrant
bim . ; in passing prohibitory: legisla-
tii.n. Along these same lines how can
I be.consistantly carry ou the Govern-
ment, when iu fact the niaiority of
people -are opposed to him ? Will some
good Liberal explain?
A11 the leaders of the Liberal party,
with the exception ; of ]ion. A. G.
Blair, took the precaution to contest
safe Constituencies, and it is not sur-
prising that their majorities were
large. Sir Wilfrid Laurier bad a
majority of 2,500, J. Israel Tarte 1,764,
Wm. Paterson 1,250, A. G, Blair 1,037,
Chas. A. Fitzpatrick L500, Micbel Ber-
nier 1,124.James Sutherland 2,000
Sir Laois Daes ei 465, Clifford Sifton
700, Wm. Mulack 500. Dr. Borden 447,
W. S. Fielding 500, Sydney Fisher 554,
R. R. Doheil 371, Sir Richard Cart-
wright 679.
If you are nervous or dyspeptic
Carte's Little Nerve Pills. Dyspepsia
wakes you nervous, and nervousness
=ices you dyspeptic; either onerend-
ers you Miserable, and these little pills
' HEN SALL - GOUERIC El cure both.
U LlI1E O ft RDWMU .
having been eeve•ral thrive on fire 1
Mrs. Vence is now confined to bed as All kinds of Farm Produce for•wi'tieh
a te:.it}t of hurts, whim Levi eerier highest prices will be paid.
only tamped aped by jttinping;' Roue the up -
steep; window. In anditian to the fur- a J ROSS*
Origin of flee unknown. well its coir
side ahle:anoomt of currency wee lost, *
niton• sever. w targe as
S.AiL>;, iilµt",t1,ST]R.
't rave of intxc)x interest Imes been
mcee•.l for tti°tl ire the nm*.r-3ere eh. ° :t notice in this column is worth
tines, which open in Leindon ora tn+ : the price of bills. Inserted free antis
19th leef;sr►, Mr.�Joetiet- Meruatirir, p, ? day of sale, if bills are printed at
r u wings and wore a b }:suet of cctr• Davis, of this village, con(lurted sere A. Fitzgerald. of leindaiu eity, ;end i 1`»f s OFFier-•
notions and roses. After the emigrat vice in Carmel church last, Sabbath John J;uaies Sifton, of L,ne4,►:x town- I <at�e..4D,vv', name l:.Tte. --- ratio,
ulatious the party repaired tothe evening \\-e regret to learn that ship. itin tate Pleiti¢ili',, when. an env .1 eaten. implements. e•tc., the property
the reverend gentleman was taken clef(retil,rnte are ti.0 tit•; what are vote. 'i Of Sine e+ti Clarke. clot IS, can. S, Us -
quite ill during the service, so niaeh, uecteal with the. Sifting tuna.t. tied , biline. sale tit. 1 -:Lit sh;up li'.I,e £Awn,
o :ts to quito impair tris memory to- 1Edgar Norden. M,try .".i:•F:ai•iane. Mary • #:let.
wards the latter part of sermon and he.Sifton, .14ttrn `Sift,o,o..'tlley enfto:t aria c I' 'ittlE V .NOV., 10,•--• The Sharon
has a to the date of writing Contin- li the priioner, (we•ral.i ' iftini. Tote, R Mi thndtist, Church! Sth, con. Stephen,
aged ill at the home of his sister. We `plaiutitTs are the T.:cle :les melee el inelnding furnishing., shet atxcl Norte
hope soon to hear of his seeds re- I still rode by Jo.c.pix L. Saline who quarter acre or Menti. etc. Sale at ono
dinning room, where a sumptuous
repast awaited thein. The bride re-
ceived a nuiuber of vert handsome
Presents, testify rug to the esteem in
which she is held. :lir. and Mrs. Jack -
saw will reside in London.
Grand Send
skilled boatmen, Peter, 'e:ettle. Peter
Devine, Frank Pope and George
Vevey, of Grand Bend. went ont in
ea seine boat to lift, some gill nets near,!.
the mouth of the Saubte, fifteen miles
from Soutlnntptan, an Thereday. The'.
boat was upset and anchored bottoni'.
upwards by the net and weights, The
men climbed on top, but so fierce was
the wash that Pope and Devine were
scan swept into tire water and drown-
ed. Pope, as he souk, called to his
comrades to look after his wife and
ren. Vevey worked
for hour
and a hall!, in and eat of the water,
trying to tree the unit with a knife,
but failed. He heard his wife calling
to him from the shore, and called back
too wast
e Zettle,dead,half
wa and
town d
a y
was rescued in the afternoon, and the
hobies of Pope and Vevey 'were recov-
Bnm .--Jolxn Dalziel, of Sarnia, is
spending a few days in the village.
-The annual gnosis Tree, in connec-
tion with the Methodist Church, will
be held Dec. 18th. Every preparation
is being made for a first class pro-
gramme. --:Miss Allie Bollard returned
home on Friday last after an extended',
trip through Manitoba and the North
West Territories. -Mr. Fred Page is
all smiles I its a boy. - The annual
Dimas Tree in connection with tbe
Presbyterian Church, will be held Dec.
20th. -Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brophy of
Shipka spent Sunday with friends in
this vicinity. -Mr. H. McIntosh of Sar-
nia was in the village on Monday last,
attending the funeral of his brother,
John, who died in this villiage on Sun-
day last, of inflammation, and was
buried here on Monday,
BzttErs.-Archibald E. Hodgert, of
Exeter, is this week putting in cement
floors in John Oole's new stables. -- J.
Balfour has sold his farm on tbe llth
con. to John Park for the suns of
$4000. The former is intending going
to Manitoba in the spring. -Miss Ag -
ale Newitt, of this burg, was married
on Wednesday to Will Pounder, of
1St itche1L-Bert.Hedger t has again re-
sumed work with Ford az 0o., of Mit-
chell, since recovering from his recent
illness. -W. Mersbalt and H. ' Vag-
horn have this week commenced cat
ting wood for Thos.'McCullough on
his farm ou the 12th con, Fullerton. -
On Friday evening tit Roy's church a
concert will'he held in aid of the Sun-
day school also for getting prizes for
the children, when a good programme
is expected.
neighborhood ' Maple Grove i
Theof s
about to lose one of its `most esteemed
residents. Mr. D. McNair is moving
his family to Luican, where they will
reside for a'few• months prior to their
deps;rtin e to the West.
evente placeat
ver. to k <
,A y
'the residence of Mr. and Mrs. lienry
,. .
ad 1 in 1 h con. of Mc(x lir
B civ' of thei
t ,.
vrayy, on •`Vednesday, Oct. 3lst, r l en
their youngest daughter, ' Henrietta,
was married to Wm. Reid, of the same
Solicitor. NotaryTPublic Hensaalll. Ontarristor
FA. Sellery, L. D. S„ 3D. D. S.,Bonor Gradn-
-ate of Toronto University, Dentists. Teeth
extracted withoutpain or bad effects. Office
in Petty's Biook, Hensall. At Zurich every
Monday,00mmeneinu May 30th.
Brttnps.-The cold weather of the
past week bas given quite an impetus
to business and our merchants have
smiling countenances. -Mr. James
Stewart of this village has rented his
dwelling at Rodgerville recently oc-
cupied by Mr. McColl to Henry Bel -
brick and Devon. Mr. Stewart re-
served the buildings formerly occu-
pied as a store, for selling or renting
purposes. -Mr. George O'Brien bas
not purchased 50 acres of laud from
the Canada Company, as reported.
The Company having withdrawn froui
the price at first agreed. to, so Mr.
O'Brien has in the meantime pur-
chased 12 acres of fine unculled tim-
ber. -Mr. R. Patterson Jr. has sold
to J.Bulla.rd the fine lot adjoining pre -
covery.---Mr. George Thomson hae nisi death ,in the day hi' was to hire,,
sold his fine steam threshing machine been weddeli to Mary tieFai•lene. and
and belting to Mr. James Mustard.-- they are he eking to h n (' the will emu -
The Misses Bell of Mount Pleasant ing them ire exec•uim a deviated valid
Farm, London road, entertained a instead of the will alleged to batv,•lire•n
number of friends Tuesday evening! drawn up by the de•ceareeti at Edger
last. !,garde'n's 'mow .tan v.uuy hour on the
•--••� morning be meet his death, The p}ttin-
EI}tlaville. tiff-• are asking the court to declare
o'clock p ne For partwnlarss apply to
John Rowe. J. Gill. ;met.
Seert-ltne. . Nov. `21 -Young cattle,
land rollers, gates. trout hs, tee•., the
property of Thome Hearnan. One
mile soak of Exeter. Sebe at one
o clot{;. H. Brown, and.
Titt•t:sn tv,
Nov. 22t -Partin stock,
the property of Thos. Russell, Thames
l the wid presented by Norden tO be zr Road. l:sbnrtu•. :;ale at one cyclock.
BRIE,--'EVinter. winter, by all tip- forgery, i'herms C :rte ron, mutt.
GREAT ..• r
GREATi.l, (ih OP .3,N EDITOR.
pearances.---Elections ere over now
and everything rs quiet again. Our
blacksmith has laid maids bicycle till
next season and bought as horse and
huggy.--Mr, and Mrs, Solan Hind, of
'VVheu thing;•.;ire "the beetn' they he -
Cottle "the hese .cuing;," .l.breltann
Esetc>r, spent Sunday friends am Hire, it le t<I£n �dru grist: rif .lochs ville. l,,(1,., writes EditorH. N. Lester,oi Syr -
y p } 0. writes - "'electric- !litter are th,"
was- rtI oil- cured
t }t
alt t
"For two y e':tre all efforts to satire
Eczema in the palms sof my hands fall -
Motives around the villa e.--A-Leat*S et . , • M.r •tens, be a then. e + ,
b belie s(i1tt1 tat I it:ut"•' h:nrii111 al in ... , +,Salve.; „
, . �- � be r.,ii !,lett � c'�.rrxit:i It rt sire
x the.,
of Exeter, were .;
and lits take 1
• ,v t Motel 1r tt tI I h
.l •, Yon to t (, #
.. yeare,
t soresand
hestetu. ti(tn..
' � h ,. for
1'ea L
, i
. r ll;atr-
„nests of :11x, anti Zips. Jose 1 sols t•aase 1 begin in eltsttrd.•tw ett'.2tluaela, l atll cf;#ri tii•;eaaaes. (MIY2 i; at
all drag
kine: en Sunclaay Inst. --hiss � lode `,It- 1£ver, k 1tit' �, l.etwet4, 1.1=.141.1 .tea tt+•r- , -
eltel}, of f:'entra1in, spent Sunday with ve;;. Electric Bitters times up the
•� 4
'; iris.
l fi S 1 rai. �ndrett.. 1
ler r. Le al
i ,rt. .t.ln r. and
► regulates liver, t( tort •b re 1 t
s at g, ,
barrels purifies theb..unl ,lra.r;.,tht•uti
the nerve's, hence calves omit it hires
maladies, It huthls up the entire .y..
tent. Puts new Life :aid Vigor inks any I
Henry Johns is spending a few days
1 g
TM 11-a I 1 I {
her parents at Klippen.
ScitooL REPORT. -The following is a
correct report of S.S. No. 4 Uaborne,
based on the Huron Promotion Ex-
amination held for promotion end re-
view, The pupils are in order of merit.
JIt. Ix•.-- Iiattie Iiaudford, Warren
Hunter, Lettie Rook, Willie Smith,
Advo Kerslakta. Sit. ere -Tommy Quin-
ton, Johnny Heater, Roy Luxton,
Frank Hunter. Jn. I1I. -- Blanche
Smith, Bettie Luxton, Lydia Hand-
ford. Ethel Walker. Vera Essery.
Su. n. -Lela Boswell. Aliee Davis,
Hazel Snell, Nellie Root:, Ernie Hicks,
Lizzie Davidson. Sr PT. n. Pearl
Bissett, Alma May, Frank Handford,
Emily Cornish, Richie Hicks, Noble
Bissett, Ernie Lupton, Florence Bel -
R. E. BerswEnn.
To THE v.u.rn ol.'
'veak, yi(•kly, runaletrvn 1111.11 for Woman,. ; 1 NGLiSIi :ti1'U(`l% mon.
.i'I Cents, 2441. by :ill (1, 1142;1st:i, _
Sterling tt t a h.• Powd'rseon! Aia + "1 MIX u.ulg Engli'rh Stork Food for
\ilwrlrn.t ti ¢
neither ti r��tt.�Itim' noroninrn. 'alta•.: itrrntt.til i.;tive:s;1111 young -t,rclt ari(1 ate highly
rues' sick Hi' id:tt•h,:, Neurat;•ia, I 1 Niel.. t plt'a-t-{l tvitlt 11 ,•trees- It keeps the
He:adarbe Grieve. lj',tel,t�•he e,l etch ea e ladies I .tii;e;:t £tit' organs in ai he:tltlly conditionnerd Head a h� from ate) r:ui�a t, ►•.c t r. and the growth and improvement of
Price Isla and _5, .
AN ALL: I{tlil'ND It1,3 EDY., the ,trick is well ui:trieed, T Consider
Mrs, IIarmi-,,on. ,ions ,wait, Mon., 4tritet: •°I i it i1 in.lst. a\Genco!• (haul :ind feel con-
hareusedli .11111•t•s Yellow lifor ;ion.Tt1 rat 1 fitleni that it it
tair..1{: tld. and Frtrthit..:. fort ion» rolls=: d ' l ; y ' we#I (0 nsa 1t, T
' 1 vl at' ! 1 i =hlv r. r' rumens! its lase to zt1I
considrrit.l.teb.•�tatl-rouaai]ioat=tta r( �, woo cl 11 � _
ntaie. I'r3, r _' r ,:all dealer.!. \i sto�k r' hers.`•
There is nothing n.,1:er for ehildr.'n'•: Coughs f,
and Col •s than 1lr. Arood'- N•?rtr..` 1',u. Syrup. i '
It i. ver f r ira.-eni to take and always,nuns tine' rice i:l. per hag.
little ones roughs promptly. '
Iter Your money refnadeal if lntrchni ( nns<tt£sf.tc` err.
•-•• Kirkton
�E.,-.41911 ' oyes
BRIEFS. -The excitement of the elec-
tion has not yet quite Ieft our villagers
as we hear various rumors over it and
to judge from the variety of horns
sounded in our burg at night a strang-
er would be led to suppose he had land-
ed among a settlement of Fish Mong-
ers, -J. Callender an old time resident
who some 15 or 20 years ago carried
on the blacksmith business in the vil-
lage but now of the State of Ohio, is at
present visiting friends around the
neighborhood. He Looks bale and
hearty and as fresh as he did some 15
years ago. -Rev, Hussar, of Orediton,
exchanged pulpits and work with
Rev. Ball on Sunday last. Mr. Balt
preaching Missionary sermons in the
Orediton circuit. -S. -Brown is prepar-
ing for the erection of a new kitchen
and stable on his property below
.Aberdeen hall. There will likely be
some cold fingers before it is finished.
--N. B. Doupe has again located in the
village in the house vacated by W. H.
Hazelwood. Mr. Donee has again
sent dwelling, -Mr. Wiibert Phillips been engaged to teeth the Woodham
is learning telegraphing and assisting school. --Wm. Paynter and Miss 3.
at the Railway Office here. -Mr. A. Bentley of the 4th line, Blanshard,
Afol' Terson, Mer:bent Tailor, had the were united in marriage on Wednes-
misfortune to slip on the side wally day, the 145h'inst., at the residence of
on Tuesday evening hist and in fall- the bride's' parents. Congratulations
ing received painful injuries, -Special freely. --.John Moore has moved into
services are still being conducted in the village occupying the house re -
the Methodist Church and are fairly cently purchased from John Hazel -
well attended. -We beleive ttiat Mr, wood.
B. Hoggarth of the 'village has pur
chased Mr. Wm. Elders faint at Exeter. Municepal Council.
Rodgerville• it was the old homestead
of Mrs. Hoggarth previous to her Council met at sail of Reeve, at
tnarriage,-The Rev. (,t.'' Long of this Town Hall Nov, 13th. All present ex -1
villaa,ge preached in Winghaim on'Sah- ceptJ. Evans.
bath last, for tbe Lev.R. Hobbs' who Minutes of previous meeting read 1
was conducting Anniversary Services and approved .
at Kippen for the Rev. err, Long, Muir-Levete - That tbe following
TheiWing htam congregation would get accounts' he passed and orders drawn.
on treasurer for same: -J. W. Creech,
labor. $5 ; A. E. Torment, testing Gil -
good thoughtful and well prepared
sermons. while the Kippen people en-
joyed lively and practical, dis-
courses From Rev. Mr. Hobbs.-
The stormy weather of this week
has prevented the masons from finish-
ing the brick work of the Molsons
Bank building also Mr. McPI'terson's
and W. J. Milllar's, however a day or
lespie's Horses and medicine, $8 ; W.
r 8
J. Bissett, part payment nn drain, , th o; ,
Geo. Atkinson, di'awilig tile, $1.50 ; S.
Baskerville, do $1.50 G: S iiallacombe
labor, $3.50. -Carried. ,,n•
Arinstroraee •Muir-'1'laat council ad -
journ to Friday,Noy. 6 at 7;30 o'clock.
two will serve to inclose them, so Carried er
concession. the outlook is alright, as we will no Gpe) H: BissaTT, Clerk
Jeoxiti HUNTER.
Sold by C. Lutz.
appy Thought m,
If you want the best here it is:. We have a big stock of'
Vooc.ie(loft! Cooks, Tri�r l!eolt.nncY ss
t b
ers, Heaters, Box Stoves, et. , at bottom prices.
Al `r 1 M