HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-1, Page 88 TEf\ RT'8
ai scliil:n!,ia'arli,tial ilet1,tar:11 ta° C11'ail:lids!niii'dtP1113,11liui111+11341:1a.
The largest and most up to -date stock of furs in the County.
We show you quantity, quality and value, and further, every fur
garment yoti buy at this store goes out with our guarantee, perfect
satisfaction or your money back, that's fair ain't it.
Some very swell new lines just opened in Ladies' up -to date
caperines—a very pretty combination in Electric Seal and Sable,
perhaps the most swell caperine in town, $4Q.Qo,
Ladies' nifty Persian Lamb Caperine, trimmed with best Sable.
and Sable Tails, a lovely garment, $35+-0o
Ladies' new .Antionette Shape Caperine, Electric Seal and Sable
combination,trimmed with large Sable Tails, Very pretty and strict-
ly up-to-date, $25 .0o.
Ladies' new Stat' Shaped Caperine, Electric Seal and Astrachan
combination, trimmed with large Sable Tails, a beauty. See it, $1$.
Ladies' new Style Caperines in Electric Seal, Astrachan, and
Opposutn con-lbinations,the choicest lot we have erershown, $10.00,
$I2.00 and T 12.$0.
Ladies' Caperines, Electric Seal, Black Astrachan, Black
Opposutn and Mountain Bear combinations, $$. 5o, $8 oo, $8 40
and $9 oo.
Ladies' Electric Seal and Grey Chincilli combination Caperines,
very swell, $S cto, $ $O and $6 oo,
Ladies' Black German Coney Caperines, Full S•v-eep, an d Large
Storm Collar. Rare values, $a 49O, $4 25 and $4 So.
Ladies' Fur Neck Ruffs, Black and Brown German Coney,
trimmed with tails, 75c, 90e, $1 00,$1 25, and $1 3$.
Ladies' Black Coney Fur Storm Costars, long front and full
Collar, cheap $1 25.
Ladies' fancy shaped Fur Neck Ruffs, in. Black Oppo sum,
trimmed with beads and tails $3 75.
Ladies' Coon Fur Ruffs, Grey Opposum B.ufts, and genuine
Sable R.ufls, all at ,prices that will interest you,
BOOK Storo'
For Marcia*.
A full stock of Sctxcrol Boo
for Public Schools.
A full stock of Sunday School
Library Books at wholesale prices
Family and Peacherss Bibles
Full Line,
Everything i .
ryth g it Stationery,
wholesale and retail.
lOh� Gr.iu
NVtaa Bina Rill
s.Yci,:tcixc$,, Q1c.c
Sp actactcs,8„ iFt
('ALI. 017
'Watch Repairing a Specialty.
Central - 4,.
A school that is doing •the,best work
in business education in Caarzaadaa. Our
magnificent catalogues give full intoe
oration, Write to -day for one. Sev-
eral Canadian colleges acrd manic large
American .schools employ our grad-
uates as, teachers. This is one strong
pxble to our favor. Enter now if pos-
W. ,i. ELLIOTT,.
7' The copy h C )'k for changes t.ln r is azist be I f1.g'et
not Eter than Tuesday non, Caual
advstsement:' accepted up to noon
ectnesdav of to ach wek.
John Wanisley, of London. is visit-
ERNEST ELLIOT, ing friends in town.
• slgen for site WxsaExazv AssvxaeNCs Coar, A. rollick has commenced busi-
nessva k"r, of Toronto; also for the Pstaxix Fntmm again in his old stand,
NSIMANCFi Cor p. NT, of London, England; Dr. B. Kinsman, of Sarnia, visited
olid LTANCn INSU'BANes 'COMEANZ, of Eng his parents here on Sunday.
Special services have been .brought
to a close in Main st. church.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st,1000 Dicksou & ul new s Carling'building is
- being proceeded with rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward and Mrs. Wills
of 'Mitchell, visited at Dr. Anderson's
this week.
The t.=rand Trunk authorities have
Iaid off for the winter one of the three
men in each section.
lty G. Lntz. e' Duncan McGregor is making prepar-
rs.A. Andrew of Detroit is vision ation to rebuild his; house destroyed.
Tier mother, Mrs. J. Gould. g by fire Sunday morning.
of'Peterboro, is the John McArter of south 1-225. con. t7:
Miss Dodds,
guest of Bliss Berta Dodds, Andrew t Morrie, has sold his farm for$7;500 to
St. George McCall, of the Sth line.
Miss Williams, of Zurich, was the Mrs. W. H. Parsons is ill,<and on this
guest of her friend Miss Rollins, this account Mr. and Mrs. Parsons have
week. been unable to leave for their adopted
Use ��Tinau's Cough Balsam fat home in British Columbia.
Four years ago the 10th of October,
Coughs, Colds andBronehitic troubles.
Only 25c a bottle at 0. Lutz's Drug farmers
theere dust is flying and one wood ons an
store. 'ego around outside in shirt sleeves.
It is not often that we see dandelions Quarterly meeting services will be
in bloom
in October. but this
year we
Held in James St. church
notice thec next Sunday.per
y are among. the second crop The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
To -day, (Thursday,} Is All 'Saints'
`,' Absolutely pure Baking Powder solei
A few days ago while Roltt. Down, will be administered after the morning
of Usborne, was raising a Yarn door, of service.
he, in some unaccountable manner dis Physicians 1 een found
say ttxatgrape seeds have
located his shonlder. -patincl to be the cause of
appendicitis, and that tooth-brush
TheThe rumor that H. Bishop Se Son bristles have been the cause in a great
bad sold their business to a syndicate many cases. Moral: Don't eat, tooth -
is unfounded. Particulars can be brushes.
learned byreading their advertisement semen
t ,
Wellington :
n Clark
e of the
on front page.ke g , firm 'n,
It now seems clear that the Canadian. in nxitlx, undertakers ling on, fLriends, was+'
town Friday ,
apple crop has been over estimated,day calling friends,
says the Farminghaving brought the remains of the
Y World, and dealers•late Jennie Simpson here for inter -
in the country are beginning to realize menta: Mr. Clarke -was a formerr
that the farmers dent of E
orchards are not so esi-
Overloaded with fruits as reports . of.. a •-'
p Miss Simpson, daughter
few wee ap , eldest n,of
1rs hack indicated, : The big William Simpson, of
former -
wind storm may,' have had to do with - P London, it but it does not account for T- ly of Exeter) died : with mday. let
3 news will be learned much regx'et
many friends of.the family, De -
Ralph O'Neil proprietor of the Oen
ceased was 31: years of age. The . re
teal :
I Aylmer,
Mansion House, Exeter, r ynof the day
a 'last for brought to Exeter. on Fri '
er, dicot on Wed- da .last
V nterment.
auction sale of the effects an
real estate of the late Mrs. 1+'anson
took place on Saturday last, Chief Gill
wielding the hammer. The attendance
was large and the chattels brought big
figures. The brick block and residence
were not sold, the bids though numer-
ous being insufficient to cover the up -
The other day 'Mrs. James Smith, of setvalue.
Clinton, e i visit t rtona isitto Woodstock odstock Recentl
• Mr. and Mrs. W. Levitt, tt,of
and :as she got oft the -train set her Granton, visited. their son here. Mr.
valise clown for a moment on the edge :Levitt is 81 years of age,while g g ,while his part -
of the platform. A few seconds after- neris:8r2. Both'_ are hale and
wards one of the fast flyers came' along and bid fair to see m
. .,g -:any more ' sum -
and the suction from :the train drew
niers. -..Mrs. Levitt is a cousin of the
the valise down on the track, where it late Sir John A. Macdonald, and she
was repeatedly struck by the car takes a deep interest in politics. , She
�•°heels and smashed to atoms. is an enthusiastic Tory.
nesday afternoonlast after a brief ill-
ness. Deceased was an excellent hotel
man, and, his,hoise was very popular
With the travelling community. A
• wife, tWo sons and three daughters
survive him. He was 44 years of age.
His remains were interred in Lon
t_r'FAN.N. WEDDINO.—There waas a very
interesting gathering at the residence
of Mr. and ars. John E. Dignan on
Andrew street, on Monday evening
Oct, 20th, it being the 20th. anniver-
sary of their marriage, Tlxe home
was decorated with Bowers and.
ferns. There were between 3O And 40'
guests. sat down to as suuzptuous din-
ner at 7 p, nu. The congratulations
were ananiulous.
elections have rather taken municipal
matters off the xnitxds of the elector,
Thie is the year for electing xnereners
to the counter conned. We nndeastand
that Dr. Rollins and D. McInnes,, hav-
ing decided to retire, W. G. 13issett,11.
Spackman, A.. Q. Bebier, Exeter ;
John Delhridge, I.sborne, and. Richard.
Hicks, Stephen, will take the field for
the position, in the division including
Exeter, Stephen and, D'sborne.
honor r,x A tas, The result of the
mammoth squash competition held by
4£ illiam$Rennie,,seedszna i,of Toronto,
has been announced. Of twenty-three
squashes ranging from 203 to 822
pounds, Huron county produced four,
and.o ri
G de c1x makes a splendid show-
ing, with the ist and second in the
whole list. W Warnock c r
first with
a 32,•� pounder ; John S. l Lowrie is se-
cond. with one weiglaing 3L3i pounds ;
G. H. Davi& of Belgraave, is No. 14 on
the listwith a 220 ponuderto his credit
and James Henderson, of Wingbanx, is
sixteenth, with one weighing 212
regular meeting was held in the Town
Hall, Clinton, on Wednesday, with a
slim attendance. The program as ar-
ranged for was ;•--Antieeptics rn stir-
gical operations, Dr. Robertson, Strat-
ford ; professional fraternity, Dr.
°cods, B+ayfield ; diseases of the eye
svitb oases, -Dr. Scott, of Clinton; cases
in practice. Dr. I3ethuue. of Seaforth ; Best Vaseline per package
medical examiner in life iusnranee, Dr.
Duusmare, Stratford ; a paper nu me-
dicine, Dr. Burrows. Seaforth; organ-
rganiz ation of Physicians' .Simply Co.
DINo IN .A.x.asR.A.,. -•- .On Oct. 2nd
F. Godbolt son of George Godhalt, of
Winchelsea, died in Alaska, where be
owned several mining claairus. His re,
mains were interred there, but in the
spring will be removed to California,
where tris wife and family reside. The
cause of death was appendicitis, The
deceased some 10 yeas ago sold his
stove at Winchelsea and moved to Cal-
itarnia where be engaged in wheat
£airizxing. About two year ago be
ss eat to the Riondy ke and took up
sever.',til good claims, Ile visited his
borne about asear ago, and again rte., !,
turned to Alaska, Mr, Gadbolt was a
hard workiug,indusstrious rnan,and bas
amassed what would be considered
here a large sung of money. He leaves
a wife, three sons and two daughters
to survive..
ilekard CO..CAR-LING °5i
H sail A
Big Drop
][N TUE F F 1C)I f?
N- y,
They 1��1I�c Qin, do iTo4,
-know whether "Laurier"' is the cause of it or not but the h
fact remains which makes us and our customers
happy- The variety is also large. The reduc-
tion comes at an opportune time, when
mothers are getting their boys ready
to start school and want to buy'
most for their money. We
have a line of boys suits
that were 2,r. n to 3.5 a.
suit which we offer at $1.,50 to
elear,aind many other lines proportion
We had a big SNAP offered us in FRENCH CH FLA
NFL the other day. These are the kin that are usually
retailed at from 45c to 50c per yard. They come in various
rstripes ;bought a:
colors in spots and strip ;3 we bel_ g� t .110111 cheap ,•lid while
they last you may have threw for 225e the yard.
Some Grocery Bargains
20 lbs Redpathis extl'a, standard granulated sugar for
5 dor best clothes pins
3 cakes buttermilk soap
bars good Laundry soap
Best green coffee per lb
Best shredded cocoanut p lb
3 lbs best, Laundry starch
cans Aylmer Pecs and tomatoes
}tsar. -Sunday morning about six
o'clock as small frame house on An-
drew street awned by Duncan Mc-
Gregor, egor, azrd occupied b John
Baker,fireman for Ross S: Taylor, was
discovered to be on fire, and. before
water could be thrown on the building
it was practically destroyed, Mrs.
Baker was visiting friends in the
country. while Mr. Baker slept at
Richard Speare's, south end, and there
bad d l teen no fire'
xn t house
a ,ou9
since S•
,aturdm morning. ofirst
n in J; When ei x
discovered the habiding was all ablaze
and nothing could be saved but the
contents of a bedroom at the north
side. It seems t•,vident that the build-
ing zn was set�on 'r
Lire, hutntfaxtia
tot h
gh o art
is u mystery,Mr.aud Mrs. Baker being
com1ptrtive strangers in town, havr
recently conte here ..from London,
where they were also burnt out. The
building was iusared for $100, while
the contents were insured in the sum
of $400.
VISITOR'S D.S.X,--On Friday after-
noon many' of the parents and friends
of the school children of Exeter re-
sponded to the kind invitation from
the Teachers to visit the school. The
teachers continued their usual work of
the school room, thus showing the
visitors how the chiidren are being
taught in the Exeter school. During
the intermission: the children under
the direction of. the Principal, Mr.
Boyd, gave an interesting exhibition
of fire drill. After recess the children
assembled in two of the rooms and
listened attentively to addresses from
the visitors. o The clxti'ldren on their
part sang "Johnny Canticle" and other
patriotic songs for the entertainment
of the visitors. Inspector Tom com-
plimented. the Trustees on their efforts.
in establishing and maintaining such
an up-to-date school. 'He spoke of the
beautiful kalsomined and painted in-
terior, of the efficient staff of teachers,
of the wisdom of establishing the
High School Department, thus keep-
ing children of tender years in their
own homes and away from snares and
temptations to which many are ex-
posed when away from the parental
Tom has always alw
a s shop
-great interest in the education of the
children of Exeter. Not only in the
,natter of the three R.'s but also- in
the physical,moral aestherical develop-
ment. By the Inspectors's hearty co-
operation with an able staff of teach-
ers and :a capable Trustee Board
Exeter can boast of ample play grounds
a solid and substantial building and
l ,. u rooms ooms
for the1
chi dren to live!
in. It is to be hoped that Visitor's:
Daywill be
established feature in
connection with our school,
To THE PEOPLE o_' EkETER ',ilvti
ften wished to thank out nwxlerous
custom a rs
c, and patrons for their
tinued favois. We think . we could
find no more fitting time than
present, after fire which cleans out;
everything. We are ready to open•up
again. New goods -coming.
right along. A.good stock ofbaking,
confectionery; and fruits in season .
kcranherries, oysters, Iladdie.: While
asking you: to accept our thanks for
past favors we ask a continuance of
same and will, as formerly, do all we
can to oblige and please.
E. A. For.Llcrt.
YJONOERT.— Miss Eva N. Robl n'
y s
concert on Friday .evening is an as
sure• success. It is seldom that such.
an array ofo ular artists appear P p pp
r on
the same program,' and the people of:
this vicinity y are lookingforward,toa
rare treat:
Miss Shirra, of Hensel!,; visited with.
Mrs. R.. H.' Collins over Sunday.
New urrants,,. ^ ,
ew Raisins,
At RightPr
eli+ low. e are also ciearili,g out sum-
umm2 :1 mer goods, blouses worth Mc for 40e, 75e for
9,1-1 f' 50,1.00 for 7 5e, kll:uslins and a umber cif other lines
at your own price. if you want good cod at i=l h
riees we are with -g or ..
1p tl you. If Q12. want shoddy tile: 11l�0 o.
will hate to go elsewhere. y
Give us a call, Highest prices paid fforp ,duce.
Pier -
large consignment of lovely Ne
Afilliuery just opene up,
We will pay highest 1>aal'l,~et prices for butter, eggs,
dried apples, poultry, goose feathers and other farm produce,
R. Pi6KarU Go.,
Direct Importers
Miss S-t,.z o
f Z4
tchavisited friends
in town over Sunday,
Mrs. 13e11, of 'S 3incbelsea,. visited
Mrs. R. T. Manch this week,
Mr, tweet, of Woodstock, visited
Miss Lizzie o
n lk river Sunday,
Mrs. Billings lzas returned to town
from Parry Sound, where she spent
the summer.
The Misses Ecl:y, of Granton, have
sold their farm in London township,
to Mr. Kessel, of Binnshard.
Mrs. Morgan. Exeter North, died at
the home of her son in Usborne yes-
terday, at the age of 58 years, 7
Miss Eva, Israel, one of Seaforth's
young ladies, passed away on Oct. 21,
after undergoing an operation for stop -
age of the bowels,
The annual plowing match of the
township of Downie, will be held an
farm of Robt, Feasne, lob 17, con. 3, on
Thursday. Nov. 8.
On Monday, Nov. 5, a damaticai
company will occupy the boards at the
Opera House, presenting the people's
old favorite drama, "Uncle Tom's
Cabin." A number of high class spec-
ialties will also be introduced. Prices
10c, 20c and 30e.
John McDonald, well known in
Wine -ham, and who conducted the
station hotel at Listowel for a, num-
ber of years, has purchased the
'Whitechurchstrong. nx hotel froThos. Arm -
Mr, and MrsW. 'S. Lang have
turned t
from Manitoba,
theyspent thepast few months. They
return to the
Northwest in the
• Theman,John n Pattetso
n wha
!lodged hi I oderzeh jail last week,
I charged with stealing from stores in
u h
1� r m li
a tnG
Cp n a oder' lx and , rc and Z3ay-
iteld and who pleaded guilty before
the Police Magistrate at Ooderich
came before the Judge for sentence on
Friday: last. He was sentenced to
seven years at the penitentiary at
A pretty wedding took place Friday ;
morning when Robert Kelly and Miss;
Kate Riley,f St.. Marys, were united ' t
y ,
marriage �
r ge in London, the Rev. D. J. �
will take up their residence on St. For Infants and
Egan officiating. The young couple Ghiidren.
George street north.
"GripHouse"at Seaforth,for- r
werly occupied by Geo. E. Hendrson, f4o-
will be conducted in thefuture by Mrs. ; s'p'ay°:
Hunter, of London: Mr. Henderson °l
is now in possession of the•Oommercial
Hotel, which he will conduct from this
°ARM oa•,,'.I'ITANxs.-- We wish to
thank the peopleof,<I eter for their
kindness and sY•mp&thy to us in our
late misfortune. • Our friends have
been too nurneroiis ee thank each one.
Please accept` this a personal
aacknowiedgeeti" ent.
FINRBMtINFR-Its Stephen, on Sunday Oet
28th, wife of Jacob Finkbeiuer, of a son,
eFALLS-In Usborne, on the 27th ult., the
wife of Alex. Merolla, of a son.
Ti.TL0R-In Exeter, on the 29th alt„ the
wife of James Taylor, of a daughter.
iitl \7LT.�I-In Centralia, on the Stith tilt., the
wife of 1 -'at Hanlon of a. son..
MORGAN -in 'laborite, on the 30th ult-, Wary
Ann :Coughlin:- (relict of the late Thomas
Morgan,) of Exeter North, aged SS years, 7
Turkish Scalp Food prevents tie
au from falling out, restores faded"
and gray hair to its original color.
Being delicately
perfumed itleaves no
unpleasant oder. It is not . a dye.
Should be in v .
e eY
r house where a hair
renewer is needed. For sale by C
-Lutz. Only 50 cents a bottle.
Mrs. Schaub an old ladyof 'eighty,
had the misfortune to break her thigh
Saturday night at the residence of her
son-in-law, Wm. Subring,.of Seebach's
Hill. It appears that when going to
she took a 'dizsy spell and fell to
the floor wi th the above result..
Francis McDonald, aged '83 years,.
who -has been living:with a son near
T ennicott,` made a desperate attempt
to commit suicide on Friday'.last by
inflicting ugly g ashes on •his throat
and neck. He was arraigned before
Police Magistrate Race and J. W.
Cull, J. P., at Mitchell, on Monday,
and was committed to Stratford jail as
a dangerous lunatic, ti
Would quickly leave yoi. if you us-
ed Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thous-
of sufferers have proved their
matchless Sick and Nervous
Headaches. They make pore blood and
strong nerves and buildup your health.
Easy to take Try them. Only 25
cents. Money back if not cured. Sold
by all Druggists.
ovry - arra4
James Bver1eij
' The steady increase in our trade is a
good proof of the:0feet that our goods
1 are right in price, lower than those
of other dealers.
We are getting in nett/ designs of
furniture every Week. We . would
quote prices but space will not permit.
Please call and see the, snaps we have
to offer.
(Jnr e
c� king
In- this department our stock is com-
plete and we have 'undoubtedly` the
best funeral outfit in the county and,
our prices are as low as the lowest.
We have . some
ORGANS that we sell l >l
1 I verycliea
and don't forget it: Don't forget .the
g g
Opposite J. Griggs.
WIC la WANTED to learn
yprint�iug. Apply at ,dins 0fflcc.
1. PIANO Fon SALE.—A. square plane,
in good order. for sale .cheap. The ad-.
lfetropolitan ho
reverser has ttvo,tel-Can be seen at the�3
mm -
.:. - _ e Farmers and others who intend:
- '. having; auction sales .;hoard insist o»
Q5� i''^ waving. their bilis printed at Taw
Tamus ..thee. Free uotir' given. in
;_the paper with. each Bawler for bilis.
11ir8, Thos. tarter, Northport. Ont., says;X,
caught a severe cold which settled on roe
throat and lungs and sty friends thought It;
would send nae to mr grave, when other resus
dies t .ted. ur, d cad's Norway Moo Syrup
i ,.�{lu`
Tltobtst equipped Pti'lnessand Sher:baual
School in 4ansda is the Forest City Bzrrisiess ,5:
Shoraltaud College, London Ont. bargoeurol.
anent andatrone taenit5 t;ttradrede of Students J 4 itr j ,t
in good positions, Yaw, w, e. a:ea:client work at 1t
Bs credit
Children Ory fear
'at:nl i e
G o tc !.'
either k or couiu Ave.flee. Curresptttt� eed
ticnca loci c:;.
J. W. W1s3TF.lt47I' L r,
We leave a large stock of mill 'fees
on band which will be sold at reason-
able prices.
If you are looking tor a first-
class sewing machine. Call and
let us show you some of the
world's best makes. They run
well, sew well, last well and look
well and are very
Moderate is Prim
We will be pleased to place.
theca in your home and you can
try them and be convinced that.
they are all we claim for them
First -Glass in M
�r�rH &oest.
We would also remindy ou
that we constantly show a num-
ber of first-class
Wanted for which highest market
prices will be paid.
I04. &
We have a nice line of Umbrellas.
and Parasols forirainy weather,
Cashmere hose, towels, ribbon
and Crochet cotton,
China and Glassware.
Baking prowder, starch, blue,glue„
nzuseilage, stove pipe varnish, shoe
and stove polish, soap, yaseline. bird
seed, oil, .
Cake tins and cutters, doughnut
cutters, lemon and nutmeg graters,
soap shakers, ten, gravy and sink
strainers, snatches, stationary,
which we sell atp rices that will
interest you' ask. to see .them.
No Trouble to Show Goods,
E: artn (, Laundrysent away every Thursday.
Levitt's Fair
X .
RE 7,
T°° Poise makes a, confusion. We prefer the steady
sure plan
doing business, giving people right
go -ods at right prices.
We• Do
pretend to Soil 60 and 75c Goods for 39c
But give value for value every time, or.
more refunded.
W appreciate tc vciSnucx the patronagee of so many during our
t• inspect
short time in business,. and further solicit a call to i ns ect
t ourgoods.
701: everything iii I� Dry -Goods t -Goods yet, m
but are adding Y to our
stock allthe:.
time. It will be aleasilre.to show Toil whatz.,
P 5t o have.
'Our Groceries = T
cs ha e been.a er
.p and recommended
tried �.,ndcdby,
all who lave tried them
The best Red :Salmon, Maple Leaf and
other brands, c• ,try our "Man -of -War"
Ceylon.. Tea 25c. per lb.,black and mixed ; many like it hitter that what they have been
getting .oc. Also tryour g 9, Choice ,
g Japan Tea, ,3 Pounds foz�; oc.
1 5_
hprice paid
gfor Produce. A i
l call solicited. :'