HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-1, Page 6VI II FIXED, BAYONETS Militia and Strikers in Collision a. Valleyfield and Several Injured, YARKETS OF THE WOTILD noney sells at $2.2,5 to $2:75, per dozen, ?steeling to the alas a tile oreler. Comb ectilena. Comb leoney is in good cle, Prices of CattleCheeie, arian, 8re mend, a.nd la above 2ee dearer. In the Leading Markt)* Baled. hay-Stsady. Moto timothy, ou traele here $9.e0 te $9,75; tIvo-ton THE STR.RET ATARKET. lots. dellvered, 801 at $10,25 to 010.50. Toa..03:0, oet. 30:_03:i tite ntreet to. Baled Streev--Car lots of geed straw dee 200 leash, white wheat eold at are quoted at $5 to e5.5f1 on track; ee lee to 69e, eee bash, red erialt0t, 4.t aell ton lots delivered zet $e te e6,00, 4 despatch from Montreal, saysee.; the milks on tire, a se trottble is 53 1-2 to 60c, 500 bush ge1etee at 67e, 114"se-Cetitill'ee 401. -New oeoll is I Twe eomparties et tbe 5tis Royal Score1ontieipated 8,009 Miele :barley are -Met 46e, and •3001note1 lame, at 13 to 14e, and. year - were *ailed out for active service at 1 MORE SOLDIERS DESPAl'Clae.D. bush oats nt 48 to 29 1.2e. Fifteen '113 at 4 t() Me. .t. Valleyfield to -day, axial left by specie In respoeee to the demand for eolet kied.e of Way ,sole at 1.314 to $14.75.; and 1)RES'91:1) ROOS 4-3,11) P-RovisIoNs• traia, attout two o'clock. Te cael to diere, weieb. was received here abont tee° louis of straw at el.: to $12,51). Dressed hogs are. unchanged at $7.23 arm.. came in the mole'. way. The n o'cleek an urgene requieition w,aa Dressee hags were smobanged. to 87.50 •Provisioas continue firm all Mayon of ValleyfIel 1 wrote to Lieut.- teet out, and arrangeeeente beve been, Wheat. uht.,str Cell DOC. et Montreal, seatin tbat the StrIke in the Menetreal team Company's mies aseumed eree pornoes Juni the aeteme of the steek,ers were suet as to warrant mill- tary interventiou. He stated that the streeers interfered with ehese w Nene refeeell to ellen" coal to takes. to tee teeere. awl that evece of the tows; ausu!r./ eat cope tee eaten,. Ile teerefore asked two tecaganies of meitia, with peer to coteIl the diesterbenve arrest CT otleerwese. Tee reeteeet was dieey eigned hie Maeor Veiteefield Rod two eusti along the line. Demand• is fair, and g a e to despatch several hundred men ..t?"tt, red. ^ " • ' 0 661'2 069 toeires are liglit. Whi..at, spring. . . . one 0 70 Quotatiofoprovisons aras fol - n by special about mi.daight to the scene Wheat, geeee. . h le the trouble. ne r ie 0,aLi• • , . • : ouT8u 0027 1._ on -4 .., -Dry ealted shoulders, 3c; Jong The Montreal Cotton Conepatay is lepe4!3s17Y,:" . 043 il 46 clear bacon, loose in ear lots, 10; ars4 • lag a new mill tbere.and tbe la- Bee. • . . . 00v000 00g n ease 10ts 10 14 ter. 10 1-2e; shor beurere employed in tbe preparation 13neik,whyut. . . . OPO 047 1.4 cut porlr, .19.50 tO 20; heavy meee, erk- eerie for ats construction Asi;e4 for an ' Hay, per ton. . . • . 140J 140 7-0 to vis. i - tee t clackliar and a quereer per dee, The; aeetter. Pet; lb., roils. 0 2.0 be , inereaee of wee,,es from. a dollar to 41 j.:aw, pr ten.. .. . 1'40: !colt? medium, 12 1.,2 to 13c; light, 13 1-2e ;: any materiel eeaction, despite sae --- Smoked eneata-Hanes, heavy, 12e; purchasing side. December, witbont vith [ company refused to eccede to the ele-l', 't"... %„wpe..."raiel.r". , kefikere Olie far =ad because the men accompanied it .,s, per lb, . . . 9 Pi 012 kfaat bacon, 13 to 13 I -2,e ; picnie 'profit taking. advanced to 73 3-8e, at h threats of vloIence. They havietl°"''' P'-'17 14 ' ' ' 1' (").3 0 07 nas„ 10o; roll baesm, lle; smoked :whieei the market 0oseel, 7-3 to lo fall wit over by 075 ks, 13c. All meats an -of pickle ' yesterdey. New York reported 27,4 loads 935 o lenn titan prices quoted, for sun*, - taken for ennart. Clearances at the sea yes; tan 1 Mreda-t;board werequal in weaand flour ierces, lee; tubs. 10 to to 40,200 bush. Printery reeeipts for e $1,1 00 e ht th0 75 .3:: ,;• pails, 10 14 to 10 1.2e. the day aggregated 941,003 `bushels, 600 LIVE STOCK AlArticgr, compared with e0S,000 Imelielts last 009 Toronto, Oct. 39. -There were all year. Afintlevelia and Duluth 7 5) la Piney, on sixty carloads of live orted .5U oars, against 530 lag, week, 7 e0 mit. eneeiveel at the Western. cattle 70 a year ago. Local receipts were 222 rclis this morning, including 2,009 , . curs, 4 of whiola were- Qom- . a couple of dozen calves, and a P and 14") l' 61,13130 iNg5, 0" oat- Wheat. 100 ears; corn. 330 cars; oath, traCZ. ,Entivaateu receipts toonerrowi 7 naileli cons. 17ears; bogs, 26.003 head. The.r cattle the market was a dull be no sesston et the Board of Trade e e wile , buyers would not pay the prices ' S4tur445.' read sellers preferred to hold 'Buffalo, Oct. 30 -Spring wheat -No. a t " and see what the Friday 1 Northern, old, spot. earloade, 81 5-8c; mar znay bring' forth. do. new. 8014c; Winter wheat --No. 18 to dairy. prints, choice. 19 itn A Et' A few deal., were made in abippin 2 red, 70e; saluted. 7e *-2e; No. 1 white. ee; 0“,4u,47. eeeee. 20 to eee; atiti ' ilea bet there was Practically male. 74 1-ele bid, on track. Corn -,,Ne. 2 1 ,e2 .io ee • ing doing. and qnotations are Aloud.," ,yellew. 441-4e; No. 3 yellow. 4e; No. a, made an offer to eaneoze tee etrieers et ,e;e_Fatel weerld, Jule eue Aug, ma. 2 corn, 4$ 1-2o. Oetse-Steady-No. 2 01, in prooreies those, het the men deelin- t- On tee drainege works which ere now lee: "ea., bens at 11 1.4 to 120. :Chet trade in butcher cattle is dull, white. t:01 -2c; No. 3 white, 25 1-40; ,r, ad to ezretv cmidu:ritiont from. tbe ellEESE NATIKETS. the continued mild weather befog one .' No. 2 nated, 24.. Iiarley - Choice -r , efeeete, ,e, tereeetate. .41,15 epze kat If.:f.gs41.Z1, Ont.. Oet. 30. -At the alleged eause; to -day, es usual, tbe Western, e.f.e. Vii to 01c; fair to pod, 4'1 ight, at wheel the strikers still in -e Ialee‘Jea 'lel the Feonteran Cheeee had Only a little of it. Prices for Itee-No. I, on track, 67e, Flour- . _ I 6t0Aff 301d readily enott0i, but we 01 to 57e; State, 57 to Mc, on track. Mated upon being employed loy the 1,3 rd "edey there uvre. 8Z0 biiXeS Of medians etesd cedamou cattle are weak, Quiet. anpany at a dollar euvi a quarter a ' 111;te' 441 1'631 431e3 of '09.tourod and not moth of it changed bands this ' Detroit. Oct. 60.-Wbeat dosed -No. docearation that they would prevent rt"r"" 4.'4°44 3t 40 44e."-"-''''' '4'45f.' lily, and ttoy reprettel tbeir previoue ellr'-'e 111"1,Tiell' :Iltee fit.7!,14.,,,,,..f4e' 1141rIli°' , 2 red, cash, 753-40 ; Octoixsr, 75 3-4o ; the mill running until their dentand3 There la an enquiry for good feedera' December. 77 lete ; No. 1 wbite, 733-*. Perth Iteed. Saniatre, St. Leserenee qbuutttfor interior state the trade i3 St. Louie, Oet. 30.-eWheat caned - yore complied with. It waa then de- 914 '44;tr SPrit/44' d to Call out the militia. October, 710; NOVOnxber, 70 34; May, Brocktele, Oat., Oet. 30,-'110,..day Wo Imre no changes to report in the : 713.80. ,20 vi,L.4.0, a.nd 118de eanyereo dame value of expert bulls; there, WO..e a ! were celfered ma the Brockville Board. fair enquiry to -day. 1 easb, 74 1-4o ; to arrive, 77 5.8u ; *Oct°- , Duluth, Oct. Lea -Whoa t -leo; 1 bard, 'e it 'ethestt bed wee. 10 5-8e, which °4-4Y 0 slow trade 'va'a deae ill eteeke 1 ber, 771-40; Decembee, 77 5-80 ; &ray, ers, at unchangel prices. lati4ers tteel:e.ed to accept. -- file • No 1 Nortbern, cash, 75 leto • to Maii.,e, urad., oet,. ateaereer0 were Tbee sueply of Leitch cowi coutieue3 arrive, Q. 5.80 1, ont0her, 75 1-40; 'Dee ' TO GO BACK TO WORK C1070- use leiece to eeteese boarded to -day; et Peer qualitY• 4 4e1w °Imke eew's are '.'. comber, 75 ;May, 79e; No. 2 North - BER 29TH. WED OCT A COMMANDO, Entire Party of Boer Snipers Killed by a Single Shot. A despatele from Hoopstad, Orange concealed, beaded elle bush on the river River Colony, eaye Gen. Settle's eel- benk„ a. wellealmed shrapnel sbell unen is debeg a great deal towards was sent bato tin, bush. Eight of the pacifebig the dieturbed distriet that Boers were killed, and the ninth, who neigh'boarbood„ Tim ealumn tatted At wee woanded, surrendered, night reeently, and the reareguard General Hunter's column has burn - was attacked by the Boers, who Pear- ed the villo.ge of Botitaville, 39 miles ete in a heavy rifle fire. The Boars from Commando's. drift, to the ground. mope up over the end, and were not Tbe reason for this wee tbat the Boers heard until they peewee]. in „several in qua eloinity bad been sniping at Feaser'a bakery at Wimobester, Onf., volleys. nu British had twenty the leritieb contbneouslY. leilleen was killed by a train at was damaged by fire. wounded. Subsequently, when re- The Boer Ceeeentandant de 'Mere uruino to goop,stad, the column. wen has died at Bloemfontein of wounds , Ottawa. Be was thrown 70 feet. load at ley nine Doetre who were reeeived in a recent battle. A, male infant, with skull fraetared, was found be a pond at Belleville. 8PRRM FROM it Newsy Items About Ourselves Et,1 Our Neighbors--Somethiug Interest From Every Quar- ter of the Globe, CANADA, A Canadian Club hea been organized et Galt. A. neuter carnival is proposed at Ottawa. The carpet -weavers' strike at Guelph has ended. Compromised. LI Duelee, per pair, . . 0 titi 4 eeded le preventiug an- fillrther1:: leetato,-e, per ring, . 030 going on ettteide, and teeyr aree ,Applee, per bbe , , . 040 Lt.- Lest eight the supply of coal for tbei Lend\ epring, per lb.. 018 a- attempting to prevent the rea., l 11,R,o‘f... Iteridesertere. , 700 , e he mills where teere are seme Reef eellle4-4,11/4r!e4.3 e rleleti the 3,e60 employee who ere not on strikee efieton. , .., . ' : 600 ter ith ritin3 of the. mill was nearly ex- reel° vire 'oe• • • , . 05e steel, end durieg the night en ea Deeeseei le ees. . . • • 7 .e tee . DAIRY 444.1tglirs. Seareity of elletwe dairy bee calm. ed demand tAlrAt'.4 mare on ereariterive. There Le a good enquiry for ereame ry eteeees at ele tulle. Cleolee dairyIn , priate, senile. or erodes, is wanted, It will sell quickly, Commission go the mil in, the portion. of the it, t works kalcgru es tk"easbarY las 1 Didee. tube ,And peas. olielee. 1$ to e sell to tlie trede as followeee rot been eutireiy cleiseel, 41461 the exapleyes , 10e; al,,,,iitivat /6 to 16 1,,ete tuid poor - are eonsequently thrown out. he DOX-T w.A.N.---r wonx, i The Talon t'atancil of Fallevr ld li, t 4V141,°01 aceor,inece with :romeats tbe itia Mt. Roy, en the re ipt of the let eiraself teem:awe:eat/on w Lena -Col. Ilebetson, rommammeg ltee a. aeote, whose turn for duty w.Oao bunlrecl men %very. cal on WITH FIXED 14YONETS. Tee sitstate.ez at leaneefield Es. vee g.,erietis Tite town eeettee to. b in 'else bands of tlae mote ante the e uatien beeaute re theeatening that wae sot t9 Nrutntreal aski $or :to tieeeeteh of mere to/dive*. T val firet detechment tai tie feem efoneretal this efterreeu a eeeire, to teeee ;infanria,rei tht. atriker reel a bee met) tiexa gathered eta seeee the meets and atarted la to sine tee- oeteetir;,17. The fieete, ere 4,:,;4741113.7-A Ceelone:', Ieboteon, ceerge tee .7;t:c. era iitt tee teeenet. The =eh. seeteeesei„ and tee ;mete evverel E...,;+111JeirN acne einieeber 6.1 tliP riot - ere were ineertel. It is, teased teeteeve ere' ef the eeeliese bave beeu. fatally leeetrod. it is feAred that tbe riotere. will set _ re our wee made to get in more =t1. The strikers, however, eueeeeele ed Preyenring this. Tbrwre 0f n *eine are men aroutel the mill tbis moreing veuting anything going in or outj reeult is, teat being unable t OOSTLY BERM MOOR WERT STRIKE IS 0 FOUR KILLED AND TEN WOUNDED IN DISLODGING GUZRILLAS. Frere7,0., farnalttel a0 -net Coachmen% gookittou ott Varellt !o Itethet-Itober INsuta ciroolar to nu palters. spatelt from Cape Town, sari: - a attacks by the Diens are stil ea g it tremble. General French 'ma teretty centinueus oppoeition in ere( tee menet from Care -eine te Bethel, his zestiale:es nuMbering Ste After the errival of Lord Methuen eeertzet there was a reconnaissance northware, which resulted on ea tur- tle:: in the discovery of large numbere of Boers, who uere only dislodged aft- er artillery and rifle fire lasting four hours. The British had four killed ani ten wounded. The poem take shelter in ear ni- housee which are crowded with wernen axel children Ione Roberts is distributing afresh circular, to the effect that Boers vol- untarily surrendering who have taken the oath of neutrality, will not he exiled, but will be permitted to re- turn to their farms at the conclusion of hestilitiea. KRUGER NOT WELCOME Belgian Government Does Not Want Him to Remain in Brussels. A despatch from Brussels, says The Belgian Government has informed the Trawsvaal agency that a long so- journ for Kruger in Brussels would be unwelecene and calculated to oc- casion anti-British demonstrations, which the Government cannot allow. Therefore, the agency pu.blishes no- tice in the newapape,rs annaancing Krugere refusal to accept the hos- pitality offered him by Antler Lecht, a rich Duttehman, in his villa in a Brussels suburb. Kruger will only pass through Belgium, without stop - Ping. • It is also quite c.ertaio Queen Wile telmina will accord simply a private gtudience, devoid of all official chair- aoter, to the ex-Preeideet. HARASSING FRENCH. Methuen and Barton Also Attaokod by the Boers. clespatch from London .says --- lord Boberte telegraphs from: . Pre- toria under date of Oct. 22, as follows; , 'Wrench reached Bethel October 20, Fie was opposed during the greater part of his march from Carolina. , 'eerreii ewe rea had Eueeelehoek, and gettle has reached Eloopetatl, "Methuen's convoy • was attacked near Zeerust cm October 20, and Dar - on was attacked' at Priedereckstaa. eget has captured 1e9 Boers and a number of cattle and sheep." 10 Ceee bee aosteiee, Board adjourned walltIld: tebeep are steady and unehanged. ern. 1.1-4e; No. 3 spring, GO 1-4c. Corn. for one week. Lambs lkvero in too ample supply, -Not quoted. Oa.ts-23 1-1 to 23 34o. aue Twiyil. Ont., Oat. 3(4 -'110 -clay 2,100 and prices gave way Item tal to 300 per 3Dnuoapolis, Oat. 30.-Wlimt - On axes of ubeee cheese were boarded; , track, No. 1 hard, 771-80; No. 1 LI Oeieber; 100 Neel to DrIntnell Good; veal calves are wanted; ii „ • . a._ 1 Northern, 75 *-4o; cash, 75 1-4e; De- e 3 -le; belance weevil eve found a ready tile. 1 cenaher, 741-2 to 74 5-8e ; May, 77 1-2e, PItODUCE. Bogs are atill quoted at the prices of 1 e'., I.:eel: .., .., 1 n u • Quest. B. an-Steoely ; in bulk, Egge-Uneleinged. Quotations are laee Tuesday, but the tendency is de. le""" ee 9" ; middling, 013 to 013.75. , as f.elows;-New laid, 19o; fresh, 17 to eidedly downward and another drop in Milwaukee, 04 t. EO -Wheat -Sts wiy; I "After carefully eanvaeetine the en- ltitl '421, 15 1-ec; limed, 15 1-2e; and prices may be nroked fur at uu eariyi No. 1 Northern, 75 to 70e; No. 2 do, ic yrs, eeerie.. tele netional, 1,,,,,,,,,r, eon_ .Puitetry-Reteepts !ight, owing to The best price for prime hogs ia 5340 50e. Barley -Steady ; No. 2, tire strike eituetion, we, your offie' ee:16' 9 to "e* date. 73 1-2 to 74 1-2c. Itye-Lower57;0;xsoa.n11_, t elu led tia it your victor,v is so nearly the mad w. lather. 1 rives uciehanged. pa a lb., and light and heavy, etanylete that no goo' end cln Ile Quoted:etas are as follows;--Ohickens, e.t.a° 1 pie, 40 to 57e. Toledo, Oct; 30-Whe0t-C38h and per lb. s level by coati:ming the .etriese lung- per p Cr, 35 vo 5oe; duel, per pair, 40 Hogs to fetch the top price must be October, 75 3-4c ; November, 75 7-80 ; or. The conteet hue been 'in pro- •to elk; turkeye, per lb, 9 to lle; geeee, oe prime quality, arid scale not below December, 77 1-fic ; May, 81 3-8c. Corn get -es for 39 deye, anti the aortmanies per lb, 0 to 7c. 160 nor above 200 lbs. --42 1-2o; October, 40c; December, employing you have, with few excep- Potatues-Easeer, an pressure to 35 1-2c. Oats -22 1-4e; December, 23o; tioers, signifieel. their willingness to • sell by outside holders. Cler iota, on May, 24 1-2c. Rye -530. Clover seed Pay the senie of wage.- ft ul. y I track 1,ere, sold to -day at 27e. Sales, I -1899, prime, 86.135; October, $0.69; De - IP. S. MAIRKETS. i the Scranton convention of Oet. 12 our ce store, are made at 35e. Chicago, Oct. 30. -Wheat was firm cember, e6.113; March, e6.fee /and 13. 'After careful enquiry, we are sat- Field preduce, etc. -Turnips, out of to -day) on the big cash males here tore, 30e per bag; onions', 60c per bag; yesterday, December closing 7-8 to 10 isfiest /hit each mine employe will ac- - tually receive an advanee of 10 "naLr Searrots, 40c per bag; apples, per bbl,' higher. Corn eloeted 1-8e, and oats 1-, 0 GIROUARD EXONERATEb. .300 to $1; aweet potatoes, per big, to a 1-4o up. Provisions at the close cent. on the wages formerly paid. In -.---` e2.50. i werot 12 1-2 to 2,Ca improved. Wheat the Sclaxylkill and Lehigh regions Dried fruite-Dried applee sell at 3 startece the day active and nervous, Has Placed no Orders in the 'United tb.? largest. compaadea have agreed states. - to 3 1-2c; and evaporated art 4 14 to Decerabert at 72 5-8 to 72 7-8e, 1-4o that the "sliding scale abould be sus 5-e. lover tbe previous day's close. Liver- A despatch from London, says;- pended; and tha t wages should re-' Beans -Ordinary white bean, bring 1 pool abowed.a decline, as had been ex- m.ain stationary at 10 P.C. advane- e1.20 to 81.25; ehoice 'leaucti-pick.ee pected; xeceipts were liberal, and the 1 e beans are quoted at 11.40 bly 01.4s. 1 weather waa still engaged in he/ping until April 1, 1901. You have estab- ished a powerful organizatiOn, which Ifc;ney-Dealers mote from 9 to 9: the farmer gat leis grain to market. if raaintained and conducted, on b ' t 1-2o per lie far 5, 10 or 00-1b tins; 00- :The North-West was princi all nea.s principles, will enable you to re- gulate ---- many 0* yonr local grievancea, _ B and make your employment lees haz ardons." Aftetr calling the miners' attention to the State law providing for semi- monthly payment of wages and the benefits derived from organization, the statement oontinnes;- 0 1 Natter 1..sued--Ten rer rent. unit Abotttlost er zttistinse Seal de NI Sal/Woe:am A dcepaseh from Ifazeltom says Ate fellowing net lee was issaai to -day by Presidia etrit- vh aad offieera of the United elites Ieerfirene..- "Aa there are some few oorapanies who have not existed, notified, nor. signified in any other manner, their willing/leas to pay (ha 10 par cent. ad- vance wa.ges and suspsncl; the slid - lug scale., we won1d advise ,tthat unless the men; employed by ,sucht companies receive notice 'before Monday that the advance will be paid they remain away from the mines, and continue strike untie the companies em- ploying them accept the conditions offered by the other compenies, and the em.ployes of the companies who have offered ,the advance of 10 per cent., and a'bolisbled the sliding scale are hereby' authorized to reenme week lefonday Morning, Oct. 09, and to be prepared, if called upon, to contri- bute a reasona.ble amonnt of your earninigs for the maintenance of those who may the compelled to continue on serilee." Count :Von We.idersee fin an inter- view at Pekin said .,he believed eeee actual hostilitiee ie Chine bad ceased, Ex-Preeedent Kruger has se:teed from Lorenzo 11Tirquez for Rolland. IlisM. Simington, a Moose Xair mere sleelaratiotas are go totally opposed., chant, was stbot and killed while out to those made by President Kruger „hunting., and, the Dutch Consul at Lorenzo I There is yet no trace of john C4111 - Marquee that it is believed here that mart and hie Son Rowar4, fishermen he 1344 either'beert misquoted or WA of Resents). beete 441.51/1fOrgAtad tA) ex-Preale" Jacob, Smith, the murdered Mani.* dentee iutentiouet t elm farmer, was a native of Caradee, xi a lelageton. Janes Rusetou dropped dead when at nee; on a locomotive ea therounde pee, Mese at St. 1.14/109. PRICES FAD FOR -SEATS TO Rev, Geo. Extence of Immanuel Onn. VIEW FriOCESSION. 0 eg21 uaottlioor 011thhuisrchre,41Hignanialtlitoonn: ban giv. 1 for the ininques include% 900 </marts of Otoutpagne, Tweety-tbree eettlera fee the Oen. adieu leortheest, with three CaJIA 4 aattcallfoireeemanLtaoguest opu0i:atysswTelir: stook, bave left Detroit, Miele. ke ePrriattael eVaolatuanatfeetrksaeaenitYbeofitLiZefleTae CerclWillitt(1:4441"' ee'141;:ltb""h‘e:ttil:a.1 hbot1484:" ed is progreseing, Lligh prices are! seit at, Weilerd Ceeeeinfa mar being paid. It eetets from five ebil-1 41t(41"iliee bugs to half a guinea for a aeet Along ! W. A. Marshall. aged 10 years, VAS Edgware road, five to ten guineae. killed at Ottawa by tee caving he of fer a seat fn Piccadilly, a guinea ors the side of are excavatiou where Ite the Strand, and from two to three was working, a'lletaseaatriasaleaTier feeotr sit‘eeebtanquet Kingston C.:, Pembroke Itailwa.y, watt Wm. Buck, section:num on Um turnfng troops includes 990 quart3 of champagne. 400 botties of sherry, ar:okteekLtalatrain and killed near d 300 'bottles of claret. This is a Soarat hundred Cbinese are being peculiar cotninentary on the reques iiroadede into the United States reeentiy fssued by Lord Woleeley to by el/ewe coelmeela carweeeme at A people not to give debates to the to 0e0 per bead, according to Ante turtling aoldien. recite officers. VOLUNTEERS' RETURN, ROUNDING UP SPIES. usErED STA.rza. vaYnea.1.1ow fever as inereaaiag at Hs - Remarkable Scenes 'Witnessed irx Charles Dudley Warner died sudden - Johannesburg, ly at Hartford, Maysee,;_dreveeetearkearberene seibtojeganee7:buzgt.: „Former U. S. Postmaster -General Wilson Is (load at Lexiugton, Vt. , kerdTbkoeree!reayrininag rtkeetrayceweesainfartag:Iry- lerjhoilhin0Be.zeISt:ttgbie.t* dead. editor t°1Etah:r3ii19371' attended by Boer farmers from the 418s' wailtingbilsilinhoneedm:w4.41.3boinutfuenevaenwittoZlotheck, vaCrildaDrIi7in0it.:7;oelireolotI, id:a:sea:a t'C.7aanree.z- raarket equare became suddenly aleve bridge, Mss, with soldie,rs, who, having formed Chicago policemen and firemen are complete cordon', closed in upon the soon to receive medals for meritorious farmers end others. attendieg the work. soles. Back marl WAAS ordered bo ex- Major Petersoia, chief commissary Whit the permit which is indispens- of Cabe, has died of yellow toyer at able to all burghers, etc., under the Revalue provietions of martial late, which still Governor Sayers, of Texas, ha e re- prevail:a here. It was discovered that calved $70a000 so fax for Galveston over flety mon were with tut permits, sufferers. wad they \rare there-upore arrested The condition of Senator Sherman, wad taken under guard to the feet. ill at Washington, is unchanged. Ha Seme who were able to give setts- is very low. factory acoounts of themselves were Friday's lyriching was at Elkton, subsequently released, but tlhe naajtaa. jail as aseeo-usbuatlo.ok the negeo from the ty are still detained in custody. 'Me moveraent, which wets directed Two persons were killed and. eight by the mitetary gavernor, was clever- injured by jumping to escape flames ly carried oat. Its object was to cap- in a Detroit factory. tare Boer spies suspected of Using Railway telegraphers have conclude burghers' permits to enuble the= to ed their convention at St.:Drees, Mo enter the town and obtain infernos- San France -ace next year. tifor the enemy in the field. Jewellery worth 020,000 is missing despatch to the War Office;- ,, , The Henderaons will build the new, , „0.----_ real bill, 498 National banlm, with tram Charles Pfizen's home in Bee - Yesterday the Queen prorogued enednielle ht e Q,.. ; . 4..., LOrd ROibleX tri has seat the fenewieg i Parliament until December. " I --Sin; the" polssing'"'of ..'thel.'"Ue. Sb .4 ft inisran- to your telegram of Oet, 9th, no America's. cup next sunimer. "Pretoria., Sunday, Oct. 2. -- Reefer_ Shamrock, which is to compete for the: 823,505,000 capital, ha.ve been organ- ringorders !have been 'placed by Col.GIT- mare. en Ameabea, e believe weeneeele giving contracts to Arnericans for I ' lzet father, mother and four. children English- iremmasters protest against -___--.--- miming firms, have, owing to the in - Belt and Company, acting foe varioua South African railways one bridges. o The departure from Cape Town of A f dynamite at Sell, near Hot 'Springs, I were MOWII. to atoms byan explosion ability 'ace English houses to complete orders on, time, placed a portion of Twenty thousand dollars in gold the American Consul, Mr. Stowe, was j".4IL there. . ' , celebrated by the Maannie fraternity! duet was stolen from tale Alaska Oom- their orders in Amerioa," ' CANADIAN GRAtetes IN BRITAIN eeddeod____ ..,r, ,„.3,3 . will uvebery Nome pCiaternalbeParnY1'47. 17areth*118e at ' nxeecteti That Trade la Thls Team 1a7 he Australia. I dead from illuminating gas accident- rberparnecahe n toetfithine BthreitlDshukaermoyf I Yorke body guard. when he goes to i Mies Merlon Wilson Rae was found n.eysiesteg. It les proposed- to construct a ship - ally turned an in her roora at No. 112 i A deeptitch from Ottawa, says ;-- canal from Southaxnpton to London, I Madison- avenue, New York - A. eabeeg.raee bee been reeeteee ,by the .TJ)liS woe.ld enable transatlantic ships i Capt. George W. Streetex and seven A GITILTY mIssiorrAlly. Department of -Agriculre tufrom to laed easaengers and freight in tothela'tsgonthat:ategrosiloconvefiteeHliedia7inde1caikeefarioiont their agent at Manc,heater, saying ; Loudon many houra earlier than be 1 bus an s t,hat the trial shirentenet of grapees any other route. - I guilty of "conspiracy to commit mur- A. despatch from DurbaYs-The made. by the Dominion Government It es efficially announced that Great I der." , German noesionaey, Prozeske, has bee been delivered in goad condition Britain and Germany have agreed to) Beeeeet 'Fellows wrote to the Rev. been found g-uilty at Newcastle on the at elanoliestera T,he geePee were radiate:in tae territerial integrity et Ansoe Phelps Stokes suggesting that charges of treason brought against sold, by public auction', and while the Chime and to keep ehe Chinese parte be derote part. Of his inheritance to a hire': The judge, remarking that pries realized were not large., it le and revere open tor trade, aa ear as farad foe worn out ininietera of Ube the accused, haring taken the oath (booed that the good condition in t of ealleiVenee, was as much liable to which •.the grapes were landed will hT'arta6feliteagarLDay waa obsereed 13 Lon- Ga5BurLglare tied the wetehman ilod be- all the penalties for treason as adon in thusuall manner, namely, the gin to ransack the post -office at Charaberlaili regarding the continued native-born subject of her Majesty, Great Britain in Canadian gra oes of lead tei the eV'euing up ol a trade With 'decopatiing of the Neilson colnmen. A Gamboa, Pa. The watchman loosened delay in granting permission to re- eenteneed him to twelve months' irn- fine quality. new feature was the introduction of the cords and opened fire, killing one fugees to return to the Tram:Taal, prieon.tnent ,and a fine of £500, and French and Spanish flags in honor o burglar and wounding the other. tyeon the receipt of a reply a mass failing the payment of the fine a x,R,,-u.GEB, oreLl. NOT VISIT 'lie S. the sailliors who fought; on the hostile French and German autoraoloile meeting will be held by therefugeee, ethepa. Clube will race from Paris -to Berne: says --Van Post, an influential+ burgh- lines. Tbes4, women are practically probably visit the United States, Mr. at Kingston, Jamaica. tented becaume of the continued re, eusal of the authorities to permit them to return to their homes. 0A, despatch from Pretoria, Sunday, toria and tee diestrict to the Beer ex -President of the Transvaal mould There who are i-iiI3n becoming more discon- PERSUADE DE WET. t ------ Arrancenaente hare been made to te-,,, powers not to recognize British 60 v_ A despatch from Pretoria says-- Kruger's raideLoo to Europe is to induee- despatch 270, Boar women from pro- ereigmty in South Alriea, and that the further Period of nine months' ina- A despatch from -The Hit'llgIte' "y5:- laTibley 11::eispractivbalgngin;11:35:r9daillayar troiuknte snte.xltigh* yomeaar8a-,nevvt.II: an Italian, Ls under prisonm.ent. ., Little credence ie attacleed here to the el WIVES OF MARAUDERS. utterance.s of St. John Gaffney,. of ofGaen°.°11,41'narez i,:3 spain,s new iviini,.. When Major et°1:s", <Le of Yc'1' New York, to the effect that President teTreaef fWanaa'rine• outlook in India is gen- The disabled British steamer H- TOherself dead. tiliu.s has been found and brought to low fever at Haeana, hie e sho ea perraosion to proceed to the bands are ratfauding and seeping. ' r Holland, even to the Boer partisans. on the coast of Japan. ee belong/lag to Pretoria, has obtain- fed by the britime while their hue- Gaffney is abzolutely unknown be A new eea see -Pent bee t up i tahrereepej;escihdaernoted.01wiilt_bizailt!,empt to eel ER OFFICERS CAPTURED. Refugees Discontented Through Delay in Being Al. lowed to Return to the Transvaal. 'A despatch from London says- Orange River Colony for the purpose Lord Roberts telegraphs the War of seeing De Wet and of representing Office that he expects to leave for to ben the absurdity of continuing England on Nov. 15. He also says the struggle. , that General French is expected to reach Heidelberg to -morrow, and that Colonel Ayton has captured Field Cornets Doonaen and DeBeer. a...— REFUGEES DISCONTENTED. A. *despatch froxn Cape Town says -The Refugee Committee to -day cab- led a ,statement to Colonial Secretary