HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-11-1, Page 4er,
),CITARTED.ID P=„eANTXT..1." Her853.e is e little table from the Public
Pale elp Capitel - sumpoo Aeceouta page 51, showing hew the
*3,050,004 taxes have grown
Met ren4
Mama Offlee. Ma ItrOaL
kl-v4ncea to good tarmers on
= their
oue or ore etalereer at 7 nor
Ve maim,
'Exeter Branch
Ctnen overv," lawtol doe tram 1Ra. v. te 3 p.m
SATIIItDATS, 3.e a. ni. to p.
,lorrantrates et interest allowed on &posits.
Exeter. Doe -270u 'es. mAx.Neeit
Q."&lenclar for Novernber 1 9Q0.
4 11 V 2$
12 10
ugs'. .... - 6 V 20 27
IVVzreiEsn.kx . 7 14 21
- 1 15 22 20
YAIDaY 2- 9 16 80
Serenureeee3 10 17 2t
'YOMBR ist, 1900
Customs. .e1se._
1S96$19.$33,e79 $7.926,004 SU'rd.e.8,5
MST 19.478,eir ant= 28.Ca,02,5•
1$91-3 2141004 7,80,6e4 .17,m5,455
4$9S--0 2,5,310,24,1 9,1;?elelesAme
The tuxes for 18934 are larger than
ally yet cellected from us in one year ;
they are $7,201.000 higher than the
taxes of the last Conservatiye year
Every Canadian pays $1.41 more per
awe= for 1.41beral vide than he veld
for Cooservative rule, a4the iuexease
per family of Ave is $7.20.
Each iii woman and child has to
• pay .$6.90 to Ottawa, mad each faintly -
of five $31-00-
If you object to needless extrava-
gance, vote for Pdle
riara and Sherritt
* e
"Whet's the difference between Buf-
falo Bill en
d Mr. Ratzr asked a loeal
Tyree ofa tivit friend. "Give it up,'
said the Grit. "One has a show awl
the other hasn't," replied the Tory
with. a smile.
If senetors14s erruld be sold at
$4000 it is not hard to see wily the
Grit party has dropped the agitation
for the retorm of .the Semite, and is
williog to leave that to time mad
Provatence.-Fergus Canadian.
* *
There is a good, deal or talk, about
bogus editiort of the Toronto Globe
being in circulation. It is not charg-
ed. however. that it is a ;ape of the
Globe in theidays of Hon, Geo:Brown.
when be tinttalcreil against 'Trench
* *11
The man who takes or gives a bribe
at the approaching election leaves bine-
self liable to a heavy flee and im-
prisonment. The law ie now vet
stringent, and a close weteli will be
kept on the "machine”
and where of-
fences are committed preeeention will
be sure to follow.
• *
Au exchange draws:attention to the
fact that in ltuesia, under government
coutrol, kerosene is sold for 1/ cents
per gallen. while here from 18 to 30
cents is charged. This is cowed by
the Laurier Government allowing the
Standard Oil Co. to get control of all
the gas and oil interests ha Canada.
• •
Mulock. boasts that he "reduced
the rate on postage to every man who
had a letter to write by oxie-third."
How many letters does the averagts.
roa.n write 113 the torirse of a year r
We believe he buys ten plugs of tobac-
co to one postage stamp, and the price
of his tobacco is raised.
• •
The Laurier Government had a bin-
der twine plant in operation to keep
down the combines, but they sold the
oatput to a Trust at 41 -cents, who sold
it to the farmers at the price of 200
per cent. more than the twine cost
turned out in bulk at the penitentiary.
This Shows how tlee farmers are being
At the last electiou the popular vote
stood thus:
V913. Lib. ltd.
Outario 191,052 100,733 0209,3
Quebec 98,080 113,8 8,120
-Nova Scotia50,772 119,186L 737
lirewBrunswick 31.600 -
E, Island- 0,157 9:101 321
Manitoba10.4159 11,510 5,9a3
13. Columbia 8,174 8,821 1,007
N. W. T7,812 9.693 214
4J: 4.3 .T
terday, main two. candidates were pro- Pridhane the Conservative candidate,
• • • • "T• •m•• ••••• •
At the nomination in Seaforth, yes- Publie ereetings in behalf a Wm.
L 1V
ppeed. YIZ, ;1011n
autl Geo, MeEsve» o lieneell, both
Liberals. M. Idelewee was: brought
out by those die.setisfied with, Mr, 'Mc-
apel the heavy iufluence be-
hind him will -vtio -bizx . the election.
As to the Conservatives, the fight Is
/acme of - their's ; they ere epeetators
inthe arena, but from what we ,can
learn they intend voting for Mr.- go -
Ewen on personal gevunds. Be is a
staunch Liberal, but a man of good
executtve abLflty. popatax Asa citizen,
end would do something for Smith
' Boron if elected.
J. T. Bulmer, a Liberal worker in
Halifax, who last election fonglit in
three ridings for the Laurier Govern-
ment, bas a letter io the Mail and,
• pire, o wbleb the following is an ex-
, tract: -
“The setting up of any adverse eiaina
to a free election. This tends to Su
vert the authority by whieb. the Mem-
bers sit. leneed not advert to the elec.,-
tion frauds of the pest four years in
Cauada„ -further then to say e that if
the frauds in ebee at the plehiselte
vote, and in Brockville and West Rule
on are permitted to go eurebulted, .and
be perpetrators tiummished, an elee-
tion in will ,soort count for no
ore than an electioe in a petty slave
ate o the Coup?.
'Sieve the acceselon of the Liberal
party to power they have demoralize
teximerancework in Canada, broken
the hearts and deetrerved the hopes e
tholisands who have Labored alltheir
Lives. The appalling'increase in th
conseption of intoixcants last yea•
xvill be .a.pparent to anyone who wil
look into the eternal revenue rebuts.
Hut the worst feature of the Libera
policy is yet to be mentioned, one-1nd
the party press of Canada has had t
defend the party position. Thus bon
est men are put to all these shifts .an
devices full Of I/00.1;MS and deceit
destroy piecemeal. a party promise -
promise whielt before the *Wei
election the party :press proudly etre
tel into. but which Otter the refusal o
the Government to legislate, they
meanly sneak out of. The candidate
or the Liberal party toe all under tb
same necessity,and are going about
the couutry beatiog the ponds to keep
the frogs-froux croaking. We have
been obliged to yield to necessity, and
since 1898 submit to a power which we
despise. N'ow they want the prohibi-
tion Liberals like inyself to sing 'the
praises of the. Government as the Oa
representatives do, anti he led in
triumph before the people like the cap-
tives in the train of a returning con -
(Pierer in Pagan Rome. The time to
assert rights is when they are denied;
the men to assert them axe those to
whom they are denied. It wilt not do
for the Liberal party any longer to
pretend they are our friends .and go
creeping and crawling through pater-
nal homilies. Howerer careful it may
be to conceal itself, a lade flat viper
head may from time to time be seen
gleaning above metaphox•s, and figure's
of rhetoric; wemay surprise its licking
its blue venontous lips with its forked
toegue, and hear its hiss under an in-
sidicers epitath. We must break with
the -Government and fight It to a finish.
A Liberal who calls himself a, temper-
ance tuan and yet supports a party, or
iF s .candidates, after the frig:1litre]. tree-
Total...... -413,000 807,104 80011
The Liberal -Conservative party
at -
that time was divided, mad the votes
of Couservatives were in the Liberal
and. independent continue.
Now the division is over. and thou-
Ils ot honest Liberals are goitig to
„st their ballots for the reform of the
Reform, party.
The united forces will sweep Tarte
out, and that sort of thing will flourish
in our emintry no Imager.
If the next Government does badly
out it raust go also. lis.Zo party has a
mortgage upon the country. and no
patty mast remain iu if it is uufaithful
to the people and weak towards the
In. the way of elections there will
happen an the North American conti-
nent what never happened before,
namely three important elections on
three successive days. The Presiden-
tal elections in the United States will
be held an the 6tb. of November, the
elections in the Dominion of Canada
on the 7th, and the Newfoundland
elections on the 7th.
4- x
The extracts from the Globe in the
Conservative campaign sheet are nei-
ther bogus nor forgeries, and when
ranting Liberal editors say they are,
they simply attempt to deceive the
people in the hope of stopping them
from reading them. Thev are afraid
of the truth and dread exposure of
their trickery and inconsistencies.
• *
A correspondent informs the Toron-
to World that the pulp wood conces-
sion in which candidates Rowell, in
Bast York, and Flea in Centre To-
ronto, are interested embraces an area
of 4080 squaremiles, or 2,560,000 acres,
along the Nepigon River. The conces-
sion was only obtained last spring. • It
is now in the market, and the price
asked is $100,000 cash. That is the val-
ve the grafters place upon the docu-
ment they obtained from the Ontario
Government for nothing,
The Liberal leaders have been badly
beeten on all their trade policies.
When filially installecl in power, they
had broken all the promises they had
ever made. The taxation had not
been reduced, The people were in the
hands of monopolies. They paid. for
their coal oil ridiculously and needless-
ly high pi ices, and disposed of the out-
put of the Government binder twine
factories to Trusts at 4i cents per
pound, who afterwarrle sold the twine
to the farmers at from 13 to 14 cents
11.0 BITIO13*N
Dating the campaign le 1$%, Si
Wilfrid Laurier, while zuldressieg a
meeting in Lindsey was handed the
folios% mg letter t-
Liudeay. Oct. 21, 1V3.
Hon. Wilfrid Laurier ;-
Deal: Sir. -Would yeti be so good as
to state what position you will take on
the prohibition geestiou, if placed at
the head of the Government at the
next general election, said oblige.
Methodist Minister.
Mr...Laurier said; -"In regard. to this
gnestiOn. of prohibition, this is what I
have to say :---The question of pro-
hibition ie, as you know, of very great
importance. It engaged the atten-
tion of the great Liberal couvention
which met at Ottawa two years ago
to consider the important questions
which affect the Dominion of Canada,
aud the Liberal party then assembled
in convention came to a conchision.
They looked upon the gnestion in all
its bearings. It is a mighty serious
question and very complex, and, as
you know, the Liberal party came to
the conclusion that they woald era -
body it in their piatform upon which
they anglit go to the country, that
as soon as they came into power they
would take a plebiscite ou that ques-
tion to ascertain whether the people
of Canada are in favor of the pro-
hibitory system or not. Geutlexuen,
per PGurvi..!
• * •
E.- 11, Cook, ex -M. P., sent the fol-
lowing letter to The Globe for inser-
tion, but The Globe people refused to
putit in. The representativeof Mr.
Cook then offered to pay for its inser-
tion at regular advertising rates, but
this was also declined by Mr. J. S. Wil-
lison, eclit,or-in-cildef, who said the pro-
position wris "most insolent beyond
expression." It was then handed to
the other Toronto papers thus: -
ix. 11. Cook writes under date,
Toronto, October 25:-"Tlie under-
• signed desires to return his heartfelt
thanks to the many members of the
Liberal, party who have wiitten to
him endorsing his course in exposing
• the treachery to Liberal principles of
which the present Government has
been guilty, and he desires to say
that, inasmuch as It's not possible
for hiui to acknowledge the reeeipt of
each one of (116 many hundreds of
• letters so reeeived. he takes this
Means of doing so. -(Signed) -H. B.
will be held throughout the township
ot IJsborne, as followse-
TRURSDAY, NOV. 1st, Farqiiliar.
THURSDAY, NOV. 1st, Dew's school.
The following speakers will address
these meetings; -
Wm. Priclleane, Conservative candi-
date ; 11. Bilber, M.P. P. ; Mesers. i.
L. Rice, R. F.*Sliarpe, St. Marys ; Dr.
Rolline, Exeter ; Dr. Steele, Tavistock.
The Liberal candidate or anyone in
his behalf -is invited.m•‘
Meetings to commence at 7.30 p. n.
each evening.
Dr. STEELE, PreSident
S. Con.. Asen.
Vollowileg is the result in New tie Mid
dleeex of the election in 1801. as also
tbat of 1890. It will be seen that a
much larger Vote was polled at the
last election
of the Liberal party will be f hitt ill
policy son of the plebiscite, either goes cm
I have only this to say -The
-IL-A-7 to the enemy or puts himself in his
power. There shall be a plebiscite, power. If -we return the Liberal party
carried out when they come into
to power we condemn ourselves to im-
hatever the will of potency, and our cause to contempt.
ascertained, and w
and the will of the people will be
ll be the duty One does not disarm an enemy through
the people may be it wi
gentleness or timidity; one simply
of the Government to carry
into execution." that WM emboldens him. Shall eve condone
the offence of a party which has de -
attended that meeting was convinced ceived us, and which has removed the
Rev. Mr. Hill and everyone else who
elr. Laurier meant to convey the ty? anseient landmarks of the Reform par -
impression that he would give the ' If we do, and the Liberal party
is ret
country prohibition if a majority of returned to power, the word. "pro-
hibition will not be mentioned in. Par
the people voted in favor of prohibi-
tion. Bementth
at Ottawa for e next ten
MR, PRIDHAM AS AN ACTIVE Now that the party is in the grip of
111. P. destiny and before the country, bow
ought the 277,000voters supporting the
During the period in which Wm. plebiscite vote motile 7th of Novetnber?
Pridham represented South Perth in Why, every- man turn soldier and fight
the Dominion Parliament he proved them down. Let es on that day, the
himself to bean active worker, having last election day in the century, teach
caused the establishment of a bonded parties that their pletforms and pre -
customs warehouse at St.. Marys, and raises are not light and portable,a, sort
the creation of a customs office in Mit- of charm by which they may get clear
chell. The convenience of these offices of every honorable engagement, but
to the mercantile and manufacturing something sacred to be religiously ob-
interests of these towns, it is needless served, and thus make party pledge -
to say is very great. They can do breaking so unpopular that the like
their customs business handily zigbt will not again be atteMpted Canada
at their own door. The rural parts of for the next hundred years. If we all
the riding were treated through Mr, clo our duty from this date to election
Pridhara's efforts to improved postal day, not even the Rump Parliament
service in various directions. wild- on its last legs, drifting into the abyss
wood P. 0.,ba tbe far corner of Dowie, of the people's bate, will be half so odi-
was established; Rannoch P. 0. in ous as the party now in power.
"Blanshard was raised. to a daily mail It, is needless for me to add that I
service. Devon and Thames Road, have nothing in the world against Grit
new P. 0.'s, were opened in Usborne. Party, except When it gets in our firing
At Thames Road the people had been line. In the election of 18961 gave up
trying for 30 years to get postal facit- every lionr to the service of the Liberal
ities, and Mr. Pridham succeeded ha party in the Counties of lIalifa,x,
securing for them this boon. Huron- Hants, Colchester, Cumberland and
dale was another new P.O. in Ushorne Pietou. Had it stood true to the cause
established under Mr. Pridham, and of truth and honesty. I would have
along therewith was the elevation to a been One of the first at this election to
daily mail route from Rensal that bear its colors if need be with fire and
took in Chiselhurst Lumley and. Mar- svvord. I cannot support it ; I will not
ondale. Mr. Pridham's efforts in this support it,because I believe with Gam -
line were warmly appreciated by the betta:-
township residents, and showed an in- "There will surely come a day when
telligent thoughtfulness in their inter- politics, restored to its true role-- ceas-
ests that was creditable to Mr. Prid- ing to be the refuge of cunning and of
ham and should find reward at the intrigues renouncing treacherous and
hands of the public. perfidious trickery,free from the spirit
Now, what has Mr. Erb to show for of corruption.and from all the strategy
his parliamentary term of four years? of double dealing and subterfuge -will
If there were much to point,his friends become what it ought to he; amoral
itt the press would likely have eropha,- science, expressive of a complete bar -
sized it repeatedly, but they have mon3r of interest, of affairs, of morals,
not been able to "point with pride" to imposing itself alike on the couselenee
achievements of any kind. Nor can and the mind, ancl dictating the laws
gr. Erb when confronted by Mr. r'rid- of justice to human society."
ham a.dduce any instances of practical Yours, etc.,
work accomplished on behalf of his
St. Mary s
Butues.-The Collegiate football I
team whicle plays Stratford is a strong
aggregation and should, accoant, well
for themselves, Vining arid Paynter
the two star players are in the team
and will help to bring yictory to the
Collegiate bays.
Bumes.-N. D. Donne has been en-
gaged to teach. the Woedhara Pablie
oeliool for 1001. -Oar pastor is busy en-
gaged in holding revival services at
Salem.- A very. interesting debate
took place in the Epwotth. League on
Friday evening last. The subject "Re-
solved. thee worry kills more people
than work." The affirmatiye was sup-
ported by Messrs, 3, B. Barnwell and
T. 3. Roadhouse, while Messrs, U.
IN.Irk and S. H. Tufts upheld the neg-
ative. After a leugthy discussion on
the part of the judges, the decision
Was given in favor of the affirmetive,
The judges evere'Messrs. W. R. Jamie.
sem F. Marshall and John Urquhart
Eli vine.
1310EFs,- Rev. Waddell preached
anniversary services at Bethel on the
Granton circuit on Sunday last. -The
Misses Smith. of Lambeth and London
spent a few days around the village re-
newing aconaintances. It is about
Lan years entice they moved front Eft-
ville mid will no doubt see many new
aces. -Mies Jennie Halls visiteug re-
latives in Gotlerich, --P. T. Hall, of
oderieli spent a conple of days limier
he parental roof, -Politics is quite the
rder of the dee' and. some very hot
Ise ussione take place in oer little burg.
-Miss Fergusou, of Exeter,speut Sun-
day with friends in the village. -
oers, of Exeter, spent Sunday under
e parental roof.
Science Hill
Butors. - Nies Tillie Sproule, 0
Eingston, is visiting friends in this lo-
cality. -The cider and apple butter
factory Glengowan is doing a rush-
ing business. Apples are cheap awl
plentiful and farmers are getting them
ttutufactured into the products.- Ow -
g to the sielmess of Rev. Mr. Hart,
r„ Johns, of Elimville, took the work
t Zion. -The °Dicers of the Zion Bp -
worth League for the coming six
tuonths are;-Pres.,Miss Netta Switzer;
lst vice. Miss Mary Switzer; 3nd vice,
Mies Ethel Switzer ;3ril. vice, 11. LArm-
etroug ; 4th vice, nervy Langford;
secretary, Chas. Burnett ; treaserer,
Milton Switzer ; organist, Miss Dome
thy Switzer ; musical directoe, R. W.
00 um, QUITTING!
We mean business with this sale.
We are really giving up, retiring, selling out, qgitti g, or any
way you wish to put it.
Here are prices on goods you know the value of.
Weil, the whole stock is marked down in proportion.
.very department sees piles of goods clearing out every 134Y.
Here is a choice list of old-fashioned bargains :-
polled bal-
lots, and a, recount was granted before
Judge Masson, which still left Mr.
Hutchins elected by 8. There were,
however, a large number of ballots
marked outside the disc, which were
not included in the want, but after-
wards counted as good. These ballots
although involve, out in other places
gave Mr. Ratz a majority of og, in
North Middlesex.
• .• •
Following are the returns for the
elections in 1891 and 1896, in South
Perth. It will be seen that Donald the
Independeut drew the majority of his
votes from Mr. Pridham, the Censer -
Table candidate.
St. Marys
1 4 35
2 8 e9
3 25 53
21 101
17 61
0 50
constituents. Both are gentle- Halifax, N. S., Oct. 22,
men, but by their records for public '
good, we must, judge them.
"Polling on Wednesday, November,
7th. • . '
Canada is not sa,tisfiled with Lautrier.
The people demand a chance. .
A word may iurn a vote. A, vote
may fairn an election. Get in your
e.)ords nci'w, and get,' in your votes
November '7, for Sherritt and Prid-,
7 13 lee
8 13 127
9 45 74
10 30 75
11 22 40
H. H. Cook has made. a declaration
before a Notary Public, that he was
approached by a person acting in he -
half of the Liberal Cabinet, auci asked
to pay 810,000 for a seat in t,he Seate
Mr. Cook made this statement some
time ago, rut the I_Alierals would no
,beliyo it her,a.nse wAS not sworn to.
I -le now swears to it. The $10,000 wiug
ook, bern. 2 d
• E.1
E -c
20 35 33
33 47 51
41 76 60
58 101 71
70 51 St
32 59 58
56 108
23 123
25 103 40
25 89 55
85 53 110
12 6 48 182 45
13 " 4 77 58 89
14 17 47 108 65
15 0 St 69 87
16 30 60 60 89
17 26 78 49 98
18 19 40 57 91
19 2 118 56 118
20 66
21 17 63
22 5 51
23 47 71 177
21 39 49 , 117
25 10 80 55
26 9 54 37 70
27 15 33 55 65
28 18 33 74 30,
• 29 18 73 69 61
30 85 59 33 74
31 11 38 56
- - -
T'l vote 551 2069 1851 2307 2325
Majority for Erb, 218
Majority for Pridham, 1892, 18.
Following are the correct returns of
the vote polled in South Huron, by
majorities, at the last election :
Hays McMillan
Bayfield,,majority, 35
'Hay " 126
Hallett " 116
McKillop 08
Stanley " 12
Tuckersmith " 2o0
Majority for McMillan, 805
Total vote polled 3357
Total on list 5169
It must be remembered that the
franchise of the coming election is en-
tirely different from that which gov-
rned the contests referred to above,
Et is now one man °lie vote, an elector
inust vote where be lives or sleeps.
This will greatly redn.ce the number of
votes to be polled..
50 yards apron C-ingham in small
blue and white check, 36 in wide
regular price 10e, to clear at 7.20
297 yards Canadian Flannels, neat
fancy stripes, lightipetteres, fast
colors, heavy weight. 34 liachea
wthiedye,iarsetguatlar value 121, while
9. •
tydaarrakeiEnnagigl ios 1Pii ;Ines taso acsosloorrts_ Money GSraovcienrieist e in
ecl light shades, worth to -day 10
and lle. Sale price $ic 75,lbs, pure Baking Soda, r
00.1m:1i table linen. unbleached, 40 a pound; 3 Pounds for
new patterns, smooth finish, 1001be. good strong sulphur, reg.
worth 3.1e to -day ; save lle on a, pound, at 10 pumas for
Buns.--111rain O'Neil, eon. 13, ot
2h, Loudon township, died Saturday
from injuries sastained in an aceitleut
on Thursday last. In) was driving ou
lead of oats and coming to Lucite
when the reins became entangled. Be-
fore eir. O'Neil, could stop the horses
cr secure the the team turned
about so as to cramp the wagon and
upset the load. O'Neil was tbrowu tut -
der the wagon and sustained injuries
so severe that his life was despaired of
from the outset. Several of his ribs
were broken and pierced the lungs.
Dr. Laing, of Granton, was summoned
and all possible was done to relieve the
sufferings of the unfortrautte man.
Deceased was n well-known farmer, in
the prime of life. Hewes aged. 43years.
Of a quiet disposition, be had very
many friends, and the family have the
sympathy of the community in their
severe loss. .A widow, two sons and.
two daughters survive.
doz, Ladies' plain cashmere hose,
heavy fall weight, seamless feet,
reg, a. bargain at 38e
5 doz. grain bags, eapacity Web,
present value $2 doz., eale price 1,03
every yard you buy Friday 21c. 68 lbs. washing soda, reg. 3c a lb.
7 yards Manitoba tweed, full
width, heavyweight, good wear-
ing quality, for smock and over.
reg, 25c., reduced to 19e
5 pieces skirt liniuge, soft finished
quality, in black, brown, grey
mid white, regular 100 for 8!:
2 doz. pairs men's plain black. cash-
mere half hose, good weight. ex-
cellent wearers, reg. 45c a, pair,
selling out price 350
is destruction of lung by a
growing germ, precisely as
mouldy cheese is destruction
of cheese by a growing germ.
If you kill the germ, you
stop the consumption. You
can or can't, according to
when you begin.
Take Scott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver Oil: take a little
at first.
at 15 poundfor 2en
Forest City Baking Powder, quart
jars, 11 lbs, net, powder, regular
25e for 10e
Speciel blend black Ceylon Tea,
fine whole leaf, reg., 30e„ at five
pounds for 81,15
Uncolored Japan Tea, mild, deli-
eious flavor, a regular tea pot
cracker, worth 40e. a lb., at 5
pounds for 71,50
A. a FORD 4iR CO,
'The Solid Value Store Woodburn,
The Toronto Mail and Empire some
days since instructed its correspon-
dents in the various ritlinga nf the
eight provinces of the Dominion to
forward an inmaxtial report tif the
prospects of the several caudidates.
These reports indieato that the Conser-
vative party will came every Province
with the exception of Quebec, New
Mr. Charlton the Liberal M. P., who
Brunswick breaking even. There are
is at present challenging his party on
1•Tew BennsWick, ll ; Prince BP'ara was fortunate in assuming office just
TtuhtebPerDovoimucineioonf Oirtatlirio21
bers ; Quebec, 63 ; Nova Scotia, 20 ; poiots of polieyZsayseeThe Government
Island, 5 ; Manitoba. 7 ; British cAltim-
ut to all commercial nations, and
at the beginning of a period of pros-
bia, 0, and. the Ilorthwpst Territories,
4. From a politietylpoint of view, the b
to the blessinees of Providence, and to
tastily, whieh not only applies to us
which it is well to realize has been due
causes beyond the control of the Can -
(Wan Government."
James Stewart, proprietor of Stew-
art's restaurant, Seaforth, Ont., drop-
ped. dead of heart failure Saturday,
while sitting ba a chair in his piece of -
business, lie was 52 years of age and
an old resident. Ife was widely known
and a general favorite with the tra,yel-
Miss White of Si.31urye. Lias °limed epe
1191V dress and mantle making shop in lir"00a.-
haw, and having Nisilftt 60Ule Of the Ameri-
can arid Cajiatlianeitio' prepared. to turn
out work in tlie mast' faritionabie steles.
Ladies' fur reatsand nevi made to order or
ITLis warm.
It acts as a
food; it is the
easiest food.
Seems not to be
food; makes you
hungry; eating
is comfortable.
You grow strong -
11 iwot s
toke FcetitieercT.1-t Itt er. Take more;
not too much ; enough is as
much as you like and agrees
with you. Satisfy hunger
with usual food; whatever
you like and agrees with you.
When you. are .strong
again, have recovered your
strength ---the germs are
dead: you have killed them.
last Muse was clividecl as 0 ON .
There were 120 Liberals and. 70 Comer -
valves, while of the II Independents,
10 commonly voted for the Govern-
ment, and one with the Opposition.
This is to say, Sir Wilfrid Lawler
usually had a majority of 50, and
would have had a majority o230 even
if all the Independents had coalesced
with the Conservatives.
In Quebec, the Liberals held 51. of
the 05 seats. The vigorous campaign
which has been conducted in the Pro- vine° in the interest of the Conserva-
tives will, however, result in this ma-
jority of 37 being cut in three, If
Laurier secures a. majority of 11 be
will be doing better thae is expected.
Ontario in 1806 and the by-elections
returned 45 Liberals and 40 Conserva-
tives, but 7 so-called Independents, all
liver, kidneys, bowels, blood and ner-
of whom, on all party questions. Imre
been supporters of the Government.
ves. Electric Bitters tones up the
According to reports received from
bowels, purifies the blood, strengthens
Ontario the result in the next House
the nerves, hence cures multitudes of
3w9i.11 be :-Conservatives 53 ; Liberals,
maladies. It builds up the entire sera -
stomach, vegetates liver, kidneys a'nd
12 of the YO raembers. These figures
will be reversed.
New Brunswick, six went to the Lib -
In NovaScotia the Liberals returned
Of the fourteen seats belonging to
Price 50 cents. Sold by all druggists.
t weak, sickly, rundown man or woman,
tem. Puts new life and vigor into any
erals and eighe to the Conservatives. 4
• If you have not tried it, send
for free sample, Its agreeable
taste will surprise you. ,
- Toronto.,
50p. and $1.00; all druggi§ts.
When things are "the best" they be -
wine "the best selling." Abraham
Hare, a leading druggist of Belleyille,
O., writes ; "Electric Bitters are the
best selling bitters 7 bare handled in
20 years." You know why? Most
diseases begin in disordere of storaach,
One of the latter wilt likely be carried
by the Liberals, leaving the represen-
tation a tie.
Of the flye seats allotted to Prince
Edward Island the Liberals Oempied
three and the Opposition two in the
last House ; the Conservatives will re-
verse this proportion, and even ex-
pect to do better than that.
In Manitoba it is altogether prob-
able that the Liberals will be able' to
retain more than one of the- seven
seats ; they will be lucky if they keep
The following abstract of the re-
turns show the composition of the
Con. Lib.
Ontario 53 39
Quebec 27 38
New Brunswick... 7 7
Nova Scotia 12 8
Prince Edward Island 3 2
Manitoba • .. 6 . 1
North-west TerritorleS 4 0
British. Columbia 5 1
117 96
Conservative majority, 21.
•on. Lib.
Ontario .. .. .... . :40 52
Quebeo 14 51
Noya/Seotia.. ... 8 12
New Brunswick ...... . 8 6
British Columbia. 2 4
Manitoba.... ... . . . 2 5
Prince Edward Island.... 2 3
North-West............... I 3
77 136
Liberal majority, 57.
Children Cry for
that you cannot possibly be
or successful -unless you
sleep soundly, eat 'heartily, arida
digest what you eat.
From Coopersville, Mich., comes
word of a wonderfuldiscovery of a
pleasant tasting liqnicl that, when used
before retiring, by anyone troubled
with a bad "cough always ensures a
goods night's rest "It will Soon cure
the cough too" writes Mrs, S. IIimel-
burger, "for three generations of our
family have used Dr. King's New Dis-
covery for Consumption and never
found it's equal for Coughs and Colds.'
It's an unrivaled life -sayer when used
for desperate lung diseases. Guaran-
teed bottles 50e and $1..00 at till drug-
gists. Trial bottles free,
Rememb r
that if your nervous system.
needs toning you will be.miser-
able yourself and make tho
yon come in contact with,'
that in Jr. Ward's Blood and
Nerve Pills you have a remedy
that has never yet failed to curt. -
any disease caused by im-
• poverished blood, such as Pale
Greenish or Sallow Complexion,
Nervous Prostratien, Weakness,
Loss of Appetite, 'Dyspepsia
and Stomach Disorders, Head- -
ache, Depression of Spirits,
Lack of Energy, Puff, ncss and
Dark Circles under the Eyes,
Pain in the Back, Kidney and
Liver Disorders, and Catarrh.
Der box. five bores for $7. .A-11. dr n g lath,
Walla:no £G 0o, Toronto, Ont.