HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-17, Page 8A Woman's Shoe should be Tike herself —dainty and delicate —yet strong to endure.. This is the King Quality all over. It's as pretty as a shoe can be made and as strong also, and yet it doesn't look as though it was made for a mats. People who don't know it, guess the price somewhere around. $5, and yet it is. only $3. Ask. to see King Quality. TRADE. R !NG QuALiTY FOOT COTIFORT, SHOE STYLE 1MONI31['S YALU ,- j= That's what we give you.. in Eing,'s shoes, for men,. women and children. We have tine so s agency for Exeter fair the King quality shoes. We have tried airily inekes of foctwear and final the King q the best wearers, easierz utters and most stylish. They are so good that we guarantee every pair we sell. ssea ' money back if they are not ns you want then:, that's fair sin'¢ at ? We stand back of every* pair of Ring shoes we Sell. With our guaaraiee e eau loge nothing, Bing backs us with his guarantee, we lose noth- iiig. 'Lie King shoes are made from ging quality sures;, every Pair made by e:tperte. They were hood enough to capture the gold medal at laris. - Come in and see the assortment we are eho vine Kira .s shoes far hien in Black. Box Calf and Tau Wilow Calf at $2.40, ea,(lfl, 83.50 and GE 50.. lt.tn; quality Dongola shoes for women. All the new shapes, with wall: easy soh tS2.30, $2.73, $3.00 and $3.2a, rigg's FOOk toroi lt ST[1'1f1RT. For Marriage Licenses, I iNcedciiirt> R'angs, ° WYrttcleesr Clock r Qwelry,. spectacles, Et e41.1. ON' R. I'iI I CKi Watch Repairing- a Specialty. A full stock of School Books for Public Schools. A full stock of Sunday School. Library Books at wholesale prices Family and Peachers' Bibles Full Line. --e Everything in Stationery, wholesale and retail. Jolill Griq, EXE'fiER. INSURANCE. RNEST ELLIOT, Agen for the WEsrxcsN Assaniez:cx Cois- sea*aY, of Toronto; also for the Pam= Finn. NsvraaNcx COMPANY, of London, England;; and 1:rANCE IMO/NANCCE COMPANY, of Eng Centrals STRATFCR4, ONT. A school that is doing the best work in business education in Canada. Our magnificent catalogues give full tutor mation. Write to -day for one, Sev- eral Canadian colleges and many large American schools employ our grad- uates as teachers, This is one strong point in our favor. Enter now if pos- sible, W. j. ELLIOTT, Principal. TO ADVERTISERS. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday noon. Casual advestisementp accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. For sale at Lutz's Drug Store. Only 50c a bag. Dr, I3rowning has returned from a visit to Toronto. Miss Evelyn Gill spent Sunday with fziends in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. T. Boyle are spending the holiday at Centralia. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18th,1900 \ Andrew Oke, of Brucefield, yisited I his parents here on Sunday, Miss Lena I3oward is spending a few holidays with friends in Galt. New raisins and currants at right Read R, N. Rowe's change of adver- prices at the R. Pickard Co's. tisement. 1Mr. Stevens of New York State is Frank Willis. of Forest, spent Sun- the guest of Mr. las. Pickard, day with his parents here. / The R. Pickard Co'are showing a airs. D. A. Ross spent a few clays ofta number of novelties in Millinery. this week visiting with friends in Clin- i' Miss Annie Brooks, of Detroit, is ton. visiting at her home, Exeter south. Miss Mary Gidley has returned from Miss B. Robinson of New Hamburg a pleasant visit with friends in Strat- is spending Thanksgiving with her ford. parents here. Mrs. F. McDonelt of Hensel!,is Richard Treble and Miss Ida Flynn, spending a few days of this week ith of dEneser were married at Kippers P g y Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart and wife, of Seaforth, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott., Chas. Abbott returned home on 'great rangegof Readckard y-tn yv showing Thursday last from Scotland, where (and Ove '' 'fit'- vlothing he spent the past few months. ynrin� �_� . aiues and right :Tse Winan's Cough coughs, c,,; y a,, aMc+ ram for The wedding of W. Hawkshaw, of fasnanan ueii7,.onchitic troubles. Bt, Marys and Miss Ada McLaughton, zaly 25c a bottle at C. Lutz's Drug of Exeter, is announced for the near store. future. Miss Elsie McCallum returned home Isaac Clemens, of near Berlin, has on Friday last, after an extended visit purchased the farm of Simon Schiedel, in Georgetown, Midland and other near Breslau for the neat sum of 56,000 places. and has moved thereon. Messrs. Jefferson and Hamilton, and James B. Martin, of Seaforth, visit - Misses Jefferson, ' Cooper and Me- ed at Hugh Oke's over Sunday. Mrs. eron of St. Marys, s visitedMartin, to the h y ,who had been visiting here, re - Messrs Howard on. Sunday. turned home with him. ly' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Abbott will move. James OolIingwood on Monday show- ed us a sample of wild raspberries which he picked from vines in the woods. They were large and luscious, and taken from well -laden vines. It is stated thatwhatever-lists were certified to on or before September 1st 1900, will be used. This means that in funds of the Bible Society. almost all the municipalities in Ontario t the 1899 Lists will be used. Some 1900 Turkish Scalp Food prevents the (lists were certified to on or before Sep - hair from falling out, restores faded %ember lst, and in these municipalities and gray hair to its original color. such lists will be used. P Being delicately perfumed it leaves no unpleasant oder. It is not a dye. Should be in every house where a hair renewer is needed. For sale by 0 Lutz. Only 50 centsa bottle. LOCAL HAPPENINGS friends in town. Don't forget to see the Komikal Koons in Gidley's Opera House this (Thanksgiving) evening. with their family to London next week. James Russell will occupy the house vacated by Mr; Abbott. The annual union Thanksgiving Ser- yide will be held in James St. church next Sunday beginning at 11 a. m. Rev. W. M. Martin, M. A. will preach. The 'collection will be deyotedto the The Ontario Department of Agricul- ture has just issued a publication that is exceedingly complete and valuable. It is•a book giving all the acts passed by the Legislature with respect to ag- rioniture. It gives the jaw as to the grants that are given to farmers for various undertakings, laws on spray- ing, ;the Manufacture of butter theese, and everything else that has a connection with agriculture., 'DHOUSANDS SEEM, INTO EXILE. d� Every year a large number' of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an ex- ile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine tor Coughs,Colds and ail Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bottles free at all druggists. Price 50c and 81.00. Every bottle guaranteed. A. Q. Babies was in St, Marys on Monday on business, Alf. Coffin has takena situation with R. H. Sweet, as shoemaker. Great bargains in Ladies' and Gents' Furs at the Tt, Pickard Co's. Mrs, D. A. Ross and Miss Amy Johns 'spent Sunday with friends in Clinton, Daniel French and son. Victor, of Clinton, called on friends in town on Monday. W. Beaman, of London, was the guest of bisson, W. J. Heanaan, on Monday. Rev. R. W. lkillyard preached in the Methodist church, Centralia on Sun- day evening. The Conservative committee rooms are located in Hanilin's store, and are open nightly. School closed on Wednesday for the Thanksgiving holidays, and will re- open on Monday. Several communications in hand have been crowded out of this issue. They will appear next week. The most complete line of Dress Goods ever shown in Exeter now on exhibition at the It, Pickard Co's, W, 0, Gay, of Bnt'fala, a graduate Of Tux Ttairs, is visiting friends in and around Exeter ,for a few week. The Misses :Tennison and Taylor, of St. Joseph, are attending the high school department of the Exeter sebooI. Rev, W. Q. ,^,laity, of Strathray, was in town on Monday delivering a horse which he had sold. to Dr, Shaw of Clinton for a good price. ' A five months' old child of 'Sl deism Campbell, of London, formerly of Thames Road, died last week, and its remains were brought to Exeter for intertnent, The Thanksgiving turkey is scarce regularly retailed for 40e, special at .. , , , , , . ,cl and hurl in price again this year. Th season is now too early for fowl, an some substitute will have to be assoei- aced with 11 1.4.111 • ■„YaYtp•_4444444440444. x 4 a4ca■A•Aura ap; • •■ i p •■q • as ■ ■a La a ■ •..„.c4 ,2,•p\aaa•\pa■ 91gaal'eYAiaGYPgqC•YY\YY\q•Y \ aq w- PICKA R 5 ■4i\1�■a•iaali \•A•aagvY\a\Aw Ya1Y ■pl,Ya, iia■ YYIta1WY• >aaa•aBa`aGopaYYa\Yaay Exeter; _-._.n They were NTEVER LOWLR THAN NOW, We do not know whether "Laurier" is the cause of it or not but the Some Unusual, Chances The unusually warm weather of the last week or ten' days has interfered somewhat with our plans . for autumn business, and in consequence sales have not been quit° up to the mark for October Never mind,we'll catch. up and make good the shortage, but we'll need your help to do it. That is why we are going to oiler you these special inducements to buy goods now. lIere are ten good reasons why should come to this store we are oils toself-- l d ti Cl sell: — 200 pairs Ladies' plain black cashmere hose, the regular c Lind for,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, 35 15o yards new Plaid Dress Goods in various shades,line this is regularly sold at 40c the yard, our price now is .. . 300 500 yards of Cotton Huck Towelling, usually sold at 50 per - yard, our special price d yds for .... , 50 Ladies' long sleeved open front vests,good weighty goods ___, IVIG BROS. A Big Drop IN 'r Ts PRICE OP eady made Clothing Rey. Mr. TenEyck preached in an Anglican church in London on Sunday while Mr, Pritchard, a student of Huron College, occupied the pulpit of Trivia Memorial church, Messrs, Charlton & Pardon are kept busy these days putting i works for farmers. All who liayeain- reduced their system seem pleased. yid speak highly- of It. A. J'. Ford & Co. of Woodham suave disposed of their business at that place d are clearing* out their stock at a iflce. Particulars can be learned ons advertisement on 4th page. Rev. Alexander McMillan, of St. Enoch's church, Toronto, will lecture in the Thames Road Presbyterian church, an Tuesday next, 10th,on 'The Home and Haunts of Sir Walter Scott,' Rev. C. Fletcher, Thames Road, and Rev. Mr. Carriere,Grand Bend, remota ed in the Oilmen church Sunday last, Martin praeachedn at respectively, nor Mr. Carriere, open -meeting m e#ti g oyal of thpe Lodge in ill James save t Church on Monday evening, next, 22nd when, in addition to a musical and Iit- erary program, Rev. Mr. Brown will give an address. An old pioneer of this section, in the person of John Bissett. brother of T. Bissett, sr„ died Wednesday, at the age of 86 years. He had always enjoy- ed good health, and death was due to the infirmities of old age. McKanlass' Komikal goon Co. will ive an entertainment in Gidley's peri House this (Thanksgiving) even - g. This Company has played in xeter before to the satisfaction and` ensure of large audiences. The "Social Eight" gave a hop in o Opera House on Friday evening, sere was a large attendance from tside points --London, St. Marys, eaforth, Hensall and Clinton. The ondon Harpers furnished the music. On Thursday last P. Curtin shipped om this station a car load of hulls, stined to the Old Country. They are id to be the finest lot of animals that er left this station. He intends aking another shipment in a few ys. iS sin E pl th TI Sou L fr ;de ?•sa ev in da ce sic Th an fri Paul Madge and daughter, Isaac arvey and Roger Northcott, who re- ntly joined one the Northwest excur- n parties, have returned home. ey speak very highly of the country d report having a4, good time among ends there. The remains of James Campbell, son. of Wm. Campbell, of the township pf Hay, arrived here on Ms`s " s, "Prom Neleon� -Q,,,.uaie+t�e diedjafter few'weeks' illness of rheumatic fever. 'He was in his 25th year, and had been a resident of the West for some time. All are cordially invited to attend a Missionary meeting in Trivitt Memor- ial church on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The Rev. Arthur deB. Owen, who has been in charge of the Indian School at Fort McLeod, for the past three years,will speak of the Christian work being done among the blood Indians. Mr.Owen's address is said to be very interesting. Rey. Mr. Endicott, a returned Mis- sionary from China, occupied the pul- pits of James and Main Street Metho- dist church, morning and evening, res- pectively, and gave a very interesting talk on Missions and Mission work in China. He lucidly, described the mode of imparting religious knowledge to. the Chinese, and urged upon the peo- ple of Canada and other Christian countries to co-operate in the good work by contributing liberally to the Mission fund. The address was of in- tense interest from beginning to end. At the close of the Epworth League meeting in Jaines-st. church on Tues- day evening, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Par- sons, who have been valued members of the League and church, were made the recipients of a complimentary ad- dress. on the eve of their departure to the Northwest. Several short address es were made, in which sincere regrets were expressed at the removal of Mr. and Mrs. Parsons from Exeter. As citizens they have also been held in the highest esteem, and hosts , of friends join the Tan Tare in wishing them prosperity in their new home. They will be accompanied by Charles Haggith, of Centralia, and will leave. here the forepart of next week. Absolutely pure BakingfPowder soid' by C. Lutz. Io doz Maple leaf Salmon, regular market price is now 270 a can, we sell it 7 cans for, .. , ..... , 20 yds fine bleached table linen, good width, a splendid pat- tern, would be good value at 900 a yd, our price 250) G fact remains which makes us and our elastomers happy. The variety is also large. The reduc- tion comes at an opportune time, when mothers are getting their boys ready to start school and want to buy most for their money. We have a line of boys suits that were $2,75 to $3,25 a suit which we offer at 81.50 to clear,antl many other lines proportion ately low. We are also elearng ut sum- mer goods, blouses worth 50e for 40e, 75c for 50,1.00 for 75e, znuslins and i a number of other lines at your own price. If you want good good at right prices we are with you. If you want shoddyor y the like you will have to go elsewhere. Give us a call. HHighest prices paid for produce, f .LANG BROS APPRENTICE WANTED to Iearn printing. Apply at Trains Omen. I.0o PIANO FOR SALE.—A square piano, in good order, for sale cheap. The ad- vertiser has twa. Can be seen at the Metropolitan hotel. '} H. PARSONS %PILL SELL 13Y PUBLIC AUCTION 7501 ' ON. 20 men's fine beaver overcoats, farmer satin linings, stitched with silk and made up in first-class style, a line worth more money, you may now have thein for , . , . , , . , . z o,co x5 men's brown check tweed suits, well lined and made and splendid fitters, would be good value at 9.00, special price while they last . , , , , • „ , , , . . , .. ••6.50 500 lbs new season's Japan tea, sold all over the country at 35c per lb, our special price ,.,,z ..:... .... .. ..... 20 men's Rubber Coats, latest cut,just new in, special bargain price each„. .•...... spl,!e 444th. .............400 want a large quantity of butter, eggs and dried ap pies for which will pay highest market prices. 25 We we PICKARD'S Direct Importers Exeter Munictpal Council. Some novelties in Ladies' coats just opened at the R. Pickard. Cc's, Council met pursuant to adjourn anent at Town Hall, Oct. 12th. All Farmers and others who intend present except J. Evans, , having auction sales !should insist on Minutes of previous meeting read having their bills printed at THE and confirmed. TaazEs office. Free notice given in Levett — Armstrong That W, J. the paper with each order for bills. Bissett's tender for dram on William street at $165 per rod being the lowest be accepted. --Carried Moved by W. H. Levett, that the resolution of meeting of Sept. 28, giv- ing a conditional grant to the Exeter the recent fire, and commend the Gore Cemetery Board berescinded—No sec Insurance Co, and its Agent, 0. Snell, onder. to the public, forrom t settlement P p Levett — Muir — That council ad- of claim, only a few days haviDWooDelap- . journ to Friday, Oct. 19th,at 8 o'clock. sed. ng. Carried DOG LOST.—A blackand tan hound, GEO. H. BIssETT with a little white between fore legs ; and few white hair on face. Answers • to the name of "Mack,” Followed Miss Maud Jeckell is in Zurich someone from Exeter Fair Ground, nursing a patient. r Sept. 19th. Information as to his Miss A. Oke is entertaining friends whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. from Sarnia and Winnipeg. P. MADGE, Thames Road. es are inSMain Streetecial cchu ch, muchcontinued good ad anMISS MusicYandCHome Journalforresulting.' October has the following to say of D. Rozle anal wife weeks with after friends and relatives Miss Currie, clontraito anof d Miss Watk- in Mildmay have returned home. er, elocutionist, will singin Gidley'se Seaforth atf ord �Herald_ac'. es �i � 9j a, —ouse, orn-. FridayNov." 2nd:- loyal it�e+x ° a - '' Zr of publishing a "Miss Roblyn is one of Canada's most u 4U years old. The item gifted sopranos. Her yoice is finely contained the names of persons pass- balanced and cultured, has rare sweet- ing a school examination, clipped,1 ness and power, and possesses a wide from a copy of the Stratford' crmpass. Miss Roblyn has no super - Beacon of 40 years ago, and ways for in Canada as a soprano soloist and published by the Expositor as a cur=e, very few equals." Mack Vincent, Ex - rent event. I eter's popular comic singer, has been - .. . . asked by Miss Roblyn to take part in An exchange sums up recent elec- the concert. Mack never fails to draw tions in South Perth as follows:—In , a large crowd. 1896 Erb had a majority at St. Marys of 106 against 9 given to Trow in 1892. The difference was caused by 82 votes being cast for Donald. Downie gave Trow 70 of a majority and. Erb 231, while Donald polled 123 votes. Us - borne gave Pridham a majority of 110 in 1892, and in 1896, 111. Hibbert roll- ed up amajority of 136 for Trow and only I14 for Erb, Donald getting 31 votes. Mitchell gave Pridham in his first election a majority of 28, and at the last election 51. Fullerton varied only one at the two elections, but Don, ald received 107 votes. In Blanshard there was a large falling off in the Conservative vote,IPridham's majority in 1892 being 147 as against 24 in I896, 106 votes going to Donald. The Don- ald votes in the various municipalities were principally defections from the Conservative ranks, but the party is now thoroughly united and will vote solid for Pridham,which should secure his election by at least 200 of a ma- jority. CARD of TaANK9. The undersigned wishes to acknowledge the receipt of amount of damages in connection with IT GIRDLES THE GLOBE. The fame of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, as the best in the world,extends round the earth. It's the one perfect healer. of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and all Skin Eruptions, Only infallible Pile cure. 25c a box at any drug store. �,B6V6r1611 sit ura Star ingaeadacho Poordere giveanwomenProm t relief xrom;sottthlYPsinaand leave no bad after effects whatever.' 'Be sure { ou get Milburn's. Price 10 and 25 cents, ITIS PRICES ARE carers VERY MODERATE. THE New furniture STORE Opposite J. Grigg's. New Customers Every Day It is surprising how quickly the people find out where they can get the best bargains, the best goods for the least money. We carry a large stock, and our prices are right and quality equal to any fine furniture in the province, in If you want,a good up-to-date job Undertaking GO TO ---iStaturday Oct5 20th a ST Without Question Thebest equipped Ilnsinessand Shorthand School in Canlda is the Forest City Business Shorthand College, London. Ont. Largo enrol- iopositions,t4fez. reds godYe 'ImworkI its eredit. Catalogue 02 either coarso free. Correspon- dence invited. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.. 1 asAANTILS, VICES, BELLOWS sand: some stock, also sonic ttorsEHow. Fl;.R1g1TURE, Look out for posters, W. H. Parsons All accounts must be settled befor that date. EXETER ROLLER MILLS Mill Feed We have a Iarge stock of mill feet~? on band which will be sold at reason- able prices. CHOICE WINTER AND GOOSE SCW1110 WHEAT b Wanted for which highest market Md61111168 ``prices will be paid. J. COBBLEDIOR & SON, If you are looking for a first- class sewing machine. Call and let us show you some of the world's best makes. They run well, sew well, last well and look well and are very Moderate in Price. We will be pleased to place 'them in your home and you can try them and be convinced that they are all we claim for them First -Glass in Fveru Respect. We would also remind yo u that we constantly show a num- ber of first-class PIANOS and GROANS which we sell at prices that will interest you ask to see them. No Trouble to Show Goods. S. Martin. LEVITTSr FAIR . We have a nice line of Umbrellas and Parasols for rainy weather. Cashmere hose, towels, ribbons and Crochet cotton. China and Glassware. Baking prowder, starch, blue,glue, muscilage, stove pipe varnish, shoe and stove polish, soap, yaseline, bird seed, oil, Cake tins and cutters, doughnut cutters, lemon and nutmeg graters, soap shakers, tea, gravy and sink, strainers, matches, stationary. ORANGES, LEMONS, CANDIES and FANCY BISCUITS. 1Levitt's Fair AGENT FOR PARISIAN STEAK LAUNDRY. Laundry sent away every Thursday. THE NSW GflStl STORE DRY GOODS and GROCERIES. W. D. YEO. Fall is coming, so is our new fall goods. Cottons, Cotton Tweeds, Denims and Shirtings. (Special value in these lines.) Flannels and Flannettes in all the popular prices. Also special value in Men's Underwear,suit '75c, 1 00 . and per� , $1.50 $2.00. Ladies Vests, long sleeper, from .150 to $1.00, special value at 25 c p500 and 75c. Just received a choice lot of Boys and Men's s Caps, plain and fancy. These goods are the latest and are very bobby, also several lines of Men's Brown and Black Fedoras just in, and the very latest in youngMen's Stiffs,thisl expected week, Call and see them. Don't forget our groceries,thefare all new and fresh. We keep Chase and d �.S anborn s best Coffee, and our Teas are No. 1, A Cali Solicit Produce taken ken In exchange. We want Butter and Eggs. g� Remember the place first door north of post office. W. D. Ye°:,