HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-17, Page 7otes and Cernanents.
'don, the world's metropolis is
• rapidly changed artd modernized
at powerful and energetic body
Lawton County Council. In old
e lien the government of Lon -
vas divided among a number of
bodies, eaoll having jurisdiction
lineited area but little could be
e toward beautifying. and moder-
ate' London in a large way, Now, .A d.espatelt from Pekin, via Tien -
w', the Lennie •Cozily Councie isle and Shanshai says'-.& re -
les xanuicipa.tly over the whole great
ropolls, and h has already inaugur-
d works looking to the improve-
flow the Chief Boxers Will be Punished by the
Empress -Four of the Lea,ders
Be Beheaded.
ease to the German de:ends has
been. transmitted to Li -Hang -Chang.
Ws says thet Yin -in, president
at a the city an a whole. Facet of the ceiteorate; KenneYi, aasistant
is beiag wideued and rebuilt, Canna Secretary aaadPresident of the
. a.:tran byte been consitieribly Civil Board; and Oliao-Sliu-Cinao,
enact at diffv.rent points and the Preeident of the Board of Pimiehment,
•ork is still in proerese. Perhape the nit be decrepitated, and thet Prince
oet Maio rut nt unaer t eking in regard
o street anpro-ernents is the opening
au avenue, one -hundred feet wide
between Holborn eel the Atrene.
Chwang3 Duke Tsai -Lan, and Prince
Y.111 will ba sentence4 to life impris-
onment, and that Prince Tuan will
be baaaished to tne ImPerial mili-
tary post roads on the Siberians fron-
tier as a further punishment for aid-
ing ilea Inexere.
Trustworthy Chtneee reeerte saY
that the Dowager Emisress is serious-
ly 'ill at Tai-Yuane-Fu, Provinee
Shanei, and tha free hand ot the Em-
peror in affairs of stale of tete Is
relearded ascerafirratatory ot these re -
Zit. get from o ie ot these '
na rat lel arteries a traf-
to a he other is at present 1 Enemy's Stleeess at KaaPtaulden
cult as a number of small streets 1
at varioue angles must be A deepatch from London says; _
Reported by Lord Roberts
new street will eresea Iii a clespatob to the War Office from ; English coreeepondents in China aro
the ISA: ma l'oe famoris In Pretoria, under yeeterdare date, , again agitated coecerning the control
eelei D:cleins and known to liter- 1.ord It‹.sheres seys;--"Deliele's mouni,..`, of the railways and are donounetng
arY PeoPlei as D•okons land. Tile march ea infantry engaged Ds Wet's force . an arraugement. whiela is alsoo seen -
'repro% ement will sweep away the for three. day a at Iteitzberg. He i'l officially announced in Berlin, by
el ' a' ructutea in ole fernoue by VI lee a drove the Boers north of the Vaal,' wittela the Russians have charge of the
are) Da john -o it :an" • b ' eitii.o wills. t uear Venterskroont 1 ra.ileoads from Tires -Vein to Shan/mile-
benefit in straighter and et ider "De Wet has. been speaking freely wan and TieneTeln to Teogtaung,
streets, more lir eel 'tight met irtter ; of We, a.96fliring tbe barghera that 1 while the Germans ooutrol the line bee
ansit fee:Mina Ne Rama area yet been ; tint Eurepeau powera would stop the ', tweets Yangtsung and Pekin. The
given the new street aud vari,045 sug.-; war by Ozt- 10. Thiar&daY was the an- V.setes' Pekin correepondent declares
gestione are roadie one is that it be ' niversarr <4 the 11.4timatnm. to -day ', tbat Oils move strikingly improves the
ealleft Dickens Avenue, because a the ie Kruger's birthdttyand to -morrow . Position a Russia, and. is a detriratssat
tions of tbe gr:at novelist. To it will be a yeer since the first allot " to the Briti-sh, who are willing and
. however, the name is not ime wan flipat, 'rho er& have been in.., able to undertake at oace the rester,
ellatigh. and Salisbury A7eaue terested in those dates, beievimg that , at!'on of the roads and' to souk thein
or, 'I as a balance to titoselefery senneenneg ..„‘„eente eltatereee, to end , with almost the same Staff that was
ue, arnther large creel reeently the Nvar in their favour. I trust . employed before; the eriele. The ear-
theroagheare. What is mese UAL they now realize that their ex -1 respondent remarks that tills our-
oirtient than the name in the feet neeleteees are futlie. 1reader a )3ritisb enterprises shows
e street win he oue a :the itn- "Au wcti
eietrtunate eeent occurred; the humble position the English Gov -
n London and (eek trenett there- 3.eitorday at leattptattidoa, owing to a " ernment is content to occupy inNorth
Russians Said to Be in COMPlete
A despateh from Loudon saysi-The
Prices Cattle, GI1993e. era% 43
in the Leading Illarlote.
Toronto, Oct. 10. -On the street CQ -
day 300 bushwhite wheat sold at
60 to 69 1-2e, 200 bue1e. rod wheat at
6Oc, 600 bash. goose wheat at 68 1-2c,
ono load a spring wheat at 69
Betb stokers and feeders are e
833axle eastraa but net nuotattne
changed -
For export belle tbe enquiry le light,
andi prices are a shade lower,
Mit COWS are scarce, and in de -
Sheep and lamlaa
stronger figare.s.
sole readily to -day,
"hese sold.
Good veal calves are scarce; ana
are eelliug at
All the sooPliee
and more woeld
oelves generally are wanted at from
2,500 buele. barley at 43 19 to 48 1-2e, an to $ ort4.0
300 bush, elate at 23 1-2 to 201-2% and Loge are time at the advance of las
ene lead es eye at Ole, ,Twenter leads wnennen.
at bay Bole at $s to $14, an two Primo hogs rem/wee are selling at
loadS Of straw at va. Dressed hogs 6 3-41e per lb.
were firm at $345 to e8,50.
Wheat, white, straight $3•09 t0•0911
Wheat, red. , 0,00 0.69
Soes are worth $14per lb, and
stags :leper lb,
Wt, ennnig. one one 1_2 Fat and light hogs are lima. at 5 1-20
OWahteas.,t, <wee.. . 0.00 0•091-2 per lb.
Barley, . 0.4314 o 1-2 of prime qua:ity, and sae not below
Rye, .• . 0.00 0.54
Pees. . 0.00. 0 a'a " nor above 49 lbs`r
on, mall be feedstated by two street tre1u upsetting en the division aver
railway tracks.
' Lap river. Three men were kiled and
• fifteen injured. An engine conveyileg
Another sesy naeortaut eon. is In tWo Royal tEagineer officere and es ,;11.-
3, in London 1. v., the laying of teen xnen (mu the Vel ckfonteire gar-
; e of tubee containing. tsknlins° rieen proceeded to eeeertain the na-
"-- and Cables. About a thousand tare of the damages. The Boers were
.re now eogaged in tiles work: tying in wait for the ;party, and open -
:1111)119°° s" 31°1" i° a 'a/181/11/en‘ ed fire. Oa hearing of the attack.
ttel the work is thing done by Capt. Stewart and forty men a the
st office department. "When
i., „ut 39 Levu supplied wit.b govern. Ilthi.f11-•onBariingeactrise, went to the support of
usent 01:elan-les the seatem is to le entewani. and one private waa
e:eetle.i. t' 1 t II° 0 1tIV, Ile il" killed, two officers and five men were
ffice depertment now controls all the
severely wounded, and one officer and
legrapite, and the intention is to ten men were mine primmer:le
Tr ail. ih :: teleehones rontrolled by .:
411 Me department. i
t seems to be the general under-
and'ner that Lord Curzon, Vieeroy Does Not Want the Court Removed
of Inint deaires to retire 'before the , to Singan-fu.
expiration a his terra of offise he- A despatch from Shanghai, says: -
cause of the RI effects of the climate Li -Hung -Chang, Viceroy Liu-Kun-
lrindia upon ins own and Lady Cur- 111, of Nankin, one of the peace com-
zon's heelth. This will be generally Missioners, and Tuan-Shih-gai, the
regretted, because Lord Curzon has Governor of Shantung, b.ave tele -
made a new record in India. As Mr. graphed a protest to the Tpercir and
Curzon, he rose very rapidly in poll- Dowager Empress against the reraoval
tical affairs in England and gained of .the court to Singare-fuei They say
a reputation for a wide knowledge of this action will block the peace
toreige affairs and particularly of negotiations, and lead to hiostilel de -
'tidier; matters. Lord Macaulay monstratioris by the allies in tbe
says of Edmund Burke that, though southern provinces. If this should oc-
he never viiited India, he had obtain- cur the court would be in such apoai-
ed a greater knowledge ot its affairs tion that it wintal be impossible to for -
than many men who had spent their ward supplies from the south.
lives there. This remark would are- There Is no definite information es
ply to Mr. Curzon previous to his
appointment. Lord Curzon's case has
been an unusual one from the start.
In the first place, his appointment
was a distinct innovation in depart-
mental Procedure, fax at waa re. an- "
til the post had been offered in vain
to three' peers, who knew little or no. Boxer Outbreak Similar to Tha
th:ing of India or of its needs, that the
Government was driven to the un- Which Occurred in the North4
usual expedient of offering it to a
to the present location of the court.
• 0.28 1-2 0.29 1-2 pies to fetch the to price must be
Har. Per ton. 13.01 14.00
Straw, per tan. . 0.00 13.03
Better, In lb rolls 420 0.22
Bev, new laid.... • 0,1S 020
Chickens, Per Pair. . 0.50 0.60
Turkeys, per lb. 0.11 0.13
Geese, per lie , 0.06 0.08
Deoks, per pair, , 0.50 0.90
Potatoes, per bag. . 0,30 0,35
Apples., per bbl. . 0.40 1.00
Rani, hindquarters. . 0.07 4.09
Beef, foreqUarters. . 440 5,50
Beef, cercase, , 5.50 7.00
Mutten, , 5,00 6.00
Latina, epriug, Per Ib. . 0.08 0.09
Veal, carcase, 8.00 9,00
Sha,nghai Thinks That Emperor Nay
Come to Pekin.
A. despatch from Shanghai, says:-
There is great excitement hero be-
eatests the foreign troops leave gone
onteide the coucession. limits totdrill
and ;patrol. This aotiou i deepl;e roe
neiled Three neeth
r , Put e
ra iy Were eventual. .1 lildilleft nee%
A despatch from London, says:.-
pedal despatch from Lydenburg says:
The Boer General Bowever, .Again. Managed to
Get Away-laad Located in the Vrede-
fort Mountains in Cape Colony.
A despatch frora Loudon, Wednes-
day saesn-DesPatehaa foam South
Africa say that General De Wet, with
,000 men and five gume, has; beea
fighting with the Conal division
ad the nreinted men, under Oceonel
Deriele, who reeentla left Pretoria
with two horses each and, cloabha
teams for the guns, or the avowed
Purpese cd copterbag the Beer gen-
al. Ile has not been raptured. but
st is declared. as it has often. been
before, that. kis censmanti is "thew -
esughay demoralised." The fighting
bas been gollag on for three days in
the mountains near Vredefort.
' The deepatchse gay that De Viet's
men were dls:eedged front their
etreengltold, mad are fleeing ha variants
4 directions,
Beecastes are net given.
The Britieb casualties are said to
1 The r !
have been very slight.
A despatch from Maseru says that
100 Boere have entered Fickeberg,
routing the pollee, who tied ecross
i the Basutoland border.
New...y items Wet. Omelves ana
Our NeiThbors-Scanethinz of
interet From Every Qum,.
ter of tb.e Globo.
Quebec's new Cabinet bee beeu
"A. 13 1 tette the story a 'sworn in.
Harry Stratton. were Probably fatally
brojered in a railway -wreck at New,
pert, Vt., recently. Stratton was on
hie way to 1,Jewport to get married.
rfe had both legs and one arm broken,
Tbe Prince et Wales will vislt
;Ulster thie winter.
I 'file rumour that Lord Seliabury 11
11.11 withont foundatiene
1 Premier Bond, of Newfoundland,
tarcura a free market in the United
States to Newfourotiend products.
the way in, whielt patrol a five (leer 140 stedents have registered at,
t Hamilton.
Butter --Supply cf oreamee boxes tree:mars Stratlicenant Ibree, under the Ontario Normal Schoo
d dairy tubs, and pails is ample, and Sergeant Brothers, met death. It ap- Work an the win drtli hall Wt.
prices are easy. Choke dairy prints Pears that they were auddenly sur- don, Ont„ will be commeueed shortly,
neatly paeked, sefl readfly at re rounded by a strong force of Deere. 11. '11. Angus has resigned aao. dix'ee-
Crearuery poeude are firm. COMMIS- The Canadians indignantly refused to tor of the Moatreal Street Railway
eine houeee sell te tbe trade as fop. aurreuder, and a reurderoue fire was COMpany.
lOWs:-Dairy, tuba and Pails; choice, eXehanged at eltort range, until ev. Adana Warnock and wife celebrated
17 to 19n; and aeceed quality, at 14 orY man in the party was riddled with the 501•11 Year et their raarriage at Oalt
to 15o; dairy Prints. ohnices 19 to 20e; bullets, but not before each Canadian l'eSterda$.
dames Reed, wanted in London on
2atocreanseia: boxes 23 to 2let and paunde, had accouuted tor three Deere,
creara. july and Aug- tuctroll"ml:earatiaBoduoilrep.r. p.and be:dadellunga i,richa,avar:iletoneut. hnig.arae'3: is under arrest e
farewell to the.. troupe, staid he should J•m° 44`1/1/"."") raneb °t tbe Wo -
makes, aells at 11 1-2 to Vv.
cam a the magnificent work of hie annual ses°"°° at inger4".
Eggs -The egg buyers in tile VALLI- teem/mese,
try are reported to be ;stopping *per-
a.tions for the season, and this sends
rather better auppUts bore. Prices
fresh easier, Quotations are as
PRODUCE. be greo.tly pleased to tell Lord Strath. map's "*.*-.'""--*'
,„ is gth
Sir Henri July. Lieut.-Oev. of Brill:de
Colembia, passed through Ottawa 5-'ese
terday, returning to the west.
Five Canadians, engaged to work on
a farm near Mediae, N .Y., were de-
OLfollon-Fresla 17 1-2 to 18e; 'held,ported from Buffalo yesterday.
Ga; limed, leo; and culls, 0 to lea. Systematic Deception Practiced. on
Boer Generals. li
Ilerbert Ruckstuhl, aged 15 fooled
Pouttry-Reee:pts aro larger, and with.' a gun at bllbridge, near Belle -
will laereaee frora now on. Prices A despatch from London, says ;.- ville yesterday. tie may lose au arm,
cosier. Quotations are as follows;- The Pretoria correspondent of the • C.ty Engineer Ualt, of Ottawa, re-
. 13 *I . Mail sends the following inter-. signed, may get a tetiring allowance.
Cluckens, per pair, 3 be 55n; ue si
per pear, , r , ,
40 to 60e* tu keys per tie eating destxttch.;--“Fraon an English Neelou J. Kerr) acststant, man Sao. ,
tientea by the Chiuese offielale, beceuee* •
there bas been no sign of any troable, lig to 110; and geese, per lb, 0 to 8c. telegraphist, W110 was controller 0e.04 ili.m•
It looks as if the foreigners were mak- Potatoes -Market steady. Car iota, of things for the Transvaal, C. M., Carson luta reeigned as prin-
inet an atteaript to provoke, troable in on track, are quottna at 28 to 3Clet per learn that there was systeraatie eipal of Maple Avenue School, London,
inthe same manner as the beg;. Salo, out :of store, are made tamParIng with all telegrams* Out
shereghae ,
Russians did at Neweirwang. at 35 to 40. during the war in order to mis-1 Ottawa Proteetant lloaseStal returns,
The Mikado has sent a reply to a Field produce, ete.-Turnipa, out of represent operations in favor ot the show a deCcit. The expanses were
personal letter from Emperor Hwang-
store, 30c per bag; onions, lo per lb; Boers. He says that Mr. ICruger was $25,703, in -door patients numbered
Sue In this letter the Emperor of appne, par bbl, 50e to $1.constantly wirieg to the commanders 1,3.4, out -door 1,793.
Japan urges the Emperor of China to
Dried fruits -Dried apples sella 3 inquiries :islet how many of the Boers; Montreal sager men have decitled to
dismiss" all his bigoted advisers in
short order. to 3 1-2o; o.nd evaporated, e.t* 41-2 to had been killed, and that Gen. Cronje, , meet the reduotion* in the price of
5c. after the fight at Magerstontein, wir..* sugar in tha United States. The drop
Bean -New beans bring $1,20 to ed Mr. Keuger that be bad collated vtill be 10 cents per 100 lbs.
$1.25. Choice hand-picked beans are many thousand British dead on the: Charles 4-endreNve, a youthful de -
quoted at $1.40 to $1.45. battlefield. i sertar frem bar Majeaty's service, was
'Honey -Dealers quote from 9 to 10e "Early in the campaign Cointriand- sentenced to two months in jail at
per lb fax 5, 10, or 00 -lb tins, accord- ant -Gen. ,Ionleert appealed to Mr. London for theft.
ing to the size of the order. comb Xruger to stop the Boers' looting, but ' McGill University, Montreal, will
honey sells at $2.25 to $2.75 per dozen he received on reply. tater on he wir- , tender a reception to Lord Strath -
sections. ed from Colenso, advising the Presi- coaa, Chancellor of tbe 'University, on
Baled hay -Steady. No. 1 timothy, dent to sue for peace. atr. lt.ruger re- his return from England Sataraay.
car lobs, on track here, $9.50 to $10;A fleet of five vessels, each of 15,-
plied, "Have you lost all faith in God?'
two -ton lots, delivered, sell at. $10.25 "On another occasion, when the 000 eons =peony, will operate next
to 10.50.
Boers were suffering severe reverses, year in conneetion with the Great , Box coat of biscuit Cloth, trimmed
Baled straw -Car lots of Mr. Kruger wired to all the generals Northern Bailway, awarding to good oat with rows of stitcbing around the boti
that 10,000 men wee coming to their Quebec deaPateh-
straw are quoted at $5 to $5.50, tom and stitched straps down the
It is reporteil here that the °mixt
will return to Pekin.
RU3312.113 Also Capture prom Chinese
144 Guns and 26, Ylags.
•despetch from Moscow, says :-It
has. been ascertained that during the
months of july awl Auguste the Rus-
sians captured 144 ChAnesn; Ons, 26
flags, and 480,00) pounds ..ar guneawder.
man not at that time of title, -but he
knew India so well that old preced-
ents 'coed ," be safely ignored. The
difficulty in his case ye:a that he vvas
without a title,but this was got over,
by making him 13a,ro,n Keddleston,!
and the wisdom of this unusual pro-
cedure on 1J]1& pa'of the, Govern-
ment has been shown by resnits.
o'd Curzon has only been in India
• ,
A despatch from Hong Konge says:.- 1.
it said thitte the ittutilibritios heXe .
have ..received information that a :
general . rising in the • southern pro -1
vinces has been planned fez' the month i
of November.. .
The . whereaboatS of 'the c, rebels iiithe';
Hinterland is not known, hot is believe!
eti to be ten miles north of the British
they...believe this is th,e,-.; only way of
estabil,iNhing peace.in. ths :kingdom."
SniaciOn, Thursday, Oct. 11,4.50 a.m.-,
The Standard, commenting editorie.
ally npon the attitude otetlie; United
States tsays:-"Every dietelle, even ant punk,' 019.50 to $20S h.eavi Mess,
on minor points, from the eugg'estions $17.50. to $18.
:cd the p.t*Cis unfortunate as 'IF: ine:ats--BarCis. heavy 12c
leads tei greefr 'coriespendenee and to''
assistance frora the Cape." Dominifront, Triple nallarette, each trim .
track; and ton lots, delivered, at $6 to on Government Surveyor
ertal require
$6.50. , 1 Deane says that the land olaim.ed by
ed. for girl of 8 years, cloth, 50 inches
Hops -Quiet. Growers ,generally I -----41--- the United States in the Washing,
are holding for better prices. Sales ' TO . late, belongs to Canada.
AID BOER' PRISONERS tea-Britielt Columbia boundary dis- wide. 1 1-2 yards.
le......a...t...„13c to -day. ! During 1b99 nearly li..,000, cult-
ernent Now Consid.- ,
yearlings at 8 to 100. ' -r-----.--_,,, ering a „Slim. grants came to Canada from the
New crop is quoted iht 13 to riceegied Imperial Gov
mmed with stitching. Ma
DRESSED HOGS IND PROVISIONS. • A despatch"f root n says :-
Dre,ssed bogs continue scarce • and Parliament will adjourn,next Monde
firm. Previsions are also very) firm The treason tribunals will beconven-
and. are getting- scarcer. There is id October 29; with :ex...Attorney-Gen- telViarraRyley,
vary hilUe Ibrarrel park here.' Oral Solomon as presiding judge. Interior, just returned to
41.nel:rations for rovisions are ,as fol- The Imperial Governbaent is consid- the 'Yukon, reports that 'many who
lowen-Dry Salted shoulders, 8c; *mgering a plan for the aseletance of.i joined'. the rush to Cape Nome, Alaska,
clear bacon, 'loose, in car lots,.,10c; prisoner* of 'wee they return he;ve gladly're.butnedto Canadian ter -
and in caslelats, 10 1-410 10 1-2e; Short to the terms. riftery. '
W.,E. Senford, Manufacturing Com-
pany,,of Hantiltast, have finielied
ship -
pin & the order of 11,000 military over-
coats for the British soldiers in China,
The Whole order has been completed
io three weeks.
Dr. Munn, of Net Westrainater, B.
O., and R. C. C1ate Q. 9., of Toronto,
,anS, et Ottawa, dinonseing with the
GoVernment the -scope of .ihe enquiry
they will make mb the tenestien :Of
Chinese -and japaneSe iminigration.
he Lake a t1 V790da Alilthaa,Coen.
a dividend. of 10 per cent., gave 22,-
pa,nr,, Mentreal, ,yeeterday declared
590 to the Winnipeg -General Hospital,
IWO -to the. Bt. Boiiilade Man. TIOs-
'vital and elected officers :with Rah -
46A' Meeighen, preeident.
The ,steargehdome.Citiy, ten days
frern CaPe:Nomeeireports aaotlier
onPehina:0iud -during th yeeent.
iGtti,v4siocil; Tek,as,..was' Li] oat, -
United States, compared with 712 in
1897. The number hits reached 8,000
. %eine- tap'. first nix months of Olio
A Department -Of the
the latter part of, .1P8 , yet in borders. A.. detachment of 1,00 Chi- further delay. We can only 1ijc that
ervenang time tndia has paseed nese troops took u0. position at ban ' Innen bond sannneenn,:nn nene 6,,jetir ri
eb• some of the most trning Chung Yesterday a•Vtl 1,099 mai° 12A' Inc attention to .Cleixtee be,Will fini
eel there to -day. some middle course that will secure
Ten thousenid more troops from I.
the auppert of all the Pbwer's."
India have been requisitioned fax Hoeg ; The eaeaneciai. eereespeeedeel:nof the'
Kcing.e The latia.leengal Lancers and nnoineng Tateaseeseaiain ^
timei in her history. There has been
the famine, the greateste of which we
have any record, and this was fol-
lowed by. thplague. •The floods, tins
Price of P4verr and.the reetlessness of.
some of the princes, have been minor
ali. of which have been
met and handled by Lard Curzon in
a way th.at las won treat a drairation.'
Ee haS made ,hisrmis,taken,' chieflY.:
eattab hoi,:was,.:afaxious ,to introduce a
progressive policy,. but these: .svere
not nearly an .aiurt'ul 4,the Indan
:Butpire do.;notharag' plan would
have beeti.:',,Seine 'English paPers go S'o
tilt/ lHona- gong 46g431e4 have -bee4 ke"The Tantai Shan,ghai and the
ree41143.6 fr°F.Ahe:n.'ri.:h.to 119ng Kong* of Nankin have protested
The present IndieatiOnS are that .there.
ageiiiet a clernopstratiou, byforeign
wEli beSiBerer liSing similar to that tzoop,.,1
Which has •ocetirred ua neAti Ohina, Shanghai Specials, wan nbet. the
:.consid er able body :of rebels,prine ht aeon ter thee ease elision- of
y. 'Triads, ,; are iee the Kowitoxi sjienGOSiee.'ner..'on 'tili4".skyovinee
Jainterl.and,.,and. it is believed they oc Shansie the .disocWari•'ihn:t hia
copy two no si tiona" ten rkLlSnortlipc suppose .army o60,OOOu1,xd
na 4.0 000 “
hese tibepe`fXonr.-.the'llogte'fOrts haVa„ .c,4116w8 gatiijr
fat as to Sity.that. ; he isi. a
•••;..fand i:•at. m
-"SeeCtriene :and "another af11'r• ' • •
:;gt. despatch trap -Alr.il,,4jz
the hest geverrior ;. has had in pthousand „froM .Caint.cM. are, ,marching.
the present geneLratien, but this the distneted,-,r; district. It is „neemaireee Gen. Su reportingtb.at a
hardly be cenceded by CanadianWife• ": nanientired bleatfighting has occurred serious rebellion has bfrO'keirout in
alap .south-we,stern part of Kwangsi
Slien4;" -the Taotaiiabatseiteival.
are such warm eanairers elf Lord Duf-
ferine =
British steamer has arrived at
London kling einameednfreKoetei,
Borneo, leo' tbildOn, a dieeance. of 9,250
miles, using onl!... 'geoid fuel,
and that the Chinese Imperial troops
'lleve teen 'defeated by the . rebels,
wilM; are.r*ch,ilagi ttri17',1a104. 41.5 s'°44'
arid �iav
liPbted ''SCVAI` vih1aeS. 11
Is alecereporteenthat the object of the
Triads is ,to ov.erturta the Manchu
dynasty and restore the Chinese, as
p:rovine,..itarat4balat WM% *pp op4.7pWrpii..;
t 0! cope:with the ttnger, ,,whech,.
dirwted against, the. Bland.hi,lInd'
threatens' to becOuttistahiete than , the
Taiping rebellion!.
"atietluat1e'"itt'aAle'' 4410- i''east;1,4(1460., is
Medi:nth, 12-1-2 to 1 light; 1a1 -2c;
breakfast baoin, 13'elenl3 1-2e; pxile'
hams, 10e; roll, ; aineked
backs, 13a. • Ali irriegiOcart •thf pickle
lc 12,ss thea prices.iidoted fax smoked
1,arc1,--Tierees 1.0e. tubs 10 10.10 1-4d.
• 1.0 1-4 to 10-1-.2e.
Toronto...*. Ont., 16, -The receipts of
„ Tea:onto, 'Oct. .16, --The reeeip.ts of
1iveatqcdrlit the Western cattle yartis
this rapernini Watc 45 eatIO;adS;'haplud-'
tn,4, 2,000 :htigs; S0,.0.- cattle. 90
derzen.'calves,7and a few
0111..ell; Oews.
There was little cha,hge -in+th.e anar-
'kat today, it& .that .41,ttie',.:et.retel.a;
Change. .!0`17 the: WOrSe. •
• There
'ment in I 1,77,1gAR Yi! Clf;
small deelseeoccuxxed,teedes:.7l.Tlaiteie
was practidAlY nee'; t`eeedeirr:ord)grip*,
axe nonalnat'''' irlie'.Qii.l410ohntr4Mar,,-
14ts continae fri.land shape.
l't'Buteher cattle weaken, ,excepit :ter
nay enelleaepplee of
Lo lJts 'pri.e.es, arste-iy..„. The -local
deina ea ie slow, and sme.dium td cool -
mon stuff %V Re *left over,
Vacket oi (
Corsage of coral .pinh.taffeta, tucked
fax the, fronts, back an alseves. The
ehemisette is eorded and berthe is'
trimmed with straps af 'black velvet
ribbon,' fastened , small ; gold
buckles . Stork cellar.eriminee with „
len gth wise. straps or velvet. 'Material
recruired, ,taffeta, - gel -inches ‘e.irle, 6 ",
, sit of 1.,:ailway--Traelfe!.Nor
eanseel a sudden. itiorease
tuirtiber of 'guards, atLr1VICILin- A depn
g 1 *iN q't r 1314914g'' in sat 'betel:Cll. , SayThe, Banks ba ve 1'.6Xn athe
• • 0. e
reveit are tiOtehed and are
.with fancy plaid. material re_ Firen:ian Bowker was killeA‘ and 'railway iida-th of Bethune Find eaptur.
(mired, 45 inches wide, 1 7-8 yards. Fireman lelmball and a paseenger, ed a British outpoet,