HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1900-10-17, Page 4BUFFALO MOTH 41R4WlaWtSaffilltIMIViikitielratiWANWIWAW4,
4, a ,e !be
e4Peelal Ao.ricuura
In Europe the Insect Is aot a
ly noted as a aousehold pestand we
are lactated to think that tins is owing- - czytivlyty""rvwwwww""4-1
to the fe•at that carpets art but lit- CROP ROTATION.
tle used. In fact, we believe tb.a.t onlY ' Tha farmer wag washes to keep up
wham aaraeta Ara entanaive4 naed Aro. or improve, Ilea fertility cif bia land,
tba gonditioos favorable for the
great joereo,ee or the inseet, cart keen down the weala and anaply bia I
'pets onea put dawn are salaam mania atook with a gaol variaty of, faed.
up for a. year, and la the raeantirne W4 th) 114°-allat 13°Ss''413 4wcr4at "r
the. limeet developes utainterrapteilly. Manua laborprababiy oannot aseleet s
Where ponshea Agora and rugs A 1?etter rotatian tbaa ties three-year. I
are ugen the rugs are oftenrotation or Garin wa:tat oloaer, s
and furs are never
at:avant to rem:atilt wutietorbed tor answar tor :ha tante. orans.
vatina, yeaa It Is a aterataaawn ,bare2,44,rg beIng aPaiag. Nail=
tact that the earpet habit is a ban 'a “D°r 11.11/ 1* zha :al • s
one from other paints of view, ana ellatt4.ng th' wheat stabbla with the
there is little naubt that if carpets; mower ta pravant the
Its reflex lama]) tha ao.a.a. wan is =Rita
bag bar.
Try to have yr stable rather
dn.* in fly time. Tba agars will not
ba troablea nearly go bnily by the
thy otherwise would.
Freta 110w aa, tila watar simply
th • piesitures nead, o arefal watoba
aomatimea the alri
enga will gat
noppal up, or fail front othar
cznisea quita an Wanly. Man la large -
y water. 171.5 e.;)Nle hIS no way of
apalying Wa mast do it gor har,
wa do mat, we mast auffer the. con-
117tV TO Dan.NOK COW.
Cows land theinaalvea Moab Mora
a'isfactorily to alranching wit4
ina'‘e:rat than either bar.seo, silean
taken and beIn
been taad
statue way woollens tea:. rattateat tataa benta• ta the ttroana
wera more oevarally diSC4r4e,1 az
"buffalo bug" would aaaae th
pent treat lt
aattere 15 io easy Way to ateep th
Canaet Pat beano In anent. Whale i
bate onae taltan teaseattaton at 4 111,,tnf
netbing 44it ate MOtit alorel$104 41a
1.414.ceakiiallS4 trseaSttreS wi41 entat
gate it. Tae p.rataiite of autatt4
cleaning: go oftea caretaany atat hart
ratally naaltanmad, anatalaitty tavar
alata tO tho 4eretteatataitt tat tita tuaeet
Two botts-eataaninaa ttiotatt beatar
tleau gun ;Ina if' tait aria Wuni4
bt',6,1e1.• Utt4tataite it. at allastiaanar
than en any other titeanal PZ: the
year. Wbate corivenierase or acinaare
vim deraanaa aelhareace to the
• la eastara. bawaver, We nava allataler
.1.1.4(41 apart extrame taaroughneas
and 4 Allgat vadat-ion. la the otasitnite
ary raeniatia. Tat ratana ghoula. tte
attentiad to one ar two, at a titin.• The .
gartieta alaould he token up, thortatatta
ay /Waken, $p.tklys./ 4;4 .,04 atairs wata.
heOnitte. and allowed to air tor save
ezat lataara.
Time roams. thentselvea
.ehould.ne thorounittly atrept and dun.
ed. tile Acu'vtera waataact dawn with hot
, • eraalaa CartIni4r 4/eane4
aut. atta Iteratianti or tat...44e natrata
tato tba araatta atat tattraaett wane- ;to
igmSr44,47014. Tbe atattninte
ott benatatt. and eventisaaaar
%loam actatnei. altatain ba ratite:a' ar•
ea, arra Iran eareatitly Entartiod agatasza
Waere ttie ara paarty atmatroata
ea and the cratats are wiele it
tneitn It will
b . 1," alea. to Oil tne CWh
ntatetar ct atarla In. a. 1u45tate ;
titlesil1afterwaraa. aet and laatsan
the DIMatU'r barboalag plaatts ar the
blapeat. iaefare rotaying tho ear-
pSt tarreti: roormg ,papar abould
441 upon the Mon at leaat aroutui
tbe edgea but preferably over tlue en-
tira allataaa, and wilart the varget
relaid it will he well to tacit it eathar
lightly, au that it anal be occasional-
lItted et- the edaaa and examined
Etta preaence at the heseat. Later
In the ate .•ir sub an SS..amirta-
tunctutIVLI the latteet to aa.ve. made
ftsappearance, a good thoutrla some-
wbatlaborlows remedy consists la
sing a datnp elota smootbly over
tho auspected spot or the earpet
ironing it with a bot trim. VIE ateton
thua generated will pans •thraugh the
anr,pet, and the Insects Immediate-
ly beneath It. •
te 3r ftlt wl frna See Oa.; the s
geaana 341 mania; In • youag clavar t
a Para Drat:cants' a borsa is a
tunewbat tialty operation, because of
h k ve4 s 'o tits' aroxzh, a clean olover
e fi-al I east tat at: ally baserel.
t ata lantar t.,„4 pre e ta
, oot t al Near- 'tea -,itt La mato h
tea Iteta Lha ae tInt aaaty of talaseet. 1
ret,t.S. th • a- t is ara att war tha-A
N.44.;,re en-4/Jib w • cf Le f
a earnis w aulaoatal It th•re are.
, rot .cu ty las tatna r,a:na arner it r
111141 ha. Vian if 4 ity. warn at
teinataa.$ to tat, ; b • r ata b
Cote Lai foa ,a, ..va az orate, Wbare c,
grolt::.i • artaart for wheat ant a • arc
tinantalat aats L ova intar tate gnawed
Plawal, it railaraa =Pah wort; to
steare flue, eelhi Dot far the 'h
bt linbalty to oh -Willa arta tha ad-
it:nation of maliciaa to haraes is
a "h. or If a bill rather thara
dratt;ht of dre ton. Thera are.
-twain; sonta aiteases in whittle it
I fonmara effeetive to give the
ene:no la a than in a solid
onat. drench:tog 4 eaw thare 15a batter aP7iinaca than aP oll'horto
bis mnatt banner than a battlai as
I'attar in di t to .aet bralten
hQ -1P .113 at:Intel ora oan'table„
nattqlientiy lead to in:au-lea to the
autli or tat -ague., In Flotilla a ataw
tba b•at plaa Ls to pA51 the lest
art1 ovar tba ai rae naier
twO Manna aaatly nta ter the
Thasa strenuous- measures if par-
alsted In are tbe only hope of the good
houaekee,pert an long an the system et
heavY -carpets covering the entire
or nurface Is adhenal to. Good
bouselteepers twe consanattive peo-I
ple, but we expect everxtually to see a
more general adoption of the rug or
square carpet, which may at all time
be =untried and treated if found
necessa.ry. Where the floors are bad
the practice of laying, straw m.attIngs
under the rugs produces a sight/3T
pea.rance, ang, while not as cleanly aS!
wh tat.
`!.1-4,3 warn mat. be tlaa• wawa th
d net are th• laataat taa
th:citaat of any titn. taa ar.
'tab la the ban, ata at .3 oZten i;tatteeri I
Z4a h:a. is ptesal for waltat.'
ab tat. Are years wean he win.i aowed
la4.caaa ijtots.,
Attoina, oaal p.):11.* r
tazZant ta tb at tiat 40;44-4 is 4.1.4";is4 Utt"" IN"; 41 ,U1P1V1Vtat4 he ttata
tonati a, :J. or*;. tat it t 144 4,:r.1111
vrre tgou.its la tat l (ler ll80 •%1 "44
ifer Callo tl•rN raaaate tc one"
at par jaw j4it. Whill.1 the pahat
ti II" 'Fa
TOR ttant. AraNZS F071
taatth ;Ili • waatar, 441 i I a otte • P tt' nava gt, .4 • r at a
.a -4 4
• * ' From the Wearier. Hirer tn. N. te.
ran amourat tra ratzab oa 1 MLA,
RA.4-1 t 2:: nj, t at ranattt.'i Mrs. Agnaa Foam. tati reslies
eattaah uatta tnatta attaatt an: ;?.1 att,•rleole strtat, anatax at at
flb r
anal try to Lava a crap .trotal ; atr-'! telik a W°alelrfal Star'Y b'r °QM"'
nay aartata wan tt at 4y that "•Frail:mina and diatra.as:ao parlo of ,
io tatater nut aprat ntattna pi -to restaraaton to !tot:tit. aftor a,
watita aatli liana er.,ckii from oart '‘="real" 411ne's• a4'1 °be' at'ribut"
baeakt:aa• e7rau.1 I oaa 1); tit* clo. 'r Ora ient h t ply; co 1.1, 'on, turult r ,
var gra o far twa strata,. Itt pas.. Paoalialtee, to :11, marvarltaaa qtx-It-
turea ib caavor taa attain! ±,to4.' V*1/: 111'.1* Ott" was 0.11'1 ult'm by
feaaa m:4 k,..44 L41 •m fi „It will ant ' a repreaentattve of the aotaltein Itta
ptoott...h, /444, it 013 tit.000-4, utka center. a'ai statai ruaritearl, she
en off win the aroma! 14 Sett and cur "1r w 'agal'l h -al to h"
wet. A atilt lonaer rotatiou cao be ant Inane, wbara 4h5 proienca at
hal by soselan taaataa attain In h ananaer an t ulster, alas froaty to:it
(Ili way toot,..,torcp6 tau nt matie tram tha story of lam alaka tat an I regota
anal brO21::W the graaa 1, bu. ate ";'34 :411' 4'E '" f"Y1 YGIra 'q • -•N'
Usually nar. iintanat, tui ,ata. anfratai a savant) attack or laflamtnaa
thame writers thank the -weak polat tlol or the Ina^ ant was attended
thit rotattoa is' that oluvar itrown by one of tht bait pliyaloi ins in the
ottan, ana tha za a a/tart lama al y. 1 pa11.1 eoush but was laft
L will nal to oateh. it may ha taii "4:3'14 wmelc• 80 l'Ittt 1 C°11111
sIlh olio, b lot wa iLia of nta do any work, suffatarza tho
atat:1 • manttect
an.! fartlIners I than: . tima. from palpitation of the heart.
poeslly it wonj i la) nutty pare net, ; lipriteai prostration ant a rtneing
fore 1, waal im ueateastry to matte , sound in ray had. I also had a dis-
a channa by enia; a ro.attara that c1ad for months 1
aill grow clavaa bat matt in rive or , aavar kaew what it waa to hay° a
six. years. • gaxid inght's rent. For two years
If ;ha wheat crop has boon a aallure 1 tur life was a pearect mise- to me
animal by unfavorablo winters and i and urldex tba tloctorts order a I took
the Hessian fly, sow rye instea emulsion till I was nauseated with
the sight a it, but ail to no pur-
wbeat tuna the fly disappears.. While t nose.
rye is not a Very profitabla prop to -coy like was despaired of by
all my frienas who were asaured by a
raise, it is preferrel to oats until
the doctor that atay case was beyond
whaa.t can b3 grown again,
tint reach of lauraan algal. I was vis- g
W4.43.17%. DRUNKARD
A Lady %Vim Cures tier Husband of
Pis Drinking Habits WriteS
of (ler Struggle to
Save lter Demo.
/17;114I az ef °AZ t long -tS1 raa 417:171:It 11I4 3-ttollt
tatanneua ou inn husband for his drink-
° habits, but 1 was afraid he would H-
1 was giallo; aim medie,
'l thathaaalta tuartarvad me. 1 beta
• ornairly a weak, but ono day Whet
C41114 ton' Wry muchintoxicatad an
U$ avaela'aSalai'y Pearly all amt,Ithret
all faer an4 detarinined to xualto at
etfata to save ottr dome frallt the a:Mu/sea
./U h15 Ceffee As dIrecied naxtenorniat
arid wittated mat prayed for flee renal
At noon I Rata) hina mot a tont ahto ant
par. dia raver atineeate 1 a thing. atal
Oval bolilr Itapli right ou givinq lb
14VV, AS1124 dIse,ivareil aortae:alma-tin
eetavantyaarvo ill any my laxly tinella,
watt hope ana leappinese, and 1 ci.t.:a se
41)!Ight$ future Sptvad out betora ato—r
P Anatol, harem nova', a eartre la t"t3 u4
thinaa of bre, an. anentive, lovarg
bro4n,"Iwo"alfuanflirt g1;ev ytbng le d.
la laothav art Ielteawalvilo atuff an.tl.
W45 taking a dielike to ir.It was
trot., for hafora bail gittea tuna ta
full anima he hal atcraratl antearatt alt.
nethar. bat ,t keit gitaug lam the la al
am till it was gaue, atal th a Etat fan ata
tot, to have on hand a ho aboula
as had •One from prstmlses
. ;le nevar has ;mai amanitas tau
Is letter to ten „you haw aritarni
eacitly Italian) it Will tateethet won
lean Vilna To anta—.9.sarialo4ackan
of Tastelesa near:aria Itrea.t ahlo ally
SENT F.L'Eli With fullerterliant rs in plain
anveirate. All letkri consider?,
sacredly aontatential. .aalress Tbe
marks, Itematty Go., Oa Jordan oat
Toronto: tatnatta
whora Ur timer Inataars art ber
UPOR Th Int tha anlmal
saaull than be onatly alavataa, and
Pit horn or othir drotabIng appti-
anal Introduced into the mouth. Care
ehoull team* not to rist hind
much above the lavol of the not*,
and spo:al care shoula ba taken to
sao that the liquid which la being ad.
mitnstered is given in a. ateady con-.
atant flow, as whan a salaam nada
of liquid Is pourol Into the mouth a.
portion of it le liable. to pass into the
wiaripipa and thtts giva riso to a dis-
tanasang arntab. On Um first sIgn
of an attemart ter conga the head of
the animal ehould be released, and it
shoall be allowed to 3traid quietly
for few mirratas baforo the remaind-
en of the doe° -la administered, ,
thare are several drawbacens t
•••••••••• Omni
By judiclotts feeding atm appetite of
cow can ba increased. Never over-
eed. Shiny the cow's appetite and
radually increaaa tha ration and the
ow's capacity for assimilating food
vitt become greater.
Frosted corn can ha put into a silo.
it is vary dry, sprinkle it pretty
boroughly as it goe-s in with an or,d1-
ary garden, spr'irfaler. it is not beta
r than Unfrosted corn, but answers
ry well. t ,
,.. . .-
0 us- ited by the clergy of ray church and c
a bare noon affords st111 fewer lear-a ing oats in plaoe of wheat in a three- at t , •
boring places fa; .„this insect.
The headquarters of anarchy in
London are in the byways around
Goodge street, Tottenham Courd Rd.,
strcustot Athere yort can obtain a five -
course dinner for a stealing, wine in- ,
clutled and as much bread as you wh
pause, and wbere yoa hear six langu-
age alien ava./kian 20 yards. Many uof
years ago laarl alanrx, tha philosopher numof coma:ante sooiatisra, starved neat • s'a
here ao top garret, whIle he wrote or
his nmmunental book on capital; and
evar nines fanatieal reformers have
„ bad a itottatant kindness for tha
place. Js you Walk down Goodge
street or ,go on tfiroUgh the! Maze et
baekwaye Old .Conapton street you. and
may leatennuttof tae most famons re- haa.
volationes• . An Italian ,whostananue •
tarns faces pala in many :ctafeaairs
oorattn figure. .. So far as ths;Nea
• tate •aatarebistsenin London littAn
• a • -
• leader, Barien afalatestat is that:Manta
4.tlarkatomplexioned and tritsera-
y,who were very 1,
year rotation. The ground 13Left kited and sympathatie and looked up -
bare alt winter after the cora ou. me as tole whose earthy race was If
is removed., tha *lover is less certain about run. _I expartmented with all , t
t� Make a gool oatch with oats thin itarta ot rainedies, for any cough, but n
with rye or wheat, ani tha crop is
sown in 113 spring when the farmer wathout avail, My druggist at bast 15adv:sad rae to try Dr. Williams' pink va
has less- time to spare than in thafall.• Bills. Being fairly dIseouraged•• never -I
thelese I was persuaded to make; tke atonat,
trial, when to alto surprise and joy.
TA, ft: ';SJ FAD
of myself, family and friends,l.began a Artificial tood pnodttats.are slowly
notgatalaettaara and by tha time had but. surely replactng-. Ordinary food.
takan seven .or eight -boxes I was as Not alone has this lattenafett in the
well as* you' see me now,",' and she- alaitoben, but aXtteriatataita bathe been in-
gaided, " / think you will Stitated latattha vani&dionamies of the-
•atiacti.t. Allan den't,,Iot14 vex3r Germany erporimenting
li1$ a ick' aratriane .114:mother, who with:- ..iiisideated and artificial foods.
thaA 15e4p vicobig,,t6 t4e tale of her An attampt tvaatratidaeta deznanstratii
\laughtej-'s long alinettat addeti-;?'t Lthat 5.:670.1, .lit4insainai:Itr kit of pont,.
'apt sannes like a dream to:us atll (hat densea, extraetea and, deatet:ated food,
5'4::ctiois'-'4VSP.ired of her r:141kt when iatenttaA4
now t tat ,9aitjed;;;)juind fittroas.
'eiee har tire pink ott,t2itea, fitittai; ..-4,nattata. haat grttt-tXiataa'f,tetah—thatte re
ltrs.tatiaitta said that whan- on "a'a naaneatgaat att., at -natal , bean. eattettat
visitato. England about 'a year ago pounds to a few ounces,—coiild
She "1:1-traa0(1 a IteavY °°41. and: waa' raactily carriad dfra •alio,ved, for many
eollith• bat she '94,t,°°08 got 4°rOtect.be. ed. solel ir et ddriag'senforo-
aseltiPVelnle b'Y etie tinae -11€1 hail ,marehes. and other.rigid dis-
as ever again. She related nunitna
Ithaa the fly in.ay make, growing
at naprofitable for a near years
is possibla that soma disaaae or an
avorable saason may reF'''itce' their
bens, .the old rotation may .be
med. • that time grow rye
oats in plaaa of wheat.
DAIRY lialStipai.
• The calves will do tm:uteh better kept
ln the stable- with the tetin•dows,anatiana
fed a little- miln and naFtalia
tittaWif' ran in tha atit4turf.
„ .
wisb, to Ore them. hay,
tgaVet grass cutt in the fence
:earner' al around atlas premises.
.nerY rlenbie the growth
Arian tad -fang'. 'that
`',ItiaatitA are thina';:and theitieel
•Ittof ;ahe Stun, and, it takes half
to support the pia& 1404
that wii etunt cartteitatiODS•
than hat :nun ti,,nd. files; ,
Taata enti3lastanneatrIa be kept ditgalit
ok,f7qT,1:-.,q,347:P14 a"erYlerasilY done
cleaning- daea .31useatt, few
strickele figure, he bears framitaaat tp
raattethaa.,Otatann of Povaat:Y.';:t› ."
eaPtialtaa-taftentneeata'uf Many -al
-kpovraf, alataen are greasoitiYiji i
fe,rehea.d)...s furtowed,
tatera aatitatantalaeava hia dee.
eYet. ,Steiltiatint'et.Yonaiaittatta. tsat
anatt ,inarket tat Titohnield street for
• her, supper. Louie ,Michal may Iniq
and tta tha tiattreti' Vi -01°'O4` -Of 1
d41,340&408 t,T1 t
half- a
WOttattat.' tA'ag'8.7.13z111.L.
9• 4Xila, qoaliear her, fapaakat, /LP isa
- &at alla! peigriant ansaryatadeanyea-
ty tone', is, :to .raalize alert aultappia•
tiinatf nartlifaa tlfar blortalete feaS
etaaddenie of .atl a.narahists.
" • at, ta
--7---tatta--7— •
fin W'Orc4 it virotid y
threatened ;;"tv,ith a return,. of
'otz days' rations.; 'but among, !6.0...ratit
i•e-aelted t:rtakV'i;Vbalir"' she witi as nre11,:i,ecl 0",
eolnie 40 c;11'11 • ,,a• thin eight
co. tantancti, taliatalathif3 ;ha,d; nalvinat
eo• • .persoVin••:, finthorbIg444noprpehrodiej,
ed persons sufaering 'fram ,ahatinitt
taiiintitiaa-Votatajte Dr.
Pink Fills and, always wittly jai;'.44eit
agattattatt Sh,e tate,attetaned partial:laxly
hays. Chem:lets:have tliscovered
5atitia: `ofathe' infatel-Octuate be the
annatfantare `cif al aitasttgfas can bet piad
n ,d thatatti albianeinota
ranatalt Lae a ;.go„O'td e t for meat:
The, public cennla drt waft 'inaist
Minutestfeatilarly &peat In cleafit'ini' a mace cif bars.' hying B t „mi„,h npozt unadulterated fe8d: Tirtt
,:wrisrtahed . c eapeatla pooreat. This
. a a burdane , arnistt,hat..C„.„garditti,plitztilitth ftli
.".1,_; , . , n ea ea Yonng arrontanaa h ' '
31' atld tt in,har• heart 1
ron alown and g the Main ;./..S3'11 rli•1411.
- ; •. • p
b t'
vitle„saaarantaca to allowacOnt's to sta d
anoontetatt apentel flgrerea tallabe
owlet tlia;
acturaulationt of (.'manure while fact teinatheantnatntat Whale'
ing'andiked, To Yeilany ; farmers ta,aa Mkormktrgew" "1
algae -Ken blow Th
att'il "Ole Pr°8,9401zOtt' latl•wil141?„ohk MON ,PPQr,
, ea.ve
est naenot rnovijan Ecv
6,11 bWilcilliictil••Wt IA Iwo Wisalt0
or sucecoM, If. t S",-,110 IA'aq0051W, (Vrnagfp,C1
kb&avsn any
Pot—la aheint . ,
• 1•4.t)':"!tnit°114, 13•9# Aa°4' °Pen ICAgftt dre'' t
'Art:se and ilir'atv it.,aaar 0,0*.ytyir4 otiatri. dos the
ou. are'tc'idikigg. 'Tang W44.,..0fani.' litatra .103.1irkeY
Gay; gladaeo
140,14Yrt'WhAt ffaial and cheap foods.
slhabe done • ,•
itt that I shall ' - • taa; ta
an ttiteraf vagetithif 'eat fanit a,aa
P. nhaa,par, and
t1,4a,:°°4tett•srti4g '11.t.ttarae There ean be
,na.apidfaat autae: i th.,are are any
d• pVtitiecfee'ciO;1?aind 4n14;e64•111:iorb,%rtfoill-'
flVtid'i "AS' Vti Wli en' no' t5ito...do.verc
d The teltaf to the eer '
Irintb,,,9814tAi!”&tt) 4,740
"Ye& praiOdit, ii/E4ta Olt ,TIIEL Ent
.nt -
d' that tnay „ ,.;tStithe Mist:110o1 Teaanr—Joli-tgnc•;;Witia".
;at„itt.,,,t* 15mqpt by the "father of Iiestat
icltatPai; V6.1.1 4i.th recent laisturiinidn,c
•tcni(10,,I chi4ce, 1 gc esio••
Tha most impartant point in the
treatment of burps to to at once ex-
clude the air, Cotton wog! saturated
with awee.t oil Ls a safe and effeottve
application Do not remove the divas -
lag uutil the irritation has subsided.
In the aountry mothers often cover
their 'children's burns with floor. Da
seriona oases a mixttare of sweet oil
and malassee favoarad. Vaselima will
somatimea be sufficient. If the air
is kept away nature will gemerally re-
store the tiasae without othan assiata
Table oil fresh butter labbed
raediately on a ettght bruise will pre-
vent &welling Or .dift.figliTelnent. Bat
if the braine la severe of coursa a little
raw beefsteak ts batter. A slight bruise
ntay often be best treated by a COM-
preiss wet with witch 'matt.
The flint thing to do with a sprain
iaato apply water as kat as can be
borne, and repeat until the pato i
gone. The hot water WAY showere
on the sprain or wet cloths may be use
if raequently rertewed. The foot
ankle can lea couveniently iinroersed
in tie. not water. The next thing ia
to keep tbe injared part thoroagblY
warm. Tina dana by winding i
with watt:Whig or Mattel. Tha ess
sprained limb wail, the quieter
it ea kept, the more likely tt 10 to
et well quickly -
In a German payabolognal journal
Prof. Van. Walaen given 4 short alea
oat:Kivu of alas. hataleat brala cm rea-
ctant, Tbe posseaatar .of tala potalor-
ous organ was an ata:aaptic Illot, who
died at taa nee. of al. Ida began to
walk at 4 years. at aa, latiV0/ _attoati-
ed echool waa recetve.1 Into tho
stitutiou Meereuhorg at tis Ittla
was an iliot ina low Intel.
Egence and of chanaaable hat gond-
hamotett diapoait ion. aba sonata
lonted goal and that mama 4r eye em
well. developen He suffered from
tipsy, during an attack of which
ba ttigw, tha brain weighed tt,S59
gralns, anti. named to be a geuera.1
• rgement,
if You fiave never axperienoed neck arsasure deriTed tres. arlaking Imre sad tran
rant tea bocomeacque 'id with it at Ant* by Altiec row grocet for
aatnnentnanotaratn eareatata.,
I t Load Pao.
449R g$, 4°A -eat SO* OP.
• Mafter of Pndea Ils,int yalln house with gum'
alean fresh xnade Paint and you
wirrahave reason to be ppoud of
sort witae, but far a gated long #
whi:pearance- not only t a.
will Ove you reasonable
pride when yotrsee them all Your
house, fresh in color and. style.
economical, and dar4O1e Aslx
your dealer.
ROMSAY&Nt PEI hiffitiS
. .
MONTREAL Reed 0 42 t:tf
If you haoe Backache you hay.
lakiney Disease. ifyou negtact
Backache it wilt davelop Into
somothing worse—Bright
ease or Diabetes, There ia no
use rubbing and doctoring your
back, Cure the kidnevs. 'Thera
is only one kidney medicine but
U cures Backache every time—.
Janes, reading newspaper—I'd like
to raarder soraebolyi
Wife, auxiausly--What Is the mat-
ter, dearest?
Jones, savaisely—Here, that fresh
Young rereortert in has accoungtof the
Blank affair, has nay new shirt waist
down as a pia.k-and-scarler, crea-
tion, when it should ba pink -ant -sky-
blue. Axed, ju.st to think of it! I
gave ban a quarter cigar to get it
light I 0—hi
Nay Fever Serious This Year.
• Hay- Fever this season appears to ba
of a very, virulent type, devaloping
in ammation of the lungs. 'Evident -
in many instaaces,into congestion and
ly Hay Fever should not be trifled
with. A mast fartunate discovery
ao that •class sutferers is that
mduarrivnegilath e past ttwo years has been.
er, winch
found so absolutely eeztaln in ail
oases kia.y Fever, Asthma, Br On-
chig.ts, Catarrh. It is velev staan.ge
haw people will persist in ; snuffs
°Immolate: and tnaahas are not
only disgusting to use but are useless.
•Oatarrhozone is very aplaasant—it is
•carrian ban dry, air tnrouglt !the most
remote Mir,: cells to the lungs. It
qulcaly destopys the germs' and cures
simply beetaaso there is nothing left
.to excit.e disease,. It is tp be bad froM
druggists, .tthe originators, N. C.
Polson k Msafngcl" itGliteometyts''adXd/natisti-
;in Canada •Or, tanitad .atates, peat and
• Da 'Woald owed ma tat livitt',,,;.saiel
MeandeerIQ Make,' "-' • • ' • ..
` Dann arliatattattate.alwayi araa,
switradaltiodding7 Pete. Rat a
see- you rent tan' Mach of .it.
Aw, well, I alWays; was one o' dese,
easyagoin,. goocItnatrurrad rd'
rather let de world ketnaats Old lava'
In' dan be forevar dannin', ,it.
trorttiult plibUshol a ' rt r it of the g,tere,
14 Wzra 12 x re. ply for fr voin .1, As e,k 7 person
soya °ea of t het. anon:am Uiis et u's.4,114. lik
VAt tl leipaveut uff.. We a 1,01.04p:ter .Itorze of
;$ YALITM0.17,rar.Nursxo
!ch Quqemeri aho far trritre, Oar rote et abs
ate retinae A! It) t , so at on:* trati Irc ori1. rend
ktu•Pir, ttakew• u r -;t0 she to prn,atu.li, Sc}:5
h r ROM ,re urn ILA', D40007, 45 wa .1,11E124 15.3 137,am OR
or. 3124;11.0VAL.A.VAleVelf etoet.g.0.41,44
84 51 oi, thg.
tte g.lat thau.-ant great
tbouahts and tla ox let
No oth than tht tb tht;
If o bars ever at/44U be ttonalat,
alley thought be thought ito
Green Ceylon and India Tea which
13 ow being intrtantetal into Canada,
t net well known packages of the
" Salada " Tea 'Company, bats got one
reat advantage ever anima Tea and
ttzat la, while it la of tbe 6471)0 flavor
and the same light coloring liquor. it
13 very notch atronger and alesolutely
tree from adulteration, whicb prac-
tically na japan tea is. Ceylon Gratin
Teta la said In the sealed Lead Parkes
of the "Salada "Ina Conmany and len
waya Crania aid fragrant as well as
bralinger—algsay , .over •
new laaf, Ho says bere r hets go,
into to work Wa h
( Ihinguanbob—Vest be has to; be
Was Oft ow, oE rich. meta's.
The 44 Baimoral," Free age
AVENUE NOUSE --Akonl—ccers• Aiwa,
MAig: .7,00 $414
A. small girl of 3 years =Wanly
burst oat marina; at the ainner table.
"Why! Ethel," sail har mothur,
"whtt LS the matter?"
ata," whiaai "my teeth step -
Ped on my tongua."
POI{ OVhtt ausTY YaaRa
ten. WIN8LOVrii 80031iENG SYRUP kir 11.01
it.4 11 amours tor their ;1111,1ron teething. 11 so. he
Om child setteug U. gurus. allky* ;mote, Qum wta0
*alto ttn4 to Out hoot roto.tt fur alai thus& 'buttla
9144 dructilot throughout the world. E4
Iliad bat tar " WiaLowilittothliti °pup.'
BOW RE, YitN'Msr.
.7.1101:—I roads two -calla this after-
uoon, and I roust hava lett my um-
brella at the last place I ealted.
Torn.—How do you know but what
You hit it at the first place?
Jacae—Baeanse 'that's wbere I got
Maria, ca.11ed out tha anxious ow-
aterrerigboily;i:htoreahtening. Pm afraid we
•ave a torn tiAiscoain;j:7:::Iy:E.wi to; tibyds ;aulfepi n , 1.1. a an: ertArIn
k Are . ' 11 '
e //50pIttus cierc:ittripri. elasi1;18' all; aui lpertlsag
thar of the family, the clouds look
I I'd rather oar, aknastypeorlzeraddfotah.teheel:Idalies'dt
' this dia./nal be a tornado :witherat ' tbe n
' da-linar. 'If •I call hien as early as'
batter go and
iieakness ttorosstolmuwaloc:: 1 gralife
h h nay
c n guarantee you a cure its titre
that results fro a
Urs. Farrai%,r—Lio you. know how to
handle. an ant
Weary Wraggs—If did, lady,
woulan't do a t'ing to dat bisoulti •
W 1) 4) 1045
ToOth PowdOrA hors biro.
'Warded 100 motiolo and dinlernad tor :superior
satalleaxon Their regular neeprirrani ou 4z.3 dihotualt. 40.1: yo ux decor to
=POT. 144te xnallod frog on Applinauon,
mANciriterraft 6/1431.411114,
asauestractusintra-now importation' %nest lltugluth
roo,,„p aro .t,,,,nr,u nog tr, Omit -relights "volt 94
r Tana a taste ULM% W 41.1. k CO., Toronto,
Far taPtle itn Geodo, initt; (no bt yenta, silk
or 'furs ond s I u boa.* liongtogs, nothing
to ecru .1 a if dour by the
SWISH Alift31110All DYING Montreal,
any sort of doubt.
• $100 Reward, V00,
Ally honest man can use Iny appliance three
iezon.hs, and pay me only when cured.
-Beautiful nrustrated bran whiCh .tells of mict
method of treatment and gii-e6 Is
letters from nty trratettll patients, Sent elnarly
Tbe readers of this paper -will be pleased te sealed. free. •
..P-1.1.....tts ,
le int hat there 1... a, lee., -one dread' cl• &se to lap Oforme `St, Tdrortto.
tlitat silence has bee able te cure in' ad itii • ' ' • • -
and , at is C'atarrh. Roirs Catarrh •_ . .. - ,
(u• -e is tho only positive cur n9w'keovve til
filo me deal raternay. 0..tarrh oring.o,noo.? Gatti:dila PraYer tia°kE41343artea, 4rer.
olfixes;' ticanutnni.
, titutional dr.case, r, nu ire,' a oe n 51 i in t ion tti
, tro ..., men,. Hall's Catarr1;) Cu e ti tulr. n tuter 0: --u, 8 ,,L; IAADLign no montroni.
: unify, aoting. directly u on. the b oed 508 ... , .. ''
mucous surfaces of the system, thereby aes, • ---•
troying th ) toundatio . of te disease. and
giving t...tt patient etre nate by building urt the
- laarriLterF, eta.
ivorit. 'rho propriotp s have so much ;faith in
o natitution and as UtinK natur., in doing ,its .
... . , Milani ltilILLSA HALES
deed IbIlars for any cas• tit .t it tails ...to cure, • Itt.thevedto Maley Nittlin
ts curative pnwera,'‘hat they offer ,. ne Hurt,. ---!--,—..--*. , • : '
• itkihato ciSt,•.W., TuthrA
cf)., Toledo, a, !
send for 1,st, of tc-t monlai.; POULTRY,. butripi,' todt'.;,A,PoLES
• „.g. all's Fannly,Plila are the hiun; i
, . foilloothir=crepotntiorno7s8surietilitiefsifOtt,144Gretz
Pohl by druggis s, 7So.'
OF11;;.W1T.El TEllil OASH.:". e ,a
- ° • • soraveastatatraet sr Otaborne it; auroata,
After b11 apaeitaa're'cas`kla'rl'tfaMar::'
'tla' z4. ''• ' • '..,411,.'5'.:- .
That'S, ,ii.g4t... ,., ;It's .,-, the, cpepiii4,..g-
anoes that count 'moat ; for erisfancet
that desappeaaance of, a arustatatent-
, ,
sploya frequently antowitsatO thou-.
.•-P*414.),Sir'-o •
To (tend for our
.1e ree of sheet
dentrilete Oat,.,
kul.lo wed soolto
Witif,Speciai rates
co*.tilscount. .
BlYCE &Co,
Illi'vletinge St.
• 130l `A clitPiVit';411211tsCiffi'24aileli
I. I 34Ic ei t 11 df :1 iiak;6;1e:"i ofr C3.( tk 1E411'
• ad. trattreatas , ran